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Table of Contents

Increasing Security on IP Networks

Understanding Cisco's Approach to Network Security

Controlling Access to Cisco Routers

Console Access

Nonprivileged Mode Password

Privileged Mode Password
Session Timeouts
Password Encryption

Telnet Access

Nonprivileged Mode Password

Privileged Mode Password
Restricting Telnet Access to Particular IP Addresses
Restricting Telnet Access to Cisco Products via TCP Ports
Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS)

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Access

Nonprivileged Mode
Privileged Mode

Controlling Access to Network Servers That Contain Configuration Files

Setting Up Your Firewall Architecture

Controlling Traffic Flow

Configuring the Firewall Router

Defining Access Lists

Applying Access Lists to Interfaces

Configuring the Firewall Communication Server

Defining Access Lists
Applying Access Lists to Lines

Using Banners to Set Up Unauthorized Use Notifications

Securing Nonstandard Services

Recommended Reading

Books and Periodicals

Requests For Comments (RFCs)
Internet Directories

Increasing Security on IP Networks

Network security is a broad topic that can be addressed at the data link, or media, level
(where packet snooping and encryption problems can occur), at the network, or protocol,
layer (the point at which Internet Protocol (IP) packets and routing updates are
controlled), and at the application layer (where, for example, host-level bugs become

As more users access the Internet and as companies expand their networks, the challenge
to provide security for internal networks becomes increasingly difficult. Companies must
determine which areas of their internal networks they must protect, learn how to restrict
user access to these areas, and determine which types of network services they should
filter to prevent potential security breaches.

Cisco Systems provides several network, or protocol, layer features to increase security
on IP networks. These features include controls to restrict access to routers and
communication servers by way of console port, Telnet, Simple Network Management
Protocol (SNMP), Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS),
vendor token cards, and access lists. Firewall architecture setup is also discussed.

Although this case study addresses network-layer security issues, which are the most
relevant in the context of an Internet connection, ignoring host-level security, even with
network-layer filtering in place, can be dangerous. For host-level security measures, refer
to your application's documentation and the recommended reading list at the end of this
case study.

Understanding Cisco's Approach to Network Security

When most people talk about security, they mean ensuring that users can only perform
tasks they are authorized to do, can only obtain information they are authorized to have,
and cannot cause damage to the data, applications, or operating environment of a system.
The word security connotes protection against malicious attack by outsiders. Security
also involves controlling the effects of errors and equipment failures. Anything that can
protect against a deliberate, intelligent, calculated attack will probably prevent random
misfortune as well.

Security measures keep people honest in the same way that locks do. This case study
provides specific actions you can take to improve the security of your network. Before
going into specifics, however, it will help if you understand the following basic concepts
that are essential to any security system:

 Know your enemy

  This case study refers to attackers or intruders. Consider who might want to
circumvent your security measures and identify their motivations. Determine what
they might want to do and the damage that they could cause to your network.
  Security measures can never make it impossible for a user to perform
unauthorized tasks with a computer system. They can only make it harder. The
goal is to make sure the network security controls are beyond the attacker's ability
or motivation.
 Count the cost

  Security measures almost always reduce convenience, especially for

sophisticated users. Security can delay work and create expensive administrative
and educational overhead. It can use significant computing resources and require
dedicated hardware.
  When you design your security measures, understand their costs and weigh those
costs against the potential benefits. To do that, you must understand the costs of
the measures themselves and the costs and likelihoods of security breaches. If you
incur security costs out of proportion to the actual dangers, you have done
yourself a disservice.
 Identify your assumptions

  Every security system has underlying assumptions. For example, you might
assume that your network is not tapped, or that attackers know less than you do,
that they are using standard software, or that a locked room is safe. Be sure to
examine and justify your assumptions. Any hidden assumption is a potential
security hole.
 Control your secrets

  Most security is based on secrets. Passwords and encryption keys, for example,
are secrets. Too often, though, the secrets are not really all that secret. The most
important part of keeping secrets is knowing the areas you need to protect. What
knowledge would enable someone to circumvent your system? You should
jealously guard that knowledge and assume that everything else is known to your
adversaries. The more secrets you have, the harder it will be to keep all of them.
Security systems should be designed so that only a limited number of secrets need
to be kept.
 Remember human factors

  Many security procedures fail because their designers do not consider how users
will react to them. For example, because they can be difficult to remember,
automatically generated "nonsense" passwords are often found written on the
undersides of keyboards. For convenience, a "secure" door that leads to the
system's only tape drive is sometimes propped open. For expediency,
unauthorized modems are often connected to a network to avoid onerous dial-in
security measures.
  If your security measures interfere with essential use of the system, those
measures will be resisted and perhaps circumvented. To win compliance, you
must make sure that users can get their work done, and you must sell your
security measures to users. Users must understand and accept the need for
  Any user can compromise system security, at least to some degree. Passwords,
for instance, can often be found simply by calling legitimate users on the
telephone, claiming to be a system administrator, and asking for them. If your
users understand security issues, and if they understand the reasons for your
security measures, they are far less likely to make an intruder's life easier.
  At a minimum, users should be taught never to release passwords or other
secrets over unsecured telephone lines (especially cellular telephones) or
electronic mail (email). Users should be wary of questions asked by people who
call them on the telephone. Some companies have implemented formalized
network security training for their employees; that is, employees are not allowed
access to the Internet until they have completed a formal training program.
 Know your weaknesses

