56-Article Text-129-1-10-20170829
56-Article Text-129-1-10-20170829
56-Article Text-129-1-10-20170829
2, 2017, 5-10
ISSN 0128-4428
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Skudai, Johor, Malaysia.
Corresponding author: jasrul@fke.utm.my, Tel: 607-5557227
Abstract: The voltage profile in a transmission line system should be in the tolerance of the lower limit to the upper limit
value. Moreover, the power loss during transmission process should be minimized to increase the lifespan of the
transmission lines. The poor voltage profile and high power losses are the results of increasing of power demand due to the
arising of electrical energy consumptions. These problems can be solved by using the shunt capacitor bank placements. The
installation of capacitors required three specifications which are the locations, size and number of capacitors to improve the
voltage profile of overall system. However, these three specifications are difficult to be determined. The best locations for
capacitor placements will result in minimum number and size. In this study, the specifications of capacitor placements in
transmission networks is determined by using power loss indication and the number and the size of capacitor is based on
voltage increment algorithms. The proposed methods will be applied on three transmission networks which are 6-bus system,
14-bus system and 30-bus system using Power World Simulator. The results show that the proposed method able to improve
the overall voltage profile and reducing the power loss with minimum number of capacitor placement in the transmission
Keywords: Power loss reduction, shunt capacitor bank placements, transmission networks, voltage profile improvement.
© 2017 Penerbit UTM Press. All rights reserved
Mohammad Azalie Asrof Romzi et al. / ELEKTRIKA, 16(2), 2017, 5-10
% Voltage rise : The percentage of voltage increment
kVAr : Power rating of the shunt capacitor
d : Distance of capacitor installation
location from the source in km
X : Reactance of the line in ohm per unit
kV : Line-to-line voltage in kV
2.1 Simulation of the Transmission Networks
Figures 2, 3 and 4 show the 6-Bus system, 14-Bus system
and 30-Bus system transmission networks used for this Figure 4. 30-bus system
study respectively. The system data such as bus data, line
2.2 Capacitor Placements Method
data and transformer data are taken from IEEE standards
data. The original networks of these transmission systems The suitable location of capacitor placement will give
have voltage profile within 0.95 per unit to 1.10 per unit. minimum size of capacitor in order to improve the
In order to test the proposed sequential capacitor voltage profile at all buses. In order to find the suitable
placement method, the loads in all these systems are location for capacitor placement, sequential capacitor
increased by certain percentages. placements method based on total power loss reduction
As a result, the overall loads are increased by 50%, after capacitor installation is used in this study. The
75% and 100% for 6-bus and 30-bus systems. process of this method is shown by using the flowchart in
Meanwhile, the overall loads are increased to 175% and Figure 5.
200% for the 14-bus system. With this condition, there
will have some buses in the system that operated below
then 0.95 p.u. In this study, the MVA limits of the
transmission lines for all the systems is assumed to very
large to overcome the overload due to the increasing of
the loads.
Mohammad Azalie Asrof Romzi et al. / ELEKTRIKA, 16(2), 2017, 5-10
Mohammad Azalie Asrof Romzi et al. / ELEKTRIKA, 16(2), 2017, 5-10
the corresponding reactive and active power losses are 3.2 Determining the Size and Number of Capacitors
determined. Then, a 10 MVAr capacitor is installed at In this section, the method to determine the number and
Bus 6. The power loss due to the installation of the size of capacitors will be discussed. The analysis is done
capacitor is determined and the reduction in power loss is based on three different cases as listed.
calculated. Next, the capacitor is removed from Bus 6 Case 1: 6-bus system with 150% loads
and installed at Bus 5. The same analysis on the power Case 2: 14-bus system with 300% loads
loss is done and the flow is repeated until the last location Case 3: 30-bus system with 200% loads
which is at Bus 1. For the second case, the loads are
increased by 75 percent and the overall process as in the 3.2.1 Case 1: 6-bus system with 150% loads
first case is repeated. As discussed in Section 3.1, the suitable location for this
system is at Bus 5. By using proposed algorithm in (4)
Table 1. 6-bus system with 150% loads and (5), one capacitor is enough to improve the voltage
profile of the system up to 0.95 p.u. The optimum value
Power Loss
Power Loss of the capacitor is 35.1 MVAr as shown in Table 3. From
Figure 7, the power loss is reduced for both reactive and
active power loss. The reduction in MVAr loss is greater
loss loss loss loss compared to the reduction of MW loss. The active and
Before reactive power loss are reduced by 10.29% and 15.01%
27.61 57.82
Compensation respectively.
