Guidelines For Infiltration Galleries

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Step by Step



Infiltration Gallery (IFG)


November, 2006

WaterAid Bangladesh
WaterAid water for life Dedicated exclusively to the provision of safe domestic water, sanitation and hygiene e d u c a t i o n

House 97/B, Road 25, Banani Dhaka, 1213, Bangladesh Tel. ++880 (0)2 881 5757, 881 8521 Fax: ++880 (0)2 881 8521 Email: Web:

Table of Content
Abbreviations.................................................................................................................... ii Glossary ........................................................................................................................... iii 1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................5 2. Purpose and Use of this Guideline.............................................................................5 3. Implementation of RW ..............................................................................................5 Step 1: Need Identification ..............................................................................................6 Step 2: Application for Water Supply Facilities ................................................................7 Step 3: Site selection criteria for IFG ...............................................................................7 Step 4: Site Verification for Water Supply Facilities ........................................................7 Step 5: Approval for Water Supply Facilities....................................................................8 Step 6: Calculation of Cost Recovery ...............................................................................8 Step 7: Installation of IFG ................................................................................................8 Step 8: Completion Report .............................................................................................10 Step 9: Caretakers Training and Tools Distribution ......................................................10 Step 10: Handing Over ...................................................................................................11 Step 11: Cost Recovery ..................................................................................................11 Step 12: Monitoring & Follow-up ...................................................................................11 Step 13: Documentation.................................................................................................12 Annex-1 ..........................................................................................................................13 Annex-2 ..........................................................................................................................15 Annex-3A ........................................................................................................................16 Annex-3B ........................................................................................................................17 Annex-4 ..........................................................................................................................18 Annex-5 ..........................................................................................................................18 Annex-6 ..........................................................................................................................20

ASEH CAP CBO CSA DPHE IFG F HH LGI NF NGOs O&M PF POs Rehab WAB WatSan WS WSS WSTFC : Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health : Community Action Plan : Community Based Organization : Community Situation Analysis : Department of Public Health Engineering : Infiltration Gallery : Functional : Household : Local Government Institutions : Non-functional : Non-government Organizations : Operation and Maintenance : Partially Functional : Partner Organizations : Rehabilitation : WaterAid Bangladesh : Water and Sanitation : Water Supply : Water Supply & Sanitation : Ward Sanitation Task Force Committee

Infiltration Gallery (IFG): Infiltration Gallery is an artificial aquifer /groundwater storage tank installed below the bed of ponds, rivers, streams other surface-storage to collect fresh water skimmed off the surface water. River or ponds with sandy soils are suitable for construction of Infiltration Galleries.


Access: Access to be defined as presences of safe water within 50m (164 feet) distance and minimum accepted service level 20 lpcd (for drinking and cooking purposes) + 2-3 lpcd for sanitation and hygiene purposes. Functional IFG which meets the following criteria a. b. c. d. e. Produce adequate quantity of water having acceptable quality round the year. All necessary parts are in place. Good, clean and effective platform is available. Effective waste water disposal pit or drainage system is available. Sanitary condition of IFG surrounding is satisfactory.

Partially Functional a. IFG which meets partially of the criteria mentioned in 2a. Non-Functional a. IFG which is completely out of order.


1. Introduction WaterAid is an international non government organization dedicated exclusively to the provision of safe domestic water, sanitation and hygiene education to the world's poorest people. WaterAid has been working in Bangladesh since 1986 to improve hygiene behaviour and access to water and sanitation services for poor communities giving emphasis on demonstration of innovative approaches, participatory methods, gender and vulnerable groups and sustainability. Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health (ASEH) is a DFID supported project of WaterAid Bangladesh (WAB) for hygiene promotion, environmental sanitation and water supply among for urban and rural poor. The project started in July 2003 and will be end up in March 2009 and is being implemented in partnerships with 15 local rural and urban NGO partners. ASEH is promoting sustainable, community managed safe water supply and sanitation facilities among the target population in rural areas and urban slums. ASEH promotes financial and programme management transparency and accountability of partner organizations to communities through empowering and strengthening LGIs to plan, monitor and implement WSS services. WAB has been offering a range of water supply technology options to address the needs of communities at different geo-physical context under ASEH project. WAB implements Ring-Well (RW) in rural communities along with other options.
This Guideline is particularly dealing with the IFG in Rural areas: The description of IFG is given in the glossary.

