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The key takeaways are that it is a roleplaying game where one player is the GM and others play characters, and the core mechanic is making skill checks against DCs using d10s and characters' skill bases.

The core rules of the game are making skill checks by rolling a d10 and adding the appropriate skill base or statistic. Succeeding on a check means rolling higher than the DC, while failing means rolling equal to or lower than the DC.

The steps to crafting are: 1) Having the proper diagram/formula, 2) Gathering the listed components, 3) Making a skill check using the crafting or alchemy skill against the DC listed in the formula/diagram. Success crafts the item, failure uses up components but creates a mess.


What is a Skill Base?

In the main game, each Skill
a character possesses has a
specific rank, from 1 to 10.
The Basics
Thank you for picking up The Witcher Tab-
letop Roleplaying Game: Easy Mode. The
a plus sign after the listing, add that number
in as well. For example, 2d6+1 means roll
When making a Skill Check, following pages will teach you more about two six-sided dice, add them together, then
players roll 1d10 and add an the game and how to play it. Easy Mode add 1.
appropriate Statistic and Skill is a simplified and streamlined version of The 0 on a ten-sided die means 10,
to get the total. In Easy Mode, The Witcher Tabletop Roleplaying Game, not 0.
we’ve combined the Statistic which is available online and from your Very occasionally, the rules ask for
and Skill into a single number, local gaming store. a percentile roll. When that happens, roll a
known as a Skill Base, to speed d10 twice. The first roll is the “tens” and the
up play. What is a Roleplaying Game? second roll is the “ones.” A roll of 0 and 5, for
A roleplaying game, or RPG, is “let’s pre- example, means the result is 5, while a 5 and
tend” with rules played by at least two peo- 0 is 50. A result of 0 and 0 is 100.
Difficulty Table ple. One person takes on the role of the
Gamemaster, or GM. The GM is responsible Skill Checks
Difficulty Example for presenting the world and the events of The core rule of The Witcher TRPG is the
Easy Picking a the adventure, portraying any characters not Skill Check. GMs and players make Skill
(10) simple lock played by anyone else in the group (aka the Checks for characters whenever that charac-
Picking non-player characters, or NPCs), and fairly ter’s ability to succeed at a task is called into
Average adjudicating the rules. If this game were a question. To make a Skill Check, roll 1d10
an average
(14) lock play, the GM would be the stage crew and and add the appropriate Skill Base listed on
Picking a the actor playing every role but the leading the character’s sheet.
(18) well-made ones. Example: Andras the Red is attempt-
lock Everyone else at the table will be a ing to wow a crowd with their lute playing.
Difficult Cracking a player, assigned one of the six pre-generat- Andras’ player rolls 1d10 for a 6 and adds 14,
(20) vault ed characters located on page.5-10. Players which is their Performance Skill Base. The to-
Nearly Cracking a focus on playing their characters (aka player tal of the Skill Check is 20.
Impossible well-made characters or PCs) as the story unfolds and If a character does not have an ap-
(30) vault dictating their actions. propriate Skill Base, instead add the most
When there’s a question as to if an appropriate Statistic.
action performed by a PC or NPC succeeds Example: For some reason, Luskar
or fails, the GM can use the rules presented of Hagge is trying to accompany Andras’s
on the next 2 pages to help determine the performance on a drum. Luskar has no Per-
outcome. formance Skill Base, so the GM tells Luskar’s
player to roll 1d10 and add his Empathy of 1.
Materials Needed Luskar rolls a 2 and adds 1 for a total of 3.
To play Easy Mode, the group will need
this booklet, a character sheet (each player Success & Failure
should be given one), writing implements When performing an unopposed task, such
(or their digital equivalent), and dice. The as playing a lute or picking a lock, the Skill
Witcher Tabletop RPG uses six-sided dice Check is made against a number known as a
(d6s) and ten-sided dice (d10s). If the group DC. Sometimes, the DC is provided by the
doesn’t have dice, a quick online search rules or the adventure and listed as DC:X,
should reveal some websites that simulate where X equals the number. Other times,
dice rolling. the GM needs to determine the DC using
Under most circumstances, the the Difficulty Table.
player rolls only a single die. Sometimes, the If the character’s Skill Check is
rules require multiple dice to be rolled at the higher than the DC, the character succeeds.
same time and their results totaled togeth- If the Skill Check is equal to or lower, they
er. When that’s the case, the rules will list a fail.
number before the die type. 2d6, for exam- Sometimes, another character will
ple, means roll two six-sided dice and add directly oppose a character’s actions. When
them together. If there’s a number following this happens, a Skill Check is made for each

