UG2018 Scheme & Syllabus KannadaIncluded 09.09.2020

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(An Autonomous Institution under Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Scheme and Syllabus (2018 Scheme)

rd th
3 /4 Semester (B.E. Mechanical Engineering)

Gogte Institute of Technology shall stand out as an institution of excellence in technical

education and in training individuals for outstanding caliber, character coupled with creativity
and entrepreneurial skills.


To train the students to become Quality Engineers with High Standards of Professionalism and
Ethics who have Positive Attitude, a Perfect blend of Techno-Managerial Skills and Problem
solving ability with an analytical and innovative mindset.


 Imparting value added technical education with state-of-the-art technology in a congenial,

disciplined and a research oriented environment.
 Fostering cultural, ethical, moral and social values in the human resources of the institution.
 Reinforcing our bonds with the Parents, Industry, Alumni, and to seek their suggestions for
innovating and excelling in every sphere of quality education.

To emerge as a center of excellence in technical education and research by moulding
students with techno managerial skills coupled with ethics and to cater to the needs of the
industry and society in general.

To impart value based education and to promote research and training in frontier areas to face
the challenges in the changing global scenario; to provide impetus to industry institute relation,
to imbibe social, ethical, managerial and entrepreneurial values in students.


The graduates will acquire core competence in basic science and mechanical
1. engineering fundamentals necessary to formulate, analyze, and solve engineering
problems and to pursue advanced study or research.
The graduates will engage in the activities that demonstrate desire for ongoing personal
and professional growth and self-confidence to adapt to rapid and major changes.
The graduates will maintain high professionalism and ethical standards, effective oral
and written communication skills, work as part of teams on multidisciplinary projects
under diverse professional environments, and relate engineering issues to the society,
global economy and to emerging technologies.


1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems
and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with
appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data,
and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give
and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological

1. The graduates will acquire core competence in basic science and mechanical
engineering fundamentals necessary to formulate, analyze and solve engineering
problems and to pursue advanced study or research.
2. The graduates will engage in the activities that demonstrate desire for ongoing personal
and professional growth and self-confidence to adapt to rapid and major changes.

3. The graduates will maintain high professionalism and ethical standards, effective oral
and written communication skills, work as part of teams on multi-disciplinary projects
under diverse professional environments and relate engineering issues to the society,
global economy and to emerging technologies.
Scheme of Teaching (All semester BE)
Total credits: 175

As per the guidelines of UGC CBCS the courses can be classified into:

(i) Core Courses (PC): This is the course which is to be compulsorily studied by a student as a core
requirement to complete the requirements of a program in a said discipline of study. These courses
will have 4 credits per course.

(ii)Foundation Courses: The Foundation Courses are of two kinds:

Compulsory Foundation (FC): These courses are the courses based upon the content that leads to
Knowledge enhancement.These courses provide opportunities to improve technological knowledge
before entering industry as well as preparing students for higher degrees in technological subjects.
They are mandatory for all disciplines. These courses will have 4 credits per course.
The courses are: Basic Science Courses (BS), Engineering Science Courses (ES).

Foundation Electives (FE): These are value based courses aimed at man making education. These
courses will have 3 credits per course. The course is related to Humanities and Social Science

(iii)Elective Courses: This is course, which can be chosen from the pool of papers. It may be
supportive to the discipline/ providing extended scope/enabling an exposure to some other discipline /
domain / nurturing student proficiency skills. These courses will have 3 credits per course.
An elective may be Discipline Centric(PE) or may be chosen from an unrelated discipline. It may be
called an Open Elective(OE).

(iv)Mandatory Non-Credit Courses (MNC): These courses are mandatory for students joining
B.E./B.Tech. Program and students have to successfully complete these courses before the completion
of degree.
Semester wise distribution of credits for B.E program

Regular batch Dip. Lateral entry

Total Total
Semester Credits/Sem Credits/Sem
credits credits
1 20 ----
1st year 40 ----
2 20 ----
3 24 24
2nd year 48 48
4 24 24
5 24 24
3rd year 48 48
6 24 24
7 23 23
4th year 39 39
8 16 16
Total 175 175 135 135
Lecture (L):One Hour /week – 1 credit
Tutorial (T): Two hour /week – 1 credit
Practicals(P): Two hours /week – 1 credit;

Syllabus Hours ( in line with VTU)

4 credit = 48 - 50 hours of syllabus
3 credit = 36 – 40 hours of syllabus

1. SEE: SEE (Theory exam) will be conducted for 100marks/50marks. It is reduced to 50 marks/25
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.

2018-19 Scheme (Regular course)

No. of Total %
S.No. Course type courses credits contribution
to total credit
1 Basic Science (Theory and Lab) BS 08 27 15.43
2 Engineering Science (Theory and Lab) ES 07 19.5 11.14
3 Humanities and Management HS 03 5.5 3.14
Professional Theory PC 17 68 38.86
Core Lab PC 12 14 08.00
Professional Elective PE 05 15 08.58
5 Electives
Open Elective OE 03 09 5.14
6 Seminars PC 01 01 0.57
7 Final Year Project PR 03 11 6.29
8 Self Study Courses SS 01 01 0.57
9 Certification Courses CC 02 02 1.14
10 Internship INT 01 02 1.14
11 Audit Courses AC 01 -- --
12 Mandatory Noncredit Courses MNC 04 -- --
Total 175 100
New Scheme of Teaching (Including branch specific additional course)


First Semester (Physics cycle) – Non circuit branches

Contact Total Marks
S.No. Course Code Course Title Hours Contact Total credits
L – T - P Hours/week CIE SEE Total
18MAT11 Calculus and
1. BS 3–2–0 5 4 50 50 100
Linear Algebra
2. 18PHY12 Applied Physics BS 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
18CIV13 Engineering
3. ES 3–0–0 3 3 50 50 100
18EGR14 Engineering
4. ES 2–0–3 5 3.5 50 50 100
18PHL15 Applied Physics 25 25 50
5. BS 0–0–3 3 1.5
18WSL16 Workshop and
6. Manufacturing ES 1–0–3 4 2.5 25 25 50
7. 18ENG17 HS 1–0–1 2 1.5 25 25
26 20 275 250 525

Second Semester (Chemistry cycle) – Non- Circuit branches

Contact Marks
Course Total Contact Total
S.No. Course Title Hours
Code Hours/week credits
L–T- P CIE SEE Total
18MAT11 Calculus and Linear
1. BS 3–2–0 5 4 50 50 100
2. 18CHE12 Applied Chemistry BS 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
Basic Electrical and
3. 18ELE13 Electronics ES 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
18CCP14 Problem Solving
4. ES 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
with C
18CHL15 Applied Chemistry
5. BS 0–0–3 3 1.5 25 25 50
18CPL16 C Programming
6. ES 0–0–3 3 1.5 25 25 50
18EEL17 Basic Electrical and
7. Electronics ES 0–0–2 2 1 25 25 50
Branch specific
8. ES 3-0-0 3 MNC 50 -- 50
additional course
25 20 275+50 275 550+50
New Scheme of Teaching (Including branch specific additional course)


First Semester (Chemistry cycle) – Circuit branches

Contact Marks
Course Total Contact Total
S.No. CourseTitle Hours
Code Hours/week credits
L–T- P CIE SEE Total
18MAT11 Calculus and Linear
1. BS 3–1–0 5 4 50 50 100
2. 18CHE12 Applied Chemistry BS 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
Basic Electrical and
3. 18ELE13 Electronics ES 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
18CCP14 Problem Solving
4. ES 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
with C
18CHL15 Applied Chemistry
5. BS 0–0–3 3 1.5 25 25 50
18CPL16 C Programming
6. ES 0–0–3 3 1.5 25 25 50
18EEL17 Basic Electrical and
7. Electronics ES 0–0–2 2 1 25 25 50
25 20 275 275 550

Second Semester (Physics cycle) – Circuit branches

Contact Total Marks
S.No. Course Code Course Title Hours Contact Total credits
L–T- P Hours/week CIE SEE Total
18MAT11 Calculus and
1. BS 3–1–0 5 4 50 50 100
Linear Algebra
2. 18PHY12 Applied Physics BS 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
18CIV13 Engineering
3. ES 3–0–0 3 3 50 50 100
18EGR14 Engineering
4. ES 2–0–3 5 3.5 50 50 100
18PHL15 Applied Physics 25 25 50
5. BS 0–0–3 3 1.5
18WSL16 Workshop and
6. Manufacturing ES 1–0–3 4 2.5 25 25 50
7. 18ENG17 HS 1–0–1 2 1.5 25 -- 25
Branch specific
8. ES 3-0-0 3 MNC 50 -- 50
additional course
26 20 275+50 250 525+50
Third Semester ( Regular) (A & B Division)
S. Contact Total Marks
Course Total
No Course Hours Contact
Code credits
. L – T - P Hours/week CIE SEE Total
1. 18MAT31 Statistical- Numerical – Fourier Techniques BS 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
2. 18ME32A Basic Thermodynamics PC 4 – 0– 0 4 4 50 50 100
3. 18ME33A Material Science and Metallurgy PC 4– 0– 0 4 4 50 50 100
4. 18ME34A Mechanics of Materials PC 4– 0– 0 4 4 50 50 100
5. 18ME35A Metal Casting and Welding Processes PC 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
6. 18MEL36A Metallurgy and Metallography Lab PC 0 – 0 –2 2 1 25 25 50
7. 18MEL37A Mechanics of Materials Lab PC 0 – 0 –2 2 1 25 25 50
8. 18MEL38A Metal Casting and Joining Lab PC 0–0–2 2 1 25 25 50
9. Kannada HS 1–0–0 1
Total 24

Third Semester ( Regular) (C Division)

S. Contact Marks
No. Course Hours Total
Course Contact
Code credits CIE SEE Tota
L – T - P Hours/week
1. 18MAT31 Statistical- Numerical – Fourier Techniques BS 4–0–0 4 4
2. 18ME32B Kinematics of Machines PC 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
3. 18ME33B Fluid Mechanics PC 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
4. 18ME34B Metrology& Mechanical Measurements PC 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
Fundamentals of Metal Cutting and
5. 18ME35B PC 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
Machine Tools
6. 18MEL36B Fluid Mechanics Lab PC 0–0–2 2 1 25 25 50
7. 18MEL37B Mechanical Measurements & Metrology Lab PC 0 – 0 –3 3 1.5 25 25 50
8. 18MEL38B Machine Shop Practices Lab PC 0–0–3 3 1.5 25 25 50
9. Environmental Studies HS MNC MNC
Total 24
Third Semester ( Diploma)
S.No Contact Total Marks
. Course Code Course Hours Contact
L–T- P Hours/week CIE SEE Total
18DIPMAT31 Calculus, Fourier Analysis & Linear
1. BS 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
2. 18ME32B Kinematics of Machines PC 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
3. 18ME33B Fluid Mechanics PC 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
4. 18ME34B Metrology& Mechanical Measurements PC 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
Fundamentals of Metal Cutting and
5. 18ME35B PC 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
Machine Tools
6. 18MEL36B Fluid Mechanics Lab PC 0–0–2 2 1 25 25 50
Mechanical Measurements and Metrology
7. 18MEL37B PC 0 – 0 –3 3 1.5 25 25 50
8. 18MEL38B Machine Shop Practices Lab PC 0–0–3 3 1.5 25 25 50
9. Environmental Studies HS MNC MNC
Total 24
Fourth Semester (Regular) (A & B Division)
Contact Hours Total Marks
S.No Total
Course Code Course Contact CIE SEE Total
. L–T- P credits
Partial Differential Equations Sampling 50 50 100
1. 18MATMC41 BS 4–0–0 4 4
Techniques Z transform
2. 18ME42B Kinematics of Machines PC 3–2–0 5 4 50 50 100
3. 18ME43B Fluid Mechanics PC 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
4. 18ME44B Metrology& Mechanical Measurements PC 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
Fundamentals of Metal Cutting and
5. 18ME45B PC 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
Machine Tools
6. 18MEL46B Fluid Mechanics Lab PC 0–0–2 2 1 25 25 50
Mechanical Measurements & Metrology
7. 18MEL47B PC 0 – 0 –3 3 1.5 25 25 50
8. 18MEL48B Machine Shop Practices Lab PC 0–0–3 3 1.5 25 25 50
9. Environmental Studies HS MNC MNC
Total 24

Fourth Semester ( Regular) (C Division)

S.No. Contact Hours Total Marks
Course Code Course Contact CIE SEE Total
L–T- P credits
Partial Differential Equations Sampling
1. 18MATMC41 BS 4–0–0 4 4 50 50 100
Techniques Z transform
2. 18ME42A Basic Thermodynamics PC 4 – 0– 0 4 4 50 50 100
3. 18ME43A Material Science and Metallurgy PC 4– 0– 0 4 4 50 50 100
4. 18ME44A Mechanics of Materials PC 4– 0– 0 4 4 50 50 100
5. 18ME454 Metal Casting and Welding Processes PC 4-0–0 4 4 50 50 100
6. 18MEL46A Metallurgy and Metallography Lab PC 0 – 0 –2 2 1 25 25 50
7. 18MEL47A Mechanics of Materials Lab PC 0 – 0 –2 2 1 25 25 50
8. 18MEL48A Metal Casting and Joining Lab PC 0–0–2 2 1 25 25 50
9. Kannada HS 1–0–0 1
Total 24
# MNC: Mandatory Non-credit course. Pass in this course is mandatory for the award of degree.
Fourth Semester (Diploma)
Contact Total Marks
S.No Total
Course Code Course Hours Contact
. credits
L–T- P Hours/week CIE SEE Total
Vector Calculus Laplace 50 50 100
1. 18DIPMATM41 BS 4–0–0 4 4
Transforms and Probability
2. 18ME42A Basic Thermodynamics PC 4 – 0– 0 4 4 50 50 100
3. 18ME43A Material Science and Metallurgy PC 4– 0– 0 4 4 50 50 100
4. 18ME44A Mechanics of Materials PC 4– 0– 0 4 4 50 50 100
Metal Casting and Welding
5. 18ME454 PC 4-0–0 4 4 50 50 100
6. 18MEL46A Metallurgy and Metallography Lab PC 0 – 0 –2 2 1 25 25 50
7. 18MEL47A Mechanics of Materials Lab PC 0 – 0 –2 2 1 25 25 50
8. 18MEL48A Metal Casting and Joining Lab PC 0–0–2 2 1 25 25 50
9. Kannada HS 1–0–0 1
Total 24
Statistical Numerical Fourier Techniques
(Common to all branches)

Course Code 18MATME31 Credits 4

Course type BS CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100


Course Learning Objectives(C

Students should

1. Learn Numerical methods to solve Algebraic, Transcendental and Ordinary Differential

2. Understand the concept of Fourier series and apply when needed.
3. Get acquainted with Fourier Transforms and its properties.
4. Study the concept of Random variables and its applications.
5. Get acquainted with Joint Probability Distribution and Stochastic processes.

Pre-requisites :
1.Basic Differentiation and Integration
2. Basic Probability
3. Basic Statistics

Unit I 10 Hours

Numerical solution of Algebraic and Transcendental equations:

Method of False position, Newton- Raphson method (with derivation), Fixed point iteration method
(without derivation).
Numerical solution of Ordinary differential equations:
Euler method, Fourth order Runge Kutta method

Unit II 10 Hours
Fourier Series:
cosine series. Practical examples, Harmonic analysis.

Unit III 10 Hours

Fourier Transforms: Infinite Fourier Transform and Properties. Fourier Sine and Cosine Transforms
Properties and Problems.

Unit IV 10 Hours
Probability: Random Variables (RV), Discrete and Continuous Random variables, (DRV,CRV)
Probability Distribution Functions (PDF) and Cumulative Distribution Functions(CDF),
Expectations( Mean, Variance). Binomial, Poisson, Exponential and Normal Distributions. Practical
Unit V 10 Hours
Joint PDF and Stochastic Processes: Discrete Joint PDF, Conditional Joint PDF, Expectations (Mean,
Variance and Covariance).Definition and classification of stochastic processes. Discrete state and
discrete parameter stochastic process, Unique fixed probability vector, Regular Stochastic Matrix,
Transition probability, Markov chain.

Text Books
1 B.S. Grewal Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 42nd Edition, 2012.

2. Erwin Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 9th Edition,

3. B. V. Ramana- Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private Limited,

Tenth reprint 2010 and onwards.

Reference Books:

1. P.N.Wartikar & J.N.Wartikar Applied Mathematics (Volume I and II) Pune Vidyarthi Griha
Prakashan, 7th Edition 1994.

2 Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 7th Edition,


3 Glyn James Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education, 4th Edition,

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

Use Numerical methods and Solve Algebraic, Transcendental and Ordinary
1. [L2]
differential equations.
2. Develop frequency bond series from time bond functions using Fourier series. [L2]
3. Understand Fourier Transforms and its properties. [L2]
4. Understand the concept of Random variables, PDF, CDF and its applications [L2]
Extend the basic probabilityconcept to Joint Probability Distribution, Stochastic
5. [L3]
Apply Joint Probability Distribution, Stochastic processes to solve relevant
6. [L3]
Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Students will acquire

1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering. PO1
2. Identify, formulate ,research literature and analyze complex engineering problems,
reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics ,natural PO2
Sciences and Engineering. Sciences
3. Create,select and apply appropriate techniques,resources and modern engineering
and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities
with an understanding of the limitations.
Course delivery methods Assessment methods
1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Scilab/Matlab/ R-Software/Geogebra 3.

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Average of two Quiz/Seminar

Components tests assignments /Course Total
/matlab/Scilab project Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 15+15 = 30 10 10 50

Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE to pass: 20 out of 50 marks.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100 marks
Question paper contains10 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions selecting at least one from each unit.
Basic Thermodynamics

Course Code 18ME32A/42A Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 50 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50 marks

Total Hours: SEE Duration 3 Hours for

100 marks

Course learning objectives

1. To understand the basic concepts of thermodynamics like system, properties, equilibrium,
pressure, specific volume, temperature, zeroth law of thermodynamics.
2. To learn the calculation of thermodynamic properties using tables of thermodynamic properties
3. To study and compare work in case of a closed system executing different thermodynamic
processes or different thermodynamic cycles
4. To understand the first law of thermodynamics for closed and open systems undergoing
different thermodynamic processes
5. To learn the equivalence of two statements of second law of thermodynamics
6. To study the inequality of Clausius & Application of the inequality of Clausius and establish
the property entropy of a system

Unit I 6 Hours
Fundamental Concepts & Definitions: Applications of the subject. Simple steam power plant, Fuel
cells, Vapour compression refrigeration cycle, thermoelectric refrigerator, Gas turbine, Chemical rocket
engine etc. Thermodynamics; definition and scope. Thermodynamic system and control volume.
Macroscopic v/s Microscopic point of view. Properties and state of a substance. Intensive and extensive
properties. Quasi-equilibrium process. Processes and cycles. Mechanical v/s thermodynamic cycle.
Unit for Mass, Length, Time and Force. Specific volume and density. Pressure. Equality of
temperature. The zeroth law of thermodynamics. Temperature scales. The international practical
temperature scale. Numerical problems on above concepts.
Unit II 10 Hours
Pure Substance behaviour: Pure substance Definition. Vapour Liquid Solid phase equilibrium
of a pure substance. T-v and P-T diagram. Independent properties of a pure substance. Tables of
thermodynamic properties. Problems on use of tables of thermodynamic properties. Computer Aided
Thermodynamic Tables. Advanced problems on pure substances.
Ideal Gas Equation of state: P-V-T behaviour of low and moderate density gases. Equations of state
for the vapour phase of a simple compressible substance. Ideal gas equation of state. Compressibility
factor. Compressibility chart of Nitrogen.
Self learning topics: Use of computer aided thermodynamic tables software
Unit III 14 Hours
Work & Heat: Mechanics, definition of work and its limitations. Thermodynamic definition of work.
sign convention. Units of work. Work done at the moving boundary of a simple compressible system
in a quasi-equilibrium process. Expression for work in case of constant pressure, isothermal and
polytropic processes. Problems on work calculation for both ideal gas and pure substance as working
substances. Example of a process involving change of volume for which work is zero. Other forms of
work. Definition of heat. Units. Sign conventions. Comparison of heat and work. Advanced problems
on above concepts of work and heat.
First Law of Thermodynamics for closed systems: First law of thermodynamics for a system
undergoing a cycle. First law of thermodynamics for a change in state of a system. Concept of energy.
Internal Energy, kinetic energy and potential energy. Internal energy - a thermodynamic property.
Advanced problems on internal energy concept with both ideal gas and pure substance as working
fluids. The thermodynamic property enthalpy. Advanced problems on enthalpy concept with both
ideal gas and pure substance as working fluids. Constant volume and constant pressure specific
heats. Joule experiment. Determination of internal energy and enthalpy of ideal gases. Illustrative
Self learning topics: Real gases and Equations of state for real gases.

Unit IV 12 Hours
First Law of Thermodynamics for open systems: First law as a rate equation. Conservation of mass.
vation of
mass and control volume. The first law of thermodynamics for a control volume. The steady state
steady flow process. Illustrative problems. Joule Thompson coefficient and throttling process. Uniform
state uniform flow process. Illustrative problems
Second Law of Thermodynamics: Limitations of first law. Heat engines and refrigerator. Efficiency
and C.O.P.. Kelvin Planck statement and Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics.
Equivalence of statements of second law. Perpetual motion machines. The reversible process. Factors
that render processes irreversible. The Carnot cycle. Two propositions regarding efficiency of Carnot
cycle. The thermodynamic temperature scale. Illustrative Problems.

Unit V 8 Hours
Entropy: Inequality of Clausius. Illustrative problems. Entropy a property of a system. The entropy
of a pure substance. Entropy change in reversible processes. Entropy change of a system during
irreversible process. Lost work. Entropy generation. TdS relations. Entropy change of ideal gas.
Illustrative problems Principle of the increase of the entropy. Illustrative problems. The reversible
polytropic process for an ideal gas. Illustrative problems. Isentropic efficiency. Significance of entropy
from the statistical point of view, efficiency point of view and philosophical point of view.
Online Resources & Software:
1. NPTEL course: Basic Thermodynamics by Prof. Goutam Biswas and Prof. Y.V.C. Rao, IIT
Kanpur. (
2. NPTEL course: Basic Thermodynamics by Prof. Pradip Dutta and Prof. K. Shrinivasan, IISc,
Bangalore. (
3. NPTEL course: Basic Thermodynamics by Prof. S.K. Som, IIT Kharagpur.
4. Basic Thermodynamics software solutions, Dr. M. Thirumaleshwar.
5. Computer Aided Thermodynamic Tables (CATT), Claus Borgnakke, Richard Sonntag,
edition, John Wiley & sons 2009.

1. edition, John Wiley
of classical
2nd Edition, Wiley eastern Ltd., 1987.
2. Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
3. Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro, Principles of
Edition, Wiley India publishers, 2012.

5. edition, Harper and
Row Publications, 1986.
Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

Apply the basic concepts of thermodynamics such as system, state, state
1. postulate, equilibrium, properties, process and cycle to solve simple and advanced L3
Demonstrate the procedures for determining thermodynamic properties of pure
2. substances from tables of property data and calculate the same when two L3
independent properties are known.
Calculate work in case of a system executing various thermodynamic processes
3. L3
that involve either ideal gas or pure substance as working fluid
4. State and Apply the first law of thermodynamics for a closed and open systems. L3
5. State & Apply second law of thermodynamics L3
6. State & Apply the concept of entropy L3

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of PO1
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
2. engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles PO2
of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
3. PO8
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities
with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able
4. PO10
to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
5. ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context PO12
of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment, Quiz
3. Working Models 3. Course Seminar
4. Videos 4. Course project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Average of
Addition of two Quiz/Seminar/Course
Components two Total Marks
IA tests Project
Maximum marks :50 15+15 = 30 10 10 50
Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 20 out of 50 marks

Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 3 hours duration and 100 marks. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum passing marks required to be scored in SEE: 40 out of 100 marks
3. Question paper will have 10 questions carrying 20 marks each. Students have to answer FIVE
full questions selecting at least one full question from each unit.
Material Science and Metallurgy

Course Code 18ME33A/43A Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 50 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50 marks

Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives

1. To understand the theoretical principles of crystal structures and crystal imperfections.
2. To acquire the knowledge of formation of alloys and phase diagrams.
3. To understand the physical, mechanical and microstructural changes occurring during a heat
treatment process.
4. To understand the composition, properties and applications of different ferrous and non-ferrous
5. To acquire knowledge of Polymers, Ceramics, Composites & new classes of materials.

Pre-requisites : Basic knowledge of Physics & Chemistry

Unit I 11 Hours
Introduction, Material structure and Imperfections:
Introduction to Material Science & Engineering, Classification of engineering materials, Levels of
structure, Structure-Property relationship in materials, Crystal structures, Average number of atoms per
unit cell (Nav), Atomic Packing Factor (APF), Co-ordination number, Imperfections in crystals (point,
line and surface), Numerical on density calculation, X-Ray diffraction, Metallography techniques -
Optical microscopy, Introduction to SEM and TEM.

Unit II 11 Hours
Alloys and Phase Diagrams:
Alloys: Constitution of Alloys - Solid Solutions Types - Substitutional and Interstitial.
Phase diagrams: Classification, Construction of a phase diagram, Isomorphous, Eutectic phase
diagrams, Tie Line rule, Lever rule, Gibbs phase rule, Allotropic forms of iron, Iron carbon diagram,
Different phases, Invariant reactions, Critical temperatures seen in the Iron carbon diagram,
Classification of Steels and Cast Iron, Numerical based on construction of phase diagram.

Unit III 09 Hours

Heat Treatment:
Definition, General Classification, construction of TTT & CCT curves, Annealing, Normalizing,
Hardening, Tempering, Austempering, Martempering and applications of each, Hardenability - Jominy
end quench test, Surface treatment techniques like Flame hardening, Induction hardening, Carburizing,
Nitriding, Age hardening of nonferrous metals and its applications, Designation of steels (EN, DIN, IS
etc with examples).
Self-learning topics: Commercial heat treatment practice of gears of different sizes, tools, lathe beds
and springs, Industrial Quenchants.
Unit IV 10 Hours
Ferrous, Non Ferrous metals and Material testing:
Ferrous metals: Introduction, Stainless Steels, Tool Steels, High Speed Low alloy (HSLA), Effect of
alloying elements on Steels (Mn, Si, Cr, Mo, V, Ti and W), Cast Iron - Gray, White, Malleable and
Spheroidal Graphite (SG) Iron.
Non Ferrous metals: Composition, Properties and applications of Copper and Copper alloys - Brass
and Bronze, Aluminium and Aluminium alloys.
Mechanical behavior perspective: Tension test, Compression test, Hardness test, Impact test,
Fracture, Fatigue and Creep.
Self-learning topics: Strengthening mechanisms, Materials selection for engineering design.

Unit V 09 Hours
Non Metallic Engineering materials:
Polymers: Introduction, Types, Overview and Applications of Polymers.
Ceramics: Types, Properties and Applications of Ceramics.
Composites: Classification of composites, Applications, Processing methods of PMC Hand Layup
process, Sprayup process, Bag Molding process, Filament Winding process.
Other Materials: Introduction to Smart materials: Shape memory alloys and Piezoelectric materials.

1. W. D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction , Wiley publication, 9th
Edition, 2013.
2. V. Raghavan, Materials Science and Engineering , Prentice Hall, India, 5th Edition.
3. Edition.
4. L. H. Van Vlack, Elements of Material Science and Engineering , Pearson Education, 6th
5. Dr. V. D. Kodgire and Dr. S. V. Kodgire, Material Science Everest
publishing house, 36th Edition, 2015.

Online Resources
1. Dr. Vivek Panchali, IIT
Roorkee, Link:
2. MIT Open Courseware:
3. CHEMIX School Version 7.0
4. Virtual Lab Link:

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

1. Analyze the structure of materials at different levels, relate and establish the
L2, L4
- relationships seen in Materials.
2. Explain the concept of phases, phase diagrams, construct phase diagrams and
L2, L3
identify the reactions happening.
3. Demonstrate and choose a suitable heat treatment technique for a particular
L2, L3
4. Apply the basic understanding of different ferrous, non ferrous metals to the
5. Explain the features, classification and applications of non metallic engineering
L2, L4
materials like Polymers, Ceramics, Composites, Smart and Piezoelectric materials.
Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of PO1
complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of PO2
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological PO12

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Open Ended Assignments
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Average of
Addition of two Quiz/Seminar/Course
Components two Total Marks
IA tests Project
Maximum marks :50 15+15 = 30 10 10 50
Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 20 out of 50 marks

Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 3 hours duration and 100 marks. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum passing marks required to be scored in SEE: 40 out of 100 marks
3. Question paper will have 10 questions carrying 20 marks each. Students have to answer FIVE
full questions selecting at least one full question from each unit.
Mechanics of Materials

Course Code 18ME34A/44A Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 50 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50 marks

Total Hours: 3 Hours for 100

50 SEE Duration

Course learning objectives

Understand the basic terms such as forces, stress and strain. Learn stress-strain diagram.
Apply the principles of mechanics to analyze structural and machine elements.
te the stress and orientation of
their planes subjected to tensile, compressive and shears forces.
Identify the different types of beams and the types of loading. Construct bending
moment (BM) and shear force (SF) diagram for beams with different loadings. Derive
expressions to determine the bending stress, defection and shear stress in beams
subjected to various types of loading.
Establish relation between torque (twisting moment), shear stress and dimensions of
shaft. Design the shaft required to transmit power based on strength and rigidity.

Unit I 10 Hours
Simple Stress and Strain: Introduction, Stress, Strain, Mechanical properties of
materials, Linear elasticity, Hooke's Law and Poisson's ratio, Stress-Strain behavior of
Mild steel. Extension / Shortening of a bar, bars with cross sections varying in steps, bars
with continuously varying cross sections (circular and rectangular), Principle of super
Self learning topics: Elongation due to self-weight

Unit II 10 Hours
Types of Stresses and Strains and Elastic Constants: Stress in Composite Section,
Volumetric strain, expression for volumetric strain, elastic constants, simple shear stress,
shear strain, temperature stresses (including compound bars).
Compound Stresses: Introduction, Plane stress, stresses on inclined plane, principal
stresses and maximum shear stresses, and orientation of these planes Mohr's circle for plane
Self Learning Topics: Stress tensor.

Unit III 10 Hours

Bending Moment and Shear Force in Beams: Introduction, Types of beams, loads and
reactions, shear forces and bending moments, rate of loading, sign conventions, relationship
between shear force and bending moments. Numerical on Shear force and bending moment
diagrams for cantilever and simply supported beam under point and uniformly distributed
load only.
Self Learning Topics: SFD and BMD for uniformly varying load (UVL) and overhanging

Unit IV 12 Hours
Bending and Shear Stresses in Beams: Introduction, Theory of simple bending,
assumptions in simple bending. Bending stress equation. Shearing stresses in beams for
various cross sections. (Composite / notched beams not included).
Deflection of Beams: Introduction, Differential equation for deflection. Double
integration method for simply supported and cantilever beam subjected to point load only.
Deflection by Macaulay's method.

Unit V 8 Hours
Torsion of Circular Shafts and Elastic Stability of Columns:
Introduction, Pure torsion, assumptions, derivation of torsional equations, torsional
rigidity/stiffness of shafts. Power transmitted by solid and hollow circular shafts.
Columns: Euler's theory for axially loaded elastic long columns. Derivation of Euler's

conditions, limitations of Euler's theory.

Self learning topics: la for different end conditions and related numericals.

Online Resources:
1. NPTEL course: Mechanics of Materials by Dr. U Saravanan, IIT Madras.
2. NPTEL course: Advance solid Mechanics by Dr. U Saravanan, IIT Madras.
3. NPTEL course: Applied Elasticity for Engineers by Dr. T.G. Sitaraman, IISc
Bangalore and
Dr.LGovindaraju Bangalore University.
4. NPTEL course: Advanced strength of Materials by Prof. S.K.Maiti, IIT Bombay.

1. R. C. Hibbeler, "Mechanics of Materials", Prentice Hall. Pearson Edu., 2005
2. James M. Gere, "Mechanics of Materials", Thomson, Fifth edition 2004.
3. Ferdinand Beer & Russell Johnston, "Mechanics of Materials", 5 th Ed., TATA
McGraw Hill- 2003.
4. S. S. Rattan , "Strength of Materials", Tata McGraw Hill, 2009
5. S.S.Bhavikatti , "Strength of Materials", Vikas publications House -1 Pvt. Ltd., 2nd Ed.,
6. K.V. Rao, G.C. Raju, "Mechanics of Materials", First Edition, 2007
7. Egor.P. Popov , "Engineering Mechanics of Solids", Pearson Edu. India, 2nd, Edition, 1998
Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

1. Apply the concepts of stress, strain, failure and strain energy. [L3]
2. Analyzethe structures under biaxial and shear loading. [L3]
Analyze the beams for bending and shear forces with different loading
3. [L4]
Analyze stresses and deflections of beam structures experiencing a
4. [L4]
combination of internal transverse shear and bending moment.
5. Analyze the shaft for shear stresses under torsion andcolumn under buckling. [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution [PO1]
of complex engineering problems.
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex
engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet
2. [PO3]
the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and
safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and [PO5]
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Average of
Addition of two Quiz/Seminar/Course
Components two Total Marks
IA tests Project
Maximum marks :50 15+15 = 30 10 10 50
Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 20 out of 50 marks

Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 3 hours duration and 100 marks. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum passing marks required to be scored in SEE: 40 out of 100 marks
3. Question paper will have 10 questions carrying 20 marks each. Students have to answer FIVE
full questions selecting at least one full question from each unit.
Metal Casting and Welding Processes

Course Code 18ME35A/45A Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 50 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 4 0 0 SEE Marks 50 marks

Total Hours: SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100


Course learning objectives

The students will be able to understand
1. The Concept of Manufacturing process and Pattern design.
2. Various Sand moulding techniques and Core making.
3. Gating and risering system, special moulding processes and melting furnaces.
4. Concept of welding, gas welding and electric arc welding
5. Basics of various welding process and Non-destructive testing of weldings and castings

Unit I 10 Hours
Introduction: Introduction to manufacturing process, its importance. Classification of
Manufacturing processes. Selection of Manufacturing Process for production, Break even
analysis, numerical.
Introduction to Sand Casting process: Classification of foundries, Foundry Industry in India
and challenges for Indian foundry Industry. Steps involved in sand casting, Advantages,
Limitations and applications of sand casting process. Casting terms (Components of gating
Patterns: Definition, Pattern allowances : shrinkage, Machining allowance, Draft allowance,
Shake allowance, Distortion allowance with numerical. Pattern materials, Types of patterns,
Pattern Color code.
Moulding Materials: Properties required for moulding materials, Moulding sand composition,
Testing sand properties ,

Unit II 10 Hours
Sand Moulding :Sand preparation, Effect of process parameters on Sand mould properties,
additives (such as coal dust, saw dust, starch and dextrin, Iron oxide),Indian sands and other
sands (Facing sand, Mould wash, backing sand, parting sand),Fluidity.
Types of Sand Moulds: Green sand mould, Dry sand mould, skin dried mould, no-bake
moulding process, Plaster moulding, Pit moulding.
Molding Machines: Jolt, squeeze, jolt and squeeze machine.
Cores: Desired characteristics of a core, Core sands, Carbon dioxide moulding, Types of
cores, core prints.
Self Study: Casting defects and their remedies.

10 Hours
Unit III
Casting Design: Functions of good gating system, Elements of gating system and their
functions, Types of Gates, Types of risers, Casting yield. Gating system design with numerical,

Special molding Process & Melting Furnaces

Shell mould, Investment mould. Gravity die-casting, Pressure die casting, Centrifugal casting
and Continuous Casting Processes. Classification of furnaces. Constructional features &
working principle of Induction Furnace (Core and Coreless type).

Unit IV 10 Hours
Welding processes: Fabrication methods, Definition of welding, Classification, Types of
Joints, welding terms. Application, advantages & limitations of welding.
Gas welding-Fuel gases, Oxyacetylene welding equipment and techniques, Flame
characteristics , Application, advantages & limitations.
Electric Arc Welding- Principle, equipment, electrodes, Application, Advantages &
limitations. Heat input in arc welding with numerical, Concept of heat flow.
Introduction to brazing, soldering. Difference between welding, soldering and brazing.

Unit V 10 Hours
Welding Process
Principle, Application, advantages & limitations of Metal Inert Gas welding , Friction
welding, Plasma arc welding, Electron beam welding and LASER welding
Welding defects- causes & remedies.
Non destructive testing of casting and welding Difference between destructive testing and
Non destructive testing, Visual inspection, Magnetic particle inspection, Eddy current
inspection, Liquid penetrant test, X-ray radiography, Ultrasonic testing
Self learning topics: TIG welding .Welding symbols

Text Books:
volume1, 4th Ed,2017.
2. edition, 2010.
3. O P Khann
Ltd., 2nd Edition. 2010
Reference Books:
1. Serope Kalpakjian & Steuen. R. Sechmid,
Asia, 5th Ed. 2006.
2 -
E-resourses (NPTEL/SWAYAM.. Any Other)- mention links
1. NPTEL Course link: - Metal Cutting
2. NPTEL Course link: - Joining Process
Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
2. and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to [PO5]
complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
3. engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the [PO7]
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
4. [PO9]
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Life-long learning: Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
5. engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of [PO12]
technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture 1. Quiz
2. Videos 2. IA
3. PPT 3. Assignments

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Average of
Addition of two Quiz/Seminar/Course
Components two Total Marks
IA tests Project
Maximum marks :50 15+15 = 30 10 10 50
Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 20 out of 50 marks

Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 3 hours duration and 100 marks. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum passing marks required to be scored in SEE: 40 out of 100 marks
3. Question paper will have 10 questions carrying 20 marks each. Students have to answer FIVE
full questions selecting at least one full question from each unit.
Metallurgy and Metallography Lab

Course Code 18MEL36A/46A Credits 1

Course type PC CIE Marks 25 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 0-0-2 SEE Marks 25 marks

Total Hours: 26 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 50


Course learning objectives

1. To study and apply the theoretical principles of metallographic sample preparation.
2. To apply the metallographic principles to observe microstructures for various ferrous
and non ferrous metals, welded and forged components.
3. To understand the concepts of Grain Size measurement, Phase percentages, Nodularity
and Porosity measurements in Steels.
4. To understand and apply the principles of different heat treatment processes.
5. To understand the relation between microstructure, hardness, carbon content and various
heat treatment techniques.

Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of Material Science and Metallurgy.

List of experiments
1. Introduction to Metallurgy lab, Principle & Construction of the Metallurgical
Microscope and steps involved in sample preparation for Metallurgical Examination.
2. Preparation of metallic samples (Mild Steel, Brass, Aluminium and Copper) for
metallographic examination involving paper polishing, disk polishing, etching,
observing under microscope as well as sketching the observed microstructure.
Intercept method and comparing the results obtained using DeXel Imaging Software.
4. Phase Percentage Analysis of the given Steel specimen using DeXel Imaging Software.
5. Nodularity and Porosity Analysis of the given Steel specimen using DeXel Imaging
6. Studying the effect of various Heat Treatment techniques (Annealing, Normalising,
Quenching) on Microstructure, Grain sizes and Hardness of steels.
7. Obtaining Hardenability curve for a steel specimen using Jominy End Quench Test.
8. Studying the effect on microstructure and Grain Size of Welded, Forged and Rolled
9. Developing and studying the effect of load on the Creep curve for Lead and
Polypropolene specimens.
10. Open Ended Experiments/Lab project.
1. Materials
3. edition, 2007.
Online Resources
2. Virtual Lab Link:

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

Identify and distinguish between different metals based on their
1. L3, L4
microstructures and phases observed.
Analyze and relate the effect of grain sizes, phases and nodule percentages
2. L2, L4
seen in steels with their final properties.
Select a suitable heat treatment technique for a particular industrial
3. L3
4. Develop and experiment with the Hardenability property of metals. L3
Examine and appraise the effect of Creep phenomena in different
5. L4, L5

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of PO1
complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first PO2
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. PO9

Assessment methods
1. Conduct of experiments
2. Journal write up
3. Viva-voce
4. Open Ended Experiments

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Components Attendance/conduct of lab Journal Lab project Total Marks
Maximum marks :25 10 10 5 25
Submission and certification of journal is compulsory to qualify for SEE
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 10 out of 25 marks
Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 50 marks having 3 hours/2 hours duration. It will be reduced to 25 marks
for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Only one experiment to be conducted. In case, there are two parts then one experiment from each
Initial write up 10 marks
Conduct of experiment(s), result and conclusion 20 marks
3. 50 marks
One marks question 10 marks
Viva-voce 10 marks
4. Viva voce is conducted for individual student and not in group
5. Minimum passing marks to be scored in SEE: 20 out of 50 marks
Mechanics of Materials Lab

Course Code 18MEL37A/18MEL47A Credits 1.5

Course type PC CIE Marks 25 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 0-0-3 SEE Marks 25 marks

Total Hours: 39 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 50


Course learning objectives

1. To study the behavior of materials under different loading conditions.

To enable students to understand the concept of hardness, wear and impact tests.
To present students with new methods of crack detection in a specimen.

Pre-requisites: knowledge of material science and mechanics of materials.

List of experiments

1. Conduct Tensile and Compression tests on metallic and nonmetallic specimens using
Universal Testing Machine.
2. To Conduct Fatigue test on mild steel specimen using fatigue testing machine and
determine number of cycles before failure.
3. To determine wear rate and the coefficient of wear of different materials using Wear
test machine. Also determine the frictional force and coefficient of friction of the
contacting surface.
4. To determine Brinell, Rockwell & Vickers hardness number on Ferrous & Non
Ferrous metals by Hardness test.
5. To determine the impact strength of Aluminum and Mild steel specimen using Impact
Test (Izod & Charpy).
6. To determine the modulus of rigidity and torsional shear stress developed in a mild
steel specimen using Torsion test.
7. To conduct an experiment on Magnetic crack detector to check crack propagation.
8. To conduct an experiment on Ultrasonic flaw detector to check for flaws in a
9. To conduct an experiment to detect defects in a specimen by the die penetration

1. Nicholas P. Cheremisinoff, Paul N. Cheremisinoff, Handbook of Advanced
Materials Testing (Materials Engineering) 1st Edition, 2011.
2. Suryanarayana, A. V. K., Testing of Metals, BS Publication, 2nd edition, 2007.
Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

Analyze the behavior of materials under different loading conditions like
Tensile, Compression, Bending, Shear, Impact, Torsion, Fatigue and
1. [L3]
Hardness and be able to apply the procedures and techniques in real time
2. Demonstrate different methods of crack detection. [L3]
Examine and know the procedure & importance of testing at various loading
3. [L4]
Differentiate between the behavior of metallic and non-metallic specimens
4. [L4]
subjected to Tensile and Compression tests.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of 1
complex engineering problems.
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified
2. 3
needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the
cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

Assessment methods
1. Viva voce
. Internal assessment
3. Weekly journal correction
4. Journal writeup

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Components Attendance/conduct of lab Journal Lab project Total Marks
Maximum marks :25 10 10 5 25
Submission and certification of journal is compulsory to qualify for SEE
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 10 out of 25 marks

Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 50 marks having 3 hours/2 hours duration. It will be reduced to 25 marks
for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Only one experiment to be conducted. In case, there are two parts then one experiment from each
Initial write up 10 marks
Conduct of experiment(s), result and conclusion 20 marks
3. 50 marks
One marks question 10 marks
Viva-voce 10 marks
4. Viva voce is conducted for individual student and not in group
5. Minimum passing marks to be scored in SEE: 20 out of 50 marks
Metal Casting and Joining Lab

Course Code 18MEL38A/48A Credits 1.5

Course type PC CIE Marks 25 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 0-0-3 SEE Marks 25 marks

Total Hours: 39 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 50 marks

Course learning objectives

1. To study the components of gating system, tools used for making sand moulds.
2. To have a knowledge of Sand testing in the foundry.
3. To understand the effect of binders and activating agents in green sand moulding.
4. To apply the principles of the welding process

Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of sand casting and welding process.