2. Purpose and Use of this Guideline

This Guideline has been prepared based on the available Guidelines of WAB and Partners, gathering experience over the last year of implementation under ASEH to meet the following purposes: This Guideline has been prepared as a tool to keep standard procedures for installation of IFG under the programme of WaterAid Bangladesh uniformly by all Partner Organizations. It was attempted to reflect the National Policies as well as WaterAids policies through the Guideline in an operational manual and mainstream the policies. This Guideline will be used a Handbook for the frontline staff as well as professionals. Ensure involvement of community, LGIs and other concerned stakeholders as relevant through promotion of transparent, accountable, gender sensitive and pro-poor implementation of water supply facilities. This Guideline will guide the Partner Organizations to implement the installation with a certain level of flexibility allowing addressing local context in consultation and approval from WAB, if essential.

3. Implementation of RW
The type of IFG option will be selected based on the source (pond, river, stream etc.) and no. of beneficiaries concerned as well as communities preference and ability to pay etc. IFG options may be implemented at community level, schools, institutions, public places of rural areas is appropriate source is available.

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Step 1: Need Identification

In order to identify the need of water supply facilities for a particular community and proceed for installation of suitable water options (different types of IFG), the following activities have to be undertaken. Community Situation Analysis (CSA): CSA must be conducted at cluster/community with facilitation by the respective frontline staff of Partner Organization following the CSA guidelines (pls. see the Guidelines on Community Situation Analysis). The status of existing water supply facilities, besides other relevant information of the particular cluster/community should be documented during CSA using the format WAB-2006/Prog-001. (The cluster/community identification should be marked by writing a number or note on top right corner of the same format). The summary information of the water supply situation in the community obtained from the overall situation analysis may be presented similar to the format WAB-2006/Prog-003. CBO formation: During the analysis of WatSan status for a particular community, frontline staff of Partner Organization ignites the people towards promoting access to safe water, safe sanitation and improve hygiene practices. Then the community people feel to take initiatives collectively for overcoming the adverse WatSan situation. Thus the CBO is formed. Community Action Plan (CAP): Once the situation is analyzed and orientation is conducted to CBO on how to develop action plan, the CBO will sit together with community people to prepare a Community Action Plan (CAP) with assistance from the frontline staff. During preparation of CAP, the summary matrix should be analyzed carefully to assess the need new/ rehabilitation of water supply facilities for the community. Accordingly, CAP should be prepared including required number of new or rehabilitation water supply options mentioning their types, budget, number of users, timeframe for installation, responsibilities and budget etc. and later on documented by frontline staff as the matrix titled CAP: Installation of Water Supply Options given below. During determining present situation, average number of hhs per water supply facilities having access* to safe water needed to be calculated.

CAP: Installation of Water Supply Options

Preferred Option No. of WS options
New Rehab

No. of HHs to be covered*

New Rehab

Time frame




IFG based on stream IFG based on pond and river Others Total: The frontline staff during assisting for preparation of CAP by the community should ensure that the policies WAB are reflected (75-125 persons or 15-25 hhs are to be covered under each IFG). Preference must be given to poor hhs and hhs of undeserved and underserved pockets.

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The CAP including proposed water supply options has to be carefully reviewed by respective frontline staff of Partner Organizations considering ASEH policy principles and endorsed by the CBO preferably in a CBO meeting.

Step 2: Application for Water Supply Facilities

Based on the priority determined in CAP, respective frontline staff along with CBO members will have meeting(s) with the users to determine list of applicant households for each proposed water supply option along with number of users and preferred option. The respective frontline staff must explain the conditions of applying for a particular water supply option (e.g., estimated total cost, users contribution, cost-recovery mechanism, caretakers selection process, caretakers roles & responsibilities, use and O&M of the facilities etc.) to the applicants in details. Upon discussion, each applicant group will separately fill-in an Application Form (Annex-1) for a particular type of water supply option. The respective frontline staff will assist the applicants to select the site for installation of proposed water supply option properly considering the site selection criteria in consultation with both male and female members from the applicant households. The frontline staff must ensure that signatures are obtained in the Application Form from both male and female members of the applicant households. The representative from the applicant households will submit the filled-in Application Form to Partner Organization on their behalf through respective front line staff.

