Impacts On Water Environment: Prediction and Assessment of
Impacts On Water Environment: Prediction and Assessment of
Impacts On Water Environment: Prediction and Assessment of
I. Industrial power plants withdrawing surface water for cooling (this may be of
particular concern during low- flow conditions).
2. Power plants discharging heated waste water from cooling cycles
3. Industries discharging process waste waters from either routine operations or as a
result of accidents and spills.
4. Municipal waste water treatment plants discharging primary, secondary or treated
waste waters.
5. Dredging projects in rivers, harbors, estuaries and or coastal area (increased
turbidity and release of sediment contaminants may occur)
6. Projects involving "fill" or creation of "fast lands" along rivers, lakes. estuaries and
coastal area.
7. Surface mining projects with resultant changes in surface water hydrology and
nonpoint pollution.
Projects Which Create Impact Concerns for the Surface-Water Environment
Proposed Projects
Step 4 Impact Prediction
• For example, the biological scientist in the study team would render