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FPT Joint stock company (FPT: HSX)

Sustainable Development – Focus in Technology

FIRST REPORT Nguyễn Anh Tùng – Analyst

22/10/2018 tungna@kbsec.com.vn

FPT is the number one FPT currently operates in 3 major business areas which are: (1) Information
information technology technology; (2) Telecomunication; (3) Education. Through 30 years leading in
enterprise in Vietnam, it has technology trends, FPT is now the number one enterprise in the information
reputation in the region, and is and technology sector in Vietnam and has its reputation in the region with a
the leading telecom service large number of customers including the ones in Fortune 500. In
provider whose market share Telecomunications, FPT ranks the second in the country with 28, 1% market
ranks the second in the country. share, and own Internet infrastructure covering 59 cities and provinces
together with 4 data centers all over the country. Besides, although the
education area only contributes low profit proportion, impressive
development stages have been shown.
Business performance of the
first 8 months of the year was In the first 8 months of 2018, FPT’s revenue and PBT increased respectively 19%
positive thanks to software and 32% compared to the same period under equivalent comparative
export area. conditions (excluding revenue of retail and distribution area in 2017). Revenue
from Technology and Telecomunication accounts for 94% of total revenue; PBT
of Technology and Telecomunication reaches 863 bn VND and 994 bn VND,
rises 31% yoy and 19% yoy respectively, in which, software export contributes
773 bn, increases 30% yoy. Large existing market for software export and
telecommunication continues ensuring FPT development in medium term.
Foreseen risks in the long term
Risks in FPT’s operations in the incoming 3-5 years is considered relatively low
thanks to existing development in core business areas. In the long term, risks
will accumulate from dramatic competitions in telecommunication area,
especially in Internet subcribers and Pay TV. In Technology area, human
resource professional development together with management board’s
development direction to more value-added areas will have a critical impact on
long term growth.

Buy Trading data Performance

Outstanding share 613,544,396 (%) 1M 3M 6M 12M
Target price 63,870 VND
Avg. Daily volume (3M) 954,387 FPT -5.4% 3.5% -14.5% 2.6%
Upside/Downside 48.5% % Foreign owned 49% VNINDEX -3.7% 1.5% -12.4% 15.6%
Current price (19/10/2018) 43,000 VND Divident per share 2,500 VND
Target price 63,870 VND
Market capital 26,382 bn VND
(1.12 bn USD)
Exchange rate on 22/10/2018: 1USD = 23,390 VND
Forecasted earnings and valuation
FY-End 2016A 2017A 2018F 2019F
Revenue (VNDbn) 39,581 42,659 22,194 24,982
Growth rate (%) 4.14% 7.91% -47.97% 12.56%
Gross profit (VNDbn) 8,438 9,682 8,434 9,743
Gross margin (%) 21.35% 22.70% 38.00% 39.00%
Net profit (VNDbn) 1,991 2,932 2,391 2,794
Growth rate (%) 3.1% 47.3% -18.4% 16.8%
EPS (VND) 4,333 5,521 3,896 4,553 Lịch sử giá & Khối lượng giao dịch
EPS Growth -10.8% 27.4% -29.4% 16.8% 12,000,000 60,000

P/E 10.62 8.33 11.00 9.41 10,000,000 50,000

8,000,000 40,000

6,000,000 30,000

4,000,000 20,000

2,000,000 10,000

0 0


Nguồn: KBSV

Table of content
FPT Joint stock company (FPT:HOSE) ............................................................................................................... 1
INFORMATION OVERVIEW............................................................................................................................... 3
Company history ................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Ownership structure .......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Business areas .................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
BUSINESS OPERATION ..................................................................................................................................... 6
Technology area ................................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
FPT Software ................................................................................................................................................ 7
FPT IS ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Telecommunications area .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Education area ................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Financial Analysis ............................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Risk .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
VALUATION.................................................................................................................................................... 14
2018 Earning forecast......................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Valuation............................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
APPENDIX ............................................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Financial statement............................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.


Company history
FPT Joint stock company operates
in Information Technology
industry with 3 major business
areas: (1) Technology; (2)
Telecommunications; (3)
With the experience of more than
30 years and always lead in
technology information
revolutions in Vietnam, FPT is
currently the top enterprise in the
information technology industry in
the country as well as in the
FPT Joint stock company was listed
on HSX on December 2006 as stock

Ownership structure
1988: Establishment of Food
FPT has a chartered capital of VND 6,136 billion, of which 20.9% is owned by
Processing Technology company
internal shareholders, 6% by state shareholders, 49% by foreign shareholders
which is the precursor of FPT
and 24.1% other domestic shareholders. (Figure 1). Mr. Truong Gia Binh,
2002: Implementation of
Chairman of FPT Group is the biggest shareholder with 7.05%. FPT has gained
equitization process with the name
attraction from large organizations such as Red River holding (4.58%);
of FPT Technology Investment and
Deutsche Bank (2.42%); Norges Bank (1.68%), etc. According to WTO, FTAs,
Development Joint stock company
AFAS, the ownership of chartered capital of foreign investors in telecoms
2006: Listed in HSX with FPT stock
enterprises providing services with network infrastructure does not exceed
Establishment of the first enterprise
49%. Therefore, the addition of FPT's room in the future is not possible.
university – FPT University
2014: First M&A in Information
Technology sector in Vietnam
2015: Became the first enterprise
receiving Telecommunications
lisence in Myanmar
7/2018: Acquitize 90% Intelinet
which is an American Technology
Consultancy Company


