TPM in Process Industries
TPM in Process Industries
TPM in Process Industries
Over two decades have passed since the Japan Institute of Plant Mainte-
'-' nance (JIPM)began promoting TPM. Although TPM developed in the fabrica-
'-' tion and assembly industries, it is now actively adopted in process industries.
Japanese companies introducing TPM are currently split approximately fifty-
~ fifty between the two types of industry."
TPM was originally introduced by equipment users but is now being
implemented increasingly by equipment manufacturers. It is also extending
beyond production departments to encompass R&D, administrative and sup-
'-' port departments, and sales. Interest in TPM is also growing rapidly around the
\.; world. People everywhere are beginning to realize that TPM is one of the keys
to high productivity,excellentquality,low costs,and short lead times.
'-' JlPM's original approach to implementing TPM was described at length in
rPM Development Program (published in English in 1989by Productivity Press).
'-' The program described in that book was slanted toward the fabrication and
assembly industries, however, and had to be adapted to fit process industry
I needs. Toreflectthese adaptations and recent TPM developments in both types
of industry, JlPM decided to prepare two new editions specifically tailored to
each industry.
The implementation program described in the process-industry edition
was compiled with process-industry characteristics in mind. The book identi-
fies eight major losses common to all process industries in Chapter 2 and
describes the thinking behind identifying and eliminating process and equip-
ment failures. It also explains the application of P-M analysis in focused
improvement projects,using actual process-industry examples in Chapter 3.
It Editor's note: In the United States, slightly over one-third of surveyed companies implementing TPM in
1990were in process industries. Anecdotal evidence today suggests that this percentage is increasing.
ment) (Chapter 7), and for educating and training the high-caliber operators
and maintenance technicians now needed in process industries (Chapter 8).
Interest in TPM in administrative and support departments is increasing
rapidly in Japan, and Chapter 9 is devoted to this new area. Safety program-
ming is also addressed for the first time in this process industry edition (Chap-
ter 10), because eliminating accidents and pollution is an integral part of the ~
eight TPM core activities described in this book. Chapter 11explains the differ-
ences between TPM small-group activities and QC circle activities and suggests
methods for energizing small groups as the driving force behind TPM.
The final chapter discusses the philosophy of goal-setting, details the types
of performance indicators used in companies today, and gives examples of
actual TPM benefits achieved.
Process industries are just beginning to apply TPM, and many companies
are expected to introduce it in the future. On behalf of all the authors, I hope
that this book may in some way help those companies introduce TPM smoothly
and experience its undoubted benefits.
Tokutaro Suzuki
ViceChairman, Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance
Director,TPM General Research Institute
Supervising Editor:
ViceChairman, Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance OIPM)
Tokutaro Suzuki (as above)-Chapter 1
'"'" Ainosuke Miyoshi-Chapters 2 and 12
Principal Consultant, Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance
Director, TPM General Research Institute, Technical Center
KOichiNakazato-Chapters 3 and 4
TPM Consultant, Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance
'" Manager, TPM General Research Institute,
\.t xv
Makoto Saitoh-Chapter 5 "'"
TPM Consultant, Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance
TPM General Research Institute, ~
TechnicalCenter, Technical Division
Akira Ichikawa-Chapter 11
.. "'"
Overview of rPM
in Process Industries
It Preventive maintenance was introduced to Japan from America in the 195Os, when Japanese process
industries were beginning to get back on their feet after the war. Productive maintenance, developed in the
19605, incorporates such disciplines as maintenance prevention design, reliability and maintainability
engineering, and economic engineering to enhance the economic efficiency of equipment investment for
the entire life of equipment.
TPM first took root in the automobile industry and rapidly became part of
the corporate culture in companies such as Toyota, Nissan, and Mazda, and
their suppliers and affiliates. It has also been introduced by other industries,
such as consumer appliances, microelectronics, machine tools, plastics, film,
and many others.
Having introduced preventive maintenance, the process industries then
began to implement TPM. An increasing number of process plants have intro-
duced TPM over the past few years in industries such as food, rubber, oil
refining, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, gas, cement, papermaking, iron and
steel, and printing.