Step 3: Site selection criteria for IFG The applicant households will discuss the issue of selecting an appropriate mother source for infiltration gallery installation and how to keep it safe. They will agree upon the site and the management of mother source.
Considering the following criteria, they will identify and select the mother source: The mother source will not be contaminated by indiscriminate use of others (especially human) It will be closer to majority of the community It will be easily accessible to all It will have proper drainage facilities It will be free from modern fish culture, use of detergent and other chemicals. It will not be connected with any sewerage and waste water drainage system The water will be available round the year The hand pump sets will be set comparatively at higher and wider place

Step 4: Site Verification for Water Supply Facilities

The frontline staff will forward the Application Form to respective Partner Organizations office to be visited by the supervisory staff and/or Engineer preferably with LGI representative/ member of Ward Sanitation Task Force Committee (WSTFC).

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During site verification by the Supervisory staff/ Engineer, the following aspects to be critically observed. o o Reliability of information as mentioned in the Application Form Social, technical and legal feasibility of the proposed site for the particular water supply option.

Recommendation should be made by the Supervisory staff/ Engineer if all the conditions are fullfilled.

Step 5: Approval for Water Supply Facilities

Once the Application Form is recommended, it will be forwarded to Union Sanitation Task force/ Union WatSan Committee / respective PO office for review and approval. The competent approving authority (as decided by respective Partner Organization) will review and approve/ not approve the Application preferably in a formal meeting. In case of approved application, a simple approval letter (Annex-2) should be issued by the approving authority to the applicant households to acknowledge their demand and proceed for next step. If Application is rejected, the applicant households will be informed with reasons for not being accepted by the authority (say, due to not meeting the criteria).

Step 6: Calculation of Cost Recovery

The concerned frontline staff as per the Cost Sharing and Recovery Strategy (Please see Cost Sharing and Recovery Strategy) will perform ability to pay analysis of the applicants hhs and determine the amount of upfront contribution and/or number of installments applicable for each hh for the rest. The applicant households will be informed about the upfront contribution and/or amount and number of installments by respective Partner Organizations staff.

Step 7: Installation of IFG 7.1 Procurement of materials: 7.1.1 Local Procurement Procurement will be made by a Purchase Committee to be formed with two representatives from the applicant hhs nominated by the applicant group and one from Partner Organization, preferably Engineer. The Purchase Committee will purchase the required materials as per approved design, specification and estimate. The respective Engineer of Partner Organization will be responsible for ensuring the quality of materials procured.

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7.1.2 Central Procurement In case of Central procurement, the Central Procurement/ Purchase Committee of the Partner Organization will procure the materials as per Financial Guidelines for Partner Organizations. 7.2 Selection of Contractor/ Mason 7.2.1 Selection of Mason Locally The Purchase Committee will identify locally available Masons and select one on the basis of having experience for construction of similar facilities. Each Partner Organization will develop and adopt a systematic and transparent procedure for selection of masons. Once the mason is selected, a Contract Agreement (similar to Annex-3A) will be signed between mason leader and Purchase Committee/ Partner Organization. 7.2.2 Selection of Contractor Centrally The Contractor will be selected by the respective Partner Organization (please see Financial Guidelines for Partner Organizations if applicable). Each Partner Organization will develop and adopt a systematic and transparent procedure for selection of Contractor. A Contract Agreement (sample given in Annex-3B can further be improved) between Contractor and Purchase Committee/ Partner Organization will be signed. 7.3 Construction of IFG The IFG will be installed by the assigned Contractor/ Mason as per the Contract Agreement. During construction, quality assurance will be made by the Partner Organizations staff, preferably by Engineer and the following issues to be taken into considerations: Installation is done at the site approved earlier. The materials purchased are properly stored and used. Installation follows the approved design and specification. Well development is done properly.

