IPC-TM-650 Test Methods Manual: 3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 105N Bannockburn, IL 60015-1249
IPC-TM-650 Test Methods Manual: 3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 105N Bannockburn, IL 60015-1249
IPC-TM-650 Test Methods Manual: 3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 105N Bannockburn, IL 60015-1249
Measuring High Frequency Signal Loss and
3000 Lakeside Drive, Suite 105N Propagation on Printed Boards with Frequency
Bannockburn, IL 60015-1249
Domain Methods
Date Revision
IPC-TM-650 Originating Task Group
TEST METHODS MANUAL High Frequency Signal Loss Test Methods Task
Group (D-24D)
1 Scope and Purpose test fixtures (between A and B, A’ and B’) need to be charac-
terized and then de-embedded to recover the insertion loss of
1.1 Scope This document describes the frequency domain DUT.
test methods to accurately determine the amount of signal
propagation loss and delay for electrical printed boards, to
meet the demand of high speed applications nowadays. As
the data rate of high speed IO continues to increase (e.g., 10
Gbps and above), production testing and development testing
require more precise and accurate high frequency methods.
(Existing IPC-TM-650 Test Methods such as Method IPC-25514-1-1 are not adequate). Additionally, previous IPC test
methods do not encompass traditional industry methods Figure 1-1 Reference Planes in Printed Board Insertion
Loss Characterization
using VNA, such as thru-reflect-line (TRL), and recent devel-
opments of 2X-Thru test methods, etc. This test method is
defined to close the gaps. Microwave probes are often used to probe interconnect struc-
tures for quick measurement, as shown Figure 1-2. A similar
The scope of this test method includes: calibration or de-embedding procedure is needed to move the
• Calibration and/or de-embedding techniques reference plane to the target location (Ref plane B and B’
shown in the figure). Note that sometimes, an SOLT calibra-
• Probing/test fixture choices that impact measurement tion procedure can be carried out using calibration substrates
quality provided by probe vendor, to move the reference plane to the
• Coupon Design probe tip, but it does not move the reference plane to the tar-
get location and additional de-embedding procedure is still
• Test sample pre-conditioning needed.
• Environmental impact, etc.
1.2 Purpose
Material in this Test Methods Manual was voluntarily established by Technical Committees of IPC. This material is advisory only
and its use or adaptation is entirely voluntary. IPC disclaims all liability of any kind as to the use, application, or adaptation of this Page 1 of 11
material. Users are also wholly responsible for protecting themselves against all claims or liabilities for patent infringement.
Equipment referenced is for the convenience of the user and does not imply endorsement by IPC.
Number Subject Date Measuring High Frequency Signal Loss and Propagation on 02/2021
Printed Boards with Frequency Domain Methods
[ ]
uniform transmission line, we have:
0 e−γ L
SDUT = (Eq.1)
e−γ L
carried out utilizing the above assumptions, by measuring S Where γ is the complex propagation constant of the trans-
parameters of two different routing lengths. There are various mission line. There are two eigenvalues of the matrix
(similar) derivations procedures, and below is one example: TL2 x TL1 (the two non-zero diagonal terms in equation 4),
where the one with absolute value <1 is the printed board
In Figure 1-3, two printed board conductors with different conductor loss corresponding to the routing length of (L2-L1).
lengths (L1 and L2) are fabricated on the same test coupon. Once the eigenvalue is identified, the insertion loss is readily
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Printed Boards with Frequency Domain Methods
available based on equation (1). Note that the de-embedded Most VNAs offer TRL calibration options, please refer to the
insertion loss is defined with a reference impedance of the manual or application note for your specific equipment to per-
transmission line. form a TRL calibration.
