Evaluation of Flexible Pavement by Using Dynamic Cone Penetration Test

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Evaluation of Flexible Pavement by Using Dynamic

Cone Penetration Test
Rajana Raja Kumar1, K Vamsi Satyanarayana2, Dr. N C Anil3, P Sanyasi Naidu4
PG Student, 2Assistant Professor, 3Associate Professor, 4Assistant Professor,
Civil Engineering & Sanketika Institute of Technology and Management, Andhra Pradesh, India

Abstract—Over the past four decades, the share of total rail and establishing and designing the necessary corrective actions
road traffic carrying passengers and goods has gradually such as maintenance and rehabilitation.
increased from about 24 percent and 11 percent, respectively, in
1951 to about 80 percent and 58 percent, respectively, in 1990. Several performance prediction models have been
Road length has increased correspondingly, from 0.4 million km proposed over the years. The models vary greatly in their
in 1951 to 2 million km, giving a road density of 59 km/100km2. comprehensiveness, their ability to predict performance with
Because of fast and ever-increasing industrial, commercial, and reasonable accuracy, and input data requirement. Most of
other socioeconomic development activities, the road transport these models are empirical and were developed for use under
vehicle population, particularly vehicles population, particularly particular traffic and climatic conditions. Few of the models
vehicles carrying goods, has also increased phenomenally during
this period.
are of mechanistic – empirical type in which some of the input
parameters are calculated using mechanistic models.
Because of economies in road transportation,
overloading by truck operators is common. The majority of the This report gives brief review of the existing models,
arterial road system experiences overloading, as much as 18 to particularly those models that are being used or under
20-tonne axle loads versus the permissible legal limit of 10.2 development in the local countries. The report forms part of
tones. The existing road network has shown signs of premature the preparatory work for the present project on deterioration
distress because of the unexpected demands of growing traffic models for flexible pavements.
volume and heavier axle loads. The network has fallen short of
its structural capacity and hence it is greatly overstrained. The The main goal of the project is to develop a practical
majority of allocated funds are utilized for providing M&R performance model for flexible road constructions based on
measures to the existing network rather than for new already existing models
construction. The funds being provided for the arterial road
network are on the order of 50 to 60 percent of the amount B. Terminology
Some terms and expressions are often
With this background, in the present study, a road interchangeably used, in some cases with slightly different
sections were identified in Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh to meanings. It is therefore considered necessary to clarify the
carry out the pavement performance study on distresses. For the meaning of the key terms and expressions employed in this
selected stretch data was collected on rutting, raveling, potholes, report. These terms are defined in the following paragraph.
edge failures, traffic, etc and soil samples of the subgrade for the
determination of laboratory or insitu moisture content. The 1. Pavement: The term pavement is used in this report to
detailed analysis was performed using NCSS statistical tool and mean the whole road structure with all of its layers and not
to develop a pavement performance model for the selected just the surfacing layer.
stretch. Based on surrounding soil values the California bearing
ratio values are taken in to consideration for designs. 2. Flexible pavement: A pavement type in which bituminous
mixtures are used as surfacing materials.
Key words: Dynamic cone penetration test (DCP), Million
standard axles (msa), CBR Values, IRC:37-2001, Empirical 3. Pavement performance: Pavement performance is a
models, mechanistic empirical models measure of the in-service condition of the pavement.
I. INTRODUCTION Performance is often expressed in two ways; the first is
A. General structural performance which is expressed in terms of
distresses such as cracking and the second is functional
The accurate prediction of pavement performance is performance expressed in terms of serviceability, which in
important for efficient management of road infrastructure. At turn might be function of distresses such as rutting and
the network level, pavement performance prediction is roughness. The term performance in this report refers to the
essential for rational budget and resource allocation. At general condition of the pavement, including its structural and
programming level, pavement performance prediction is functional condition, unless otherwise specified.
needed for adequate activity planning and project
prioritization while at project level it is needed for