Initially, corporate TPM activities were limited to departments directly
involved with equipment, such as production. As Figure 1-1 shows, however,
administrative and support departments, while actively supporting TPM in
production, are now applying TPM to enhance the effectiveness of their own
activities. TPM improvement methods and activities are also being adopted in
product development and sales departments.
This last trend underlines the increasing tendency to consider production
processes and equipment at the product development stage in an effort to sim-
plify production, improve quality assurance, and enhance and reduce the
startup period for new production. These issues are of particular concern in
process industries today as product diversification continues and product life
cycles shorten.
Interest in TPM outside Japan has also expanded in recent years. Many
companies in the United States, Europe, Asia, and South America are planning
to or are actively pursuing TPM.*
There are three main reasons why TPM has spread so rapidly throughout
Japanese industry and why companies outside Japan are becoming interested:
It guarantees dramatic results, visibly transforms the workplace, and raises the
level of knowledge and skill in production and maintenance workers .
.. See the Appendix for a review of TPM implementation activities in the United States and other parts of
the world.
:~ Overview of TPM in Process Industries 3
Top Management
Tangible Benefltp
p •... Net productivity up by 1.5 - 2x
1 1 .
o Number of sudden breakdowns down to 10 - 250 of baseline
o Overall plant effectiveness 1.5 - 2X
Q .... Process defect rate down 90%
Customer claims down 75%
C . . . . Production costs down 30%
D . . . . Product and work-in-process inventories halved
S . . . . Shutdown accidents 0
P.?lIutionincidents 0
M .... Improvement suggestions up by 5 -10X
Intangible BenefIts
o Achieving full self-management - operators have ownership of the equipment,
they look after it by themselves without direction.
o Eliminating breakdowns and defects and instilling confidence and a can-do attHude.
o Making previously dirty, grimy, and oily workplaces unrecognizably clean, bright and lively.
o Giving plant visitors a better image of the company and thereby winning more orders.
TPM helps operators understand their equipment and widens the range of
maintenance and other tasks they can handle. It enables them to make new dis-
coveries, acquire fresh knowledge, and enjoy new experiences. It strengthens
motivation, engenders interest in and concern for equipment, and fosters the
desire to maintain equipment in peak condition.
production to pure batch production. Also, the trend toward increased product
diversification and high-variety,small-lot production has led in many cases to
both process and fabrication/assembly production in the same plant.
Diverse equipment. Inprocess industries, production processes consist of a
combination of unit operations such as pulverization, dissolution, reaction, fil-
tration, adsorption, concentration, crystallization, separation, molding, drying,
cooling, and screening, together with the handling and transportation of vari-
ous substances. Equipment includes static units such as columns, tanks, heat
exchangers, kettles, and furnaces; rotating machinery such as pumps, compres-
sors, motors, and turbines; and the piping, electrical,and instrumentation sys-
tems that connect them.
Use of static equipment. Staticequipment is a particularly noteworthy fea-
ture of process industries. The special nature of such equipment requires TPM
activitiesthat focus on the relationship between process conditions and product
quality and include techniques for diagnosing corrosion, cracking, burning,
blocks,leaks, and so on.
Centralized control and few operators. Unlike in fabrication and assembly
industries, control in process industries is centralized. Many process industries
employ continuous, integrated production with centralized control of large
equipment complexes. A wide range of equipment is often controlled by a
handful of operators.
Diverse equipment-related problems. In addition to blocks, leaks, and
other process problems, process industry equipment is often plagued by faults
such as cracking, rupture, corrosion, seizure, fatigue, slack, parts falling off,
wear, distortion, burning, short-circuiting, faulty insulation, wire breaks,
misoperation, current leaks, and overheating. The most common problems,
however, are corrosion,leaks, and blocks.
High energy consumption. Many processes in process industries, such as
dissolution, reaction, crystallization, baking, and drying, are energy intensive
and consume-largeamounts of electrical power, fuel, water, and so on.
Standby units and bypasses commonly used. To alleviate the effects of
breakdowns, it is standard practice to install standby equipment, bypasses, and
High accident and pollution risk. Some processes handle hazardous or
poisonous substances and are operated at high temperatures and pressures,
risking explosion and pollution of the plant and its surroundings. This makes
strict plant management essential, as well as careful adherence to various statu-
tory regulations.