  Every security system has vulnerabilities. You should understand your system's
weak points and know how they could be exploited. You should also know the
areas that present the largest danger and prevent access to them immediately.
Understanding the weak points is the first step toward turning them into secure
 Limit the scope of access

  You should create appropriate barriers inside your system so that if intruders
access one part of the system, they do not automatically have access to the rest of
the system. The security of a system is only as good as the weakest security level
of any single host in the system.
 Understand your environment

  Understanding how your system normally functions, knowing what is expected

and what is unexpected, and being familiar with how devices are usually used,
help you to detect security problems. Noticing unusual events can help you to
catch intruders before they can damage the system. Auditing tools can help you to
detect those unusual events.
 Limit your trust

  You should know exactly which software you rely on, and your security system
should not have to rely upon the assumption that all software is bug-free.
 Remember physical security

  Physical access to a computer (or a router) usually gives a sufficiently

sophisticated user total control over that computer. Physical access to a network
link usually allows a person to tap that link, jam it, or inject traffic into it. It
makes no sense to install complicated software security measures when access to
the hardware is not controlled.
 Security is pervasive

  Almost any change you make in your system may have security effects. This is
especially true when new services are created. Administrators, programmers, and
users should consider the security implications of every change they make.
Understanding the security implications of a change is something that takes
practice. It requires lateral thinking and a willingness to explore every way in
which a service could potentially be manipulated.

Controlling Access to Cisco Routers

It is important to control access to your Cisco routers. You can control access to the
router using the following methods:

 Console Access
 Telnet Access
 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Access
 Controlling Access to Network Servers That Contain Configuration Files

You can secure the first three of these methods by employing features within the router
software. For each method, you can permit nonprivileged access and privileged access for
a user (or group of users). Nonprivileged access allows users to monitor the router, but
not to configure the router. Privileged access allows the user to fully configure the router.

For console port and Telnet access, you can set up two types of passwords. The first type
of password, the login password, allows the user nonprivileged access to the router. After
accessing the router, the user can enter privileged mode by entering the enable command
and the proper password. Privileged mode provides the user with full configuration

SNMP access allows you to set up different SNMP community strings for both
nonprivileged and privileged access. Nonprivileged access allows users on a host to send
the router SNMP get-request and SNMP get-next-request messages. These messages are
used for gathering statistics from the router. Privileged access allows users on a host to
send the router SNMP set-request messages in order to make changes to the router's
configurations and operational state.

Console Access

A console is a terminal attached directly to the router via the console port. Security is
applied to the console by asking users to authenticate themselves via passwords. By
default, there are no passwords associated with console access.

Nonprivileged Mode Password

You configure a password for nonprivileged mode by entering the following commands
in the router's configuration file. Passwords are case-sensitive. In this example, the
password is "1forAll."

line console 0
password 1forAll

When you log in to the router, the router login prompt is as follows:

User Access Verification


You must enter the password "1forAll" to gain nonprivileged access to the router. The
router response is as follows:


Nonprivileged mode is signified on the router by the > prompt. At this point, you can
enter a variety of commands to view statistics on the router, but you cannot change the
configuration of the router. Never use "cisco," or other obvious derivatives, such as
"pancho," for a Cisco router password. These will be the first passwords intruders will try
if they recognize the Cisco login prompt.

Privileged Mode Password

Configure a password for privileged mode by entering the following commands in the
router's configuration file. In this example, the password is "san-fran."

enable-password san-fran

To access privileged mode, enter the following command:

router> enable
Enter the password "san-fran" to gain privileged access to the router. The router responds
as follows:


Privileged mode is signified by the # prompt. In privileged mode, you can enter all
commands to view statistics and configure the router.

Session Timeouts

Setting the login and enable passwords may not provide enough security in some cases.
The timeout for an unattended console (by default 10 minutes) provides an additional
security measure. If the console is left unattended in privileged mode, any user can
modify the router's configuration. You can change the login timeout via the command
exec-timeout mm ss where mm is minutes and ss is seconds. The following commands
change the timeout to 1 minute and 30 seconds:

line console 0
exec-timeout 1 30

Password Encryption

All passwords on the router are visible via the write terminal and show configuration
privileged mode commands. If you have access to privileged mode on the router, you can
view all passwords in cleartext by default.

There is a way to hide cleartext passwords. The command service password-encryption

stores passwords in an encrypted manner so that anyone performing a write terminal and
show configuration will not be able to determine the cleartext password. However, if you
forget the password, regaining access to the router requires you to have physical access to
the router.