Platform Construction (including drainage) The platform including drainage will be constructed as per standard design & specification. The following aspects should be looked into during construction of platform ASEH Identification mark with date of installation to be made on the platform boundary (Annex-4). Outlet of drain is maintained with proper slope and length. Soak-pit may be used for management of waste water. Utilization of waste water can be made for homestead gardening. 7.4 Water Quality Test 7.4.1 Installation testing Once the IFG is installed, water quality parameters to be tested as per Water Quality Standard & Testing Policy.

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Parameter Environmental inspection and Sanitary inspection Thermo-tolerant (faecal) Coliform Turbidity

WAB acceptable limit

Remarks Environmental inspection by Partner Organization before proceeding with installation to identify possible WQ risks (eg proximity to factories, waste outlets, use of pesticides etc) Surface water sources are more prone to bacteriological contamination and will require more frequent monitoring for coliform, as part of routine operation and maintenance procedures. High levels of turbidity can stimulate bacterial growth and protect micro-organisms from the effects of disinfection

0 - 10 fc/ 100ml

10 NTU

If the water quality appears to have bacteriological contamination, disinfection to be done. 7.4.2 Re-testing/ Monitoring testing The retesting applies to all WAB program funded and Non-WAB program funded IFGs. Sample retesting of all IFG should be undertaken to cover at least 10% of the partners IFGs in each 6 months period. Sample testing should include representative samples from each union covered and should be carried out on a rotational basis to eventually cover all IFGs. (For detail please see Water Quality Standard & Testing Policy). 7.4.3 Record keeping Partner Organizations must keep records of all water quality tests. A standard sheet should be completed in the field and kept for each installed IFG. Information of water quality test during installation tests for that IFG for each installed IFG should include its unique identification number and geo-reference in a systematic manner. Step 8: Completion Report A Completion Report containing detail information including IFG identification, Contract information, date of start and completion of installation, depth of IFG, test results of water quality parameters at the time of commissioning, platforms size & date of construction and other technical information of the IFG as attached (Annex-5) should be filled-in by Partner Organizations staff and to be acknowledged by the Representative of applicant households. The Completion Report must be kept at Partner Organizations Office as a proof of completion of task and acceptance by respective users. Step 9: Caretakers Training and Tools Distribution A total of two (one male and one female) caretakers from each of the installed IFG as proposed in the application form will be trained. The Engineer will be responsible to train the caretakers at site preferably within one week of construction of platform. During training, the caretakers will be given a set of tools for repair and maintenance. The set of tools shall contain the following instruments in a box: Slide wrench 12- (1 piece) Pipe wrench 14 (1 piece) Screw driver - (1 piece)
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Pliers - (1 piece)

It should be noted that the toolbox should be given at the disposal of the female caretaker. After the caretakers training will be followed by a simple formal handing over ceremony in the presence of applicant group. Step 10: Handing Over A Handing Over Note along with acknowledgement of users should be prepared and signed by all parties mentioned (Annex-6). At the end of caretakers training, a simple formal Handing Over Ceremony will be organized in the presence of applicant households, when the water supply facility will be formally handed over to the users. During handing over, the photocopy of Hanging Over Note must be handed over to the Representative of applicant group while the original copy will be kept at Partner Organizations Office as a record for handing over the facility to the respective users. Step 11: Cost Recovery As soon as the water supply facility is handed over and subsequently formally taken over by the users, cost recovery will be started in cases where the total contribution money has not been deposited by users as upfront. The concerned frontline staff already fixed up (Step-5) the amount and number of installments applicable for each applicant household as per the Cost Sharing and Recovery Strategy (Please see Cost Sharing and Recovery Strategy). A register should be introduced mentioning names and amount of cost recovery for each of the applicant households. This should be updated at every month. The following aspects should be taken into consideration during cost recovery exercise. The Caretakers will be responsible to collect the cost recovery money from applicant households and deposit the same to the designated frontline staff of the Partner Organization regularly. The frequency of installment may be monthly and with a maximum of 12 months except for the last year installations. The respective frontline staff will deposit the cost recovery money to Partner Organizations office within maximum of one week time from collection by Caretakers. Proper documentation should be kept at register to ensure transparency of this process. The Partner Organizations office will deposit the money to Bank within maximum of one week (Please see the Financial Guidelines for Partner Organizations).