character and then compared. The character roll a third time. This time, the result is 3. This
with the highest result succeeds. If the re- is added to the 35 for a total Skill Check result
sults are equal, the defender (the character of 38.
reacting instead of acting) succeeds. If nei- When the result of a Skill Check roll
Example Modifiers
ther character is the defender (for example, is 1, roll the d10 a second time and subtract Mod. Example
in an arm-wrestling contest) the Skill Check that value from the Skill Base. If the result is
Extra time spent
ends in a draw and the characters must de- a 10, subtract 10 from the Skill Base and roll Mild
on task, superior
cide if they want to continue opposing one a third time, subtracting that value as well. (+1)
another and make another Skill Check. Keep going until the roll is something other
than a 10. A Skill Check result can never be Performing
Modifiers reduced below a 1. Mild
complex task
There might be times when the GM decides Example: Kaska’s player rolls a 1 on for the first time,
factors beyond a character’s abilities can in- a Human Perception Skill Check. They roll being slightly
fluence a Skill Check. For example, a charac- again for a 10 and subtract that from their drunk
ter might be trying to spot a thief in a room Human Perception Base of 12 for a total of Aid from an-
with dim light. When this happens, the GM 2. Because the second roll was a 10, they roll other character
assigns a modifier to the Skill Check in the a third time, getting a 4. Kaska’s Human Per- experienced in
form of a bonus or penalty. ception Skill Check is reduced to the mini- the task, wearing
Bonuses positively modify Skill mum value of 1. Moderate
the right military
Checks. Penalties negatively modify them. (+3)
uniform and
They come in three levels: Mild (+1/-1), Saves rank when
Moderate (+3/-3), and Major (+5/-5). When When there is a chance a character might giving orders to a
a GM assigns a modifier, it is added or sub- be stunned or might die, they must make solider
tracted to the Skill Check before deciding a Save Check. To make a Save Check, roll Dim lighting
the result. 1d10 and compare it to the character’s Save. conditions,
Example: Orban Madaras has been If the roll is less than the Save value, the Moderate
arrested and is attempting to pick the cell lock Check succeeds. If it is equal to or greater (-3)
with an improvised lock pick fashioned from than the Save value, the Check fails, and the sleep-deprived
their belt buckle. The GM decides working character is stunned or dead.
without the proper tools imposes a Moderate Possessing a
(-3) Penalty on the Skill Check. Orban’s play- Statistics royal writ when
er rolls 1d10 for a 4, adds Orban’s Pick Lock Statistics are the inherent physical and men- giving orders,
Base of 9, and then subtracts the penalty of 3. tal abilities of a character. Major being intimately
The total is 10. • INTELLIGENCE (INT): Memory, per- (+5) familiar with a
A GM can assign multiple modifi- ception, and deduction. location when
ers to a Skill Check. • REFLEXES (REF): Unarmed & melee trying to notice
GMs can use the Example Modi- combat and riding. something
fiers Table to help them decide if a factor • DEXTERITY (DEX): Ranged combat, Full darkness,
warrants a bonus or penalty. It can’t cover sleight of hand, and stealth. Major under attack,
every situation but gives GMs benchmarks, • BODY (BODY): Strength and endur- (-5) hostile environ-
so they can make calls of their own. ance. ment
• SPEED (SPD): Distance a character can
Exploding 1s and 10s move in a turn.
When a 1 or a 10 is rolled on a Skill Check, • EMPATHY (EMP): Performing, social
the die “explodes”, which means the die is interactions, and understanding others.
rolled again and modifies the results. • CRAFT (CRA): Creating and using
When a 10 is rolled, add 10 to the things, medicine.
Skill Check. Then roll the d10 again and add • WILL (WILL): Matters of magic, intim-
that number to the Skill Check as well. If the idation, and courage.
second roll is a 10, add 10 and roll again. • LUCK (LUCK): A pool of points play-
Keep doing this until the new roll is some- ers can spend. Each point spent adds a
thing other than a 10. Mild (+1) bonus to a Skill Check or rais-
Example: Kaska’s player rolls a 10 es their Save by 1 for a Save Check.
on an Awareness Skill Check. They add 10 to • Vigor: How much magic a magic user
their Awareness Base of 15 for a total of 25, can channel (see Magic).
then roll again, getting another 10. They add • Save: Used when making a Save Check.
10 to the current total of 25 to make 35 and

