Basico Das Regras
Basico Das Regras
Basico Das Regras
character and then compared. The character roll a third time. This time, the result is 3. This
with the highest result succeeds. If the re- is added to the 35 for a total Skill Check result
sults are equal, the defender (the character of 38.
reacting instead of acting) succeeds. If nei- When the result of a Skill Check roll
Example Modifiers
ther character is the defender (for example, is 1, roll the d10 a second time and subtract Mod. Example
in an arm-wrestling contest) the Skill Check that value from the Skill Base. If the result is
Extra time spent
ends in a draw and the characters must de- a 10, subtract 10 from the Skill Base and roll Mild
on task, superior
cide if they want to continue opposing one a third time, subtracting that value as well. (+1)
another and make another Skill Check. Keep going until the roll is something other
than a 10. A Skill Check result can never be Performing
Modifiers reduced below a 1. Mild
complex task
There might be times when the GM decides Example: Kaska’s player rolls a 1 on for the first time,
factors beyond a character’s abilities can in- a Human Perception Skill Check. They roll being slightly
fluence a Skill Check. For example, a charac- again for a 10 and subtract that from their drunk
ter might be trying to spot a thief in a room Human Perception Base of 12 for a total of Aid from an-
with dim light. When this happens, the GM 2. Because the second roll was a 10, they roll other character
assigns a modifier to the Skill Check in the a third time, getting a 4. Kaska’s Human Per- experienced in
form of a bonus or penalty. ception Skill Check is reduced to the mini- the task, wearing
Bonuses positively modify Skill mum value of 1. Moderate
the right military
Checks. Penalties negatively modify them. (+3)
uniform and
They come in three levels: Mild (+1/-1), Saves rank when
Moderate (+3/-3), and Major (+5/-5). When When there is a chance a character might giving orders to a
a GM assigns a modifier, it is added or sub- be stunned or might die, they must make solider
tracted to the Skill Check before deciding a Save Check. To make a Save Check, roll Dim lighting
the result. 1d10 and compare it to the character’s Save. conditions,
Example: Orban Madaras has been If the roll is less than the Save value, the Moderate
arrested and is attempting to pick the cell lock Check succeeds. If it is equal to or greater (-3)
with an improvised lock pick fashioned from than the Save value, the Check fails, and the sleep-deprived
their belt buckle. The GM decides working character is stunned or dead.
without the proper tools imposes a Moderate Possessing a
(-3) Penalty on the Skill Check. Orban’s play- Statistics royal writ when
er rolls 1d10 for a 4, adds Orban’s Pick Lock Statistics are the inherent physical and men- giving orders,
Base of 9, and then subtracts the penalty of 3. tal abilities of a character. Major being intimately
The total is 10. • INTELLIGENCE (INT): Memory, per- (+5) familiar with a
A GM can assign multiple modifi- ception, and deduction. location when
ers to a Skill Check. • REFLEXES (REF): Unarmed & melee trying to notice
GMs can use the Example Modi- combat and riding. something
fiers Table to help them decide if a factor • DEXTERITY (DEX): Ranged combat, Full darkness,
warrants a bonus or penalty. It can’t cover sleight of hand, and stealth. Major under attack,
every situation but gives GMs benchmarks, • BODY (BODY): Strength and endur- (-5) hostile environ-
so they can make calls of their own. ance. ment
• SPEED (SPD): Distance a character can
Exploding 1s and 10s move in a turn.
When a 1 or a 10 is rolled on a Skill Check, • EMPATHY (EMP): Performing, social
the die “explodes”, which means the die is interactions, and understanding others.
rolled again and modifies the results. • CRAFT (CRA): Creating and using
When a 10 is rolled, add 10 to the things, medicine.
Skill Check. Then roll the d10 again and add • WILL (WILL): Matters of magic, intim-
that number to the Skill Check as well. If the idation, and courage.
second roll is a 10, add 10 and roll again. • LUCK (LUCK): A pool of points play-
Keep doing this until the new roll is some- ers can spend. Each point spent adds a
thing other than a 10. Mild (+1) bonus to a Skill Check or rais-
Example: Kaska’s player rolls a 10 es their Save by 1 for a Save Check.
on an Awareness Skill Check. They add 10 to • Vigor: How much magic a magic user
their Awareness Base of 15 for a total of 25, can channel (see Magic).
then roll again, getting another 10. They add • Save: Used when making a Save Check.