Part A Sand Moulding and Sand Testing
To study different types of pattern and tools used for moulding
To prepare mould using the single piece and split piece pattern
To determine different mould properties like compression strength, shear strength,
permeability, mould hardness.
To determine GFN number of Foundry sand by sieve analysis
To determine clay content in fresh silica sand and prepared moulding sand
To study the effect of variation in clay content, moisture content and GFN of sand on
different mould properties.
Casting Design Simulation Demo
Part B: Metal Joining Lab
To prepare various Joints with varying current, electrode diameter using electric arc
welding and testing the mechanical properties such as hardness, bending,
To study the principle of operation of TIG, MIG and prepare the models and to brief
about welding symbols.
To demonstrate gas welding flame characteristics.
To demonstrate Brazing.
Mini Project
Mini Project should include a physical product manufactured by either casting or
welding or both. The draft model and cost estimation is mandatory in report.
1. Dr.R.S Parmar, Welding Process and Technology, Khanna Publications, 2 nd Edition.
2. P.N Rao, Manufacturing and Technology: Foundry, Forging and welding, Tata
McGraw-Hill,3rd edition 2003.
1. NPTEL Course link: - Metal Cutting
2. NPTEL Course link: - Joining Process
3. Virtual Lab link :
Course Outcome (COs)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Compare different types of foundry sand [L3]
Experiment to Prepare Sand moulds using patterns at different ramming
2. [L3]
3. Analyze the variation in strength and permeability of moulding sand. [L3]
Compare the quality of welding joints when current is varied and Select
4. [L3, L4]
the best settings for the equipment.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of PO1
complex engineering problems.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
2. engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate [PO7]
the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
3. [PO9]
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Life-long learning: Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and
4. ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context [PO12]
of technological change.

Assessment methods
1. Conduct of experiments
2. Journal write up
3. Viva-voce

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Components Attendance/conduct of lab Journal Lab project Total Marks
Maximum marks
10 10 5 25
Submission and certification of journal is compulsory to qualify for SEE
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 10 out of 25 marks
Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 50 marks having 3 hours/2 hours duration. It will be reduced to 25
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Only one experiment to be conducted. In case, there are two parts then one experiment from
each part.
Initial write up 10 marks
Conduct of experiment(s), result and conclusion 20 marks
3. 50 marks
One marks question 10 marks
Viva-voce 10 marks
4. Viva voce is conducted for individual student and not in group
5. Minimum passing marks to be scored in SEE: 20 out of 50 marks
Subject Code: 18ME39 Credits: MNC

Course Type: HS CIE Marks: 25 marks

Hours/week: L T P 2 0 0 SEE Marks: -

Total Hours: 28 SEE Duration: -

Course Learning Objectives (CLOs)

1. To understand the scope of Environmental Engineering.
2. Identify the Environmental impact due to Human activities.
3. To understand the concept of Disaster Management.
4. Identify the renewable and non renewable sources of energy.
5. Identify the various Legal aspects in Environmental Protection.
Pre-requisites: NIL
Definition of Environment, Ecology and Eco-system, Structure and functions of ecosystem, balanced
ecosystem, Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment.
Natural Resources: Material Cycles - Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen and Hydrological cycle. Importance
of water quality, Water borne diseases, Water induced diseases, Significance of Fluoride in drinking
06 Hours
Energy - Different types of energy, Conventional and Non - Conventional sources Advantages and
Limitations of Wind Mills, Hydro Electric, Fossil fuel, Nuclear, Solar, Biomass and Bio-gas,
Geothermal energy.
06 Hours
Disasters - Natural Disasters: Meaning and nature of natural disasters, their types and effects (Floods,
drought, cyclone, earthquakes, Tsunami). Man Made Disasters: Nuclear disasters, chemical disasters,
biological disasters, building fire, coal fire, forest fire, oil fire, air pollution, water pollution,
deforestation, industrial waste water pollution and marine pollution.
06 Hours
Disaster Management: International strategy for disaster reduction. Concept of disaster management
and national disaster management framework
05 Hour
Environmental Protection: Role of Government, Legal aspects, Initiatives by Non - Governmental
Organizations (NGO), Environmental Education, Women Education. E waste and solid waste
management rules
05 Hours
Text Books:
1. Environmental Studies - Hill Publishing Company Limited
2. Ranjit Danie Environmental Studies
Ltd., New Delhi (2009).
3. Environmental Studies From Crisis to Cure
Press (2005).
4. Sanjay K. Sharma, Environment Engineering and Disaster Management
5. Harsh K. Gupta, Disaster Management
References Books:
1. Principles of Environmental Science and Engineering
Thomson Learning, Singapore (2005).
2. Elements of Environmental Science and Engineering
Private Limited, New Delhi (2006).
3. Environmental Studies
4. Text Book of Environmental Studies Press (2005).
5. Environmental Science Working with the Earth
Thomson Brooks/Cole (2004).
Course Outcomes (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to Level

1 Explain the importance of the Environment L2

2 Evaluate Environmental disasters caused by human activities L5

3 Outline the water stress problems and energy crisis in present era. L2

4 Explain and classify the Renewable and Non Renewable sources of energy. L2

5 Summarize the various Legislations related to Environment. L2

Program Outcomes (POs)

1 Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice. PO6
2 Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal
and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for
sustainable development. PO7
Content Delivery/Assessments methods and Scheme of Evaluation:
Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture and Board 1. Assignments and Open Book Assignment

2. NPTEL/ Edusat 2. Quizzes

3. Power Point Presentation 3. Internal Assessment Tests

4. Videos 4. Semester End Examination

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA
Components Quiz/Assignment/Activity Total Marks

Maximum marks: 25 10+10 = 20 05 25

Kinematics of Machines

Course Code 18ME32B/42B Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 50 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 3 2 0 SEE Marks 50 marks

Total Hours: SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100


Course learning objectives

1. Understand the basic concepts of machines, mechanism and related terminologies.
2. Analyze the velocity and acceleration in mechanism by different approach
3. Understand the theory of gears, gear trains and cams
4. Suggest mechanism for real world application

Pre-requisites :Knowledge of basics of physics and mathematics

Unit I 8 Hours
Fundamentals of Mechanisms: Definitions of Link or element, kinematic pairs, Kinematic
chain, Mechanism, Structure and Machine, Degrees of freedom and Grubler's criterion,
Inversions of Four bar chain, Single slider crank chain and Double slider crank chain and their
Straight line motion mechanisms-
Intermittent Motion mechanisms-Geneva wheel mechanism and Ratchet and Pawl mechanism;
Ackerman steering mechanism.
Self learning topics: Drag link mechanism, Toggle mechanism, Pantograph

Unit II 9 Hours
Velocity and Acceleration :
Velocity and acceleration using Graphical Method of four bar mechanism, slider crank
mechanism and other simple Mechanisms, Coriolis component.
Instantaneous Centre of Velocity, Kennedy Theorem, Angular velocity ratio theorem
Klein's Construction for analysis of velocity and acceleration of single slider crank mechanism
having uniform angular velocity of the crank.
Self learning topics: Basics of relative motion velocity and acceleration

Unit III 8 Hours

Gears and Gear Trains
Introduction, Classification of Gears, applications of gears, Gear terminology, involute and
Cycloidal teeth, law of gearing, Numerical on Length/Arc of contact, Contact ratio, minimum
number of teeth, Interference in involute gears.
Simple, Compound, Reverted and Epicyclic gear train, tabular methods of determining velocity
ratio of epicyclic gear trains, Tooth load and torque calculations in epicyclic gear trains.
Self learning topics: Derivation for Length/Arc of contact, Contact ratio, minimum number of
teeth Different types of Gears and their applications.

Unit IV 8 Hours
Cams and followers
Introduction, Definitions of cam and followers their uses, Types of Cams, Types of Followers
and their motion, Cam Terminology, Displacement Diagrams, Motion of the Followers,
Analysis of motion of followers, Graphical Construction of cam profiles for knife edge and
roller follower (Radial, Offset, Oscillating) having Uniform velocity, SHM, Uniform
Acceleration and Retardation and Cycloidal motion.

Unit V 7 Hours
Application of planar mechanisms to material handling and domestic equipments, Application
of mechanisms to robotics, Applications of Cams

Note: 4 bar mechanism, Inversions, slider crank mechanism and gear train to be demonstrated using
software during Tutorials. This is not a part of CIE and SEE.

1. Edition
Reprint 2017
Delhi, 3rd edition-2009
3. J.J.Uicker. G.R.Pennock, G.E. Shigle
OXFORD 3rd edition 2009.
4. Ambekar, Mechanism and Machine theory, PHI,2007.
5. Theory of machines I Nirali Prakashan; 6th edition (2012)
E-resourses (NPTEL/SWAYAM.. Any Other)- mention links

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Identify the type of elements and the joints and comment on the mobility in
1. [L3]
mechanical systems composed of linkages, gears and cams
Make use of graphical methods and computer software to determine the
2. [L3]
velocity and acceleration of a planar mechanism
3. Identify the type of gear train and analyze the same [L3, L4]
4. Construct cam profiles required to obtain the given output motion [L3]
5. Analyze the real-world mechanisms [L4]
PO No.
Program Outcome of this course (POs)
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
2. [PO5]
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified
3. [PO3]
needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the
cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering
activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as,
4. being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design [PO10]
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Activities 1. Internal assessment
2. Demonstration 2. Assignments
3. Power point presentation 3. Course seminar/project
4. Chalk and board 4. Quiz

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Average of
Addition of two Quiz/Seminar/Course
Components two Total Marks
IA tests Project
Maximum marks :50 15+15 = 30 10 10 50
Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 20 out of 50 marks

Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 3 hours duration and 100 marks. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum passing marks required to be scored in SEE: 40 out of 100 marks
3. Question paper will have 10 questions carrying 20 marks each. Students have to answer FIVE
full questions selecting at least one full question from each unit.
Fluid Mechanics

Course Code 18ME33B/43B Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 50 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50 marks
3 Hours for 100
Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration

Course Learning Objectives

To introduce and explain the fundamentals of fluid mechanics, which is used in the
applications of Aerodynamics, Hydraulics, Marine Engineering, Gas dynamics etc.
To give fundamental knowledge of fluid, its properties and behavior under various
conditions of internal and external flows
3. To understand hydrostatic law, principle of buoyancy and stability of a floating body.
4. To imbibe basic laws and equations used for analysis of static and dynamic fluids
To inculcate the importance of fluid flow measurement and its applications in
To find the losses in a flow system, flow through circular pipes and flow past
immersed bodies.
Pre-requisites: Knowledge of basic engineering mathematics and mechanics.

Unit I 06 Hours

Properties of Fluids: Introduction, Properties of fluids,

of viscosity with temperature, surface tension and capillarity. Newtonian and Non-Newtonian
fluids. Numericals.

Unit II 14 Hours

Fluid Statics: Fluid pressure at a point, pressure variation in a static fluid,

Hydrostatic Law, Levels of pressure, atmospheric and vacuum pressures, . Units and Inter
conversion. Pressure measurement by simple, differential manometers.
Hydrostatics: Total pressure force and center of pressure for inclined plane surface submerged
in static fluid. Numerical examples.
Buoyancy: Buoyancy, center of buoyancy, metacentre and metacentric height, conditions of
equilibrium of floating and submerged bodies, determination of Metacentric height

Self study: Inverted differential manometers.

Unit III 10 Hours

Fluid Kinematics: Introduction, Eulerian and Lagrangian description of fluid motion, types
of flows, velocity and acceleration of a fluid particle, concept of local and convective
accelerations. Law of conservation of mass in 2D and 3D Cartesian coordinates, Discharge
and mean velocity.
Fluid Dynamics
fluids. Numerical examples. Navier
Stokes equation
Flow measurements
orifices etc. Discharge over rectangular notch and triangular notch. Numericals.

Self-Study: Concepts of Velocity potential function and stream function and their inter
conversion, Numericals on notch.

Unit IV 10 Hours

Losses in fluid flow: Energy consideration in pipe flow, Losses in pipe flow, Darcy
Weisbach formula, major losses. Minor losses in pipe flow. Numerical on combined losses.
Dimensional analysis: Dimensions and units, Dimensional Homogeneity and dimensionless
ratios, methods of dimensional analysis, Buckingham Pi theorem, Numerical, types of
Similitude and non-dimensional parameters used in Fluid Mechanics.

Self Study:. concepts of HGL and TEL

Unit V 10 Hours
Laminar flow and viscous effects: Entrance flow and Developed flow, Fully developed
laminar flow in circular pipes, Hagen Poiseuille equation, related numerical.
Flow past immersed bodies: Drag, Lift, expression for lift and drag (no derivation), pressure
drag and friction drag, streamlined and bluff bodies. Numerical Examples
Introduction to compressible flow: Propagation of sound waves through compressible
fluids, sonic velocity and Mach number. Numerical.
Online Resources & Software:
1 NPTEL: Online Resources: Lecture by: Prof Suman Chakraborty, IIT Kharagpur.
NPTEL: Online Resources: Lecture by: Prof S. Datta and Prof Niranjan Sahoo., IITG
2 (Guwahati) (
3 NPTEL: Online Resources: Lecture by: Prof Viswanathan Shankar (IIT Kanpur)
4 NPTEL: Online Resources: Lecture by: Dr. Sankar Kumar Som, IIT Kharagpur.,
1. evised edition, S. Chand and
Co, Eurasia Publishing House, New Delhi

Hill Education (India) Pvt. Ltd..
4th Edition.
Education., Revised SI Edition.
6. Introduction to Fluid Mechanics by Fox, McDonald, John Wiley Publications, 6 edition

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

Apply the basic concepts of mechanics and equilibrium to fluid at rest and
1. [L3]
to solve simple and advanced problems.
2. Compute the pressure measurement and stability of submerged bodies. [L3]
3. Explain the mechanics of fluids in motion under ideal and real conditions. [L3]
Examine energy losses in pipe transitions. Apply Buckingham Pi theorem
4. [L3]
for various cases of fluid flow.
Evaluate pressure drop in pipe flow using Hagen-Poiseuille equation for
5. [L3]
laminar flow in a pipe. Distinguish types of flows

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution PO1
of complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
2. complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using PO2
first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
3. PO8
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering
activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as,
4. being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design PO10
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
5. ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest PO12
context of technological change.
Course delivery methods Assessment methods
1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment, Quiz
3. Working Models 3. Course Seminar
4. Videos 4. Course project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Average of
Addition of two Quiz/Seminar/Course
Components two Total Marks
IA tests Project
Maximum marks :50 15+15 = 30 10 10 50
Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 20 out of 50 marks

Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 3 hours duration and 100 marks. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum passing marks required to be scored in SEE: 40 out of 100 marks
3. Question paper will have 10 questions carrying 20 marks each. Students have to answer FIVE
full questions selecting at least one full question from each unit.
Metrology & Mechanical Measurements

Course Code 18ME34B/44B Credits 04

Course type PC CIE Marks 50 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 4 0 0 SEE Marks 50 marks

Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for

100 marks

Course learning objectives

1. To understand the basics of Measurements, Metrology and Measuring devices.
2. To understand the concepts of various measurement systems & standards with regard to
3. To understand the principles of metrology and measurements in industry perspective.
4. To develop competence in sensors, transducers and terminating devices with associated
5. To develop basic principles and devices involved in measuring angular measurements

Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of Physics and Mathematics.

Unit I 10 Hours
Standards of Measurements: Definition and objectives of metrology, Standards of length
International prototype meter, Imperial standard yard, Wave length standard, Subdivision of standards,
Line and end standard, Comparison, Calibration of end bars, Slip gauges, Wringing phenomena, Indian
standards(M-87,M112), Numericals.
Geometric Dimensioning &Tolerancing (GD&T): Introduction, ANSI, ASME & ISO systems of
GD&T, functional dimensioning, feature & feature of size, advantages & limitations, feature control
frame, fourteen characteristic symbols, form controls, profile controls, orientation controls, location
controls, run out controls, and datum. Industrial Drawing reading.
Self learning topics: Measurement of GD&T parameters

Unit II 11 Hours
System of Limits, Fits, Tolerances and Gauging: Definition of tolerance, principle of
inter-changeability and selective assembly. Concept of limits of size and tolerances, compound
tolerances, accumulation of tolerances. Definition of fits, types of fits. Geometrical tolerance and
positional tolerances. Hole basis system and Shaft basis system. Classification of gauges, concept of
principles), wear allowance. Types of gauges -plain plug gauge, ring gauge,
snap gauge, gauge materials. Numericals (Gauge Design)
Self learning topics: Concept of Wear allowance on gauges
Unit III 10 Hours
Measurement systems & Transducers: Definition, significance of measurement, generalized
measurement system, definitions and concept of accuracy, precision, calibration, threshold, sensitivity,
hysteresis, repeatability, linearity, loading effect, system response-times delay. Errors in Measurements,
classification of Errors. Primary and Secondary transducers, and classification of transducers with
examples. Advantages of each type of transducers.
Intermediate modifying and terminating devices: Mechanical systems, Electrical intermediate
modifying devices, input circuitry, and electronic amplifiers.
Self learning topics: Study of various intermediate modifying and terminating devices

Unit IV 10 Hours
Measurement of force, torque, pressure: Principle of analytical balance, platform balance, proving
ring. Torque measurement. Prony brake, hydraulic dynamometer. Pressure measurements McLeod
gauge, Pirani gauge.
Measurement of Temperature and strain: Resistance thermometers, thermocouple, law of thermo
couple, Strain measurements, electrical strain gauge.
Self learning topics:

Unit V 09 Hours
Comparators: Introduction to comparators, characteristics, classification of comparators, mechanical
comparators- -
optimeter LVDT, pneumatic comparator-Solex pneumatic gauge,
Angular measurements: Bevel protractor, sine principle and use of sine bars, sine centre, angle
gauges, numerical on building of angles using angle gauges.
Self learning topics: Construction and study of Clinometer, Sine Bar, Bevel protractor

1. N.V Raghavendra and L. Krishnamurthy, Engineering Metrology and Measurements, Oxford
University Press, 2018
2. Jain R.K, Engineering Metrology, Khanna Publishers, 21st edition ISBN: 978-8174091536
3. I. C. Gupta, Engineering Metrology, Dhanpat Rai Publications, Delhi, 5th revised edition
4. Beckwith T.G, and N. Lewis Buck, Mechanical Measurements, Addison Wesley, 6th edition,
5. - Metrology
6. - Mechanical Measurements & Metrology

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:


1. Implement the basics of standards of measurement, limits, fits & tolerances [L3]
industrial applications
2. Demonstrate the uses and design of gauges and comparators [L3]
Interpret the significance of measurement system, errors, transducers,
3. [L3]
intermediate modifying and terminating devices
4. Interpret measurement of field variables like force, torque and pressure [L3]
5. Demonstrate the fundamentals of thermocouple and strain measurement [L3]

Program Outcome (PO) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex [PO2]
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified
needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the
cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture & Board 1. CIE
2. PPT 2. Quiz
3. Videos 3. Assignment
4. Course Project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Average of
Addition of two Quiz/Seminar/Course
Components two Total Marks
IA tests Project
Maximum marks :50 15+15 = 30 10 10 50
Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 20 out of 50 marks

Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 3 hours duration and 100 marks. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum passing marks required to be scored in SEE: 40 out of 100 marks
3. Question paper will have 10 questions carrying 20 marks each. Students have to answer FIVE
full questions selecting at least one full question from each unit.
Fundamentals of Metal Cutting and Machine Tools

Course Code 18ME35B/45B Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 50 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50 marks

Total Hours: SEE Duration 3 Hours for

100 marks

Course Learning Objectives

1. To understand the basics and mechanics of metal cutting theory.
2. To understand the machining of cylindrical components and different cutting tool materials
3. To understand the various hole making processes.
4. To understand the various machining processes carried on milling machine
5. To understand the basic finish machining process of grinding

Unit I 12 Hours
Theory of Metal Cutting: Introduction to orthogonal and oblique cutting, single point cutting tool
nomenclature and carbide tool signature. Mechanics of chip formation, types of chips. Forces in
orthogonal cutting, shear angle relationship, Expression for coefficient of friction in orthogonal
cutting, Merchants circle diagram, Ernst Merchant s Equation. Numerical
Cutting Tool M a te ri al s : Desired properties and types of cutting tool materials (HSS, carbides
coated carbides, ceramics). Heat distribution in tool and work piece and chip, Tool wear, tool failure
and tool life, effects of cutting parameters on tool life. Tool failure criteria, Taylor s Tool Life
equation. Numerical
Self Learning Topic: Cutting fluids
Unit II 10 Hours
Lathe and machining operations:
Study of parts of lathe and functions. Study of Accessories, 3-jaw, 4-Jaw chuck, faceplate, dog and
dogplate. Machining operations: facing, plain turning, step turning, taper turning, thread cutting,
knurling, (British, Metric thread), Study of mechanisms: Tail stock, Half nut mechanism. Time
calculations for lathe operations (except Knurling), Introduction to Capstan and Turret lathe. Study of

Unit III 8 Hours

Drilling and Reaming processes:
Drilling: Classification of drilling machines, constructional features of Radial drilling machine,
Geometry and nomenclature of Twist drill.
Drilling operations: Drilling, Reaming, Boring, counter boring, machining of blind hole, counter
sinking, Spot facing, tapping.
Reaming Operations: Significance of Reaming process, Study of Geometry and Nomenclature of
standard reamer. Classification of different reamers
Machining time calculation of drilling and reaming. Typical specification of a Radial drilling machine
Unit IV 10 Hours
Milling machine and processes:
Significance of milling machine. Classification of milling machine, Up milling and Down milling.
Different operations on milling machine (Face milling, end milling, shoulder milling, slot milling).
Machining time calculation for milling operations.
Milling cutters: Classification of milling cutters. Study of a typical peripheral milling cutter. Setup for
milling: plain surface, slot, T- slot, drilling, on milling machine
Indexing: Simple and compound, Numerical on simple and compound indexing. Introduction to angular
and differential indexing. Study of a specification of milling machine

Unit V 10 Hours
Grinding machines:
Elements of Grinding process- Work, wheel and grinding machine. Classification of grinding machines.
Mechanism of metal removal process and self sharpening characteristics in grinding. Study of concept of
cylindrical grinder and surface grinder. Specification of a typical cylindrical grinder and surface grinder.
Construction of Grinding wheel, different abrasives and bond materials. Marking system for grinding
Elements of NC machines: Concept of NC and CNC, open loop and closed loop control, Axis
nomenclature for VMC/HMC (Vertical spindle and horizontal Spindle machine), Ball Screw nut and
Linear motion Guideways.
Self Learning Topic: Super finishing operations

Online Resources

1. Introduction to Machining and Machining Fluids :

2. Mechanics of Machining -
3. Metal Cutting and Machine Tools -:
4. Fundamentals of manufacturing processes:

Text Books and Reference books

B.L.Juneja and G.S.Sekhon , Second
Edition New Age International publishers. 2009
2. Hajra Choudhury, S.K and Hajra
Promoters and Publishers Private Limited, Mumbai, 1997
3. HMT, roduction Technol , TataMcGrawHill, 2001.
4. Amitabha Ghosh and Mallik, anufacturing Sc Affiliated EastWest Press,2003
5. G.Boothroyd, Fundamentals of Metal Machining and Machine Tools, McGraw Hill, 2000.
6. E. M. Trent
Pearson India, 2014.
Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

1. Analyze the force system and other parameters of orthogonal Machining. L4
2. Illustrate cutting tools and determine the tool life L3
Understand the basics of different machining operations and apply them to find the
3. L3
machining time for various operations.

Program Outcome of this course (POs)

1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering [PO1]
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2 Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering [PO2]
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural
sciences, and engineering sciences.
3 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader [PO9]
in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings
4 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the [PO10]
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and
receive clear instructions.
5 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in [PO12]
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black board teaching 1. IA and Quizzes,
2. NPTEL Videos 2. Course Project & Seminar
3. Prototypes 3. Assignment
4. Industry Visits and Projects

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Average of
Addition of two Quiz/Seminar/Course
Components two Total Marks
IA tests Project
Maximum marks :50 15+15 = 30 10 10 50
Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 20 out of 50 marks
Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 3 hours duration and 100 marks. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum passing marks required to be scored in SEE: 40 out of 100 marks
3. Question paper will have 10 questions carrying 20 marks each. Students have to answer FIVE
full questions selecting at least one full question from each unit.
Fluid Mechanics Lab

Course Code 18MEL36B/46B Credits 1

Course type PC CIE Marks 25 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 0-0-2 SEE Marks 25 marks

Total Hours: 26 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 50 marks

Course learning objectives

1. To introduce the experimental methods of determining Energy Losses in a pipe flow.
2. To inculcate the importance of fluid flow measurement and its applications in Industries.
3. To determine the frictional losses in flow through pipes.
4. To present the use of equipments for measurement of flow in closed conduits
5. To present the use of equipments for measurement of flow in open channels
6. To classify the flow as laminar or turbulent based on Reynolds number
7 To present the experimental method of determination of Metacentric height

Pre-requisites: Concepts of Physics, Basics of Fluid Mechanics

List of experiments

1. To determine the co efficient of discharge of a Venturimeter. Compare the

experimental Cd value with that obtained graphically.
2. To determine the co efficient of discharge of an Orifice. Compare the experimental Cd
value with that obtained graphically.
3. To determine the coefficient of discharge of a triangular notch (V-notch).
4. To determine the coefficient of discharge of a rectangular notch (R-notch).
5. Conduct an experiment on frictional losses in pipe flow. Compare the theoretical and
6 Conduct an experiment for minor losses in pipe flow. Compare the theoretical and
experimental minor losses (bend, elbow, expansion, contraction and gate valve).
7 Conduct an experiment to determine the metacentric height of a floating body and
evaluate its stability.
8 An experiment on Reynolds apparatus and classify the flow as laminar and turbulent.

1. K.L. Kumar, Engineering Fluid Mechanics, Multicolor revised edition, S. Chand and Co,
Eurasia Publishing House, New Delhi,
2. Dr R.K. Bansal, A text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines , Laxmi
Publications, New Delhi
3. P.N. Modi and S.M. Seth, Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics , Standard Book House, Delhi,
4. Fluid Mechanics, Yunus A. Cenegal, and John M. Cimbala, second edition, Mc Graw Hill
Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. Latest Edition
E Sources
1. Simulation of calibration of V-Notch
2. Simulation of calibration of R-Notch
3. Simulation of Venturimeter experiment:

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Assess the reason for discrimination of the Cd values of Venturimeter [L3]
and Orifice meter for the same experimental setup
2. Examine the deviation between theoretical and experimental values [L3]
of frictional losses in a pipe flow
Analyze the variation of co efficient of discharge of rectangular
3. [L3]
and triangular notches.
4. Compute the experimental friction factor for a given material of the pipe [L4]
and compare the same with value obtained from Moody chart.
5. Interpret various minor losses in a pipe flow and means to minimize them. [L3]
6. Evaluate the stability of a floating body by determining its [L3]
metacentric height
7. Flow classification as Laminar or turbulent by calculating the Reynolds [L3]
Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution PO1
of complex engineering problems.
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based
knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis
2. and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid PO4

Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and

3. PO8
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering
activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as,
4. being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design PO10
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
5. ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest PO12
context of technological change.
Assessment methods
1. Conduct of Experiment
2. Journal evaluation/assessment
3. Open ended experiments
4. Viva-voce

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Components Attendance/conduct of lab Journal Lab project Total Marks
Maximum marks :25 10 10 5 25
Submission and certification of journal is compulsory to qualify for SEE
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 10 out of 25 marks

Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 50 marks having 3 hours/2 hours duration. It will be reduced to 25 marks
for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Only one experiment to be conducted. In case, there are two parts then one experiment from each
Initial write up 10 marks
Conduct of experiment(s), result and conclusion 20 marks
3. 50 marks
One marks question 10 marks
Viva-voce 10 marks
4. Viva voce is conducted for individual student and not in group
5. Minimum passing marks to be scored in SEE: 20 out of 50 marks
Mechanical Measurements and Metrology Lab

Course Code 18MEL37B/47B Credits 1.5

Course type PC CIE Marks 25 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 0 0 3 SEE Marks 25 marks

Total Hours: 36 SEE Duration 3 Hours/2 Hours

for 50 marks

Course learning objectives

1. To expose students to various metrology instruments.

2. To understand the concepts of calibration procedure for different measuring instruments.
3. To develop competence to interpret data obtained by conducting experiments with
industry perspective.

List of experiments
1. Calibration of Pressure Gauge.
2. Calibration of load cell.
3. Calibration of Thermocouple.
4. Determination of modulus of elasticity of a mild steel specimen using strain gauges.
5. Calibration of LVDT.
1. Calibration of micrometer using slip gauge
2. Calibration of Vernier calliper using slip gauge
3. Calibration of Dial Indicator using slip gauge
4. Measurements of angle using Clinometer, Bevel protractor, Sine Bar.
5. Measurements of Screw thread parameters using three wire method
6. Measurements of gear tooth profile using gear tooth Vernier calliper
7. Surface Roughness Measurement
1. Jain R.K, Engineering Metrology, Khanna Publishers, 21st edition ISBN: 978-8174091536
2. N.V Raghavendra and L. Krishnamurthy, Engineering Metrology and Measurements, Oxford
University Press, 2018
3. I. C. Gupta, Engineering Metrology, Dhanpat Rai Publications, Delhi, 6th revised edition
4. - Metrology
5. - Mechanical Measurements & Metrology

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

1. Calibrate measuring instruments used in industries [L3]
2. Identify relevant instruments for measuring given dimensions. [L3]
3. Demonstrate & use suitable inspection tools for mass production [L3]
PO No.
Program Outcome (POs)
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles
2. [PO2]
of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge

and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and
3. interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid [PO4]

Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
4. ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of [PO12]
technological change.
Assessment methods
1. Conduct of lab
2. Internal Lab test
3. Journal
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):
Components Attendance/conduct of lab Journal Lab project Total Marks
Maximum marks :25 10 10 5 25
Submission and certification of journal is compulsory to qualify for SEE
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 10 out of 25 marks

Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 50 marks having 3 hours/2 hours duration. It will be reduced to 25 marks
for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Only one experiment to be conducted. In case, there are two parts then one experiment from each
Initial write up 10 marks
Conduct of experiment(s), result and conclusion 20 marks
3. 50 marks
One marks question 10 marks
Viva-voce 10 marks
4. Viva voce is conducted for individual student and not in group
5. Minimum passing marks to be scored in SEE: 20 out of 50 marks
Machine Shop Practices Laboratory

Course Code 18MEL38B/48B Credits 1.5

Course type PC CIE Marks 25
Hours/week: L-T-P 0 0 3 SEE Marks 25
Total Hours: 39 SEE Duration 03 Hours

Course learning Objectives (CLOs):

The objective of this course is to make the student:
1. Understand different types of machines, cutting tools and machine specifications, their mechanisms.
Selection of different parameters for calculation of speed, feed and depth of cut.
2. Acquire hands on experience and technical know-how of machine specifications and tooling and
3. Know the use of measuring tools, (micrometres, gauges, callipers, height gauges, etc..) to measure and
inspect parts accurately
4. Understand the sequence of operations and writing operations process sheet, calculate machining time,
tool life
5. Understanding the concepts of Limits, Fits and Tolerance on machining components.
6. Understand the features of CNC machine, tooling systems, machine programming and different

1. Multiple operations using Lathe Machine
Thread cutting-square, Vee thread
external (left and right hand)
internal thread cutting
taper turning by compound rest method
Eccentric turning
2. Multiple operations using Vertical milling machine
Guide ways (Vee, T slot, and dovetail)
3. Multiple operations using Horizontal milling machine
Spur gear teeth cutting using using dividing head
keyway cutting of spur gear using Milling/slotting/broaching machine
4. Finishing operations using surface grinding machine
Cylindrical grinding on shaft
5. Mini project: Assembly project involving minimum two different machines and several
machining operations.
6. Demonstration of Capstan and Turret lathe machine and its operations, Vertical CNC
Machine and tooling systems, Shaping Machine and its operations, machining of nonferrous
metals like Aluminum alloys and Brass in lathe machine.

1. Heinrich Gerling New Age International publisher
2. B. L. Juneja, G. S. Sekhon
2nd edition) New Age International Pvt. Ltd. Publishers
3. E. M. Trent
Pearson India, 2014.
5. mited.

Course Outcomes (COs):

After learning the course the students should be able to Levels
1. Recognize the components of machine tools, materials, tool wear, tool nomenclatures, surface [L2]
finish parameters,
2. Manufacturing the components as per production drawing and interpreting the drawing. [L3]
3. Determine the sequence of operations and writing operations process sheet, calculate machining [L2]
time, tool life
4 Understand the concept of assembly working and limits fits and tolerances and machine [L4]
acceptances tests.

Programme outcomes (POs) of the course:

Program outcomes POs
1 Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering [PO1]
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering
2 Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the [PO10]
engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and
write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and
receive clear instructions.
3 Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader [PO9]
in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
4 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in [PO12]
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Components Attendance/conduct of lab Journal Lab project Total Marks
Maximum marks :25 10 10 5 25
Submission and certification of journal is compulsory to qualify for SEE
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 10 out of 25 marks

Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 50 marks having 3 hours/2 hours duration. It will be reduced to 25 marks
for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Only one experiment to be conducted. In case, there are two parts then one experiment from each
Initial write up 10 marks
Conduct of experiment(s), result and conclusion 20 marks
3. mark
One marks question 10 marks
Viva-voce 10 marks
4. Viva voce is conducted for individual student and not in group
5. Minimum passing marks to be scored in SEE: 20 out of 50 marks
Partial Differential Equations Sampling Techniques Z transform
(All branches except CS/IS)

Course Code 18MATME41 Credits 4

Course type BS CIE Marks 50

Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours

Course learning objectives

Students should
1. Learn the concept of Interpolation and use appropriately.
2. Understand the concept of Partial Differential Equations.
3. Apply Partial Differential Equations to solve practical problems.
4. Get acquainted with Sampling Distribution and Testing of Hypothesis.
5. Study the concept of Calculus of Variations, Z-Transforms and its applications.

Pre-requisites :
1. Partial Differentiation
2. Basic Probability, Probability Distribution
3. Basic Integration
4. Basic Statistics

Unit I 10 Hours
Finite Differences and Interpolation:

rative examples. Numerical Integration:

Newton- Cotes Quadrature formula, Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons 1/3rd rule, Simpsons 3/8th rule,

Unit II 10 Hours
Partial Differential Equations: Formation of PDE by elimination of arbitrary Constants and
Functions, Solution of non homogeneous PDE by direct integration, Solution of homogeneous PDE
involving derivative with respect to one independent variable only.

Unit III 10 Hours

Applications of Partial Differential Equations: Derivation of One dimensional Heat and Wave
equations. Solutions of one dimensional Heat and Wave equations, Two dimensional Laplace
equation by the method of separation of variables. Numerical solution of one dimensional Heat and
Wave equations, Two dimensional Laplace equation by finite differences.
Unit IV 10 Hours
Sampling distribution and Testing of Hypothesis: Sampling, Sampling distribution, Sampling
distribution of means, Level of significance and confidence limits, Tests of significance for small

Unit V 10 Hours
Calculus of Variations:
equivalents. Standard problems. Applications: Geodesics, Hanging chain, Minimal surface of
revolution and Brachiostochrone problem.
Z -Transform: Definition, Standard Z transforms, Linearity, Damping rule, Shifting properties,
Initial and Final value Theorems-Examples. Inverse Z transforms and Solution of Difference
Equations by Z transforms.

Text Books:

1 B.S. Grewal Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 42nd Edition, 2012.
2. Erwin Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 9th Edition,

3. B. V. Ramana- Higher Engineering Mathematics,Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company


Reference Books:

1. P.N.Wartikar & J.N.Wartikar Applied Mathematics (Volume I and II) Pune Vidyarthi
Griha Prakashan, 7th Edition 1994.
2 Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 7th Edition,
3 Glyn James Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education, 4th Edition,

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

1. Use Finite differences in Interpolation [L1]
2. [L1,L2]
Form and Solve Partial differential Equations.

3. Develop Heat, Wave equations [L3]

4. Apply Partial Differential Equations to solve practical problems [L3]

5. [L1,L2]
Test the Hypothesis and Solve problems related to them.

6. Understand the concept of Functional and Identify the extremal of a Functional. [L2]
Understand the concept of Z transforms and solve the problems related to them.
Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Students will acquire

1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering. PO1

2. Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex engineering

problems, reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of PO2
mathematics, natural Sciences and Engineering. Sciences

3. Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and modern PO5
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Scilab 2. Assignment
3. Quiz

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Average of two Quiz/Seminar Total

Components assignments /Course
tests /matlab/Scilab project Marks
Maximum Marks: 50 15+15 = 30 10 10 50

Writing two IA test is compulsory.

Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.

Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100 marks

Question paper contains10 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions selecting at least one from each unit.
Calculus, Fourier Analysis and Linear Algebra
(All Branches)

Course Code 18DMATME31 Credits 4

Course type BS CIE Marks 50 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 4 0 0 SEE Marks 50 marks

Total Hours: SEE Duration 3 Hours for

100 marks

Course learning objectives

Students should be able to:
1. Learn th
with the polar curves and partial differentiation.
2. Learn Differential Equations of first order and higher order and apply them.
3. Get acquainted with Fourier Transforms and its properties.
4. Learn Numerical methods to solve Algebraic, Transcendental and Ordinary Differential
5. Understand and interpret the system of equations and various solutions.

Pre-requisites :
1. Basic Differentiation and Integration
2. Trigonometry
3. Matrix and Determinant operations
4. Vector algebra

Unit I 10 Hours
Differential Calculus:
(Statement only)-Problems. Angle between Polar curves Partial Differentiation: Definition and
problems. Total Differentiation- Problems. Partial Differentiation of Composite functions-

Unit II 10 Hours
Laplace Transforms: Definition, Laplace Transforms of elementary functions. Laplace
Transforms of , , (without proof), Inverse Laplace Transforms:
Inverse Laplace Transforms -Problems, Applications to solve Linear Differential Equation

Unit III 10 Hours

Fourier Analysis: Fourier Series: Fourier Series, Half Range Fourier sine and cosine Series.
Practical examples. Harmonic analysis.
Fourier Transforms: Infinite Fourier Transform and Properties. Fourier Sine and Cosine
Transforms Properties and Problems.
Unit IV 10 Hours
Numerical Techniques: Numerical solution of Algebraic and Transcendental equations:
Method of false position, Newton- Raphson method (with derivation), Fixed point iteration
method (without derivation).

Modified Euler method, Fourth order Runge Kutta method (without derivation).

Unit V 10 Hours
Linear Algebra: Rank of a matrix by elementary transformation, Solution of system of linear
equations-Gauss Jordan method and Gauss-Seidal method. Eigen value and Eigen vectors

Text Books:
1. B.S. Grewal Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 42nd Edition, 2012
and onwards.
2. P. N. Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar Applied Mathematics (Volume I and II) Pune
Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, 7th Edition 1994 and onwards.
3. B. V. Ramana - Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private
Limited, Tenth reprint 2010 and onwards.
Reference Books:
1. Erwin Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 9th
Edition, 2006 and onwards.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 7th
Edition, 2011 and onwards.
3. Glyn James Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education, 4th
Edition, 2010 and onwards.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

1. Develop the Taylors and Maclaurins series using derivative concept. L3
Demonstrate the concept and use of Partial Differentiation in various
2. L2
Classify Laplace transforms of various categories and apply them to solve
3. L1, L3
relevant problems.
Develop frequency bond series from time bond functions using Fourier
4. L3
Use Numerical methods and Solve Algebraic, Transcendental and Ordinary
5. L3
differential equations
6. Interpret the various solutions of system of equations and Solve them. L2
Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.
Students will acquire
Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and
1. an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering PO1
Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
2. engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex PO5
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black board teaching 1. Internal Assessment Tests
2. Power point Presentation 2. Assignments
3. Scilab/ Matlab/ R-Software 3. Quizes

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Average of
Addition of two Quiz/Seminar/Course
Components two Total Marks
IA tests Project
Maximum marks :50 15+15 = 30 10 10 50
Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 20 out of 50 marks

Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 3 hours duration and 100 marks. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum passing marks required to be scored in SEE: 40 out of 100 marks
3. Question paper will have 10 questions carrying 20 marks each. Students have to answer FIVE
full questions selecting at least one full question from each unit.
Vector Calculus, Laplace Transforms and Probability
(Mech, Civil, E&C, E&E, Aero)

Course Code 18DMATME41 Credits 4

Course type BS CIE Marks 50 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 4 0 0 SEE Marks 50 marks

Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100


Course Learning Objectives

Students should
1. Study the concept of double and triple integrals, vector differentiation.
2. Get acquainted with vector integration and its applications.
3. Be proficient in Laplace transforms and inverse Laplace transforms and solve problems related
to them.
4. Learn the concept of interpolation and use appropriately.
5. Study the concept of random variables and its applications.
Pre-requisites :
1. Basic probability, probability distributions
2. Basic statistics
3. Basic differentiation and integration

Unit I 10 Hours
Vector and Integral Calculus: Double and triple integrals. Scalar and vector point function,
gradient, divergence, curl, solenoidal and irrotational vector fields.

Unit II 10 Hours
Vector Integration:
theorem, Guass Divergence theorem (statement only) and problems.