TRL calibration has been widely used in the industry since the
1.3 General Calibration/de-embedding Methods to Set
technique no longer requires accurate calibration termination
up Correct Reference Plane for Printed Board Conduc-
standards. This overcomes the difficulties of SOLT calibration,
tor Insertion Loss Characterization As mentioned earlier,
and the reference plane can be moved to the printed board.
there are existing calibration/de-embedding methods for gen-
However, there are still some disadvantages to the TRL cali-
eral purpose interconnect characterization to move the cali-
bration. For example, there are many components of the cali-
bration reference plane to printed board interfaces. These
bration standard to handle. This takes substantial printed
methods are validated by the industry, and therefore included
board area and requires tedious calibration process in the lab,
herein, although they are either more complicated or costly
while being prone to the operator error. Additionally, the TRL
than the Eigen-value based method.
technique requires accurate characteristic impedance specifi-
1.3.1 TRL Calibration The TRL (and its variants such as cation for the line standard, which is problematic to determine
LRM) method [7] is a general approach to move the calibra- in a dispersive environment.
tion reference plane from the coaxial connector to printed
1.3.2 2X-Thru De-embedding In the last decade, the
board interfaces. Figure 1-4 shows the typical calibration
2X-thru de-embedding methodology is gaining popularity due
structures for a TRL calibration, with microwave probe foot-
to its simplicity of test fixture design and de-embedding pro-
print (with single-ended probing as an example). The TRL cali-
cedures [8]. In contrast to the TRL calibration technique,
bration technique only relies on the characteristic impedance
which requires measurement of multiple structures as shown
of the transmission line and does NOT need the parasitics of
in Figure 1-4, 2X-Thru De-embedding requires only one
Reflective Standard to be known, nor propagation delay of
de-embedding structure.
Line. A typical TRL calibration structure may also include a
Load structure that works only at very low frequencies, and The basic idea of the 2X-Thru de-embedding approach is
additional Line structures to cover a wide frequency range. shown in Figure 1-5. The S-parameters of the 2X-thru
Figure 1-4 Calibration Structures (with probing footprint) for a TRL Calibration Example
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Printed Boards with Frequency Domain Methods
structure are measured first. Assuming the 2X-Thru structure 2 Applicable Documents
is symmetric, the S-parameters of a 1X structure can be cal-
IPC-TM-650 Test Methods Manual
culated directly from the 2X-Thru measurement. Once the
S-parameters of the 1X structure on both sides on the DUT Test Methods to Determine the Amount of Signal
are obtained, the S-parameters of the DUT can be readily cal- Loss on Printed Boards
culated. This significantly simplifies calibration/de-embedding
3 Test Specimens
procedures as compared to a traditional TRL calibration
where six calibration structures are typically needed. 3.1 Common Test Coupon Characteristics The test
coupon contains two or more transmission lines. The follow-
ing are general guidelines for designing transmission line test
structures for the test methods within this document. These
transmission line test structures may be placed within the
functional area of the printed board or within test coupons. It
is recommended that coupons have labels that contain infor-
mation about the associated test line signal layer; for example,
L1, L3, etc. Labeling of the contact land for differential
conductors shall clearly indicate the matched pair. It is recom-
Figure 1-5 S parameter of Test Fixture is Calculated from mended that test coupons include a printed board serial num-
S Parameter of 2X-Thru ber, part number, and date code.
There are various 2X-Thru de-embedding tools available at 3.2 Ground and Reference Planes All reference planes in
time of publication of this test method, such as [9][10][11]. The the coupon shall be connected together within the coupon
accuracy of 2X-Thru de-embedding tool is has been shown to area and be independent of those planes in the functional cir-
be comparable to TRL [13]. However, since the algorithm of cuit area.
commercially available 2X-Thru methods are often proprietary,
it is up to the users to validate the tool for their printed board 3.3 Probe Launch Footprint The probe launch footprint is
insertion loss measurements. IEEE 370-2020 addressing this comprised of signal pads and ground contact. Each probe
issue by setting up a process to validate the de-embedding vendor can specify its optimized probe launch footprint. How-
tools [12]. Below is the general process of using 2X-Thru ever, it is desirable to have footprint that is compatible with
de-embedding process to measure the insertion loss: multiple probes. Figure 3-1 shows an example of a differential
probe launch footprint compatible with both micro- and hand-
1) Manufacture two printed board conductors with different
held probes. A similar single-ended probe launch footprint is
lengths (L1 and L2).
shown in Figure 3-2, with the same guide pin design.
2) Perform SOLT calibration to move reference plane to the
end of coaxial connector.
3) Perform VNA measurement and to acquire the S param-
eters of the shorter conductor (L1) and longer trace (L2).