• Leap: Governs special movement (see • Human Perception (EMP): Reading

Combat). emotions (for all sentient beings, not
• Health Points (HP): How much lethal just humans).
damage a character can take. • Intimidation (WILL): Frightening oth-
• Stamina (STA): How much non-lethal ers.
damage a character can take. • Melee (REF): Blunt weapons, shields,
• Recovery (REC): How much HP/STA a and axes.
character can recover (see Combat). • Monster Lore (INT): Specific knowl-
edge about monsters.
Skills • Performance (EMP): Singing, acting,
Skills represent a character’s training. Listed and playing instruments.
with each Skill is the Statistic to be used if a • Persuasion (EMP): Convincing others
character doesn’t have a Skill Base for it on to do something.
their sheet. • Pick Lock (CRA): Opening locks with-
• Alchemy (INT): Creating alchemical out keys.
items. • Riding (REF): Controlling a mount.
• Archery (DEX): Firing an arrow from • Physique (BODY): Feats of strength.
a bow. • Resist Coercion (WILL): Resisting so-
• Athletics (DEX): Climbing, balancing, cial influence.
and throwing (weapons included). • Resist Magic (WILL): Resisting magi-
• Awareness (INT): Noticing and search- cal influence.
ing. • Seduction (EMP): Convincing others
• Brawling (REF): Unarmed combat. to get romantic.
• Business (INT): Haggling, appraising • Sleight of Hand (DEX): Stage magic
and doing business. tricks and picking pockets.
• Courage (WILL): Resisting fear. • Small Blades (REF): Daggers and
• Crafting (CRA): Making weapons, ar- cleavers.
mor, and non-alchemy items. • Social Etiquette (INT): Blending in at
• Crossbow (DEX): Firing a bolt from a social functions.
crossbow. • Spell Casting (WILL): Casting Spells
• Deceit (EMP): Lying and guile. and Signs.
• Deduction (INT): Putting together • Staff/Spear (REF): Pole arms, staves,
clues to come up with a solution. and spears.
• Disguise (CRA): Looking like someone • Stealth (DEX): Hiding and moving un-
else. noticed.
• Dodge/Escape (REF): Getting out of • Streetwise (INT): Knowing how the
the way and escaping bonds. underworld operates.
• Education (INT): Basic knowledge. • Swordsmanship (REF): Fencing and
General lore. swordplay.
• Endurance (BODY): Feats of stamina. • Tactics (INT): Planning battles and
• First Aid (CRA): Helping others heal. playing Gwent.
• Gambling (EMP): Playing games, usu- • Wilderness Survival (INT): Living in
ally for money. the wild and tracking.

Combat in The Witcher is deadly, bloody,
and punishing. You can go running into
Opposition And
Unlike players, NPCs and
monsters which are controlled
battle, hacking and slashing but that likely Actions by the GM do not take Fast
won’t help against anything tougher than Attack Action or Strong Strikes. They have
a mugger in the local tavern. A tactical Attack an opponent using a Fast or Strong a Rate of Fire (ROF) which
warrior will always make it farther than a Strike. shows you how many times
savage madman. they can use their attacks when
Casting Action
they take an Attack Action.
Rounds and Turns Cast a Sign or Spell.
Example: On the
Combat in The Witcher TRPG breaks down Item Action monster’s turn, the GM decides
into rounds, a time block of about 3 seconds Draw, pick up, or use an item. the monster is going to use its
during which each participant in the com- Claw Attack Action. The ROF is
bat has a turn to act. Movement Action
Move up to a number of meters equal to their 2, so the GM makes two Attack
Initiative SPEED.
If the NPC or mon-
The order of turns in a round is determined Skill Action ster has a ROF of two, they can
by Initiative, which players roll for their Use a Skill to perform a task which can be make both attacks against the
characters at the start of combat. To deter- accomplished in 3 seconds. same target or split them.
mine Initiative, roll 1d10+REFLEX for each
player character. The GM rolls for everyone Special Movement
else. GMs can roll for each participant they During combat, a character might be called
control individually but may speed things upon to move in unusual ways or difficult
up by rolling a single Initiative for groups of circumstances. Unless they have an ability
characters, such as a squad of castle guards, that rules otherwise, whenever a character
who will all act at the same time during a has to move through unusual terrain (mov-
round. ing through thorny overgrowth, squeezing
Once Initiative is determined, com- through a narrow pipe, etc.) or in unusual
bat proceeds. Each round, the participant ways (climbing, swimming, etc.) they move
with the highest Initiative acts first, then the up to a number of meters equal to their Leap
next highest, and so forth, until the lowest instead of their SPEED.
Initiative. If there is a tie, the character with Jumping is an Action and should be
the highest REFLEX goes first. Once each performed after Movement and not before.
participant has acted, the round ends and a
new round begins. Extra Action
A character can always choose to At the end of their turn, a player charac-
delay their turn, voluntarily lowering their ter has the option of spending 3 points of
Initiative so they act later in the round. STAMINA in order to perform a single Ex-
However, the point at which they take their tra Action. This Extra Action is performed
turn becomes their new Initiative for the re- with a Moderate (-3) penalty if it requires a
mainder of the combat. Skill Check. Much like a regular Action, an
Extra Action can be any listed on the Action
Actions Table.
During their turn, a character can do the GM controlled characters and crea-
following: tures cannot normally perform Extra Ac-
• Movement: Move up to a number of tions.
meters equal to their SPEED.
• Action: Perform a single Action, as de- Weapon Accuracy (WA)
fined on the Actions Table. All weapons in The Witcher TRPG have a
A character can perform their Movement Weapon Accuracy which shows how easy/
and Action in any order, but they cannot difficult to wield they are. When attacking
split their Movement to move, perform an you add/subtract the WA of the weapon to
Action, and move again. your Check.