Unit III 10 Hours

Differential Equations:
equation (without reducible forms)-problems and applications (orthogonal trajectories). Linear
differential equation with constant coefficients-solution of second and higher order differential
equations, inverse differential operator method and problems.

Unit IV 10 Hours
Finite Differences and Interpolation: Forward and b
and backward interpolation formulae.

Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpsons

rule. Practical examples.
Unit V 10 Hours
Probability: Random variables (RV), discrete and continuous random variables (DRV,CRV).
Probability distribution function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF),
expectations (mean), variance. Binomial, Poisson, Exponential and Normal distributions and

Text Books:
1. B.S. Grewal Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 42nd Edition, 2012
and onwards.
2. Erwin Kreyszig Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 9th
Edition, 2006 and onwards.
3. B. V. Ramana Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private
Limited, Tenth reprint 2010 and onwards.
Reference Books:
1. P. N. Wartikar & J. N. Wartikar Applied Mathematics (Volume I and II) Pune
Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, 7th Edition 1994 and onwards.
2. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 7th
Edition, 2011 and onwards.
3. Glyn James Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics, Pearson Education, 4th
Edition, 2010 and onwards.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

1. Evaluate double and triple integration. L1, L2
2. Explain the concept of vector differentiation and integration. L3
3. Classify differential equations of first and higher order and apply them to
L1, L2
solve relevant problems.
4. Use finite differences in interpolation. L1, L2
5. Understand the concept of random variables, PDF, CDF and its
6. Use of probability distribution for practical problems L2, L3

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Students will acquire

1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering. PO1
2. Identify, formulate ,research literature and analyze complex engineering
problems, reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of PO2
mathematics ,natural Sciences and Engineering. Sciences
3. Create,select and apply appropriate techniques,resources and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
Course delivery methods Assessment methods
1. Black board teaching 1. Internal Assessment Tests
2. Power point presentation 2. Assignments
3. Scilab/ Matlab/ R-Software 3. Quizes

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of Quiz/Seminar
Average of two assignments Total
Components two IA /Course
tests /matlab/Scilab activity project Marks

Maximum 15+15 = 30 10 10 50
Marks: 50
Writing two IA test is compulsory.
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : Minimum 20 out of 50 marks

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks
for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100 marks
Question paper contains10 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions selecting at least one from each unit.
Communicative Kannada/ Kannada for Communication
(for Non Kannadigas, Common to all branches)

Course Code 18ME49 Credits MNC

Course type HS CIE Marks 25 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 2-0-0 SEE Marks ---

Total Hours: 28 SEE Duration ---

Course learning objectives

1. Learners are Non Kannadigas, so that course will make them to understand the kannada words
and to communicate in kannada language.

Unit I 1 Hours
About Kannada Language and Karnataka State
Vyavaharika Kannada Parichaya (Introduction to Vyavaharika Kannada)

Unit II 8 Hours
Kannada Aksharamale haagu Uchcharane ( Kannada Alphabets and Pronunciation): Kannada
Kannada stress letters - vattakshara (Ottakashara)
Kannada letters Pronunciation Uchcharane

Unit III 8 Hours

Sambhashanegaagi Kannada Padagalu (Kannada Vocabulary for Communication): Kannada
Vocabulary for Communication

Unit IV 8 Hours
Kannada Grammar in Conversations (Sambhashaneyalli Kannada Vyakarana)

Unit V 3 Hours
Activities in Kannada: General Conversations in Kannada with Activities

Text Books:
1. Vyavaharika Kannada Text Book, Published by Prasaranga,Visvesvaraya Technological University,
E-resourses :
Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

1. Spell and Translate in Kannada language L1,L2

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Communicate effectively with society at large 10

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lectures 1. IA tests
2. Presentation 2. Presentation
3. Videos 3.

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Components Two IA Tests Assignment/Quiz/Presentation/activity Total

Maximum Marks: marks
10 + 10 5 25
Kannada for Administration (for Kannadigas, Common to all branches)

Course Code 18ME49 Credits MNC

Course type HS CIE Marks 25 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 2-0-0 SEE Marks ---

Total Hours: 28 SEE Duration ---

Course learning objectives

Unit I 1 Hours

Unit II 6 Hours

Unit III 8 Hours

Unit IV 8 Hours

Unit V 5 Hours

Text Books:

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Explain, interpret, summarize and Translate in Kannada language for
1. L1,L2
administrative purposes

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Communicate effectively with society at large 10

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lectures 1. IA tests
2. Presentation 2. Presentation
3. Videos

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Components Two IA Tests Assignment/Quiz/Presentation/activity Total

Maximum Marks: marks
10 + 10 5 25

m marks required: 10 out of 25 marks


Course Code 18ME51 Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 50 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50 marks

Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To understand the theoretical principles of static and impact strength in design.
2. To have knowledge of fatigue loading and its considerations in design.
3. To understand the bending stresses induced in curved beam and analysis of tangential
and radial stresses in different types of cylinders.
4. To understand the analysis of Springs and Welded joints.
5. To study Power screws and threaded fasteners and its application.

Pre-requisites: Knowledge of units and dimensions of various physical quantities and

knowledge of Mechanics of Material, Material Science.

Unit - I 10 Hours
Introduction and design for static and impact strength: Introduction to normal, shear,
biaxial and tri axial stresses, Stress tensor, Engineering Materials and their mechanical
properties, Design considerations: Codes and Standards, stress concentration, Numerical on
stress concentration. Static Strength for combined load, Theories of failure. Impact Strength:
Introduction, Impact stresses due to axial load.

Unit - II 10 Hours
Design For Fatigue Strength: Introduction to S-N Diagram, classification of fatigue,
Endurance limit, Modifying factors, Fluctuating stresses, Goodman and Soderberg
Self-learning topics: Modified Goodman diagram, Gerber’s equation.

Unit - III 10 Hours

Curved Beams and Cylinders: Stresses in curved beams of standard cross sections used in
crane hook, punching presses & clamps.
Cylinders: Review of Lame’s Equations; compound cylinders, stresses due to different types
of fits.
Self-learning topics: stresses in Closed rings, chain links and cylinder heads.

Unit - IV 10 Hours
Springs and Welded joints:
Springs: Introduction, stresses in helical coil springs of circular cross sections. Tension and
compression springs, springs under fluctuating loads,
Leaf Springs: stresses in leaf springs, equalized stresses.
Welded Joints: Types, Strength of butt and fillet welds, eccentrically loaded weld joints.

Unit - V 10 Hours
Threaded Fasteners and Power Screws: Stresses in threaded fasteners, Effect of initial
tension, design of threaded fasteners under static and dynamic loads, Design of eccentrically
loaded bolt joints.
Power screws: Mechanics of power screw, stresses in power screws, efficiency and self
locking, design of power screw, design of Screw Jack (Complete Design).

Online Resources
1. Design of Machine Elements I web content
2. Design of Machine Elements I Video content

1. V.B.Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements, Tata McGraw hill Publication, Second
edition 2007 and onwards.
2. H.G.Patil, Ravindra R Malagi, M.S.Patil & S.C.Pilli, Design of Machine Elements,
I.K.International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. First edition, 2019.
3. R.S.Khurmi & J.K.Gupta, A textbook of Machine Design, S.Chand Publication, 25 th
revised edition 2005 and onwards.
4. Richard G. Budynas, Keith J. Nisbett, Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design, Tata
McGraw hill Publication, 10th edition 2015 and onwards.
5. H.G.Patil, Machine Design data handbook, I.K.International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
2011 and onwards.
Course Outcome (COs)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Classify different types of stresses and Discuss its failure. L2
2. Define fatigue and Illustrate material failure due to combined loading. L1,L3
Discuss various cross sections of curved beam & Examine cylinders for
3. L2,L3
various operating conditions.
4. Analyze different types of springs and Discuss the strength of Welded joints. L2
5. Describe mechanics of power screws and threaded fasteners. L2

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
2. complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first [PO2]
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
3. [PO12]
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context
of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by Verified By
(Prof. R.J.Naik) (Prof.G.N.Maranholkar)

Course Code 18ME52 Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To understand the performance of air standard cycles for which the working fluid
remains a gas throughout the entire cycle.
2. To evaluate the performance parameters of an IC engine through the measurement of
BP, FP, IP. To obtain expression for the efficiency of single stage/multi stage
reciprocating compressor.
3. To study the Brayton cycle with intercooling, reheating, and regeneration.
4. To analyze vapour power cycles and investigate ways to modify the basic Rankine
vapor power
cycle to increase the cycle thermal efficiency.
5. To understand the concepts of refrigerators and the measure of their performance and to
analyze the ideal vapor-compression refrigeration cycle & to use psychometric chart as
a tool to determine the properties of atmospheric air.

Unit - I 08 Hours
Air-Standard Cycles: Basic terminology of IC engines and classifications, working and
difference between 2-stroke & 4- stroke, Assumptions, Carnot, Otto and Diesel cycles,
description on P-v and T-s diagrams, efficiencies. Comparison of Otto Diesel and Dual cycles
- for same compression ratio and for same maximum pressure and temperatures. Numerical.

Unit - II 12 Hours
Testing of IC Engines: Testing and performance analysis of IC engines. Measurement of BP,
IP and FP, Morse test, Heat balance sheet, Numerical.
Reciprocating compressors: Derivation of work per cycle for a single stage compressor
(with/without clearance), volumetric efficiency. Multi-stage compressors, saving in work,
optimum intermediate pressure for perfect & imperfect inter-cooling, minimum work for
compression, Numerical.
Self Learning Topics: Combustion equations and calculation of air- fuel ratio.

Unit - III 08 Hours

Gas turbine (Brayton) Cycles: Open and closed cycles. Brayton cycle with regeneration, Effect of
isentropic efficiency of compressors and turbines on efficiency of gas turbine cycle, Methods to
improve thermal efficiency- multistage compression with inter-cooling, reheating and regeneration,
Numerical. Introduction to the Principles of Jet propulsion

Unit – IV 10 Hours
Vapour Power Cycles: Carnot vapour power cycle, drawbacks as a reference cycle. Simple
Rankine cycle; description, T-s diagram, performance analysis. Comparison of Carnot and
Rankine cycles. Effects of boiler and condenser pressure and superheating on Rankine cycle
performance. Reheat cycle, regenerative cycle, combined reheat and regenerative cycles,
super-critical Rankine cycle, Numerical.

Unit - V 12 Hours
Refrigeration Cycles: Vapour compression refrigeration system; description, analysis,
refrigerating effect, capacity, power required, units of refrigeration, COP. Air cycle
refrigeration; reversed Carnot cycle, reversed Brayton cycle. Vapour absorption refrigeration
system. Numerical
Psychrometrics and Air-conditioning: Properties of air water vapour mixtures, Dry bulb
temperature, wet bulb temperature, dew point temperature; partial pressures, specific and
relative humidifies, Enthalpy and adiabatic saturation temperature. Construction and Use of
psychrometric chart. Analysis of various processes; heating, cooling, dehumidifying and
humidifying. Adiabatic mixing of streams of moist air, summer and winter air - conditioning.
Self Learning Topics: Refrigerants and their desirable properties.

1. Claus Borgnakke, Richard Sonntag, “Fundamentals of thermodynamics”, 7 th edition, John
Wiley & sons 2009.
2. Yunus Cengel and Michael Boles, “Thermodynamics (SI Units)”, 7 th Edition, Tata
McGraw Hill, 2012.
3. M L Sharma and R P Sharma, Internal Combustion Engines, Dhanpat Rai Publications,
4. Dr. S.S. Banwait, Dr. S.C. Laroiya, “Properties Of Refrigerant & Psychrometric Tables &
Charts In SI Units”, Birla Pub. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2008
5. C.P. Arora, “Refrigeration and air conditioning”, Tata McGraw Hill, 3 rd edition, 2008.
6. V.Ganeshan, I.C Engines Third edition,2010, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub Co Ltd, New Delhi

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Analyze the performance of various air-standard cycles and compare them. [L3]
Understand the fundamentals of an IC engine and evaluate its performance
parameters along with heat balance sheet. Apply the basic thermodynamic
2. [L3]
concepts and calculate work and volumetric efficiencies of reciprocating
3. Evaluate the efficiency of a gas turbine plant. [L4]
Analyze basic and modified Rankine cycles and evaluate the performance of
4. [L4]
steam turbine plants.
Analyze the working of refrigeration cycles and apply the principles of
5. [L4]
Psychrometrics to evaluate the loads on air conditioning systems
Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO 1]
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
2. complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first [PO 2]
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
3. engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate [PO 7]
the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering
activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as,
4. being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design [PO 10]
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
5. ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context [PO 12]
of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Power point presentation 1. Internal assessment/Quiz
2. Chalk and board 2. Assignments
3. NPTEL Course link: 3. Course seminar / project 4. SEE

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by: Dr. Sanjeev H. Kulkarni Verified by: Dr. S. M. Bapat


Course Code 18ME53 Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 50 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50 marks

Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To provide knowledge of theoretical principles of static force analysis of different
2. To impart the knowledge of balancing of rotating and reciprocating massesin same and
different planes.
3. To enable studentsto understand the principles of governors, gyroscope and analysis of
forces in governors and couples in gyroscope
4. To understand the concepts of Undamped and damped single degree of freedom
5. To provide knowledge of response of damped and forced vibration problems.

Pre-requisites : Kinematics of Machines

Unit - I 10 Hours
Static Force Analysis: Introduction, Static equilibrium. Equilibrium of two and three force
members, Members with two forces and torque. Free body diagrams. Principle of virtual work.
Static force analysis of four bar mechanism and slider-crank mechanism without friction.

Unit - II 10 Hours
Balancing of Rotating Masses: Static and dynamic balancing. Balancing of single rotating
mass by balancing masses in different planes. Balancing of several rotating masses by
balancing masses in same plane and different planes.
Balancing of Reciprocating Masses: Inertia effect of crank and connecting rod, single
cylinder engine, balancing in multi cylinder-inline engine (primary & secondary forces).
Self-learning topics: Balancing of rotating masses in single plane

Unit - III 10 Hours

Governors: Types of governors, force analysis of Porter and Hartnell governors. Controlling
force, Stability, sensitiveness. Isochronism, effort and power of a governor and Numerical.
Gyroscope: Vectorial representation of angular motion. Gyroscopic couple. Effect of
gyroscopic couple on ship, plane disc, aero plane, stability of four wheeler.
Self-learning topics: stability of Two-wheeler.
Unit - IV 10 Hours
Mechanical Vibration: Types of vibrations, definitions, Simple Harmonic Motion
(S.H.M.). Work done by harmonic force. Principle of super position applied to SHM. Beats
and Numericals.
Undamped (Single Degree of Freedom) Free Vibrations: Derivations for spring mass
systems, methods of Analysis. Natural frequencies of simple systems. Springs in series and
parallel. Torsional and transverse vibrations. Effect of mass of spring and Numericals.

Unit - V 10 Hours
Damped free vibrations (1DOF): Types of damping, analysis with viscous damping -
derivations for over, critical and under damped systems, logarithmic decrement and
Forced vibrations: Analysis of forced vibration with constant harmonic excitation,
Magnification factor (M.F.), Vibration isolation - Transmissibility ratio, Excitation of support
(absolute and relative), Numericals.

1. Sadhu Singh, Theory of Machines, Pearson Education. 2nd Edition, 2007.
2. Rattan S.S., Theory of Machines, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi,
3rd Edition, 2009.
3. J.J. Uicker, , G.R. Pennock, J.E. Shigley, Theory of Machines & Mechanisms, . OXFORD
3rd Edition, 2009
4. G. K. Grover, Mechanical Vibrations, Nem Chand and Bros, 6th Edition, 1996.
5. S. Graham Kelly, Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibration, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000.
6. NPTEL E-source :
Course Outcome (COs)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Describe the mechanisms for static forces. [L2]
Identify unbalance of rotating masses in same and different planes and
2. [L3]
reciprocating masses in IC engines.
3. Demonstrate forces in governors and couples in gyroscope. [L2]
4 Discuss undamped single degree of freedom systems. [L2]
Apply the theoretical principles of vibration and vibration analysis
5 [L3]
techniques for damped and forced vibration problems.
Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.
Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the [PO1]
solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using
2. [PO2]
first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project
NPTEL Course link:

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by: Prof. S. P. Avadhani Verified by: P.J.Phadnis


Course Code 18ME54 Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 100 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 2-0-4 SEE Marks 100 marks

Total Hours: 30 + 20 = 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives (CLO’s)

1. To teach the Bureau of Indian Standards on drawing practices and standard components.
2. To impart the knowledge of Machine component and its conversion into 2D drawing.
3. To impart the knowledge of various types thread forms and representation of standard
thread components.
4. To explain keys and couplings along with their standard empirical relations.
5. To teach Model the parts and create assembly using standard CAD packages.

Pre-requisites: Engineering graphics. 04 Hours

Introduction: Introduction to BIS Specification for line conventions, dimensioning, Tolerance
representation Conventional representation of common features. (No questions are to be set
from this section)

Part A
Unit - I 07 Hours
Sections of Solids: Sections of Pyramids, Prisms, Cubes, Cones and Cylinders resting on their
base only (No problems on spheres and hollow solids).True shape of sections. (Component
drawing to be done on drawing sheet and CAD software)

Unit - II 09 Hours
Orthographic Views: Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic Projections of simple
machine parts with and without section. (Bureau of Indian Standards conventions are to be
followed for the drawings), Precedence of lines, Basics of geometric dimensioning.
(Component drawing to be done on drawing sheet and CAD software)

Part B
Unit - III 06 Hours
Thread Forms and Fasteners: Thread terminology, Thread conventions, ISO Metric (Internal
& External), BSW (Internal & External) Square, Acme and Sellers Thread. Representation of
Socket head cap screw and Hexagonal headed bolt and nut assembly with washer,
Self learning topics: Simple assembly of stud with hexagonal nut and lock nut.

Unit - IV 04 Hours
Keys and Coupling: Feather key, Gib-Head key, Taper sunk key, Woodruff key, Dowel pin.
Flanged coupling (protected type), Pin and bush type flexible coupling.
Self learning topics: Universal coupling (Hooks' Joint)
Part C
Unit - V 20 Hours
Assembly of Machine Components (Using the given part drawings)
1. Screw jack (Bottle type)
2. Plummer block (Pedestal Bearing)
Self learning topics: Machine vice, Unprotected type flange coupling, Non return valve.
(Assembly drawing to be done on drawing sheet and CAD software)

1. N.D.Bhat &V.M.Panchal, Machine Drawing, Charotar Publications, 26 thEdn. 1991.
2. K.R. Gopal Krishna, Machine Drawing ,Subhash Publication.,2003
3. S. Trymbaka Murthy, A Text Book of Computer Aided Machine Drawing, CBS
Publishers, New Delhi, 2007
4. N. Siddeshwar, P. Kanniah, V.V.S. Sastri, Machine Drawing, published by Tata
McGraw Hill, 2006
5. Machine tool design hand book, CMTI.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, student will be able to
Recognize and formulate detail 2-D drawing of a given object with
1. [L3]
2. Explain orthographic projections of a given object. [L3]
3. Identify and sketch different types of thread forms and fasteners. [L3]
4. Identify and sketch different types of keys and couplings. [L3]
Create 2-D and 3-D models by standard CAD software with manufacturing
5. [L4]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
2. [PO5]
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
Course delivery methods Assessment methods
1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Demonstration 2. Assignment
3. Power Point Presentation 3. Course project
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

One IA of 100marks at
Components (Addition of Journal Couse activity Total
the end reduced to 50 Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. PART A(20 marks)
 Question no 1(Unit I) and Question no 2(Unit II) is for 20 marks each. Solve any
one (sketch 10 marks+ printout 10 marks)
PART B (40 marks)
 Question no 3(Unit IIII), Question no 4(Unit IV) and Question no 5(Unit V) is for
20 marks each. Solve any two (sketch only)

PART C (40 marks)

 Question no 6(Unit VI) is for 40 marks and is compulsory question( cut section 3-
D print 30 marks + detailed 2-D print with bill of materials 10 marks )

Prepared By: Verified By:

Dr.Sachin C.Kulkarni Dr.M S.Patil

Course Code 18ME551 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To understand and analyze stresses and strains at a point
2. To Determine stress-strain relations for linearly elastic members using normal stress, shear
stress and distortion energy theories
3. To solve plane elasticity problems in rectangular and polar coordinates using analytical
methods including thermal loads, body forces and surface tractions
4. To formulate 3-D boundary value problems
5. To formulate the basic equations of torsion of prismatic bars

Prerequisites: Mathematics Preliminaries: partial differentiation, matrices.

Unit - I 08 Hours
Analysis of stress: Introduction, Body Force, surface force and stress vector, State of stress at a
point, Normal, Shear and Rectangular stress components, Stress components on an arbitrary
plane, Equality of cross shear, Principal stresses, Stress invariants, Principal planes, cubic
equations, The state of stress referred to principal axes, Mohr’s diagram, Octahedral stresses,
Self learning topics: Hydrostatic stress, the state of pure shear.

Unit - II 08 Hours
Analysis of strain: Introduction, State of strain at a point, Strain displacement relations,
Interpretation of shear strain components, Cubical dilatation, Principal axis of strain and principal
strains, Strain Invariants, Octahedral strains, Compatibility equations, Numericals.
Self learning topics: Change in length of linear element-linear components.
Unit - III 08 Hours
Stress-Strain Relations for Linearly Elastic Solids: Introduction, generalized statement of
Hooke’s law, Stress-strain relations for isotropic materials, Modulus of rigidity, bulk modulus,
Young’s modulus and poison’s ratio, Relation between the elastic constants, Numericals.
Theorem of superposition, uniqueness of solutions, St. Venant’s principle, Reciprocal theorem.
Unit - IV 08 Hours
Two Dimensional Problems in Cartesian Co- ordinates: Practical applications of plane stress
and plane strain problems, Airy's stress function, Relationship between stress functions and
stresses, Investigation for simple beam problems (Numericals). Bending of a narrow cantilever
beam under end load, simply supported beam with uniform load, Numericals on stress distribution
for beams.
Unit - V 08 Hours
Two dimensional problems in Polar coordinates: General equations in Polar co-ordinates,
Pure bending of curved beams, Strain components in polar co-ordinates, Rotating disks,
Stresses in circular disks, Stresses in plate with a circular hole, pressure vessels.
Torsion: General equation of torsion for a prismatic bar, Torsion of bars with circular and
elliptical cross sections. Membrane analogy, Torsion of multi celled thin wall open and closed
sections, Numericals.

1. L.S. Srinath, Advanced Mechanics of Solids, TMH, 3rd Edition, 2009.
2. S. Timoshenko and J. W. Goodier, “Theory of Elasticity”, McGraw Hill, 2007.
3. C. L. Dym and I. H. Shames, Solid Mechanics: A variation Approach, McGraw Hill New
4. D. Hartog, Advanced Strength of Materials, McGraw Hill, 2014.
5. C. T. Wang. Applied Elasticity, McGraw-Hill Inc, 1963.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Account for the basic assumptions used for analysis of plates, shells and
1. [L3]
contact problems
2. Explain the implications of these assumptions [L2]
Derive governing equations and boundary conditions for quasi-static two-
3. [L3]
and three dimensional problems of elasticity
Solve simple quasi-static two- and three dimensional problems of elasticity
4. [L3]
using analytical methods.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
1. [PO1]
fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex
engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
2. engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of [PO2]
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Course delivery methods Assessment methods
1. Activities 1. Internal assessment
2. Demonstration 2. Assignments
3. Power point presentation 3. Course seminar/project
4. Chalk and board 4. Quiz

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of Course

Components tests assignments (Two) / project/Seminar Total Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA test is compulsory.
CIE marks will be reduced to 50 marks
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE: 40 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE
full questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Checked by: Prof. K. D. Kattimani Verified by: Prof. Y. N. Potdar


Course Code 18ME552 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3– 0– 0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course Objectives
1. To impart the knowledge of applications of composites, and the various constituents of the
2. To educate about the different manufacturing methods of composite material for different
3. To provide the knowledge about the mathematical equations related to micro and macro behavior
of composite materials.
4. To educate about study the failure criteria and critically evaluate the results of laminated

Pre-requisites : Mechanics of Materials, Metallurgy and Material Science

Unit – I 06 Hours
Introduction to Composite Materials
Definition, classification and characteristics of composite Materials – fibrous composites, laminated
composites, particulate composites.
Applications: Automobile, Aircrafts. Missiles. Space hardware and electronics, Marine,
recreational and sports equipment, future potential of composites..
Self-learning topics: Application of composites (detailed study) types of matrix and reinforcements
used for specific components.

Unit – II 06 Hours
Manufacturing of Composites: Lay-up and curing, fabricating process, open and closed mould
process, hand lay-up techniques; structural laminate bag molding, production procedures for bag
molding; filament winding, Pultrusion, pulforming, thermo-forming, injection molding, blow molding
Self-learning topics: Nano composites: Introduction and application

Unit – III 10 Hours

Macro Mechanics of a Lamina: Hooke's law for different types of materials, Number of elastic
constants, Derivation of 9 independent constants for orthotropic material, Two – dimensional
relationship of compliance and stiffness matrix. Hooks Law for 2D angular lamina- Numerical
problems. Stress strain relation for lamina of arbitrary orientation-Numerical problems.
Self-learning topics: Stiffness and compliance relationships.

Unit – IV 10 Hours
Micro Mechanical Analysis of a Lamina: Introduction, Evaluation of the four elastic moduli by Rule
of mixture, Numerical problems.
Biaxial Strength Theories: Maximum stress theory, Maximum strain theory, Tsai-Hill theory, Tsai-
Wu theory-Numerical problems.
Self-learning topics: Application problems of Biaxial Strength Theories
Unit – V 08 Hours
Macro Mechanical Analysis of Laminate: Introduction, code, Kirchhoff hypothesis, CLT, A, B,and
D matrices (Detailed derivation), Engineering constants, Special cases of laminates, Numerical
Self-learning topics: Laminate codes of composites.

1. A.K. Kaw, Mechanics of composite materials, CRC press, 2nd Edition,2010
2. R. M. Jones, Mechanics of Composite Materials, Mc Graw Hill Company, 3 rdedition, 2006.
3. M. Mukhopadhay, Mechanics of composites Materials& Structures, Universities Press, 2004
4. K. K.Chawla, Composite Material Science and Engineering, Springer, 3rd Edition,2012
5. E sources: NPTEL online courses, EDX, Stanford online,,

Course Outcome (COs)

Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:
1. Describe the composite material and their behavior, applications and limitations; and also
interpret the influence of structure and mechanical properties of the constituents on the [L2]
mechanical properties of the composite.
2. Identify and describe the suitable methods / processes required for manufacturing the
3. Apply the suitable equations to determine the stresses and strains in the composite
materials subjected to the load
4. Apply constitutive equations of composite materials and evaluate the four elastic moduli by
rule of mixture
5. Recognize and solve with the suitable theories of failures to check for safe working of the
composite subjected to external forces.
6. Recognize the suitable constituents of composites, their orientations and number of layers
[L3, L4]
analyze the effect of these on the performance of the composites.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1 Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, [PO1]

engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems.
2 Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex [PO2]
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles
of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3 Life Long Learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to [PO12]
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture and board 1. Quiz / Seminars
2. PPT 2. Assignments/ Course Activity
3. Video 3. Internal Assessment Tests
4. Prototypes 4. End Semester Exam
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Addition of two Course Total

IA tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration and will be reduced to 50marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 15
2 15
3 25
4 25
5 20

Syllabus framed by: Dr. M. S. Patil and Prof. Mahesh. A. Kori


Course Code 18ME553 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100

Course objectives
1. To elaborate the fundamentals of steam power plants with steam generators used in the
applications of conventional thermal power generation.
2. To study the performance parameters of chimney & draft systems and To gain the
knowledge of economics of power plants.
3. To give an insight into applications of diesel engines in power field and study hydro
power generation.
4. To understand the importance of Nuclear power, it’s safe generation & nuclear waste
5. To give an overview of non conventional (renewable) energy sources like Solar and its
allied energies for power production & their scope.

Unit - I 08 Hours
Steam Power Plant: List of different types of Fuels used for steam generation, Equipment for
burning coal in lump form, stokers, different types, Advantages and Disadvantages of using
pulverized fuel, Equipment for preparation and burning of pulverized coal, Cyclone furnace, A
brief account of Benson and Schmidt steam Generators, Generation of steam using forced
circulation, high and supercritical pressures.
Unit – II 08 Hours
Chimneys: Natural, forced, induced and balanced draft, Ash handling system, Calculations and
numerical involving height of chimney to produce a given draft. Types of cooling towers,
Natural draft Cooling tower.
Definition of terms used in power plant economics like demand factor, Load factor, plant
capacity factor, use factor, Diversity factor & load curve, simple Numerical.

Unit - III 08 Hours

Diesel Engine Power Plant: Applications of Diesel Engines in Power field, Layout of a Diesel
power plants, Auxiliaries like cooling and lubrication systems, Advantages of diesel engine
power plants, base & peak load plants.
Hydro-Electric Plants: Layout of Hydel plants, Hydrographs, Flow duration curve, unit
hydrograph and numerical. Storage and pondage, pumped storage plants, low, medium and
high head plants, Penstock, water hammer, surge tanks.

Unit - IV 08 Hours
Nuclear Power Plant: Principles of release of nuclear energy; Fusion and fission reactions.
Nuclear fuels used in the reactors. Multiplication and thermal utilization factors. Elements of
the nuclear reactor; Brief description of reactors of the following types-Pressurized water
reactor, Boiling water reactor, Fast Breeder reactor and Gas cooled reactor. (No numerical)
Self learning topics: Homogeneous graphite reactors, Radioactive waste disposal.
Unit - V 08 Hours
Introduction to Renewable Energy
Solar Extra terrestrial radiation and radiation at the earth surface, working principles of solar
collectors and flat plate collector, solar pond and photovoltaic conversion.
Properties of wind energy, availability of wind energy in India, wind velocity and power from
wind; major problems associated with wind power; Types of wind machines, Horizontal &
Vertical axis wind mills, coefficient of performance of a wind mill rotor [Numerical].
Tides and waves as energy suppliers; fundamental characteristics of tidal power, Harnessing
tidal energy. Ocean thermal energy conversion and cycles. Geothermal energy extraction by
various cycles.
Self learning topics: Wave energy extraction and devices

1. P.K.Nag , Power plant Engineering ,Tata McGraw Hill Pub Co Ltd,New-Delhi,3 rd
Edition, 2008.
2. G.D.Rai, Non Conventional Energy Sources, Khanna Publishers,New Delhi, Fifth
Edition, 2012
3. B.H.Khan, Non Conventional Energy Sources, TMH, 2007
4. A.W.Culp Jr,Principles of Energy Conversion, Mc Graw Hill, 1996.
5. Dhomkundwar, Power plant Engineering, Dhanpat Rai &Sons, New-Delhi, 2003.
6. Rao & Parulekar, Energy Technology, Khanna Pub, New Delhi, Third edition,2005.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Discuss the importance of steam power plants in conventional thermal
1. power generation and explain the operation of high pressure steam
generators with control.
Explain power plant economics, various types of drafts and cooling towers [L2,
& Analyze the chimney performance. L3]
Describe the suitability of diesel engines in small capacity mobile power
3. [L2]
generation utilities & Hydro- electric power plants.
Identify the viability of nuclear power generation by various reactors and its [L1,
waste disposal. L2]
Review the importance of harnessing non conventional energy sources like
5. Solar and allied energies with methods of extraction. operation of wind
turbines in detail

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, [PO1]
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution
of complex engineering problems
2. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional [PO7]
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and
demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture and board 1. Quiz
2. PPT 2. Assignments/Activity/Seminars
3. Video 3. Internal Assessment Tests
4. Semester End Exam
Online Resources: 1) Power Plant Engineering, IIT Roorkee:

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by: Prof. Prashant P K Verified by: Prof. G D Gokak

Course Code 18ME554 Credits 3
Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50
3 Hours for 100
Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration

Course learning objectives

1. To impart actual Thermodynamic cycle analysis of I.C Engines and their deviation from
air-standard and fuel-air cycles.
2. To explain the process of combustion in SI engines, and the factors effecting their
3. To explain the process of combustion in CI engines, and the factors effecting its
4. To teach the working of fuel supply system in SI and CI engines and also the need for
cooling and lubrication.
5. To instruct the basic concept and methods to reduce air pollution

Pre-requisites: Basic thermodynamic concepts related to ideal and real gas, processes, laws of
thermodynamics, basic engine nomenclature.

Unit - I 06 Hours
Introduction: Basic concepts of heat engine, Major parts of engine, Classification of IC
engines. Fuel-air cycles: application and use, variation of specific heat, dissociation or
chemical equilibrium loss, comparison with air standard cycles, effect of variables like
compression ratio, fuel-air ratio, maximum temperature, maximum pressure, exhaust
temperature, mean effective pressure; comparison of air standard and fuel-air cycles.
Numerical on air standard cycles based on heat and work interaction.
Self learning topics: Air standard cycles (brief description with p-v and T-s diagram): Carnot
cycle, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Joule or Brayton cycle

Unit - II 08 Hours
Combustion in SI engines: Actual cycles; losses in actual engine operation; comparison of
actual and fuel-air cycles; Combustion in SI engines: ignition limits, stages of combustion
(using p-θ diagram), concept of combustion quality; Ignition lag: concept, effect of fuel, fuel
mixture ratio, initial temperature and pressure, electrode gap, turbulence on ignition lag; Flame
propagation: concept, effect of fuel, fuel mixture ratio, compression ratio, intake pressure and
temperature, turbulence, engine load, engine speed, engine size on flame propagation;
abnormal combustion; Detonation (knocking): theories, chemistry, effect on engine variables,
control of knocking.
Self learning topics: Actual cycles; losses in actual engine operation; comparison of actual
and fuel-air cycles.

Unit - III 08 Hours

Combustion in CI engines: Introduction; stages of combustion (using p-θ diagram); delay period
or Ignition lag: concept, affecting variables; Knocking in CI engines: concept, methods of control;
CI engine combustion chambers: air swirl, induction swirl, compression swirl; M combustion
chambers; cold starting of CI engines.
Self learning topics: Comparison of CI and SI engines

Unit - IV 08 Hours
Fuel flow in SI and CI Engines and Cooling Systems:
Air fuel ratio requirement of SI engines, working and limitations of a simple venture
carburetor, Gasoline injections systems, steady state mixture requirements, transient mixture
requirements. Diesel fuel injection systems: Heat release pattern, Inline pumps, distributor
pumps, Types of nozzles, Unit injector and common rail injector systems. Need for cooling:
Types of cooling systems, air and liquid cooling systems, Thermosyphon, forced circulation
and pressurized cooling systems, basic properties of coolants.
Unit - V 10 Hours
Modern Developments, Pollutant Formation and its Control in IC Engines:
Supercharging and turbo charging methods. Stratified-charged engine. VCR engines. Surface
ignition engine and future trends. Pollution Formation: Nature and Extent of Problem.
Nitrogen Oxides: Kinetics of NO Formation in SI and CI engines. Carbon Monoxide and
Unburned Hydrocarbon Emissions: Flame Quenching and Oxidation Fundamentals, HC
Emissions from SI & CI Engines. Particulate Matter: SI & CI Engine Particulates, Soot
formation, Soot Oxidation. Pollution Control: Exhaust Gas Treatment: Available Options,
Catalytic Converters, Thermal Reactors, Particulate Traps. Chemical Methods to Reduce
Emissions, EGR, Non-Exhaust Emissions.

V. Ganeshan, I.C Engines Third edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub Co Ltd, New Delhi,
M L Sharma and R P Sharma, Internal Combustion Engines, Dhanpat Rai Publications,
3. H N Gupta, Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engines, Prentice Hall India, 2013.
4. R B Gupta, Automobile Engineering, Satya Prakashan, New Delhi.
Edward F. Obert , IC Engines & Air Pollution, Third Edition, Harper & Row Pub,
Colin R. Ferguson, Allan T.Kirkpatric: IC Engines Applied Thermal Sciences,2001,
Wiley student Edition.
Heywood, Internal combustion Engine fundamentals, McGraw-Hill Education, New
Delhi. 2011.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Compare actual thermodynamic cycles with air-standard and fuel –air
1. [L2]
cycles. Apply the principles of air standard and fuel-air cycles.
Analyze Combustion phenomenon in SI engines and factors affecting
2. [L3]
combustion variation.
Analyze the Combustion phenomenon in CI engines and factors
3. [L3]
affecting combustion variation in these engines.
Interpret the concept of fuel supply in SI and CI engines with
4. [L3]
carburetion and fuel injection systems. Suggest suitable cooling systems.
Explain the concept of turbo charging and modern engines. Interpret [L3]
the mechanism of pollutant formation and explain the control methods.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO 1]
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
2. complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first [PO 2]
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
3. engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate [PO 7]
the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
4. ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context [PO 12]
of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Activities 1. Internal assessment
2. Demonstration 2. Assignments
3. Power point presentation 3. Course seminar/project
NPTEL Course link:
4. Chalk and board 4.

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by: Dr. Sanjeev H. Kulkarni Verified by: Dr. V. V. Kulkarni


Course Code 18ME555 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100


Course learning objectives

1. To provide knowledge of the concept industrial engineering, Productivity.
2. To educate the Importance, Procedure of conducting method study and work measurement.
3. To incorporate the knowledge of ergonomics and man-machine system and apply in industry
4. To develop the skills to the design of work place, influence of climate and other various
parameters on human efficiency.

Unit - I 8 Hours
Productivity: Definition of productivity, individual enterprises, task of management Productivity of
materials, land, building, machine and power. Measurement of productivity, factors affecting the
productivity, productivity improvement programs, wages and incentives-numerical problems.
Work study: Definition, objective and scope of work study. Human factor in work study. Work study
and management, work study and supervision, work study and worker.

Unit - II 8 Hours
Method Study: Definition, objective and scope of method study, activity recording and exam aids.
Charts to record movements in shop operation – process charts, flow diagram, flow process charts,
travel chart and multiple activity charts. (With numerical). Charts to record movements at work place –
principles of motion economy, Therbligs and classification of movements, Two Handed process chart,
SIMO chart, and micro motion study. Development, Definition and Installation of the improved
Self learning topics: Synthetic Motion Studies.

Unit - III 8 Hours

Work Measurement: Definition, objective and benefit of work measurement. Work measurement
Stop Watch Time Study: Time Study, Definition, time study equipment, selection of job, steps in
time study. Breaking jobs into elements, recording information. Rating & standard Rating, standard
performance, allowances and standard time determination, predetermined motion time study (PMTS).
Self learning topics: Work Sampling

Unit - IV 8 Hours
Ergonomics: Introduction, Areas of study under Ergonomics, System approach to Ergonomics model,
Man-Machine System. Components and functions of Man-Machine System, Work capabilities of
Industrial Worker, Study of Stress in human body and their consequences.
Unit - V 8 Hours
Design of Man-Machine System: Fatigue in industrial workers. Quantitative, Qualitative
representation and Alphanumeric displays. Controls and their design criteria, Control types, relation
between controls and displays. Influence of noise, Vibration and light.
1. ILO, “Introduction to work study”, 4th Revised Edition, 2015.
2. Ralph M Barnes, John Wiley, “Motion and Time study”, 8th Edition, 1985
3. Marvin E. Munde, “Motion and Time study”, PHI -2 nd edition, 1980
4. S Dalela and Sourabh, “Work Study and Ergonomics”, Chand Publishers,3rd edition, 2011
5. S Sanders and E J McCormick, “Human Factors in Engineering Design”, Mc Graw Hill – 7 th
Edition, 1993

Online Resources & Software:

1. NPTEL course: Work System Design, Prof. Inderdeep Singh, IIT Roorkee

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Explain productivity and Procedural steps in conducting method study and work
1. [L2]
Explain Importance of Ergonomics and Man-Machine system applicable to
2. industrial activity. [L2]

3. Explain and apply the ergonomic concepts in the evaluation of existing systems [L3]
and design of new systems
4. Demonstrate the importance of method study and work measurement techniques [L4]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering Knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of [PO2]
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs
with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations.
4. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge
to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent [PO6]
responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice
5. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with
the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
Course delivery methods Assessment methods
1. Black board teaching 1. Internal Assessment Tests
2. PPT 2. Assignments
3. 3. Quiz

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

(Please note: The marks distribution can be varied as required)


Course Code 18ME556 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 Hrs SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To Understand the need for different non-traditional machining process.
2. To Understand the principle, equipment and details of NTM processes.
3. To Compare the various non-traditional machining processes.
4. To Study the effect of various parameters on the material removal rate of non-
traditional machining process.
5 To Learn the various applications of modern machining techniques.

Pre-requisites : Basics of Metal Cutting principles

Unit - I 08 Hours
Introduction: History, need, classification, comparison between conventional and non-
conventional machining process.
Ultrasonic machining (USM): Process principles, Equipment: power supply, transducer, tool
holders, tools, tool feeding mechanisms, abrasives. Mechanism of material removal, process
parameters, applications.

Unit - II 08 Hours
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM): Introduction, Process principles, equipment: nozzles, masks,
abrasives. Process parameters, process capabilities, applications, examples.

Water Jet Machining (WJM): Principle, equipment, process parameters, advantages,

limitations and applications of WJM.

Unit - III 08 Hours

Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM):
Process principles, Equipment: Power Supply, various EDM circuits, Di-electric system,
electrodes. Process parameters, mechanism of material removal, flushing methods, MRR in
EDM with R-C Circuit, numerical, advantages and applications of EDM.
Self learning: Wire cut EDM process
Unit - IV 08 Hours
Electrochemical Machining (ECM):
Process principles, Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis, equipment, electrolytes, process
parameters, MRR in ECM (numerical), Electrochemical de-burring, honing and applications of
Chemical Machining: Process principles, process parameters, types of maskants and etchants.
Chemical blanking, Chemical Milling, applications of chemical machining.

Unit - V 08 Hours
Plasma Arc Machining (PAM):
Introduction, equipment, non-thermal generation of plasma, selection of gas, mechanism of
metal removal, PAM parameters, advantages and applications.

