Lit Circle Unit Plan
Lit Circle Unit Plan
Lit Circle Unit Plan
I chose this principle because the participation in a lit circle relates to talking circles. Learners will be encouraged to participate in
dialogue around their novel with peers and make connections to the text.
Big Ideas:
● Exploring stories and other texts helps us understand ourselves and make connections to others and to the world.
Learning Goal(s) for Whole Sequence:
● Students will demonstrate their ability in making connections with a story/peers, summarize plotlines of a novel and will share
learnings with peers through a gallery walk for their culminating task.
CORE Competencies Curricular Competencies: do Content: know
(Choose from one of the CORE Skills, strategies and processes to be Content/topics – what students will know:
competencies. Create an ‘I’ statement developed: (indicate from which subject (indicate from which subject area)
from your chosen competency.) area)
Collaborating Comprehend and connect (reading, Story/Text
listening, viewing
● I contribute during group ● Literary elements
activities with peers and share - Narrative structures,
roles and responsibilities to ● Recognize and appreciate the characterization, and setting.
achieve goals. role of story, narrative, and oral
tradition in expressing First Strategies & Processing
Communication Peoples perspectives, values,
beliefs, and points of view ● Oral language strategies
● I can share my ideas and try to - Focusing on the speaker, asking
connect them with others ideas Create and Communicate questions to clarify, listening for
and the text. specifics, expressing opinions,
● Exchange ideas and viewpoints speaking with expression, staying on
to build shared understanding topic, taking turns.
and extend thinking.
The ‘connect’ to this learning sequence will be a “Book Talk” where the T will describe each of the 5 books for the Lit Circles:
● “Out of my mind”
● “Schooled”
● “A Mango Shaped Space”
● “Stargirl”
● “Laggan Lard Butts” .
Through the use of slides the T will give an overview of each book, difficulty level page & chapter length. In a booklet, learners will take
short bullet point notes to help them remember what each book was about when rating their top 3 books of choice to read for their Lit
Learning Intention Teaching/Learning Activity
WEEK April 4 -8
● I can listen for the purpose of choosing a novel that is just Connect: The Book Talk (see above) is the connect to introducing the Lit
right and of interest for me. Circles.
Transform: As T describes each book for Learners, they will be taking
notes on the books and then rating their top 3 choices, giving a one
Materials sentence description of why they are interested in that book.
● Lesson Plan - (T will form groups based on students' preferences and teacher
● Slides knowledge of their reading ability.)
● Assessment Rubric
● Reading schedule
● I can describe the protocols of a lit circle. Connect: T will begin the lesson by discussing the “Book Talk” and share
their Lit Groups and books.
Materials Process: T will share slides and explain protocols how a lit circle/sharing
● 5 Novels circle works. Where it comes from and the purpose.
● Lit Circle Groups - Ex. how to sit in a circle, look at the speaker, add on to what their
● Lit Circle Booklets (Front covers and Reminders to be peers say, etc
added separately) Note taker page - Modeling book conversation and together create a brainstorm on
● Slides
the whiteboard.
T will next go on to show their booklets they will be filling in after each
circle with their group.
- There will be 3 adults in the room, most of the time. 2 groups will
have an adult with their group almost full-time (Laggan Lard Butts
and Stargirl). An adult will be bouncing around to the other 3
- T will find audio books if some learners need additional support
for their books.
- ELL has an ipad to support in translating.
- Small groups support all learners.
WEEK April 11 -15
Learning Intention: I can make connections to the plot, theme
and characters of the novel and describe my learning with my
April 11: No Lit Circle April 11: No Lit Circle
Materials Connect: Learners will read independently for the first 20 mins.
● Lit Circle Booklets Process:
● Books ● “Out of my mind” Ch. 6-7
● “Schooled” Ch. 5-7
● “A Mango Shaped Space” Ch. 3- 4
● “Stargirl” Ch.5-7
● “Laggan Lard Butts” Ch. 2
- Through questions in their booklet
- Discussions with peers
- There will be 3 adults in the room, most of the time. 2 groups will
have an adult with their group almost full-time (Laggan Lard Butts
and Stargirl). An adult will be bouncing around to the other 3
- T will find audio books if some learners need additional support
for their books.
