SPUR AECOM Model Places
SPUR AECOM Model Places
SPUR AECOM Model Places
This report is a component of the SPUR Regional Strategy,
a vision for the future of the San Francisco Bay Area
The SPUR Executive Board adopted this report as SPUR policy on May 5, 2020.
Authors: Special thanks to Microsoft for Thank you to the funders of the SPUR
Benjamin Grant, SPUR generously supporting the machine Regional Strategy:
Sarah Jo Szambelan, SPUR learning that underpins SPUR’s Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Stephen Engblom, AECOM place types, a groundbreaking Clarence E. Heller Charitable Foundation
Cristian Bevington, AECOM categorization of land use across the Curtis Infrastructure Initiative
Hugo Errazuriz, AECOM nine-county Bay Area. Dignity Health
Additional Contributors: Illustrations: Genentech
Joy Woo, AECOM Danie Drankwalter George Miller
Radhya Adityavarman, AECOM Ishita Jain Hellman Foundation
Diane Cowin, AECOM Ryan Floyd Johnson John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Anne DeBoer, AECOM Arthur Mount Marin Community Foundation
Abhishek Sharma, AECOM Nik Richard Sage Foundation
Hannah Schwartz, SPUR Illustrations made possible by a Silicon Valley Community Foundation
grant from the Yerba Buena Stanford University
Thank you to the members of the Model Community Benefit District
Places Urban Design Working Group. Additional funding provided by
Fund for the Environment and Urban
Life, Microsoft, Seed Fund, Stripe, Uber
Technologies, Wells Fargo and AECOM.
People of color are safe and welcome in streets and public spaces.
Elders get out and about with family and friends, aging in community.
Kids walk to school together, expanding their sense of self and sense of place.
Teens set off on bikes or on foot to creeks, lakes, beaches and parks.
A Better Future for
the Bay Area
Today, the Bay Area is The six Model Places described here If we continue the current trajectory
demonstrate that, if each place does of inaction, housing prices will
home to 7.6 million people,
its part, the Bay Area has plenty of continue to soar, pushing more people
in 2.8 million housing room to grow while preserving open into grinding commutes to sprawling
units and 3.7 million jobs. space and addressing its protracted suburbs or out of the region entirely.
But over the next 50 housing shortage. This report also But if we are willing to manage
shows how accommodating new growth as a matter of urgent public
years, these numbers are
growth can enable existing areas to interest, we can serve those who are
expected to increase by as become better places for people, here and welcome those who are
many as 4 million people retaining many of their essential yet to come while making the region
and 2 million jobs. qualities while supporting diversity more livable, more sustainable and
and inclusion, public health, green more equitable. This will require every
mobility and community life. place in the Bay Area to do its part.
The Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy provided SPUR with population and job projections as detailed in its report High and Low Projections of Jobs and
Population for the Bay Area to 2070: Projection Framework, Specific Assumptions and Results. That report includes a high growth projection and a low growth projection based on
national projections for jobs and population as well as assumptions about immigration, growth in various economic sectors and the share of the population and job growth that the
Bay Area will attract. SPUR has chosen to base its analysis on the high growth projection in order to determine the number of housing units needed to meet population growth. The
housing analysis was conducted by the Concord Group for SPUR.
SPUR’s Regional Strategy Values:
This report examines how The analysis incorporated five • Roughly 84% of the land in the
variables: residential density, job nine-county region is in rural and
each place type might help
density, intersection density, surface open space or agriculture. Twenty-
accommodate the region’s permeability and land use mix. Next, six percent of that land is already
projected growth. SPUR a cluster analysis identified natural protected as parks or habitat.
developed this “place groupings of like conditions in the
data, and each square was assigned • About 75% of the urbanized
types” analysis by dividing
to one of 14 place types. land lies in primarily single-
the nine-county Bay Area family residential neighborhoods,
into a grid of half-mile These categories cover all of the land representing 69% of the region’s
in the nine-county Bay Area, from
squares and assigning data total housing stock.
urban downtowns to undeveloped
on land use and physical open space, providing a physical • The kinds of dense, mixed-use areas
conditions to each.2 portrait of the region. Once place that support walking and high-
types were defined, demographic, quality transit make up only 1% of
transportation and other information the urbanized area but are home to
were mapped onto them to create a 5% of residents and 29% of jobs.
quantitative and spatial portrait of the
• Nearly 22% of the urbanized area
region’s communities and ways of life.