4) Use 2X-Thru tool to de-embed the S parameters of L2,
while treating the shorter conductor L1 as test fixture. This
end up with S parameters of a transmission line DUT of
length L2-L1.
5) Renormalize the S parameter using the characteristic
impedance of transmission line.
6) The renormalized S21 represents the insertion loss of DUT
(length of L2-L1). IPC-25514-3-1
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Printed Boards with Frequency Domain Methods
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Printed Boards with Frequency Domain Methods
baking them at 105 °C RH 0% over 2 hours, or 140 °C RH Figure 4-1 Typical VNA Measurement Setup
0% over 1 hour. However, if the coupon has been stored over
a long period of time without proper vacuum packaging, the 3.5 dB at highest frequency of interest, to make sure the
baking condition needs to be adjusted to be 140 °C RH 0% probe and launching pad design have good electrical perfor-
for 12 hours. Consistent results can be obtained by testing mance.
specimens at 23 °C (± 2 °C) [73.4 °F (± 3.6 °F)] and 20~80%
RH for less than 12 hours since opening the vacuum package A direct measurement of electrical performance of probe and
or finishing a baking treatment. It is recommended to allow launching pad can be cumbersome. Alternatively, Figure 4-2
test coupons to cool to room temperature for at least 30 min- shows an example of test setup to check the electrical perfor-
utes before test if measurement is done after a baking treat- mance. A 50.8 mm [2.0 in] microstrip line with known insertion
ment. loss is used to provide a connection between two probes.
VNA is calibrated to the end of coaxial cable, and the inser-
3.8.2 Insertion Loss Measurement of Test Specimens tion loss of the 50.8 mm [2.0 in] microstrip line with probes at
Stored in Environmental Chamber For conductors routed both ends is measured.
on outer layers, consistent results of insertion loss at typical
humidity condition can also be obtained by storing test speci-
mens at 23 °C (± 2 °C) [73.4 °F (± 3.6 °F)] and 40% RH (± 5%
RH) for no less than 48 hours. Note that the test under this
condition takes longer time compared to that described in
4 Apparatus
4.1 VNA Measurement Apparatus The measurement
equipment needed includes a VNA, calibration kit, cabling, Figure 4-2 Test Setup for Probe Quality Check
and a probing solution, as shown in Figure 4-1. High perfor-
mance connectors and cables that are rated above the maxi- Insertion loss requirement for the test setup in Figure 4-2
mum frequency of interest are required in performing VNA depends on the highest measurement frequency, as well as
measurements. the microstrip trace loss. A test coupon with known loss can
be used, or a separate measurement can be done to deter-
Using TDR/TDT system in place of a VNA to acquire fre-
mine microstrip loss. Figure 4-3 shows an example of the
quency domain attenuation and loss data is beyond the scope
probe quality requirement, assuming the highest measure-
of this test method. A future IPC-TM-650 Test Method
ment frequency is 20 GHz, and the insertion loss of the for best design practices for Time Domain method is
50.8 mm [2.0 in] microstrip is 5 dB at 20 GHz. The measured
envisioned under the IPC D-24D Task Group.
insertion loss must be above the red dash line in the figure.
4.2 Probe Quality The quality of probe (whether using Note at DC level, the required loss is less than 1 dB, and at
probing station or handheld probe) is critical for accurate and 20 GHz, the required loss is less than12 dB (where 3.5 dB is
repeatable measurement. It is recommended to have the allocated for each probe, and 5 dB is coming from the
insertion loss of the probe and launching pad to be less than 50.8 mm [2.0 in] microstrip).
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Printed Boards with Frequency Domain Methods
5.1 VNA Settings Follow the VNA manual for proper IPC-25514-5-1
operation of equipment. Recommended settings for the VNA
include an IF bandwidth of 1 kHz (can be decreased based on Figure 5-1 An Iterative Moving Average Applied to a
instrument and applications), and a step size of 10 MHz. Typical Insertion Loss Curve
Note 1. Red denotes the smoothed curve
Smoothing is not allowed.