Attack Actions character not only avoids the attack but

When performing an Attack Action, a play- moves a number of meters equal to their
Leap in any direction which is not di-
Ranges er character can do one of the following:
rectly towards the attacker. Reposition
Thrown and ranged weap- • Fast Melee Strike: Attack up to two
times unarmed or with a melee weapon uses the Athletics Skill Base.
ons are only effective within a Characters have one free Defense
certain distance, listed as their as a single Action. Each attack requires a
separate Check but can be made against Action per round, which is usually taken
Range, and suffer a Major (-5) the first time they’re attacked. After that,
penalty when targeting any- two different targets so long as they are
both within reach of the weapon. they can take additional Defense Actions
thing outside that range. The but each beyond the first costs 1 STAMINA.
maximum distance a Ranged • Fast Ranged Strike: Characters can
only make a single attack with a bow or If a character is unwilling or unable to take
Weapon can be used is double a Defense Action, the attacker must merely
its listed range. crossbow when using a Fast Strike but
can attack twice with thrown weapons beat a DC:10 for their Attack Action to suc-
so long as two weapons are readied (in ceed.
their hands and ready to use).
Blocking Ranged • Strong Melee Strike: Attack once un- Hit Location
Attacks armed or with a melee weapon as a sin- Once an Attack Action succeeds, the at-
gle Action against a target within reach. tacker needs to determine where the blow
Thrown and ranged weapons landed. To do this, roll 1d10 and consult the
can only be blocked by utiliz- The attack is made with a Moderate (-3)
penalty but does double damage. Hit Location Table. Depending on where
ing a shield. the attack hits, damage might be either in-
• Strong Ranged Strike: Characters can
attack with a bow or thrown weapon creased or decreased.
when using a Strong Strike but not a It is possible for an attacker to target
Tactical Combat a specific body location when attacking. This
The Attack and Defense op- Unarmed Strikes and Melee Strikes are is known as making a Called Shot and doing
tions listed here only give a taste made using the following formula: so imposes a penalty, based on the location.
of the layered, tactical combat 1d10 + The Appropriate Skill Base+WA If a Called Shot succeeds, the attacker does
of The Witcher TRPG. The full not need to roll to determine Hit Location.
game adds several additional Ranged Strikes are made using the following
options, including a full range formula: Hit Location
of wrestling and special attacks, 1d10 + The Appropriate Skill Base+WA
a parrying system, and conse- Location Penalty Multiplier
quences for when an attack or
defense truly goes poorly.
Defense Actions Head
Major (-5) x3
Unless they are unconscious or physically (1)
incapable of moving, a character can always Upper Body
defend against an attack using one of the fol- Mild (-1) x1
lowing Defense Actions. These actions can
defend against unarmed, melee, and ranged Lower Body Moderate
attacks and against any Spell or Sign desig- (8-10) (-3)
nated as Direct (Physical) or Area (Physi-
• Block: Using a weapon, shield, or body Ambushes
part to prevent an attack from connect- To successfully ambush an enemy, the at-
ing. If a body part is used and the block tackers must first be unnoticed by their tar-
succeeds, that body part is automati- gets. The attackers must succeed at a Stealth
cally hit by the attack and suffers dam- Skill Check, opposed by the Awareness Skill
age, though Armor applies to reduce it. Check of any potential targets. Members of
Blocking with a weapon uses appropri- the ambushing party can make a single At-
ate weapon Skill Base. Blocking with a tack Action against any target whose Aware-
shield uses the Melee Skill Base. Block- ness Check was lower than their Stealth Skill
ing with a body part uses the Brawling Check. This free Attack Action is made with
Skill Base. a Major (+5) bonus, though the target can
• Dodge: Moving out of the way of an at- still use a Defense Action to avoid the attack.
tack, usually by only a few inches. Dodge Once all ambushers have made their free At-
uses the Dodge/Escape Skill Base. tack Action, everyone should roll Initiative
• Reposition: Rolling or leaping out of and the first round of combat begins.
the way of an attack. If successful, the