(or nearly 250 square miles) is made
SPUR’s projections assumed that up of low-density commercial types,
growth would not be permitted in areas ripe for transformation given
open spaces, which provide essential the right polices.
ecological, recreational and hazard-
mitigation services.
Land area
Population distibution
This methodology was based in part on work by the Regional Plan Association of New York. For more detail on the analysis, see https://www.spur.org/publications/
Sonoma Napa
Contra Costa
San Francisco
0 5 10 20
In this report, six contrasting Open Space
place types (noted with blue
numerals) are reimagined
as Model Places showing
different strategies for
how each might grow, look
and feel over 50 years of
Cultivated Land Rural & Open Space Parks & Protected Areas
Primarily in the North Spread over half the Widely distributed; includes
and far East Bay; includes region; includes rangeland, federal, state, regional and
vineyards, orchards and other working lands and city parks and protected
other crops. rural settlements. habitat.
8.5% of total land area 53.6% of total land area 22.2% of total land area
Primarily Housing
1 2
7.0% of total land area 4.0% of total land area 0.9% of total land area
Primarily Jobs
3 4
Industrial & Infrastructure Office Parks Job Centers Urban Job Centers
9.1% of total housing 2.9% of total housing 1.2% of total housing 0.8% of total housing
25.4% of total jobs 15.6% of total jobs 8.2% of total jobs 5.6% of total jobs
Mixed Uses
5 6
Urban Neighborhoods Dense Urban Mix High Rise Neighborhoods San Francisco Job Core
Multifamily housing; high Residential and job Multistory housing and Highest concentration
concentration of retail and towers; San Francisco and some jobs on small blocks; of jobs in the region;
jobs; San Francisco and Oakland only. San Francisco only. downtown San Francisco
Oakland only. only
0.1% of total land area 0.02% of total land area 0.02% of total land area 0.01% of total land area
4.2% of total housing 1.2% of total housing 1.4% of total housing 0.3% of total housing
2.3% of total jobs 4.8% of total jobs 1.2% of total jobs 6.3% of total jobs
Cl Cultivated Land
Ro Rural & Open Space
Pp Parks & Protected Areas
Se Suburban Edge
Cs Cul-de-Sac Suburbs
Sc Small-lot & Streetcar Suburbs
Ii Industrial & Infrastructure
40 Op Office Parks
Jc Job Centers
Uc Urban Job Centers
20 Un Urban Neighborhoods
Du Dense Urban Mix
Hr High Rise Neighborhoods
Sj San Francisco Job Core
Cl Ro Pp Se Cs Sc Ii Op Jc Uc Un Du Hr Sj
Each place type’s appropriate “share” of the region’s growth is necessarily a normative decision. For more information Average drive alone rate
on the analysis, see https://www.spur.org/publications/urbanist-article/2019-03-01/bay-area-place-types Walkscore
total increase in
+2.2MM Share of
new housing units (2070) growth
total increase in
jobs (2070)
Cultivated Land
Rural & Open Space
Parks & Protected Areas
Suburban Edge
Cul-de-Sac Suburbs
Small-lot & Streetcar Suburbs
Industrial & Infrastructure
Office Parks
Job Centers
Urban Job Centers
Urban Neighborhoods
Dense Urban Mix
High Rise Neighborhoods
San Francisco Job Core HRA
0 20 40 60 80 EPC
Sonoma Napa
Contra Costa
San Francisco
San Mateo
Santa Clara
0 5 10 20
In 50 years, the Bay Area’s cul-de-
sac suburbs complete the transition
from a car-dependent monoculture
to a network of diverse, inclusive
Cul-de-Sac Suburbs Today
One of the region’s most widespread place types,
built for the car and an idealized nuclear family
Cul-de-sac suburbs are These suburbs were designed Over time, these neighborhoods can
around a mid-20th-century ideal of add a range of services and housing
traditional auto-oriented the nuclear family — two parents types and offer alternatives to driving
residential areas that (a male breadwinner and a female while also retaining much of their quiet
began to be built after homemaker), several children and residential character.
perhaps a pet. The physical expression
World War II. of this ideal was codified by zoning
They consist almost exclusively laws, homeowners’ associations
(HOAs) and restrictive covenants, Assets
of detached, single-family houses
at low densities. The wide streets many of which were explicitly designed • Detached homes with yards
to filter out people of color, extended • Quiet, spacious character
are designed in a hierarchy
families (more typical of immigrant • Orientation to some types of
(local, collector, arterial), with
groups) and people of modest means. family life
few intersections and points of • Meets some cultural ideals/
connection. Sidewalks are limited Although these discriminatory lines
or absent. All of this results in an have blurred over time, the continued
environment that may be serene and practice of banning apartments,
quiet but does not support access cottages and major alterations keeps Challenges
by walking, cycling or transit. Even a powerful social barriers in place.