Note Although encryption is helpful, it can be compromised and thus should not be your
only network-security strategy.

Telnet Access

You can access both nonprivileged and privileged mode on the router via Telnet. As with
the console port, Telnet security is provided when users are prompted by the router to
authenticate themselves via passwords. In fact, many of the same concepts described in
the "Console Access" section earlier in this chapter apply to Telnet access. You must
enter a password to go from nonprivileged mode to privileged mode, and you can encrypt
passwords and specify timeouts for each Telnet session.

Nonprivileged Mode Password

Each Telnet port on the router is known as a virtual terminal. There are a maximum of
five virtual terminal (VTY) ports on the router, allowing five concurrent Telnet sessions.
(The communication server provides more VTY ports.) On the router, the virtual terminal
ports are numbered from 0 through 4. You can set up nonprivileged passwords for Telnet
access via the virtual terminal ports with the following configuration commands. In this
example, virtual terminal ports 0 through 4 use the password "marin":

line vty 0 4
password marin

When a user telnets to a router IP address, the router provides a prompt similar to the

% telnet router
Trying ...
Connected to router.
Escape character is '^]'.
User Access Verification

If the user enters the correct nonprivileged password, the following prompt appears:


Privileged Mode Password

The user now has nonprivileged access to the router and can enter privileged mode by
entering the enable command as described in the "Privileged Mode Password" section
earlier in this chapter.

Restricting Telnet Access to Particular IP Addresses

If you want to allow only certain IP addresses to use Telnet to access the router, you must
use the access-class command. The command access-class nn in defines an access list
(from 1 through 99) that allows access to the virtual terminal lines on the router. The
following configuration commands allow incoming Telnet access to the router only from
hosts on network

access-list 12 permit

line vty 0 4
access-class 12 in

Restricting Telnet Access to Cisco Products via TCP Ports

It is possible to access Cisco products via Telnet to specified TCP ports. The type of
Telnet access varies, depending upon the following Cisco software releases:

 Software Release 9.1 (11.4) and earlier and 9.21 (3.1) and earlier
 Software Release 9.1 (11.5), 9.21 (3.2), and 10.0 and later

Earlier Software Releases

For Software Release 9.1 (11.4) and earlier and Software Release 9.21 (3.1) and earlier, it
is possible, by default, to establish TCP connections to Cisco products via the TCP ports
listed in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1: TCP Port Telnet Access to Cisco Products (Earlier Releases)

TCP Port Access Method


9Echo Discard

23 Telnet (to virtual terminal VTY ports in rotary fashion)

79 Finger

1993 SNMP over TCP

2001 through Telnet to auxiliary (AUX) port, terminal (TTY) ports, and virtual terminal (VTY)
2999 ports

3001 through Telnet to rotary ports (access via these ports is only possible if the rotaries have been
3999 explicitly configured first with the rotary command)

4001 through Telnet (stream mode) mirror of 2000 range


5001 through Telnet (stream mode) mirror of 3000 range (access via these ports is possible only if
5999 the rotaries have been explicitly configured first)
6001 through Telnet (binary mode) mirror of 2000 range

7001 through Telnet (binary mode) mirror of 3000 range (access via these ports is possible only if
7999 the rotaries have been explicitly configured first)

8001 through Xremote (communication servers only)


9001 through Reverse Xremote (communication servers only)


10001 through Reverse Xremote rotary (communication servers only; access via these ports is
19999 possible only if the ports have been explicitly configured first)

Caution Because Cisco routers have no TTY lines, configuring access (on
communication servers) to terminal ports 2002, 2003, 2004, and greater could
potentially provide access (on routers) to virtual terminal lines 2002, 2003, 2004,
and greater. To provide access only to TTY ports, you can create access lists to
prevent access to VTYs.

When configuring rotary groups, keep in mind that access through any available port in
the rotary group is possible (unless access lists are defined). Cisco recommends that if
you are using firewalls that allow in-bound TCP connection to high-number ports,
remember to apply appropriate in-bound access lists to Cisco products.

The following is an example illustrating an access list denying all in-bound Telnet access
to the auxiliary port and allowing Telnet access to the router only from IP address

access-class 51 deny

access-class 52 permit
line aux 0
access-class 51 in
line vty 0 4
access-class 52 in

To disable connections to the echo and discard ports, you must disable these services
completely with the no service tcp-small-servers command.
Caution If the ip alias command is enabled on Cisco products, TCP connections to
any destination port are considered valid connections. You may want to disable the
ip alias command.

You might want to create access lists to prevent access to Cisco products via these TCP
ports. For information on how to create access lists for routers, see the "Configuring the
Firewall Router" section later in this chapter. For information on how to create access
lists for communication servers, see the "Configuring the Firewall Communication
Server" section later in this chapter.