The cables and connectors used in the measurement should While smoothing with an iterative moving average addresses
be sufficiently rated for the maximum intended measurement most of the challenges posed by the measurement errors,
frequency. there remain some disadvantages. The resulting smooth curve
is non-physical and unlikely to be representative of the true
5.2 Conditioning of Test Sample Refer to 3.8 for proper loss of printed board conductor. For example, the smoothed
conditioning of test sample before test. curve usually deviates from the correct answer at low
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Printed Boards with Frequency Domain Methods
frequencies where the conductor losses dominate. Addition- be used. Fox example, in [15], the following function is set as
ally, in the high frequency range, the smoothing may preserve the target function for the fitting algorithm:
unrealistic features of the de-embedded insertion loss.
ILdB(,) = a(, – ,0)b + c(, – ,0)2 + d(, – ,0) + IL0 (Eq. 8)
5.4.2 Cumulative Dielectric and Conductor Loss Fit- The first term represents the AC conductor loss (i.e., the skin-
ting As it has been discussed in [14], the cumulative dielec- effect losses), where ‘b’ is an additional fitting parameter
tric and conductor losses can be generally approximated by (instead of a constant 0.5 where ideal conductor loss is a
ILdB(,) = a√, + b, + c, 2 (Eq. 6) function of ,0.5) added to take into account the surface rough-
ness impact of the conductor. The second and the third terms
where , is the frequency in GHz and a, b and c are constants. represent dielectric losses, and the constant represents the
For most of the cases coefficient c << 1 and can be conductor’s DC loss. Furthermore, a certain offset point (,0,
neglected. Therefore, as a first approximation the total loss IL0) is introduced, where ,0 is the first frequency point of the
curve can be fitted to measurement. The offset is added to accommodate the fact
ILdB(,) = a√, + b, (Eq. 7) that VNA measurements made at the printed board fabricator
usually do not provide results lower than 10 MHz.
There are number of algorithms that can be used to perform
the printed board loss fit to Eq. 7. One of the most well-known The abovementioned methods fit the data to a smooth curve
and widely available algorithms is the least squares fit, over the entire bandwidth of the measurement where each
example of which is shown in the Figure 5-2 below. data point is allocated equal weight. As measurement errors
usually increase significantly at high frequencies, a weighting
scheme can be introduced to force the algorithm to prioritize
the curve fitting at the low frequencies and minimize (or ignore)
the impact of high frequency:
( (, , ))
W(,) = 1–
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Printed Boards with Frequency Domain Methods
Typical least mean square fit approach is applied to fit the The simplest approach to compute the uncertainty at the
weighted raw data to the target function. Figure 5-4 shows selected frequency is to use the difference between the raw
the fitted insertion loss curve for two measurement cases data and fitted results. However, this can be misleading,
using the procedures described above. which is demonstrated in Figure 5-5. In this case, the devia-
tion of raw data from the fitted curve is zero at the selected
frequency, while it is clear that the measurement quality is not
Meanwhile, the deviation of the reported values from the raw mean (IL_res) + 3 x σ (IL_res)
uncertainty@,0 = x 100% (Eq.11)
data is a good indicator on the quality of the measurement. IL_fit@,0
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Printed Boards with Frequency Domain Methods
Note that an uncertainty estimate of 15% (as an example) is impact on insertion loss varies with different printed board
not meant to suggest that the true insertion loss is within 15% materials.
of the reported value. Rather, the uncertainty estimate is
A Test chamber with variable temperature setting is needed.
merely an indicator for the amount of measurement and
A suggested temperature range is 0 °C ~ +100 °C, or other-
de-embedding error evident at any given point.
wise specified by the tester. Temperature accuracy is < ± 1 °C
of actual set point. Humidity accuracy is < ± 5% RH of actual
5.4.5 Determine the Usable Bandwidth of Reported
set point, or otherwise specified by the tester.
Insertion Loss The uncertainty level described in 5.4.4 can
be used to determine the usable bandwidth of the reported It is recommended to use phase-stabilized cables for tem-
insertion loss. The user can set up an acceptable uncertainty perature ranges of 0 °C ~ +100 °C, or otherwise specified by
level based on a specific application, and then examine the the tester. Figure 5-6 provides an example of a temperature
reported insertion loss value at various frequencies, to deter- experiment setup.
mine its usable bandwidth of reported insertion loss (where
the uncertainty level is smaller than the pre-set value).