Figure 1: Ownership structure of FPT Joint stock company Table 2: List of subsidiaries and affiliates
Công ty con Tỷ lệ sở hữu (%)
Công ty TNHH Phần mềm FPT 100
Công ty TNHH Hệ thống Thông tin FPT 100
Công ty Cổ phần Viễn thông FPT 45.65
Công ty cổ phần Dịch vụ trực tuyến FPT 51.95
49.0% Công ty TNHH Giáo dục FPT 100
Công ty đầu tư FPT 100
20.9% Intellinet Corp 90
Công ty liên kết Tỷ lệ sở hữu
Công ty cổ phần SYNNEX FPT 48
Cổ đông nước ngoài Cổ đông nội bộ Công ty cổ phần Bán lẻ Kỹ thuật số FPT 47
Cổ đông nhà nước Cổ đông trong nước khác Công ty cổ phần Chứng khoán FPT 20
Công ty cổ phần quản lý quỹ đầu tư FPT 25
Nguồn: KBSV Nguồn: Finnpro


FPT currently operates in 3 business FPT currently operates in three main business areas including: (1) Information
areas including Information Technology; (2) Telecommunication; (3) Education. Technology accounts for
Technology, Telecommunication the highest proportion in revenue and profit, accounting for 56% and 44%,
and Education. Retail and Trading respectively, followed by Telecommunication which contributes 39% to
areas were divested in 2017. revenue and 47% to profit. Education adds the smallest share with 5% of
revenue and 9% of profit (Figure 3). By the end of 2017, FPT reduced its
ownership in FPT Retail which originally accounted for the largest portion of
revenue and FPT’s trading went down to 47% and 48% respectively, and focus
on FPT's core areas which are Technology and Telecommunication.
Through 30 years of experience, FPT has always been at the forefront of
FPT is the leading enterprise in technology trends, with two subsidiaries which are FPT Software and FPT IS,
information and technology FPT is now the number one company in the information technology industry
industry in Vietnam and has its in Vietnam and the region, majoring in two main business areas including
position in the region. software export and information technology solution-services. At present, FPT
partners with 550 clients including 64 leading corporations in Fortune 500;
providing solutions and services for 100 banks and financial institutions, 500
government agencies and 200 hospitals.
FPT Telecom operates in three main business areas: (1) Internet
telecommunication services; (2) FPT television services; (3) Digital content
services. With Internet infrastructure spreading across 59 provinces and 4
FPT is the network telecom service
provider ranking the second in the data centers nationwide, FPT Telecom currently occupies 29.68% of the
country with 29.68% market share market share with a 95.7% brand awareness and trust rate, ranking higher
in internet service. than Viettel with 11.43% of the market share and only after VNPT with a
market share of 54.6% (Figure 4).
FPT University was founded in 2006, focusing on training majors such as
Journalism & Communication, Language, Business Management, and highly
concenstrate on Information Technology. By the end of 2017, FPT University
FPT University currently has 24,782
students with the employment rate was training 24,782 students, with employment rate after graduation of 94%,
after graduation of 94% in the first which is considerably higher than that of IT departments at other universities.
12 months. Moreover, as a subsidiary of Vietnam's leading technology group, software
technology graduates of FPT University have an employment rate of 96%.
Figure 3: Income – profit structure in 2018 Figure 4: Market share – trust rate in technology sector

60.0% 98.0%
Lợi nhuận 44% 47% 9% 50.0%
30.0% 93.0%
Doanh thu 20.0%
56% 39% 5% 91.0%
11.4% 89.0%

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0.0% 88.0%

VNPT FPT Viettel
Công nghệ Viễn Thông Giáo dục
Thị phần Mức độ tin dùng

Source: FPT Source: Brand Strategy and Competitiveness Research Insitute



The Global Information Technology According to Garner's latest forecast, the size of the global IT market in 2018
is expected to develop in the near will be over USD 3.7 trillion, rise 6.2 percent compared to 2017’s (Figure 5).
future. CompTIA's IT business confidence index reached 70 points by the end of 2017,
which indicates that the world is expecting a prospective period of this
market. In addition, the trend toward software development is taking place
with a two-year CAGR of 7%, in contrast to the saturation of the hardware
production area with a two-year CAGR only at 1.6%. To catch up with the
general trend, FPT has taken development steps and focus its resources on
Information technology, especially software export.
Revenue and Profit of Technology in
2017 grew 11% and 3% respectively In 2017, FPT's technology area recorded a revenue of VND 11,083 billion, grew
over the same period. 11% yoy, of which revenue from software export reached VND 6,242 billion,
equivalent to 56%, rose by 20% yoy; System integration, software solution and
IT service increased by 1% yoy, reaching 4,841 billion (Figure 7). Overseas
market continued to play a significant role, contributing 62% to total revenue
(Figure 8), CAGR of foreign sales reached 31% per year in the period of 2013-
2017. EBT in 2017 reached 1,131 billion, up 3% yoy, of which software export
accounted for 94%. In the first 6 months of 2018, the impressive growth of IT
sector was recorded at VND 5,457 billion in revenue and VND 592 billion in
EBT, grew 21% and 31% yoy respectively, of which, software export went up
by 23% yoy.
Figure 5: Forecast of the global IT market size Figure 6: Forecast of IT spending in product/service






2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Thiết bị CNTT Phần mềm CNTT Dịch vụ CNTT

Source: Gartner Source: Gartner

Figure 7: Technology revenue in 2014-2017 Figure 8: Components of global revenue in Technology

Glob7,000 12,000

6,000 10,000
8,000 6,871
4,000 5,772
3,000 2,353 3,167

2,000 4,000

1,000 2,000 4,184 3,871 4,130 4,180 4,212

2014 2015 2016 2017 -
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Xuất khẩu phần mềm
Trong nước Nước ngoài
Tích hợp hệ thống, giải pháp phần mềm, dịch vụ CNTT

