BBA II Sem Company Law
BBA II Sem Company Law
BBA II Sem Company Law
1. Answer all questions. Each question carries 1 mark. 10X1= 10
(Word limit upto 20 words each)
fuEufyf[kr lHkh iz’uksa ds mRrj nhft;sA izR;sd iz’u 1 vad dk gSA
¼mRrj 20 'kCnksa ls vf/kd ugha gksuk pkfg,½
a) Define Private Company.
futh dEiuh dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A
b) What is Share Warrant?
va’k vf/ki= D;k gS\
c) What is Transmission of Shares?
va’k vfHkgLrkadu D;k gS\
d) Define Object Cause.
mn~n’s ; okD; dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A
e) Why name clause of Memorandum of Association is important?
ik"kZn lhekfu;e dk mn~n’s ; okD; D;ksa egRoiw.kZ gS\
f) Explain any two qualities of a Company Secretary.
dEiuh lfpo dksbZ nks xq.k crykb;sA
g) What do you mean by paid up capital of a company?
,d dEiuh dh pqdrk iw¡th ls vki D;k le>rs gS\
h) Why a company needs Articles of Association?
,d dEiuh dks vUrfuZ;eksa dh D;k vko’;drk gSA
i) What is extra ordinary General Meeting?
vlk/kkj.k lHkk D;k gS\
j) Define Special Resolution.
fo’ks"k izLrko dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft,A
Unit –I
3. Explain the liabilities and rights of promoters of a Company 7+8
,d dEiuh ds izorZdksa ds nkf;Roksa ,oa vf/kdkjksa dk o.kZu dhft,A
Differentiate between Private Company and a Public Company. 15
futh dEiuh ,oa ,d lkoZtfud dEiuh esa vUrj dhft,A
Unit –II
4. Explain the contents of Memorandum of Association of a Company. 15
,d dEiuh ds ik"kZn lhekfu;e dh fo"k;&lkexzh dks le>kb;sA
Define Company Secretary and explain the role of Company Secretary. 5+10
dEiuh lfpo dks ifjHkkf"kr dhft, rFkk dEiuh lfpo dh Hkwfedk dks le>kb;sA
Unit –III
5. What is Annual General meeting? Explain the provisions about Annual General meeting. 5+10
okf"kZd lk/kkj.k lHkk D;k gS\ okf"kZd lk/kkj.k lHkk ds ckjs esa izko/kkuksa dks le>kb;sA
Write short note on the following 7 +7
(i) Agenda
(ii) Quorum
fuEufyf[kr ij laf{kIr fyf[k,%&
¼1½ dk;Zlwph
¼2½ U;wure dk;Zokgd la[;k