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Abundance & Supply: Excerpt From: The "I Am" Discourses - Book 8 - The Great Divine Director-Discourse Xix Page 296

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Abundance & Supply


DECREE: “I AM” The Open Door that no man can shut in the fulfillment of the Law of
Love concerning my supply of all the money I need to serve the Light.”


“Let Me make just one illustration and that is concerning money supply (money as we know
it, may change as a means of exchange, but the same principle applies to all supply). I have
watched among the students, a few Individuals who make the Call dynamically and earnestly,
and ten minutes after, will begin to accept in their feeling world as true, the appearance of
their financial limitation. You cannot have Results and do that, not in the Quick Full Manner
you would like to have.

Of course, as you continue to call, it will beat down human feeling. Stand guard over your
feeling, when you have made your Dynamic Application for your money supply; and the
moment any slightest feeling of doubt or discord starts, stop it and say: “Stop! Not one thing
is going to generate here, to interfere with This Call! My Presence is the Authority and Power
in my world! Don’t you attempt to interfere”! Then, you will govern the feeling within
yourself, as sure as “I AM” telling you, and you must do it! Then, after awhile, when you
make your Application human feeling will not be there to act!

Take the Messenger for illustration. Blessed People, you will never know, what He went thru
in those earlier years. Even when Beloved Saint Germain sent them forth to give out This
Work, still some doubts and fears were in Him. When He understood how to silence that
feeling with an iron grip, and make it be still; in a short time, it was no longer there to act.
Today, when He issues a Decree, He knows there is no opposition, and of course the answer
is there! The answer is within the Call!

We saw him reading a letter last night, or this morning about 2:00 o’clock, and a blessed one
had made the Call for help. The letter stated: “You did not answer my letter, and yet the
Healing was Complete.” Beloved Ones, if you were to understand and realize the thousands
of answers, Instantaneous Healings of conditions and bodies; and all the limitations of

mankind—which are released at His Call, you would know, that you too, can do the same
thing. Only He has gained the Full Confidence in His Call to the Presence, which no longer
allows requalification to act upon the energy as He calls It forth. You can do the same and
you must do it; because you must make your own Application. You are the one in your world
who must take the initiative.

Then, whatever assistance can be given is well and good; but REMEMBER, NO ONE CAN
TAKE YOUR PLACE IN YOUR WORLD. You must be firm, determined and dynamic in
YOUR APPLICATION—especially at first; until you break down the human creations,
which have pressed upon you and limited you, as you understand it, thru this embodiment.

Remember, there cannot be any effect in your world, without a cause for it! EVERY CAUSE
PHYSICAL BODY OR IN YOUR WORLD OF ACTION. Therefore, if the cause of
limitations and discord is removed, then there is nothing left to interrupt This Great Pure
Mighty Energy of the Presence as It flows forth!

Beloved Ones, is there any one of you who doubts the Reality of the Eye Picture, which the
Chart represents to you; that your Presence is really there above you—the Presence of ALL
Life ? Let Us show you the proof, Dear Hearts! Take a human form which an hour ago was
so happy, energetic, filled with Light, Buoyancy and Power.

When Life has withdrawn, the body lies there helpless. All the organs, all the faculties which
were acting are there still, but the body is helpless! Then where was that Intelligence, power,
substance, energy, and activity, which was acting thru that body ? Right there in the Stream
of Life and Energy from the Presence of ALL Life.

When It withdrew, the body was helpless. Then everything which ever acted thru that form,
all the Power, Intelligence or whatever it might have been, was the Power and the qualities,
which came thru the Stream of Life beating each human Heart. You cannot deny that! There
is not a human Being on the face of This Earth who can deny it.

There was a Presence of Life which was in that form which is no longer active. The Presence
of Life was carrying each quality thru the human form and out into the Individual’s world.
Then, you know you have found the Source of Intelligence, of Power, of Life, of Action, of
All Supply there is in the World.