Laser Beam Machining (LBM): Introduction, equipment of LBM, mechanism of metal

removal, process parameters.
Self learning: Applications of LBM in industry


1. P.C.Pandey and H.S.Shan, Modern Machining Processes, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd.,
2. Amitabha Ghosh and Ashok Kumar Mallik, Manufacturing Science, Affiliated East-
West Press Pvt. Ltd.,2010
3. HMT Publications, Production Technology, Tata-McGraw Hill, 2001.
E-resources (links)

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Describe the relevance & need for non-traditional machining. Distinguish between
1. [L 3]
conventional and NTM processes.
Explain the principle of working, equipment and applications of various modern
2. [L 2]
machining processes. Distinguish between different NTM processes.
Explain the effect of various process parameters on MRRin various non-traditional
3. [L 2]
machining processes.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Problem Analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze engineering
2. problems to arrive at substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, [PO2]
natural and engineering sciences.
Communication: Communicate effectively with the engineering community and
3. with society at large. Be able to comprehend and write effective reports, [PO10]
documentation. Make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Course delivery methods Assessment methods
1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessments
2. Power point presentations 2. Assignments
3. Video presentation 3. Quiz
4. Practical demonstration of EDM. 4. Course seminar/ Course projects

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Average of

Components Total
Course Activity
IA tests Two assignments Marks
Maximum Marks: 30 + 30 10 + 10 20 100
Writing two IA tests is compulsory
CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50.

Self-study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit each. Students have to answer FIVEfull
questionchoosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared/Verified by: H. B. Kulkarni / A. V. Kulkarni


Course Code 18ME557** Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 100 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 2-0-2 SEE Marks 100 marks

Total Hours: 30 + 20 = 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

**Only for Diploma students

Course learning objectives (CLO’s)
1. To teach the Bureau of Indian Standards on drawing practices and standard components.
2. To impart the knowledge of Machine component and its conversion into 2D drawing.
3. To impart the knowledge of various types thread forms and representation of standard
thread components.
4. To explain keys and couplings along with their standard empirical relations.
5. To teach Model the parts and create assembly using standard CAD packages.

Pre-requisites: Engineering graphics. 04 Hours

Introduction: Introduction to BIS Specification for line conventions, dimensioning, Tolerance
representation Conventional representation of common features. (No questions are to be set
from this section)

Part A
Unit - I 07 Hours
Sections of Solids: Sections of Pyramids, Prisms, Cubes, Cones and Cylinders resting on their
base only (No problems on spheres and hollow solids).True shape of sections. (Component
drawing to be done on drawing sheet and CAD software)

Unit - II 09 Hours
Orthographic Views: Conversion of pictorial views into orthographic Projections of simple
machine parts with and without section. (Bureau of Indian Standards conventions are to be
followed for the drawings), Precedence of lines, Basics of geometric dimensioning.
(Component drawing to be done on drawing sheet and CAD software)

Part B
Unit - III 06 Hours
Thread Forms and Fasteners: Thread terminology, Thread conventions, ISO Metric (Internal
& External), BSW (Internal & External) Square, Acme and Sellers Thread. Representation of
Socket head cap screw and Hexagonal headed bolt and nut assembly with washer,
Self learning topics: Simple assembly of stud with hexagonal nut and lock nut.

Unit - IV 04 Hours
Keys and Coupling: Feather key, Gib-Head key, Taper sunk key, Woodruff key, Dowel pin.
Flanged coupling (protected type), Pin and bush type flexible coupling.
Self learning topics: Universal coupling (Hooks' Joint)

Part C
Unit - V 20 Hours
Assembly of Machine Components (Using the given part drawings)
1. Screw jack (Bottle type)
2. Plummer block (Pedestal Bearing)
Self learning topics: Machine vice, Unprotected type flange coupling, Non return valve.
(Assembly drawing to be done on drawing sheet and CAD software)

1. N.D.Bhat &V.M.Panchal, Machine Drawing, Charotar Publications, 26 thEdn. 1991.
2. K.R. Gopal Krishna, Machine Drawing ,Subhash Publication.,2003
3. S. Trymbaka Murthy, A Text Book of Computer Aided Machine Drawing, CBS
Publishers, New Delhi, 2007
4. N. Siddeshwar, P. Kanniah, V.V.S. Sastri, Machine Drawing, published by Tata
McGraw Hill, 2006
5. Machine tool design hand book, Cmti.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, student will be able to
Recognize and formulate detail 2-D drawing of a given object with
1. [L3]
2. Explain orthographic projections of a given object. [L3]
3. Identify and sketch different types of thread forms and fasteners. [L3]
4. Identify and sketch different types of keys and couplings. [L3]
Create 2-D and 3-D models by standard CAD software with manufacturing
5. [L4]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
2. [PO5]
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
Course delivery methods Assessment methods
1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Demonstration 2. Assignment
3. Power Point Presentation 3. Course project
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

One IA of 100marks at
Components (Addition of Journal Couse activity Total
the end reduced to 50 Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. PART A(20 marks)
 Question no 1(Unit I) and Question no 2(Unit II) is for 20 marks each. Solve any
one (sketch 10 marks+ printout 10 marks)
PART B (40 marks)
 Question no 3(Unit IIII), Question no 4(Unit IV) and Question no 5(Unit V) is for
20 marks each. Solve any two (sketch only)

PART C (40 marks)

 Question no 6(Unit VI) is for 40 marks and is compulsory question( cut section 3-
D print 30 marks + detailed 2-D print with bill of materials 10 marks )

Prepared By: Verified By:

Dr.Sachin.C.Kulkarni Dr.M.S.Patil

Course Code 18ME561 Credits 3

Course type OE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives (CLO’s)

1. To impart the knowledge of basics of product development
2. To explain how to indentify customer needs and product specifications
3. To explain how to select concept and testing.
4. To impart the knowledge of different methods Prototyping process
5. To impart the knowledge of different types of RP optimization.

Unit – I 08 Hours
Introduction: Characteristics of successful product development, Design and development of
products, duration and cost of product development, the challenges of product development.
Development Processes and Organizations: A generic development process, concept
development: the front-end process, adopting the generic product development process, the AMF
development process, product development organizations, the AMF organization.
Product Planning: The product planning process, identify opportunities. Evaluate and prioritize
projects, allocate resources and plan timing, complete pre project planning, reflect all the results
and the process.

Unit – II 08 Hours
Identifying Customer Needs: Gather raw data from customers, interpret raw data in terms of
customer needs, organize the needs into a hierarchy, establish the relative importance of the needs
and reflect on the results and the process.
Product Specifications: What are specifications, when are specifications established, establishing
target specifications, setting the final specifications.
Concept Generation: The activity of concept generation, clarifies the problem, search externally,
search internally, explore systematically, reflect on the results and the process .

Unit – III 08 Hours

Concept Selection: Overview of methodology, concept screening, and concept scoring Concept
Testing: Define the purpose of concept test, choose a survey population, choose a survey format,
communicate the concept, measure customer response, interpret the result, and reflect on the
results and the process.
Product Architecture: What is product architecture, implications of the architecture, establishing
the architecture, variety and supply chain considerations, platform planning, related system level
design issues.

Unit – IV 08 Hours
Introduction: Need for the compression in product development, history of RP systems, Survey of
applications, Growth of RP industry, and classification of RP systems.
Stereo Lithography Systems & Selective Laser Sintering: Principle, Process parameter, Process
details, Data preparation, data files, Path generation, and machine details, Application

Unit – V 08 Hours
Fusion Deposition Modeling: Type of machine, Principle of operation, process parameters,
applications, Principle of Fusion deposition modeling, Process parameter, Path generation,
RP Process Optimization: Factors influencing accuracy. Data preparation errors, Part building errors,
Error in finishing, influence of build orientation.

Online Resources
1. NPTEL course: Product Design and Development by Prof. Inderdeep Singh , IIT Roorkee.
NPTEL Course link:
2 NPTEL course: Rapid Manufacturing by Prof. J Ramkumar, IIT Kanpur.

Product Design and Development -Karl.T.Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger -Irwin McGrawHill -
2. Product Design and Manufacturing -A C Chitale and R C Gupta, PH1, -3rd Edition, 2003

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Identify and analyse the product design and development processes in
1. [L2]
manufacturing industry.
Define the components and their functions of product design and development
2. processes and their relationships from concept to customer over whole product [L3]
Analyse, evaluate and apply the methodologies for product design, development
3. [L2,L3]
and management.
Describe product development, conceptual design and classify rapid prototyping
4 [L3]
systems; explain SLS process and applications.
5 Understand the RP Process Optimizations. [L4]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze
2 complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first [PO2]
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs
3. [PO3]
with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
4 engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological [PO12]

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Course Total

Components Addition of two IA tests
assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by Verified by
Prof A.A.Kulkarni Prof S.J.Patil

Course Code 18ME562 Credits 3

Course type OE CIE Marks 50 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50 marks

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

The student will be able to understand

1. Engine assembly, parts and Control Units
2. Electronic Engine Control System
3. Transmission system Suspensions, & advance Braking system
4. Automotive Instrumentation and Diagnostics
5. Autonomous Vehicles

Pre-requisites : Students should have the basic knowledge of an automobile and EME

Unit - I 8 Hours
Power Unit: Working principal of IC engines, Review of 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines, Basic
components of engine, valve mechanism, methods of cooling- pressurized water cooling and
pressurized lubrication system, Fuel mixture requirements for SI & CI engines, Magneto
Ignition system, Battery ignition system.

Unit – II 8 Hours
The Basics of Electronic Engine Control: Motivation for Electronic Engine Control, Concept
of an Electronic Engine Control System, Definition of General Terms: Parameters, Variables,
Definition of Engine Performance Terms, Electronic Fuel Control System, Electronic Ignition.
Sensors and Actuators: Automotive Control System Applications of Sensors and Actuators,
Temperature Sensors, Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor, Automotive Engine Control Actuators.

Unit – III 8 Hours

Power Transmission: Principle of clutches, Synchromesh gear box & automatic transmission,
Propeller shaft and universal joints, differential, steering geometry and wheel alignment.
Suspensions and Brakes: Requirements of suspension systems, independent suspension
system, Types of brakes drum & disc, Braking system- vacuum, Air and hydraulic braking
systems – wheel cylinder.

Unit - IV 8 Hours
Vehicle Motion Control: Typical Cruise Control System, Antilock Braking System,
Electronic Suspension System, Electronic Steering Control.
Automotive Instrumentation and Telematics: Modern Automotive Instrumentation, Input
and Output Signal Conversion: Multiplexing, Sampling, Coolant Temperature Measurement,
Oil Pressure Measurement, Vehicle Speed Measurement, CAN Network, Telematics.
Diagnostics: Electronic Control System Diagnostics, Occupant Protection Systems.
Unit – V 8 Hours
Future of Automotive: Basics of IOT, Technologies behind IoT, Autonomous vehicles , GPS
tracking system, onboard-online monitoring systems, Introduction to cloud computing, RFID
system for vehicle service history, Data-driven intelligent cars and few recent applications of

1. R.B.Gupta, Automobile Engineering , Satya Prakashan ,4 th edn.1984
2. Kripal Singh , Automobile Engineering, Vol I and Vol II, 2002
3. William Ribbens, Understanding Automobile Electronics
4. Arshdeep Bhaga, Vijay Madishetti ,Internet of Things, A Hands-on Approach
5. Agus Kurniawan ,Smart Internet of Things Projects- PACKT Publications, Sept 30,
Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Identify different parts of an engine assembly. Write the entire [L 1, L 2,
operations in an engine with fuel mixtures, Explain ECU and its parts. L3]
2. Understand the importance of Electronic Engine Control in the vehicle. [L 2]
Write the entire operation of a transmission system and explain its parts ,
3. Explain the principle suspensions and brakes , Write the different types of [L 2, L3 ]
suspensions and brakes.

4. Explain the automotive instrumentation and diagnostic methods. [L 2]

Explain basics of IoT, GPS and RFID systems , Describe Autonomous

5. [L 2, L 4]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the [PO1]
solution of complex engineering problems.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation
2. and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the [PO12]
broadest context of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Course Total

Components Addition of two IA tests
assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by Self Verified

Prof .Vinayak V. Kulkarni

Course Code 18ME563 Credits 3

Course type OE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To Develop the knowledge of integrating mechanical, electrical & electronics engineering skills
to problems and challenges in order to achieve better performance.
2. To Understand the concepts of various electrical actuators and their real life applications.
3. To Understand the importance and requirement of signal conditioning.
4. To Understand the working of microprocessor and concepts of microcontroller
5. To Develop competence in programming of microprocessor

Unit - I 08 Hours
Introduction of Mechatronics: Definition of Mechatronics, Multi-disciplinary scenario,
Objectives, An Overview of Mechatronics, Microprocessor Based Controllers, Principle of
Working of Automatic Camera, Automatic Washing Machine & Flexible Manufacturing System
Review of Transducers and Sensors: Definition and classification of transducers & sensors.
Performance characteristics, Principle of working of light sensors, proximity sensors Pyro-electric
transducers, Pneumatic sensors and Hall effect sensors.

Unit - II 08 Hours
Electrical Actuation Systems: Electrical actuators, mechanical switches, solid-state switches, DC
Motors, configurations of DC Motors, control of DC Motors, Stepper motors, control of stepper motors
along with switching sequence, merits and demerits.
Self learning topics:AC motors and types of AC motors

Unit - III 08 Hours

Signal Conditioning: Introduction to signal conditioning. The operational amplifier, Protection,
Filtering, Wheatstone bridge, and Digital signals Multiplexers, Data acquisition, Introduction to Digital
system, ADC, DAC.
Self learning topics:Processing Pulse-modulation

Unit - IV 08 Hours
Introduction to Microprocessors: Definition, Evolution of microprocessor, Review of concepts
– Binary and Decimal number systems, Binary arithmetic, memory representation of positive and
negative integers. Overflow and underflow. Organization of microprocessor, Architecture of
microprocessor along with terminology.
Microcontrollers: Introduction to Microcontroller, Difference between microprocessor and
microcontroller. Classification of micro controllers.

Unit - V 08 Hours
Programming of Microprocessor: Introduction, Addressing the I/O devices, Instruction set of
8085, Instruction types, addressing modes, Programming the 8085, programming process,
Assembler Programming, Assembler directives, simple assembly programming.

Online Resources
1. NPTEL course: Mechatronics And Manufacturing Automation by Prof. Shri Krishna Joshi , IIT
Guwahati. NPTEL Course link:

1. W. Bolton, Mechatronics - Electronic control systems in Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering, Pearson Education, 2005, 3rd edition ISBN: 81-297-0579-6
2. Nitaigour Premchand Mahalik, Mechatronics- Principles, concepts and Applications, Tata
McGraw- Hill, 2005.
3. Aditya P. Mathur, Introduction to Microprocessors, Tata McGraw- Hill, 2006, 3rd edition.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Explain the concept of mechatronics systems and identify applications of sensors
1. [L2]
and transducers
Interpret the working of solid state switches and analyse switching sequence of
2. [L3]
3. Recognize various methods of signal processing as per the suitable application [L2]
4. Comprehend microprocessor and terminology [L2]
5. Develop programme for simple applications [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
2. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture & Board 1. CIE
2. PPT 2. Quiz
3. Videos 3. Assignment
4. Course Project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Course Total

Components Addition of two IA tests
assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by Verified by
Dr. Nikhil R Prof S.R.Kulkarni

Course Code 18ME564 Credits 03

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To enable students to understand and interpret the system of equations and various solutions,
central tendency and dispersion of data.
2. To provide knowledge of curve fitting and Probability concepts
3. To understand the concept of random variables, PDF, CDF and Probability distributions.
4. To impart the knowledge of Sampling distribution and Testing of Hypothesis.
5. To broaden understandings of Joint Probability Distribution and Stochastic processes.

Pre-requisites :Nil

Unit - I 08Hours
Modern Statistics, Statistics and Engineering, The role of Scientists and Engineers in Quality
Treatment of Data: Pareto diagrams and Dot Diagrams, Frequency Distributions, Graphs of frequency
distributions, stem and leaf displays, Descriptive measures, Quartiles and other percentiles. The
calculation of 𝑋 and s.

Self learning topics: Graphs using MS Excel

Unit - II 08Hours
Principles of Counting:
Introduction, Basic counting principles, factorial notation, binomial, coefficients, permutations,
combinations, tree diagram.

Unit - III 08Hours

Set theory: Introduction, sets and elements, subsets, Venn diagram, set operations, finite and countable
sets, counting elements in finite sets, Inclusion-exclusion principle, Product sets, classes of sets, power
of sets, partitions, mathematical Induction.

Unit - IV 08Hours
Probability I: Probability of an event, empirical and axiomatic definition, Probability associated with
set theory, addition law, conditional probability, multiplication law, Baye’s theorem.

Unit - V 08Hours
Probability II: Random variables (discrete and continuous), Probability density function, cumulative
density function, Probability distributions-Binomial, Poisson, Exponential and normal distributions.
Self learning topics: Weibull Distribution

1. Richard A. Johnson, “Probability and Statistics for Engineers”, PHI, 5 th Edition, 2000.
2. Schaum’s outline series, “Probability”, McGraw Hill,2nd edition,2000.
3. B.S. Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers”, 42 nd Edition, 2012.
4. B. V. Ramana, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Tata McGraw-Hill Education Private
Limited, Tenth reprint 2010
5. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 9th
Edition,2006 and onwards

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Interpret the various data and explain the role of engineers in quality improvement [L3]
2. Explain the basic principles of counting [L2]
3. Explain the set theory
4. Explain the probabilities and application of Baye’s theorem [L4]
Extend the basic probability concept to continuous and discrete probability
5. [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering [PO1]
1. fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex
engineering problems.
2. An ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems. [PO2]
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and [PO5]
3. modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture and Board 1. CIE
2. PPT 2. Quiz
3. Videos 3. Assignments

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

 Writing two IA test is compulsory.
 CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
 Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 20 out of 50.
Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20
Course Code 18MEL57 Credits 1
Course type L CIE Marks 25 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 0-0-2 SEE Marks 25 marks
3 Hours for 50
Total Hours: 26 SEE Duration

Course Learning Objectives

1. To understand the basics of Newton’s Law of viscosity and selection of suitable grades
of lubricating oils.
2. To understand and study the application of a calorimeter to find calorific value of fuels
3. To have the knowledge of different thermal performance parameters of engines using
Load & Morse Tests
4 To develop competence to interpret data obtained by conducting experiments with
industry perspective.

Pre-requisites : Knowledge of tests on fuels, flow measurements and working of IC Engines

List of experiments
Part A- Fuel Lab
1. Test to determine Viscosity of oils using a Saybolt viscometer.
2. Test to determine Viscosity of oils using a Redwood viscometer.
3. Flash & fire point test using Clevelands open cup & Pensky Martein closed cup
4. Test to determine the calorific value (CV) of solid fuels using a Bomb calorimeter.
5. To conduct a test on Refrigeration and Air conditioning set up and measure basic
DEMO : To determine the area of regular and irregular figures using

Part B- Engine Lab

6. Thermal performance test on a single cylinder diesel engine. (Mechanical Loading)
7. Thermal performance & heat balance test on a twin cylinder diesel engine. (Resistance
8. Thermal performance test on a single cylinder diesel engine. (Bulb Loading)
9. Thermal performance test on a multi-cylinder diesel engine (Hydraulic Loading)
10. Morse test on a multi cylinder petrol engine.
11. Thermal performance test on a single cylinder VCR CI engine.

1. Lab Manual prepared by the Mechanical Engineering Department
2. V. Ganeshan, I.C Engines Third edition,2010, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub Co Ltd, New
3. M L Sharma and R P Sharma, Internal Combustion Engines, Dhanpat Rai
Publications, New Delhi, 2010.
4. Edward F. Obert , IC Engines & Air Pollution, Third Edition, Harper & Row Pub,
5. Colin R. Ferguson, Allan T. Kirkpatric: IC Engines Applied Thermal
Sciences,2001,Wiley student Edition.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Analyze and interpret the variation of different types of viscosities with
1. temperature and recommend the suitability of an oil of a specific SAE grade [L3]
as a lubricant in different engine applications.
Analyze and Calculate different parameters of Psychrometrics and interpret
2. [L3]
the relationship between them
Illustrate the Calorific values of fuels, their flash point and fire point values
3. [L3]
and comparison among various petro & bio fuels.
Analyze the evaluation of thermal performance parameters on engines &
4. [L4]
their variation with loads and at different preset compression ratios
Evaluate the Performance parameter like indicated power of a multi-
5. [L4]
cylinder engine
Calculate the specific and relative humidity of atmospheric air, and use the
6. [L3]
psychrometric chart as a tool to determine the properties of atmospheric air.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO 1]
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
2. complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first [PO 2]
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based
knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis
3. [PO 4]
and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
4. engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate [PO 7]
the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
5. [PO 9]
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering
6. activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, [PO 10]
being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design
documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
7. ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context [PO 12]
of technological change.

Assessment methods
1. Conduct of experiments
2. Journal write up
3. Viva-voce
4. Open Ended Experiments

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Components Conduct of the lab Journal submission Lab Project
Maximum Marks: 25 10 10 5 25
 Submission and certification of lab journal is compulsory to qualify for SEE.
 Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 10 marks out of 25

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

It will be conducted for 50 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 25 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. One experiment each to be conducted from fuel and engine Lab.
3. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 20/50 (10/25)
Initial write up 10 marks
Conduct of experiments, results and
20 marks
4. conclusion 50 marks
One mark question 10 marks
Viva- voce 10 marks
5. Viva-voce shall be conducted for individual student and not in a group.

Prepared by: Dr. Sanjeev H. Kulkarni Verified by: Dr. S. M. Bapat


Course Code 18MEL58 Credits 1

Course type L CIE Marks 25
Hours/week: L-T-P 0-0-2 SEE Marks 25

Total Hours: 24 SEE Duration 2 Hrs for 50marks

Course objectives
1. To understand theoretical principles of balancing of masses and demonstrate balancing of
rotating masses practically.
2. To learn the principles of governors, gyroscope and analyze forces in governors and couples in
3. To demonstrate students with concepts of vibrations and enabling the students to analyze
undamped Single degree of freedom systems.
4. To solve the problems using commercially available software for analyzing different

List of Experiments:
1. Determination of natural frequency of single degree of freedom vibrating systems
experimentally and comparing it with theoretical values (longitudinal and torsional).
2. Determination of logarithmic decrement and damping ratio in a single degree of freedom
damped vibrating systems (torsional).
3. Balancing of rotating masses in different planes.
4. To conduct an experiment on Porter governor for different weights on sleeve and then plot the
controlling force curve.
5. To conduct an experiment on Hartnell governor for different weights on sleeve and then plot
the controlling force curve.
6. To verify the right hand rule relationship among the three vectors namely spin vector, precision
vector and couple vector and also to verify the relationship C=Iωω p.
7. To perform kinematic analysis of mechanisms (four bar and slider crank) using multibody
dynamics and motion analysis software and compare the results with analytical solution.
8. Construct and analyze the simple gear train for specific input data using multibody dynamics
and motion analysis software and compare the results with analytical solutions.
9. Dynamic and vibration analysis of a link i.e interpretation of simulated results on vibration
characteristics of a kinematic link using multibody dynamics and motion analysis software.

Open ended experiments planned:

1. Determination of natural frequency of a connecting rod experimentally and comparing it with
theoretical value.
2. Synthesis of a mechanism for a specific output using multibody dynamics and motion analysis

1. Rattan S.S., Theory of Machines, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 3 rd
Edition, 2009.
2. G. K. Grover, Mechanical Vibrations, Nem Chand and Bros, 6 th Edition, 1996.
3. Graham Kelly, Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibration, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000.

Course Outcome (COs):

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Classify vibrations induced in a system and Explain different parameters
1. [L2]
associated with it.
Define natural frequency of single DOF system and verify experimentally
2. [L2]
and theoretically
3. Find the natural frequency of damped system. [L2]
4. Check the system for dynamic balancing of masses. [L3]
5. Verify different parameters for Porter governor. [L2]
Verify right hand rule for gyroscopic couple. [L2]
7. Analyze four bar mechanism and gear train. [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering Knowledge: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics,
science and engineering.
2. Problem analysis: An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as
to analyze and interpret data.
3 Modern Tool Usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the

Assessment methods
1. Conduct of experiments
2. Journal write up
3. Viva-voce

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Components Conduct of the lab Journal submission Mini project
Maximum Marks: 25 10 10 5 25
 Submission and certification of lab journal is compulsory to qualify for SEE.
 Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 10

Scheme of Semester End Examination(SEE):

It will be conducted for 50marks of 2hours duration. It will be reduced to
25marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2 Minimum marks required in SEE to pass:20
.Marks: 10
Initial write up 2X5=10marks

Conduct of experiments 2X10=20marks

3. 50marks
VIVA 10marks

Quiz 10marks

1. Syllabus framed by:1) P.P.Mirji

2. Syllabus verified by:2)P.J.Phadnis

Course Title: Communicative English

Course Code 18ENG16 /27 Credits 1

Course type HS CIE Marks 25 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 1:0:1 SEE Marks NA

Total Hours: 30 SEE Duration NA

Course learning objectives

1. To assist the students in developing necessary language skills in the areas like vocabulary,
grammar, presentation and interactive communication.

2. To enable them to express their ideas coherently.

3. To help to comprehend and write effectively.

4. To aid them in understanding the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication.

Pre-requisites :
 Basic knowledge of English Language.
 Conversant with Basic English Grammar.
 Ability to frame sentence in English.

Unit – I: Grammar and Vocabulary 5 Hours

1. Frame grammatically acceptable sentences using Articles, Prepositions, Tenses, Modals and
Subject-Verb agreement.
2. Enhance day to day general vocabulary and business vocabulary using every day words,
appropriate collective nouns, idioms, phrases and phrasal verbs.

Self learning topics:Improve vocabulary by reading.

Unit – II: Reading Skills 5 Hours

1. Comprehend and interpret the texts such as notices, advertisements, memos, emails, charts etc.
using reading techniques like skimming and scanning.
2. Using the knowledge of Phonetics to identify the right pronunciation from a dictionary.
3. Reading to enrich work place / business vocabulary.

Self learning topics:Solve reading assignments from Cambridge Business BENCHMARK Pre-
intermediate to Intermediate.

Unit – III: Listening Skills 7 Hours

1. Interpret recorded audio-video scripts in order to pick specific information in a short extract.
2. Listening exercises to understand factual information like dates, prices, telephone numbers etc.
3. Listening for gist (general meaning) to understand the speaker’s opinions and pick out the
specific information.

Self learning topics:Solve listening exercises from and

Unit – IV: Speaking Skills 8 Hours

1. Interact effectively as an individual and also as a member in a team using correct grammar
using wide range of vocabulary and avoiding common errors in English.
2. Design and formulate presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint and Non-Verbal
communication cues (Kinesics, Proxemics, Chronemics and Paralinguistic).
3. Speak in a logical way and speak for the right amount of time with proper pronunciation on
general topics and business topics.

Self learning topics:Self evaluation by recording their speech.

Unit – V: Writing Skills 5 Hours

1. Write Business Letters, Emails, Memos and Notes using British English Standards/Etiquettes.
2. Writing skills using appropriate registers (formal and informal), correct grammar, correct spelling,
vocabulary, linking words and phrases.

Self learning topics:Practice e-mail, memos, and report writing.

1. Prof. M.B. Kudari, “Passage to English” Self Publication, Gokak, 2011.
2. T. M. Farhathulla, “Communication Skills for Undergraduates” - RBA-Chennai, 2006.
3. K.R. Lakshminarayanan, “English for Technical Communication”, Scitech-Chennai, 2002.
4. Prof. G.S. Mudambadithya, “Functional English”, Sapana- Bangalore,
5. Norman Whitby, “Cambridge English Business Benchmark”, Cambridge University Press, 3rd
Printing 2014.

Course Outcome (COs)

Outcomes usually follow the format: “At the end of the course, students will be able to‘insert action
verb here + insert knowledge, skills, or attitudes the student is expected to develop’](Highlight the
action verb representing the Bloom’s level.)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Define various grammatical concepts such as Articles, Prepositions, Subject-Verb
1. L1
Agreement, and Tenses.
2. Explain their ideas in their own words in English. L2
Interpret the given information or data in the form of reading or listening
3. L3
Distinguish among the various grammatical concepts like sentence patterns, sub-
4. L4
verb agreement, tenses etc.
5. Evaluate the grammatically acceptable sentences, and Defend their view-points. L5
6. Design and Formulateoral and written presentations. L6

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

The course will help students to enhance their communicative skills and
1. PO8
Business English.
The course also helps the students to enhance their ability to work in a
2. PO7, PO9
3. The course will encourage students to interact confidently and effectively. PO11
4. The course will promote self learning. PO10

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture 1. Individual speech
2. Learnsoft Software 2. PPT (Group activity)
3. PPT 3. Writing assignment
4. Vocabulary activities/games/videos 4. Online Quiz

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Individual Group
Activity – Class Total
Components activity - Writing Skills – Online
Power Point email/memo/letters Performance
Speech Test
Presentation (Attendance)

Maximum 5 15 10 5 15 50
Marks (25)

Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is of 50 marks. It will be reduced to 25 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.

Course Code 18ME61 Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To study shaft and its design based on various design considerations.
2. To understand the mechanism of mechanical joints andthe analysis of power transmission and
3. To have the knowledge of design of different Gears under various loading conditions.
4. To understand the lubrication process, analysis of various types of lightly loaded Bearing and
the procedure of Selection of Radial, Ball, Roller bearings and V Belts.
5. To provide insight on real time components design based on engineering applications.

Pre-requisites:Knowledge of basic concepts of Design of Machine elements.

Unit - I 10 Hours
Design Of Shafts: Torsion of shafts, design for strength and rigidity with steady loading, ASME codes
for power transmission, shafts under combined loads.
Self-learning topics: Design of non-circular hollow shaft.

Unit - II 10 Hours
Mechanical Joints, Power Transmission and Braking:
Mechanical Joints: Design of Cotter and Knuckle joints. Keys: Types of keys, Design of keys.
Couplings: Flange coupling, Bush and Pin type coupling. Clutches: Design of Single plate &multi
plate clutches. Brakes: Design of internal expanding brakes, external contracting brakes and
introduction to disk brakes.
Self-learning topics: Design of Universal and Oldham’s coupling.

Unit - III 10 Hours

Spur & Helical Gears: Spur Gears: Stresses in gear tooth, Lewis equation and form factor, Design for
strength, Dynamic and wear load.
Helical Gears: Formative number of teeth, Design based on strength, dynamic and wears loads.
Self-learning topics: Design of Bevel and Worm gears.

Unit - IV 10 Hours
Bearings: Lubricants and their properties, Mechanisms of Lubrication, bearing modulus, numerical on
journal bearing design. Selection of Radial, Ball, Rollerbearings and V Belts.

Unit - V 10 Hours
Applications based on design of Machine components: Design of Hoisting mechanisms consisting of
crane hooks, Simple gear train (Spur/Helical) mounted on shaft supported by bearings.
Design of Power transmission system consisting of couplings and Simple gear train (Spur/Helical)
mounted on shaft supported by bearings.
Design of Engine Clutch (spring loaded) and Braking system.
Online Resources
1. Machine design II web content

1. V.B.Bhandari, Design of Machine Elements, Tata McGraw hill Publication, Second edition
2007 and onwards.
2. H.G.Patil, Ravindra R Malagi, M.S.Patil&S.C.Pilli, Design of Machine Elements,
I.K.International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. First edition, 2019.
3. R.S.Khurmi&J.K.Gupta, A textbook of Machine Design, S.Chand Publication, 25th revised
edition 2005 and onwards.
4. Richard G. Budynas, Keith J. Nisbett, Shigley’s Mechanical Engineering Design, Tata
McGraw hill Publication, 10th edition 2015 and onwards..
5. Allen S Hall, Alfred Holowenko,Herman G L,Theory and problems of Machine Design,
Schaum’s outline series 1975 and onwards.
6. H.G.Patil, Machine Design data handbook, I.K.International Publishing House Pvt. Ltd. 2011
and onwards.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Select a shaft by Evaluating different loading conditions. L3
2. Analyze different types of Mechanical joints, power transmission and Braking L3
3. Select and Design gear for suitable application. L3
4. Explain Lubrication mechanism and select suitable roller bearings. L1,L3
5. Design machine components based on applications. L4

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
2. engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of [PO 2]
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs
3. [PO 3]
with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations.
Life-long learning:Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to [PO 12]
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by Verified by
(Prof.S.R.Kulkarni) (Prof.R.J.Naik)

Course Code 18ME62 Credits 4

Course type PC CIE marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50
Total hours. 50 SEE duration 3 hrs for 100 marks

Course Learning Objectives:

1. To teach Fourier’s law of conduction, Newton’s law of convection and Stefan Boltzmann law of
2. To teach the differential equation of heat conduction with appropriate boundary conditions.
3. To teach the between lumped heat capacity method, semi-infinite and infinite solids
4. To instruct regarding various correlations used in forced and natural convection problems
5. To teach LMTD and NTU methods of analyzing heat exchanger problems.
6. To explain film-wise condensation on vertical and horizontal surfaces.
7. To explain various terms associated with radiation heat transfer.

UNIT-I 6 hours
Introduction: basic concepts, modes of heat transfer, basic governing laws for conduction, convection
and radiation; simultaneous or combined modes of heat transfer; thermal conductivity; convective heat
transfer co-efficient; Derivation of general three-dimensional heat conduction equation in Cartesian
co-ordinates, discussion on 3-D conduction equation in cylindrical and spherical co-ordinates (no
derivation), mathematical formulations of heat –conduction problems; concept of thermal diffusivity;
Boundary condition of first, second and third kind; numerical on modes of heat transfer.

UNIT-II 14 hours
Steady state conduction: Concept of thermal resistance; electrical analogy of thermal resistance;
Derivation of Temperature distribution and heat flow through a plane wall, hollow cylinder and
hollow sphere (one dimension only); One-dimensional conduction in Cartesian, cylindrical and
spherical co-ordinates through composite wall, composite cylinder and composite sphere; concept of
thermal contact resistance; Overall-heat transfer co-efficient for slab/wall, cylinder and sphere;
concept of critical thickness of insulation for cylinder and sphere, economic analysis of critical
thickness of insulation; heat transfer in extended surfaces/fins (of uniform cross-section without heat
generation), basic governing equation for fin, temperature distribution and heat transfer rate in a fin
when the fin is i) long fin (with derivation) ii) short fin with insulated tip (without derivation) iii)
short fin without insulated tip (without derivation); fin efficiency and effectiveness.
Unsteady/transient conduction: Conduction in solids with negligible internal temperature gradient
(lumped system of analysis), semi-infinite solids, use of Grober’s charts/tables, infinite solids, use of
temperature charts (Heisler’s charts), numerical problems.

UNIT-III 14 hours
Convection heat transfer:
Basics of fluid flow: Mechanism of convection- free/natural convection and forced convection;
concept of external flow and film temperature ; concept of internal flow and bulk mean temperature;
Boundary layer: concept of velocity/hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layer for external and
internal flow; definition and physical significance of dimensionless numbers viz. Reynolds’, Prandlt’s,
Nusselt, Grashoff, Rayleigh, Peclet, number; Dimensional analysis: Rayleigh’s method, Buckingham’s
π theorem, application of dimensional analysis for forced convection.
Forced convection:
External flow: Flow over flat plate, concept of film temperature, concept of critical Reynold’s
number, flow over cylinder, sphere and non-circular sections; use of correlations given in data
handbook to solve numerical based on plate, cylinder, sphere and non-circular sections.
Internal flow: Flow in a circular tube/duct, concept of bulk mean temperature, concept of critical
Reynold’s number, flow in a circular and non-circular pipe/duct, flow in annular space using
concentric tubes; use of correlations given in data handbook to solve numerical based on circular, non-
circular and concentric tube /duct.
Free or Natural convection: Basic nature of flow, boundary layer, concept of film temperature,
concept of laminar and turbulent condition, use of correlations given in data handbook to solve
numerical based on vertical plate and cylinder, horizontal plate and cylinder.
Self learning topic: Application of dimensional analysis for free convection.

UNIT-IV 7 hours
Heat exchangers: classification, concept of overall heat transfer co-efficient, fouling of heat
exchangers and fouling factor, concept of Logarithmic Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD) for
parallel and counter flow and its derivation, concept of effectiveness-NTU method for parallel and
counter flow and its derivation, Numerical on the concept of LMTD and effectiveness-NTU method,
rating and sizing of heat exchanger.

UNIT-V 9 hours
Boiling and Condensation:
Boiling: phenomena, boiling curve and regimes of boiling, use of correlations given in data handbook
to solve numerical based on Nucleate boiling and Film boiling.
Condensation: phenomena, Nusselt’s theory for laminar condensation on a vertical flat surface,
phenomena of drop-wise and film-wise condensation, concept of film temperature, Reynold’s number
for condensate flow, use of correlations given in data handbook to solve numerical based on
condensation on vertical surface and tube, horizontal tube, bank of tubes and vertical sheet containing
horizontal tubes.
Radiation: Basic concepts, emission characteristics, and laws of black body radiation, radiation
incident on a surface, solid angle and radiation intensity, Numerical based on concepts mentioned

Text Books
1 M.N. Ozisik, ‘Heat Transfer, A Basic Approach’, McGraw Hill Publishers, International
edition, 2005.
2 S.P. Sukhatme, ‘A Text Book on Heat Transfer’, Universities Press, 4 th Edition, 2005.
3 Yunus A Cengel, ‘Heat and Mass Transfer - A Practical Approach’, Tata McGraw Hill, 3 rd
Edition, 2008
4 Frank Incropera and David Dewitt, et al., ‘Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer’, Wiley
India Publishers, 1st edition 2013.
5 Mahesh Rathore, ‘Engineering heat and mass transfer’, University Science press, 3 rd Edition,
6 M. Thirumaleshwar, ‘Fundamentals of Heat and mass transfer’, Pearson education press, 3 rd
Edition, 2012.
7 C.P. Kothandaraman and S. Subramanyan, ‘Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book’, New Age
International Publishers, 8th Edition, 2016

Course Outcomes (COs’)

At the end of the course the student will be able to
1 State and apply Fourier’s law of conduction, Newton’s law of convection and [L3]
Stefan Boltzmann’s law of radiation
2 Derive and apply differential equation of heat conduction [L3]
3 Use transient temperature charts to solve problems [L2]
4 Apply correlations to find convection heat transfer co-efficient in case of [L3]
forced and natural convection
5 Apply LMTD and effectiveness –NTU methods to analyze heat exchangers [L3]
6 Evaluate heat transfer co-efficient in film-wise condensation [L3]
7 State and apply various terms associated with radiation heat transfer [L1,L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1 engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the [PO1]
solution of complex engineering problems.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Chalk and board 1. Assignments
2. PPT 2. Quizzes
NPTEL Course link:
3. 3. IA tests
4. SEE

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Two Quiz/Seminar/Course

Components Total Marks
IA tests assignments Project
Maximum marks :100 30+30 = 60 10+10 20 100
Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
It will be conducted for 100 marks and will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculations of
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 20 out of 50 marks

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass:
3. Question paper contains two questions from each unit each carrying 20 marks. Students have to
answer one full question from each unit.

Marks split-up

Unit no Marks
1 15
2 25
3 25
4 15
5 20

Prepared by Verified by
(Dr. S M Bapat) (Dr. V S Majali)

Course Code 18ME63 Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for

100 marks

Course objectives:
1. Describe the fundamental theory of the FEA and different variational approaches in
2. To understand and use FE Method for structural analysis of bars
3. To recognize and use FE Method for structural analysis of Truss and Beams.
4. To understand two dimensional and Higher order elements
5. To analyzevarious thermal boundary conditions by using FEM.

Unit – I 10Hours
Introduction to Finite Element Method: General description of Finite Element Method,
Application and limitations. Convergence and Compatibility conditions, Node numbering scheme,
Types of elements based on geometry. Principle of virtual work, principle of minimum potential
energy, Rayleigh - Ritz method,Galerkin’s method,
Self-learning topics: Strain displacement relation, Plane stress and plane strain condition.

Unit – II 10 Hours
Solution of 1-D Bars: Interpolation polynomials- Linear, quadratic and cubic. Simplex complex
and multiplex elements. 2D and 3D PASCAL’s triangle. Handling of boundary conditions -
Elimination and penalty approach. Solutions of bars and stepped bars for displacements, reactions
and stresses by using penalty approach and elimination approach. Shape function of Shape function
of CST element, Quadrilateral element.
Self-learning topics: Shape function of 4 nodedone dimensional bar element.
Unit – III 10Hours
Trusses: Analysis of Plane Truss. Element Stiffness matrix, Load vectors and Stresses in
members,Numerical problems.
Beams: Hermite shape functions for beam element, Derivation of stiffness matrix. Numerical
problems of beams carrying concentrated, uniformly distributed load.
Higher order elements:Shape function and stiffness matrix for a 3 nodedbar element, Shape
function of 8 noded and 9 noded quadrilateral element.
Self-learning topics: Load vector for beams under UVL.
Unit – IV 10Hours
Two dimensional finite element formulations for solid mechanics: CST Elements- Nodal load
vector, Strain displacement matrix and Jacobian for triangular and rectangular element, Element
formulations for in plane loading with sample numerical.
Axis symmetric elements: Formulation for Axis symmetric loading with triangular elements.
Self-learning topics: Knowledge of double integration

Unit – V 10Hours
Heat transfer: Basic equations of heat transfer: Energy balance equations and rate equation:
Conduction, Convection.Functional and Galerkin’s approach for heat conduction, boundary
conditions, Heat transfer in thin straight fins. Heat transfer through composite wall. Numerical.
Self-learning topics:Fourier’s Law for Heat conduction

1. T.R.Chandrupatla, A.D Belegundi , “Finite Elements in Engineering”, 4 th edition
PHI. 2012
2. S.S. Rao , “Finite Element Method in Engineering”, 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2006.
3. U.S. Dixit “Finite Element Methods for Engineers”, Cengage Learning, 2009.
4. R.D. CookD. S Maltus, M.E Plesha, R.J.Witt , “Concepts and applications of Finite
Element Analysis”, Wiley 4thEdition, 2009.
5. J.N.Reddy, “Finite Element Method”, , McGraw -Hill International Edition, 3 rd
edition November 2005
Course Outcome (COs)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Solve 1-D structural problems by using different approaches. [L3]
2. Analyze1-D bar elements by using various FEA methods [L3]
Apply and Analyze various boundary conditions in the structural
3. [L3]
analysis of Trusses and Beams.
4. AnalyzeTwo dimensional and Higher order of elements. [L3]
5. Analyse various thermal boundary conditions by using FEM. [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the [PO1]
solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using
2. [PO2]
first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering
Course delivery methods Assessment methods
1. Activities 1. Internal assessment
2. Demonstration 2. Assignments
3. Power point presentation 3. Course seminar/project
4. Chalk and board 4. Quiz
NPTEL Course link for FEM:

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of Two IA Addition of Two Course Total

tests assignments activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing 2 IA tests is compulsory.
CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50.