Source: FPT Annual report Source: FPT Annual report


 FPT Software
EBT in the first 6 months of 2018 in Turnover of offshore software R&D is 100% from overseas market. In the
Offshore software R&D grew 23% first six months of 2018, Offshore software R&D continued to grow with
yoy thanks to favourable foreign the revenue of VND 3,578 billion, rose 29% yoy and EBT of VND532 billion,
up 23% yoy. Japan is the most important market, contributing 59% of total
revenue, up 29% yoy (Figure 9). In May 2018, FPT Software signed two
large contracts with total value of USD 30 million with ISE Foods and
Toppan Printing in the field of digital conversion. FPT's operations in Japan
are positive with new contracts replacing Chinese companies thanks to the
following reasons: (1) Japan tries to avoid heavy reliance on China as its
biggest software export partner; (2) Chinese companies are withdrawing
to home country due to rising incomes in information technology in China.
The US and European markets contributed 18% and 9% of total revenue
respectively, up 24% and 22% yoy, compared with a 17% and -7% YoY
change in 2017. Noticably, in the Asia Pacific market, revenue increased
40% yoy thanks to strengthened operations in the Australian market. FPT
plans to grow by 25% in each region by 2018.
On July 12, 2018, FPT announced the acquisition of a 90% shares in
Expectation of a breakthrough in Intellinet Consulting, one of the fastest growing technology consulting
the global market thanks to the firms in the US with a CAGR of 20-25% in the period of 2013-2016.
acquisition of Intellinet Consulting Intellinet reached USD 30 million in 2017 with more than 150 experienced
– the fastest growing technology
consultants and 200 big clients, especially there are many Fortune 500
consulting company in the US.
clients. According to FPT, in the USD 40-50 million transaction, USD 30
million was paid immediately, the rest depends on the business
performance of Intellinet. This is a breakthrough of FPT to provide total
technology services, enhance added value in business orders coupled with
attracting new orders, promoting its operation in the US market and the
global market. FPT expects revenue from the US market in 2018 to reach
VND 100 million, rise from VND 65 million in 2017 thanks to Intellinet's

Competitive advantage due to low FPT in particular and IT companies in Vietnam generally have a great
labor cost advantage in offshore software R&D in terms of price and labour.
According to Agileengine figures, the average income per hour of junior
and senior staff in Vietnam is USD 14 and USD 20 respectively, which are
much lower than that of competitors such as Malaysia, China and India
(Figure 10). In addition, the income in information technology industry in
Vietnam is relatively high compared to the common level, so the pressure
on rising income is not strong, ensuring the competitiveness in the global
market in medium and long term. On the other hand, although the
competence of FPT personnel is not comparable to other countries in
terms of information technology, the offshore software R&D sector which
does not require advanced skills is not a barrier for FPT in accessing global
partners at present.


Figure 9: FPT Software’s revenue proportion in different Table 10: Average income per hour in Information
regions technology (USD/h)

13% 35
9% 30

58% 20
19% 59%
18% 15
Cấp thấp Cấp trung Cấp cao

Nhật Bản Mỹ Châu Âu Châu Á-TBD Việt Nam Ấn Độ Trung Quốc Philippines Nga Malaysia Ukraine

Source: FPT Annual report Source: FPT Annual report

FPT IS provide IT serice, software FPT IS is a leading provider of software solutions, IT services and system
solutions and system intergration. integration such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Business Process
Outsourcing (BPO). Domestic customers account for most of the revenue,
including three main customer groups: (1) Government, (2) Bank, (3)
Enterprise. Besides, FPT IS also has clients in developing countries such as
Myanmar, Bangladesh, etc.

Growth rate in the first half of the In the first six months of this year, FPT IS's revenue rose 68% yoy, with gross
year was 68% yoy, expected to margin profit improving from 1.3% in 2017 to 3-4% at current time. Revenue
complete the year plan. in the second haft of the year will not be as positive as the first half. However,
there is a high probability that it will achieve its plan. There are 2 reasons for
low sales in the last 6 months compared to that of 2017: (1) In 2017, there is
a contract for upgrading ATM maintenance from the Bank; (2) Projects for the
government are being delayed.

FPT IS will continue to concenstrate In the coming time, with the current unfavourable situation of governmental
on the domestic market and reduce projects, FPT will focus on developing the network of corporate clients. Long-
its hardware investment in the long term development of FPT IS is oriented in two main directions: (1) focus on
run. developing the domestic market, targeting only foreign markets in developing
countries with similarities to Vietnam for easy assess and implementation; (2)
decrease the proportion of hardware business due to low gross profit margin
and obscure competitive advantages with competitors.


Telecommunication continued to Telecommunication growth has slowed down compared to the previous
follow its upward trend. For the first period, revenue in 2017 reached VND 7,652 billion, up 14.8% yoy, CAGR in the
6 months of 2018, revenue and EBT period of 2013-2017 reached 16.64%. EBT in 2017 was VND 1,222 billion,
increased 15% yoy and 17% yoy
increased 2% yoy and the CAGR in 2013-2017 reached 5% (Figure 11). EBT was
16%, decreasing year over year. The decline in profit margin is due to (1) the
reduction in service fees when the network is expanded to provinces, (2)