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

4. Pavement deterioration: Represents a negative change in 4. To observe the indentified pavement has its strength
performance or condition of the pavement, i.e, an increase in is in within limits by using dynamic cone penetration
distresses or decrease in serviceability. test.
C. Need for the Study:
An attempt to investigate Mohammed Taleb
The purpose of the review was to find out the strengths and
Obaidat et.al (1997)1 the potential capabilities and accuracy
the weaknesses of present model in order to provide basis for
of the stereo vision system in quantification of pavement rut
more detailed evaluations, selection and improvement of
depth was performed. This process was demonstrated using
three rutted sections of flexible pavement.
1. Performance prediction models represent a key
Measurement and Utilization of Rutting Data is
element of road infrastructure asset management
provided J.J. Hajek et.all (1998)2 In response to the
systems or pavement management systems. Thus
increased occurrence of rutting, particularly dual rutting, in
successful implementation of these systems depends
1988 the Ontario Ministry of Transportation started a
heavily on the performance prediction model used as
comprehensive program to measure, manage, and utilize
the accuracy of the predictions determines the
rutting data as part of the pavement management system at
reasonableness of the decisions.
both project and network levels.
2. Several pavement performance prediction models
have been proposed over the years. Many of these In-situ penetration tests have been widely used in
models are developed for application in a particular geotechnical and foundation engineering for site investigation
region or country under specific traffic and climatic in support of analysis and design. The standard penetration
conditions. Therefore they can not be directly test (SPT) and the cone penetration test are two typical in-situ
applied in other countries or conditions. Penetration tests. The field testing includes the DCPT and
3. Although much research has been devoted to nuclear density gauge tests. Based on analysis of this testing,
performance modeling of pavements, a the relationships between the DCPT results and the subgrade
comprehensive model that can predict pavement parameters such as unconfined compression strength and
performance accurately has yet to be developed resilient modulus are obtained is theory is given by Indiana
network and project levels. The mechanistic- Department of Transportation and Federal Highway
empirical models are often developed in connection Administration (2003)3
to design systems and therefore have not been
Indian standard deals with the design of flexible
widely applied in pavement management systems
pavement and recommends the california bearing ratio as an
(PMS), but have the potential to be applied at a
indicator of sub grade soil strength. The sub base/base
network level. The subjective models are mostly
thickness of pavement is governed by the CBR value of the
developed for strategic (investment) planning at the
sub grade soil along with some other parameters such as
network level.
traffic intensity, climatic conditions etc.
Thus, the review showed that there is a need to
LUU Xuan Le et.al (2016) 7Defined Rutting of a
develop improved models for use both at the network level
Asphalt pavement as longitudinal surface depression in the
and the project level. In order to develop such improved
wheel path. This is one of the main deformation problems of
models, it is recommended to take the following steps in the
asphalt pavement. In recent years in Vietnam, scale and
present study.
severity of rutting on asphalt pavement keep increasing
D. Objectives significantly on national roads, according to reports of
Directorate for Roads of Vietnam the central road authority at
1. To examine the static pavement characteristics
in Vietnam.
included the road type, pavement thickness,
composition of different layers, pavement width, and Dynamic Cone Penetrometer Value and California
shoulders width and indentify certain deterioration Bearing Ratio Relationship Is Derived RAJ KUMAR e.t al
length of pavement. (2017) 9using light of different specialists, it is watched that
2. To find dynamic pavement conditions like pavement there exist relationship be Tween’s CBR Esteem and DCPT
behavior which includes rutting of pavement, Edge esteem the connection be Tween’s CBR esteems have for the
failure raveling, minor path holes most part been resolved under splashed conditions. In light of
3. To take count of traffic characterizations like traffic above writing audit it could be presumed that Coefficient of
volume corresponding time of day daily commercial this direct relationship is rely upon plastic file and dirt
traffic and classify the different class of vehicle as substance of soil. The present examination was restricted to
two wheeler vehicles, single axles, tendam axles like fine ground soils. IRC 37 –2012 have given a solitary
buses, lorry etc… relationship.Log10CBR= 2.45-1.12 Log10 N Where N=