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions,2 questions from each unit, each carrying 20
marks.Students have to answer FIVE questions choosing one full question from each unit.
Marks split up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by:Prof. V.V Deshpande Verified by: Dr. S. L. Gombi


Course Code 18ME641 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100


Course learning objectives

1. Understanding of the theoretical background for basic and advanced kinematics and synthesis of
mechanisms to achieve desired motion
2. Synthesize a mechanism by different graphical methods
3. Synthesize a mechanism by different analytical methods
4. Acquire basic knowledge of spatial mechanism and high speed cams.

Pre-requisites : Kinematics of Machines

Unit - I 08 Hours
Planar Mechanisms and Geometry of Motion: Definitions and basic concepts, Classification of
links, pairs,Grashoff’s law, Mechanical advantage, significance of Transmission angle in mechanisms,
Mobility, Introduction to analysis and synthesis of mechanisms.
Self-learning topics: Equivalent mechanisms

Unit - II 08 Hours
Synthesis of Linkages: Type, Number and dimensional synthesis, Function generation, Path generation
and body guidance, Precision positions, Structural error, Chebyshev spacing, Crank-rocker mechanisms
with optimum transmission angle.
Self-learning topics: Relative poles of slider crank mechanism

Unit - III 08 Hours

Graphical Methods of Dimensional Synthesis: Two position synthesis of crank and rocker
mechanisms, Three position synthesis, Four position synthesis (point position reduction), Overlay
method, Robert-Chebyshev theorem (cognate linkages)

Unit - IV 08 Hours
Analytical Methods of Dimensional Synthesis: Freudenstein’s equation for 4-bar mechanism and
slider crank mechanism, Examples, Bloch’s method of synthesis.
Self-learning topics: Synthesis for path generation

Unit - V 08 Hours
Spatial Mechanisms:Introduction, Position analysis problem, Velocity and acceleration analysis,
Eulerian angles, numerical examples.
Introduction to High speed cams: Position error-Jump and cross-over shock, Spring surge and wind up.
Self-learning topics: Polydyne cams

1. J. E. Shigley, Theory of Machines and Mechanism, Oxford Higher Education, International
edition, 2015.
2. A. G. Ambekar, Mechanism and Machine Theory, PHI, 2007.
3. Ghosh and Mallick, Theory of Mechanism and Mechanism, East West press, 2007.
4. A. S. Hall, Kinematics and Linkage Design, Prentice Hall, 2007.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Identifymechanisms, elements, and comment on mobility of the system. [L2]
Describeandapplytheconcept of designing a mechanism system and discuss the
2. [L3]
phenomenon of mechanical advantage
Synthesize mechanisms for the desired motion/function. (graphically and
3. [L4]
Evaluate motion parameters for spatial mechanisms and discuss on the concepts of
4. [L4]
high speed cams.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the [PO1]
solution of complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
2. complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using [PO2]
first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
3. and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to [PO5]
complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities
4. with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability
5. to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of [PO12]
technological change

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Course-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Syllabus framed by: Prof. Rajeev Tavildar

Syllabus verified by: Dr. M. S. Patil


Course Code 18ME642 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3–0–0 SEE Marks 50
3 Hours for
Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration
100 marks

Course objectives
1 To determine the elastic behavior of solid bodies subjected to various types of loading.
2 To teach students stress strain graph of ductile and brittle materials by experiment.
3 To explain various stress strain relationships characterizing elastic plastic behavior.
4 To develop mathematical expressions for various yield criterion and stress strain relation.

Pre-requisites: Basic Concepts of Theory of Elasticity.

Unit – I 8 Hours
Introduction to Elasticity: Brief review of elasticity, Concept of stress transformation,
Octahedral normal and shear stresses, Spherical and Deviatoric stress tensors, Principal stresses,
Stress Invariants, Numericals.
Strain at a point, Spherical and deviatric strains, Octahedral strains, Principal strains Strain
Invariants, Numericals. Concept of true stress and true strain, Relationship between true stress and
true strain.
Self learning topics: Analyze the stress components in a 3-D cube model, Invariants of
Deviatric stress tensor, Mohrs circle diagram in 3-D and 2-D.

Unit – II 8 Hours
Plastic deformation of metals: Mechanism of plastic deformation, Factors affecting plastic
deformation, Concept of yield criterion, Tresca s and Von-mises yield criteria, Numerical.
Experimental verification of yield criteria, Haigh-Westergaards stress space, Yield surface,
Representation of yield criteria in 2-D stress space.
Self learning topics: Yield locus, π plane, flow rule normality.

Unit – III 8 Hours

Plastic stress strain relations: Stress-Strain diagram for different material models, Theories
of plastic flow, Saint-Venant’s theory, Prandtl-Reuss theory, Henckys theory, Experimental
verification of Saint-Venant’s theory of plastic flow.

Unit – IV 8 Hours
Bending of beams: Stages of plastic-yielding for a rectangular beam, Non-linear bending
equation, Numericals, Shear stress distribution in a rectangular beam.

Unit – V 8 Hours
Torsion of shafts: Introduction, plastic torsion of a circular bar, elastic perfectly plastic
material, elastic work hardening of material, residual stresses and problems
1. George E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw-Hill book company (UK), 2017.
2. R.A.C.Slater, Engineering Plasticity - Theory and Application to Metal Forming Process,
McMillan Press Ltd.
3. Hoffman and Sachs, Theory of Plasticity -McGraw Hill., 4 th ed. 2012

Online Resources (NPTEL/SWYAM)


Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Differentiate various types of stresses [L2]
Experimentally investigate yield criteria for ductile metal [L2]
Explain different plastic stress strain relations [L2]
Apply different stages of plastic yielding for a rectangular beam subjected to [L3]
5. Apply different stages of plastic yielding for a shaft under torsion [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
2. engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles [PO2]
of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black board 1. Quiz, Assignments
2. Power point presentation 2. Course projects
3. Videos 3. Tests and exams

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared By Prof Yogita N Potdar

Verified By: Prof. K.D.Kattimani


Course Code 18ME643 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives (CLOs)

1. To teach the concept of Solar Energy as renewable energy &its potential from the Global/Indian
2. To impart the knowledge of different solar radiation measuring devices.
3. To explain the various terms & terminologies used in solar radiation geometry & their
4. To instruct the fundamental knowledge of various thermal radiation storage devices.
To teach the theory of various photo voltaic systems used in energy conversion.
To train the students with design aspects in the analysis of liquid flat plate collectors.

Pre-requisites: Knowledge of Basics of Heat Transfer & Thermodynamics

Unit - I 8 Hours
Introduction& The Solar Energy Option: World’s production and reserves of commercial energy
sources, India’s production and reserves, Energy Alternatives.

Solar radiation:Solar radiation outside Earth’s atmosphere, Solar radiation at the Earth’s surface,
Instruments for measuring solar radiation and Sunshine, Solar radiation data, Solar radiation geometry,
Solar radiation on tilted surface, Numerical Problems.

Unit - II 8Hours
Liquid flat plate collectors:Performance analysis, Transmissivity, Absorptivity, Collector efficiency
factor, heat removal factor, Numerical examples,Effects of various parameters on performance.

Unit - III 8 Hours

Solar Air Heaters: Introduction, Performance analysis of a conventional air heater, Other types of air
heaters, Problems.
Concentrating Collectors: Introduction, flat plate collectors with reflectors, cylindrical parabolic
collectors, compound parabolic collector, Paraboloid dish collector, Central receiver collector.
Self-learning topics: Testing procedures of solar air heaters.
Unit – IV 8 Hours
Thermal Energy Storage: Sensible heat storage, Latent heat storage,
Solar Photovoltaic Conversion:Photovoltaic conversion, principle of working, Commercial solar
cells, Costs and applications, Simple numerical.

Self-learning topics:Thermochemical storage

Unit – V 8 Hours
Economic analysis of solar systems: Initial and annual costs, present worth calculations, loan
repayment, annual savings, payback period, Numericals.

1. S.P.Sukhatme, J.K.Nayak ,Solar Energy, The MC Graw Hill Pub Co Ltd,New Delhi, 3 rd Edition,
2. G.D.Rai, Non-Conventional Energy Sources ,Khanna Publishers,New Delhi, 5 th Edition, 2012
3. B.H.Khan, Non-Conventional Energy resources , TMH, Delhi,5 thEdition,2008
4. Frank Kreith, Jan F.Kreider, Principles of Solar Engineering, Taylor & Francis Pub, 2003
5 Andy Walker, Solar Energy, Wiley, Delhi,2nd Edition ,2014.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Recognize the importance of harnessing solar energy as a pollutant free renewable
1. [L2]
energy from the Global/Indian perspective
Compare various solar radiation measuring devices &calculate the solar radiation
2. [L2,L3]
on a tilted surface using the concept of solar radiation geometry
3. Analyze and calculate various parameters related to a liquid flat plate collector [L3, L4]
Evaluate the performance analysis of various solar thermal utility devices like
4 [L3]
liquid flat plate collectors, solar concentrators, solar air heaters.
5 Explain the working of photovoltaic cells and Compare commercial solar cells. [L2]
6 Evaluate the annual savings and payback period. [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
2. engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of [PO2]
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional

3. engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the [PO7]
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for and have the preparation and ability to
4. engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological [PO12]

Course delivery methods Assessment methods
Assignments /Course Seminar (CS)/Project
1. Black Board Teaching 1.
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Quizzes
3. Working Models 3. IA Tests
4. Videos 4. SEE
NPTEL Course link:

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by: Dr. V.S. Majali Verified by:


Course Code 18ME644 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100


Course objectives
1. To have an overview on biomass resources and need.
2. To understand different types of Thermo-chemical processes & understand different
alternative biomass to fuels conservation techniques.
3. To study bio-gasification process and effects of using producer gas in I C engines.
4. To study biodiesel formation and its use in IC Engines & understand the performance of
Biodiesel powered engine.
5 To educate about Bio-methanization process to form Biogas and Biomass resources
from Aquatic plants and organisms.

Introduction Unit – I 08 Hours

Various sources of Biomass, photo synthesis process for Biomass, Biomass characterization,
classification of waste as fuel on - agro based, forest residue, industrial waste, MSW, Need for
energy from waste and energy content, Energy plantation, sustainability of Biomass.

Unit - II 08 Hours
Physical & Thermo chemical conversion: Briquetting & densification, Pelleting-
carbonization, Incinerators (with layout), Pyrolysis, Applications, advantages & disadvantages
of above processes. Methods of Ethanol & methanol synthesis, its use in I C engines (SI & CI)
and modifications required.
Self learning topics: liquefaction process

Unit - III 08 Hours

Biomass Gasification: Chemical reactions in gasification, Producer gas & fuel properties,
Types of gasifiers. Fixed bed gasifiers, – downdraft, updraft & crossdraft gasifiers. Application
of producer gas in I C Engines and effects.
Self learning topics: Fluidized bed gasifiers.

Unit - IV 8 Hours
Bio-Diesel: Bio Diesel preparation techniques from edible & non-edible oils, Production of Bio diesel
from Honge & Jatropha seeds, use of bio diesel in I C engines, Blending of Bio diesel, Performance
analysis of diesel engines using bio diesel.
Unit - V 08 Hours
Bio-Methanization: Anaerobic digestion, Construction and Design of Fixed dome type
digestor, factors influencing Biogas yield, Site selection for Biogas plant, Numericals on fixed

dome Biogas plant.
Aquatic Biomass: Various resources and Biofuels extraction processes from aquatic plants
and organisms, Fuel properties of aquatic biofuels.

1. Rai, G. D “Non-Conventional Sources of Energy”- 4th Edition, Khanna Publishers,
New Delhi, 2007.
2. Domkundwar, “Solar energy and Non conventional Energy sources”- 2 nd edition 2014,
Dhanpat rai & co.
3. Khandelwal, K. C. and Mahdi, S. S., Biogas Technology - A Practical Hand Book - Vol.
I & II, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1983
4. Dr. Mukunda H S “Understanding Clean Energy and Fuels from Biomass” Wiley
(April 6, 2011)
5 S. Rao & B. B. Parulekar “Energy Technology” Khanna Publishers, Delhi-1999
6. Domkundwar V M “ A Course in IC engines” Dhanpat rai & co. 2010

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Explain biomass resources and classify biomass resources. [L2]
Discuss Thermo chemical processes and process of selection of fuels for
2 [L2]
different I C engines.
3. Explain Gasification process and effects on I C engines. [L2]
Evaluate the performance of IC engines and Compare methods of formation of
4. [L2]
Explain the process of fuel formation from aquatic resources and carryout design
5. [L2, L3]
analysis of biogas plant for a community

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, [PO1]
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems
2. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional [PO7]
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate
the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
3. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and [PO12]
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context
of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture and board 1. Quiz
2. PPT 2. Assignments/Activity/Seminars
3. Video 3. Internal Assessment Tests
4. Semester End Exam

Online Resources:
1)Bioenergy, IIT. Kanpur:
2) Waste to Energy Conversion, IIT. Roorkee:

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by: Prof. Prashant P K Verified by: Dr. V V Kulkarni


Course Code 18ME645 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course Objectives
1. To train the students about the importance and types of jigs and fixtures and their elements.
2. To train students to design Jigs and Fixtures for various components.
3. To impart knowledge of various operations related to sheet metals and design of related dies.
4. To impart knowledge about the fundamentals of plastic injection molding.
5. To impart knowledge about the various elements of automatic screw cutting machine and related
CAM design.

Pre-requisites: Material science and Manufacturing process design.

Unit - I 08 Hours
Introduction to Jigs and Fixtures: Definition, Difference between jigs and fixtures, Locating
principles for prismatic and cylindrical parts, Locating Devices, Surface location, Rest blocks, pins, V-
blocks, Equalizers, Profile locators. Clamping: Basic principles, cutting forces, Rigid clamping, wedge
clamping, Cam clamping, quick action clamps, Toggle clamps, simultaneously acting clamps.
Self-learning topics: Guiding Elements: Jig bushes

Unit - II 08 Hours
Types of Fixtures: Design of Milling fixtures, Turning fixtures, Inspection and Welding fixtures.
Types of Jigs: Design of Template Jigs, Leaf jigs, Box jigs

Unit - III 08 Hours

Press Working: Introduction to press tool, elements of press tools, Types of Dies, cutting force,
elements of press tool, clearance between punch and die, shut height and daylight, press tonnage
calculation. Strip layout: basic rules, economic layout, bridge size, Calculation of COP and its
significance, Press tool operations: piercing, blanking, cropping, trimming, shaving, lancing, bending,
curling, drawing, embossing, and coining, flanging, fine blanking, Design of Blanking and Punching
Self-learning topics: shearing theory.

Unit - IV 08 Hours
Plastic Injection molding: Injection molding Process, Injection molding materials, Molding cycle,
molds, machine size, cycle time, Cost estimation, Insert molding, Design guidelines, Blow molding
process and its applications

Unit - V 08 Hours
Tool layout and CAM design for automatic screw cutting machine: Types of automatic lathes,
features of automatic screw cutting machine, Features of swiss type Automat, Tooling for Automatic
screw cutting machine, CAM worksheet for automatic screw cutting machine, CAM design for
Automatic screw cutting machine.
Online resources
1. E-course link:

1. P.C.Sharma, Production Engineering, S Chand & company Ltd, 8th revised edition, 1999.
2. TM C Donaldson, G.H. Le CAIN V.C Goold H, Tool Design –Special Indian edition 2012.
3. G.R Nagpal, Tool Engineering & Design, Khanna Publishers 6thEdition,2009
4. R.G.W. Pye, Injection Mould Design, Fourth Edition East-West Press Pvt ltd,1989.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Identify jigs and fixtures andLocate various location and clamping elements. [L2]
2. Design Jigs and Fixtures for various components. [L3]
3. Design variouspress tool strip layout, Blanking and punching dies. [L3]
Explain and illustrate principles of plastic Injection molding machine and its
4. [L2]
Explain types of Automatic lathes and features of automatic screw cutting
5. [L2]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
1. [PO1]
complex engineering problems.

Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex

engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
2. [PO2]
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

Communication: Communicate effectively with the engineering community and

with society at large. Be able to comprehend and write effective reports
3. [PO10]
documentation. Make effective presentations, and give and receive clear

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment

2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

Components tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared By: Prof: VMM Verified By: Prof: SVC


Course Code 18ME646 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives

1. To provide knowledge of the basics of industrial automation and control systems
2. To provide knowledge of industrial robotics and its industrial applications
3. To make students understand the basics of PLC and control using PLC
4. To understand the concepts of material transport and storage system used in industries
5. To impart the knowledge of Flexible Manufacturing System.

Pre-requisites : Fundamentals of manufacturing processes

Unit - I 08 Hours
Introduction to Automation : Basic elements of an automated system: power to accomplish the
automated process, program of instructions, control system, types of automation, reasons for
automation, advanced automation functions: safety monitoring, maintenance and repair diagnostics,
error detection and recovery
Industrial Control Systems : Process industries versus discrete manufacturing industries, continuous
versus discrete control, computer process control.
Self earning topics: levels of automation.

Unit - II 08 Hours
Industrial Robotics : Robot anatomy and related attributes: Joints and links, common robot
configurations, notations, joint drive system, robot control systems: limited sequence control, play
back with point to point control, play back with continuous path control, intelligent control, end
effectors: grippers and tools, sensors in robots, industrial robot applications: material handling
applications, processing operations, assembly and inspection, robot programming: lead through
programming, simulation and offline programming, robot accuracy and repeatability.
Self earning topics: programming languages,

Unit - III 08 Hours

Discrete control using PLC and personal computers : Discrete process control, ladder logic diagram,
Programmable logic controller: hardware, internal architecture, input/output devices, ladder diagram,
logic functions, latching, multiple outputs, entering program, function block, program examples,
instruction list, sequential function charts, structured text, internal relays, ladder programs, battery
backed relays, one shot operation, set and reset, master control relay,
Self earning topics: personal computers using soft logic.

Unit - IV 08 Hours
Material transport system : Introduction to material handling, material transport equipment, analysis
of material transport system.
Storage systems: Storage system performance and location strategies, conventional storage methods

and equipments, automated storage systems, engineering analysis of storage systems.

Unit - V 08 Hours
Flexible Manufacturing Systems : Definition of FMS, basic components of FMS, different types of
FMS, types of FMS layouts, factors influencing FMS layout, aim and principle objectives of FMS,
FMS applications, FMS advantages and disadvantages, various equipments and their functions required
for FMS, FMS planning and implementation issues, quantitative analysis of FMS.

Text Books:
1. M. P. Groover , Automation, Production system & Computer Integrated manufacturing, Person
India, 2007, 3rd edition .
2. W. Bolton, Programmable Logic Controller, 2006, 4th edition
3. R. K. Mittal and I. J. Nagrath, Robotics and Control, McGraw Hill Education, 2007, 6 th reprint
4. H. K. Shivanand, M. M. Benal, V. Koti, Flexible Manufacturing System, New Age International
Limited, 2006
E-resourses (NPTEL/SWAYAM.. Any Other)- mention links

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Demonstrate the basics of industrial automation and discrete control systems [L2]
2. Describe industrial robotics and its applications and programming [L2]
3. Describe industrial control using PLCs [L2]
4. Identify the material transport and storage systems [L3]
5. Discuss the Flexible Manufacturing system and its implementation [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of PO1
complex engineering problems
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
2. engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of PO2
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
Modern tool usage: Create, select and apply appropriate techniques, resources and
3. modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex PO5
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
Life-long learning: Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
4. PO12
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological


Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of Course
Components Sum of two IA
assignments (Two) project Total
/seminar Marks

Maximum Marks: 100 30+30 = 60 20 20 100

Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40
3. Question paper contains two questions from each unit each carrying 20 marks. Students have to
answer one full question from each unit.

Syllabus set by : Prajakta Patil

Syllabus verified by : Dr. J. K. Kittur


Course Code 18ME647 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To understand the basics of mechanics involved in metal forming processes.
2. To impart knowledge of various metal working processes, related equipment’s, process
parameters and their applications.
3. To broaden understanding of the analysis involved in various metal working processes.
4. To provide knowledge on various defects in formed parts and suggest remedies for the
5. To Understand the fundamental concepts of advanced metal forming processes.

Pre-requisites : Basic knowledge of conventional and non-conventional manufacturing

processes, Knowledge of material science, Plastic deformation of metals

Unit - I 9 Hours
Mechanics in metal working: Stress-Strain diagram, True stress and strain, Concepts of plane stress
and plane strain, Flow curve for materials,Yield criteria,Mohr’s circle for 3D state ofStress,
Hydrostatic and deviatorycomponent of stress,Numericals.
Introductory concepts: Classification of metal forming processes, Temperature in metalworking,
Coldworking and hot working of Metals, Effect of strain and strain rate, Workability, Recovery,
Recrystallization and Grain growth.
Self learning topics: Mohr’s circle for 3D state of Strain.

Unit - II 8 Hours
Forging: Classification of forgoing processes, Forging equipment and operations,Open die forging,
Closed die forging, Calculation of forging loads inclosed-die forging, Forging defects, Residual stresses
in forging. Numericals.
Rolling: Terminology of rolled products, Types of rolling mills, Deformation zonein rolling, Neutral
point, Angle of bite, Forward slip, Roll flattening,Rolling variables, Forces and geometrical
relationships inrolling, Defects in rolled products, Numericals.
Self learning topics: Case study of a defect for a forged component.

Unit - III 8 Hours

Drawing: Theory and practice of wire drawing, Wire drawing equipment, Variablesin wire drawing,
Defects in formed products.
Extrusion: Classification of extrusion processes, Direct and indirect extrusion,Hydrostatic extrusion,
Extrusion equipment, Extrusion ratio, Process variables,Lubrication and defects in extrusion,
Derivation of extrusion pressure,Extrusion of seamless pipe and tubing.

Unit - IV 8Hours
Sheet Metal Working: Sheet Metal properties, Gauges and surface conditions, Variouscutting and
forming operations, General classification and components of press tools, Types of dies: simple,
compound, combination dies, Force requirement, Theory of shear, Methods of force reduction, Various
press working operations such as punching, blanking, deep drawing, bending,forming etc., Defects,
Lubricants used.
Miscellaneous sheet metal working operations: Metal spinning, Coining, Embossing, Rubber
forming, Stretch forming.

Unit - V 7 Hours
Advanced Metal Forming Processes: Introduction to High velocity forming-Principles, comparison
of high velocity and conventional forming processes. Explosiveforming, Magnetic pulse forming,
Electro hydraulic forming. Stretch forming, Flow forming advantages, limitations and application of the

1. G.E. Dieter, Mechanical Metallurgy (SI units),Mc Graw HillPublication 2001
2. Introduction to Industrial Mechanical Working Process by G. W. Rowe
3. Dr. K.Radhakrishna, Manufacturing Process – III, Sapna BookHouse, 2009.
4. P. N. Rao, “Manufacturing Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Possess basic knowledge of mechanics involved in metal forming operations. [L 2]
Describe and analyze various forming processes, Determine loads, Discuss
2. [L 4]
remedies for various defects.
Understand the underlying principles in sheet metal working. Explain various
3. [L 3]
sheet metal working processes.
4. Select a particular metal forming process for the given requirement.
5. Understand the application of advanced metal forming processes. [L 3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
1. [PO1]
complex engineering problems.

Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze

2. [PO2]
complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first

principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment Tests
2. Power point presentations 2. Assignments
Video presentation
3. 3. Quiz
NPTEL course link:
4. 4. Course seminar/ Course projects

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20


Course Code 18ME648 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To Develop the knowledge of integrating mechanical, electrical & electronics engineering skills
to problems and challenges in order to achieve better performance.
2. To Understand the concepts of various electrical actuators and their real life applications.
3. To Understand the importance and requirement of signal conditioning.
4. To Understand the working of microprocessor and concepts of microcontroller
5. To Develop competence in programming of microprocessor

Unit - I 08 Hours
Introduction of Mechatronics: Definition of Mechatronics, Multi-disciplinary scenario, Objectives, An
Overview of Mechatronics, Microprocessor Based Controllers, Principle of Working of Automatic
Camera, Automatic Washing Machine & Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS).
Review of Transducers and Sensors: Definition and classification of transducers & sensors.
Performance characteristics, Principle of working of light sensors, proximity sensors Pyro-electric
transducers, Pneumatic sensors and Hall effect sensors.

Unit - II 08 Hours
Electrical Actuation Systems: Electrical actuators, mechanical switches, solid-state switches, DC
Motors, configurations of DC Motors, control of DC Motors, Stepper motors, control of stepper motors
along with switching sequence, merits and demerits.
Self learning topics:AC motors and types of AC motors

Unit - III 08 Hours

Signal Conditioning: Introduction to signal conditioning. The operational amplifier, Protection, Filtering,
Wheatstone bridge, and Digital signals Multiplexers, Data acquisition, Introduction to Digital system,
Self learning topics:Processing Pulse-modulation

Unit - IV 08 Hours
Introduction to Microprocessors: Definition, Evolution of microprocessor, Review of concepts – Binary
and Decimal number systems, Binary arithmetic, memory representation of positive and negative integers.
Overflow and underflow. Organization of microprocessor, Architecture of microprocessor along with
Microcontrollers: Introduction to Microcontroller, Difference between microprocessor and
microcontroller. Classification of micro controllers.

Unit - V 08 Hours
Programming of Microprocessor: Introduction, Addressing the I/O devices, Instruction set of 8085,
Instruction types, addressing modes, Programming the 8085, programming process, Assembler
Programming, Assembler directives, simple assembly programming.

Online Resources
1. NPTEL course: Mechatronics And Manufacturing Automation by Prof. Shri Krishna Joshi , IIT
Guwahati. NPTEL Course link:

1. W. Bolton, Mechatronics - Electronic control systems in Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering, Pearson Education, 2005, 3rd edition ISBN: 81-297-0579-6
2. Nitaigour Premchand Mahalik, Mechatronics- Principles, concepts and Applications, Tata
McGraw- Hill, 2005.
3. Aditya P. Mathur, Introduction to Microprocessors, Tata McGraw- Hill, 2006, 3rd edition.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Explain the concept of mechatronics systems and identify applications of sensors
1. [L2]
and transducers
Interpret the working of solid state switches and analyse switching sequence of
2. [L3]
3. Recognize various methods of signal processing as per the suitable application [L2]
4. Comprehend microprocessor and terminology [L2]
5. Develop programme for simple applications [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
2. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture & Board 1. CIE
2. PPT 2. Quiz
3. Videos 3. Assignment
4. Course Project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Course Total

Components Addition of two IA tests
assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by Verified by
Dr. Nikhil R Prof S.R.Kulkarni


Course Code 18ME651 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50

Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives (CLO’s)

1. Understand the basic concepts of research & its methodologies
2. Use and apply appropriate the appropriate research/sampling design methods.
3. Broaden the understanding of data to enable hypothesis testing
4. Make students to understand the importance of Analysis of variance and
Multivariate analysis
5. Provide the knowledge of Academic Writing and Presentation

Unit – I 8 Hours
Research Methodology: Introduction
Meaning, Objectives, types, Research Approaches. Significance of Research, Research Methods
versus Methodology, Research and scientific method, research Process, criteria of good research,
Problems encountered by researchers.
Research Problem:
Defining a research problem, Selecting a research problem, necessity and techniques involved in
defining the research problem.

Unit – II 8 Hours
Research Design:
Meaning, need sign, for research design, features of a good design, important concepts relating to
research design, different research designs, Basic principles of experimental designs, developing a
research plan.
Sampling design:
Implications of a sample design, Steps in sample design, criteria of selecting a sampling
procedure, characteristics of a good sample design, different types of sample designs, Random
Sample and complex random sample designs.

Unit – III 8 Hours

Data Collection Methods:
Collection of Primary Data, Observation Method, Interview Method, Questionnaires, Schedules,
Other Methods of Data Collection, Collection of Secondary Data, Case study method.
Processing and Analysis of Data
Processing operations, Elements/ types of analysis, Statistics in research- measures of central
tendency or statistical averages, measures of dispersion, measures of asymmetry (skewness),
measures of relationship, Simple regression analysis, Multiple correlation and regression, Partial
Self learning Topic: Other measures- Index numbers, Time series analysis.

Unit – IV 8 Hours

Testing of hypotheses- Basic concepts, procedure for hypothesis testing, flow diagram, Test of
hypothesis, procedure for hypothesis testing, Hypothesis for means, difference between means,
comparing two related samples, proportions, difference between proportions, comparing a
variance to some hypothesized population variance, power of test, limitations of test of
Chi-sqaure test: χ2 test and their applications in research studies.
Analysis of variance: Basic principles of ANOVA, ANOVA technique, setting up of analysis of
variance table, one way, ANOVA, two way ANOVA, ANOVA in Latin square Design.
Self learning Topic: Analysis of Covariance

Unit - V 8 Hours
Multivariate Analysis Techniques : Characteristics and Applications, Classification of
Multivariate Techniques, Variables in Multivariate Analysis, Important techniques and methods
of factor Analysis, Rotation in factor Analysis, R-type, Q-type, Path Analysis.
Interpretation and Report Writing : Meaning of interpretation, Why interpretation, Technique
of interpretation, Precaution in interpretation, Significance of report writing, Different steps in
writing report, Layout of the research report, Types of reports, Mechanics of writing research
report, Precautions for writing research reports.

Text Books:
1. C R. Kothari, Research Methodology, New Age International Publishers, 2nd edition,
Reference Books:
1. PanneerSelvam, Research Methodology, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
2. Dr. B.L.Wadhera -Intellectual Property Rights, Universal Law Publishing Co. Ltd.. 2002
3. William G Zikmund, Business Research Methods, Indian edition, South western
Publishers, 8th Indian Reprint – 2009.

E-resourses (NPTEL/SWAYAM.. Any Other)- mention links

1. (Research Methodology)

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Identify & select an appropriate methodology for research. [L1]
Design & Apply suitable research/sampling procedure for the research
2. [L2]
3. Analyze and interpret data collected. [L2]
Evaluate various approaches for hypothesis testing and significance Analysis
4. [L3]
of variance and
Discuss the Multivariate analysis and procedural steps employed in Academic
5. [L2]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Scholarship of Knowledge: Graduates shall acquire in-depth knowledge in [PO1]

machine design and update the same, integrating existing and updated
knowledge in global perspective.
Critical Thinking: Graduates shall possess ability for independent judgment
2. based on critical analysis and also for synthesis of information for extensive [PO2]
research in the area of specialization.
Problem Solving: Graduates shall conceptualize through lateral thinking and
3. obtain feasible and optimal solutions for engineering problems considering [PO3]
societal and environmental requirements.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Course Total

Components Addition of two IA tests
assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20
Prepared by
Prof. Roopa R Navalli


Course Code 18ME652 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives

1. To understand the principle of strain gauge rosette, their calibration and application.
2. To learn stress-optic law and concept of polarized light and composition ofpolariscope in
determination of principal stress.
3. To understand the three-dimensional photoelasticity and its applications.
4. To study the applications of birefringent coatings for stress analysis
5. To apply the theoryof brittle coatings for stress analysis in metals.

Pre-requisites: Basics of stress and strain, Properties of Light

Unit - I 08Hours
Electrical Resistance Strain Gauge:Principle of operation and requirements, Types and their uses,
Calibration and temperature compensation, cross sensitivity, Wheatstone bridge and potentiometer
circuits for static and dynamic strain measurements.
Strain analysis methods: Rosette analysis:Two element, three element rectangular and delta rosettes,
Correction for transverse strain effects.

Self-learning topics:Materials for strain gauge

Unit - II 08 Hours
Photoelasticity: Two-dimensional photo elasticity, Concept of light – photoelastic effects, stress optic
law, Interpretation of fringe pattern, Compensation and separation techniques, Photo elastic materials.

Self-learning topics:Geometrical approach

Unit – III 08 Hours

Three Dimensional Photoelasticity: Introduction to three-dimensional photo elasticity, Materials for
the model, Stress locking inmodel methods, Scattered Light Photo-elasticity, Machining Cementing and
Slicing 3 D Models, Scattered light polariscope.

Self-learning topics:Scattered light as an interior analyzer and polarizer

Unit - IV 08 Hours
Photoelastic (Birefringent) Coatings: Birefringence coating stresses, Coating Sensitivity,
Coating Materials, Effects of coating thickness: Reinforcing effects, Poisson's Ratio Mismatch,

Stress separation techniques: Oblique incidence,Strip coatings.

Self-learning topics:Application of Coatings

Unit - V 08Hours
Brittle Coatings: Coatings stresses, Crack patterns, Crack detection, Ceramic based brittle
coating, Resin based brittle coating, Test Procedures for brittle coating analysis, Refrigeration
techniques, Load relaxation, Variables influencing the coating behavior, Advantages of brittle
coating, Brittle coating applications.

Self-learning topics:NDT Methods (Radiography, ultrasonic, magnetic particle inspection,

Fluorescent penetrant technique, Eddy current testing, Acoustic Emission Technique)

1. Srinath, L.S., Raghava, M.R., Lingaiah, K., Garagesha, G., Pant B., and Ramachandra, K.,
“Experimental Stress Analysis”, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 1984 and onwards.
2. Dally, J.W., Riley, W.F., Experimental Stress Analysis, McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, 1998 and
3. Dove Adams, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, McGraw Hill, 1992 and onwards.
4. Sadhu Singh, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, Khanna Publishers, December 2009
5. Durelli, “Photomechanics”, Prentice Hall, 1972 and onwards.

Online Material
NPTEL Course link:

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. List and explain the types of strain gauge rosettes [L2]
2. Analyze the strains using strain analysis methods [L3]
3. Apply photoelasticity using polariscope for stress measurement [L3]
4. Describe three dimensional photoelasticity [L2]
5. Explain different coating methods for stress measurement. [L2]
6. Discuss the NDT methods. [L2]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black board teaching 1. IA Tests
2. PowerPoint presentations 2. Assignments/ Activity
3. Videos 3. Quiz
4. SEE Examination

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by: Prof. A. A. Deshpande

Verified by: Prof. S. P. Avadhani


Course Code 18ME653 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives

The objective of this course is to

1. Understand Basic concepts of project management and project life cycle.
2. Understand method of project preparation and cost estimation.
3. Understand the human resource responsibility in the project.
4. Apply the appropriate project management tools and techniques.
5. Understand project coordination and control

Pre-requisites: Management and Entrepreneurship

Unit – I 08Hours
Concepts of project management: Concepts of a Project, characteristics of a project
Categories of projects, Phases of project life cycle, Roles and responsibilities of project leader,
tools and techniques for project management.
Self learning topics: Project management as profession.

Unit – II 08 Hours
Project planning and estimating: Feasibility report phased Planning, Project planning steps,
Objectives and goals of the project, preparation of cost estimation, and evaluation of project
Self learning topics: Project management bottle necks.

Unit – III 08 Hours

Organizing and staffing the project team :Skills / abilities required for project manager, Authorities
and responsibilities of project manager, Project organizations and types accountability in project
execution, contracts and ‘R’ of contract, tendering and selection of contractors.
Self learning topics: Team building for projects.

Unit – IV 09Hours
Tools and techniques of project management: Bar (GANTT) charts, Bar charts for combined
activities. Logic diagrams and networks, Project Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT),
Critical path method -Simple Numerical

Unit – V 07Hours
Co-ordination and control: Project direction, Communication in a project, Project coordination, role
of MIS in project control.
Performance measures in project management: Performance indicators, Performance improvement
for the CM & DM companies for better project management, project management environment,

Self learning topics: Performance indicators


1. S Choudhary, “Project Management” Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited New Delhi.
2. Harold Kerzner, “Project Management: A Systems Approach To Planning, Scheduling And
Controlling ”, CBS publisher and distributers
3 L S Srinath “ PERT and CPM Principles and Applications” Third Eddition
4 Dr. P N Modi “PERT and CPM”

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
To understand the Basic concepts of project management and need for project
1. [L2]
To apply and learn the different methods of project preparation and cost
2. [L3]
3. To illustrate the feasibility of project. [L2]
4. To apply the different techniques like PERT, CPM. [L3]
5. To elaborate the requirement for Project coordination and control [L2]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1 engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems
Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding
of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own
2. [PO11]
work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
3. ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context [PO12]
of technological change

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture 1. Quiz
2. Videos 2. IA
3. PPT 3. Assignment
NPTEL Course link:
4. 4. Course Projects

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Average of best two Addition of Course Total

Components IA tests out of three assignments project/Seminar Marks

Maximum Marks: 100 30+30=60 10+10 =20 20 100

Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 08 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions. SEE question paper will have two compulsory questions (any 2
units) and choice will be given in the remaining three units.

Prepared By: P.H. Kulkarni

Verified By: G.S. Guggari


Course Code 18ME654 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3- 0 - 0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100


Course learning objectives

1. To teach the basic vapour –compression refrigeration (VCR) systems with parametric effects
2. To explainthe basic vapour –absorption refrigeration systems (VAR) with applications.
3. To Compare the working principles of VCR and VAR systems.
4. To Discuss various types of refrigerants and their relative merits and demerits
5. To enlighten psychrometric properties of moist air applied to different processes
6. To inculcatethe factors to be considered for load calculations.

Pre-requisites :
1. Knowledge of Basic and Applied thermodynamics
2. Basic principles of fluid mechanics
3 Basic principles of heat transfer

Unit - I 8 Hours
Introduction to Refrigeration system: Principle of refrigeration. Basic Vapour compression
refrigeration (VCR) system. T-s and P-h diagrams, Effect of operating conditions. Actual cycle
analysis. Numerical Problems

Unit - II 8 Hours
Vapour Absorption System (VARS): Simple VARS, Expression of COP for VAR system.Common
refrigerant absorbent combinations, Binary mixtures, Ammonia Water Absorption system,
Modifications, Actual vapour absorption cycle Water - Lithium Bromide absorption chiller. Numerical
Problems Comparison of VCR and VAR systems.

Unit - III 8 Hours

Types of Refrigeration systems: Air refrigeration, Air refrigeration with regenerator, vapour
refrigeration, dry ice refrigeration, thermo electric refrigeration,
Refrigerants: Types of Refrigerants, Naming of Refrigerants Comparative study of Ethane and
Methane derivatives, Inorganic refrigerants. Selection of Refrigerants, Desirable properties of an Ideal
Refrigerant. Commonly used refrigerants for specific applications.
Self learning topics: Non Conventional Refrigeration systems.

Unit - IV 8 Hours
Air-conditioning: Review of Properties of air water vapour mixture. Use of psychrometric chart. Basic
processes. Mixing process. Summer and winter air conditioning.
Design Conditions: Outside design conditions, choice of inside conditions, comfort chart. Effective
temperature Parameters effecting Effective temperature
Self learning topics: Construction of Psychrometric charts at High pressures

Unit - V 8 Hours
Load Calculations and Applied Psychrometrics: Internal heat gains, system heat gains, break up of
ventilation load and effective sensible heat factor, Bypass factor, cooling load estimate. Psychometric
calculations for cooling, evaporative cooling.
Types of air conditioning systems: Window Air Conditioning Systems. Split Air Conditioning
Systems. Central Air Conditioning Systems.
Self learning topics: Different Cooling Load Calculation Methods

1. W. F. Stoecker, ‘Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning’ Tata McGraw Hill Publication,1986
2. C. P. Arora, ‘Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning’ Tata McGraw Hill Publication,2001
3. Manohar Prasad, ‘Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning’ New Age International,2011
4. Dr. S.S. Banwait, Dr. S.C. Laroiya, “Properties of Refrigerant &Psychrometric Tables & Charts
In SI Units”, Birla Pub. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2016
5. S C Arora & S Domkundwar, ‘Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning’ Dhanpat Rai Publication,

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Explain basic refrigeration process [L2]
2. Define terms related to refrigeration [L1]
3. Calculate COP, Relative COP etc for VCR system [L3]
4. Calculate COP of Vapour Absorption refrigeration system [L4]
5. Compare VCR and VAR system [L3]
6. Evaluate properties and process parameters of various psychrometric process [L4]
7. Explain the factors to be considered for load calculations. [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Assignments
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Quizzes
3. Videos 3. I A TESTS
NPTEL Course link:
4. 4. SEE

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by: Prof. G. D. Gokak/Dr.S.M.Bapat


Course Code 18ME655 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100


Course objectives
1. To enable students to identify various key supply chain decision phases and explains how a
company achieves strategic fit between supply chain and competitive strategy
2. To make students understand the concept of the major drivers of supply chain and the factors to
be considered when designing the distribution network and evaluating performance
3. To provide knowledge of safety inventory and Economic order quantity and evaluate the
strengths and weakness of various modes of transportation.
4. To enable students to Understand the role of sourcing and describe the impact of risk sharing
5. To enable students to Understand the importance of IT and describe the supply chain

Prerequisites: Nil
Unit – I 08 Hours
Building a Strategic Frame Work to Analyze Supply Chains: Definition, Supply chain stages
and decision phases, Process view of a supply chain. Supply chain flows. Examples of supply
chains. Competitive and supply chain strategies. Supply chain Performance: Achieving strategic
fit. Expanding strategic scope.
Drivers of supply chain performance: Framework for structuring drivers– Inventory,
Transportation, Facilities, Information. Obstacles to achieving fit.

Unit – II 08 Hours
Designing the Distribution network in a SC: The role of distribution, factors influencing
distribution network, Design options for a distribution networks and E-business.
Facility Location and Network Design: Models for facility location and capacity
allocation. Impact of uncertainty on SCN – discounted cash flow analysis, evaluating
network design decisions using decision using decision trees. Analytical problems.

Self learning topics: Case studies on distribution networks

Unit – III 08Hours

Planning and Managing Inventories in a Supply Chain: Review of inventory concepts. The
role of cycle inventory in a supply chain, Economics of scale to exploit quantity discounts, EOQ
and related analytical problems
Transportation: Role of transportation, Factors affecting transportation decisions. Modes of
transportation and their performance characteristics. Designing transportation network. Tailored

Unit – IV 08 Hours
Sourcing decisions in a supply chain: Role of sourcing, supplier – scoring & assessment, supplier
selection and contracts, risk sharing. Design collaboration.
Pricing and Revenue management: Role of Pricing and Revenue management for: Multiple customer
segments, perishable assets, seasonal demand, bulk and spot contracts.
Self learning topics: Role of sourcing

Unit – V 08 Hours
Information Technology in the Supply Chain: The role of Information Technology in SCM, IT
framework, Customer Relationship Management, Internal SCM, Supplier Relationship
Coordination in a supply chain: Lack of supply chain coordination and the Bullwhip effect.
Effect of performance and Obstacles to coordination, Managerial levers to achieve co-ordination,
Building strategic partnerships within a supply chain.
Emerging Concepts: Reverse Logistics, Reasons, Activities, Role. RFID Systems,
Components, applications, implementation. Lean supply chains.