- ELL has an ipad to support in translating.
- Small groups support all learners.
Materials Connect: Learners will read independently for the first 20 mins.
● Lit Circle Booklets ● “Out of my mind” Ch. 8-9
● Books ● “Schooled” Ch. 7-9
● “A Mango Shaped Space” Ch. 4- Pg 67
● “Stargirl” Ch.7-10
● “Laggan Lard Butts”
- Read/Discuss
- Through questions in their booklet
- Discussions with peers
- There will be 3 adults in the room, most of the time. 2 groups will
have an adult with their group almost full-time (Laggan Lard Butts
and Stargirl). An adult will be bouncing around to the other 3
- T will find audio books if some learners need additional support
for their books.
- ELL has an ipad to support in translating.
- Small groups support all learners.
Materials Connect: Learners will read independently for the first 20 mins.
GOOD FRIDAY ● “Out of my mind” Ch. 9-10
● “Schooled” Ch. 9-11
● Lit Circle Booklets
● “A Mango Shaped Space” Pg. 68-Ch 5 (Pg. 80/Ch5)
● Books
● “Stargirl” Ch.10-12
● “Laggan Lard Butts” Ch. 3
Transform:Instead of discussion questions: write a few notes on what
stuck out to you in this chapter: questions, insights and opinions.
WEEK April 18-22
Learning Intention: I can make connections to the plot,
theme and characters of the novel and describe my
learning with my peers.
EASTER MONDAY Connect: Learners will read independently for the first 20 mins.
Materials Process:
● Lit Circle Booklets ● “Out of my mind” Ch. 10-12
● Books ● “Schooled” Ch. 11-12
● “A Mango Shaped Space” Ch. 5-6
● “Stargirl”
● “Laggan Lard Butts”
- Read/Discuss
- Instead of discussion questions: write a few notes on what stuck
out to you in this chapter: questions, insights and opinions.
Materials Connect: Learners will read independently for the first 20 mins.
● Lit Circle Booklets ● “Out of my mind” Ch. 12-14
● Books ● “Schooled” Ch. 12-14
● “A Mango Shaped Space” Ch. 6-7
● “Stargirl” Ch.Ch.12-14
● “Laggan Lard Butts” Ch. 4
- Through questions in their booklet
- Discussions with peers
- There will be 3 adults in the room, most of the time. 2 groups will
have an adult with their group almost full-time (Laggan Lard Butts
and Stargirl). An adult will be bouncing around to the other 3
- T will find audio books if some learners need additional support
for their books.
- ELL has an ipad to support in translating.
- Small groups support all learners.
Materials Connect: Learners will read independently for the first 20 mins.
Materials Connect: Learners will read independently for the first 20 mins.
● Lit Circle Booklets
● Books Process:
● “Out of my mind” Ch. 18-20
● “Schooled” Ch. 17-19
● “A Mango Shaped Space” Page 134-Ch 9 (Pg. 143)
● “Stargirl” Ch.17-19
● “Laggan Lard Butts”
- Read/Discuss
- Through questions in their booklet
- Discussions with peers
- There will be 3 adults in the room, most of the time. 2 groups will
have an adult with their group almost full-time (Laggan Lard Butts
and Stargirl). An adult will be bouncing around to the other 3
- T will find audio books if some learners need additional support
for their books.
- ELL has an ipad to support in translating.
- Small groups support all learners.
Materials Connect: Learners will read independently for the first 20 mins.
Materials Connect: Learners will read independently for the first 20 mins.
● Lit Circle Booklets
● Books Process:
● “Out of my mind” Ch. 25-27
● “Schooled” Ch. 22-24
● “A Mango Shaped Space” Ch. 11-12
● “Stargirl” Ch.26-27
● “Laggan Lard Butts” Ch. 8-10
- Through questions in their booklet
- Discussions with peers
- There will be 3 adults in the room, most of the time. 2 groups will
have an adult with their group almost full-time (Laggan Lard Butts
and Stargirl). An adult will be bouncing around to the other 3
- T will find audio books if some learners need additional support
for their books.