Modifiers in Combat Step 1: Roll Dice and add BODY Penalty/

Several factors can influence an Attack or Bonus
Each weapon, spell, or ability that can cause
Defense Action. GMs can use the Exam-
harm has a damage code in the form of XdY,
Weapon Effects
ple Combat Modifiers Table to help them
where X equals the number of dice that are In the full game, many weap-
decide if a factor should impose a penalty
rolled, and Y equals the type of die which is ons have special effects that
or award a bonus. It can’t cover every situa-
rolled. To determine the amount of damage change how they operate. In
tion but gives GMs benchmarks so they can
inflicted, roll the damage code and total the Easy Mode we have only a few
make calls of their own.
dice. Some damage codes also have a +Z at basic examples:
• Armor Piercing: Armor
Example Combat Modifiers the end, which is added to the total of the
piercing weapons ignore
Modifier Example Attackers making melee or thrown damage resistances except
Target is horse-sized or weapon attacks also add a modifier to their for a monster’s resistance
larger, target is marked damage roll based on their BODY, as marked to non-silver weapons.
Mild (+1)
or outlined with light in on their character sheet. • Bleeding: When this
some way.
weapon deals damage to
Target is dog-sized or
Body Damage Modifier a target, it has a percentage
chance to inflict the bleed
Mild (-1) smaller, roughly 1/3 of the Body Damage Modifier condition.
target is in cover. • Long Reach: Long reach
Target’s movement is 1-2 Moderate (-3) weapons can target crea-
Moderate (+3) tures that are 2m away
heavily restricted.
from the attacker.
Dim light, blinded by 3-4 Mild (-1)
Moderate (-3) dust/light, roughly ½ of
the target is in cover.
5-6 No Modifier
Attacking from successful
Major (+5) It’s always possible a charac-
7-8 Mild (+1) ter might fall off a roof or be
Complete darkness, bank- dropped by a flying enemy.
ing a ranged attack off an Characters fall at a rate of 30
object to hit the target, a 9-10 Moderate (+3)
Major (-5) meters per round and if they
target is at extreme range, hit the ground (or roof or what-
target is almost entirely have-you) they take 1d6 lethal
10+ Major (+5)
behind cover. damage to the upper body for
every 2 meters they’ve fallen.
One special modifier of note is the penalty Armor reduces the damage
for multiple enemies. A target suffers a Mild Step 2: Add Silver Damage if Applicable
Silver is like poison to monsters, which but only after totaling all the
(-1) Penalty when taking a Defense Action dice. Catching a convenient
for each enemy beyond the first which is is why most witchers carry a silver sword.
When determining damage against a mon- ledge, rope, or awning requires
in melee range. It’s harder to dodge when an Athletics Skill Check against
you’re in a crowded setting. ster by an attack made with a silver weapon,
the attacker rolls a number of extra dice as DC:15.
Damage Types indicated in the weapon’s description and
Characters in The Witcher TRPG can suffer adds it to the total determined in step 1.
two types of damage. Lethal damage lowers
a character’s Health Pool (HP) while non-le- Step 3: Factor in Strong Strike multiplier
thal damage lowers their STAMINA (STA). If the attack was a Strong Strike, multiply the
Unless otherwise noted, damage is lethal. damage total calculated thus far by 2.
Unarmed combat damage is non-lethal, as
are some spells and creature abilities. Step 4: Don’t Forget Armor
Combat can turn deadly quickly, which is
Calculating Damage why most characters expecting it wear Ar-
Once an attack hits, the attacker needs to mor. All Armor has a Stopping Power (SP)
figure out how much damage was done. The rating. Subtract the SP of the Armor where
following process applies to both lethal and the target was hit from the total thus far. If
non-lethal damage. the SP of the Armor reduces the damage to
0, stop here. The Armor repels the attack.