Self learning topics: Case studies on Logistics Management

1. Sunil Chopra & Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management– Strategy, Planning &
Operation, Pearson Education Asia, ISBN: 81-7808-272-1.
2. Robert B Handfield, Ernest L Nichols - Jr., Supply Chain Redesign– Transforming Supply
Chains into Integrated Value Systems - 2002, Pearson Education Inc, ISBN: 81-297-0113-
3. David Simchi Levi, Philip Kaminsky & Edith Simchi Levi, Designing & Managing the
Supply Chain, Mc Graw Hill.


Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

1. Explain the importance of expanding the scope of strategic fit across the supply [L2]
Understand the significance of Inventory Management, Transport Decisions,
2. [L2]
Revenue management
Comprehend the concept of supply chain coordination and the bullwhip effect
3. [L3]
and their impact on SC performance

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.

2. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture & Board 1. CIE
2. PPT 2. Quiz
3. Videos 3. Assignment
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of Two IA Sum of assignments Course Total

(Two) / activity Project/Seminar Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30=60 10+10=20 20 100

CIE Marks will be evaluated for 100 marks and will be reduced to 50 Marks for the calculation
of SGPA and CGPA

Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 08 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions. SEE question paper will have two compulsory questions (any 2 units) and choice will be
given in the remaining three units.

Prepared by: Dr. Shivakumar S


Course Code 18ME656 Credits 03

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To make students to understand the theoretical aspects of quality.
2. To make students to understand the importance and implementation of quality policies in the
3. To educate quality control tools and their implementation in the organization and control charts
for variable data.
4. To enable students to understand and interpret the attribute data and to construct control chart
for attribute data.
5. To provide knowledge of the basic concepts of acceptance sampling.

Pre-requisites : Basics of Probability

Unit - I 08Hours
Basic concepts of quality: The meaning of quality, quality of design, quality of conformance, quality
of performance, The quality function, Quality control, Quality characteristics, Cost of Quality,
Optimum cost of performance, Value of Quality, Balance between the cost of quality and value of
quality, Specification of quality, Quality control and Inspection.

Unit - II 08Hours
Quality Assurance: Quality Assurance manual, Field complaints, Quality rating of outgoing product,
Quality survey or Quality Audit, Executive report on quality, Inspection Planning, Quality mindness,
Quality budget, Vendor quality rating, Organization of Quality function, Organization of acceptance,
Responsibilities of quality manager, Responsibilities of the chief inspector, Organization of prevention,
Organization of co-ordination, Manufacturing planning for quality, Statistical process control, Quality
of work life, Quality function deployment, Quality policy deployment, Manufacturing Excellence
Self learning topics: Error Proofing, Evolutionary Operation.

Unit - III 08Hours

Control charts for variables: The general theory of control chart, Definition of control chart,
Objectives of the control charts, Relationship between X’, σ’ and the values of X, Relationship between
σ and σ, Relationship between σ’ and R, Choice of variable, basics of sub grouping, size and frequency
of subgroups, control limits, chance of making an error, starting the control charts, Drawing primary
conclusion from control charts, Numerical.
Self learning topics: some control charts pattern, Revising the control limits.

Unit - IV 08Hours
Control Charts for Attributes: Practical limitation of control chart for variables, Comparison of X
and R with P chart, Control limits on P chart, choice between ‘p’ chart and ‘np’ chart, periodic review
and revision of p, Control charts for defects. Comparison between Attribute charts and variable charts.

Unit - V 08Hours
Acceptance Sampling: Introduction, Sampling Methods, The operating characteristics curve(OC),
producers Risk and Consumers Risk, Quality Indices for acceptance sampling plan, Step in designing of
an acceptance plan. Average outgoing quality limit, Sampling plans, design of item by item sequential
sampling plans, The average total inspection curve.

1. Grant and Leavenworth, Statistical Quality Control, Pearson Education. McGraw Hill-6th
2. M.Mahajan, “Statistical Quality Control”, Dhanpat Rai and co, 2011.
3. NVR Naidu, K.M Babu, G Rajendra, “Total Quality Management”, New age International
publishers, 2012 reprint.
4. J M Juran, Frank M Gryna, Quality Planning & Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill - 3rd edition
5. L.S Srinath, Reliability Engineering,4th edition, east-west press


Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Understand the basic concepts of quality and quality control aspects [L1]
2. Discuss quality department structure, quality function deployment [L2]
3. Analyse the variable data and to use quality control tools. [L3]
Analyse attribute data of manufacturing process and different problems associated
4. [L4]
with attribute data
5. Analyse samples to accept and reject the universe. [L4]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
1. fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex [PO1]
engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
2. engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of [PO2]
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Assessment methods
Course delivery methods
1. Lecture & Board 1. CIE
2. PPT 2. Quiz
3. Videos 3. Assignment
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100
 Writing two IA test is compulsory.
 CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
 Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 20 out of 50.

Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20


Course Code 18ME657 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives (CLO’s)

1. To train on the concept of CNC technology and various CNC machines.
2. To train the students to the basics of CNC programming
3. To teach the theory of linear interpolation and contour programming techniques
4. To teach the theory of canned cycles and loop in programming techniques
5 To teach the theory of students to the concept of APT Programming.

Pre-requisites: Knowledge of Manufacturing processes.

Unit – I 8 Hours
Introduction to CNC Technology: Open loop, closed loop, Velocity and position
control loops. NC, DNC, CNC & FMS. Features and specifications of CNC lathe, CNC
turning centre, VMC and HMC. Axis nomenclature for different machine tools, concept
of tool and work offset.
Self Learning topics: DNC and VTL

Unit – II 8 Hours
Introduction to Programming: Function assigned to Alphabets and symbols. Modal, Non modal,
assigned and unassigned codes. List of G and M codes. General structure of CNC program. Concept
and syntax of linear and circular interpolation.

Unit – III 8 Hours

Programming I: Simple program for linear interpolation in 2D (Square and Rectangular
profiles). Program for Polygon (rectangular and polar coordinates).Contour programming.
(Minimum 8 program to be written)

Unit – IV 8 Hours
Programming II: Concepts of CNC tooling’s, fixtures, tool presetters and standard tool holders.
Concepts and syntax of Canned cycles (Drilling, Spot facing, reaming, counter boring, tapping and
deep hole drilling). Concepts of subroutine programming and applications. Concepts of loop in loop
programming with examples for machining of holes in array.

Unit – V 8 Hours

APT Programming: Processing of APT programming.
Geometric statements: Definitions of point, line, circle and angle pattern.
Machining statements: GO/TO, GOTO, GO/ON, GOPAST concepts, GOTO pattern statements. Writing
of APT program for Contours, various patterns and Array of holes.

Online Resources
1. NPTEL course: Introduction to computer role of computers in Automation Prof. Asimava R,
IIT Kharakpur. NPTEL Course link:

1 James Child “ Numerical Control Part Programming” 6th printing Industrial Press Inc
New York . 1973
2. Mike Mattson “ CNC Programming Principles and Applications” 2 nd Indian reprint
2010. Cengage Learning 2002.
3. T.K.Kundra, P.N.Rao and N.K.Tewari “ Numerical control and computer aided
manufacturing” 1st edition Tata McGraw –Hill Publishing company limited.1985
4. P.M.Agrawal and V.J.Patel “ CNC fundamentals and Programming” 2 nd revised
edition Charotar Publishing house pvt ltd. 2014
5. E course : NPTEL Course link:

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Explain the concept of CNC technology identify various CNC machines [L2]
2. Explain the concept of CNC program. [L2]
Explain the concept of the interpolation & contour programming techniques and [L3]
write programs
Explain the concept of the canned cycles and loopin programming techniques [L3]
and write programs
5. Explain the concept of APT Programming. [L2]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
2 complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first [PO2]
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
4 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation [PO12]

and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the
broadest context of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Videos 3. Seminar
4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Course Total

Components Addition of two IA tests
assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by Verified by
Prof A.A.Kulkarni Prof S.V.Chitnis


Course Code 18ME658 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives(CLO’s)

1. To teach basic concepts of total quality management.
2. To explain the importance of customer satisfaction and employee involvement.
3. To teach continuous process improvement and performance measures.
4. To impart knowledge of tools and techniques of total quality management.
5. To explain principles and practices of total quality management.

Pre-requisites: Study of Management and Entrepreneurship.

Unit – I 08 Hours
Introduction:Definition of TQM, basic approach, Gurus of Total Quality Management, TQM framework,
Definition of Quality, Dimensions of quality, Obstacles in implementing TQM, Benefits of TQM.
Leadership: Definition, characteristics of quality leaders, Deming’s Philosophy, Role of TQM leaders, Quality
council, Quality statements, Strategic planning.

Unit – II 08 Hours
Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction, Internal and external customer, Customer perception of
Quality, Feedback, Using customer complaints.
Employee Involvement:Motivation-Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s two factor theory, Employee
wants, Achieving a motivated work force, Employee surveys, Suggestion system, Recognition and Reward,
Gainsharing, Performance appraisal, Benefits of employee involvement.

Unit – III 08 Hours

Continuous Process Improvement: Introduction-how is improvement made, Input/Output process model,
Juran Trilogy, Improvement strategies, Types of problems, PDSA cycle, Problem solving method, Kaizen, Six
Supplier Partnership:Principles of Customer/Supplier relations.
Performance Measures: Objectives of performance measures, Typical measurements, criteria, strategy,
Performance measure presentation, Cost of quality, Categories of Quality costs.
Self-learning topics:Malcolm Baldridge National Quality award, Deming Prize.

Unit – IV 08 Hours
Benchmarking:Definition and concept of Benchmarking, Reasons to Benchmark, Process of Benchmarking.
Quality Management Systems: ISO introduction, Benefits of ISO registration, ISO 9000 series of standards,
Sector specific standards, ISO 14000 series of standards.
Quality Function Deployment:Definition, Voice of customer, House of quality, Building a House of Quality,
QFD process, Benefits of QFD.

Unit - V 08 Hours
Quality by Design:Definition, product development flow diagram, Rationale for implementation, Benefits of
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis: Definition, stages of FMEA, Design FMEA document, Process FMEA
document, Example of FMEA document preparation.
Statistical Process Control: Control charts-importance, Variable control charts, Control charts for Attributes,

Online Resources
1. NPTEL course: Total Quality Management-I by Prof. Raghunandan Sengupta, IIT Kanpur link:
2 NPTEL course: Total Quality Management-II by Prof. Raghunandan Sengupta, IIT Kanpur link:

1. Total Quality Management, Dale H Besterfield, Pearson Publication, Revised 3 rd
edition, 2011.
2. Total Quality Management, Poornima M Charantimath, Pearson Publication, 3 rd edition,

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of total quality management. [L2]
2. Explain the importance of customer satisfaction. [L2]
3. Interpret the need of continuous improvement process in an organization. [L2]
4 Understand various principles and practices of total quality management. [L2]
5 Analyze various tools and techniques of total quality management. [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution [PO1]
of complex engineering problems.
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as
2 [PO9]
a member or leader in teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to
3. [PO11]
one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team. Manage projects in
multidisciplinary environments.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Videos 3. Seminar
4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Course Total

Components Addition of two IA tests
assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by Verified by
B S Jagathi Dr. Shivakumar S


Course Code 18ME661 Credits 3

Course type OE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 Hrs. SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course Objectives
1. To enable students to understand the basic principles of Organization Behavior and it’s
challenges and Individual behavior
2. To make students to understand the Theories of learning and personality and emotions
3. To broaden understanding of Motivation and theories of motivation in an organization.
4. To make students to understand the Group Behavior and importance of communication
in an organization
5. To make students to understand the organizational change and work stress management

Pre-requisites: Basics of Management

Unit – I 08 Hours
Introduction: Definition of organization behavior, contributing disciplines to OB field,
challenges and opportunities for OB.
Foundations of individual behavior: Biographical characteristics, ability, values,
attitudes, job satisfaction, effect of job satisfaction on employee performance.

Unit – II 08Hours
Learning: Definition, Theories of learning, classical conditioning, operant conditioning,
social learning theory, shaping, methods of shaping behavior, continuous and intermittent
Personality and emotions: Definition, personality determinants-hereditary, environment,
situation. Major personality attributes influencing OB- locus of control,
Machiavellianism, self esteem, self monitoring, risk taking. Definition of emotions, felt
versus displayed emotions, OB applications of emotions.
Self learning topics: specific application of perception in organization.

Unit – III 08 Hours

Motivation: Definition, Theories of motivation- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory,
Mc-Gregor’s theory X and theory Y, Herzberg’s motivation hygiene theory, David Mc-
Clelland’s theory of needs, Victor Vroom’s expectancy theory of motivation.
Management by objectives(MBO), employee recognition programs, employee
involvement programs-participative management, representative participation, quality
circles, employee stock ownership plans(ESOP’s)

Unit – IV 08Hour
Groups: Definition, classification of groups, five stage group development model,
factors affecting group formation, norms, status, size, composition, cohesiveness ,group
processes, group tasks, group decision making.
Communication: Definition, functions of communication, Direction of communication:
downward, upward and lateral communication, Interpersonal Communication: Oral,
Written, non verbal communication,
organizational communication: formal vs informal networks, The grapevine,
Computer aided communication, choice of communication channel, Barriers to effective
Self learning topics: Group think and group shift, recent trends in electronics

Unit – V 08 Hours
Organizational change: Forces of change, managing planned change, change agents,
what can change agents change, resistance to change-individual and organizational
resistance, overcoming resistance to change
Work stress and its management: Definition, model of stress, potential sources of
stress, individual differences, consequences of stress, managing stress.

1. Stephen P Robbins, “OrganizationalBehavior”, Pearson Education publications,10 th
2. Fred Luthans, “OrganizationalBehavior”, McGraw Hill International 11 th edition
3. Aswathappa, “OrganizationalBehavior”, Himalaya Publishers
4 NPTEL Course link:

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of organizational behavior. [L2]
2. Discuss Theories of learning and personality and emotions [L2]
3. Explain the concepts of motivation and theories of motivation. [L2]
4. Explain the importance of effective communication [L2]
5. Analyze stress and conflict management and organizational change. [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the [PO7]
professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental
contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable

3. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and [PO9]
as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary
4. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation [PO12]
and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the
broadest context of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black board teaching 1. Internal Assessment Tests
2. PPT 2. Assignments
NPTEL Course link:
3. 3. Quiz
4. Course Projects

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Sum of
Components Addition of two IA assignments Course Total
(Two) / activity project/Seminar Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30=60 10 + 10 = 20 20 100

CIE marks will be evaluated for 100 marks and will be reduced to 50marks for
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.

Self study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and
10% weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 08 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions. SEE question paper will have two compulsory questions (any 2 units)
and choice will be given in the remaining three units.

Syllabus Prepared By: Prof.Veena Badiger Verified By: Dr.M.M.Nadakatti


Course Code 18ME662 Credits 3

Course type OE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3 –0 – 0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To Understand the scientific methods of providing with a quantitative basis of decision making
by using different LPP optimization techniques.
2. To Understand the importance of transportation and assignment models and solve practical
3. To Explain game theory and define the related terms and find game value by different gaming
4. To Discuss different methods used to find solutions to sequencing and queuing models.
5 To Study network diagrams for CPM and PERT problems and determine critical path, project
duration and floats/slacks for various networks

Pre-requisites: Nil

Unit – I 09 Hours
Introduction: Definition of OR, scope of OR, steps (phases) in OR study, characteristics and
limitations of OR, models used in OR, linear programming (LP) problem-formulation and solution by
graphical method.
Solution of Linear Programming Problems: The Simplex method, canonical and standard form of
an LP problem, slack, surplus and artificial variables, Big M method and concept of duality.
Self Learning Topics: Application areas of OR, Evolution and history of OR, Softwares used in the
application of OR problems

Unit - II 10 Hours
Transportation Problem: Formulation of transportation problem, types, initial basic feasible solution
using different methods, optimal solution by MODI method, application of transportation problem
concept for maximization cases. Assignment Problem- Formulation, types, application to
maximization cases and travelling salesman problem.
Self Learning Topics: Comparison of transportation models with assignment models.

Unit - III 07 Hours

Game Theory: Formulation of games, types, solution of games with saddle point, graphical method of
solving mixed strategy games, dominance rule for solving mixed strategy games.
Queuing Theory: Queuing systems and their characteristics, empirical queuing models – M/M/1 and
M/M/C models and their steady state performance analysis

Unit – IV 07 Hours
Sequencing: Basic assumptions, sequencing ‘n’ jobs on single machine using priority rules, sequencing using

Johnson’s rule-‘n’ jobs on 2 machines, ‘n’ jobs on 3 machines,. Sequencing 2 jobs on ‘m’ machines using
graphical method.
Self Learning Topics: ‘n’ jobs on ‘m’ machines

Unit - V 07 Hours
PERT-CPM Techniques: Introduction, network construction - rules, Fulkerson’s rule for numbering
the events, Critical path method to find the expected completion time of a project, floats; PERT for
finding expected duration of an activity and project, determining the probability of completing a
project, predicting the completion time of projects.

Online Resources
1. NPTEL course: Operations research by. Prof. Kusumdeep, IIT Roorkee.
2. NPTEL course: Fundamentals of Operations research by Prof. G. Srinivasan, IIT Madras.

1. P. K. Gupta and D. S. Hira, “Operations Research”, Seventh Revised edition 2014, Chand
Publications, 2007
2. S.D. Sharma, “Operations Research”, Ledarnath Ramanath& Co, 2010
3. Taha H. A, “Operations Research- An Introduction”, Pearson Education /Prentice Hall, 2007
4. Hillier and Lieberman, “Introduction to Operations Research”, 8th Edition, McGraw Hill
5. Ravindran, Don T. Phillips, James J. Solberg, “Operations Research: Principles and
Practice” 2nd edition, Wiley Publication

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Formulate the mathematical model of linear programming problems and solve them
1. [L4]
by various optimization methods.
2. Formulate transportation and assignment models and solve practical problems. [L4]
Solve problems on game theory for pure and mixed strategy under competitive
3. [L2]
4. Solve waiting line problems for M/M/1 and M/M/K queuing models. [L3]
Determine optimal sequence and total time by using different sequencing
5. [L3]
Determine critical path, project duration by constructing network diagrams for
6. [L3]
CPM and PERT problems.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
2. engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of [PO2]
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
3. and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex [PO5]
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations

Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with
the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
4. [PO10]
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
5. engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of [PO12]
technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Seminar
4. SEE
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by: Prof. S. J. Patil/ G. D. Gokak Verified by: Dr. Shivakumar S


Course Code 18ME663 Credits 3

Course type OE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100


Course learning objectives

1. To provide knowledge of objectives of Human Resource Management with various
components including, HRP, job design. Recruitment, selection process, Training &
2. To develop the skills of Performance Appraisal methods.
3. To Review the Various aspects of Industrial relations and Industry disputes and
settlement acts.
4. To Explore the key issues involved in HRM using case studies.

Prerequisites: - Not applicable

Unit – I 08 Hours
Nature and Scope of Human resource management: Meaning and definition, Scope of
HRM, difference between HRM and Personal management, HRM functions and objectives,
personnel policies and principles. Evolution of HRM in India.
Human Resource Planning: Nature of HRP, Importance of HRP, Factors affecting HRP,
HRP Planning process, Forecasting techniques, Barriers to HRP, Functions of HRM
Job Analysis, Job Description, Job Specification

Unit – II 08 Hours
Recruitment: Factors affecting recruitment, Steps in recruitment process, sources of
Selection: Selection procedure – Purpose of tests, classification of tests, developing a test
program, Interviews-types of interviews, guidelines for effective interview and interviewees,
qualities of a successful interviewer, interview process. Induction procedure, Promotion policy,

Unit – III 08 Hours

Training And Development: Identification of Training needs distinction between training and
development, steps in training programs. Training methods/ techniques, advantages and
Executive Development: Purpose and objective , Executive development process, different
development techniques.
Self learning topics:, Separation, suspension, retrenchment, layoff, absenteeism.

Unit – IV 08 Hours
Performance Appraisal: importance and purpose, who should be rated, different methods of
performance appraisal, traditional and modern methods. Advantages and disadvantages of
appraisal tools. Significant factors that deter problems of performance appraisal. Human
resource records, Human Resource Accounting.
e-HR: Nature of e-HRM, e-HR activities:- e-recruitment, e-Selection, e-performance
Self learning topics: Counseling, International HRM

Unit – V 08 Hours

Industrial Disputes And Settlement: Indian Industrial Disputes act, Voluntary Arbitration,
Compulsory arbitration, Industrial Relations: Indian trade union act, Indian factories act.
Case studies HRP, Performance appraisal system, HRD, Training and development.
Preparation of structured and unstructured interviews.

1. Dr. K. Ashwathappa, Human Resources Management, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, 1999
2. C.B. Mamoria, Management of Human Resources, Himalaya Publication House, 2003
3. Decenoz and Robbins, Personnel / Human resource Management, PHI, 2002
4. Arun Monappa, Industrial Relations TMH, ISBN, 0-07- 451710-8.
5. Wayne F. Casio, Managing Human Resources, Tata McGraw Hill 6 th Edition, 1999
6. Snell, Bohlander, Human Resource Management, Thomson learning, 2007

Online Resources & Software:

1. NPTEL course: Principles Of Human Resource Management, IIT Kharagpur, Prof.
Aradhna Malik

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Explain Human Resource Management and various factors involved Human
Resource planning.
2. Describe the steps in recruitment and selection process. [L2]
3. Describe purpose of training and development. Discuss the different
training and development methods.
4. Describe Performance Appraisal, and explain the different methods of
5. Discuss Dispute acts and Industrial relations. Illustrate the case studies on
HRM components.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
2. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with
the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
3. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological [PO12]

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black board teaching 1. Internal Assessment Tests
2. PPT 2. Assignments
3. Quiz

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20


Course Code 18ME664 Credits 3

Course type OE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To understand the basic principles of economics and engineering economic decision making.
2. To educate various methods of comparison of alternatives for an asset.
3. To study the concepts of depreciation, costing and estimation for an asset.
To broaden the understanding of finance functions and ratio analysis in engineering economics.
5. To provide knowledge of replacement analysis in engineering.

Pre-requisites: Elementary Knowledge of simple and compound interest.

Unit – I 08 Hours
Introduction: Engineering Decision making, Problem solving and Decision making, Law of demand
and supply, Time value of Money, Effects of Inflation, causes, consequences and control of inflation.
Interest and interest factors: Interest rate, simple and compound interest, discrete compounding interest
factors, cash flow diagrams, Effective and Nominal interest rates, Numerical.
Self learning topics: Consumer price index (CPI).

Unit – II 08 Hours
Basis for comparison of alternatives: Present worth comparisons, conditions for present worth
comparisons, present worth equivalence, Net present worth, assets with unequal lives, Future worth
comparisons, Equivalent annual worth comparisons, Consideration of asset life, comparison of assets
with equal and unequal lives, Numerical.

Unit – III 08 Hours

Depreciation, Estimating and costing: Depreciation, Causes of depreciation, Methods of computing
depreciation charges- Numerical.
Difference between estimating and costing, Components of costs such as direct material, direct labour,
fixed, overheads, factory, administrative overheads, first cost, marginal cost, selling price, Estimation
for simple components. Numerical.
Self learning topics: Tax concepts, various types of taxes.

Unit – IV 08 Hours
Scope of finance, Finance functions, and Financial ratio analysis: Statements of financial
information, sources of financial information, financial statements, Balance sheet, Profit and loss
account, relation between balance sheet and profit and loss account. Financial ratios: Nature of ratio
analysis, Liquidity ratios, Leverage ratios, activity ratios, Profitability ratios, Evaluation of firm’s
earning power and comparison with industrial standard ratios, Numerical only on financial ratios.

Unit – V 08 Hours

Break even analysis and Replacement analysis: Break even analysis-basic concept, linear break
even analysis, Numerical. Replacement analysis, reasons for replacement of an asset, Individual
replacement and group replacement policies. Numerical.
Self learning topics: Make or Buy decision.

1. James L.Riggs, Engineering Economy, 4th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
2. Thuesen H G, Engineering Economy, PHI, 2002.
3. Niall M Fraser, Engineering Economics Financial Decision Making for Engineers, 5 thedition,
Pearson Education, 2013.
4. I M Pandey, Financial Management, 7th edition, Vikas publishing house, 2002.
5. R Panneerselvam, Engineering Economics, PHI, 2002.
6. O P Khanna, Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat rai and sons, 2000.
7. Naidu, Babu and Rajendra, Engineering Economy, PHI, 2002.
8. NPTEL Course-

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of engineering economics. [L2]
2. Interpret the methods to compare the alternatives for different assets to choose the
best one.
3. Estimate the depreciation, costing of different assets. [L2]
4. Analyze the scope of finance functions and financial ratios in evaluation of firm’s [L3]
earning power.
5. Analyze make or buy decision concepts using replacement analysis. . [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
engineering problems to arrive at substantiated conclusions using first principles [PO2]
of mathematics, natural and engineering sciences.
3. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability
to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of [PO12]
technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture 1. Internal Assessment tests
2. Power point Presentation. 2. Quiz
3. Tutorials. 3. Assignments
4. Course Projects/Seminar.

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

Components tests assignments Seminar/Project Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50.

Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100.
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, two from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by: Dr. A V Kulkarni Verified by: Dr. S H. Kulkarni


Course Code 18MEL67 Credits 2

Course type L CIE Marks 25 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 0-0-3 SEE Marks 25 marks

Total Hours: 36 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 50 marks

Course learning objectives

1. To understand modes of heat transfer.
2. To perform the experiments on Heat transfer equipments.
3. To study the effect of changes in various heat transfer parameters.

Pre-requisites:Basic Modes Heat transfer, Temperature and Fluid Flow Measurements

List of experiments

1. Determination of emissivity of a surface.

2. Determination of heat transfer coefficient in a free convection on a vertical tube.
3. Determination of heat transfer coefficient in a free convection on a horizontal tube.
4. Determination of effectiveness and efficiency of rectangular fin under free convection.
5. Determination of thermal conductivity and thermal resistance of a composite wall.
6. Determination of effectiveness and efficiency of rectangular fin under forced convection.
7. Determination of heat transfer coefficient in a forced convention through a pipe.
8. Determination of Stefan Boltzmann constant.
9. Determination of LMDT and effectiveness in a parallel flow and counter flow heat exchangers.
10. Validation of Lumped system assumption fortransient heat conduction process.

1. Heat Transfer Lab manual prepared by the Mechanical Engineering Department, KLS GIT.
2. Yunus A. Cengel, Heat and Mass Transfer: A practical approach, McGraw- Hill Higher
education Pvt. limited 2007,
3. C. P. Kothandaraman and S Subramanyan, Heat and Mass Transfer Data Book, New age
international publishers, 8th Edition,2006,

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. State the principles of different modes of heat transfer [L1]
2 Measure different heat transfer parameters and can find the results with aid [L2,L 3]
of data.
3 Differentiate heat transfer modes and analyze the system [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, [PO1]
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems.

Assessment methods
1. Conduct of experiments
2. Journal write up
3. Viva-voce and quiz

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Components Conduct of the lab Journal submission Mini Project
Maximum Marks: 25 10 10 5 25
 Submission and certification of lab journal is compulsory to qualify for SEE.
 Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 10

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

It will be conducted for 50 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 25 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA. Single Experiment to be conducted in SEE.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass:20
Initial write up 10 marks
3. Conduct of experiment 20 marks 50 marks
Viva- voce 10 marks
Quiz 10 marks

Prepared by: Prof. G. D. Gokak/Dr.S.M.Bapat


Course Code 18MEL68 Credits 1

Course type PC CIE Marks 25 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 0-0-2 SEE Marks 50 marks

Total Hours: 36 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 50 marks

Course objective:

1. To Apply the knowledge of FEM to construct finite element models using the library of finite
elements available in the software
2. To Choose suitable number of finite elements for the given domain to carry out analysis.
3. To Use the appropriate type of boundary conditions for the given problem.
4. To Solve the problem using commercially available software (Solver).
5. To Compare the results obtained using FEA with analytical or experimental techniques.

List of experiments
Part A
Study of a FEA package and stress analysis of

1. Bars of constant cross section area, tapered cross section and Stepped bar.
2. Trusses.
3. Beams – Simply supported, cantilever, beams with UDL, beams with Uniformly varying
Part B

1. Stress Concentration of Rectangular plate with a circular hole.

2. Thermal Analysis – 1D & 2D problem with conduction and convection boundary conditions
3. Dynamic Analysis
1) Fixed – fixed beam for natural frequency determination
2) Bar subjected to forcing function
3) Fixed – fixed beam subjected to forcing function
4. 3D modeling by using CATIA V5 software and stress analysis of the same by using ANSYS


1. T.R.Chandrupatla, A.D Belegunde, “Finite Elements in Engineering”, 3rd Edition PHI

2. S.S. Rao, “Finite Element Method in Engineering”, 4th Edition, Elsevier, 2006
3. Daryl L Logan, “A first course in the Finite element method”, Thompson, Third Edition
4. Hutton,“ Fundaments of FEM”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Use the steps involved in solving a given analysis problem and understand the
1. [L2]
procedure for carrying out engineering analysis

2. Use the software for doing the analysis and simulation [L2]
3. Compare the results obtained with other methods of analysis. [L4]
Carry out number of iterations by changing the parameters involved in FEA
4. [L3]
5. Compare the real time problems solved with Ansys- Analysis package [L4]
PO No.
Program Outcome of this course (POs)
1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of [PO2]
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
3. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to [PO5]
complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.

Assessment methods

1. Conduction of experiments.
2. Correction of Journals.
3. Lab test at the end of semester.

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Components Conduction of the lab Journal submission Mini Project

Maximum Marks: 25 10 10 5 25
 Submission and certification of lab journal is compulsory to qualify for SEE.
 Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 13

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 50 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 25 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 20
Initial write up 2×5 = 10 marks
Quiz 10 marks
3. Conduct of experiments (Student should solve 50 marks
two exercises choosing one each from Part A and 2×10 = 20 marks
Part B)
Viva- voce 10 marks

Syllabus framed by: Prof.P.J. Phadnis

Syllabus verified by: Prof. V.V. Deshpande


Course Code Credits 1

Course type HS CIE Marks 25
Hours/week: L-T-P 1-0-0 SEE Marks 25

Total Hours: 30 SEE Duration 2 Hours

Course learning objectives

1. To provide basic information about Indian Constitution.
2. To identify individual role and ethical responsibility towards society

Pre-requisites : English Language, Social Studies

Unit – I Human Values 8 Hours

Chapter 1: Objectives, Morals , Values, Ethics, Integrity, Work ethics, Service learning,
Virtues, Respect for others, Living peacefully, Caring, Sharing, Honesty, Courage ,Valuing
time, Cooperation, Commitment, Empathy, Self-confidence, Challenges in the work place,

Unit – II Professional Ethics 10 Hours

Chapter 2:Engineering Ethics: Overview, senses of engineering ethics, variety of moral
issues, types of enquiries, moral dilemma, moral autonomy, moral development (theories),
consensus and controversy, profession, models of professional roles, responsibility,
Chapter 3:
Theories about right action (ethical theories), self-control, self-interest, customs, religion, self-
respect, case studies (Choice of the Theory), engineering as experimentation, engineers as
responsible experimenters.

Chapter 4: Codes of ethics, Environmental ethics, Computer ethics, Engineers as managers,

Ethics and code of business conduct in MNC.

12 Hours
Unit – III Constitution of India
Chapter 5: Introduction to Constitution of India- Formation and Composition of the
Constituent Assembly –Salient features of the Constitution- Preamble to the Indian
Constitution-Fundamental Rights- Fundamental Duties - Directive principles of state policy.

Chapter 6: Parliamentary system of governance-Structure of Parliament- Loksabha and

Rajyasabha- Functions of Parliament- Legislative, Executive, Financial functions, Powers of
Loksabha and Rajyasabha- Procedure followed in parliament in making law- Lokpal and

Structure of union executive- Power and position of President, Vice President, Prime Minister
and council of Ministers. Structure of Judiciary- Jurisdiction and functions of Supreme Court,
High Court and subordinate courts.
Chapter 7: Federalism in Indian Constitution, Division of Powers- Union List, State List and
Concurrent List, Structure of State legislation, Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council,
Functions of State legislature, Structure of State Executive- Powers and positions of Governor,
Speaker, Deputy Speaker, Chief Minister and Council of Ministers.
Local self government- meaning- Three tier system- Village Panchayat- Taluka Panchayat-
Zilla Panchayat- Local Bodies- Muncipalities and Corporations, Bruhath Mahanagara Palike.
Functions of Election Commission, UPSC, KPSC.

1. Durga Das Basu : “ Introducing to the Constitution on India’, ( Students Edn. ) Prentice
– Hall EEE, 19th / 20th Edn., 2001
2. Raman B.S. and Yagi R.K., Constitutional Law and Professional Ethics, United
Publishers, 2005
3. Rajaram M., Constitution of India and Professional Ethics, New Age International
Publishers, 3rd Ed.,
4. Nagarazan R.S., Professional Ethics and Human Values, New Age International
Publishers Pvt.Ltd. 2006

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Know and explain state and central policies, fundamental duties. L1, L2
2. Know and explain the functioning of the democracy in the country L1, L2
3. Appreciate and practice the ethical issues L3
4. Know and apply the code of ethics practiced in the professional bodies. L1, L3

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
1. 6
legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the
professional engineering practice.
Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
2. 8
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture 1. I. A. test
2. Presentation 2. SEE
3. Expert talks

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Average of
Average of best 2
Components assignments (Two) Quiz Class Total
out of 3 IA tests participation Marks
/ activity

Maximum Marks: 25 25 ---- ---- ----- 25

 Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
 Descriptive type questions.
 One unit each for each IA test.
 Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 10 marks out of 25

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. SEE question paper for 50 marks having descriptive type questions will be conducted
for two hours duration. It will be reduced to 25 marks for the calculation of SGPA and
2. Choice in each unit.


Course Code Audit Course Credits 3

Course type AC CIE Marks NIL
Hours/week: L-T-P 1-0-3 SEE Marks NIL

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration NIL

Course learning objectives (CLOs)

1. To teach the historical development of automobile manufacturing industry.
2. To impart knowledge of basic principles of Toyota Production System (TPS).
3. To teach how to develop 3S and V Map-1 flow concepts of TPS to industry.

Pre-requisites : Attending Generic Sessions 1-3

PART –A 20 Hours
Chapter 1: The rise and fall of Mass Production and The rise of Lean Production (5 Hours)
Chapter 2: The total frame work of Toyota Production System (3 Hours)
Chapter 3: Introduction to building blocks of TPS: JIT, KANBAN, KAIZEN, POKA YOKE,
5S ,PDCA ( 12 Hours)

PART –B 20 Hours
Introduction to concepts of 3S map, VMap 1.

1. James P. Womack, Daniel T. Jones, and Daniel Roos “Machine that changed the
world” ,MIT
2. Yasuhiro Monden “Toyota Production System”,CRC Press
3. Course material developed by GIT VLCI team

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. To explain the historic development of global automotive industry. [L1]
2. To explain the some basic principles of Toyota Production System [L2, L3]
3. To evaluate the total framework of TPS [L3]
4. To evaluate the concepts and develop 3S map and V map for an industry. [L2, L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex [PO2]

engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with
the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
3. [PO10]
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as
4. [PO11]
a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
5. engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of [PO12]
technological change

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture 1. Quiz
2. PPT 2. Assignment
3. Group activity
4. Field study and work

Audit Course has no CIE and SEE, but is mandatory if take Flow Management System
Concepts as elective in 7th Sem

Prepared By Verified By
A.A.Kulkarni Dr. J.K.Kittur


Course Code 18ME71 Credits 3

Course type PC CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives (CLO’s)

1. To teach the concepts of basic principles of management.
2. To explain the managerial functions and their importance of decision making.
3. To teach the concept of entrepreneurship.
4. To impart knowledge about institutions supporting small scale industries.
5. To explain the procedure to set up small business enterprise.

Pre-requisites: Elementary Knowledge of the word Management.

Unit – I 8 Hours
The Basis of Management Theory and Practice: Definition of Management: Nature and scope,
System approach to the management process, The Managerial functions, Managerial skills and
organizational hierarchy, The goals of all managers and organizations, Mintzberg’s managerial roles
Planning: Definition, Managerial planning and its importance, Types of plans, Steps in Planning,
Management by objectives, Decision making definition, Programmed and Non-Programmed decisions.

Unit – II 8 Hours
Organizing: Definition, Formal and informal organizations, Organizational division-The department,
definition, Organizational level and span of management, Narrow and wide spans, Factors determining
effective span, Functional organization, Matrix organization, Line/Staff concepts and functional
authority, Decentralization and centralization of authority.
Staffing: Definition, The system approach to HRM, Selection definition, The system approach to
selection, Selection process, techniques and instruments, Manager development process and training,
approaches to manager developments: On job training, internal and external training.

Unit – III 8 Hours

Leading: Definition, Nature and function of leading and managing, Motivation definition, Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs theory, McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, Herzberg’s Motivation hygiene theory,
Leadership definition, Ingredients of leadership, Leadership behavior and styles, The managerial grid,
Communication definition, The purpose of communication, communication flow in organization, forms
of communication, Barriers and breakdowns in communication.
Controlling: Definition, The basic control process, Critical control points standards and
Benchmarking, Control as a feedback system, Real time information and control, Feed
forward/Preventive control, Control of overall performance.
Self-learning topics: The operations management system.

Unit – IV 8 Hours
Entrepreneurship: ILO definition of Entrepreneur, Importance of entrepreneurship, why should you

become an entrepreneur, Characteristics of a successful entrepreneur.
MSME: Definition of SSI, Role and importance of SSI, Central level Institutions supporting SIDO,
NSIC, NPC, IIE. State level institutions supporting SFCsOther agencies- NABARD, HUDCO, NGOs,
EPC’s Industry associations-CII, FICCI, PHDCCI, ASSOCHAM, FASSI, CSIR.

Unit – V 8 Hours
Setting up a Small Business Enterprise: Identifying the business opportunity, Business
opportunities in various sectors, Formalities for setting up a small business enterprise- Selection of a
project, Decide on the construction, Obtain SSI registration, Clearances from specific departments,
Arrange for land/shed, Arrange for plant and machinery, Arrange for infrastructure, Prepare project
report, Apply and obtain finance, Implementing the project and obtaining final clearances,
Environment pollution related clearances.
Self-learning topics: Profiles of successful entrepreneurs like Rags to riches-Dhirubhai Ambani, The
Nirma story- The sage of Karsan bhai patel, etc.,

Online Resources
1. NPTEL course: Economics, Management And Entrepreneurshipby Prof.Pratap M, IIT
Kharakpur. NPTEL Course link:

1. Harold Koontz, Essentials of Management, 10th edition, McGraw Hill Education, 2017.
2. Poornima M Charantimath, Entrepreneurship Development Small Business Enterprises, 3 rd
edition, Pearson Education, 2008.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of management theory. [L2]
2. Interpret the five managerial functions. [L2]
3. Explain the importance of managerial decision making. [L2]
Understand the concepts of entrepreneurship and role small scale industries in [L2]
economic development of nation.
5. Analyzethe formalities in setting up a small business enterprise. [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding
of engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as
2. [PO11]
a member and leader in a team. Manage projects in multidisciplinary

Course delivery methods Assessment methods
1. Lecture 1. Internal Assessment tests
2. Power point Presentation 2. Quiz
3. Videos 3. Assignments/Course Projects
4. SEE
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Course Total

Components Addition of two IA tests
assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by Verified by
Prof B.S.Jagathi Dr. Shivakumar S


Course Code 18ME72 Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100


Course learning objectives

1. To explain the fundamentals of fluid machine and compare with positive-displacement
2. To understand velocity triangles for various types of fluid machines and obtain expressions for
energy transfer, degree of reaction and utilization factor.
3. To analyze impulse & reaction steam turbines and to construct velocity triangle by graphical
4. To determine the performance of Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbines and find hydraulic,
mechanical and volumetric efficiencies.
5. To obtain the efficiencies of centrifugal pump and to understand the working of axial-flow

Pre-requisites:Fundamentals of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics.

Unit - I 08Hours
Principles of Fluid machines: Definition, Parts and Classification of turbo machine. Comparison with
positive displacement machines. Static and Stagnation states,1st and 2nd laws of thermodynamics
applied to turbomachines. Efficiencies and Specific speedof a turbo machine.Simple numerical.
Self-Learning Topics: Dimensional analysis(Buckingham Pie Theorem) and their significance.

Unit - II 12Hours
Energy Exchange in Fluid machines: Brief introduction to the construction of velocity triangles. The
Euler’s Turbine Equation: Alternate form of Euler’s turbine equation, Components of energy transfer.
Impulse & Reaction, Degree of Reaction. General analysis of Turbines: Utilization factor, Relation
between degree of reaction and utilization factor for radial and axial flow turbines, Expression for
maximum utilization factor. General analysis of Compressors and Pumps: Radial and axial flow, Brief
introduction to combined velocity diagrams with common base and common apex. Numerical.

Unit - III 10Hours

Steam Turbines: Classification, Difference between Impulse and Reaction, Methods of compounding
of steam turbines. Analysis on single-stage Impulse turbine: Performance parameters, Effects of
friction and blade angles on blade efficiency, Condition for maximum efficiency. Analysis on Reaction
turbines: Degree of reaction. Numerical (Construction of velocity triangles by Graphical method).

Unit - IV 10Hours
Hydraulic Turbine: Classification, General layout of hydraulic power plant, Different heads and
efficiencies. PeltonTurbine-Velocity triangles, Work done equation, Condition for maximum hydraulic
efficiency and other efficiencies of turbine, Working proportions. Numerical. Francis Turbine-Velocity
triangles and runner shapes for different blade speeds, Efficiencies, Numerical.
Draft tube: Theory, Types and efficiency of draft tube. Propeller and Kaplan Turbine. Numerical.

Self-learning Topic: Unit quantities.

Unit - V 10Hours
Centrifugal and Axial-flow Pumps:Major parts, Classification, Different heads, Losses and
efficiencies of centrifugal pump.Work done by the Pump, Minimum speed for starting the pump.Multi-
stage Centrifugal pump. Maximum suction lift.Numerical. Axial-flow (Propeller) pump, Work done by
the impeller, Working Proportions.
Self-learning Topic: Cavitation and its effects, Priming of centrifugal pump.