• Car-dependent
minor errand (the proverbial quart of • Small, individually owned parcels
In recent decades, the suburbs have
milk) requires a car trip. • One housing type designed for just
become much more diverse but still do
one family type
not readily accommodate the empty
• Limited services, amenities and
nesters who cannot age in place,
childless couples who want a modest • Resource-inefficient, hard to service
home, multigenerational families or • Limited connectivity and walkability
unrelated adults looking for affordable
homes and a sense of community.
Foster City
Walnut Creek
Contra Costa
San Francisco
San Mateo
Santa Clara
Distribution of Cul-de-Sac Suburbs place
type in the San Francisco Bay Area
Cul-de-Sac Suburbs
0 5 10 20
Cul-de-Sac Suburbs Tomorrow
From homogeneity to diverse,
inclusive neighborhoods
Fast-forward 50 years: 1 2
While the quiet character
remains, retirees, young Streets for Neighborhood
adults and others have People Hubs
moved into a diversified
Twentieth-century residential Suburban residential subdivisions
housing stock, and basic streets are often much wider than tend to have just one or two ways in
services are available necessary, with sweeping curves or out where they connect to larger
and other features that encourage streets and other uses like retail,
within a short walk or
speeding and present safety hazards. services and restaurants. These access
bike trip. New forms of Some lack sidewalks entirely. locations often take up larger parcels
transportation provide Streets could be repurposed and of land and could be redesigned as
roadways narrowed to provide neighborhood activity hubs. While
real alternatives to the car,
community amenities and green most would support only limited
while paths and greenways space while improving safety and retail, these hubs could complement
connect to a regional preventing stormwater runoff. The and enrich community life and provide
Dutch woonerf, or shared street, a destination by foot or bike. They
trail network for both
provides a useful model. Neighbors might include:
commuting and exploring on a common street could come
• Modestly denser housing for a
the outdoors. Kids and together to identify priorities (such
as playgrounds, gardens or barbecue variety of populations
seniors are out on local
areas) that could make better use
streets, which have been • Shuttle service to regional transit
of these low-demand rights-of-way
reclaimed as green spaces. while allowing slow vehicular access. • Multipurpose community centers
of total increase in housing units (2070)
of total increase in jobs (2070)
new jobs and services
A Node at the Edge
At points of entry, lots are a bit bigger
and host a mix of neighborhood services
and amenities. Assisted living allows
residents to age in the neighborhood.
A shared community space, café,
shops, day care, health care and
gym are within walking distance,
and autonomous shuttle
stops serve regional
transit stations.
+3 miles
green trails
A Regional Trail 5m
Buffer landscaping has been turned i.
into a path for walking and biking,
which connects to a regional trail
with access to the bay and other
destinations. More trees and shade
are provided through a community
re-oaking program. UR
r SP
Key Policies
residential suburbs and regional transit
backyard homes
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
Small units are tucked into the
backyards and garages of up to
20% of the neighborhood homes,
increasing housing access and
affordability with little change to
the neighborhood character.
Cul-de-Sac Suburbs tomorrow
A shared street: Neighbors have taken over the street
to create play space for kids and a place to gather,
exercise and stroll. Cars move through at a slower pace,
between native plantings and permeable swales.