Step 12: Monitoring & Follow-up After installation of IFG, respective Partner Organizations staff will monitor the water quality as per Water Quality Standard & Testing Policy.

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Other than water quality monitoring, respective Partner Organization will also monitor functionality, use and cleanliness of the water supply facilities at least for six months after the handing over of the facility. The following aspects should be considered during monitoring by Partner Organizations staff. functionality of the IFG; functionality of the platform and drains; cleanliness of the platform and drains; water use pattern by the user groups; status of repair and maintenance; caretakers role and responsibilities; availability and condition of tools and tool box; and other matters related to use and maintenance

Partner Organizations staff will intensively monitor the functionality of the IFG during Defect Liability Period (3-6 months after commissioning). If the IFG performs satisfactorily, the contractor/ local mason will be refunded with the security deposit after certification from Partner Organizations Engineer. In case of unsatisfactory performance, the Contractor will be obliged to do the rectification as required in consultation with Partner Organizations Engineer. Step 13: Documentation The information related to water supply option should be recorded in the Union Register. It is expected that the union registers will be supplied to each Partner Organization.

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Partner Organization: ___________________ Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health Project

Application Form for

Infiltration Gallery (IFG)

1. Application Sl. No: 3. Date of Application: 4. Union: . 7. Proposed site for IFG:
Village: Ward No: Location of the proposed site Cluster/Community ID (if any): (meter) (meter)
Razzak Proposed Site of IFG Mango Tree Stream /River

2. IFG Code No: ... (After Installation)

5. Upazila:

6. District: ..

Distance from nearest safe water source: Distance from nearest latrine: No. of Applicant Households:

8. Information of Applicant Households:

Sl. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
*M= Male; F=Female; C=Children; T=Total Note: Age below 10 years will be considered as children

Name of Household Head Female Male

Occupation Female Male

Wellbeing Ranking

No. Of HH member* F M C T

Signature Female Male

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Proposed Care Takers: 1. Care Takers Name: 2. Care Takers Name: Father / Spouse: .. Father / Spouse:

--------------------------------------------------Name of the Representative, Applicant Households

------------------------------------------------Name of Frontline Staff

--------------------------------------------------Signature Date: --------------------------9. Main Condition for Applying:

------------------------------------------------Signature Date: ---------------------------

Applicant households must not have any safe water source within 50 m distance; Upon approval of the application, the households must share the contribution money as per ability to pay analysis; The applicant households must select one male and one female from the applicant households as caretakers for the IFG A common/ agreed pond inside/ suitable/ convenient place within the proximity of applicant households will be chosen for installation of IFG.

For Official Use Only

Union level Supervisory Staff and/or Engineer of Partner Organization will fill-up the following box after visiting the site and verifying the information in the Application Form:
Comments by Supervisory Staff and/or Engineer:

Name & Designation:

Name & Designation:

Site Recommended:



Signature & Date:

Signature & Date:

Site Approval:
Approved: Not Approved: Name: ................................ Competent ApprovingAuthority* ................................ Signature & Date
*Union Sanitation Taskforce/ Union WatSan Committee / respective PO official will review and give approval.

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Partner Organization: ___________________ Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health Project

1. Approval Letter for Infiltration Gallery (IFG)

Date: ----------------------------

To: Spouse/Fathers name: Village: Union: Upazila: District:

______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

The Union Sanitation Taskforce/ Union WatSan Committee / Partner Organization is hereby pleased to inform you that the application for a submitted by you and the other applicants has been approved. You are requested to deposit an amount of Taka ________________ from the applicant households as upfront contribution money to the Partner Organizations office within .. days from issuing this approval letter. And/ or, A total amount of Tk at . monthly/.. installment in ...month(s)/year(s) as the rest amount of contribution money according to the ability to pay analysis. Please note that the applicants households need not to provide any extra money on top of the contribution amount for installation of selected IFG along with platform and drainage. The site mentioned in the application form can not be changed without prior approval from the concerned approving authority.

