User Guidelines: CEM Corporation
User Guidelines: CEM Corporation
User Guidelines: CEM Corporation
Via Dell’ Artigianato, 6/8
24055 Cologno al Serio (Bg)
Tel: (39) 35-896224
Fax: (39) 35-891661
Applications Support Team CEM μWave S.A.S.
Immeuble Ariane
Domaine Technologique de Saclay
4, rue Rene’ Razel
91892 ORSAY Cedex
Tel: (33-1) 69 35 57 80
CEM Japan K.K.
5-8-8 Shinjuku
Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo
Tel: +03-5368-2507
Fax: +03-5368-2508
CEM Technology (Ireland) Ltd
Sky Business Centre
9a Plato Business Park
Dublin 15
Tel +353 (0)1 885 1752
Fax +353 (0)1 885 1601 600288
Email: Rev. 1
Rev. 1
Safety Concerns with Microwave Digestion Inorganic Materials Notes
The MARS 6 Operation Manual includes sections “Compounds Inorganic Material Examples: Soils, Ores, Ceramics, Catalysts, Metal
Unsuitable for Closed Vessel Microwave Digestion” and “Chemical Alloys, Ash, Water
Safety Concerns at High Temperatures.” These sections should be
read prior to preparing samples for digestion. Important Notes: Digestion of inorganic materials usually produces
less heat and pressure than organic digestions. Inorganic materials
Sample Preparation Guidelines cover a large range of sample types. Each of these sample types
If available, please follow the methods and guidelines that have requires different acid mixtures and digestion temperatures. For
been developed for your samples. If a method has not been these reasons, it is very difficult to specify exact conditions.
developed, the recommendations offered in this document are
only guidelines to assist with method development. They may not Recommended Sample Mass: For all vessels, start with a sample
pertain to your exact sample, your metal analyte of interest in the size of 0.1 grams. A sample that has more surface area will digest
sample, or your specific microwave digestion vessel. If you have quicker than samples with less surface area. Therefore, try to use
additional questions after reading these guidelines, please contact several smaller pieces of sample instead of one large piece. Watch
CEM for applications support. the digestion and make sure the vessels do not vent excessively. If
the acid volume loss during the digestion is less than 2 mL in each
Organic Materials vessel and/or analyte recovery is acceptable, then the sample mass
Organic Material Examples: Plant and Animal Tissues, Foods, Oils can be increased and tested again at 0.25 grams. This test can be
and Oily Waste, Paint Chips, Polymers repeated with 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 grams.
Important Note: Digestion of organic materials results in an Recommended Acid and Digestion Temperature:
exothermic reaction that produces heat and increases pressure in Alloys – HNO3, HCl, HF. In general, an acid mixture is required to
the microwave digestion vessel. digest most samples with digestion temperatures of 200 – 210 oC.
For example:
Recommended Sample Mass: For all vessels, start with 0.1 gram l NiCr, Steel, Cobalt Alloy, Tungsten Alloy – HNO3, HF
sample size. When using an XP-1500, EasyPrep, or EasyPrep Plus l Aluminum and Iron Alloys – HCl, HF
vessel, watch that the pressure does not exceed 800 psi and the l Aluminum – HCl, HNO3 (3:1)
vessel does not vent excessively. When using a MARSXpress or l Precious Metals – HCl, HNO3 (3:1) at 180 – 210 oC
MARSXpress Plus vessel, watch that the vessels do not vent exces-
sively. If the acid volume loss during the digestion is less than 2 mL Ceramics and Catalysts – In general, an acid mixture is required to
in each vessel and/or analyte recovery is acceptable, then the sample digest most samples with digestion temperatures of 180 – 210 oC.
mass can be increased and tested again at 0.25 grams. This test can
be repeated with 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 grams. For example:
l Aluminum Oxide – H3PO4, H2SO4 at 270 oC
Recommended Acid: 10 mL of Nitric Acid (70%) l Silicon Dioxide – HF, HNO3 at 180 oC
Recommended Digestion Temperatures: 180 – 210 oC l Ores, Silicates, Ash – HNO3, HCl, HF at 180 – 210 oC
Minimum Number of Vessels: For the EasyPrep and EasyPrep Plus,
the minimum number of vessels is one. For the MARSXpress and Recommended Acid Volume: 10 mL
MARSXpress Plus, the minimum number of vessels is eight. Minimum Number of Vessels: For the EasyPrep and EasyPrep Plus,
the minimum number of vessels is one. For the MARSXpress and
Sample Predigestion: The addition of acid to some organic samples MARSXpress Plus, the minimum number of vessels is eight.
can cause a reaction that will result in an increase of temperature Sample predigestion is not usually needed.