Step 5: Hit Location Modifier Critical Wounds

As long as at least 1 point of damage pen-
etrates the target’s Armor, multiply the Location Untreated Treated
No Doctor? damage calculated thus far by the modifier -1 to INT,
No Problem! for the attack’s hit location rounding down (Concussion) WILL, and -1 to WILL
It’s quite possible your party (minimum 1). That’s x1/2 for lower body Save
does not include Kaska the hits, x1 for upper body hits, and x3 for head Upper Body -2 to BODY,
Doctor as a player character. In shots. -1 to REF -1 to BODY
(Broken Ribs) and DEX
that case, the GM has a few op-
tions when it comes to treating Step 6: Calculate in Resistance and Sus- -3 to SPD, -1 to SPD,
Critical Wounds. ceptibility Dodge/ Dodge/
Lower Body
(Injured Leg) Athletics Skill Athleticsand
Escape, and Escape
They can include Some characters are specifically susceptible Skill
Kaska as a GM run player or resistant to specific attack types. All mon- Checks Checks
character who travels with the sters, for example, are resistant to everything
party. but fire and attacks made with silver weap-
Kaska can live in the ons, while drowners are specifically suscep- Stabilization
nearby village and his services tible to fire. If a monster is resistant to an A character reduced to 0 STAMINA gains
can be engaged for a cost of 25 attack type and the attack has penetrated the Unconscious Effect. A character re-
crowns per patient seen. their Armor, multiply the damage as calcu- duced to 0 HP gains the Dying Effect (See
The GM can allow lated thus far by 1/2. If they are vulnerable to Effects). Both Effects end when the affected
the First Aid Skill to be used the attack type and the attack has penetrated character is Stabilized. To Stabilize a patient,
in place of the Healing Hands their armor, instead multiply the damage as another character must succeed at a First
Skill to Treat a Critical Wound, calculated thus far by x2. Aid Skill Check (DC:10 for Unconscious,
though actual healing doesn’t DC:15 for Dying). If the Skill Check is suc-
begin until the character sees a Step 7: Apply the final damage total. cessful, the condition ends, and the afflicted
real doctor. character’s STAMINA and/or HP is brought
up to 1.
Armor Damage
Critical Wound Any time a character’s Armor is penetrated Healing Stamina & HP
by an attack, it suffers damage. This applies
Healing to both worn armor and the natural armor
STAMINA recovers at a rate equal to your
RECOVERY per hour spent resting. This
of monsters. When an attack penetrates Ar- rate is halved if any part of that hour is spent
Body Days mor, reduce the SP of the armor in the hit engaged in strenuous activity such as run-
1-4 5 location by 1. When the SP of a piece of ning around, manual labor, or combat.
5 3 armor reaches 0, it breaks entirely and be- To recover Health Points, a patient
comes useless. must first be treated with a DC:10 First Aid
6-7 2
Skill Check. After the Check succeeds, they
8+ 1 Critical Wounds regain a number of HP equal to their RE-
If a character’s Attack Skill Check beats their COVERY per day spent resting. Performing
opponent’s Defense Skill Check by 10 or strenuous activity for even part of the day
higher, they score a Critical Wound. A tar- halves that rate. If a Doctor’s Healing Hands
get suffering a Critical Wound takes 5 points Skill is used to begin treatment instead of
of bonus damage, which Armor does not First Aid, the patient recovers an additional
stop, and suffers an additional effect based 3 HP per day.
on the Hit Location as noted on the Criti-
cal Wounds Table. These effects are ongo- Healing Critical Wounds
ing and last until the Critical Wound is fully To heal a Critical Wound, it must first be
healed. Even when treated by a Doctor, the seen to by a Doctor. The Doctor must spend
Critical Wound effect only lessens instead of 4 full rounds performing no other action
vanishing entirely. except treating the Wound and succeed at
a DC:15 Healing Hands Skill Check. If the
Doctor succeeds, the Wound is Treated and
the patient now suffers from the Treated
Penalty and not the Untreated Penalty.
Once a Critical Wound is treated, it
heals in a number of days as dictated by the
Critical Wound Healing table.

Certain abilities, spells, and other factors can inflict Effects on characters which have on-
going consequences beyond damage. Effects of the same type do not stack on a character.
Name Effect
You are bleeding. You take 2 points of HP damage at the start of your turn each
Bleed round until a successful First Aid Skill Check at DC:15 stops the bleeding; this is
an Action.
Your eyes are covered or damaged. Until you can uncover or heal your eyes you
Blinded have a Moderate (-3) penalty to all Attack and Defense Actions and a Major (-5)
penalty to all Awareness Skill Checks.
Your HP has been reduced to 0. You also suffer the prone and unconscious
Effects and must make an immediate Save Check or die. At the beginning of your
turn on each successive round or if you are hit by another successful Attack Ac-
Dying tion, you must make an additional Save Check or die. These Saves have a cumu-
lative Mild (-1) penalty for each Save you made beyond the first. This Effect ends
when you are Stabilized (see Healing) or die.
You are engulfed in flame. At the start of your turn each round you take 5 points of
damage to your upper body, lower body, and head. Armor SP lowers this damage,
but the flames reduce the SP of the Armor by 1 each turn, even if it blocks all the
Fire damage. To remove the Effect you must either spend a full turn putting out the
flames by rolling around or submerging yourself in water. You cannot perform any
Action or Movement while doing so.
Your body is stiff with cold and covered in an icy glaze. You suffer a Moderate (-3)
Freeze penalty to your SPEED and a Minor (-1) penalty to your REFLEX. Breaking free
requires a DC:16 Physique Skill Check, which is an Action.
A toxic substance is in your body. You take 3 points of lethal damage at the start of
your turn each round. Armor does not negate this damage. The Effect ends when
Poison the toxin is treated by medicine (DC:15 First Aid Skill Check) or resisted (DC:15
Endurance Skill Check). Both are an Action.
You have been knocked off your feet. You suffer a Moderate (-3) Penalty to all
Attack and Defense Actions. Standing up requires either someone to spend an
Prone Action to pull you up or you to sacrifice your Movement to get to your feet. Once
you are on your feet, you can finish your turn as normal.
Acting has become difficult, either for emotional or physical reasons. While
Stun stunned you cannot move or take an Action, including Defense Actions. To end
this Effect, you must either take a full turn to make a Save Check or be successfully
struck by an Attack Action.
You are unconscious. You also suffer the prone Effect and cannot move or
Unconscious perform any Action, including Defense Actions. This Effect ends when you are
Stabilized (see Healing).