network operators are constantly reducing their price in competition for

subscribers. However, in the first half of this year, FPT Telecom has gained
back its growth in business results with revenue of VND 4,191 billion, up 15%
yoy; EBT is VND 727 billion, up 17% yoy.
Internet subscribers remain to grow According to FPT, in the first 6 months of 2018, revenue from Internet rose by
in 3 to 5 years
13% yoy, of which the total subscriber growth was higher than the revenue
growth with the rate of 18%, due to price reduction for subscribers in
provinces. The potential growth of Internet is expected to continue thanks to
these factors: (1) The demand for FTTH fiber network remains to increase.
According to statistics from the Viet Nam Telecommunications Authority,
FTTH subscribers in Vietnam reached 10.61 million, up 39.6% yoy and 5-year
CAGR reached 118% (Figure 13). (2) 45% of the population has not used the
Internet. According to Statisca, the number of Internet users in Vietnam
reached 53.86 million, about 55.5% of the total population of Vietnam (Figure
12). Statisca forecasts that the number of Internet users will reach 59.48
million by 2022. The great market rooms, brand reputation, and new
subscriber growth are main drivers for FPT Telecom's growth in the next 3-5
Competitive Internet package in years.
high speed segment thanks to
Thanks to its technological advantages, FPT Telecom now offers very
technology advantages. The 1 Gbps
package has not gain high popularity competitive high speed packages which offer few price differences compared
due to high cost low speed packages. FPT is the only company in the top 3 offering 45 Mbps
and 55 Mbps packages for individuals and households (Figure 14). In terms of
price, FPT 12-month 45Mbps package is 3.7 million VND, much lower than the
40Mbps package of 12 months of VNPT and Viettel, which are 4.5 million VND
and 4.2 million VND respectively (VAT included and exclusive of frequent
promotional from agents). In addition, in May 2017, FPT officially launched a
1 Gbps - Sóc Internet package targeting at high-income individuals and
households, which is a high-speed package that outperformed all existing
ones. However, this package has not gained popularity due to the cost of 5-7
times higher normal package.
Pay TV grew 50% yoy in the first half
FPT's Pay TV continued to show impressive growth of over 50% yoy in the first
of the year, expecting to break even
6 months. According to FPT estimations, Pay TV will break even and gain profit
in 2019
at the end of 2019. Pay-TV market in Vietnam is facing difficulties as providers
have to reduce prices for subscriber growth resulting in profit decline.
However, FPT TV has a several advantages thanks to the integration of online
TV products with the internet to offer customers more choices.
FPT Play is the major area in long- In OTT television, FPT Play, MyK +, Clip TV and Netflix are market leaders in
term growth.
terms of quality as well as service prices. Investment in OTT is being
considered as a natural trend thanks to the the Internet development, the
popularity of FTTH, and internet mobile which enables young people to use
internet-connected devices instead of traditional TVs. In the early days, FPT
Play, together with other providers accepted loss by reducing price to grow
more subscribers, but they are still struggling with the problem of prevalent
TV piracy. However, with the advantage of resources, technology and brand
awareness, FPT Play is expected to contribute impressively to FPT Telecom's
long-term business results.
The profit margin have been

improved thanks to reducing On July 16, 2018, the Government approved Decision No. 868/QD-TTG on
contribution in Vietnam Public- reducing contribution to Vietnam Public-Utility Telecommunication
Utility Telecommunication Service Fund from 1.5% to 0.7% of broadband revenue. This decision will help
Service Fund
FPT improve significantly its margins in telecommunication.

Figure 11: Telecommunication’s earnings in 2013-2017 Figure 12: The number of Internet users (million people)
9,000 30.0% 62
8,000 59.48
25.0% 60 58.48
58 57.2
6,000 20.0% 56.24
56 55.19
5,000 53.86
15.0% 54
4,000 52.08
3,000 10.0%
2,000 50
1,000 48
- 0.0% 46
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Doanh thu LNTT Biên LNTT 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Source: FPT Source: Statista

Figure 13: FTTH tax growth 2013-2018 Biểu đồ 14: FTTH package price with line speed

12,000,000 300%

10,000,000 250%

8,000,000 200% 4,000

6,000,000 150% 3,000

4,000,000 100% 2,000

2,000,000 50% 1,000

- 0%
1/2013 1/2014 1/2015 1/2016 1/2017 1/2018
25 Mbps 30 Mbps 35 Mbps 40 Mbps 45 Mbps 55 Mbps
FTTH Tăng trưởng
FPT VNPT Viettel

Nguồn: Cục Viễn Thông Nguồn: Bloomberg

FPT University continues to be
Revenue of the education sector in 2017 was VND 1,044 bn, 6% more
attractive to students thanks to than expected. The newly recorded student enrolment rate increased by
education quality and the rising of It 53% compared to that in 2016, relevant to 12,500 new students of all
sector. educational levels. Earnings before taxes reached VND 245 bn. In 2018,
FPT expected the number of new students enrolled to rise by 40% based
on: (1) Can Tho FPT University has been completely built, and begun to