- ELL has an ipad to support in translating.
- Small groups support all learners.
Materials Connect: Learners will read independently for the first 20 mins.
Materials Connect: Learners will read independently for the first 20 mins.
● Lit Circle Booklets
● Books Process:
● “Out of my mind” Ch. 29-31
● “Schooled” Ch. 28-30
● “A Mango Shaped Space” Ch.15- Pg 261
● “Stargirl” Ch.30-31
● “Laggan Lard Butts” Ch.12-14
- Through questions in their booklet
- Discussions with peers
- There will be 3 adults in the room, most of the time. 2 groups will
have an adult with their group almost full-time (Laggan Lard Butts
and Stargirl). An adult will be bouncing around to the other 3
- T will find audio books if some learners need additional support
for their books.
- ELL has an ipad to support in translating.
- Small groups support all learners.
WEEK May 9-13 (May 11: catch up)
Lessons 1-2 of this week Learning Intention: I can make
connections to the plot, theme and characters of the
novel and describe my learning with my peers.
Materials Connect: Learners will read independently for the first 20 mins.
● Lit Circle Booklets
● Books Process:
● “Out of my mind” Ch. 31- 33 (end pg. 295)
- Longer chapters 15-20pgs long
● “Schooled” Ch. 30- end of Ch. 33
- Longer chapters 15-20 pages
● “A Mango Shaped Space” Pg 261-270
● “Stargirl” Ch.31-end of Ch.33
- Shorter chapters
● “Laggan Lard Butts” Ch.14-15
- Shorter chapters
- Through questions in their booklet
- Discussions with peers
- There will be 3 adults in the room, most of the time. 2 groups will
have an adult with their group almost full-time (Laggan Lard Butts
and Stargirl). An adult will be bouncing around to the other 3
- T will find audio books if some learners need additional support
for their books.
- ELL has an ipad to support in translating.
- Small groups support all learners.
Materials Connect: T will introduce the Bento Box, showing examples and going
through the planning booklet of what is expected and the rubric.
● Lit Circle Booklets Process:
● Books
● Assessment Rubric If necessary, Learners will be given time to catch up on wrapping up their
novels, written portion or discussion with peers.
Learners who are finished may begin their planning booklet for their
Bento Box.
● I can use technology to apply my new learning and Process: PROJECT TIME
understanding to create an artifact representing my novel. Individually learners will be given class time to fill in their planning bento
box booklets, they will then show the T what they have planned and will
Materials begin working on their project via chrome book. Learners have been
given 4-5 LA Blocks to work on their project, along with Flex time on
● Lit Circle Booklets
● Books
Mondays and Fridays and bring home if they would like.
● Planning Bento Booklets
● Chromebooks Differentiation:
● I can use technology to apply my new learning and Process: PROJECT TIME
understanding to create an artifact representing my novel. Individually learners will be given class time to fill in their planning bento
box booklets, they will then show the T what they have planned and will
Materials begin working on their project via chrome book. Learners have been
● Lit Circle Booklets given 4-5 LA Blocks to work on their project, along with Flex time on
● Books Mondays and Fridays and bring home if they would like.
● Planning Bento Booklets
● Chromebooks Differentiation:
WEEK May 16-20
● I can use technology to apply my new learning and Process: PROJECT TIME
understanding to create an artifact representing my novel. Individually learners will be given class time to fill in their planning bento
box booklets, they will then show the T what they have planned and will
Materials begin working on their project via chrome book. Learners have been
● Lit Circle Booklets given 4-5 LA Blocks to work on their project, along with Flex time on
● Books Mondays and Fridays and bring home if they would like.
● Planning Bento Booklets
● Chromebooks Differentiation:
● I can use technology to apply my new learning and Connect: T will reshare that the following class learners will be sharing
understanding to create an artifact representing my novel.
their slides to share their work with their peers and answer questions
their peers may have. We will discuss how to be respectful and kind
Materials listeners and viewers.