Inflicting Effects If they roll below, they are.

In some cases, an Effect is automatically in- Example: An enemy mage hits Kaska
flicted on a character. Some Effects are au- with a spell which has a 75% chance of in-
tomatically triggered when certain events, flicting the fire Effect. Kaska’s player rolls two
such as reaching 0 HP, occur. d10s for a 3 and a 5, which is 35. That’s be-
In others, there is a percentage low the 75% chance, so Kaska is now not only
chance the Effect will be inflicted. When an hurt but on fire.
attack, spell, or hazard indicates a percent- Stun is a special case. If an attack,
age chance of an Effect being inflicted, the spell, or ability has a chance of inflicting
player or GM should make a percentile roll. stun, the character must make a Save Check.
If the roll is above the percentage chance, If they fail, they are inflicted with stun.
the character is not inflicted with the Effect.

What About Priests?

Priests in the world of The
Witcher can also cast magic,
usually in the form of invoca-
Ever since the Conjunction of the Spheres, is cast or who enters the area while the
tions. Priests generally believe certain people have been born with the spell is active must make a Skill Check.
the gods granted their magic, capability of tapping into a strange force Spells marked Area (Physical) can be
while mages believe priests are and bending it to their will. This force, defended against using any Defense Ac-
deluding themselves. Priests known as the Primal Chaos, is drawn tion. Otherwise, the specific Skill Check
weren’t included in Easy Mode from the four elemental planes that encir- needed to defend against the spell is
but are available as a Profession cle the globe. Those with a strong connec- noted.
in the full game. tion to the Primal Chaos usually receive • Spells with a Defense of none cannot
an education in the methods of utilizing be defended against in any way. To suc-
their power and are collectively known as ceed, the caster only has to make a Spell
mages, though they might have a variety Casting Skill Check and not roll a 1.
of other names, such as witch, sorcerer, or
The Focus Effect magician. Stamina and Vigor Threshold
Weapons or items with the fo- Most magic performed by mages Casting spells isn’t easy. Mages draw Primal
cus effect allow the wielder to is in the form of spells, a complex binding Chaos through their bodies to power a spell
lower the Stamina Cost of any which draws power from the elemental and this tires them. Each spell has a Stami-
spell they cast by the amount planes, focuses it through the mage’s body, na cost. Whenever a magic user casts a spell,
listed in parenthesis. This can- and shapes it into a specific effect. they remove a number of points from their
not lower the Stamina Cost As part of their training, witchers STAMINA equal to the spell’s Stamina Cost.
below 1. learn to cast Signs, a less potent and more There’s a limit to how much Primal
versatile form of magic. For the purposes of Chaos a magic user can channel through
the game, the procedure for casting Signs their body, represented by their Vigor
and spells are the same with one key dif- Threshold. If the total Stamina Cost of all
ference, as noted in the Stamina and Vigor the spells cast by the magic user during a
Threshold section. single round exceeds their Vigor Threshold,
they take damage to their Health Points. A
Casting Spells magic user loses 5 HP for every point of to-
A spell can be cast as either an Action or an tal Stamina Cost beyond their Vigor Thresh-
Extra Action, which means it is possible for old.
a magic user to cast more than one spell in a Example: Aislinn has a Vigor Thresh-
single round. Checks to cast spells are made old of 5. On her turn, she casts Earthen Spike,
using the following formula: which has a Stamina Cost of 5, to attack an
1d10 + Spell Casting Skill Base enemy. She then spends 3 STAMINA to take
an Extra Action and casts Dormyn’s Fog,
If the magic user’s player beats their target which has a Stamina Cost of 3, to hide herself.
number, the spell is successful and the effect, The total Stamina Cost of the spells Aislinn
as listed in the spell’s description, occurs. If cast this round is 8, which is 3 higher than her
the magic user’s player does not beat the tar- Vigor Threshold of 5. She takes a total of 15
get number, the spell fails. points of HP damage for channeling too much
energy through her body too quickly.
Target Numbers Unlike spells, Signs have a varia-
The target number a player must roll against ble Stamina Cost. A witcher can choose to
depends upon the type of spell. spend between 1 and 7 points of Stamina
• Direct spells affect specific targets in when casting a Sign. The more STAMINA
an adverse way. Spells marked Direct spent, the stronger the effect.
(Physical) can be defended against us-
ing any Defense Action. Otherwise, the Range and Duration
specific skill Check needed to defend All spells have a range of effect and a dura-
against the spell is noted. tion. Unlike a mundane ranged weapon, a
• Area spells fill an area with an effect. spell cannot affect a target beyond its listed
Any target in the area when the spell range.