recruit students this year, this new educational institution will attract a
large number of students from Southeast provinces, (2) The demand to
have a major in information technology will increase because of
promising job opportunity and salary. FPT University’s competitive
advantage compared to other IT universities such as Hanoi University of
Science and Technology and Posts, Telecommunications Institute of
Technology, etc. is that students have chance to practice in a real
working environment. Branches of FPT University have always been
located near FPT Software so that students can work as interns and
official staff in their last school year.
Financial analyzing
In the first six months of 2018, gross Net revenue in 2017 was VND 42,569 billion, up 7.91% yoy, this is the fifth
margin was improved, reaching 40% consecutive year of revenue growth since 2012. 10-year CAGR were
thanks to divesment from FPT Retail
12.2%. The gross profit margin in 2017 was 22.7%, up 1.35% compared to
and Syntex. Revenue and NPAT
growth remained healthy. 2016’s and 3% compared to 2015’s due to the increase in proportion of
software export. Earning after tax in 2017 reached VND 2,932 billion, rose
by 47.3% yoy thanks to the sharp increase in financial income. 10-year
CAGR of EAT is 14.8%.
Revenue of the first 6 months of 2018 is VND 10,236 billion, increased 19%
in comparable data (combined results of FPT retail and Syntex using the
equity method) and decreased 49% yoy in actual data. Gross profit margin
soared remarkably to 40% because of the absence of FPT Retail and Syntex
which have great revenue but low gross margin. In addition, the cost of
sales dropped substaintially by 37.4% yoy due to a decrease in FPT Retail's
cost of sales. EAT in the first 6 months reached VND 1,103 bn, up 18% yoy.
According to the latest data, revenue of 8 months in 2018 was 14,061
Reliable assets structure with VND
9,000 bn of cash and bank deposits.
billion, down 49% yoy, EBT was VND 2,340 billion, rose by 17% yoy.
The total assets until the second quarter of 2018 was VND 26,286 bn,
increasing by 5.1% compared to early period. Short-term accounts
receivables accounted for the largest proportion of current assets,
relevant to 32.4%, of which a large amount came from customer
accounts receivables and no backlog customer had to pay more than 10%
of the total accounts receivable. Short-term financial investment was
VND 4,866 bn, stably increasing in the recent years, all of that amount
Loan/ total assets ratio was 47.2%,
Current ratio was 1.35.
came from bank deposits. Massive amount of cash and bank deposits
worth VND 9,000 bn, showing that FPT has a considerable cash amount
to make a stable investment in business activities when necessary.
Total assets up to Q2/2018 was VND 26,286 billion, up 5.1%. Short-term
receivables accounted for the largest proportion in short-term asset,
which is 32.4%, the majority from customer receivables, of which there is
no customer outstanding higher than 10% of total receivables. Short-term
financial investment reached 4,866 billion and increased steadily in recent
years, all of them are bank deposits. The amount of cash and deposits in
large banks was nearly 9,000 billion VND, showing that FPT is cash
abundant and able to finance its business activities.
In first half of 2018, FPT's debt / total assets ratio was 47.2%, increased


slightly by 0.2% against 2017 and declined steeply by 14.4% compared to

2016’s. This is due to 2017 reconstructuring and dramatical decline of
short-term and long-term loans. The current and fast payment ratio of FPT
is 1.35 and 1.22, respectively, showing that FPT's asset structure is healthy
and able to pay its debts.

Figure 15: 2014-2018F Business results Figure 16: Debt structure and solvency ratio
45,000 45.0% 1.60 70.0%
40,000 40.0% 1.40 60.0%
35,000 35.0% 1.20
30,000 30.0% 1.00
25,000 25.0% 0.80
20,000 20.0% 0.60
15,000 15.0% 0.40
10,000 10.0% 0.20 10.0%

5,000 5.0% - 0.0%

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
- 0.0%
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018F Chỉ số thanh toán hiện thời Chỉ số thanh toán nhanh
Doanh thu Biên lợi nhuận gộp Biên lợi nhuận ròng Tổng nợ/Tổng tài sản

Nguồn: FPT Nguồn: FPT


FPT business activities growth was supposed to remain positive in the
next three to five years, short-term risks would hardly incur thanks to
large existing market. In the long term, FPT may have to face the two
main risks:

Fierce competition in Telecom Regarding to long-term Internet sector affected from increasing
sector subscribers, telecommunication companies would provide package
discounts to enhance competitiveness, which raises subscribers, but
decreases profit, adversely affecting profit growth. Changing
entertainment consumption habits of customers and competitive
challenges from the world famous enterprises such as Netflix, Youtube,
Facebook, etc. or other Vietnam large companies like VNPT, Viettel, etc.
cause many difficulties to business activities of FPT TV and FPT Play.

Staff low competency as We strongly believe that FPT software processing activities will become
compared to the world standards the main drive of FPT development in the upcoming period. However,
leading to potential risks FPT staff’s low competency compared to other technology companies in
the world remains potential risks in the long term. Up to present, FPT has
just participated in processing stages whose insignificant surplus value
and a few barriers to entry. In case of losing competitive advantage of
cheap labor price, FPT would have to face many difficulties in searching
for new agreements. Furthermore, in the non-stop developing
technology industry of the world, FPT business growth would have to
cope with numerous impediments unless the staff quality were improved
to approach and create products with high surplus value.



2018 business results expectation

In 2018, FPT revenue was forecasted to reach VND 22,194 bn,
decreasing by 47.97% yoy if compared in real statistics, increasing by
20.3% yoy if compared relatively based on:

Revenue of technology sector went up by 11.7% yoy, and gained VND

12,380 bn, of which software export sector continued to play a vital role
in purchase orders from Japan and the U.S. This sector achieved 20% yoy
increase, while Hardware and Services ground to a standstill, only up by
1% yoy resulting from businesses’ orientation.

Revenue of Telecom sector was expected to reach VND 8,610 bn,

increasing 12.5% yoy, of which Telecom services kept increasing by 13%
yoy thanks to positive outlook of boosting FTTH, Pay TV và FPT Play
FPT NPAT in 2018 was expected to subscribers; Digital content climbed by 6% yoy.
be VND 2,391 bn, down by 18.45%
Revenue from education was VND 1,204 bn, increasing by 15.3% yoy with
yoy, EPS forward was VND
3,896/share. high expectation of new student enrolment growth in the next
Gross margin was projected to be 38%, significantly improved compared
to previous years, and fluctuated around 20%-22% as in 2017, FPT sold
FPT Retail and Trading and converted them into FPT affiliates which were
the two main sources of revenue but had extremely low margin of 12-
Cost of goods sold were expected to fell sharply by 44.8% yoy as there
was no extra cost spent for FPT Retail. Projected total COGS and
enterprise management/ revenue was 24.2%.
It was supposed that revenue gained from FPT Retail and FPT Syntex reach
VND 431 bn.
Earnings before taxes was expected to be VND 3,471 bn, reducing by
18.4% yoy, accomplish the planned targets in early year. NPAT of the
parent company was VND 2,391, decreasing 18.45% yoy, EPS was
expected to gain VND 3,896/ share.