1 27.61 57.82 0 0
After 2 27.61 57.82 0 0 Table 3. Voltage profile of 6-bus system with 150% loads
Compensation 3 27.61 57.82 0 0 before and after compensation
of 10 MVAr
Capacitor at 4 26.78 55.74 0.83 2.08 After Compensation
Bus: 5 26.75 55.16 0.86 2.66 of 35.1 MVAr
Bus Compensation
6 27.12 55.88 0.49 1.94 Capacitor at Bus 5
Vpu Vpu
Table 2. 6-bus system with 175% loads 1 1.05000 1.05000
2 1.05001 1.05000
Power Loss
Power Loss 3 1.07002 1.07000
MW MVAr MW MVAr 4 0.94779 0.95165
loss loss loss loss 5 0.92518 0.95045
Before 6 0.96314 0.96818
44.18 107.00
1 44.18 107.00 0 0 3.2.2 Case 2: 14-bus system with 300% loads
After 2 44.18 107.00 0 0 One capacitor bank placement is not capable to improve
Compensation 3 44.18 107.00 0 0 overall voltage profile in 14-bus system. Thus, the
of 10 MVAr analysis of sequential capacitor placement and sizing
Capacitor at 4 43.06 104.24 1.12 2.76
need to be done. By using same approach, the optimum
Bus: 5 42.97 103.46 1.21 3.54
size of first capacitor is 68 MAVar.
6 43.51 104.53 0.67 2.47 After the installation of the first capacitor, the system
will repeat the same process, which is to determine the
In the first case (load increase by 50%), power loss next suitable capacitor’s location. As a result, the next
reduction is achieved by the installation of 10 MVAr capacitor location is at Bus 4 with the capacity of 120
capacitor in the network. The greatest power loss MVar. The result in Table 5 shows that the voltage of the
reduction is achieved when the capacitor placed at Bus 5. system is within the tolerance of 0.95 to 1.10 per unit
The same pattern of results is also shown by second case after 2 capacitors placement. The lowest and highest
(175%). Bus 5 is the most suitable location for achieving values of voltage after the compensation is 0.95096 and
the high power loss reduction, even with additional of 1.09 per unit at buses 5 and 8 respectively.
75% load. Therefore, it can be concluded that the
suitable location for capacitor placement is at Bus 5 for 6 70
bus system. 57.82
Power Loss (MW or
The process is repeated for IEEE 14 bus and 30 bus 49.14
systems. In 14 bus system, there are five buses with 50
voltage profile less than 0.95 per unit and lowest voltage 40
profile is at Bus 14. Thus, when the load is increased up 27.61 24.77
to 300%, the best capacitor placement is at bus 14. For
IEEE 30 bus system with 200% of load, the suitable
location for the capacitor bank is at bus 30. However, 10
unlike 6 bus system, 1 capacitor is not enough to improve 0
the voltage profile in these 2 systems. Therefore, the Figure 7. Power lossesMW Losssystem with 150%
of 6-bus MVAR Loss
process to identify minimum number of capacitor will be
discussed in next chapter.
Mohammad Azalie Asrof Romzi et al. / ELEKTRIKA, 16(2), 2017, 5-10
Voltage (p.u)
300 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
191.97 180.77 Bus Number
Figure 9. Voltage Profile of 30-bus system with 175%
100 loads before and after compensation
Figure 8. Power losses of 14-bus system with 300% loads
MW Loss MVAr Loss
Mohammad Azalie Asrof Romzi et al. / ELEKTRIKA, 16(2), 2017, 5-10
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