Text Books

1. Kadambi V.& Prasad M., “An Introduction to Energy Conversion, Volume III,
Turbomachinery”, New Age International Pvt. Limited, Publishers, 2012.
2. Venkanna B.K., “Fundamentals of Turbomachinery”, PHI Learning (P) Limited, New Delhi,
Govindegouda& Nagaraj, “A Textbook of Turbomachines”, MM Publishers Davangere, 2010.
4. Bansal R.K., “A Textbook of Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machines”, Laxmi Publications (P)
Ltd., New Delhi, 2014.
Course Outcome (COs)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Compare fluid machines with positive displacement machines. [L3]

2. Understand the basic principles of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. [L2]

3. Analyzeenergy exchange in fluid machines with the help of velocity triangles. [L4]
Analyze steam turbines for various conditions of flow to construct velocity
4. [L4]
triangles including graphical method.
5. Understand theworking proportions for hydraulic turbines. [L2]

6. Determine various efficiencies of hydraulic turbines. [L3]

Calculate performance parameters of centrifugal pump and explain the working of
7. [L3]
axial-flow pump

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
2. engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of [PO2]
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
3. [PO9]
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities
with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
4. [PO10]
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black board and chalk 1. Assignments/ Course Projects

2. Power point presentation/ Video 2. Quizzes
NPTEL Course link for Fluid Power:
3. 3. IA tests
NPTEL Course link for Fluid Machines:
4. 4. SEE
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

Components tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by: Dr. V.V. Kulkarni Verified by: Dr. S. M. Bapat


Course Code 18ME73 Credits 4

Course type PC CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives (CLO’s)

1. To impart the knowledge of various mechanical and electrical components.
2. To teach the theory of cause-effect relationship throughout the system.
3. To explain how to predict stability of a system and also the degree of stability.
4. To impart the knowledge of different methods for stability of a system where we find
out Phase margin and Gain margin.
5. To impart the knowledge of different types of controllers to be applied for different

Pre-requisites: Knowledge about Electrical components.

Unit – I 12 Hours
Introduction: Concept of automatic controls, Open loop and closed loop systems,
Concepts of feedback, requirements of an ideal control system,
Mathematical Models: Transfer function models, models of mechanical systems, models
of electrical circuits, DC and AC motors in control systems, models of thermal systems,
models of hydraulic systems, pneumatic system, Analogous systems: Force voltage,
Force current
Self learning topics: Laplace Transformation

Unit – II 12 Hours
Block Diagrams and Signal Flow Graphs: Transfer Functions definition, block
representation of systems elements, reduction of block diagrams, Signal flow graphs:
Mason’s gain formula.
Transient and Steady State Response Analysis: Introduction, first order system
response to step, ramp and impulse inputs, Second order system response for step and
ramp inputs. Concepts of time constant and its importance in speed of response.

Unit – III 8 Hours

Root Locus Plots: System stability: Routh’s-Hurwitz Criterion Definition of root loci,
General rules for constructing root loci, Analysis using root locus plots.

Unit – IV 10 Hours
Frequency Response Analysis: Polar plots, Nyquist stability criterion, Stability analysis,
Relative stability concepts, Gain margin and phase margin.
Frequency Response Analysis Using Bode Plots: Bode attenuation diagrams, Stability

analysis using Bode plots, Simplified Bode Diagrams.

Unit - V 08 Hours
Controllers: Proportional, Integral Proportional Integral, Proportional Integral
Differential controllers. System Compensation: Series and feedback compensation.
Case Study: (10 marks question can be asked on this part , but no numerical)
Controllers along with block diagram and brief description for systems like Temperature
control, Flow control, Level control and Speed control.

Online Resources
1. NPTEL course: Control Engineering: Theory and Practice by Prof. Ramkrishna P, IIT Madras.
NPTEL Course link:
2 NPTEL course: Control Engineering: Theory and Practice by Prof. S.D.Agashe, IIT Bombay.

1. Modern Control Engineering, Katsuhiko Ogatta, PearsonEducation,2004.
2. Control Systems Principles and Design, M.Gopal, 3rd Ed.,TMH,2000.
3. Modern Control Systems, Richard.C.Dorf and Robert.H.Bishop,Addison Wesley,1999
4. System dynamics &control, Eronini-Umez, Thomson Asia pte Ltd. singapore, 2002
5 Control Systems, Dr.D.Ganesh Rao and K Venkatesh Sanguine Technical Publishers Pearson

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Recognize the basic elements and structures of feedback system [L2]
Apply Routh-Hurwitz criterion to determine domain of stability of linear time
2. [L2,L4]
invariant systems in parameter space.
Analyze and evaluate control system performance in the frequency domain in
3. terms of gain and phase margins, and design compensators to achieve desired [L2,L3,L4]
4 Analyze undamped single degree of freedom systems. [L4]
5 Explain the construction of Bode and Polar plots for rational transfer function. [L4]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze
2 complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first [PO2]
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs
3. [PO3]
with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations.
4 Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to [PO12]

engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Course Total

Components Addition of two IA tests
assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by Verified by
Prof A.A.Kulkarni Prof R.J. Naik


Course Code 18ME741 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To understand the knowledge of vibrations and analyze undamped single degree of freedom
2. To study theoretical principles of vibration and vibration analysis techniques for damped and
forced vibration problems.
3. To understand the vibration measuring devices and the concept of critical speeds of shafts.
4. To study the analysis of two degree of freedom vibrating systems
5 To study the importance and use of numerical methods in the analysis of multi degree freedom
systems and noise legislations

Pre-requisites :Simple harmonic motion, Fourier Series and differential equations

Unit - I 08 Hours
Introduction: Types of vibrations, Definitions, Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM), Work done by
harmonic force, Principle of super position applied to SHM, Beats, Fourier’s theorem and problems.
Undamped (Single Degree of Freedom) Free Vibrations: Derivations for spring mass systems,
Methods of Analysis, Natural frequencies of simple systems, Springs in series and parallel, Torsional
and transverse vibrations, Effect of mass of spring and Problems.

Unit - II 08 Hours
Damped free vibrations (1DOF): Types of damping, Analysis with viscous damping - Derivations for
over, critical and under damped systems, Logarithmic decrement and Problems.
Forced Vibrations (1DOF): Introduction, Analysis of forced vibration with constant harmonic
excitation - magnification factor, rotating and reciprocating unbalances, excitation of support (relative
and absolute amplitudes), force and motion transmissibility,

Self-learning topics- Energy dissipated due to damping

Unit – III 08 Hours

Vibration Measuring Instruments and Whirling of shafts: Seismic Instruments: Vibrometers,
Accelerometer, Frequency measuring instruments and Problems. Whirling of shafts with and without
damping, discussion of speeds above and below critical speeds and Problems.

Self-learning topics:Half power bandwidth for determination of equivalent viscous damping

Unit – IV 08 Hours

Systems with two degrees of Freedom: Principle modes of vibrations, Normal mode and
natural frequencies of systems (without damping) – Simple spring mass systems, masses on
tightly stretched strings, double pendulum, torsional systems, Undamped dynamic vibration
absorber and Problems.

Self-learning topics:Vibrations of geared systems

Unit – V 08 Hours
Numerical Methods for multi degree freedom of systems: Introduction, Maxwell’s
reciprocal theorem, Influence coefficients, Stodola method, Holzer’s method, method of matrix
iteration and Problems.
Noise: Human response to noise (OSHA standards), Room acoustics, Environmental noise,
noise legislation.

1. W. T. Thomson, M. D.Dahleh and C. Padmanabhan, Theory of Vibration with
Applications, Pearson Education Inc, 5th Edition, 2008.
2. S. S. Rao, Mechanical Vibrations, Pearson Education Inc, 4 th Edition, 2003.
3. V. P. Singh, Mechanical Vibrations, DhanpatRaiandCompany, 3rd Edition, 2006.
4. G. K.Grover, Mechanical Vibrations, Nem Chand and Bros, 8 th Edition, 2009.
5. S. Graham Kelly, Fundamentals of Mechanical Vibration, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2000.
6. Colin Hansen, Noise Control, from Concept to Applications, Taylor and Francis, 2005.
Online Resources (NPTEL/SWYAM)

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Analyze undamped single degree of freedom systems. [L3]
Apply the theoretical principles of vibration and vibration analysis techniques for
2. [L3]
damped and forced vibration problems.
Explain the principle used in vibrationmeasuring devices and the concept of
3. [L1, L2]
critical speeds of shafts.
4 Analyze two degree of freedom vibrating systems for natural frequencies [L2, L3]
Apply numerical methods in the analysis of multi degree freedom systems for
5 [L3]
natural frequencies

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
2. complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first [PO2]
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
Environment & Sustainability : Understand the impact of the professional
3 [PO7]
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate

the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of assignments Course

Components tests (Two) / activity project/Seminar Total Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA test is compulsory.

CIE marks will be reduced to 50 marks
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE: 40 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20
Checked by: Prof. K. D. Kattimani

Verified by: Dr. S. L. Gombi


Course Code 18ME742 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3 –0 – 0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To Understand the scientific methods of providing with a quantitative basis of decision making
by using different LPP optimization techniques.
2. To Understand the importance of transportation and assignment models and solve practical
3. To Explain game theory and define the related terms andfind game value by different gaming
4. To Discuss different methods used to find solutions to sequencing and queuing models.
5 To Study network diagrams for CPM and PERT problems and determine critical path, project
duration and floats/slacks for various networks

Pre-requisites: Nil

Unit – I 09 Hours
Introduction: Definition of OR, scope of OR, steps (phases) in OR study, characteristics and
limitations of OR, models used in OR, linear programming (LP) problem-formulation and solution by
graphical method.
Solution of Linear Programming Problems: The Simplex method, canonical and standard form of
an LP problem, slack, surplus and artificial variables, Big M method and concept of duality.
Self Learning Topics: Application areas of OR, Evolution and history of OR, Softwares used in the
application of OR problems

Unit - II 10 Hours
Transportation Problem: Formulation of transportation problem, types, initial basic feasible solution
using different methods, optimal solution by MODI method, application of transportation problem
concept for maximization cases. Assignment Problem- Formulation, types, application to
maximization cases and travelling salesman problem.
Self Learning Topics: Comparison of transportation models with assignment models.

Unit - III 07 Hours

Game Theory: Formulation of games, types, solution of games with saddle point, graphical method of
solving mixed strategy games, dominance rule for solving mixed strategy games.
Queuing Theory: Queuing systems and their characteristics, empirical queuing models – M/M/1 and
M/M/C models and their steady state performance analysis

Unit – IV 07 Hours
Sequencing: Basic assumptions, sequencing ‘n’ jobs on single machine using priority rules, sequencing using

Johnson’s rule-‘n’ jobs on 2 machines, ‘n’ jobs on 3 machines,. Sequencing 2 jobs on ‘m’ machines using
graphical method.
Self Learning Topics: ‘n’ jobs on ‘m’ machines

Unit - V 07 Hours
PERT-CPM Techniques: Introduction, network construction - rules, Fulkerson’s rule for numbering
the events, Critical path method to find the expected completion time of a project, floats; PERT for
finding expected duration of an activity and project, determining the probability of completing a
project, predicting the completion time of projects.

Online Resources
1. NPTEL course: Operations research by. Prof. Kusumdeep, IIT Roorkee.
2. NPTEL course:Fundamentsl of Operations research by Prof. G. Srinivasan, IIT Madras.

1. P. K. Gupta and D. S. Hira, “Operations Research”, Seventh Revised edition 2014, Chand
Publications, 2007
2. S.D. Sharma, “Operations Research”, LedarnathRamanath& Co, 2010
3. Taha H. A, “Operations Research- An Introduction”, Pearson Education /Prentice Hall, 2007
4. Hillier and Lieberman, “Introduction to Operations Research”, 8th Edition, McGraw Hill
5. Ravindran, Don T. Phillips, James J. Solberg, “Operations Research: Principles and
Practice” 2nd edition, Wiley Publication

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Formulate the mathematical model of linear programming problems and solve them
1. [L4]
by various optimization methods.
2. Formulate transportation and assignment models and solve practical problems. [L4]
Solve problems on game theory for pure and mixed strategy under competitive
3. [L2]
4. Solve waiting line problems for M/M/1 and M/M/K queuing models. [L3]
Determine optimal sequence and total time by using different sequencing
5. [L3]
Determine critical path, project duration by constructing network diagrams for
6. [L3]
CPM and PERT problems.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
2. engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of [PO2]
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources,
3. and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex [PO5]
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations

Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with
the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
4. [PO10]
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
5. engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of [PO12]
technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Seminar
4. SEE
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by: Prof. S. J. Patil/ G. D. Gokak Verified by : Dr. Shivakumar S


Course Code 18ME743 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100


Course learning objectives

1 To provide the students with sufficient background to understand the mathematical
representation of the governing equations of fluid flow and heat transfer.
2. To enable the students to solve one and two-dimensional ordinary and partial differential
equations using traditional CFD tools.
3. To present students how to apply explicit, implicit and semi-implicit methods of finite
4. To familiarize the students of elliptic and adaptive grid generation
5. To enable the students solve fluid flow field using CFD techniques.

Pre-requisites : Knowledge of Fluid mechanics and Fluid Machinery

Unit - I 7 Hours
Introduction and Governing Equations : Introduction and Governing Equations Introduction -
Impact and applications of CFD in diverse fields - Governing equations of fluid dynamics – Continuity
- Momentum and energy - Generic integral form for governing equations - Initial and Boundary
conditions - Governing equations for boundary layers - Classification of partial differential equations –
Hyperbolic - Parabolic - Elliptic and Mixed types - Applications and relevance.

Self learning topics: Fundamentals of Fluid mechanics

Unit - II 9 Hours
Discretization : Basic aspects of discretization - Discretization techniques – Finite difference - Finite volume
and Finite Element Method– Comparison of discretization by the three methods - Introduction to Finite
differences - Transient one-dimensional and two-dimensional conduction – Explicit - Implicit - Crank-
Nicolson - ADI scheme – Stability criterion. Difference equations - Numerical errors - Grid independence test
- Optimum step size.

Unit - III 7 Hours

Grid generation – General transformation of the equations - Form of the governing equations suitable
for CFD – Boundary fitted co-ordinate systems – Elliptic grid generation - Adaptive grids - Modern
developments in grid generation.

Unit - IV 8 Hours
Diffusion : one-dimensional convection and diffusion - Central difference, upwind, quick, exponential,
false diffusion, hybrid and power law schemes. Transient one dimensional heat conduction equation

Self learning topics: Steady and unsteady state problems and Introduction to convection problems

Unit - V 9 Hours
Calculation of fluid flow: Representation of the pressure - Gradient term and continuity equation –
Staggered grid - Momentum equations - Pressure and velocity corrections - Pressure Correction
equation - Numerical procedure for SIMPLE algorithm - Boundary conditions for the pressure
correction method. Stream function – Vorticity method - Discussion of case studies.

Activities: 1. Demonstration of FEA tools like CFX, Fluent etc.

1 H. K. Versteeg and W. Malalasekra, “Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: The Finite
Volume Method”, Pearson; 2 edition (2008), ISBN-13: 978-8131720486
2 D. A. Anderson, “Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer”McGraw-Hill
Education. CRC Press; 3 edition (28 September 2012)ISBN-13: 978-1591690375
3 M. N. Ozisik, “Finite Difference Method”, CRC Press; 2 edition (5 September
2017).ISBN-13: 978-1482243451
4 S.V. Patankar, “Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow”, CRC Press (10 October
2017)ISBN-13: 978-1138564695.
5. K.A. Hoffman, (2000), Computational Fluid Dynamics for Engineering, Vol I - III
Engineering Education System, Austin, Texas. 2000

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to: Bloom’s Level

1. Demonstrate the basic tools of CFD. [L2]

2. Explain governing equations and boundary conditions based on FVM/FDM. [L2]

Solve 1-D/2-D steady/unsteady: Diffusion problems, Convection problems,
3. [L3]
Convection-diffusion Problems.

4. Solve forExplicit and Implicit approaches in the formulation of unsteady [L3]

Explain special topics such as Numerical Methodology for Complex
5. Geometry, Multi-Block Structured Grid System, Solution of phase change [L2]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the [PO1]
solution of complex engineering problems.
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex
2. engineering problems and design system components or processes that [PO3]
meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public

health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental

Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,

resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
3. [PO5]
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
Life-long learning: Recognise the need for, and have the preparation and
4. ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest [PO12]
context of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture and board 1. Quiz
2. PPT 2. Assignments/Activity
3. Video 3. Internal Assessment Tests
4. Prototypes 4. End Semester Exam
NPTEL Course link:

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Two Quiz/Seminar/Course

Components Total Marks
IA tests assignments Project
Maximum marks :100 30+30 = 60 10+10 20 100
Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
It will be conducted for 100 marks and will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculations of
Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 20 out of 50 marks

Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation
of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass:
3. Question paper contains two questions from each unit each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer
one full question from each unit.

Marks split-up

Unit no Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by verified by
Dr. T R Anil Dr. V V Kulkarni


Course Code 18ME744 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 1-0-3 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100


Course learning objectives

1. To Know the historical development of automobile manufacturing industry.
2. To impart the knowledge and to develop 3S , Vmap1 & Heijunka planning

Pre-requisites: Introduction to Flow management system (An audit course of 6th sem.)

PART –A 20 Hours
Chapter 1: Development of 3SMap
Chapter 2: Development of Vmap1
Chapter 3: Development of Heijunka planning

PART –B 30 Hours
Development of 3S Map, Vmap1 & Heijunka planning for an industry .

1. VLCI course material developed by GIT –VLCI team

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. To explain the historic development of global automotive industry. [L1]
To explain the concepts and prepare 3S Map and Vmap1 and Heijunka planning
2. [L2, L3]
for an industry.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1
complex engineering problems
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
2. engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of [PO2]
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with
the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
3. [PO10]
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions

Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a
4. [PO11]
member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
5. engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological [PO12]

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture 1. Quiz
2. PPT 2. IA
3. Group activity 3. Assignment
4. Field study and work 4. Course Projects

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Course Total

Components Addition of two IA tests
assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 10 +10 30 +30 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains two parts. Part A will have 03 questions each carrying 10 marks
student can answer any TWO. Part B will have one case study carrying 80 marks. The case
study data is to be collected by the student from the industry, the name of the industry will
be declared one day (24 hours) before the day of exam. In SEE Part B of question paper
will have compulsory question and no choice will be given.

Prepared by Verified by

A.A.Kulkarni Dr. J.K.Kittur


Course Code 18ME745 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-1 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To Enable students to understand the principles, types and applications of Rapid
Prototyping and Reverse Engineering Technology.
2. To Enable students to learn the different Rapid Tooling techniques.
3. To provide the knowledge of RP software and its various process parameters.
4. To Impart knowledge and skills related to 3D printing Technologies.

Elementary knowledge of Conventional(Subtractive) manufacturing techniques like Casting,
Welding &Forming processes.

Unit – I 08 Hours
Introduction to Rapid Prototyping (Additive Manufacturing):Definition of a Prototype, Types
of prototype, Need for the compression in product development, History of RP systems, Survey of
applications, Additive versus conventional manufacturing process, Classification of RP systems,
General steps involved in Additive manufacturing process.
Self learning topics: Application of 3D printing to Investment Casting, Automobile and Health
Care sectors.

Unit – II 07 Hours
Additive Manufacturing Techniques: SLA, SLS, FDM, LOM, LENS- Principle of operation, Process
parameters and Applications, Concept Modellers – 3DP – Principle of operation and application.
Self learning topics: Principle of operation of Solid Ground Curing.

Unit – III 07 Hours

Reverse Engineering: Definition, Importance, Application, Steps involved in a Scanning process
– Acquisition, Alignment, Mesh Generation, Post Processing, Simplification, Reverse
Engineering Hardware – Contact and non contact types.

Unit – IV 06 Hours
Rapid Tooling: Definition, Classification – Direct and indirect, Silicon Rubber Tooling,
Aluminium Filed Epoxy tooling, Metal Spray Tooling, Direct AIM, Sand Casting Tooling, Soft
versus hard tooling, Advantages and limitations of Rapid Tooling.

Unit – V 12 Hours
Software in RP: .STL, NETFABB, KISSLICER, Post processing requirements and techniques,
Influence of the build orientation.
3D printing laboratory: 3D modelling a single component, generating the .STL file, setting the
process parameters, printing the designed part on the 3D printer, post processing the component.

1. Ian Gibson, David Rosen, Bent Stucker, Additive Manufacturing Technologies, 3D
printing, Rapid Prototyping, and Direct Digital Manufacturing, Springer, 2015, 2nd Edition,
2. Ramesh S., Rapid Prototyping, Ane books Pvt. Ltd., 2016.
3. E-Resources:
sp20&utm_term=3d%20printing%20course&utm_content=aw-c (MIT xPRO)
Course Outcome (COs)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the principles of Rapid prototyping (Additive Manufacturing). [L2]
2. Select a 3D printing process for the given application. [L3]
3. Understand the concepts of Reverse Engineering. [L2]
4. Understand the application of Additive manufacturing in making of tools. [L2]
5. Produce a product using a 3D printing technique (FDM). [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
2. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex [PO5]
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
3. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member
or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
4. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological [PO12]

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture & Board 1. CIE
2. PPT, Videos 2. Quiz
3. Laboratory Demonstration 3. Assignment
NPTEL Course
4. link: 4. Course Seminar

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

Components tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

(Please note: The marks distribution can be varied as required)


Course Code 18ME746 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100


Course objectives
1. To understand the basics concepts of fluid power and different types of pumps.
2. To study the types of actuators and their working principles.
3. To study different types of control components used in fluid power system.
4. To understand the different hydraulic circuits and their applications.
5. To study different accumulator circuits.

Pre-requisites : Fundamentals of fluid mechanics.

Unit - I 08 Hours
Introduction to Hydraulic Power: Definition of hydraulicsystems, advantages, limitations,
applications, Pascal’s law, Structure of a typical hydraulic system and Numericals.
Pumps: classification of pumps, pumping theory of positive displacement pumps, difference between
the displacement pumps and dynamic pumps (PQ curve). Working of Gear pumps, Vane pumps, Piston
pumps, fixed and variable displacement pumps, pump performance and characteristics and Numericals.
Self-learning topics:pump performance curves

Unit - II 08 Hours
Introduction to linear and rotary actuators: Classification of cylinder, linear hydraulic actuators,
single and double acting cylinders, mechanics of cylinder loading(class-1,2&3), Numericals. Working
of rotary actuators such as gear, vane, piston motors, Numericals on theoretical torque, Power and flow
rate, motor performance.
Self-learning topics: cylinder cushioning

Unit - III 08 Hours

Control Components: Classification of control components, Directional control valves- symbolic
representation, constructional features of poppet, sliding spool, rotary type valves, shuttle valve,
check valves.
Flow control valves- needle valve, temperature compensated pressure and temperature
compensated FCV, Symbolics.
Pressure control valves- pressure relief valve, pressure reducing valve, sequence valve and counter
balance valve and Symbolics.

Unit - IV 08 Hours
Hydraulic Circuits: Symbolics, Control of single acting and double acting cylinders, and its
analysis for velocity, pressure, flow rate and power, Numericals. Meter –in, meter out circuits,
regenerative circuit. Hydraulic cylinder synchronizing circuit, Double pump, Hydraulic cylinder

sequencing circuit, counter balancing valve. Understanding of logic sequence statements.

Unit - V 08 Hours
Accumulators: Definition and types, working of weight loaded, spring loaded and gas loaded circuits.
Applications of accumulators in Auxiliary power source, as a leakage compensatory, hydraulic shock
absorber and emergency power source. General discussions on reservoir system.

1. Anthony Esposito, “Fluid Power with Applications”, 7thEdition, Pearson Publications, 2014
2. S. Ilango and V. Soundarajan, “Introduction to Hydraulics and Pneumatics”, 2nd Edition,
PHI publications, New Delhi, 2011.
3. Jagadeesha T, “Hydraulics and Pneumatics”, I. K. International Publications, New Delhi.
4. Hydraulics basic principles by Bosch Rexroth manuals.
5. S.R.Majumdar, “Oil hydraulics systems”, McGraw hill publications,2002.
5. E-source for fluid power

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Demonstrate and map the applications of fluid power systems. [L1]
2. Discuss the linear and rotary actuators in fluid power applications. [L2]
Explain the working and applications of various control components of
3. [L2]
hydraulic system.
4. Recognise, develop and analyze various basic hydraulic circuits. [L3]
5. Recognise and analyze various accumulator circuits. [L2]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
2. engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles [PO2]
of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar/Quiz
4. Videos 4. Mini-project
5. Field study 5. SEE

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by- P.J. Phadnis

Verified by- S.V.Chitnis


Course Code 18ME747 Credits 03

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives (CLO’s)

1. To know different arrangements of engine and principal parts of an automobile.
2. To comprehend operation and working of steering, suspension and Ignition systems.
3. To understand the working of transmission and brake systems.
4. To know the Injection system and its advancements.
5. To know the automobile emissions and its effects on environment.

Pre-requisites: Basics of Automobile.

Unit – I 08 Hours
Compression Ignition (CI) engines, Liners, Piston, connecting rod, crankshaft, valves, valve
actuating mechanisms, valve and port timing diagrams, Concept of Electric car.
COOLING AND LUBRICATION: Cooling requirements, Types of cooling- Forced circulation
cooling system, Radiator, Significance of lubrication, Types: Splash and Forced feed system.
Self learning topics: Hybrid Vehicles

Unit – II 08 Hours
STEERING AND SUSPENSION SYSTEMS: Steering geometry and types of steering gear
box-Power Steering, Types of Suspension - Torsion bar suspension systems, leaf spring, coil
spring, independent suspension for front wheel and rear wheel, Air suspension system.
IGNITION SYSTEM: Battery Ignition system, Magneto Ignition system, Start Stop Concept
Self learning topics: Hydraulically controlled Suspension system.

Unit – III 08 Hours

TRANSMISSION SYSTEMS: Clutch-types and construction, gear boxes- manual and
automatic, gear shift mechanisms, torque converter, propeller shaft, universal joints. Differential
and rear axle, Torque Tube Drive.
BRAKES: Types of brake shoe arrangements, Disc brakes, drum brakes, mechanical compressed
air braking systems, vacuum and hydraulic braking systems, construction and working of master
and wheel cylinder, ABS Hydraulic Unit
Self learning topics: Purpose and operation of antilock-braking system,

Unit – IV 08 Hours
SUPERCHARGERS AND TURBOCHARGERS: Naturally aspirated engines, Forced
Induction, Types of superchargers, Turbocharger construction and operation, Intercooler,
Turbocharger lag.

Alternative fuels, Normal and Abnormal combustion, Cetane and Octane numbers, Fuel mixture
requirements for SI engines, Multi point and Single point fuel injection systems, fuel transfer
pumps, Fuel filters.
Self learning topics: Common Rail Direct Injection System.

Unit - V 08 Hours
AUTOMOTIVE EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS: Different air pollutants, formation
of photochemical smog and causes. Controlling crankcase emissions, Controlling
evaporative emissions, Cleaning the exhaust gas, Exhaust gas recirculation, Treating the
exhaust gas, Catalytic converter.
EMISSION STANDARDS: Euro I, II, III and IV norms, Bharat Stage II, III, IV norms.
Motor Vehicle Act.
Self learning topics: Bharat Stage VI

Online Resources
1. NPTEL course: Fundamentals Automotive Systems: Theory by Prof. C. S. Shankar
Ram IIT Madras. NPTEL Course link:

1. Automobile engineering Vol I and II, Kirpal Singh, Standard Publishers, 12th Edition 2011
2. Automobile Engineering, R. B. Gupta, Satya Prakashan, 4thedition 1984.
3. Fundamentals of Automobile Engineering, K.K.Ramalingam, Scitech Publications
(India) Pvt. Ltd

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Identify the different parts of an automobile and it’s working. [L1]
2. Understand the working of steering and suspension systems and [L2]
ignition systems
3. Understand the working of transmission and braking systems. [L2]
4 Understand applications of various types of fuels, injection systems
and its advancements.
Analyze the cause of automobile emissions, its effects on
5 [L3]
environment and methods to reduce the emissions.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the [PO1]
solution of complex engineering problems.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation
2. and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the [PO12]
broadest context of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods
1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Course Total

Components Addition of two IA tests
assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by Self Verified

Prof Vinayak V. Kulkarni


Course Code 18ME748 Credits 3

Course type OE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To understand the basic principles of economics and engineering economic decision making.
2. To educate various methods of comparison of alternatives for an asset.
3. To study the concepts of depreciation, costing and estimation for an asset.
To broaden the understanding of finance functions and ratio analysis in engineering economics.
5. To provide knowledge of replacement analysis in engineering.

Pre-requisites: Elementary Knowledge of simple and compound interest.

Unit – I 08 Hours
Introduction: Engineering Decision making, Problem solving and Decision making, Law of demand
and supply, Time value of Money, Effects of Inflation, causes, consequences and control of inflation.
Interest and interest factors: Interest rate, simple and compound interest, discrete compounding interest
factors, cash flow diagrams, Effective and Nominal interest rates, Numerical.
Self learning topics: Consumer price index (CPI).

Unit – II 08 Hours
Basis for comparison of alternatives: Present worth comparisons, conditions for present worth
comparisons, present worth equivalence, Net present worth, assets with unequal lives, Future worth
comparisons, Equivalent annual worth comparisons, Consideration of asset life, comparison of assets
with equal and unequal lives, Numerical.

Unit – III 08 Hours

Depreciation, Estimating and costing: Depreciation, Causes of depreciation, Methods of computing
depreciation charges- Numerical.
Difference between estimating and costing, Components of costs such as direct material, direct labour,
fixed, overheads, factory, administrative overheads, first cost, marginal cost, selling price, Estimation
for simple components. Numerical.
Self learning topics: Tax concepts, various types of taxes.

Unit – IV 08 Hours
Scope of finance, Finance functions, and Financial ratio analysis: Statements of financial
information, sources of financial information, financial statements, Balance sheet, Profit and loss
account, relation between balance sheet and profit and loss account. Financial ratios: Nature of ratio
analysis, Liquidity ratios, Leverage ratios, activity ratios, Profitability ratios, Evaluation of firm’s
earning power and comparison with industrial standard ratios, Numerical only on financial ratios.

Unit – V 08 Hours

Break even analysis and Replacement analysis: Break even analysis-basic concept, linear break
even analysis, Numerical. Replacement analysis, reasons for replacement of an asset, Individual
replacement and group replacement policies. Numerical.
Self learning topics: Make or Buy decision.

1. James L.Riggs, Engineering Economy, 4th edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002.
2. Thuesen H G, Engineering Economy, PHI, 2002.
3. Niall M Fraser, Engineering Economics Financial Decision Making for Engineers, 5 thedition,
Pearson Education, 2013.
4. I M Pandey, Financial Management, 7th edition, Vikas publishing house, 2002.
5. R Panneerselvam, Engineering Economics, PHI, 2002.
6. O P Khanna, Industrial Engineering and Management, Dhanpat rai and sons, 2000.
7. Naidu, Babu and Rajendra, Engineering Economy, PHI, 2002.
8. NPTEL Course-

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of engineering economics. [L2]
2. Interpret the methods to compare the alternatives for different assets to choose the
best one.
3. Estimate the depreciation, costing of different assets. [L2]
4. Analyze the scope of finance functions and financial ratios in evaluation of firm’s [L3]
earning power.
5. Analyze make or buy decision concepts using replacement analysis. . [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
engineering problems to arrive at substantiated conclusions using first principles [PO2]
of mathematics, natural and engineering sciences.
3. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability
to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of [PO12]
technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture 1. Internal Assessment tests
2. Power point Presentation. 2. Quiz
3. Tutorials. 3. Assignments
4. Course Projects/Seminar.

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

Components tests assignments Seminar/Project Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.
CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50.

Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100.
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, two from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by : Dr. A V Kulkarni/Dr. S H Kulkarni Verified by : Dr. Shivakumar S


Course Code 18ME751 Credits 3

Course type PE-IV CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3 –0 – 0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives (CLO’s)

1. To teach the history, configurations of robots and its anatomy, Classify robots depending
upon its different configurations.
2. To explain relative movements can be established by using concept of advanced
techniques involved in kinematics and dynamics of manipulators.
3. To teach different types of actuators and grippers used in robotic system.
4. To illustrate various sensors and their characteristics in robotics.
5. To explain industrial and non-industrial applications of robots and different types of
machine vision system and image processing techniques.

Pre-requisites: Knowledge of engineering mathematics and calculus.

Unit – I 08 Hours
Introduction: Definition of Robot, Anatomy of Robot – Robot configuration Robot Motion and
Work volume.
Classification of Robot- Point to Point and Continuous path systems, Resolution, Repeatability,
Position representation. Types of Joints- Rotary, Prismatic joint, Cylindrical joint, Spherical joint.
Self learning topics: History of Robot, Numerical control of Machine tools.

Unit - II 10 Hours
Kinematics of Manipulators: Rotation of vectors, translation of vectors, Composite transformations,
Euler angles. Representation of Links using Denavit – Hartenberg, Direct kinematics of 2R, 3R, RRP,
RPR manipulator, Inverse kinematics of 2R, 3R manipulator. Numerical based on basic
Dynamics: Inertia of a link, Recursive formulation of dynamics using Newton Euler equation, Equation
of motion of 2R and 3R manipulators using Lagrangian, Newton-Euler formulation.

Unit - III 06 Hours

Robot Grippers: - Types of Grippers, Design aspect for gripper, Force analysis for various basic
Gripper system.
Actuators: Linear Hydraulic Actuators, servo valve, Hydraulic Motor.
Self learning topics: Closed loop control and open loop control, Hydraulic Power supply.

Unit - IV 08 Hours
Sensors: Force and Pressure sensors, Torque sensors, Touch and tactile sensor, Proximity sensors-
magnetic, optical, ultrasonic, inductive, capacitive, eddy-current proximity sensors.
Self learning topics: Sensor characteristics, Position sensors

Unit - V 08 Hours

Robotic Vision and Applications: Introduction, the sensing and digitizing function in machine
vision, Image processing and analysis, application of robotic vision system.
Robot Application: Industrial and non-industrial applications of Robots. Limitations and future
applications of robots.

Online Resources
1. NPTEL course: Robotics and Control: Theory and Practice by Prof. N. Sukavanam
Prof. M. Felix Orlando, IIT Roorkee.
2. NPTEL course: Robotics and Control: Theory and Practice by Prof. P. Seshu
Prof.P.S.Gandhi, Prof.K.KurienIssac, Prof.B.Seth, Prof.C.Amarnath

1. R. K. Mittal, I. J. Nagrath, “Robotics and control”, Tata McGraw- Hill publication, 2003
2. Niku, S. B, “Introduction to Robotics Analysis, Systems, Applications”, Pearson Education,
3. Craig, J. J, “Introduction to Robotics: Mechanical and Control”, 3 rd edition, Addison-
Wesley, 2009.
4. Mikell P Groveer, Mitchell Weiss, Roger N Nagel and Nicholas “Industrial Robotics”,
McGraw – Hill International, 2012.
5. Richard D. Klafter , Thomas A. Chemielewski, Michael Negin, “Robotic Engineering : An
Integrated Approach” , Prentice Hall India, 2002.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to: Bloom’s
1. Explain different configurations and anatomy of the robots. [L2]
2. Analyze and evaluate various robotic manipulators configurations by using
methods of kinematics and dynamics.
3. Categorize different types of grippers and their design related to robotic system [L3]
4. Describe different drive systems and actuators used in the field of robotics. [L2]
5. Explain different characteristics and types of sensors used in robotics. [L2]
6 Explain industrial applications of robots in various domains of industries like
mechanical, medical, semiconductors etc.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, [PO1]
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of
complex engineering problems..
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex [PO2]
2. engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, [PO8]
3. and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to
complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a [PO9]
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

6. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities [PO10]
with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture & Board 1. CIE
2. Power Point presentation 2. Quiz
3. Videos 3. Assignment

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

Components tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up

Unit No. Marks

1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20
Prepared By:

S. J. Patil


Course Code 18ME752 Credits 03

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives

1. To understand the need of alternative fuels for IC engines over conventional fuels.
2. To explain the properties of alcohols as fuel and performance of IC engine working on alcohols.
3. To study the properties of vegetable oils as engine fuels and compare its characteristics with
conventional fuels.
4. To understand the importance of clean burning gaseous fuels and their advantages.
5. To study the characteristics of IC engine using biogas and producer gas.

Pre-requisites: Knowledge of IC engine and its performance parameters.

Unit - I 06Hours
Need for alternative fuels: Estimation of conventional fuels (quantitative analysis); advantages
and disadvantages of conventional fuels. Need for Alternate fuel, Availability of alternate
fuels-use of Alcohols, Hydrogen, LPG and CNG, Non-edible vegetable oils, Biogas and
Producer gas in IC engines, Relative merits and demerits of various alternative fuels.

Unit - II 08Hours
Alcohols: Alcohols as substitute fuel for IC engine, Manufacture of alcohols, Comparison of
properties of alcohols and gasoline as engine fuels, Performance of SI engine with pure
alcohols, Use of blends, Alcohols as substitute fuel for CI engine.

Unit - III 09Hours

Biodiesel from non-edible vegetable oil seeds: Introduction, Properties of vegetable oils as engine
fuels, Esterification, Performance and emission characteristics of vegetable oils (rape seed oil, cotton
seed oil, neem oil, mahau oil, honne oil) in IC engines. Comparison of biodiesel characteristics with
conventional fuels.
Unit - IV 09Hours
Gaseous fuels: Hydrogen –Properties of hydrogen as a fuel, Production methods, Storage and
handling for the use in automobiles, Performance, Advantages and disadvantages, Safety aspects. LPG
and CNG- Availability of LPG and CNG, Properties, Advantages and disadvantages, Comparison with
petrol, Engine modifications.
Self learningtopics:Impact of gaseous fuels on environment.

Unit - V 08Hours
Biogas and Producer gas as substitute fuels:Biogas-Working of biogas plant, Processes during gas
formation, Properties, Modifications required in IC engines, Performance of IC engines with biogas.
Producer gas- Working of producer gas plant (gasifier), Performance of the engine with PG gas, Draw
backs of PG as substitute fuel in IC engines.

Self learningtopics:Problems associated with biogas and producer gas-general and technical analysis.

Text Books
1. Domkundwar A.V. and Domkundwar V.M., “A Course in Internal Combustion Engines”,
Dhanpat Rai and Company, 2008.
2. Mathur M.L. and Sharma R.P., “Internal Combustion Engines”, Dhanpat Rai Publications,
3. Ganeshan V., “Internal Combustion Engines”, The McGraw-Hill Company, 2015.
4. S. Rao andDr. B.B. Parulekar, “Energy Technology - Non Conventional, Renewable and
Conventional”,Khanna Publications, 2007.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Explain the need for alternative fuels for IC engine. L2
2. Study the properties of alcohols for the use in IC engines. L2
Analyze the properties of non-edible vegetable oil for the use in IC engines with L3
desired modifications required.
4. Compare the emission characteristicsof biodiesel with conventional fuels. L3
5. Explain the importance of clean burning gases and understand their safety aspects. L3
Analyze the properties of biogas, producer gas and explain the drawback of these L3
gases in the use of IC engine.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of PO1
complex engineering problems.
Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge
2. and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation PO 4
of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
3. engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the PO7
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a
4. PO 9
member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black board and chalk 1. Assignments/Quiz
2. Power point presentation 2. Course seminar / Project
NPTEL Course link:
3. 3. IA tests
4. SEE

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50
Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by: Dr. V.V. Kulkarni Verified by: Dr. S. H. Kulkarni


Course Code 18ME753 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for

100 marks

Course learning objectives

1. To provide the knowledge of ‘transformation model’ to identify the inputs, transformation

processes and outputs of an organization.
2. To broaden the understanding of operations system, strategic decision making for better
managerial strategy.
3. To use and apply appropriate forecasting techniques in order to effectively and efficiently
respond to market changes.
4. To make students to understand the aggregate planning strategies to meet the market / customer
5. To impart the knowledge of principles underlying Resource planning.

Prerequisites:-Management and Entrepreneurship

Unit - I 8 Hours
Introduction to Operations Management:
Manufacturing trends in India, services as a part of operations management, operations as a key
functional area, operations management a systems perspective, OM functions, challenges.
Operations strategy: Relevance of operations strategy, strategy formulation process, measures for
operational excellence. Strategic decisions in operations, Break even analysis, Cost Vs tradeoffs in
Operations strategy. Numericals
Self learning topics: Emerging trends and implications for operations

Unit - II 8 Hours
Capacity Planning :
Defining capacity, measures of capacity, Time horizon in capacity, capacity planning framework,
decision tree for capacity planning. Numericals. Layout Planning: Determinants of process
characteristics in operations, types of processes and operations systems, Product process matrix, layout
planning, and types of layouts. Numericals
Self learning topics: Performance measures (Space Creation and Distance travelled) for layout

Unit - III 8 Hours

Demand forecasting:
Definition, forecasting as a planning tool, time horizon, design of forecasting systems, sources of data,
qualitative methods of forecasting, quantitative methods of forecasting:-Moving average, Time series,
least squares method, exponential smoothing, Regression and correlation,. Numericals
Self learning topics: Forecasting accuracy and control

Unit - IV 8 Hours
Aggregate planning:
Hierarchical approach to aggregate planning, framework for aggregate planning, alternatives for
managing supply and demand, basic strategies for aggregate planning, Master production Schedule.
MPS a planning tool. Numericals

Unit - V 8 Hours
Resource planning:
Dependant demand attributes, the basic building blocks, MRP logic, using MRP system, Capacity
requirement planning (CRP), manufacturing requirement planning(MRP I and MRP II) Distribution
requirement planning (DRP), Enterprise resource planning (ERP) Numericals.

1. B. Mahadevan, “ Operations Management – Theory and Practice”, Pearson Publications,
Second Edition, 2010
2. J. Monks, “Schaums outlines-Operations Management”, McGraw-Hill , 2nd edition, 2006
3. J. Monks, “Operations Management”, McGraw-Hill , 2nd edition, 1987
4. Chary. S. N, “Theory and problems in Production and Operations Management”, TMH outline
series, 2000
5. Pannerselvam, “Production and Operations Management”, PHI, 2nd edition, 1996

Online Resources & Software:

1. NPTEL course: Production and Operation Management, By Prof. Rajat Agrawal | IIT Roorkee
2. NPTEL course: Operations Management, B Mahadevan, Indian Institute Of Management
Bangalore (IIMB),(

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Explain the need for operations as a key functional area [L1]
2. Illustrate the requirement for capacity planning and layout planning [L2, L3]
3. Apply the different forecasting techniques [L3]
4. Describe the importance of Aggregate planning and strategies [L2, L3]
5. Explain the need for resource planning in a manufacturing domain [L2, L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of [PO2]
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods
1. Lecture 1. Quiz
2. Videos 2. IA
3. PPT 3. Assignment
4. Field study 4. Course Projects

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

(Please note: The marks distribution can be varied as required)


Course Code 18ME754 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives (CLO’s)

1. To teach the basic Fundamentals of CAD, The Design Process, Computers Applications
in Design, Knowledge enhancement in areas like computer graphics, database structure
and software configuration in CAD systems
2. To teach the engineering design process and its role in graphic communication process.
3. Impart the process of transformations during geometrical modeling
4. To train the students to generate and interpret engineering technical drawings of parts
and assemblies.