In 2019, FPT revenue and NPAT was supposed to achieve VND 24,982
bn, increasing by 12.6% yoy and 16.9% yoy respectively if FPT activities
had healthy development as in 2018. EPS forward 2019 was VND 4,553/

Figure 17: 2018 business results expectation


Tỷ VND 2015A 2016A 2017A 2018F 2019F

Doanh thu thuần 37,960 39,531 42,659 22,194 24,982
Giá vốn hàng bán 30,466 31,093 32,976 13,760 15,239
Lợi nhuận gộp 7,494 8,438 9,682 8,434 9,743
Chi phí bán hàng 2,332 2,751 3,441 1,898 2,136
Chi phí quản lý doanh nghiệp 2,227 2,638 3,075 3,462 3,897
Chi phí/lợi nhuận tài chính (168) (119) 982 (34) (90)
Lợi nhuận từ công ty liên kết - - - 431 435
Lợi nhuận trước thuế 2,851 3,014 4,255 3,471 4,055
Lợi nhuận sau thuế của công ty mẹ 1,931 1,991 2,932 2,391 2,794
Source: KBSV

We used correlative valuation method to compare P/E index of other
peers whose same-size capital in Asian developing markets in terms of
Technology and Telecom (P/E was adjusted based on the difference in
interest rates among countries), while Education sector was not a big
contributor to the expected profit, current P/E was assumed to be

FPT has currently traded with 8.49x P/E trailing and expected 11.0x P/E
Current FPT P/E forward in 2018
forward in 2018, which is a tempting price compared to other peers in
was 11.88x, relatively low as
Asian developing markets and Vietnam market in general.
compared to other peers in the
FPT is the industry leader in terms of Technology and Telecom, and
remained sustainable growth in recent years. FPT biggest potential
development could be achieved when the company was restructured,
and concentrated on high margin business field instead of spending
resources in many sectors like previous period. Regarding to the
valuation results, business outlook and low risk level in FPT activities in
the period ahead, we recommend to BUY FPT stocks. Target price is VND
63,869, 48.5% more than the price in October 19, 2018.

Figure 18: P/E comparision in Telecom sector

Vốn hóa thị P/E dự phóng P/E dự phóng 2018 theo tỷ
P/E điều chỉnh tỷ trọng
trường(million USD) 2018 trọng
FPT 1,127.0 11.03
SHANGHAI ATHUB CO LTD-A 922.0 35.02 21.76 0.12 2.54
TIME DOTCOM BHD 1,158.9 19.76 14.31 0.15 2.10
JASMINE INTL PUBLIC CO LTD 1,354.7 16.09 16.09 0.17 2.76
INESA INTELLIGENT TECH INC-B 1,084.8 19.06 12.71 0.14 1.74
ADDSINO CO LTD -A 1,745.6 32.56 20.23 0.22 4.47
ZHEJIANG DAILY DIGITAL CUL-A 1,635.1 14.40 8.95 0.21 1.85
P/E trung bình 15.46
Nguồn: Bloomberg, KBSV

Figure 19: P/E comparision in Technology sector


Vốn hóa thị P/E dự phóng P/E dự phóng 2018 theo tỷ

P/E điều chỉnh tỷ trọng
trường(million USD) 2018 trọng
FPT 1,127.0 11.03
SHENZHEN DAS INTELLITECH-A 1,047.9 23.87 12.73 6.3% 0.80
NIIT TECHNOLOGIES LTD 954.0 24.65 25.47 5.7% 1.45
SHENZHEN KINGDOM SCI-TECH-A 1,178.2 43.46 14.06 7.0% 0.99
BEIJING PHILISENSE TECHNOL-A 1,132.8 17.94 8.65 6.8% 0.59
TATA ELXSI LTD 1,014.4 30.70 33.34 6.1% 2.02
BEIJING TEAMSUN TECHNOLOGY-A 1,177.7 89.24 24.04 7.0% 1.69
IREADER TECHNOLOGY CO LTD-A 1,292.2 67.18 30.68 7.7% 2.37
HANGZHOU LIANLUO INTERACT-A 1,579.1 56.46 34.45 9.4% 3.25
CHINASOFT INTERNATIONAL LTD 1,619.8 16.27 11.10 9.7% 1.07
HISENSE ELECTRIC CO LTD-A 1,892.4 14.56 6.61 11.3% 0.75
BEYONDSOFT CORP-A 596.0 18.02 9.15 3.6% 0.33
HWA CREATE CO LTD-A 680.8 63.11 14.42 4.1% 0.59
SHENZHEN SUNWIN INTELLIGEN-A 731.0 21.58 11.15 4.4% 0.49
INSPUR SOFTWARE CO LTD-A 862.6 42.95 16.73 5.1% 0.86
GCI SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY-A 993.3 31.00 18.31 5.9% 1.09
P/E trung bình 18.31
Nguồn: Bloomberg, KBSV

Bảng 20: FPT Valuation

P/E trung bình ngành P/e dự phóng 2018 theo
P/E hiện tại Tỷ trọng lợi nhuận 2018 Giá dự phóng
2018 tỷ trọng lợi nhuận
Công nghệ 18.31 44% 8.06 31,387
Viễn thông 15.46 47% 7.27 28,316
Giáo dục 11.88 9% 1.07 4,166
Tổng 16.39 63,869
Nguồn: KBSV