Prepared by _________________________ (Staff of Partner Organization) Date: ____________________

Signature ________________________ Competent Approving Authority* Date: ____________________

*Union Sanitation Taskforce/ Union WatSan Committee / respective PO official as decided to give approval.

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Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health

Contract Agreement with

Local Meson Leader

Date: ----------------------------

The agreement is made on between: 1. Mr./Ms. , son of/ spouse of , village:.., ward:., union:, upazila: , district: ... And, 2. Purchase Committee/ Partner Organization Name:, Address: village:.., ward:., union:, upazila: , district: ...
Both the parties are hereby agreed to the following terms and conditions for Construction of an Infiltration Gallery (IFG) at .

Terms & conditions:

Purchase Committee will procure all the materials for construction of Infiltration Gallery as per design, specification and estimate. Purchase Committee will ensure safe custody of the materials procured. The meson leader will be responsible for engaging required number of labors. The mason will construct of the public toilet according to the given design & drawing. The mason will start working within ________ days upon signing contract and Purchase Committee will ensure availability of required materials. The construction must be completed within _________ days from signing contract including mobilization at site. Des. Rate Qty. Man-days Total No advance will be paid. 1. Mason leader ?00 X XX XXX Mason will be paid as below: 2. Skilled labor ?00 X XX XXX o Total Contact amount _______ tk for 3. Unskilled labor ?00 X XX XXX the entire construction. 4. Shuttering ??? X XX XXX o Nature of payment will be _______ 5. Others ??? X XX XXX _______ _______, etc. Total = XXXX Any payment will be paid upon certification from Purchase Committee / Partner Organizations Engineer. Agreed by

Agreed by

Signature ________________________ (Name: )

Signature _________________________ (Name: Representative, Purchase Committee/ Partner Organization) Date:____________________

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Partner Organization: ___________________ Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health

Contract Agreement with Contractor
Date: ----------------------------


Ms/Mr. ________________________________________

Detail address: ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

The Partner Organization . is hereby pleased to inform you that you have been awarded for the installation of . no(s) of IFG on the basis of your quotation / experience. You are, therefore, requested to come and visit . office in order to receive the work order for the same after signing this formal contract. This is to mention here that you are obliged to follow the terms & condition stated below 1. Selected IFG(s) materials/ components must be supplied according to the given design and specification. 2. Installation of IFG and construction of platform along with drainage facility must be constructed according to the given design & drawing. 3. The installation must be completed within .. days from issuing work order. 4. Payment will be made through A/C payee check, as applicable. 5. The work order will be valid for one month period of time from the date of issuing the work order, 6. The price quotation will not be changed for this period (if applicable). 7. No advance will be paid along with work order. Partial payment could be made considering work progress on work in case of bulk number of installations. 8. VAT and Tax will be deducted at source (POs office) according to the GoB rules, if applicable. 9. *Defect Liability Period will be for 3-6 months after commissioning. If the IFG performs satisfactorily, the Contractor will be refunded with the security deposit (5-10% earnest money of unit cost) after certification from community representative/ POs Engineer. In case of unsatisfactory* performance, the Contractor will be obliged to do the rectifications as required in consultation with Partner Organizations Engineer. Agreed by ________________________ (Name: ) Date:____________________
Definition of Unsatisfactory performance: IFG is not functioning properly IFG is producing turbid water/ water mixed with sand IFG is not producing odorless and colorless water IFG is not producing adequate quantity of water

Signature _________________________ (Manager/Coordinator of PO Date:____________________

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Partner Organization: ___________________ Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health