Software Releases 9.1 (11.5), 9.21 (3.2), and 10.0 and Later

With Software Release 9.1 (11.5), 9.21 (3.2), and any version of Software Release 10, the
following enhancements have been implemented:

 Direct access to virtual terminal lines (VTYs) through the 2000, 4000, and 6000
port ranges has been disabled. If you want to keep access open, you can set up
one-to-one mapping of VTY-to-rotary ports.
 Connections to echo and discard ports (7 and 9) can be disabled with the no
service tcp-small-servers command.
 All Cisco products allow connections to IP alias devices only on destination port

For later releases, a Cisco router accepts TCP connections on the ports listed in Table 3-2
by default.

Table 3-2: TCP Port Telnet Access to Cisco Products (Later Releases)

TCP Port Number Access Method

7 Echo

9 Discard

23 Telnet

79 Finger
1993 SNMP over TCP

2001 Auxiliary (AUX) port

4001 Auxiliary (AUX) port (stream)

6001 Auxiliary (AUX) port (binary)

Access via port 23 can be restricted by creating an access list and assigning it to virtual
terminal lines. Access via port 79 can be disabled with the no service finger command.
Access via port 1993 can be controlled with SNMP access lists. Access via ports 2001,
4001, and 6001 can be controlled with an access list placed on the auxiliary port.

Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS)

Nonprivileged and privileged mode passwords are global and apply to every user
accessing the router from either the console port or from a Telnet session. As an
alternative, the Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS) provides
a way to validate every user on an individual basis before they can gain access to the
router or communication server. TACACS was derived from the United States
Department of Defense and is described in Request For Comments (RFC) 1492.
TACACS is used by Cisco to allow finer control over who can access the router in
nonprivileged and privileged mode.

With TACACS enabled, the router prompts the user for a username and a password.
Then, the router queries a TACACS server to determine whether the user provided the
correct password. A TACACS server typically runs on a UNIX workstation. Public
domain TACACS servers can be obtained via anonymous ftp to in the /pub
directory. Use the /pub/README file to find the filename. A fully supported TACACS
server is bundled with CiscoWorks Version 3.

The configuration command tacacs-server host specifies the UNIX host running a
TACACS server that will validate requests sent by the router. You can enter the tacacs-
server host command several times to specify multiple TACACS server hosts for a router.

Nonprivileged Access
If all servers are unavailable, you may be locked out of the router. In that event, the
configuration command tacacs-server last-resort [password | succeed] allows you to
determine whether to allow a user to log in to the router with no password (succeed
keyword) or to force the user to supply the standard login password (password keyword).

The following commands specify a TACACS server and allow a login to succeed if the
server is down or unreachable:

tacacs-server host

tacacs-server last-resort succeed

To force users who access the router via Telnet to authenticate themselves using
TACACS, enter the following configuration commands:

line vty 0 4
login tacacs

Privileged Access

This method of password checking can also be applied to the privileged mode password
with the enable use-tacacs command. If all servers are unavailable, you may be locked
out of the router. In that event, the configuration command enable last-resort [succeed |
password] allows you to determine whether to allow a user to log in to the router with no
password (succeed keyword) or to force the user to supply the enable password
(password keyword). There are significant risks to using the succeed keyword. If you use
the enable use-tacacs command, you must also specify the tacacs-server authenticate
enable command.

The tacacs-server extended command enables a Cisco device to run in extended

TACACS mode. The UNIX system must be running the extended TACACS daemon,
which can be obtained via anonymous ftp to The filename is xtacacsd.shar.
This daemon allows communication servers and other equipment to talk to the UNIX
system and update an audit trail with information on port usage, accounting data, or any
other information the device can send.

The command username <user> password [0 | 7] <password> allows you to store and
maintain a list of users and their passwords on a Cisco device instead of on a TACACS
server. The number 0 stores the password in cleartext in the configuration file. The
number 7 stores the password in an encrypted format. If you do not have a TACACS
server and still want to authenticate users on an individual basis, you can set up users
with the following configuration commands:

username steve password 7 steve-pass

username allan password 7 allan-pass

The two users, Steve and Allan, will be authenticated via passwords that are stored in
encrypted format.
Token Card Access

Using TACACS service on routers and communications servers, support for physical
card key devices, or token cards, can also be added. The TACACS server code can be
modified to provide support for this without requiring changes in the setup and
configuration of the routers and communication servers. This modified code is not
directly available from Cisco.

The token card system relies on a physical card that must be in your possession in order
to provide authentication. By using the appropriate hooks in the TACACS server code,
third-party companies can offer these enhanced TACACS servers to customers. One such
product is the Enigma Logic SafeWord security software system. Other card-key
systems, such as Security Dynamics SmartCard, can be added to TACACS as well.

Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Access

SNMP is another method you can use to access your routers. With SNMP, you can gather
statistics or configure the router. Gather statistics with get-request and get-next-request
messages, and configure routers with set-request messages. Each of these SNMP
messages has a community string that is a cleartext password sent in every packet
between a management station and the router (which contains an SNMP agent). The
SNMP community string is used to authenticate messages sent between the manager and
agent. Only when the manager sends a message with the correct community string will
the agent respond.