Pre-requisites : Should have knowledge of solving Matrices

Unit - I 8 Hours
Introduction to CAD: Definition of CAD, CAD Tools, Types of system, CAD/CAM system
evaluation criteria, brief treatment of input and output devices. Graphics standard, functional
areas of CAD, Modeling and viewing, software documentation, The Design Process,
Computers Applications in Design, Manufacturing Database, Benefits of CAD.

Unit - II 8 Hours
Computer graphics software and database: Software configuration of a Graphic system,
Functions of a Graphics package, Constructing the Geometry, Database Structure and Content,
Wire-Frame Features & CAD/CAM Integration.
Geometric Modeling: Requirements of Geometric Modeling, Geometric Models, Geometric
Construction Methods, Constraint- Based Modeling, Other Modeling Methods- Cell
Decomposition, Variant Method.
Self learning topics: Wireframe Modeling- Definitions of Point lines, Circles, Arcs, etc.

Unit - III 8 Hours

Transformations: Translation, Scaling, Reflection or Mirror, Rotation, Concatenations,
Homogeneous Transformation, 3D Transformations-Translation, Scaling, Rotation about, X, Y
and Z axes. Mathematics of Projections- Orthographic and Isometric Projections. Clipping,
Hidden Line or Surface removal.
Self learning topics: Color and Shading.

Unit - IV 8 Hours
Modeling curves & surfaces: Curve Representation-Line, Circle, Parabola, Hyperbola, Curve
Fitting-Approximate Methods-Method of Least Squares, Polynomial Curve Fitting, Synthetic

Curves-Hermite Cubic Spline.
Surface representation: Methods-Analytic Surfaces, Surfaces of Revolution, Ruled Surfaces,
Synthetic Surfaces- Hermite Cubic Surface, Bezier Surface, B-Spline Surface.

Unit - V 8 Hours
Modeling of solids: Solid Representation-Concepts, Boundary Representations (B-Rep),
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG), Half Space Method.
Mechanical assembly: Introduction, Assembly Modeling, Parts Modeling and Representation,
Hierarchical Relationships, Mating Conditions, Inference of Position from Mating Conditions,
Representation Schemes, Liaison-Sequence Analysis, Precedence Graph.
Self learning topics: Graph Structure, Location Graph, Virtual Link

Online Resources
1. NPTEL course: Computer Aided Engineering Design by Prof. Anupam Saxena, IIT

1. P.N. Rao, CAD/CAM Principles and Applications, McGraw Hill, Education Pvt Ltd.,
New Delhi, 3rd Ed, 2012
2. Ibrahim Zeid & R. Shivasubramanian, CAD/CAM Theory & Practice, TMH Education
Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 2nd Ed, 2009
3. M.P. Groover and E W Zimmers, CAD/CAM Computer aided Design and Manufacture,
Prentice hall, 1984
4. P Radhakrishnan, S. Subryamanyan & V.Raju, CAD/CAM/CIM, New Age International
Pvt Ltd., 3rd Edition, 2008

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Explain the complete design process L2
2. Understand the geometric modeling, Construction of various geometries L2
Construct CAD models related to mechanical assembly leading to
3. L3
minimum lead time
Apply methods of utilization of appropriate features in CAD application
4. L3
enhancing productivity in design

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
2. problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified [PO3]
needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the

cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
3. [PO5]
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture & Board 1. CIE
2. Power Point presentation 2. Quiz
3. Videos 3. Assignment

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.
Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared By:

Prof. T.T.Hawal


Course Code 18ME755 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 Hrs. SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course Objectives
1. To enable students to understand the basic principles of Organization Behavior and it’s
challenges and Individual behavior
2. To make students to understand the Theories of learning and personality and emotions
3. To broaden understanding of Motivation and theories of motivation in an organization.
4. To make students to understand the Group Behavior and importance of communication
in an organization
5. To make students to understand the organizational change and work stress management

Pre-requisites: Basics of Management

Unit – I 08 Hours
Introduction: Definition of organization behavior, contributing disciplines to OB field,
challenges and opportunities for OB.
Foundations of individual behavior: Biographical characteristics, ability, values, attitudes, job
satisfaction, effect of job satisfaction on employee performance.

Unit – II 08Hours
Learning: Definition, Theories of learning, classical conditioning, operant conditioning, social
learning theory, shaping, methods of shaping behavior, continuous and intermittent
Personality and emotions: Definition, personality determinants-hereditary, environment,
situation. Major personality attributes influencing OB- locus of control, Machiavellianism, self
esteem, self monitoring, risk taking. Definition of emotions, felt versus displayed emotions, OB
applications of emotions.
Self learning topics: specific application of perception in organization.

Unit – III 08 Hours

Motivation: Definition, Theories of motivation- Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, Mc-
Gregor’s theory X and theory Y, Herzberg’s motivation hygiene theory, David Mc-Clelland’s
theory of needs, Victor Vroom’s expectancy theory of motivation. Management by
objectives(MBO), employee recognition programs, employee involvement programs-
participative management, representative participation, quality circles, employee stock ownership

Unit – IV 08Hour
Groups: Definition, classification of groups, five stage group development model, factors
affecting group formation, norms, status, size, composition, cohesiveness ,group processes,
group tasks, group decision making.
Communication: Definition, functions of communication, Direction of communication:
downward, upward and lateral communication, Interpersonal Communication: Oral, Written,
non verbal communication,
organizational communication: formal vs informal networks, The grapevine, Computer
aided communication, choice of communication channel, Barriers to effective communication
Self learning topics: Group think and group shift, recent trends in electronics communication.

Unit – V 08 Hours
Organizational change: Forces of change, managing planned change, change agents, what
can change agents change, resistance to change-individual and organizational resistance,
overcoming resistance to change
Work stress and its management: Definition, model of stress, potential sources of stress,
individual differences, consequences of stress, managing stress.

1. Stephen P Robbins, “OrganizationalBehavior”, Pearson Education publications,10 th
2. Fred Luthans, “OrganizationalBehavior”, McGraw Hill International 11 th edition
3. Aswathappa, “OrganizationalBehavior”, Himalaya Publishers
4 NPTEL Course link:

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of organizational behavior. [L2]
2. Discuss Theories of learning and personality and emotions [L2]
3. Explain the concepts of motivation and theories of motivation. [L2]
4. Explain the importance of effective communication [L2]
5. Analyze stress and conflict management and organizational change. [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the [PO7]
professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental
contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
3. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and [PO9]

as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary
4. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation [PO12]
and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the
broadest context of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black board teaching 1. Internal Assessment Tests
2. PPT 2. Assignments
NPTEL Course link:
3. 3. Quiz
4. Course Projects

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Sum of
Components Addition of two IA assignments Course Total
(Two) / activity project/Seminar Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30=60 10 + 10 = 20 20 100

CIE marks will be evaluated for 100 marks and will be reduced to 50marks for
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.

Self study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and
10% weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 08 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions. SEE question paper will have two compulsory questions (any 2 units)
and choice will be given in the remaining three units.

Syllabus Prepared By: Prof.Veena Badiger Verified By: Dr.M.M.Nadakatti


Course Code 18ME756 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3–0–0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
To impart the knowledge of various renewable and non-renewable energy resources.
2. To learn about solar energy conversion techniques available and its importance.
3. To study the wind & tidal energy availability and converting into energy by various
4. To study various cycles by which OTEC and Geothermal energy can be harvested.
5. To discuss about Biogas and Hydrogen preparation processes & To understand the ways
of utilizing various energy sources optimally.

Pre-requisites: knowledge of different sources of renewable energy and there effective energy
conversions in general.

Unit – I 07 Hours
Introduction and Solar Radiation: Energy sources, India’s energy scenario, classification of
Energy sources, Comparative study of various conventional and Non- Conventional energy
sources; need for non-conventional energy sources with future scope, Solar Radiation on
Earth’s surface and its measurement, schematic diagrams and principle of working.

Unit – II 08 Hours
Solar Radiation: Geometry, solar altitude angle expression for the angle between the incident
beam and the normal to a plane surface (No derivation) local apparent time. Apparent motion
of sun, day length, numerical examples, Radiation Flux on a Tilted Surface, expression for flux
on a tilted surface (no derivation) numerical example. Principles of conversion of Solar
radiation to heat, Solar flat plate collector, Effect of various parameters on the collector
performance: collector orientation, selective surface, fluid inlet temperature, number of covers,
dust. Alternative collectors.
Photovoltaic Conversion: Description, principle of working and characteristics, materials
used for photovoltaic cells, applications.
Self learning topics: Applications of solar energy for power, heating, cooling, distillation,
energy storage with layouts.

Unit – III 10 Hours

Wind Energy: Properties of wind, availability of wind energy in India, wind velocity and
power from wind; major problems associated with wind power, wind machines; Types of wind
machines and their characteristics, horizontal and vertical axis wind mills, elementary design
principles; coefficient of performance of a wind mill rotor, simple numerical, Performance

characteristics of different wind mills.
Tidal Power: Tides and waves as energy suppliers and their mechanics; fundamental
characteristics of tidal power, harnessing tidal energy.
Self learning topics: Recent advances in wind and tidal harnessing devices.

Unit – IV 07 Hours
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion: Principle of working, Rankine cycle, schematic OTEC
power cycles.
Geothermal Energy Conversion: Principle of working, types of geothermal station with
schematic diagram – examples, problems associated with geothermal conversion.

Unit – V 08 Hours
Energy from Bio Mass: Photosynthesis, photosynthetic oxygen production, energy plantation,
bio gas production from organic wastes by anaerobic fermentation, factors affecting bio- gas
generation, description of bio-gas plants, advantages, Applications of Bio-gas.
Hydrogen Energy: Properties of Hydrogen with respected to its utilization as a renewable
form of energy, sources of hydrogen, production of hydrogen, electrolysis of water, thermal
decomposition of water, thermo chemical production and bio-chemical production.

1. G.D. Rai, Non-conventional energy sources, Khanna Publishers, 2003.
2. B. H. Khan, Non – conventional energy resources, Tata McGraw hill publication, 2 nd
edition 2009.
3. Domkundwar, Power Plant Engineering, Dhanpath Rai & Sons, 3rd edition, 2003.
4. P.K. Nag, Solar power engineering, TMH, 2003.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Identify the importance of power requirement, with various non- [L1, L2]
conventional energy sources, generation and utilization in the present world
energy scenario along with limitations and applications.
2. Outline the importance of Solar radiation; illustrate its conversion and uses [L2]
as energy.
3. Explain Wind and Tidal energy as alternate source of energy and its [L3]
applications also analyze the parameters affecting the wind plant.
4 Explain the importance of OTEC & Geothermal energy sources; illustrate [L2]
its various conversion cycles.
5 Explain Biomass & Hydrogen energy formation processes and its methods [L2]
of energy conversion.

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, [PO1]
engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution

of complex engineering problems.
2. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and [PO12]
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest
context of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture with board 1. Quiz
2. PPT 2. Assignments/Activity/Seminars
3. Video 3. Internal Assessment Tests
4. Semester End Exam
Online resources: 1) Non-Conventional Energy Resources, IIT Madras:
2) Non-Conventional Energy Resources, IISc Bangalore:
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20
Prepared by: Prof. Prashant K Verified by: Dr. V V Kulkarni


Course Code 18ME757 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 50 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives (CLO’s)

1. To train the students about the importance of material selection, tolerances, datum in
the design of components and factors to be considered in designing parts and
components with focus on manufacturability
2. To train the students about the concepts of parting line, cored holes and machined holes
in manufacturing and also about the theoretical principles of manufacturing and
assembly in designing parts of various components
3. To impart knowledge about GD&T and various inspection gauges.
4. To impart knowledge about plastics and its processing methods.
5 To impart knowledge about powder metallurgy and its processing methods.

Pre-requisites: Knowledge of Manufacturing processes.

Unit – I 10 Hours
Effect of Materials and Manufacturing Process On Design: Major phases of design. Effect of
material properties on design, Effect of manufacturing processes on design.
Engineering Design and Datum features: Dimensioning, Tolerances, General Tolerance, Geometric
Tolerances, Assembly limits, achieving larger machining tolerances. Functional datum, machining
sequence, manufacturing datum, changing the datum, examples.
Self Learning topics: Screw threads, Ground surfaces, holes.

Unit – II 10 Hours
Component design: Machining Considerations Drills, Milling cutters, Drilling, Keyways, Dowels,
Screws, Reduction in machining areas, Simplification by separation and amalgamation, work piece
holding, surface grinding, examples.
Component design: Casting Considerations Pattern, Mould, parting line, cast holes, machined holes,
identifying parting line, special sand cores, designing to obviate sand cores, examples.

Unit – III 10 Hours

Geometric Tolerance and Analysis: Process capability, mean, variances, skewness, kurtosis, process
capability metrics, Feature tolerance. Tolerance – Symbols, Three datum concept of dimensioning,
Straightness, concentricity, Run-out, Location Tolerance.
Design of Gauges: Design of gauges for checking components in assemble with emphasis on various
types of limit gauges for both holes and shaft.

Self Learning topics: Cp, Ck Cost aspects

Unit – IV 10 Hours
Design for Injection molding: Injection molding materials, Molding cycle, Systems, molds, machine
size, cycle time, Cost estimation, Insert molding, Design guidelines,

Unit – V 10 Hours
Design for Powder metal processing: Tooling, Sintering, Design guidelines. Powder metallurgy
processing, stages, compaction characteristics,

1. H. Peck, Designing for Manufacturing, Pitman Publications, 1983.
2. Dieter, Machine Design, McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2008.
3. R. K. Jain, Engineering Metrology, Khanna Publishers, 1986.
4. ASM Handbook, Casting, Vol. 15, ASM Publication, Materials Park, Ohio,2008.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Explain the material selection, tolerances, datum in the design of components
1. and factors to be considered in designing parts and components with focus on [L3]
Explain the concepts of parting line, cored holes and machined holes in
2. manufacturing and also about the theoretical principles of manufacturing and [L4]
assembly in designing parts of various components
3. Explain about GD&T and various inspection gauges. [L3]
4 Explain about plastics and its processing methods. [L2]
5. Explain about powder metallurgy and its processing methods. [L2]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
2 complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first [PO2]
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
3 ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context [PO12]
of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment

2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Videos 3. Seminar
NPTEL Course link:
4. 4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Average of best two Average of Course Total

IA tests assignments (Two) Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30 10 10 50

Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions. SEE question paper will have no compulsory questions.


Course Code 18ME758 Credits 3

Course type PE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To understand the basic concepts of tribology and lubrications.
2. To understand the concept of full and partial journal bearings.
3. To learn the mechanism of pressure development in Hydrodynamic lubrication and related
4. To understand the concept of oil flow through the Hydrostatic bearings.
5. To study the concept of Friction, Wear and its sources.
6. To study Bearing materials and simple applications of Tribology in Mechanical

Unit – I 08 Hours
Introduction to Tribology: Properties of oils and equation of flow, Viscosity, Newton’s Law of
viscosity, Hagen-Poiseuille law, Flow between parallel stationary plates, Numerical Problems.
Lubrication: Types and properties of Lubricants, Boundary Lubrication & Solid Lubrication.
Self-learning topics: Viscosity measuring apparatus.

Unit – II 08 Hours
Idealized Journal Bearing: Introduction to idealized journal bearing, load carrying capacity,
condition for equilibrium, Somerfield’s numbers and its significance, Partial bearings, numerical

Unit – III 08 Hours

Hydro dynamic lubrication: Friction forces and power loss in lightly loaded bearing (Petroff’s
equation), mechanism of pressure development in an oil film, Reynold’s equation in 2D with
Friction: Concept of Friction, Sources of sliding Friction, Adhesion, Ploughing, Friction of non-
metals, Rolling Friction, Source of Rolling Friction.
Self-learning topics: Stick slip motion, Measurement of Friction.

Unit – IV 08 Hours
Hydrostatic lubrication: Introduction to hydrostatic lubrication, hydrostatic step bearings, load
carrying capacity and oil flow through the hydrostatic step bearing, Numerical problems.
Wear: Types of wear, Simple theories of Wear, Abrasive wear, Corrosive wear, Surface Fatigue wear
situations, Wear Measurements.

Unit – V 08 Hours
Bearing materials: Commonly used bearings materials, properties of typical bearing materials.
Advantages and disadvantages of bearing materials.
Applications of Tribology: Introduction, Rolling contact bearings, Gears, Journal bearings.

Online Resource
1. Introduction to Tribology (Web content)
2. Tribology (Video content)
1. Basu S K., Sengupta A. N., Ahuja B. B., Fundamentals of Tribology, PHI 2006
2. Mujumdar B. C., Introduction to Tribology Bearings, S. Chand company limited, Delhi
3. Srivastava S., Tribology in Industries, S Chand and Company limited, Delhi 2002
4. Redzimovskay E I., Lubrication of bearings – Theoretical Principles and Design, Oxford
press company 2000
5. Sahoo, Prasantha, Engineering Tribology, PHI New Delhi, 2009

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Explain the governing laws of Tribology and concept of lubrication. L2
2. Describe the importance of Somerfield’s number and Analyze the pressure
L2, L3
distribution in idealized journal bearings.
3. Analyze the mechanism of pressure development in hydrodynamic bearings based
on Reynolds equation.
4. Explain the working of Hydrostatic lubrication. L2
5. Explain the concept of Friction & Wear. L2
6. Identify various bearing materials and suggest suitable bearings for simple

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze
2. complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first [PO2]
principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods
1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by Verified By
(Prof.G.N.Maranholkar) (Prof.S.R.Kulkarni)


Course Code 18ME761 Credits 3

Course type OE CIE Marks 50 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50 marks

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100

Course learning objectives

The objective of this course is to

1. Understand Basic concepts of project management and project life cycle.
2. Understand method of project preparation and cost estimation.
3. Understand the human resource responsibility in the project.
4. Apply the appropriate project management tools and techniques.
5. Understand project coordination and control

Pre-requisites: Management and Entrepreneurship

Unit – I 08Hours
Concepts of project management: Concepts of a Project, characteristics of a project
Categories of projects, Phases of project life cycle, Roles and responsibilities of project leader,
tools and techniques for project management.
Self learning topics: Project management as profession.

Unit – II 08 Hours
Project planning and estimating: Feasibility report phased Planning, Project planning steps,
Objectives and goals of the project, preparation of cost estimation, and evaluation of project
Self learning topics: Project management bottle necks.

Unit – III 08 Hours

Organizing and staffing the project team :Skills / abilities required for project manager, Authorities
and responsibilities of project manager, Project organizations and types accountability in project
execution, contracts and ‘R’ of contract, tendering and selection of contractors.
Self learning topics: Team building for projects.

Unit – IV 09Hours
Tools and techniques in project management: Bar (GANTT) charts, Bar charts for combined
activities. Logic diagrams and networks, Project Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT),
Critical path method -Simple Numerical
Unit – V 07Hours
Co-ordination and control: Project direction, Communication in a project, Project coordination, role
of MIS in project control.
Performance measures in project management: Performance indicators, Performance improvement
for the CM & DM companies for better project management, project management environment,

Self learning topics: Performance indicators
1. S Choudhary, “Project Management” Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited New Delhi.
2. Harold Kerzner, “Project Management: A Systems Approach To Planning, Scheduling And
Controlling ”, CBS publisher and distributers
3 L S Srinath “ PERT and CPM Principles and Applications” Third Eddition
4 Dr. P N Modi “PERT and CPM”

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
To understand the Basic concepts of project management and need for project
1. [L2]
To apply and learn the different methods of project preparation and cost
2. [L3]
3. To illustrate the feasibility of project. [L2]
4. To apply the different techniques like PERT, CPM. [L3]
5. To elaborate the requirement for Project coordination and control [L2]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1 engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems
Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding
of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own
2. [PO11]
work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in
multidisciplinary environments.
Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
3. ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context [PO12]
of technological change

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture 1. Quiz
2. Videos 2. IA
3. PPT 3. Assignment
NPTEL Course link:
4. 4. Course Projects

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Average of best two Addition of Course Total

Components IA tests out of three assignments project/Seminar Marks

Maximum Marks: 100 30+30=60 10+10 =20 20 100

Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for
the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 08 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions. SEE question paper will have two compulsory questions (any 2
units) and choice will be given in the remaining three units.

Prepared By: P.H. Kulkarni

Verified By: G.S. Guggari


Course Code 18ME762 Credits 3

Course type OE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives(CLO’s)

1. To teach basic concepts of total quality management.
2. To explain the importance of customer satisfaction and employee involvement.
3. To teach continuous process improvement and performance measures.
4. To impart knowledge of tools and techniques of total quality management.
5. To explain principles and practices of total quality management.

Pre-requisites: Study of Management and Entrepreneurship.

Unit – I 08 Hours
Introduction:Definition of TQM, basic approach, Gurus of Total Quality Management, TQM framework,
Definition of Quality, Dimensions of quality, Obstacles in implementing TQM, Benefits of TQM.
Leadership: Definition, characteristics of quality leaders, Deming’s Philosophy, Role of TQM leaders, Quality
council, Quality statements, Strategic planning.

Unit – II 08 Hours
Customer Satisfaction: Customer satisfaction, Internal and external customer, Customer perception of
Quality, Feedback, Using customer complaints.
Employee Involvement:Motivation-Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Herzberg’s two factor theory, Employee
wants, Achieving a motivated work force, Employee surveys, Suggestion system, Recognition and Reward,
Gainsharing, Performance appraisal, Benefits of employee involvement.

Unit – III 08 Hours

Continuous Process Improvement: Introduction-how is improvement made, Input/Output process model,
Juran Trilogy, Improvement strategies, Types of problems, PDSA cycle, Problem solving method, Kaizen, Six
Supplier Partnership:Principles of Customer/Supplier relations.
Performance Measures: Objectives of performance measures, Typical measurements, criteria, strategy,
Performance measure presentation, Cost of quality, Categories of Quality costs.
Self-learning topics:Malcolm Baldridge National Quality award, Deming Prize.

Unit – IV 08 Hours
Benchmarking:Definition and concept of Benchmarking, Reasons to Benchmark, Process of Benchmarking.
Quality Management Systems: ISO introduction, Benefits of ISO registration, ISO 9000 series of standards,
Sector specific standards, ISO 14000 series of standards.
Quality Function Deployment:Definition, Voice of customer, House of quality, Building a House of Quality,

QFD process, Benefits of QFD.

Unit - V 08 Hours
Quality by Design: Definition, product development flow diagram, Rationale for implementation, Benefits of
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis: Definition, stages of FMEA, Design FMEA document, Process FMEA
document, Example of FMEA document preparation.
Statistical Process Control: Control charts-importance, Variable control charts, Control charts for Attributes,

Online Resources
1. NPTEL course: Total Quality Management-I by Prof. Raghunandan Sengupta, IIT Kanpur link:
2 NPTEL course: Total Quality Management-II by Prof. Raghunandan Sengupta, IIT Kanpur link:

1. Total Quality Management, Dale H Besterfield, Pearson Publication, Revised 3 rd
edition, 2011.
2. Total Quality Management, Poornima M Charantimath, Pearson Publication, 3 rd edition,

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Understand the concepts of total quality management. [L2]
2. Explain the importance of customer satisfaction. [L2]
3. Interpret the need of continuous improvement process in an organization. [L2]
4 Understand various principles and practices of total quality management. [L2]
5 Analyze various tools and techniques of total quality management. [L3]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,
1. engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution [PO1]
of complex engineering problems.
Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as
2 [PO9]
a member or leader in teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of engineering and management principles and apply these to
3. [PO11]
one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team. Manage projects in
multidisciplinary environments.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Videos 3. Seminar

4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Course Total

Components Addition of two IA tests
assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by Verified by
B S Jagathi Dr. Shivakumar S


Course Code 18ME763 Credits 03

Course type OE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To make students to understand the theoretical aspects of quality.
2. To make students to understand the importance and implementation of quality policies in the
3. To educate quality control tools and their implementation in the organization and control charts
for variable data.
4. To enable students to understand and interpret the attribute data and to construct control chart
for attribute data.
5. To provide knowledge of the basic concepts of acceptance sampling.

Pre-requisites : Basics of Probability

Unit - I 08Hours
Basic concepts of quality: The meaning of quality, quality of design, quality of conformance, quality
of performance, The quality function, Quality control, Quality characteristics, Cost of Quality,
Optimum cost of performance, Value of Quality, Balance between the cost of quality and value of
quality, Specification of quality, Quality control and Inspection.

Unit - II 08Hours
Quality Assurance: Quality Assurance manual, Field complaints, Quality rating of outgoing product,
Quality survey or Quality Audit, Executive report on quality, Inspection Planning, Quality mindness,
Quality budget, Vendor quality rating, Organization of Quality function, Organization of acceptance,
Responsibilities of quality manager, Responsibilities of the chief inspector, Organization of prevention,
Organization of co-ordination, Manufacturing planning for quality, Statistical process control, Quality
of work life, Quality function deployment, Quality policy deployment, Manufacturing Excellence
Self learning topics: Error Proofing, Evolutionary Operation.

Unit - III 08Hours

Control charts for variables: The general theory of control chart, Definition of control chart,
Objectives of the control charts, Relationship between X’, σ’ and the values of X, Relationship between
σ and σ, Relationship between σ’ and R, Choice of variable, basics of sub grouping, size and frequency
of subgroups, control limits, chance of making an error, starting the control charts, Drawing primary
conclusion from control charts, Numerical.
Self learning topics: some control charts pattern, Revising the control limits.

Unit - IV 08Hours
Control Charts for Attributes: Practical limitation of control chart for variables, Comparison of X
and R with P chart, Control limits on P chart, choice between ‘p’ chart and ‘np’ chart, periodic review
and revision of p, Control charts for defects. Comparison between Attribute charts and variable charts.

Unit - V 08Hours
Acceptance Sampling: Introduction, Sampling Methods, The operating characteristics curve(OC),
producers Risk and Consumers Risk, Quality Indices for acceptance sampling plan, Step in designing of
an acceptance plan. Average outgoing quality limit, Sampling plans, design of item by item sequential
sampling plans, The average total inspection curve.

1. Grant and Leavenworth, Statistical Quality Control, Pearson Education. McGraw Hill-6th
2. M.Mahajan, “Statistical Quality Control”, Dhanpat Rai and co, 2011.
3. NVR Naidu, K.M Babu, G Rajendra, “Total Quality Management”, New age International
publishers, 2012 reprint.
4. J M Juran, Frank M Gryna, Quality Planning & Analysis, Tata McGraw Hill - 3rd edition
5. L.S Srinath, Reliability Engineering,4th edition, east-west press


Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Understand the basic concepts of quality and quality control aspects [L1]
2. Discuss quality department structure, quality function deployment [L2]
3. Analyse the variable data and to use quality control tools. [L3]
Analyse attribute data of manufacturing process and different problems associated
4. [L4]
with attribute data
5. Analyse samples to accept and reject the universe. [L4]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering
1. fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex [PO1]
engineering problems.
Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
2. engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of [PO2]
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
Assessment methods
Course delivery methods
1. Lecture & Board 1. CIE
2. PPT 2. Quiz
3. Videos 3. Assignment
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two IA Addition of two Course Total

tests assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100
 Writing two IA test is compulsory.
 CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
 Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 20 out of 50.

Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50
marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer
FIVE full questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20


Course Code 18ME764 Credits 3

Course type OE CIE Marks 50
Hours/week: L-T-P 3-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course objectives
1. To enable students to identify various key supply chain decision phases and explains how a
company achieves strategic fit between supply chain and competitive strategy
2. To make students understand the concept of the major drivers of supply chain and the factors to
be considered when designing the distribution network and evaluating performance
3. To provide knowledge of safety inventory and Economic order quantity and evaluate the
strengths and weakness of various modes of transportation.
4. To enable students to Understand the role of sourcing and describe the impact of risk sharing
5. To enable students to Understand the importance of IT and describe the supply chain

Prerequisites: Nil
Unit – I 08 Hours
Building a Strategic Frame Work to Analyze Supply Chains: Definition, Supply chain stages
and decision phases, Process view of a supply chain. Supply chain flows. Examples of supply
chains. Competitive and supply chain strategies. Supply chain Performance: Achieving strategic
fit. Expanding strategic scope.

Unit – II 08 Hours
Drivers of supply chain performance: Framework for structuring drivers– Inventory,
Transportation, Facilities, Information. Obstacles to achieving fit. Case discussions
Designing the Distribution network in a SC: The role of distribution, factors influencing
distribution network, Design options for a distribution networks and E-business.

Self learning topics: Case studies on distribution networks

Unit – III 08Hours

Planning and Managing Inventories in a Supply Chain: Review of inventory concepts. The
role of cycle inventory in a supply chain, Economics of scale to exploit quantity discounts, EOQ
and related analytical problems
Transportation : Role of transportation, Factors affecting transportation decisions. Modes of
transportation and their performance characteristics. Designing transportation network. Tailored

Unit – IV 08 Hours
Sourcing decisions in a supply chain: Role of sourcing, supplier – scoring & assessment, supplier

selection and contracts, risk sharing. Design collaboration.
Pricing and Revenue management: Role of Pricing and Revenue management for: Multiple customer
segments, perishable assets, seasonal demand, bulk and spot contracts.
Self learning topics: Role of sourcing

Unit – V 08 Hours
Information Technology in the Supply Chain: The role of Information Technology in SCM, IT
framework, Customer Relationship Management, Internal SCM, Supplier Relationship Management
Coordination in a supply chain: Lack of supply chain coordination and the Bullwhip effect. Effect of
performance and Obstacles to coordination, Managerial levers to achieve co-ordination, Building
strategic partnerships within a supply chain.

Self learning topics: Case studies on Supply chain management

1. Sunil Chopra & Peter Meindl, Supply Chain Management– Strategy, Planning &
Operation, Pearson Education Asia, ISBN: 81-7808-272-1.
2. Robert B Handfield, Ernest L Nichols - Jr., Supply Chain Redesign–
Transforming Supply Chains into Integrated Value Systems - 2002, Pearson
Education Inc, ISBN: 81-297-0113-83.
3. David Simchi Levi, Philip Kaminsky & Edith Simchi Levi, Designing &
Managing the Supply Chain, Mc Graw Hill.

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to

4. Explain the importance of expanding the scope of strategic fit across the supply [L2]
Understand the significance of Inventory Management, Transport Decisions,
5. [L2]
Revenue management
Comprehend the concept of supply chain coordination and the bullwhip effect
6. [L3]
and their impact on SC performance

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques,
resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and
modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the
2. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual
knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the

consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
3. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional
engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate PO[7]
the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
4. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and
responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
5. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities
with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able
to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
6. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and
ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context PO[12]
of technological change.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Lecture & Board 1. CIE
2. PPT 2. Quiz
3. Videos 3. Assignment
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of Two IA Sum of assignments Course Total

(Two) / activity Project/Seminar Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30=60 10+10=20 20 100

CIE Marks will be evaluated for 100 marks and will be reduced to 50 Marks for the calculation
of SGPA and CGPA

Self Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10% weightage
shall be given in SEE question paper.

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 08 questions each carrying 20 marks. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions. SEE question paper will have two compulsory questions (any 2 units) and choice will be
given in the remaining three units.

Prepared by: Dr. Shivakumar S


Course Code 18ME765 Credits 3

Course type OE CIE Marks 50

Hours/week: L-T-P 4-0-0 SEE Marks 50

Total Hours: 40 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 100 marks

Course learning objectives (CLO’s)

1. Understand the basic concepts of research & its methodologies
2. Use and apply appropriate the appropriate research/sampling design methods.
3. Broaden the understanding of data to enable hypothesis testing
4. Make students to understand the importance of Analysis of variance and Multivariate analysis

5. Provide the knowledge of Academic Writing and Presentation

Unit – I 8 Hours
Research Methodology: Introduction
Meaning, Objectives, types, Research Approaches. Significance of Research, Research Methods versus
Methodology, Research and scientific method, research Process, criteria of good research, Problems
encountered by researchers.
Research Problem:
Defining a research problem, Selecting a research problem, necessity and techniques involved in defining the
research problem.

Unit – II 8 Hours
Research Design:
Meaning, need sign, for research design, features of a good design, important concepts relating to research
design, different research designs, Basic principles of experimental designs, developing a research plan.
Sampling design:
Implications of a sample design, Steps in sample design, criteria of selecting a sampling procedure,
characteristics of a good sample design, different types of sample designs, Random Sample and complex
random sample designs.

Unit – III 8 Hours

Data Collection Methods:
Collection of Primary Data, Observation Method, Interview Method, Questionnaires, Schedules, Other
Methods of Data Collection, Collection of Secondary Data, Case study method.
Processing and Analysis of Data
Processing operations, Elements/ types of analysis, Statistics in research- measures of central tendency or
statistical averages, measures of dispersion, measures of asymmetry (skewness), measures of relationship,
Simple regression analysis, Multiple correlation and regression, Partial correlation,
Self learning Topic: Other measures- Index numbers, Time series analysis.

Unit – IV 8 Hours
Testing of hypotheses- Basic concepts, procedure for hypothesis testing, flow diagram, Test of hypothesis,
procedure for hypothesis testing, Hypothesis for means, difference between means, comparing two related

samples, proportions, difference between proportions, comparing a variance to some hypothesized population
variance, power of test, limitations of test of hypothesis.
Chi-sqaure test: χ2 test and their applications in research studies.
Analysis of variance: Basic principles of ANOVA, ANOVA technique, setting up of analysis of variance
table, one way, ANOVA, two way ANOVA, ANOVA in Latin square Design.
Self learning Topic: Analysis of Covariance

Unit - V 8 Hours
Multivariate Analysis Techniques : Characteristics and Applications, Classification of Multivariate
Techniques, Variables in Multivariate Analysis, Important techniques and methods of factor Analysis, Rotation
in factor Analysis, R-type, Q-type, Path Analysis.
Interpretation and Report Writing : Meaning of interpretation, Why interpretation, Technique of
interpretation, Precaution in interpretation, Significance of report writing, Different steps in writing report,
Layout of the research report, Types of reports, Mechanics of writing research report, Precautions for writing
research reports.

Text Books:
C R. Kothari, Research Methodology, New Age International Publishers, 2nd edition, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. PanneerSelvam, Research Methodology, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2007.
2. Dr. B.L.Wadhera -Intellectual Property Rights, Universal Law Publishing Co. Ltd.. 2002
3. William G Zikmund, Business Research Methods, Indian edition, South western Publishers, 8th
Indian Reprint – 2009.

E-resourses (NPTEL/SWAYAM.. Any Other)- mention links

1. (Research Methodology)

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Identify & select an appropriate methodology for research. [L1]
2. Design & Apply suitable research/sampling procedure for the research problem.
3. Analyze and interpret data collected. [L2]
Evaluate various approaches for hypothesis testing and significance Analysis of
4. [L3]
variance and
Discuss the Multivariate analysis and procedural steps employed in Academic
5. [L2]

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

Scholarship of Knowledge: Graduates shall acquire in-depth knowledge in machine
1. design and update the same, integrating existing and updated knowledge in global [PO1]
Critical Thinking: Graduates shall possess ability for independent judgment based on
2. critical analysis and also for synthesis of information for extensive research in the area [PO2]
of specialization.

Problem Solving: Graduates shall conceptualize through lateral thinking and obtain
3. feasible and optimal solutions for engineering problems considering societal and [PO3]
environmental requirements.

Course delivery methods Assessment methods

1. Black Board Teaching 1. Internal Assessment
2. Power Point Presentation 2. Assignment
3. Working Models 3. Seminar
4. Videos 4. Mini-project

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Addition of two Course Total

Components Addition of two IA tests
assignments Activity Marks

Maximum Marks: 50 30+30 10+10 20 100

Writing two IA tests is compulsory.

CIE will be reduced to 50 marks for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
Minimum marks required in CIE to qualify for SEE: 20 out of 50

Self-Study topics shall be evaluated during CIE (Assignments and IA tests) and 10%
weightage shall be given in SEE question paper.
Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):
1. It will be conducted for 100 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 50 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 40 out of 100
3. Question paper contains 10 questions, 2 from each unit. Students have to answer FIVE full
questions choosing one from each unit.

Marks split-up
Unit No. Marks
1 20
2 20
3 20
4 20
5 20

Prepared by
Prof. Roopa R Navalli


Course Code 18MEL77 Credits 1

Course type L CIE Marks 25 marks
Hours/week: L-T-P 0-0-2 SEE Marks 25 marks

Total Hours: 24 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 50


Course objectives

1. To study the performance of reciprocating and centrifugal pumps

2. To bring out the difference between constant speed & constant head tests
3. To introduce the practical ways of testing Hydraulic turbines (Impulse and reaction)
with the objective of determining their operating performance and to draw the
conclusions based on experimental results.
4. To demonstrate and test the working of a air blower and air compressor in terms of
5. To demonstrate and test the working of impact of jet

Pre-requisites : Concepts of Basic Physics, Basics of Fluid Mechanics, thermodynamics

List of experiments

1. Conduct trials on Single Cylinder Double acting Reciprocating pump to determine the
performance characteristics.
2. Conduct experiment on Two Stage Centrifugal pump to determine the performance
3. Conduct an experiment on Air Compressor to determine their efficiencies.
4. Conduct an experiment on Air blower to determine their efficiencies.
5. Application of momentum equation for determination of coefficient of impact of jets on
flat and curved blades
6. Conduct a trial on Pelton Wheel to determine the main characteristics using unit
7. Performance test on Francis Turbine
8. Performance test on Kaplan Turbines

1. Dr. R.K. Bansal, “A text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines” , Laxmi
Publications, New Delhi, 2013
2. K.L. Kumar, “Engineering Fluid Mechanics”, Multicolor Revised Edition, S. Chand and
Co, Eurasia Publishing House, New Delhi, 2014
3. Yunus A. Cenegal, and John M. Cimbala, “Fluid Mechanics”, 2 nd Edition, McGraw Hill
Education (India) Pvt. Ltd, 2013

Course Outcome (COs)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to
1. Differentiate between Centrifugal pump and Reciprocating pump and asses
their performance.
2. Evaluate different efficiencies of an Air compressor and an air blower and
appraise their practical applications
3. Distinguish between impulse and reaction turbines and conduct the
performance analysis
4 Application of momentum equation for determination of coefficient of
impact of jets

Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science,

engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of [PO1]
complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of [PO2]
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3 Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering
problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs
with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural,
societal, and environmental considerations
5. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with
the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to
comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective
presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.

Assessment methods
1. Conduct of Experiment
2. Journal evaluation/assessment
3. Lab Internal Assessment Tests
4. Viva-voce

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Components Conduct of the lab Journal submission Mini Project

Maximum Marks: 25 10 10 5 25
 Submission and certification of lab journal is compulsory to qualify for SEE.
 Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 10

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

It will be conducted for 50 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 25 marks
for the calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass:20
Initial write up 1*10 = 10 marks
3. Conduct of experiments 1*20 = 20 marks 50 marks
Quiz 10 marks
Viva- voce 10 marks

CNC Programming Lab

Course Code 18MEL78 Credits 2

Course type L CIE Marks 25 marks

Hours/week: L-T-P 0-0-3 SEE Marks 25 marks

Total Hours: 30 SEE Duration 3 Hours for 50 marks

Course learning objectives

1. Use the manual part programming for the given problem.

2. Solve the simulation and programming problems for milling and turning operations using
commercially available software (CAM package.
3. Apply the knowledge of fundamentals of CAD/CAM process to various CAD/CAM
operations and applications of CAD/CAM.
4. Understand various types of turning and machining centers.
5. Demonstrate flexible manufacturing system set up.

Pre-requisites: G-codes and M- codes

List of experiments
PART A (CNC part programming using Fanuc software)

1. CNC part programming for milling, use of drill cycle exercises (minimum 04 exercises)
2. CNC part programming for turning exercises (minimum 04 exercises)

Part B (Machining Simulation using CAM (Master-cam) package)

3. Simulation of milling exercises ( minimum 8 exercises)
4. Simulation of turning exercises ( minimum 2 exercises)
5. Simulation of drill cycle exercises ( minimum 2 exercises)
Part C(only Demo)
6. Demonstration on 3D scanning and 3D printing.
7. FMS (Flexible Manufacturing System): Programming of Automatic storage and Retrieval
system (ASRS) and linear shuttle conveyor, Interfacing CNC lathe, milling with loading
unloading arm and ASRS to be carried out on simple components


1. Mikell P. Groover, “Automation, Production system & Computer Integrated manufacturing”,

2nd edition, Pearson India, 2007
2. S. Kant Vajpayee,“ Principles of Computer Integrated Manufacturing”, Prentice Hall India
3. P.N. Rao, “CAD/CAM principles and applications”, Tata MC Graw Hill 2002

Course Outcome (COs)

At the end of the course, the student will be able to
Write CNC codes for different milling and turning operations using FANUC
1. [L3]
Use the software for doing the machining simulation milling problem.
2. [L2]
Use the software for doing the machining simulation for turning operations.
3. [L2]
4. Understand the procedure for carrying out different drilling operations.
Compare the real time problems solved with Mastercam package.
5. [L4]
Program Outcome of this course (POs) PO No.

1. Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an [PO1]

engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering [PO2]
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics,
natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3 Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and [PO4]
research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of
data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
4 Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and [PO5]
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex
engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
5. Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering [PO10]
community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write
effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give
and receive clear instructions
Assessment methods
1. Conduction of experiments.
2. Correction of Journals.
3. Lab test at the end of semester.

Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):

Components Conduct of the lab Journal submission Lab test

Maximum Marks: 25 10 10 5 25

 Submission and certification of lab journal is compulsory to qualify for SEE.

 Minimum marks required to qualify for SEE : 13

Scheme of Semester End Examination (SEE):

1. It will be conducted for 50 marks of 3 hours duration. It will be reduced to 25 marks for the
calculation of SGPA and CGPA.
2. Minimum marks required in SEE to pass: 20
Initial write up 2×10 = 20 marks
Conduct of experiments
3. (Student should solve two 2×10 = 20 marks 50 marks
exercises choosing one each
from Part A and Part B)
Viva- voce 10 marks


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