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Makendran Chandrakasu et.al (2018)10 Developed Transport at Kurnool: Kurnool is considered as the
a model for Roughness Estimation for low volume roads and Gateway of Rayalaseema as one must go through Kurnool to
the Pavement roughness is one of essential performance achieve Kadapa or Chittor or Anantapur areas while going
indicators that are used in road maintenance. A model was from Hyderabad. Kurnool is having the second biggest
developed in this study to obtain roughness value from easily transport station in Andhra Pradesh after Hyderabad and
measurable distress values, namely cracking and potholes, for Vijayawada. Kurnool is associated with most urban
low-volume roads in India. The data collected at 173 in- communities and towns in Andhra Pradesh and in addition to
service flexible pavements were utilized for model Bengaluru and Chennai by the Andhra Pradesh State Road
development. Using the model developed in this study, a Transport Corporation (APSRTC) and the Karnataka State
satisfactory roughness value can indirectly be obtained from Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC). National Highway 7
the cracking and potholing data, even without the use of a associates Kurnool to Hyderabad (210 km,4.hours),
roughness measuring device. Anantapur (140 km, three hours), Hindupur {245 km, 5.5
hours} and Bengaluru (360 km. The State Highway 51
III. STUDY METHODOLOGY interfaces with Srisailam, Vinukonda, Guntur, Vijayawada.
The National Highway 18 Kurnool-Chittoor associates the
In the past section, a point by point review with
city to Panyam, Nandyal, Allagadda, Ahobilam(near to the
respect to the different past examinations on asphalt execution
highway),Mahanandi(near to the highway),Maidukuru,
was talked about. Encourage particular extent of the work, Kadapa, Rayachoty Pileru, and Chittoor.
touched base at from the writing audit, was likewise
exhibited. Insight with respect to the proposed strategy for the The four railroad stations in Kurnool District are
present examination is exhibited in this part. With the end Kurnool Town, Adoni, Nandyal and Dhone intersection.
goal of Pavement Performance Study (PPS) in Andhra Adoni is on the Chennai-Mumbai Railway Line and a few
Pradesh the accompanying street extends is chosen for the trains run every day to these urban communities and New
examination in the Kurnool region in view of the chose Delhi. Nandyal is on the Guntakal - Vijayawada line and has
parameters and criteria, and distinctive real urban every day trains to Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Bengaluru,
communities between on NH-18 are displayed in Table 1 Vishakhapatnam and Howrah. Dhone intersection is arranged
on the Guntakal - Secunderabad/Vijayawada line. Every one
of the trains which go through Nandyal and Kurnool go
DETAILS OF POPULATION, RAINFALL INTENSITY OF CITIES through this intersection. The closest airplane terminal is
Road Rainfall Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, at Hyderabad, three and
# Name of the cities District Population
length intensity half hours drive from Kurnool City.
1 KURNOOL 4,78,124 704
A. Rules for Selection of Road Section.
2 ORVAKALLU 4,866 579
KURNO The test areas have been chosen in view of the accompanying
3 NANDYAL 2,11,787 836
OL criteria.
4 ALLAGADDA 26,375 800
 The length of test area to be 1000m, beginning from
5 CHAGALAMARI 47,076 798
a land check thing (like the sign leading body of
6 MYDUKUR 72,356 719 273+550 to 274 of the street).
7 KHAJIPETA 48,784 734  Test areas are to be chosen to speak to various blends
48,654 691 of sub grade soil write, asphalt compose and
A organization, activity power, yearly precipitation.
9 KADAPA 3,44,078 725
Areas are to be chosen on straight reaches.
10 RAYACHOTI 90,814 605  The test areas are to be chosen to cover beyond what
11 PILERU CHITO 61824 760 many would consider possible the accompanying
OR three factors.
12 CHITTOOR 1,74,640 1048