The SNMP agent on the router allows you to configure different community strings for
nonprivileged and privileged access. You configure community strings on the router via
the configuration command snmp-server community <string> [RO | RW] [access-list].
The following sections explore the various ways to use this command.

Unfortunately, SNMP community strings are sent on the network in cleartext ASCII.
Thus, anyone who has the ability to capture a packet on the network can discover the
community string. This may allow unauthorized users to query or modify routers via
SNMP. For this reason, using the no snmp-server trap-authentication command may
prevent intruders from using trap messages (sent between SNMP managers and agents) to
discover community strings.

The Internet community, recognizing this problem, greatly enhanced the security of
SNMP version 2 (SNMPv2) as described in RFC 1446. SNMPv2 uses an algorithm
called MD5 to authenticate communications between an SNMP server and agent. MD5
verifies the integrity of the communications, authenticates the origin, and checks for
timeliness. Further, SNMPv2 can use the data encryption standard (DES) for encrypting

Nonprivileged Mode
Use the RO keyword of the snmp-server community command to provide nonprivileged
access to your routers via SNMP. The following configuration command sets the agent in
the router to allow only SNMP get-request and get-next-request messages that are sent
with the community string "public":

snmp-server community public RO 1

You can also specify a list of IP addresses that are allowed to send messages to the router
using the access-list option with the snmp-server community command. In the following
configuration example, only hosts and are allowed nonprivileged mode
SNMP access to the router:

access-list 1 permit

access-list 1 permit
snmp-server community public RO 1

Privileged Mode

Use the RW keyword of the snmp-server community command to provide privileged

access to your routers via SNMP. The following configuration command sets the agent in
the router to allow only SNMP set-request messages sent with the community string

snmp-server community private RW 1

You can also specify a list of IP addresses that are allowed to send messages to the router
by using the access-list option of the snmp-server community command. In the following
configuration example, only hosts and are allowed privileged mode SNMP
access to the router:

access-list 1 permit

access-list 1 permit
snmp-server community private RW 1

Controlling Access to Network Servers That Contain Configuration Files

If a router regularly downloads configuration files from a Trivial File Transfer Protocol
(TFTP) or Maintenance Operations Protocol (MOP) server, anyone who can access the
server can modify the router configuration files stored on the server.

Communication servers can be configured to accept incoming local area transport (LAT)
connections. Protocol translators and their translating router brethren can accept X.29
connections. These different types of access should be considered when creating a
firewall architecture.

Setting Up Your Firewall Architecture

A firewall architecture is a structure that exists between you and the outside world to
protect you from intruders. In most circumstances, intruders are represented by the global
Internet and the thousands of remote networks it interconnects. Typically, a network
firewall consists of several different machines as shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1: Typical firewall architecture.

In this architecture, the router that is connected to the Internet (exterior router) forces all
incoming traffic to go to the application gateway. The router that is connected to the
internal network (interior router) accepts packets only from the application gateway.

The application gateway institutes per-application and per-user policies. In effect, the
gateway controls the delivery of network-based services both into and from the internal
network. For example, only certain users might be allowed to communicate with the
Internet, or only certain applications are permitted to establish connections between an
interior and exterior host.

The route and packet filters should be set up to reflect the same policies. If the only
application that is permitted is mail, only mail packets should be allowed through the
router. This protects the application gateway and avoids overwhelming it with packets
that it would otherwise discard.

Controlling Traffic Flow

This section uses the scenario illustrated in Figure 3-2 to describe the use of access lists
to restrict traffic to and from a firewall router and a firewall communication server.

Figure 3-2: Controlling traffic flow via the firewall router.

In this case study, the firewall router allows incoming new connections to one or more
communication servers or hosts. Having a designated router act as a firewall is desirable
because it clearly identifies the router's purpose as the external gateway and avoids
encumbering other routers with this task. In the event that the internal network needs to
isolate itself, the firewall router provides the point of isolation so that the rest of the
internal network structure is not affected.

Connections to the hosts are restricted to incoming file transfer protocol (FTP) requests
and email services as described in the "Configuring the Firewall Router" section later in
this chapter. The incoming Telnet, or modem, connections to the communication server
are screened by the communication server running TACACS username authentication, as
described in the "Configuring the Firewall Communication Server" section later in this

Note Connections from one communication server modem line to another outgoing

modem line (or to the outside world) should be disallowed to prevent unauthorized users
from using your resources to launch an attack on the outside world. Because intruders
have already passed the communication server TACACS authentication at this point, they
are likely to have someone's password. It is an excellent idea to keep TACACS
passwords and host passwords distinct from one another.