and escape of gases, which is known as predigestion. We recom-
mend that you to allow organic samples to predigest for 30 minutes MARS 6 Software Method Selection: Select a MARS 6 One Touch
in uncovered microwave vessels in the fume hood. Method similar to your sample type. If there is not a One Touch
Method for your sample, create a new Classic Method. When creating
MARS 6 Software Method Selection: Select a MARS 6 One Touch a new Classic Method, select Ramp-to-Temperature as the Control
Method similar to your sample type. If there is not a One Touch Type. Select a ramp time of 20 – 25 minutes and a hold time of 20
Method for your sample, create a new Classic Method. When creat- minutes; this will work for most samples that digest at 180 – 210 oC.
ing a new Classic Method, select Ramp-to-Temperature as the Control Samples that digest at 230 – 270 oC will require a ramp time of 30 –
Type, a ramp time of 20 – 25 minutes, and a hold time of 15 minutes. 45 minutes and a hold time of 20 – 40 minutes.
Finishing the Sample Preparation: Prior to metals analysis, the Finishing the Sample Preparation: Prior to metals analysis, the
digested sample will require dilution. Digested samples are usually digested sample will require dilution. Digested samples are usually
diluted to 25 or 50 mL in a volumetric flask. A diluted sample solution diluted to 25 or 50 mL in a volumetric flask. A diluted sample solution
that is completely digested will be clear (not cloudy) and free of that is completely digested will be clear (not cloudy) and free of
particles. It may or may not be colorless. A solution that contains particles. It may or may not be colorless. A solution that contains
particles can be centrifuged or filtered prior to analysis, but analyte particles can be centrifuged or filtered prior to analysis, but analyte
recovery should be measured. recovery should be measured.
Recommended distribution of EasyPrep, EasyPrep Plus One Touch Method General Guidelines Icon Reference Guide
and XP-1500 vessels in the turntable General Precautions
l The One Touch Methods and sample preparation procedures are
System Setting
1 2 3 a reference point for sample digestion using a CEM system and
may need to be modified or changed to obtain the required
results for your sample. Screen Context Menu
l The control (reference) vessel should contain the largest and
most reactive sample. Classic Menu
l Sample digestion requires concentrated acids.
l To avoid the potential for chemical burns, manual venting
of CEM vessels should only be performed when the vessel One Touch Method
contents are at room temperature and hand, eye, and body
protection should be worn. Always open vessels in a fume
hood and point the vent hole away from the operator.
4 5 6
Samples that Quickly Produce Heat and Gas
l Allow samples to predigest by standing open for a minimum of
30 minutes in a fume hood before sealing vessels and proceeding Done
to heating program.
Samples that Require Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
l If insoluble fluoride compounds are formed when using HF, Run
a boric acid solution should be used to complex and dissolve
these compounds. Edit
l Use 10 mL of 4% w/v boric acid solution per 1 mL of HF Delete
7 8 9
l Alternatively, 1 – 4 grams of solid boric acid and 25 mL of
deionized water can be used in place of the 4% w/v solution. New
l After the digestion is complete, add the boric acid to the
vessel and reseal. Run the “Boric Acid HF Neutralization” Save
One Touch Method.
Add Stage
Samples with Large Pieces
l Reducing the particle size increases the efficiency of digestion Remove Stage
and may decrease the digestion time. Make sure the particles
are well suspended in the acid mixture prior to heating. Fiberoptic
10 11 12
Stabilization of Ag, Ba, Sb, Fe, and Al Infrared
l The addition of HCl is appropriate for the stabilization of Ag,
Ba, and Sb, and high concentrations of Fe and Al in solution. DuoTemp
The amount of HCl will vary depending on the matrix and the
concentration of the analytes. The addition of HCl acid may,
however, limit the techniques or increase the difficulties of Turntable
Samples Resistant to Oxidation
l The “Char-Sulfuric Acid” One Touch Method is for the pretreat- Print
ment of large organic sample sizes or difficult organic samples
that are resistant to oxidation. After the char is complete, the Temperature
= control vessel vessel is opened and a normal oxidation with nitric acid can
be run, usually at around 200 oC. Pressure
l Inspect the vessel at the end of the char step to ensure the Power
= standard vessel sample has the appearance of a homogenous black liquor. It
may be necessary to repeat the char step for some especially
resistant samples.