Kurnool is a locale in Andhra Pradesh, India Kurnool

District has a region of 17600 km2, and a populace of
4,78,124 of which having 704mm yearly rain fall. The locale
is limited by Mahbubnagar area toward the north, Prakasham
region toward the east and Kadapa region toward the
southeast, , and Karnataka state toward the west, Anantapur
region toward the south . Kandanavolu' which in course of the
time came to be known as Kurnool. Kurnool is notable for its
sanctuaries. The Kurnool region headquarter is Kurnool city.
Fig.1 View of selected stretch in Kurnool (NH-18)

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

Fig .5 NH-18

In the above map the shows the our selected stretch, these are
Fig. 2 India Map taken from google earth the second picture represents the
India map and the third picture represents the A.P map and
fifth picture shows the National Highway-18 and finally the
selected stretch by considering above mentioned guide lines
are respected stretch is selected.
B. Date of Visits for Data Collection

No of Visits Date of visit Data collected

1 25-01-2017 Rutting depth measured

2 20-02-2017 Traffic data collection(24 hours)

3 28-02-2017 Test conducted on soil sample

4 28-02-2017 Observations of different failures

5 21-03-2017 Traffic data collection(24 hours)

6 03-04-2017 Rutting depth & failures observed

Fig. 3 Andhra Pradesh Map
7 06-04-2017 Traffic data collection(24 houres)

8 13-04-2017 DCP Test conducted on road

C. Details of Selected Road

Information gathering through the direct of
recommended try shapes the most critical part of concentrate
as the information acquired structures the reason for
investigating the issue attributes. Healing measures prompting
appropriate arrangements are to be guaranteed at ground on
points of interest accumulation related with the issue which
are utilized as a part of definition of start to issues. In this
section strategies embraced are depicted and the information
so gathered is handled and exhibited
Fig. 4 Selected stretch

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

IV. APPLICATION METHODOLOGY properties of flexible pavement or sub grade soils. The
conventional approach to evaluate strength and stiffness
A. Overview of the Methodology
properties of asphalt and sub grade soils involves a core
sampling procedure and a complicated laboratory testing
program such as resilient modulus, Marshall tests and Due to
its economy and simplicity, better understanding of the DCPT
results can reduce significantly the effort and cost involved in
the evaluation of pavement and sub grade soils.the DCP
consists of upper and lower shafts. The upper shaft has an. Fig
6 shows a typical configuration of the dynamic cone
penetrometer (DCP).
8 kg (17.6 lb) drop hammer with a 575 mm (22.6 in)
drop height and is attached to the lower shaft through the
anvil. The lower shaft contains an anvil and a cone attached at
the end of the shaft. The cone is replaceable and has a 60
degree cone angle. As a reading device, an additional rod is
used as an attachment to the lower shaft with marks at every
5.1mm (0.2in).
In order to run the DCPT, two operators are required. One
person drops the hammer and the other records measurements.
The first step of the test is to put the cone tip on the testing
surface. The lower shaft containing the cone moves
independently from the5reading rod sitting on the testing
surface throughout the test. The initial reading is not usually
Fig. 6 Study Methodology equal to 0 due to the disturbed loose state of the ground
surface and the self-weight of the testing equipment.
B. Description of Rutting Data Collection
Rutting of pavement can represent a major hazard to
users as well as being an early indicator of pavement failure. The value of the initial reading is counted as initial
Rut depth measurements are therefore usually included in penetration corresponding to blow 0. the penetration result
most of the road monitoring programmers. Rutting is defined from the first drop of the hammer. Hammer blows are
as the difference in elevation between the straight edges repeated and the penetration depth is measured for each
resting on two high points to the lowest point on the pavement hammer drop. This process is continued until a desired
surface. In the present investigation the rut depth was penetration depth is reached.
measured using 3 m straight edge positioned at different
DCPT results consist of number of blow counts versus
locations across the profile and the high and low points were
penetration depth. Since the recorded blow counts are
determined. From this the rutting was calculated.
cumulative values, results of DCPT in general are given as
C. Description of Traffic Data Collection incremental values defined as follows,
Traffic volume counts are needed to determine the 𝑃𝐼 = ∆DP
traffic using the highway so that planner gets accurate idea of
the need for the improving the pavement surface. Traffic where PI = DCP penetration index in units of length divided
by blow count; ΔDp =penetration depth; BC = blow counts
counts are carried out on continuous basis or for limited basis.
corresponding to penetration depth ΔDp. As a result,values of
The volume study for selected stretch done for NH-18 at
the penetration index (PI) represent DCPT characteristics at
273+550 to 274+550 have considered 2 days 24hours data,
certain depths.
conducted have considered all the slow moving and fast
moving vehicles at regular intervals of 1 hour. As far as this V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
report have considered only commercial vehicles such that the
gross weight of vehicle is more than 3 tons for calculation of A. General
M.S.A. Because the pavement deterioration is directly This chapter deals with results and discussions of the data
proportional to the load under repetition. collection and tests conducted on selected road on pavement
D. Description of Dynamic Cone Penetration Test (DCPT) performance the following table are prepared by using of data
collection of rutdepth, traffic volume selected street is
The dynamic cone penetration test (DCPT) was includes towards Kurnool and toward kadapa during 3visits
originally developed as an alternative for evaluating the on traffic data ,2 visits on rut depth and moisture content other