10 to the current total of 25 to make 35 and
Combat in The Witcher is deadly, bloody,
and punishing. You can go running into
Opposition And
Unlike players, NPCs and
monsters which are controlled
battle, hacking and slashing but that likely Actions by the GM do not take Fast
won’t help against anything tougher than Attack Action or Strong Strikes. They have
a mugger in the local tavern. A tactical Attack an opponent using a Fast or Strong a Rate of Fire (ROF) which
warrior will always make it farther than a Strike. shows you how many times
savage madman. they can use their attacks when
Casting Action
they take an Attack Action.
Rounds and Turns Cast a Sign or Spell.
Example: On the
Combat in The Witcher TRPG breaks down Item Action monster’s turn, the GM decides
into rounds, a time block of about 3 seconds Draw, pick up, or use an item. the monster is going to use its
during which each participant in the com- Claw Attack Action. The ROF is
bat has a turn to act. Movement Action
Move up to a number of meters equal to their 2, so the GM makes two Attack
Initiative SPEED.
If the NPC or mon-
The order of turns in a round is determined Skill Action ster has a ROF of two, they can
by Initiative, which players roll for their Use a Skill to perform a task which can be make both attacks against the
characters at the start of combat. To deter- accomplished in 3 seconds. same target or split them.
mine Initiative, roll 1d10+REFLEX for each
player character. The GM rolls for everyone Special Movement
else. GMs can roll for each participant they During combat, a character might be called
control individually but may speed things upon to move in unusual ways or difficult
up by rolling a single Initiative for groups of circumstances. Unless they have an ability
characters, such as a squad of castle guards, that rules otherwise, whenever a character
who will all act at the same time during a has to move through unusual terrain (mov-
round. ing through thorny overgrowth, squeezing
Once Initiative is determined, com- through a narrow pipe, etc.) or in unusual
bat proceeds. Each round, the participant ways (climbing, swimming, etc.) they move
with the highest Initiative acts first, then the up to a number of meters equal to their Leap
next highest, and so forth, until the lowest instead of their SPEED.
Initiative. If there is a tie, the character with Jumping is an Action and should be
the highest REFLEX goes first. Once each performed after Movement and not before.
participant has acted, the round ends and a
new round begins. Extra Action
A character can always choose to At the end of their turn, a player charac-
delay their turn, voluntarily lowering their ter has the option of spending 3 points of
Initiative so they act later in the round. STAMINA in order to perform a single Ex-
However, the point at which they take their tra Action. This Extra Action is performed
turn becomes their new Initiative for the re- with a Moderate (-3) penalty if it requires a
mainder of the combat. Skill Check. Much like a regular Action, an
Extra Action can be any listed on the Action
Actions Table.
During their turn, a character can do the GM controlled characters and crea-
following: tures cannot normally perform Extra Ac-
• Movement: Move up to a number of tions.
meters equal to their SPEED.
• Action: Perform a single Action, as de- Weapon Accuracy (WA)
fined on the Actions Table. All weapons in The Witcher TRPG have a
A character can perform their Movement Weapon Accuracy which shows how easy/
and Action in any order, but they cannot difficult to wield they are. When attacking
split their Movement to move, perform an you add/subtract the WA of the weapon to
Action, and move again. your Check.
Certain abilities, spells, and other factors can inflict Effects on characters which have on-
going consequences beyond damage. Effects of the same type do not stack on a character.
Name Effect
You are bleeding. You take 2 points of HP damage at the start of your turn each
Bleed round until a successful First Aid Skill Check at DC:15 stops the bleeding; this is
an Action.
Your eyes are covered or damaged. Until you can uncover or heal your eyes you
Blinded have a Moderate (-3) penalty to all Attack and Defense Actions and a Major (-5)
penalty to all Awareness Skill Checks.