Small lot and streetcar neighborhoods good places to grow. policies that enable longtime residents
Additional residents will support — particularly people of color — to
suburbs are older, transit, retail and amenities, resulting remain and thrive.
moderate-density residen- in walkable neighborhoods that
tial neighborhoods that allow for a relatively low-emissions
lifestyle. But these can also be difficult
were built in the region’s places to change because residents’
core before the mass satisfaction often comes with a
adoption of the automobile; political resistance to any alterations • Walkable streets with diverse
to the character of the place. Large building stock and housing types
they were often oriented buildable parcels are scarce, and it • Diverse communities with deep local
around streetcar or connections
can be expensive to build in such a
• Commercial districts and larger
commuter rail lines. highly constrained setting.
parcels along key corridors
• Attractive to new residents and
Although most of the streetcar Socially and economically diverse,
lines are gone, many of these these areas endured some redlining
• Good transit access
neighborhoods are quite walkable and disinvestment in the 20th century,
and still well served by public transit. then rebounded and became more
desirable. Their relative scarcity Challenges
They tend to have a street grid and
relatively small blocks and lots. While combined with high demand means • Scarce in number; subject to
single-family homes are generally the that many of these neighborhoods gentrification and cost increases
have experienced gentrification • Small, individually owned parcels
most common building type, these
and the associated pressures of • Political skepticism toward change
areas also include a mix of small
displacement, higher housing and growth
apartment buildings (two to four • Somewhat car-dependent
units) and some commercial uses, costs and cultural change. It is thus
especially along major streets. particularly important that growth in
these neighborhoods be informed by
These features make these
East Oakland
Palo Alto
Willow Glen
Contra Costa
San Francisco
San Mateo
Santa Clara
Distribution of Small Lot & Streetcar
Suburbs place type in the San
Francisco Bay Area
Total Bay Area
0 5 10 20
Small Lot and Streetcar
Suburbs Tomorrow
Build upon current assets and grow and diversify
housing, ensuring that existing residents benefit
from growth while amenities and transit improve
of total increase in housing units (2070)
of total increase in jobs (2070)
2 Focus: Equity 3
An Equity Stake Streets for People Precedent: Woonerf, The Netherlands
Commercial Corridors
activity nodes
Commercial Corridors
Former streetcar lines allow
for larger buildings and a mix
of uses, supporting walkable
retail and offering transit
connections to the broader
new housing units
Many Ways to Grow Within the Pattern
Lots of building types have grown here
over 50 years, significantly increasing the
density while keeping the block and lot mi
pattern largely intact. ADUs, two- to six- .
unit “missing middle” housing and small
apartment buildings are tucked throughout
the neighborhood. In a few places, adjacent
parcels have been combined to allow more
density. r SP
+3 miles
pedestrian & bike priority Average increase required to
support growth
A Shared Street
Where they used to focus on the
movement and storage of cars, +2,526 +517
neighborhood streets now make average increase in average increase
density more livable, with playgrounds housing units per in jobs per square
and gardens in the rights-of-way. Car square half-mile* half-mile
access is still allowed but at a walking
*The image to the left represents considerably
pace. It is safe, enjoyable and healthy
more growth than the average, for illustrative
to walk or bike to local shops and purposes. Within each place type, growth should be
public transit. concentrated in areas served by transit.
Key Policies
GREEN SPACE • Eliminate single-family zoning
parks & gardens regionwide.
• Allow taller buildings with flexible
ground-floor uses in transit corridors.
Antioch Bayshore
Contra Costa
San Francisco
San Mateo
Santa Clara
Distribution of Industrial &
Infrastructure place type in the San
Francisco Bay Area
Total Bay Area
0 5 10 20
Industrial and
Infrastructure Tomorrow
To address pressure from both climate hazards and
conversion to other uses, industrial land will need to get
smarter, denser and greener
of total increase in housing units (2070)
of total increase in jobs (2070)
Bay restoration
Adapting to Sea Level Rise
Developed areas have been
consolidated behind a
protective levee, with some
land restored as wetlands and
other habitat.
green transport
Goods Movement Cleanup
Climate and air quality imperatives, 0.5
along with improvements in mi
technology, have moved trucks and
freight rail to electric and hydrogen
power, sparing nearby communities
the pollution and noise that have
historically impacted low-income
neighborhoods. r SP
new manufacturing Average increase required to
support growth
Building Up
With land at a premium in a growing
region, some industrial and logistics +221* +588
facilities have gone vertical, taking average increase in average increase in
advantage of new technologies and housing units per jobs per square half-
building types to do more with less square half-mile* mile
*The image to the left represents considerably
prefab housing
Employing Solutions
Large-scale off-site housing production *required housing units not shown in this specific
provides good union jobs while helping example where industrial land use remains industrial
the region meet its ambitious housing
Industrial & Infrastructure tomorrow
Automated Shuttles: Workers manage a high-performing industrial
hub with electrical goods movement and autonomous systems. An
industrial ecosystem manages energy, water, heat and waste for
maximum fossil-free efficiency.