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Printed Boards with Frequency Domain Methods
9) Conduct the short trace characterization from Step 4. [3] R. B. Marks, ‘‘A Multiline Method of Network Analyzer
10) Post-process the results using methods described in Calibration,‘‘ IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory
Section 1.2.2. and Techniques 39, pp. 1205-1215, July 1991.
[4] C. Seguinot et al.: – Multimode TRL ‘‘A new concept in
Note: The humidity is controlled at RH of 50% (±5%) for all
microwave measurements’’
data points, except for 0 and 100 °C.
[5] D. Degroot, J. Jargon, R. Marks, ‘‘Multiline TRL
5.7 Test Report Below is an example of the list of informa- revealed,’’ 60th ARFTG Conference Digest, Fall 2002.
tion to be included in the test report. The actual format and [6] Y. Shlepnev, ‘‘Broadband material model identification
information to be included in the test report may vary based with GMS-parameters’’, 2015 IEEE 24th Conference on
on the requirement of specific customer: Electrical Performance of Electronic Packaging and Sys-
• VNA Settings: test frequency range, step size, IF bandwidth, tems (EPEPS’2015), October 25-28, 2015, San Jose,
etc. CA.
• Probing method: handheld probe, microwave probe, or [7] G. F. Engen and C. A. Hoer, ‘‘Thru-Reflect-Line: An
printed board mounted co-axial connector without probes Improved Technique for Calibrating the Dual Six-Port
Automatic Network Analyzer,‘‘ Microwave Theory and
• Manufacturer and part number of the probe (if used), and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 27, pp.987-993,
the bandwidth of the probe per 4.2
• Condition of test samples per 3.8.1 or 3.8.2 [8] V. Adamian, B. Cole, ‘‘A Novel Procedure for Character-
• Temperature and humidity of testing condition for Room- ization of Multiport High Speed Balanced Devices,’’
Temperature test DesignCon, San Jose, CA, 2007.
[9] H. Barnes, E. Bogatin, J. Moreira, J. Ellison, et al. ‘‘A
• Temperature and humidity of testing condition for Varying-
NIST Traceable PCB Kit for Evaluating the Accuracy of
Temperature test per 5.6
DeEmbedding Algorithms and Corresponding Metrics,’’
• Calibration or de-embedding method per 1.2.2 or 1.3.1 or DesignCon 2018.
[10] X. Ye, J. Fan and J. Drewniak, ‘‘New De-embedding
• Insertion loss fitting method per 5.4.2 or 5.4.3 Techniques for PCB Transmission-Line Characteriza-
tion’’, DesignCon 2015.
• Values of the insertion loss at test frequencies, in dB/inch or
dB/cm [11] IEEE P370 open-source 2X-Thru de-embedding code,
• Uncertainty estimate at test frequencies per 5.4.4
[12] https://standards.ieee.org/standard/370-2020.html
• Any anomalies in the test or variations from this test method
[13] S. Moon, X. Ye, R. Smith, ‘‘Comparison of TRL Calibra-
6 Reference Documents tion vs. 2X-Thru De-embedding Methods,’’ IEEE Interna-
tional Symposium on EMC and SI, 2015.
[1] N. R. Franzen, R. A. Speciale, ‘‘A New Procedure for
System Calibration and Error Removal in Automated [14] A. Koul, M. Koledintseva, S. Hinaga, J. Drewniak, ‘‘Dif-
S-Parameter Measurements,’’ Proceedings of the 5th ferential Extrapolation Method for Separating Dielectric
European Microwave Conference, Hamburg, Germany, and Rough Conductor Losses in Printed Circuit
1-4 September 1975, pp. 69-73. Boards,’’ IEEE Transaction on Electromagnetic Compat-
[2] R. A. Soares, P. Gouzien, P. Legaud, G. Follot ‘‘A Unified ibility, Vol. 54, No. 2, April 2012.
mathematical approach to two-port calibration tech- [15] X. Ye, M. Balogh, ‘‘Physics-Based Fitting to Improve
niques and some applications,’’ IEEE Trans. on MTT, v. PCB Loss Measurement Accuracy,’’ IEEE International
37, N 11 1989, pp. 1669-1674. Symposium on EMC, 2017.
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