Configuring the Firewall Router

In the firewall router configuration that follows, subnet 13 of the Class B network is the
firewall subnet, whereas subnet 14 provides the connection to the worldwide Internet via
a service provider:

interface ethernet 0
ip address B.B.13.1
interface serial 0
ip address B.B.14.1
router igrp
network B.B.0.0

This simple configuration provides no security and allows all traffic from the outside
world onto all parts of the network. To provide security on the firewall router, use access
lists and access groups as described in the next section.

Defining Access Lists

Access lists define the actual traffic that will be permitted or denied, whereas an access
group applies an access list definition to an interface. Access lists can be used to deny
connections that are known to be a security risk and then permit all other connections, or
to permit those connections that are considered acceptable and deny all the rest. For
firewall implementation, the latter is the more secure method.

In this case study, incoming email and news are permitted for a few hosts, but FTP,
Telnet, and rlogin services are permitted only to hosts on the firewall subnet. IP extended
access lists (range 100 to 199) and transmission control protocol (TCP) or user datagram
protocol (UDP) port numbers are used to filter traffic. When a connection is to be
established for email, Telnet, FTP, and so forth, the connection will attempt to open a
service on a specified port number. You can, therefore, filter out selected types of
connections by denying packets that are attempting to use that service. For a list of well-
known services and ports, see the "Filtering TCP and UDP Services" section later in this

An access list is invoked after a routing decision has been made but before the packet is
sent out on an interface. The best place to define an access list is on a preferred host using
your favorite text editor. You can create a file that contains the access-list commands,
place the file (marked readable) in the default TFTP directory, and then network load the
file onto the router.

The network server storing the file must be running a TFTP daemon and have TCP
network access to the firewall router. Before network loading the access control
definition, any previous definition of this access list is removed by using the following

no access-list 101

The access-list command can now be used to permit any packets returning to machines
from already established connections. With the established keyword, a match occurs if
the TCP datagram has the acknowledgment (ACK) or reset (RST) bits set.

access-list 101 permit tcp established

If any firewall routers share a common network with an outside provider, you may want
to allow access from those hosts to your network. In this case study, the outside provider
has a serial port that uses the firewall router Class B address (B.B.14.2) as a source
address as follows:

access-list 101 permit ip B.B.14.2

The following example illustrates how to deny traffic from a user attempting to spoof any
of your internal addresses from the outside world (without using 9.21 input access lists):

access-list 101 deny ip B.B.0.0

The following commands allow domain name system (DNS) and network time protocol
(NTP) requests and replies:

access-list 101 permit udp eq 53
access-list 101 permit udp eq 123

The following command denies the network file server (NFS) user datagram protocol
(UDP) port:

access-list 101 deny udp

eq 2049
The following commands deny OpenWindows on ports 2001 and 2002 and deny X11 on
ports 6001 and 6002. This protects the first two screens on any host. If you have any
machine that uses more than the first two screens, be sure to block the appropriate ports.

access-list 101 deny tcp

eq 6001
access-list 101 deny tcp
eq 6002

access-list 101 deny tcp

eq 2001
access-list 101 deny tcp
eq 2002

The following command permits Telnet access to the communication server (B.B.13.2):

access-list 101 permit tcp B.B.13.2 eq


The following commands permit FTP access to the host on subnet 13:

access-list 101 permit tcp B.B.13.100 eq

access-list 101 permit tcp B.B.13.100 eq

For the following examples, network B.B.1.0 is on the internal network. Figure 3-2The
following commands permit TCP and UDP connections for port numbers greater than
1023 to a very limited set of hosts. Make sure no communication servers or protocol
translators are in this list.

access-list 101 permit tcp B.B.13.100 gt

access-list 101 permit tcp B.B.1.100 gt
access-list 101 permit tcp B.B.1.101 gt
access-list 101 permit udp B.B.13.100 gt
access-list 101 permit udp B.B.1.100 gt
access-list 101 permit udp B.B.1.101 gt

Note Standard FTP uses ports above 1023 for its data connections; therefore, for standard
FTP operation, ports above 1023 must all be open. For more details, see the "File
Transfer Protocol (FTP) Port" section that follows.

The following commands permit DNS access to the DNS server(s) listed by the Network
Information Center (NIC):
access-list 101 permit tcp B.B.13.100 eq
access-list 101 permit tcp B.B.1.100 eq

The following commands permit incoming simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP) email
to only a few machines:

access-list 101 permit tcp B.B.13.100 eq

access-list 101 permit tcp B.B.1.100 eq

The following commands allow internal network news transfer protocol (NNTP) servers
to receive NNTP connections from a list of authorized peers:

access-list 101 permit tcp B.B.1.100 eq 119

access-list 101 permit tcp B.B.1.100 eq

The following command permits Internet control message protocol (ICMP) for error
message feedback:

access-list 101 permit icmp

Every access list has an implicit "deny everything else" statement at the end of the list to
ensure that attributes that are not expressly permitted are in fact denied.

