Come Into Your Inheritance
Come Into Your Inheritance
Come Into Your Inheritance
Every blessing that flows from God – salvation, deliverance, healing and health, wholeness of
mind, peace, joy, financial prosperity, blessings in every area of life, marriage, family, children,
anointing, gifts of the Spirit, signs, wonders and miracles, etc. etc. …are our spiritual inheritance.
Ephesians 1:3
Luke 12:32
Psalm 84:11
James 1:17
From the time of their Exodus from Egypt, till the end of their time at Horeb (Mt. Sinai), was 1
year, 1 month and 5 days.
From Horeb they had a 11-day journey to Kadesh, right on the East of the river Jordan. This is
where they sent out 12 spies who came back with their report. The people of Israel choose to
believe the report of the 10 spies, and eventually ended up wandering around Mt. Seir for 38
1 Corinthians 10:1-11
The apostle Paul looks at the spiritual dimension of what took place during the wilderness:
Lust for evil things (vs 6)
Idolatry (vs 7)
Sexual impurity (vs 8)
Tempting Christ (vs 9)
Murmuring (vs 10)
Mt. Seir was a mountain range 70 miles N-S, and 30 miles E-W. The people of Israel spent 38
years going around the mountain, until God said “it is enough”…time to come in to your
inheritance. / 1 All Peoples Church & World Outreach, Bangalore, India
God is good all the time – even in the wilderness. He provides manna, quail, water, the pillar of
cloud, and fire. However, this should not be mistaken as God wanting us to stay in the
wilderness. God does not want us to live in the wilderness. He wants us to come in to our
inheritance, our land of promise.
The book of Deuteronomy was given, perhaps in 1-day, as Moses recounted all that had
happened in the last 39 years and then provides instruction on what to do as they go into their
land of promise.
Here are some lessons we can glean, as the people of Israel transitioned from circling around Mt.
Seir – and began to move into their land of promise.
Each taste God gives you, is really an invitation to come and permanently dine at that table.
Each visit to a higher realm, is really an invitation to make that visitation a permanent habitation
in the realm of the spirit.
The armed men must go up. You will never possess your inheritance without a fight.
Although God fully intended to give the land of Cannan to His people, they still had to fight and
take possession of the land.
Moses encourage Joshua to remember the God who have given victories in the past. There were
bigger cities, greater kings, taller giants – but remember God who had given victories in the past.
Let past victories encourage you to believe God for greater victories. / 2 All Peoples Church & World Outreach, Bangalore, India
5, Guard your heart
Deuteronomy 7:2, 11:16
I renounce the wilderness mentality. I renounce the wilderness lifestyle. I break every chain,
everything that holds me in the wilderness and I move into my promised land. / 3 All Peoples Church & World Outreach, Bangalore, India
Sermon Notes
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