North Bayshore
Sonoma Napa
Contra Costa
San Francisco
San Mateo
Santa Clara
Distribution of Office Parks place
type in the San Francisco Bay Area
Office Parks
0 5 10 20
Office Parks Tomorrow
The suburban workplace, brought
to life by an infusion of housing,
services and green space
3 4 Focus: Ecology 5
Phase in Mobility District-scale Envi- Building
Solutions ronmental Systems Bridges
New and denser uses would require Large parcels allow for efficient Office parks have generally turned
less parking and proactive mobility solutions to numerous environmental inward, separated from their
management. People should be able challenges. Eco-districts could neighbors through parking and
to get around via shuttles, bikes, operate systems that work well at this buffers. As the mix of uses and
micro-transit and walking, and denser scale, including: amenities evolves, these places could
uses could eventually justify connec- become more accessible and inviting
tions to regional transit. • Stormwater management through by:
green infrastructure
• Peripheral parking lots and tem- • Forging connections to regional
porary structures could free up • Parking and transportation demand transit that serves both local and
core areas, and autonomous tech- management surrounding users
nologies could reduce the need to
• Green energy production and • Converting landscaped buffers to
locate parking near buildings.
resilient micro-grid distribution usable open space that connects to
• A Transportation Management As- regional trails
• District heating, cooling and co-
sociation (TMA) representing multi-
generation • Turning ditches and culverts into
ple employers could fund, manage
and price parking, carpooling and environmental and open space
• Solid-waste management
shuttle systems. assets
A Pedestrian’s Nightmare
regional connectivity
Transit Opportunities
A mobility hub brings shuttles,
dropoffs and, eventually, public
transit into the heart of the site,
helping to support a new, compact
urban center.
environmental systems
District Utility Networks
With a few large parcels, a lot of 0.5
things can happen at the district scale. mi
Green energy production and micro-
grid distribution, green stormwater
infrastructure and district heating and
cooling closer to net-zero and even net-
positive sustainability.
r SP
new housing
Homes for All
+632 +1,808
average increase in average increase
Residential buildings have been housing units per in jobs per square
added to underutilized sites. square half-mile* half-mile
They are both market-rate and
subsidized, serving workers, families *The image to the left represents considerably
and seniors. more growth than the average, for illustrative
purposes. Within each place type, growth should be
concentrated in areas served by transit.
surface parking areas
District Parking at Margins
Instead of shaping this place, parking
serves it. Parking supply is managed
and moved to peripheral locations as
higher densities support shuttle and
transit options. AECOM for SPUR
Office Parks tomorrow
A place for people: Moving parking to the edges
makes streets safe and quiet for pedestrians and bikes.
Automated shuttles provide internal circulation and
regional transit connections.
In the Bay Area, the “urban With immense assets, these areas Assets
also face significant challenges. They
neighborhoods” place type is saw significant disinvestment and • Walkable street and lot pattern
found only in San Francisco • Mix of uses at densities that support
decline during the latter half of the
public transit
and Oakland. In many 20th century, worsened by redlining
• Excellent transit access
that kept communities of color from • Services and amenities within
ways, these neighborhoods building wealth and by misguided walking distance
embody the core advantages policies that put cars before people. • Diverse communities with deep
of city living: walkability, In recent years, these once-neglected local connections
neighborhoods have rebounded, • Attractive to new residents and
diversity, sustainability and and rents have soared, impacting builders
convenience. longtime residents who ought to
29% 231,978
average drive alone rate jobs
3.0% of total Bay Area (2017)
place-type average 2.3% of regional jobs (2015)
Hayes Valley
Sonoma Napa
Adams Point
Contra Costa
San Francisco
San Mateo
Santa Clara
Distribution of Urban Neighborhoods
place type in the San Francisco
Bay Area
Total Bay Area
Urban Neighborhoods
0 5 10 20
Urban Neighborhoods
In 2070, Urban Neighborhoods offer
community, eclecticism and vitality —
and many fewer cars
Communities are supported 1
with the services and
Welcoming Growth
infrastructure they need,
especially those whose
to the Urban Core
residents are most vulnerable The block and lot pattern of this Within residential blocks:
and at risk. Streets designed place type is an irreplaceable asset.