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Port

Many sites today choose to block incoming TCP sessions originated from the outside
world while allowing outgoing connections. The trouble with this is that blocking
incoming connections kills traditional FTP client programs because these programs use
the "PORT" command to tell the server where to connect to send the file. The client
opens a "control" connection to the server, but the server then opens a "data" connection
to an effectively arbitrarily chosen (> 1023) port number on the client.

Fortunately, there is an alternative to this behavior that allows the client to open the
"data" socket and allows you to have the firewall and FTP too. The client sends a PASV
command to the server, receives back a port number for the data socket, opens the data
socket to the indicated port, and finally sends the transfer.

In order to implement this method, the standard FTP client program must be replaced
with a modified one that supports the PASV command. Most recent implementations of
the FTP server already support the PASV command. The only trouble with this idea is
that it breaks down when the server site has also blocked arbitrary incoming connections.
Source files for a modified FTP program that works through a firewall are now available
via anonymous FTP at The file is /pub/passive-ftp.tar.Z. This is a version
of BSD 4.3 FTP with the PASV patches. It works through a firewall router that allows
only incoming established connections.

Caution Care should be taken in providing anonymous FTP service on the host
system. Anonymous FTP service allows anyone to access the hosts, without
requiring an account on the host system. Many implementations of the FTP server
have severe bugs in this area. Also, take care in the implementation and setup of the
anonymous FTP service to prevent any obvious access violations. For most sites,
anonymous FTP service is disabled.

Applying Access Lists to Interfaces

After this access list has been loaded onto the router and stored into nonvolatile random-
access memory (NVRAM), assign it to the appropriate interface. In this case study, traffic
coming from the outside world via serial 0 is filtered before it is placed on subnet 13
(ethernet 0). Therefore, the access-group command, which assigns an access list to filter
incoming connections, must be assigned to Ethernet 0 as follows:

interface ethernet 0
ip access-group 101

To control outgoing access to the Internet from the network, define an access list and
apply it to the outgoing packets on serial 0 of the firewall router. To do this, returning
packets from hosts using Telnet or FTP must be allowed to access the firewall
subnetwork B.B.13.0.

Filtering TCP and UDP Services

Some well-known TCP and UDP port numbers include the services listed in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3: Well-Known TCP and UDP Services and Ports

Service Port Type Port Number File Transfer Protocol (FTP)—DataTCP20FTP—
CommandsTCP21TelnetTCP23Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)—
EmailTCP25Terminal Access Controller Access Control System (TACACS)UDP49Domain Name
Server (DNS)TCP and UDP53Trivial File Transfer Protocol
(TFTP)UDP69fingerTCP79SUN Remote Procedure Call (RPC)UDP111Network News
Transfer Protocol (NNTP)TCP119Network Time Protocol (NTP)TCP and
UDP123NeWSTCP144Simple Management Network Protocol (SNMP)UDP161SNMP
(traps)UDP162Border Gateway Protocol
(BGP)TCP179rloginTCP513rexecTCP514talkTCP and UDP517ntalkTCP and
UDP518Open WindowsTCP and UDP2000Network File System
(NFS)UDP2049X11TCP and UDP6000
CERT Advisory
The Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) recommends filtering the services
listed in Table 3-4.

Table 3-4: CERT Advisory on TCP and UDP Services and Ports

Service Port Type Port Number DNS zone transfersTCP53TFTP daemon
(tftpd)UDP69link—commonly used by intrudersTCP87SUN RPCTCP and
UDP1111NFSUDP2049BSD UNIX r commands (rsh, rlogin, and so forth)TCP512
through 514line printer daemon (lpd)TCP515UNIX-to-UNIX copy program daemon
(uucpd)TCP540Open WindowsTCP and UDP2000X WindowsTCP and UDP6000+
Port 111 is only a directory service. If you can guess the ports on which the actual data
services are provided, you can access them. Most RPC services do not have fixed port
numbers. You should find the ports on which these services can be found and block them.
Unfortunately, because ports can be bound anywhere, Cisco recommends blocking all
UDP ports except DNS where practical.
Note Cisco recommends that you filter the finger TCP service at port 79 to prevent
outsiders from learning about internal user directories and the names of hosts from which
users log in.

Input Access Lists

In Software Release 9.21, Cisco introduces the ability to assign input access lists to an
interface. This allows a network administrator to filter packets before they enter the
router, instead of as they leave the router. In most cases, input access lists and output
access lists accomplish the same functionality; however, input access lists are more
intuitive to some people and can be used to prevent some types of IP address "spoofing"
where output access lists will not provide sufficient security.

Figure 3-3 illustrates a host that is "spoofing," or illegally claiming to be an address that
it is not. Someone in the outside world is claiming to originate traffic from network Although the address is spoofed, the router interface to the outside world
assumes that the packet is coming from If the input access list on the router
allows traffic coming from, it will accept the illegal packet. To avoid this
spoofing situation, an input access list should be applied to the router interface to the
outside world. This access list would not allow any packets with addresses that are from
the internal networks of which the router is aware (17.0 and 18.0).