Let us no longer be limited in the feeling world, by the idea and feeling that supply depends
upon human Beings in your midst! As long as you continue to accept it, you will find
yourself limited. Cut it off and turn to your Presence— the Treasure-House of the Universe—
and your world. Then, remember THIS, Beloved Ones, Oh please HOLD THIS firmly before
yourself forever!

When you call to your Presence for your money supply or any supply you require for use,
Your Presence, is your Treasure-House actually, practically and literally! It probably would
not release coined money in your hands just yet; but It is the Power of Intelligence at your
Call, which sets Its Energy into action in your body.

All persons, places and conditions, required to bring financial money supply into your
hands—by the Wisdom, Power and Love of the Presence, will be set into action to bring it to

you. You will be caused to harmonize yourself and do whatever you are required to do, to co-
operate with the Activity of Life which produces that result for you.

Oh Dear Hearts, once you would only understand it, you could not be deprived of anything
you need for your use. It would be impossible! There is not one human Being on This Earth,
who owns anything. Oh, if mankind would only understand that! You don’t even own your
bodies! If you did, you would keep them! Now notice how practical all this is! If you owned
those bodies, you would keep them, wouldn’t you? At least as long as you wanted to. Then,
somewhere something is missing!

Life is always Omnipresent and acting! It is your Limitless Supply of all you require for use!
Your Presence is the Individualized Presence of God, who holds within Its Radiance and
Power, the Supply of all things; in substance, in energy, in quality! As It releases the
Intelligent Substance or Energy, into action in the human octave, the conditions are brought
about for a Complete and Full Release of what you require. Don’t you see how It cannot fail
in a single instance ? It just cannot do it.

Then, what you need to do is to watch, and if you are not having a quick and Full Response
to your Call—don’t be discouraged, but say: “Hold on here now! What is the matter with me
? What is acting here which should not ? What am I not doing that I should ?” Then, call the
Presence into action and say: ” ‘Mighty I AM Presence’! let me know definitely now what is
the reason here.”

Be practical ! Don’t be afraid of anything, but be so practical and say: “Here let this thing
stop right now! I have made the Call and I know it must be answered! Whatever human
quality is in me, take it out”! Be firm about it, and Oh, how quickly, you will find your Calls
being answered with Great Speed and Power! It is Magnificent!

I want to say just a few words in regard to the great industries of today. A Great Law is
entering into the industrial world—the Power of Light! One of your blessed citizens, in his
Heart is responding so wonderfully to the Great Laws of Life. His Light has held Its
Dominion over the most destructive of forces which would have destroyed him. He is your
beloved Henry Ford. I am not trying to exploit your beloved friend; but I am stating the Laws
of Life.

Had it not been for him and his stand against the destructive forces, which tried at one time to
wipe him out of existence; the industrial world would have been in such chaos today, that
most of mankind would not have had enough to eat. He was the strength and courage to the
other industries of the World in his stand; because he knows God, the Presence of all Life!

Notice—today, the demand of the Activities of Life in the industrial world is imperative; and
the heads of great industries are coming to realize, the old methods can be used no more!
There are still a few who hold on; still trying at least to hold fast to the old ideas; but they
cannot survive and do it! We believe in giving Justice and when We see an Individual who
has built himself into the great, almost limitless success which Mr. Ford has, then We believe
in giving credit where it is due.

His only support, his only protection, his only achievement, has been in his Power of
Conscious Attention to the Light. No matter what the criticism of him may have been, be

careful you do not accept it! If there were now and then an Individual in his service, who
might have made mistakes, don’t forget, he may not have been responsible for it.

So it is in all walks of Life. It is not always the head of industries or conditions who may be
responsible; because they are not always able to govern the action of those in their employ.
Just as a spy from a foreign country might enter into your America; and gain information
which would be your destruction, would the government be to blame for that ? Possibly in a
slight degree in lack of alertness, but the penalty would be on the Individual who did it.

Now remember, Dear Ones, I am prompting you for a Great Definite Reason. In the
children’s’ experiences in India, when Rex discovered a spy in the midst of the Broth-
erhood—notice the reason! The atmosphere of the Brotherhood had been charged by the spy,
so they might not feel, see or detect his presence!

