Micro Project Report Format
Micro Project Report Format
Micro Project Report Format
2.0 Rationale: (Write descriptive rationale statements about project (purpose/intention of project min 30
to 50 words)
The rationale is a statement of facts explaining the reason behind the project. Why is there a
need for this particular project or action? What is the problem you are attempting to solve? What
viable solution are you attempting or recommending?
4.0 Course Outcomes Achieved (COs): ( Specify COs which are achieved in micro project e.g. CO301)
COnnn.1:CO statement
COnnn.2:CO statement
COnnn.3:CO statement
COnnn.4:CO statement
COnnn.5:CO statement
5.0 Literature Review: (Write about existing systems, advantages, disadvantages, proposed system etc.)
A literature review in a project report represents the study done to assist in the completion of
a project. A literature review also describes a survey of the previous existing material on a
topic of the report, Analyses and work done in the field of your interest and the results already
published, taking into account the various parameters of the project and the extent of the
The methodology explains what you have done and how you have done it. Provide a detailed
description of how the problem statement of Micro-Project is implemented. Include a detailed
outline of methods used in your analysis, implementation and validation. This section of the
proposal is important and should provide a complete scenario of how the intended work is
7.0 Actual Resources used: (Resources such as Computer/equipment/machine/devices, OS, software, raw material, etc.)
S. No. Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks
1 Laptop Dell intel core i3 4GB ram 2
2 Internet —- —
3 BEC textbook 1