Some spells are marked Area. Area ing an Active spell, but it can be dropped at
spells will either fill a cone with a designated any time without taking an action.
width at its widest point and the caster as an
origin point, or it fills a circle with a desig- Critical Wounds
nated width which centers on a point desig- Spells with a physical component, such
nated by the caster within the spell’s range. as a spell which sets a target on fire or hits
Spells with a duration of immediate them with shards of earth, can cause Critical
take effect right away and then end. Spells Wounds if the Spell Casting Check exceeds
with a random duration (for example, 1d10 the target’s Defense Action by a high enough
rounds) require a die roll to determine amount(See Combat).
how long it lasts and end on the end of the
magic user’s turn on the final round. Spells Fumbling
with a duration of Active require additional If a player rolls a 1 when making a Spell
STAMINA be spent each round to maintain Casting skill Check, the magic user not only
or else it ends. The STAMINA must be spent fails at casting the spell but suffers harm.
at the beginning of the magic user’s turn and The GM should ask the player to make a
counts towards the total Stamina Cost when second d10 roll, then consult the following
it comes to Vigor Threshold. No other spell table and apply an effect based on the result.
can be cast while a magic user is maintain-

Fumble Table
Roll Effect
The magic sparks, dealing an amount of HP damage to the magic user
1-6 equal to the Stamina Cost of the spell. Armor does not negate this dam-
In addition to the above, the magic user suffers an effect depending on
the elemental type of the spell.
• Earth: The magic user is stunned.
• Air: The magic user is knocked prone and back 2 meters.
• Fire: The magic user is set on fire.
7-9 • Water: The magic user is frozen.
• Mixed Element: Roll 1d6.
• 1: The earth effect.
• 2: The air effect.
• 3-5: The fire effect.
• 6: The water effect.
In addition to the above, there is an explosion of energy outward from
the magic user. Anyone within a 2-meter radius also suffers an amount
of HP damage equal to the Stamina Cost of the spell to the upper body.
Armor does defend against this damage.

Crafting in the Main

Because this is Easy Mode,
Craftsmen are hard-working, and often formula in order to make a specific piece of
we’ve simplified the crafting hard-worked, professionals. All around the armor, shield, weapon, or alchemical sub-
process. In the main game, Continent, people need things fixed or need stance.
crafting can be an important someone to build something for them. Ar-
and even vital part of any ad- mies and villages alike need craftspeople to Step 2 The Components
venture. There are rules for create weapons, farm tools, jewelry, barrels, Wood. Steel. Ghoul liver. All are useful com-
crafting almost any weapon alchemical concoctions, and more! ponents. Every diagram/formula lists the
or substance, usually at one Three Player Characters in Easy Mode pos- components needed to make the item in
third the purchase price of the sess the necessary skills for crafting. Kaska question, as well as how much those com-
item. There are also rules for Torma and Luskar of Hagge each have the ponents cost.
gathering components from Alchemy Skill, which is used for creating
the wild using the Wilderness alchemical substances and witcher potions, Step 3: The Check
Survival skill to make it even while Ada of Ban Ard has the Crafting Skill, Once a craftsperson has their components
less expensive! Lastly, there’s an which can be used to create anything from a and access to the proper crafting tools, they
entire Profession, the Crafts- chair to a sword. The process for using either begin crafting. Each diagram/formula lists
man, dedicated to crafting. skill is the same. how long it takes to craft an item and the
While any character with the Kaska Torma, Luskar of Hagge, and DC the player must beat on an Alchemy or
right skills can craft, Craftsmen Ada of Ban Ard each start off with a single Crafting Skill Check. If the player succeeds
receive special perks when diagram/formula, all of which are listed be- at their Skill Check, the components are
making items or mixing sub- low. used up and their character has made the
stances. item in question. If they fail, the components
Step 1: The Diagram/Formula are still used up, but their character has only
For anything a craftsperson can make, there created a mess. They can try again, but only
is a diagram or formula which explains the after they purchase additional components.
ingredients and method of assembly. The
craftsperson must have the proper diagram/

Formulas & Diagrams

Kaska’s Formula
Name Time Components
Clotting Powder 12 5 Rounds Aether (x1), Rebis (x1)

Luskar’s Formula
Name Time Components
Swallow Potion 16 1/2 Hour Aether (x1), Caelum (x1), Vitriol (x1),

Ada’s Diagram
Name Time Components
Ammunition, Broadhead Timber (x1), Iron (x1), Feathers (x1),
15 1 Hour
(x10) Sharpening Grit (x1)

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