Your HP has been reduced to 0. You also suffer the prone and unconscious
Effects and must make an immediate Save Check or die. At the beginning of your
turn on each successive round or if you are hit by another successful Attack Ac-
Dying tion, you must make an additional Save Check or die. These Saves have a cumu-
lative Mild (-1) penalty for each Save you made beyond the first. This Effect ends
when you are Stabilized (see Healing) or die.
You are engulfed in flame. At the start of your turn each round you take 5 points of
damage to your upper body, lower body, and head. Armor SP lowers this damage,
but the flames reduce the SP of the Armor by 1 each turn, even if it blocks all the
Fire damage. To remove the Effect you must either spend a full turn putting out the
flames by rolling around or submerging yourself in water. You cannot perform any
Action or Movement while doing so.
Your body is stiff with cold and covered in an icy glaze. You suffer a Moderate (-3)
Freeze penalty to your SPEED and a Minor (-1) penalty to your REFLEX. Breaking free
requires a DC:16 Physique Skill Check, which is an Action.
A toxic substance is in your body. You take 3 points of lethal damage at the start of
your turn each round. Armor does not negate this damage. The Effect ends when
Poison the toxin is treated by medicine (DC:15 First Aid Skill Check) or resisted (DC:15
Endurance Skill Check). Both are an Action.
You have been knocked off your feet. You suffer a Moderate (-3) Penalty to all
Attack and Defense Actions. Standing up requires either someone to spend an
Prone Action to pull you up or you to sacrifice your Movement to get to your feet. Once
you are on your feet, you can finish your turn as normal.
Acting has become difficult, either for emotional or physical reasons. While
Stun stunned you cannot move or take an Action, including Defense Actions. To end
this Effect, you must either take a full turn to make a Save Check or be successfully
struck by an Attack Action.
You are unconscious. You also suffer the prone Effect and cannot move or
Unconscious perform any Action, including Defense Actions. This Effect ends when you are
Stabilized (see Healing).
Some spells are marked Area. Area ing an Active spell, but it can be dropped at
spells will either fill a cone with a designated any time without taking an action.
width at its widest point and the caster as an
origin point, or it fills a circle with a desig- Critical Wounds
nated width which centers on a point desig- Spells with a physical component, such
nated by the caster within the spell’s range. as a spell which sets a target on fire or hits
Spells with a duration of immediate them with shards of earth, can cause Critical
take effect right away and then end. Spells Wounds if the Spell Casting Check exceeds
with a random duration (for example, 1d10 the target’s Defense Action by a high enough
rounds) require a die roll to determine amount(See Combat).
how long it lasts and end on the end of the
magic user’s turn on the final round. Spells Fumbling
with a duration of Active require additional If a player rolls a 1 when making a Spell
STAMINA be spent each round to maintain Casting skill Check, the magic user not only
or else it ends. The STAMINA must be spent fails at casting the spell but suffers harm.
at the beginning of the magic user’s turn and The GM should ask the player to make a
counts towards the total Stamina Cost when second d10 roll, then consult the following
it comes to Vigor Threshold. No other spell table and apply an effect based on the result.
can be cast while a magic user is maintain-
Fumble Table
Roll Effect
The magic sparks, dealing an amount of HP damage to the magic user
1-6 equal to the Stamina Cost of the spell. Armor does not negate this dam-
In addition to the above, the magic user suffers an effect depending on
the elemental type of the spell.
• Earth: The magic user is stunned.
• Air: The magic user is knocked prone and back 2 meters.
• Fire: The magic user is set on fire.
7-9 • Water: The magic user is frozen.
• Mixed Element: Roll 1d6.
• 1: The earth effect.
• 2: The air effect.
• 3-5: The fire effect.
• 6: The water effect.
In addition to the above, there is an explosion of energy outward from
the magic user. Anyone within a 2-meter radius also suffers an amount
of HP damage equal to the Stamina Cost of the spell to the upper body.
Armor does defend against this damage.
Luskar’s Formula
Name Time Components
Swallow Potion 16 1/2 Hour Aether (x1), Caelum (x1), Vitriol (x1),
Ada’s Diagram
Name Time Components
Ammunition, Broadhead Timber (x1), Iron (x1), Feathers (x1),
15 1 Hour
(x10) Sharpening Grit (x1)