Rex coming in from an outside atmosphere, wholly Free from it, was enabled to detect it!
Notice what that means to the world, when you clear your atmosphere of human pressure. By
calling your Presence into action, you will be alert, to detect the conditions which are about
to touch your world—which would affect, limit or harm you.

Therefore, as you sense it, you can say to the wrong condition: “You have no power! Be thou
dissolved and consumed by the Power of Light!” and it is done! Instead of it finding action in
your world, it will have disappeared before it reached your world! That is the Power of
Alertness and detection; and it is why We call with all the earnestness of Our Beings, for the
students to become more and more alert; in the Acknowledgment of their Presence and all the
conditions which touch their worlds; so they may be prompted.

Let Me also correct a thing which has been acting within mankind concerning promptings or
the premonition of things. Such a thing is not given as an inevitable occurrence to act in your
world but you are being prompted to issue your Mighty Decree, so it may be dissolved and
consumed. Then, it cannot act in your world!

Mankind has been accepting premonitions and promptings throughout the centuries; and have
believed because Individuals received them, they must act in their worlds. Because such a
prompting was received, you may say: “Be thou dissolved and consumed”! and it would be
so! Remember, that as you value your progress!

Beloved Ones, My Joy is Boundless! Will you rejoice with Me, in the Service which it has
been possible to render, while the Messenger was voicing My Words to you! Seventy-five
per cent of you who are in this room, have enabled Me to dissolve and consume seventy-five
percent of your own human creation! My Gratitude and Joy is very Great! Accept It please!
Then, as you enter into the class know you have entered into your Eternal—your Permanent
Freedom; and no longer accept any condition or appearance, as having power to limit or
disturb you again.

Oh, will you feel how Real all this is? I am none the less Real, because you do not see Me.
Because My Vibratory Action raises My Body of Light, beyond your physical sight, is no
reason why I am not Real! I am more Real than you; believe it or not! Please do not believe a
thing is not Real, because it is invisible; for all the Great Powers in the World which are
being used are invisible! Many thousands of students have seen the Calls of the Messengers

answered with definite precision. Now, as the Great Momentum of the large number of
students, who in

their great loyalty are joining in these Wondrous Decrees, the Power has become Mighty.
Many of the things, which were thought to take place in the World, have not taken place. All
of you earnest, Blessed Ones, have been a part of That Great Service in the Mighty Decrees,
which you have issued. We congratulate all the students who are able to release such a
Mighty Power of the Ascended Masters’ Divine Love and Blessings, for It is the Secret of all

The refusal to accept, or listen to human gossip is the Open Door to solve your problems.
There the Out-pouring The Ascended Masters Divine Love and Blessing is the Open Door, to
the Out-pouring from the Presence, which will solve all things.

We rejoice, so many of the students after, such a long time and many repetitions of This
Instruction, are beginning to understand, the first imperative need in their worlds, is to refuse
to listen to or voice destruction; send forth discordant qualities; or even to allow them to act
within their feeling, Then, as they pour out Divine Love and Blessings to all persons, places,
conditions and things, the Whole Universe will flood their worlds with money, supply,
happiness, health, strength and courage; because They are complying with the Great Law of

I thank you for this opportunity, to offer My Humble Assistance in that which has been
rendered; and may the Glory of Our Happiness ever intensify and increase within your
feeling world and consciousness! Remember—to you and all the students, has been offered
the Use of the Ascended Masters’ Consciousness and Substance; which cannot be requalified
by human qualification. Call It into action in your world! Charge your body with It and let Its
Perfect Work go on, unto your Full Perfection.

Then, you attain your Ascension into the Eternal body of Light. Oh, Beloved Ones, how
wonderful it is that mankind can have the Opportunity to come home and live within the
Happiness, the Glory and the Perfection which Life has always held for all Individuals; but
which mankind had forgotten.

The Love and Blessings of the Great Host of Ascended Masters, the Legions of Light and the
Cosmic Beings, flood your Beings and worlds and enfold you in Their Eternal Perfection.”

We Love and Bless you!

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