Financial information
Business performance Accounting balance sheet
Tỷ VNĐ 2015 2016 2017 6T/2018 Tỷ VNĐ 2015 2016 2017 Q2/2018
Doanh số 38,707 40,447 43,298 10,236 TÀI SẢN NGẮN HẠN 18,959 21,909 16,060 16,758
Các khoản giảm trừ -747 -916 -640 -11 Tiền và tương đương tiền 3,585 6,013 3,481 4,060
Doanh số thuần 37,960 39,531 42,659 10,225 Tiền 1,879 2,708 1,886 2,415
Giá vốn hàng bán -30,466 -31,093 -32,976 -6,369 Các khoản tương đương tiền 1,705 3,305 1,594 1,645
Lãi gộp 7,494 8,438 9,682 3,856 Giá trị thuần đầu tư ngắn hạn 2,617 3,472 4,379 4,866
Thu nhập tài chính 453 575 1,583 266 Đầu tư nắm giữ đến ngày đáo hạn 2,617 3,472 4,379 4,866
Các khoản phải thu 5,534 6,640 6,152 5,430
Chi phí tài chính -620 -694 -601 -212
Phải thu khách hàng 4,477 4,814 5,038 4,227
Trong đó: Chi phí lãi vay -263 -374 -369 -102
Hàng tồn kho, ròng 5,268 4,554 1,020 1,276
Lãi/(lỗ) từ công ty liên doanh (từ năm 2015) 34 35 71 216
Tài sản lưu động khác 1,955 1,229 1,028 1,126
Chi phí bán hàng -2,227 -2,638 -3,075 -875
Trả trước ngắn hạn 830 701 760 941
Chi phí quản lý doanh nghiệp -2,332 -2,751 -3,441 -1,600 Thuế VAT phải thu 1,106 405 156 147
Lãi/(lỗ) từ hoạt động kinh doanh 2,802 2,964 4,220 1,651 Phải thu thuế khác 19 123 112 37
Thu nhập khác 147 100 102 61 TÀI SẢN DÀI HẠN 7,087 7,925 8,940 9,528
Chi phí khác -97 -50 -67 -25 Phải thu dài hạn 349 381 232 246
Thu nhập khác, ròng 49 50 35 36 Tài sản cố định 4,292 4,590 5,247 5,419
Lãi/(lỗ) từ công ty liên doanh 0 0 0 0 GTCL TSCĐ hữu hình 3,971 4,131 4,585 4,583
Lãi/(lỗ) ròng trước thuế 2,851 3,014 4,255 1,687 GTCL tài sản cố định vô hình 319 456 658 832
Thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp – hiện thời -497 -425 -698 -253 Tài sản dở dang dài hạn 693 1,021 806 975
Thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp – hoãn lại 84 -13 -29 -22 Đầu tư dài hạn 728 826 1,783 1,925
Chi phí thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp -413 -438 -727 -275 Đầu tư vào các công ty liên kết 271 290 1,334 1,498
Lãi/(lỗ) thuần sau thuế 2,438 2,576 3,528 1,412 Đầu tư dài hạn khác 633 757 749 749
Lợi ích của cổ đông thiểu số 507 585 597 309 Dự phòng giảm giá đầu tư dài hạn -176 -221 -300 -322
Lợi nhuận của Cổ đông của Công ty mẹ 1,931 1,991 2,932 1,103 Tài sản dài hạn khác 1,025 1,106 872 962
TỔNG CỘNG TÀI SẢN 26,046 29,833 25,000 26,286
Cash flow statement NỢ PHẢI TRẢ 15,863 18,385 11,761 12,401
Nợ ngắn hạn 14,968 17,430 11,100 11,902
Tỷ VNĐ 2015 2016 2017 Q2/2018
Lãi trước thuế 2,851.15 3,013.90 4,255.12 906.31 Phải trả người bán 2,815 3,757 2,279 1,618
Khấu hao TSCĐ 732.88 933.44 1,039.42 286.03 Người mua trả tiền trước 297 582 561 576
Phân bổ lợi thế thương mại 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Thuế và các khoản phải trả Nhà nước 318 342 320 244
Chi phí dự phòng 94.01 110.60 184.57 28.00
Lãi/(lỗ) chênh lệch tỷ giá chưa thực hiện -3.15 16.02 -18.95 -34.39
Phải trả người lao động 694 827 830 718
Lãi/(lỗ) từ thanh lý tài sản cố định 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Chi phí phải trả 519 603 918 969
Lãi/(lỗ) từ hoạt động đầu tư -318.81 -351.18 -1,330.95 -208.22 Phải trả về xây dựng cơ bản 13 19 20 23
Chi phí lãi vay 262.50 374.19 368.55 55.09
Lãi/(lỗ) trước những thay đổi vốn lưu động 3,618.58 4,096.96 4,497.74 1,032.82
Doanh thu chưa thực hiện ngắn hạn 1,492 1,242 1,294 1,330
(Tăng)/giảm các khoản phải thu -863.52 -514.70 -2,311.60 182.89 Phải trả khác 302 524 439 273
(Tăng)/giảm hàng tồn kho -693.10 714.10 -617.89 -19.21 Vay ngắn hạn 8,191 9,207 4,117 5,972
Tăng/(giảm) các khoản phải trả 395.16 1,123.67 1,709.30 483.24
( Tăng)/giảm chi phí trả trước -526.46 14.76 -143.62 -94.12
Dự phòng các khoản phải trả ngắn hạn 17 8 6 5
Chi phí lãi vay đã trả -211.92 -359.77 -386.41 -49.02 Quỹ khen thưởng, phúc lợi 309 319 314 174
Thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp đã trả -438.29 -531.44 -493.64 -27.35 Nợ dài hạn 896 956 661 499
Tiền chi khác từ các hoạt động kinh doanh -124.56 -231.93 -265.69 -55.55
Người mua trả tiền trước dài hạn 54 54 40 0
Lưu chuyển tiền tệ ròng từ các hoạt động sản xuất kinh doanh 1,155.89 4,311.66 1,988.18 1,453.70
Tiền mua tài sản cố định và các tài sản dài hạn khác -2,090.20 -1,433.11 -1,104.37 -658.37 Doanh thu chưa thực hiên 35 12 48 83
Tiền thu được từ thanh lý tài sản cố định 115.91 4.64 3.87 0.42 Phải trả dài hạn khác 185 149 2 8
Tiền cho vay hoặc mua công cụ nợ -1,218.53 -912.25 -942.51 420.15
Vay dài hạn 614 733 565 405
Tiền thu từ cho vay hoặc thu từ phát hành công cụ nợ 0.00 0.00 0.00 -485.88
Đầu tư vào các doanh nghiệp khác 0.00 -314.07 0.00 -79.53 Thuế thu nhập hoãn lại phải trả 0 2 3 0
Tiền thu từ việc bán các khoản đầu tư vào các doanh nghiệp khác 65.35 322.22 -973.83 165.90 Dự phòng các khoản công nợ dài hạn 7 6 3 3
Cổ tức và tiền lãi nhận được 226.57 308.77 408.06 98.07
Quỹ phát triển khoa học công nghệ 0 0 0 0
Lưu chuyển tiền tệ ròng từ hoạt động đầu tư -2,900.91 -2,023.81 -2,608.78 -539.24
Tiền thu từ phát hành cổ phiếu và vốn góp 30.95 66.58 39.14 26.55 VỐN CHỦ SỞ HỮU 10,182 11,448 13,238 13,886
Chi trả cho việc mua lại, trả lại cổ phiếu -4.35 -0.88 -0.13 0.00 Vốn và các quỹ 10,180 11,445 13,236 13,883
Tiền thu được các khoản đi vay 23,921.46 22,299.13 21,302.57 2,920.83 Vốn góp 3,975 4,594 5,310 6,136
Tiển trả các khoản đi vay -21,980.61 -21,165.45 -21,923.25 -2,078.48
Cổ tức đã trả -974.00 -1,058.58 -1,330.43 -799.40 Thặng dư vốn cổ phần 49 49 49 49
Tiền lãi đã nhận 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Quỹ đầu tư và phát triển 79 127 171 167
Lưu chuyển tiền tệ từ hoạt động tài chính 993.45 140.80 -1,912.10 69.49 Quỹ khác 87 87 87 87
Lưu chuyển tiền thuần trong kỳ -751.57 2,428.65 -2,532.70 983.95
Tiền và tương đương tiền đầu kỳ 4,336.28 3,584.71 6,013.36 3,076.14
Lãi chưa phân phối 4,395 4,614 5,511 4,671
Ảnh hưởng của chênh lệch tỷ giá 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lợi ích cổ đông không kiểm soát 1,601 1,923 1,809 2,124
Tiền và tương đương tiền cuối kỳ 3,584.71 6,013.36 3,480.66 4,060.09 TỔNG CỘNG NGUỒN VỐN 26,046 29,833 25,000 26,286
Source: Fiinpro

