2022 Preliminary Program - Expect Updates Please Check Back
2022 Preliminary Program - Expect Updates Please Check Back
2022 Preliminary Program - Expect Updates Please Check Back
Chair: Isabel Gomes de Almeida, CHAM - Centre for the Humanities, Nova University Lisbon
Inês Torres, CHAM - Centre for the Humanities, Nova University Lisbon, “House of Eternity:
Building and Experiencing Funerary Space in Ancient Egypt”
Guilherme Borges Pires, CHAM - Centre for the Humanities, Nova University Lisbon, “Of Sky,
Land, Riverbanks, Islands, and Cities: Notes on the Creation of Spatial Dimension(s) in
the Religious Hymns of the New Kingdom (c. 1539-1077 BCE)”
Maarten Praet, Johns Hopkins University/CHAM - Centre for the Humanities, Nova University
Lisbon, “Access to Mural Art at Amarna: A Space Syntax Analysis of Wall Paintings in
the King’s House”
Ancient Greece
Susan O. Shapiro, Utah State University, “Lycurgus' Extreme Wisdom: Competing Views of the
Lawgiver in Plato and Xenophon”
Deborah Lyons, Miami University, “Gendering Mortal and Divine Time in Greek Myth”
João Pereira de Matos, CHAM, Nova University of Lisbon, “Greek Tragedy as an Intra-Psychic
Iwona Antoniak, University of Warsaw, “Don't Leave Your Cell at the Hour of Temptation...”
The Hellenistic and Roman Worlds
Stelios Panayotakis, University of Crete, “Wicked Bodies in Ancient Physiognomy”
Vaios Vaiopoulos, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, “Reading Virgil and
Composing Poetry in Nineteenth-Century Corfu: Antonio Rhodostamo”
Darryl Phillips, Connecticut College, “What’s in a Name? The ‘Emperor’ Augustus, His
‘Mausoleum,’ and the Fashioning of an Imperial Monarchy”
Melissa Huber, Providence College, “Boundary Marking in the City of Rome and the Evolving
Power of the Roman Emperor”
Maryrica Lottman, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, “Babylon’s Bricks and Jerusalem’s
Stones in Tirso de Molina’s La mujer que manda en casa (1635)”
Ruth Roded, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, “Roots of the Renaissance Querelle des Femmes:
From the Greeks through the Muslims”
Mercedes Tasende, Western Michigan University, “La Historia de la Monja Alférez, Doña
Catalina de Erauso, escrita por ella misma como parodia del género hagiográfico” (“The
Story of the Lieutenant Nun, Doña Catalina de Erauso as a Parody of the Hagiographic
Katherine Gatto, John Carroll University, “The Spanish Early Modern Woman Imagined”
Aurela Martín Casares and Luis Botella, University of Málaga, “Pioneer Mediterranean Women:
Amalia Amador, from Málaga to Korea” VIRTUAL
Negotiated Identities
Francesco Vitali, La Sapienza University of Rome, “The Mediterranean Diplomacy between
Ferdinando I and Venice in the Correspondence of Apostolic Nuncios in Florence”
Carol Beresiwsky, University of Hawaii: Kapiolani Community College, “The Portuguese in
Cochin and China: The Fifteenth-Sixteenth Centuries”
Felipe E. Rojas, West Liberty University, “Rewriting the Bible: La mejor espigadera (1614) by
Tirso de Molina and the Allegorical Reading of Hapsburg Genealogy”
Kiril Petkov, University of Wisconsin-River Falls, “War and Identity in the Mediterranean:
Constructing Self and Person between Eyewitness and Remembrance in the War of
Candia, 1644-1669”
Thomas Prasch, Washburn University, “‘Striking the tent to plant it in a form more solid’: Owen
Jones, the Alhambra, and Aesthetics”
Nineteenth-Century Travelers
Andrew Elfenbein, University of Minnesota, “The Labor of Tourism in Beckford’s
Paul Michael Chandler, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, “Saudades from Hawaii to Madeira
from the Poet of Honolulu, Manuel Jesus Coito”
Barbara S. Kreiger, Dartmouth College, “A Farm in Jaffa”
Marcos Silber, University of Haifa, “At Smyrna Crossroads: The meeting of Rabbi Haim
Palachi, Adam Mickiewicz, and Armand Levy as a Missing Mediterranean Link in the