Recommended distribution of MARSXpress vessels when turntable is less than capacity Recommended distribution of MARSXpress Plus vessels in the turntable
8 10 12 14
2 4 6 8
16 18 20 22
10 12 14 16
24 26 28 30
18 20 22 24
32 34 36 38
7 15
= standard vessel
Recommended distribution of EasyPrep, EasyPrep Plus One Touch Method General Guidelines Icon Reference Guide
and XP-1500 vessels in the turntable General Precautions
l The One Touch Methods and sample preparation procedures are
System Setting
1 2 3 a reference point for sample digestion using a CEM system and
may need to be modified or changed to obtain the required
results for your sample. Screen Context Menu
l The control (reference) vessel should contain the largest and
most reactive sample. Classic Menu
l Sample digestion requires concentrated acids.
l To avoid the potential for chemical burns, manual venting
of CEM vessels should only be performed when the vessel One Touch Method
contents are at room temperature and hand, eye, and body
protection should be worn. Always open vessels in a fume
hood and point the vent hole away from the operator.
4 5 6
Samples that Quickly Produce Heat and Gas
l Allow samples to predigest by standing open for a minimum of
30 minutes in a fume hood before sealing vessels and proceeding Done
to heating program.
Samples that Require Hydrofluoric Acid (HF)
l If insoluble fluoride compounds are formed when using HF, Run
a boric acid solution should be used to complex and dissolve
these compounds. Edit
l Use 10 mL of 4% w/v boric acid solution per 1 mL of HF Delete
7 8 9
l Alternatively, 1 – 4 grams of solid boric acid and 25 mL of
deionized water can be used in place of the 4% w/v solution. New
l After the digestion is complete, add the boric acid to the
vessel and reseal. Run the “Boric Acid HF Neutralization” Save
One Touch Method.
Add Stage
Samples with Large Pieces
l Reducing the particle size increases the efficiency of digestion Remove Stage
and may decrease the digestion time. Make sure the particles
are well suspended in the acid mixture prior to heating. Fiberoptic
10 11 12
Stabilization of Ag, Ba, Sb, Fe, and Al Infrared
l The addition of HCl is appropriate for the stabilization of Ag,
Ba, and Sb, and high concentrations of Fe and Al in solution. DuoTemp
The amount of HCl will vary depending on the matrix and the
concentration of the analytes. The addition of HCl acid may,
however, limit the techniques or increase the difficulties of Turntable
Samples Resistant to Oxidation
l The “Char-Sulfuric Acid” One Touch Method is for the pretreat- Print
ment of large organic sample sizes or difficult organic samples
that are resistant to oxidation. After the char is complete, the Temperature
= control vessel vessel is opened and a normal oxidation with nitric acid can
be run, usually at around 200 oC. Pressure
l Inspect the vessel at the end of the char step to ensure the Power
= standard vessel sample has the appearance of a homogenous black liquor. It
may be necessary to repeat the char step for some especially
resistant samples.
Recommended distribution of MARSXpress vessels when turntable is less than capacity Recommended distribution of MARSXpress Plus vessels in the turntable
8 10 12 14
2 4 6 8
16 18 20 22
10 12 14 16
24 26 28 30
18 20 22 24
32 34 36 38
7 15
= standard vessel
Safety Concerns with Microwave Digestion Inorganic Materials Notes
The MARS 6 Operation Manual includes sections “Compounds Inorganic Material Examples: Soils, Ores, Ceramics, Catalysts, Metal
Unsuitable for Closed Vessel Microwave Digestion” and “Chemical Alloys, Ash, Water
Safety Concerns at High Temperatures.” These sections should be
read prior to preparing samples for digestion. Important Notes: Digestion of inorganic materials usually produces
less heat and pressure than organic digestions. Inorganic materials
Sample Preparation Guidelines cover a large range of sample types. Each of these sample types
If available, please follow the methods and guidelines that have requires different acid mixtures and digestion temperatures. For
been developed for your samples. If a method has not been these reasons, it is very difficult to specify exact conditions.
developed, the recommendations offered in this document are
only guidelines to assist with method development. They may not Recommended Sample Mass: For all vessels, start with a sample
pertain to your exact sample, your metal analyte of interest in the size of 0.1 grams. A sample that has more surface area will digest
sample, or your specific microwave digestion vessel. If you have quicker than samples with less surface area. Therefore, try to use
additional questions after reading these guidelines, please contact several smaller pieces of sample instead of one large piece. Watch
CEM for applications support. the digestion and make sure the vessels do not vent excessively. If
the acid volume loss during the digestion is less than 2 mL in each
Organic Materials vessel and/or analyte recovery is acceptable, then the sample mass
Organic Material Examples: Plant and Animal Tissues, Foods, Oils can be increased and tested again at 0.25 grams. This test can be
and Oily Waste, Paint Chips, Polymers repeated with 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 grams.