ASEH Marking

IqvUviGBW evsjv`k-Gvm cKi AvIZvaxb wbivc` cvwbi eevcbv Ges mvwbUkb AeKvVvgv mbvKiY
IqvUviGBW evsjv`k vbxq ^Qvmex msvi m Askx`vixZi gvag cavb cavb kniwji ew GjvKv Ges Mvgvji gvbyli Rb wbivc` cvwb, cqtwbvkb eevmn my`i cwiek I ^vmZ Rxebgvb Dbqbi j Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health (ASEH) cKi evevqb KiQ| BZvga ek KqKwU mnhvMx msv Zv`i Kg GjvKvi wewfb vb wbivc` cvwbi eevcbv I mvwbUkb AeKvVvgv Zix KiQ| ASEH cKi AvIZvq wbgvYKZ AeKvVvgvjvi mwVK wnmvei Rb mbvKiY cqvRb| GB j wbg wKQz D`vniY `qv njvt bgybv wUbi ev Gvjywgwbqvgi kxUi Zix nj fvj nq| eK hv _vKe:

WAB-Name of PNGOs-ASEH #Water Point Code-Completion month-Year WAB-VERC/DSK-ASEH #00-124-Apr -2006


eKi bgybv:

mswk mnhvMx msvi bvg wbavwiZ _vKe eK |

WAB- VERC - ASEH - 200..

hw` IqvUvi cqU c~bt wbgvY nq Zvnj eK ne wbgic

mswk eK G RvqMv duvKv _vKe hLvb IqvUvi cqUi KvW, gvmi bvg Ges mvj cvUdg Zwii mgq nvZ wjLZ ne| Kgc Pvi wWwRU jLvi gZ RvqMv duvKv ivLZ ne KvW b^i Gi Rb Ges wZb wWwRU ivLZ ne gvmi Rb| mswk eK G RvqMv duvKv _vKe hLvb IqvUvi cqUi KvW, gvmi bvg Ges mvj cvUdg Zwii mgq nvZ wjLZ ne| Kgc Pvi wWwRU jLvi gZ RvqMv duvKv ivLZ ne KvW b^i Gi Rb Ges wZb wWwRU ivLZ neAnnex-5 gvmi Rb|



Partner Organization: ___________________

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Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health

Infiltration Gallery (IFG) Completion Report

IFG Completion Report

(Original copy to be kept at POs office) A. IFG Identification : 1. IFG Identification Code: 2. Representatives Name: 3. Spouse/ Fathers Name: 4. Village: 5. Ward no.: 6. Union: 7. Upazila: 8. District: B. Contract Identification: 1. Name & address of Local Mason/ Contractors: 2. a) Work Order No: 3. Total IFG: C. IFG Completion Detail: 1. Installation start date: 3. Platform size: 5. Development done:
Yes No

2.b) Work Order Date: 4. Sl. of IFG: (Of this contract) 2. Installation completion date: 4. Discharge (l/min): 6. Disinfection Done:
Yes No

7. Water Quality: Certified by:

a) F.Coli:

b) Turbidity:

c) --------:

Acknowledged by: _______________________ Name: Representative, Applicant Group Signature & date

_______________________ Name: Engineer Signature & date

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Partner Organization: ___________________ Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health

Handing Over Note (Page 1)
(Original copy to be kept at POs Office while the photocopy to be handed over to users) Handing Over Date: A. IFG Identification: 1. IFG Identification Code: 2. Representatives Name: 3. Spouse/ Fathers Name: 4. Village: 5. Ward no. 6. Union: 7. Upazila: 8. District: B. IFG Installation Detail: 1. Installation start date: 4. Platform size: 6. Water Quality: a) F.Coli: 2. Installation completion date: 5. Discharge (l/min): b) Turbidity: c) :

C. Other Information: 1. Name & address of Contractor/ Local Mason: 2. Engineer of Partner Organization: 4. Caretakers Name: 3. Frontline staff: 5. Caretakers Name:

Handed over by:

.. Manager/ Coordinator of Partner Organization
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Partner Organization: ___________________ Advancing Sustainable Environmental Health

IFG Handing Over Note (page-2)

For Partners Official Use Only Users Acknowledgement

(In case of Acceptable IFG) We, the users of IFG, hereby acknowledge that the installation of . IFG as well as water quality in our opinion are satisfactory. We shall use and be responsible for operation and maintenance of the IFG regularly.

Witness (One of the users) Signature Name:... Date:..

On behalf of the users .. Signature Name:... Representative, Applicant Group Date:

Handed over by: .. Manager/ Coordinator of Partner Organization Date:

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