Development of Jewish Nationalism” THURSDAY
(Re-)Emergence of Authoritarianism in the Middle East: Libya, Jordan, Turkey, and the
Triumph of Illiberal Regional Order
Chair: Yokota Takayuki, Meiji University
Suechika Kota, Ritsumeikan University, “Nation/State-Building and Democratization of the
Post-Arab Spring Libya: An Analysis of the 2019 Survey”
Kikkawa Takuro, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, “Digital Authoritarianism and Social
Movements on the Web: The Case in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan under the
COVID-19 Lockdown”
Iwasaka Masamichi, Hokkai-Gakuen University, “The Political Impact of COVID-19 in Turkey:
An Analysis of the Stability of the Presidential System”
Mizobuchi Masaki, Hiroshima University, “Making the World Safe for Autocracy? United States
Foreign Policy Toward the Middle East After Its Hegemony”
Shai Srougo, University of Haifa, “Waterfront Conflict in Thessaloniki of the 1920s: Local
Longshoremen vs. Foreign Longshoremen” THURSDAY OR FRIDAY AM
Gila Hadar, University of Haifa, “Carmen in Thessaloniki: Jewish Tobacco Workers in Search of
a Personal, Social, and Political Identity (1914-1942)”
Dilek Barlas, Koç University, “In Search of Security in the Mediterranean During the Interwar
Era: The Turkish Perspective” VIRTUAL
Michael T. Smith, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, “Change and Continuity in the Politics
of Migration in Cyprus”
Muslim Identities
Deina Abdelkader, University of Massachusetts, Lowell, “The Survivability of Social
Movements Under State Repression: The Case of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt”
Nesya Rubinstein Shemer, Bar-Ilan University, “Is there an ‘Israeli’ Islam? The Fatwās issued by
Sheikh Rāʾid Badīr for the Muslim Minority in Israel”
Esen Kirdiş, Rhodes College, “The Rise of Religious Disengagement Amongst the Arab Youth:
Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia
Mary Elizabeth Allen, Smith College, “The ‘Conseil des Sages de la Laïcité’ : The Rhetoric of
Secularism in School and Muslim Identity in Twenty-First-Century France”
Mediterranean Africa
Ralph Heyndels, University of Miami, “A Mediterranean Maghrebi In and Out of Paris: Abdellah
Taïa’s Transnational Imaginary Travel Writing”
Marie-Pierre Caquot Baggett, South Dakota State University, “Wall, Border, or Bridge? The
Mediterranean in French Documentary Filmmaking about Immigration”
Scott D. Juall, University of North Carolina, Wilmington, “Crossing the Mediterranean and
Identity Transformations of a Senegalese Migrant: A Comparative Analysis of Ousmane
Sembène’s La Noire de… novella (1962) and film (1966)”
Majid Hannoum, University of Kansas, “Colonizing Tangier”
Antonis Danos, Cyprus University of Technology, “Via Cairo, Tel Aviv, Athens, and Other
Places, Too: Early Modernist Architecture in Colonial Cyprus”
Gidae Lim, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, University of Busan, “Climate Change and the
Structural Problems of the Sahara-Sahel Region”
Minji Yang, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, University of Busan, “Korean Media
Representations of the Mediterranean Sea”
Sebastian Mueller, Institute for Mediterranean Studies, University of Busan, “Black Ships before
Istria? Bronze Age Connections between the Aegean and the Istrian Peninsula”
Transformative Journeys
Chair: Katarina Petrovićová, Masaryk University
Katarina Petrovićová, Masaryk University, “Cicero’s Escapes and Returns: Journeys of Joy and
Reconciliation, Journeys of Despair and Rage”
Danuša Čižmíková, Masaryk University, “Stations of Love: Transformative Journey of the Soul
in Rasha al-Ameer’s Judgment Day”
Aurelia Martin Casares, University of Malaga, and Luis Botella, University of Malaga, “Pioneer
Mediterranean Women: Amalia Amador, from Malaga to Korea”