Poor working environment. Intermediate and final products handled in
process industries usually consist of bulk powders, liquids, or solids. While it is
considered inevitable that the working environment will become dirty as a
result of these being scattered, overflowing, leaking, and so on, such conditions
frequently cause equipment problems.
Shutdown maintenance. Shutdown maintenance is a major feature of pro-
cess industries. Carefully planned, systematically implemented shutdown
maintenance is considered the most effective way of preventing breakdowns.
However, since shutdown maintenance is time-consuming and labor-intensive,
it is also expensive, Finding the most effective way of performing shutdown
maintenance in view of its cost and the losses it incurs is therefore a perennial
concern in process industries.
\.., 3. Involve all departments in implementing TPM, including development,
sales, and administration.
'-' 4. Involve everyone - from top management to shop-floor workers.
5. Conduct zero-lossactivity through overlapping small-group activities.
'-' Division of
~ Planning
'-' Equipment
Life Cycle Construction
'-' Maintenance
'\.,.- Object of Control
Coh.rnns and tanks
Figure 1-2. The Concept of Equipment Management
The third aspect involves allocating responsibility for maintenance, that is,
deciding whether tasks will performed autonomously by production opera-
tions or by maintenance specialists. At presen~,maintenance and production
departments tackle some maintenance tasks independently and some in collab-
oration. The boundary is likely to shift, however, as equipment becomes
increasingly automated and requires less human intervention. The types of
equipment being managed must also be considered. The combination of strate-
gies adopted to achieve zero breakdowns, zero defects, and zero accidents will
vary depending on the particular category of equipment, such as columns, I
tanks, heat exchangers, piping, rotating machinery, electrical systems, instru-
mentation, and furnaces.
long-term value of TPM and will provide the physical and organizational sup-
port needed to solve the various problems that are likely to surface during
implementation. Preparation for rPM begins formally when this announce-
ment is made.
6. Kick off TPM initiative Invite customers, affiliates, and subcontractors
7. Build a corporate constitution designed Pursue the ultimate in production effectiveness
to maximize production effectiveness
7-1 Conduct focused improvement activities Project-team activities and workplace
small-group activities
7-2 Establish and deploy autonomous Proceed step-by-step, with audits and
maintenance program pass certificates at each step
7-3 Implement planned maintenance program • Corrective maintenance
• Shutdown maintenance
• Predictive maintenance
7-4 Conduct operation and maintenance Group education for group leaders who
skills training then pass on their training to members
8. Build an ear1ymanagement system Develop products that are easy to use
for new products and eqUipment and equipment that is easy to use
9. Build a quality maintenance system Establish, maintain, and control
conditions for zero defects
10. Build an effective administration and support system • Increase production-support effectiveness
• Improve and streamline administrative
functions and office environments
11. Develop a system for managing health, Assure an aCCident-free,pollution-free environment
safety, and the environment
12. Sustain full TPM implementation and raise levels • Apply for PM Prize
• Aim for even higher targets
Group leaders
Overview of TPM in Process Industries 11
A company's basic TPM policy must be an integral part of its overall busi-
ness policy and should indicate the goals and directions of the activities to be
carried out. (See Figure 1-4.)TPM goals should relate to the company' s long-
and mid-range business goals and should only be decided after thorough con-
sultation among everyone involved, including top management. The TPM pro-
gram lasts for the length of time required to attain these goals.
• With everyone's participation, to aim for zero breakdowns and zero defects and seek to maximize overall
equipment effectiveness
• To create well-engineered equipment and use itto build in quality
• To develop equipment-competent personnel and have them exercise their full potential
• To create lively, energetic workplaces
1. Establish a Number of minor stops: 1/20 or less
profitable (Mean time between minor stops): (4 h or more)
constitution Processing productivity: at least 50% higher
2. Promote a ·Cut Materials wastage rate: 1/3 or less
- Total Cost by Half" Total cost 60% or less
'-- campaign Number of shutdown accidents: o
3. Promote TPM
Figure 1-4. Example of Basic TPM Policy and Goals (Kansal NEe)
Once the master plan has been approved, the TPM kick-off can take place.
The kick-off should be designed to cultivate an atmosphere that raises morale
and inspires dedication. In Japan, it is often a companywide meeting to which
client companies, affiliates and subcontractors are invited. At the meeting, top
management reconfirm their commitment to implementing TPM and report on
the plans developed and the work accomplished during the preparation phase.