Financial targets
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 TTM Q2/2018
Tỷ suất thanh toán hiện thời 1.42 1.29 1.27 1.26 1.45 1.41
Tổng công nợ/Tổng Tài sản 0.53 0.59 0.61 0.62 0.47 0.47
EBIT 2,336.07 2,334.67 2,935.16 3,048.52 3,166.64 3,094.28
EBITDA 2,779.06 2,881.94 3,668.04 3,981.96 4,206.06 4,203.14
Tỷ suất lợi nhuận gộp 20.49% 18.96% 19.74% 21.35% 22.70% 27.19%
Tỷ suất lợi nhuận thuần 7.64% 6.37% 6.42% 6.52% 8.27% 11.10%
Hệ số quay vòng tài sản 1.70 1.62 1.56 1.41 1.56 1.27
Hệ số quay vòng vốn CSH 4.04 3.96 3.91 3.66 3.46 2.48
ROE% 24.01% 19.82% 19.87% 18.41% 23.75% 22.98%
ROA% 10.12% 8.11% 7.93% 7.12% 10.69% 11.72%
Hệ số quay vòng phải thu khách hàng 7.87 8.10 8.55 8.09 8.32 6.78
Hệ số quay vòng HTK 7.09 6.61 6.10 6.25 11.69 12.35
Hệ số quay vòng phải trả nhà cung cấp 10.72 10.14 10.44 9.46 10.93 11.06
P/E 7.87 9.69 10.50 10.62 8.33 9.06
P/B 1.76 2.00 2.13 2.22 2.14 2.40
Source: Fiinpro


Investment portforlio recommendations

Buy: +15% or more
Take profit: trong khoảng +15% và -15%
Sell: -15% or less

Opinions in this report reflect professional judgment at this date based on information and data obtained from
sources KBSV considers reliable. However, KBSV does not guarantee that the information and data are accurate
or complete, and, therefore, this report is subject to change without prior notice. Individual investments should
be made based on each client’s own judgment and we expressly disclaim all liabilities for any investment decisions
and any results thereof. This report is a copyrighted material of KBSV and, thus, it may not be reproduced,
distributed, or modified without the prior consent of KB Securities. This report is not prepared for academic
purposes and any third party wishing to quote from it for academic publications should receive the prior consent
of KBSV.


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