Growth should be maximized in • Liberalize zoning to allow a range of
for people, not cars, these areas so that more people building and unit types, from ADUs to
encourage walking, biking can live a healthy, low-emissions small apartment buildings to mixed
lifestyle. New buildings should be towers near transit nodes.
and other alternatives to
artfully inserted into the urban
the automobile. Public fabric. Because the fundamentals
• Eliminate parking requirements for
new buildings to facilitate growth
space is oriented toward the will persist even with significant
and encourage other modes of
community, with funds from increases in density, buildings need
not match or imitate what came
new development leveraged before. This context lends itself to • Allow a mix of uses, including small
to support community- variety and eclecticism. commercial services, live-work
selected projects and spaces, cultural uses and micro-retail.
improvements. Development • Allow small consolidations of two
focuses on key corridors and to three parcels, but not large-scale
routes to allow for rail and erasure, to enable greater density
2 Focus: Equity 3 4
Diversity & Afford- Reinforcing Space for
ability Protected Transit Communities, not Cars
In equity priority communities, pol- Urban neighborhoods are generally Urban neighborhoods already have the
icies should be enacted to ensure connected to reliable, high- ingredients of sustainable cities, but
that long-standing residents, espe- frequency transit. In immediate despite high marks in public transit avail-
cially those with low incomes, can station areas, significantly higher ability and environmental performance,
remain in their homes if they choose densities — including some high-rise they are heavily impacted by the car. The
and can benefit from neighborhood buildings — should be encouraged. spaces currently used to move and store
investment. Strategies could include: cars could be repurposed to make these
• Buildings should be designed to neighborhoods safer and more comfort-
• Nonprofit acquisition of exist- activate street frontages with able for people of all ages and abilities.
ing apartments with low-income ground-floor retail, professional
tenants to make the homes perma- services, child care, gyms and • Residential streets could be converted
nently affordable housing for all income levels. to “car-light” zones, modeled on Dutch
woonerven or Barcelona’s superilles,
• Acquisition of land for future af- • Key streets could be incrementally in which vehicle access is permitted
fordable housing development pedestrianized to create public at a walking pace but the right-of-
space at station entrances. Events, way serves a variety of uses, including
• Assessments on newly developed markets and festivals could be playgrounds, seating and gardens,
or “flipped” parcels to finance pub- used to activate these areas. improving both community and
lic realm improvements, amenities
environmental conditions.
and community services • Cultural uses like museums,
galleries and performance spaces, • Parking requirements could be
• A low-interest home-improvement/ along with bars and restaurants, eliminated, and parking discouraged
ADU loan fund could reinforce neighborhood or prohibited in new development.
identity in these locations and Over time, as transit improves and
• Down-payment assistance to help
extend active hours. new technologies and micro-mobility
renters buy their homes
become widespread, existing parking
• Building heights and densities
• Community –driven decisions on could be converted to new uses, such as
should increase in proximity to
public realm investments funded additional housing and green space.
stations, with particular care paid
by new development
to the transition from residential • In transit station areas, some streets
• Preferential access for longtime blocks into station areas. could be pedestrianized over time
renters to new affordable units to create car-free hubs of retail,
commercial and civic activity.
• Protections for existing renters,
including anti-gouging laws, just-
cause eviction and other policies
Illustrative example of Urban
Neighborhoods Place Type Limited Public Space
Car-Heavy Streets
regional access
The Station Hub
Density increases around
the rail station, and car-
free streets host markets
and other events.
Retail and restaurants
are complemented
by cultural venues,
child care and other
community services.
Key Policies
accessible green
The Public Realm
A continuous network of public
spaces, including streets, plazas,
gardens and parks of all sizes, makes
density comfortable and connects
communities with local services and
Urban Neighborhoods tomorrow
People First: With few cars around, residents and
commuters can walk around the transit hub safely,
accessing a wide range of services easily.