Overview of TPM in Process Industries 13
In Japan, the first stage of a TPM program ends when a company wins a
PM Prize. However, the company's TPM activities must not stop there. Embed
them firmly in the corporate culture and continue to make them more effective.
A company grows by continually pursuing higher and higher goals -
goals that reflect a vision of what the company believes it ought to become.
Businesses are struggling to map out their development plans for the fast-
approaching twenty-first century.Their TPMprograms must be able to support
them in this.
'-' Recently, more companies are realizing the importance of locking into
\., place the improvements their initial TPM program brings. Such companies are
introducing a further stage to their activities with the aim of winning the Spe-
cial PM Prize.
'-' Companies must select and implement activities that will achieve the
\.t goals of TPM effectively and efficiently. Although different companies may
choose slightly different activities, the eight described below are the most
common. They have been shown to yield excellent results when properly pur-
sued, and they are the foundation and support of any successful TPM devel-
:'-' opment program.
targeted losses that have been carefullymeasured and evaluated.
In addition to the seven major losses experienced in fabrication and assem-
bly industries, process industries sustain three additional types of loss: people-
related losses such as work and misoperation losses; raw-materials losses such
'-' as yield, unit-consumption, and recycling losses; and management losses such
.-..., as shutdown maintenance and energy losses. (Chapter 2, Maximizing Produc-
tion Effectiveness, provides a detailed review of the approach to identifying,
~ measuring, and attacking the various individual losses that occur in process
'-' In process industries, focused improvement activity is directed at a specific
\, object such as a process, a flow system, an item of equipment, or an operating
Overview of TPM in Process Industries 15
..Thanks to a change in the law, shutdown maintenance of large plants in Japan can now be performed
once every two years instead of annually, depending on the type and state of the equipment, and pro-
vided that an examination has been passed and official authorization received. Implementing a TPM
program is of great assistance in obtaining this authorization.
Overview of TPM in Process Industries 17
Overview of TPM inProcess Industries 19
~ to collect, process, and distribute information. This understanding makes it
easier to promote and measure autonomous maintenance, focused improve-
'-' ment, and other TPM activities in an officeenvironment.
Autonomous maintenance in administrative departments aims for effi-
I\"- cient, trouble-free work execution from two angles: administrative function and
administrative environment. Implemented step by step, the first set of activities
'-' reduce costs and boost efficiencyby improving administrative processes. The
second set of activities removes obstacles to effectivework hidden in the physi-
'-' cal and psychologicalenvironment.
\... Focused improvement of administrative tasks aims to improve their effi-
ciency and speed and reduce the number of staff required. To achieve this,
automate office tasks and install electronic data-processing systems such as
'- local-area networks. At the same time, increase administrative efficiency to
\., support the planning and decision-making of executives and managers. See
Chapter 9 for a more detailed review of TPM activities in officeenvironments.
Step 11: Safety and Environmental Management
\. Assuring safety and preventing adverse environmental impacts are impor-
tant issues in process industries. Operability studies combined with accident
\.,. prevention training and near-miss analysis are effective ways of addressing
these concerns. Safety is promoted systematically as part of TPM activities. As
'-' with all TPM activities, safety activities are implemented step by step.
\., Certain issues are of particular importance in the process environment. For
example, it is particularly important to incorporate fail-safemechanisms - that
\.,. is, to design equipment that will remain safe even when people do not take the
proper precautions. Assuring safety during shutdown maintenance is also
'--' important. In process industries, shutdown maintenance requires considerable
assistance from outside subcontractors, as do operations such as cleaning. This
'- makes it doubly important to ensure safety during such operations. Check the
skills and qualifications of subcontract workers well in advance whenever pos-
\.t sible. Take every practicable step , to assure safety, including giving rigorous
safety training and carefully supervising the work itself. See Chapter 10 for
examples of safety training programs and activities.
Step 12: Sustaining rPM Implementation and Raising Levels
There are several keys to maintaining TPM levels once they are achieved.
Building strong teams at every level and staffing a promotion organization
helps integrate TPM in daily work, for example. Following the systematic, step-
by-step approach recommended for rPM activities helps lock in results.