Figure 3-3: A host that is spoofing.

If you have several internal networks connected to the firewall router and the router is
using output filters, traffic between internal networks will see a reduction in performance
created by the access list filters. If input filters are used only on the interface going from
the router to the outside world, internal networks will not see any reduction in

Note If an address uses source routing, it can send and receive traffic through the firewall
router. For this reason, you should always disable source routing on the firewall router
with the no ip source-route command.

Configuring the Firewall Communication Server

In this case study, the firewall communication server has a single inbound modem on line

interface Ethernet0
ip address B.B.13.2
access-list 10 deny B.B.14.0
access-list 10 permit B.B.0.0
access-list 11 deny B.B.13.2
access-list 11 permit B.B.0.0
line 2
login tacacs
location FireWallCS#2
access-class 10 in
access-class 11 out
modem answer-timeout 60
modem InOut
telnet transparent
terminal-type dialup
flowcontrol hardware
stopbits 1
rxspeed 38400
txspeed 38400
tacacs-server host B.B.1.100
tacacs-server host B.B.1.101
tacacs-server extended
line vty 0 15
login tacacs

Defining Access Lists

In this example, the network number is used to permit or deny access; therefore, standard
IP access list numbers (range 1 through 99) are used. For incoming connections to
modem lines, only packets from hosts on the internal Class B network and packets from
those hosts on the firewall subnetwork are permitted:
access-list 10 deny B.B.14.0
access-list 10 permit B.B.0.0

Outgoing connections are allowed only to internal network hosts and to the
communication server. This prevents a modem line in the outside world from calling out
on a second modem line:

access-list 11 deny B.B.13.2

access-list 11 permit B.B.0.0

Applying Access Lists to Lines

Apply an access list to an asynchronous line with the access-class command. In this case
study, the restrictions from access list 10 are applied to incoming connections on line 2.
The restrictions from access list 11 are applied to outgoing connections on line 2.

access-class 10 in
access-class 11 out

Using Banners to Set Up Unauthorized Use Notifications

It is also wise to use the banner exec global configuration command to provide messages
and unauthorized use notifications, which will be displayed on all new connections. For
example, on the communication server, you can enter the following message:

banner exec ^C
If you have problems with the dial-in lines, please send mail to
helpdesk@Corporation If you get the message "% Your account is expiring", please send
mail with name
and voicemail box to, and someone will contact
you to renew
your account. Unauthorized use of these resources is prohibited.

Securing Nonstandard Services

There are a number of nonstandard services available from the Internet that provide
value-added services when connecting to the outside world. In the case of a connection to
the Internet, these services can be very elaborate and complex. Examples of these
services are World Wide Web (WWW), Wide Area Information Service (WAIS), gopher,
and Mosaic. Most of these systems are concerned with providing a wealth of information
to the user in some organized fashion and allowing structured browsing and searching.

Most of these systems have their own defined protocol. Some, such as Mosaic, use
several different protocols to obtain the information in question. Use caution when
designing access lists applicable to each of these services. In many cases, the access lists
will become interrelated as these services become interrelated.
Although this case study illustrates how to use Cisco network layer features to increase
network security on IP networks, in order to have comprehensive security, you must
address all systems and layers.

Recommended Reading
This section contains a list of publications that provide internetwork security information.

Books and Periodicals

Cheswick, B. and Bellovin, S. Firewalls and Internet Security. Addison-Wesley.

Comer, D.E and Stevens, D.L., Internetworking with TCP/IP. Volumes I-III. Englewood
Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall; 1991-1993.

Curry, D. UNIX System Security—A Guide for Users and System Administrators.

Garfinkel and Spafford. Practical UNIX Security. O'Reilly & Associates.

Quarterman, J. and Carl-Mitchell, S. The Internet Connection, Reading, Massachusetts:

Addison-Wesley Publishing Company; 1994.

Ranum, M. J. Thinking about Firewalls, Trusted Information Systems, Inc.

Stoll, C. The Cuckoo's Egg. Doubleday.

Treese, G. W. and Wolman, A. X through the Firewall and Other Application Relays.

Requests For Comments (RFCs)

RFC 1118. "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Internet." September 1989.

RFC 1175. "A Bibliography of Internetworking Information." August 1990.

RFC1244. "Site Security Handbook." July 1991.

RFC 1340. "Assigned Numbers." July 1992.

RFC 1446. "Security Protocols for SNMPv2." April 1993.

RFC 1463. "FYI on Introducing the Internet—A Short Bibliography of Introductory

Internetworking Readings for the Network Novice." May 1993.
RFC 1492. "An Access Control Protocol, Sometimes Called TACACS." July 1993.

Internet Directories

Documents at

The "Computer Underground Digest" in the /pub/cud directory at

Documents in the /dist/internet_security directory at

Posted: Thu Apr 26 15:32:59 PDT 2001

All contents are Copyright © 1992--2001 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.
Important Notices and Privacy Statement.

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