The Bay Area’s dense urban Well served by rapid transit, these Assets
places feature a wide range of
neighborhoods lie at the culture, retail, hospitality, jobs and • Walkable urban block pattern
economic and cultural • Excellent transit
housing. Major parades, festivals and
• High commercial and residential
heart of the region and at protests happen here. Contemporary
density, with diverse building stock
structures coexist with historic and housing types
the crossroads of major buildings and beloved civic spaces, • Destinations for shopping, culture
transit systems. They offer a and a dense mix of buildings meets and nightlife
bustling and cosmopolitan the street. Local mobility options • A draw for visitors from the region
include excellent public transit, bikes, and the world
mix of jobs, cultural activity, taxis, scooters and, above all, walking. • Civic identity; a site for major
nightlife and shopping, But there are downsides: A significant gatherings
• Dense enough to function without
along with housing at high low-income population calls these
areas home, and many unhoused
densities in a mix of old and people have landed here as well.
new buildings. These places These places can only thrive if the Challenges
are positioned to thrive at needs of all people are met.
• Heavily impacted by traffic and car-
very high densities, but to oriented planning
• Persistent poverty among some
unlock their potential, we resident populations
must put people, not cars, • High numbers of unhoused people
Market and Van Ness
Downtown Oakland
Contra Costa
San Francisco
San Mateo
Santa Clara
Distribution of Dense Urban Mix place
type in the San Francisco Bay Area
0 5 10 20
Dense Urban Mix Tomorrow
Bustling, 24-hour
destinations for everyone
Precedent: Times Square Pedestrian Plaza Precedent: Shibuya, Tokyo Precedent: Piccadilly Circus, London
activity and services
Serious Density
At this transit crossroads, towers of all
sorts host every conceivable activity,
with shopping, culture and nightlife
backed by hotels, offices, homes
and essential services, such as
health care, education and
child care, for those who
live and work here.
high walkscore
People First
Cars are not practical, and streets
have been reclaimed as civic spaces mi
at the heart of a comprehensive
public realm. Streets and plazas hum
with life, and at these densities, small
businesses thrive, whether they’re
located underground or several
floors up. UR
r SP
carbon reduction
Average increase required to
support growth
Key Policies
This investigation shows This is a 50-year vision — one that The proposals here represent the
many of us won’t be around to see. It physical expression of a new social
that the Bay Area has the
shows that, far from being “one size compact. One in which we as a region
space to accommodate fits all,” growth can be responsive, commit ourselves to collectively
the growth expected in the building on the best aspects of tackling the formidable and entangled
next half century without the region we know today, while challenges of housing, transportation,
addressing many of its shortcomings equity and climate change.
paving over open space
and inequities.
and farmland — but only if What this document doesn’t do is
we are willing to embrace It may be tempting to compare this show us how we get there. That
real change. vision to the Bay Area as we know will require profound changes in
it today. Instead, we must compare policies, practices, laws and culture.
it what would happen with 50 more Other reports in the SPUR Regional
years of business as usual: more Strategy are building out this policy
uncoordinated growth, an even roadmap, with clear recommendations
greater housing shortage, further targeting specific agencies and
segregation by race and privilege, actors. The complete library of
worse traffic, and far more people left Regional Strategy reports is available
behind, priced out or homeless. We at spur.org/regionalstrategy/reports.
must do better. That research addresses how to:
Make equity a core principle, Scale up affordable housing and Design communities for people, not
investing in health, safety and support middle-income housing, with for cars, prioritizing human safety,
stable housing so low-income robust funding for acquisition and health, comfort and community over
communities and people impacted new development of permanently the movement and storage of private
by systemic racism can stay in their affordable units and policies that vehicles.
neighborhoods and benefit from support workforce housing.
growth. Build complete communities that
Create new mechanisms to fund and support daily life, with work, school,
Allow housing to be built in deliver the changes we need, with shopping and recreation accessible to
a lot more places, eliminating major governance innovations in the many more people by foot and bike.
exclusionary zoning, allowing for a delivery of infrastructure, housing and
wide range of housing types, and community development. This isn’t about changing one thing
making it easier to build housing in — it’s about making a series of
urban areas and near transit. Invest in a 21st-century transportation related changes, at different levels of
system, including rail networks, government, over many decades. It’s
Reinvent how and what we build, regional express bus and streets that never easy for societies to commit to
bringing down costs through truly prioritize cycling and walking massive change, especially when they
innovations like secondary units, in neighborhoods and transit station can’t see ahead to the outcome. We
“missing middle” housing, modular areas. hope Model Places gives a glimpse
manufacturing and mass timber of what’s possible and inspires a
construction. commitment to what’s needed.