● Lit Circle Booklets
● Books
Individually learners will be given class time to fill in their planning bento
● Planning Bento Booklets box booklets, they will then show the T what they have planned and will
● Chromebooks begin working on their project via chrome book. Learners have been
given 4-5 LA Blocks to work on their project, along with Flex time on
Mondays and Fridays and bring home if they would like.
● I can share new learnings with peers through a gallery Connect: T will reiterate expectations and will have a slide up of the
walk. expectations of the gallery walk. T will re-explain that they will be taking
turns going around the class sharing their work and answering peer
Materials questions . We will go over the slide on the projector of expectations and
how to be respectful and kind listeners and viewers.
● Learners ‘Bento Boxes’
● Chromebooks
Learners will stand with the picture of their Bento Box and briefly
describe each symbol and its connection to their story. Learners listening
will have an opportunity to ask questions.
T will have sentence stems on the board.
(Last day of practicum) ● This is an extra day in case learners need additional time to
read and finish their novels or additional time to plan and
create their Bento Boxes.
● Learners may need 2 days to present
Learners will create a slideshow presentation of their Bento Box along with a picture of it:
● Book and 5-7 objects that hold meaning/represent something in the book
Formative Assessment:
- Observing as learners are reading, sharing and writing: asking what is working? What is not working/or could be better?
- Booklet of their thinking throughout each circle.
- Sharing 1 thing they learned listening to peers.
Summative Assessment:
- Bento Box / Lit Circle Rubric (Learner self assessment & teacher assessment)
UDL & Differentiation
● Learners are given voice in which books interest them and which they might like to read.
● All learners will be given the opportunity to read their novels during silent reading.
● Audiobooks.
● When answering questions in their booklet, learners may draw symbols or pictures to share learning.
● EA will be stationed with one small group of learners reading. The classroom T and myself will be alternating between the 4 other
● Learners will be encouraged to demonstrate their culminating task (Bento Box) in diverse ways: digitally, written etc.
● Book choices are all varied in reading levels and lengths. Providing learners the opportunity to reflect and self assess on which
might be the best fit for them.
● Sentence stems for discussion and circle protocols will be up on slides for Learners to refer to when unsure.
- Learners reading “Laggan Lard Butts” will alternate reading one class then write notes and the following class will share in a circle
then read their next chapter. An alternative will be for them to read one class and then next writing and sharing. There are 14
chapters so this gives some leeway.
- There are 2 books for ‘lower’ level readers.
- There are 2 books that are a bit longer and learners who feel they are ‘strong’ readers and they want a challenge have the option of
After teaching the unit: what will you keep? What will you change?
Week One
Lesson 1
- Print off slides of book talk and have students go around the room in stations: Read, take notes and rate.
- Have print outs of a chapter or first page (second lesson) for learners to decide if its a “just write” book for them. Writing out words
they aren’t sure of: the rule of if you find 5 or more words too tricky, it might be too hard for you.
- In slides, organize from hardest to easiest.
- On Book Talk booklet: have a space for them labeled Other to then write questions and think critically about the book.
- With Book Talk slides: highlight key points/brief notes of importance. For learners to have an idea of what they should write down.
Supporting differentiation and ensures all learners have something written down.
Lesson 2
- Format went well!
- Add a spot for learners to check off when they have finished reading the expected reading: supporting their understanding of to do
lists/tasks. Building responsibility and independence of organization.
- Make these strategies explicit.
- More transitions in slides: text heavy. Allow learners to read the text off.
- Additional pieces could add: a reflection component to their roles: over the course of the novel study have learners come and ask for a
self-reflection piece of their role if it was a role they felt they did strongly and are proud of: after they do a role. How did they feel they did?
- If learners are away, they are expected to read and answer questions to keep up with their group.
- Learners can read ahead, although still expected to answer the questions and discuss. Especially those whose books are longer and
have to read on their own time.
- Go over terminology such as: protagonist, antagonist, point of view, mood, setting.