Important Note: Digestion of organic materials results in an Recommended Acid and Digestion Temperature:
exothermic reaction that produces heat and increases pressure in Alloys – HNO3, HCl, HF. In general, an acid mixture is required to
the microwave digestion vessel. digest most samples with digestion temperatures of 200 – 210 oC.
For example:
Recommended Sample Mass: For all vessels, start with 0.1 gram l NiCr, Steel, Cobalt Alloy, Tungsten Alloy – HNO3, HF
sample size. When using an XP-1500, EasyPrep, or EasyPrep Plus l Aluminum and Iron Alloys – HCl, HF
vessel, watch that the pressure does not exceed 800 psi and the l Aluminum – HCl, HNO3 (3:1)
vessel does not vent excessively. When using a MARSXpress or l Precious Metals – HCl, HNO3 (3:1) at 180 – 210 oC
MARSXpress Plus vessel, watch that the vessels do not vent exces-
sively. If the acid volume loss during the digestion is less than 2 mL Ceramics and Catalysts – In general, an acid mixture is required to
in each vessel and/or analyte recovery is acceptable, then the sample digest most samples with digestion temperatures of 180 – 210 oC.
mass can be increased and tested again at 0.25 grams. This test can
be repeated with 0.5, 0.75, and 1.0 grams. For example:
l Aluminum Oxide – H3PO4, H2SO4 at 270 oC
Recommended Acid: 10 mL of Nitric Acid (70%) l Silicon Dioxide – HF, HNO3 at 180 oC
Recommended Digestion Temperatures: 180 – 210 oC l Ores, Silicates, Ash – HNO3, HCl, HF at 180 – 210 oC
Minimum Number of Vessels: For the EasyPrep and EasyPrep Plus,
the minimum number of vessels is one. For the MARSXpress and Recommended Acid Volume: 10 mL
MARSXpress Plus, the minimum number of vessels is eight. Minimum Number of Vessels: For the EasyPrep and EasyPrep Plus,
the minimum number of vessels is one. For the MARSXpress and
Sample Predigestion: The addition of acid to some organic samples MARSXpress Plus, the minimum number of vessels is eight.
can cause a reaction that will result in an increase of temperature Sample predigestion is not usually needed.
and escape of gases, which is known as predigestion. We recom-
mend that you to allow organic samples to predigest for 30 minutes MARS 6 Software Method Selection: Select a MARS 6 One Touch
in uncovered microwave vessels in the fume hood. Method similar to your sample type. If there is not a One Touch
Method for your sample, create a new Classic Method. When creating
MARS 6 Software Method Selection: Select a MARS 6 One Touch a new Classic Method, select Ramp-to-Temperature as the Control
Method similar to your sample type. If there is not a One Touch Type. Select a ramp time of 20 – 25 minutes and a hold time of 20
Method for your sample, create a new Classic Method. When creat- minutes; this will work for most samples that digest at 180 – 210 oC.
ing a new Classic Method, select Ramp-to-Temperature as the Control Samples that digest at 230 – 270 oC will require a ramp time of 30 –
Type, a ramp time of 20 – 25 minutes, and a hold time of 15 minutes. 45 minutes and a hold time of 20 – 40 minutes.
Finishing the Sample Preparation: Prior to metals analysis, the Finishing the Sample Preparation: Prior to metals analysis, the
digested sample will require dilution. Digested samples are usually digested sample will require dilution. Digested samples are usually
diluted to 25 or 50 mL in a volumetric flask. A diluted sample solution diluted to 25 or 50 mL in a volumetric flask. A diluted sample solution
that is completely digested will be clear (not cloudy) and free of that is completely digested will be clear (not cloudy) and free of
particles. It may or may not be colorless. A solution that contains particles. It may or may not be colorless. A solution that contains
particles can be centrifuged or filtered prior to analysis, but analyte particles can be centrifuged or filtered prior to analysis, but analyte
recovery should be measured. recovery should be measured.
CEM Corporation
P.O. Box 200
Matthews, NC 28106
United States
Via Dell’ Artigianato, 6/8
24055 Cologno al Serio (Bg)
Tel: (39) 35-896224
Fax: (39) 35-891661
Applications Support Team CEM μWave S.A.S.
Immeuble Ariane
Domaine Technologique de Saclay
4, rue Rene’ Razel
91892 ORSAY Cedex
Tel: (33-1) 69 35 57 80
CEM Japan K.K.
5-8-8 Shinjuku
Shinjuku-Ku, Tokyo
Tel: +03-5368-2507
Fax: +03-5368-2508
CEM Technology (Ireland) Ltd
Sky Business Centre
9a Plato Business Park
Dublin 15
Tel +353 (0)1 885 1752
Fax +353 (0)1 885 1601 600288
Email: Rev. 1
Rev. 1