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

failure like revaling, patholes,edge failure and dynamic cone

penetration test on single visit on selected road identified on
pavement performanace. The traffic data classified as
different axle loads as a different wheel loads
To done Tabular Calculations, it can be observed that there is
significant variation in rut depth i.e. maximum rut depth is 12
mm towards Nandyal and 11 mm towards Kadapa for january
and depth is 12.3 mm towards Nandyal and 11.4mm towards
Kadapa for March respectively. This may be due to the many
factors such as traffic, sub grade moisture content etc. One
can observe from above data that in both instances the rut
depth is within the limits (5 and 20 mm) as per IRC:SP:20 and Graph 1. Hourly variation of all vehicles towards kunool
IRC 37-2001 respectively. In some instances for 50 mm Same we can also observed that hours variation all vehicles
subsection, the sample data reported that there was no rutting towards kadapa, hours variation of traffic data towards
when the profile indicated significant rutting. The pictorial Kurnool during 2ndcount, hours variation of traffic data
variation of rut depth and average rut depth of all the selected towards Kadapa during 2ndcount, hourly variation of traffic
test stretches are presented in Figure. data towards Kurnool 3rdcount and hourly variation of traffic
data towards Kadapa 3rdcount
C. Results of Dynamic Cone Penetration Test
The dynamic cone penetration test conducted on 274+540L
Depth of
Number of
penetration in
Initial Final

0 0 11.5 155 48.9

Fig. 7 Rutting Variation towards Kadapa 5 14.9 160 49.8

From the Figure it is clearly seen that the characteristic rut 10 17.3 165 50.7
depth has been increased from January 2017 (8.44mm) to 15 18.9 170 51.3
April 2017 (8.5 mm) towards nandyal and it has been
increased from January 2017 (9.13mm) to April 2017 (9.42 20 20.4 175 52.1
mm) towards kadapa. This may be due to increase in the 25 21.8 180 53.2
number of the wheel passes on the pavement.
30 23.3 185 54.4
B. Variation of Traffic Data
35 24.6 190 55.2

40 25.6 195 56.1

45 26.8 200 57

50 28.1 205 58

55 29.4 210 59.2

60 30.5 215 60.9

65 31.4 220 62.5

70 32.1 225 63.7

75 33.1 230 65.2

80 34.1 235 66.7

Fig.8 Pie chart on Hourly variation of all vehicles towards kurnool
85 35.7 240 68.7

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International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation (IJRSI) | Volume V, Issue XII, December 2018 | ISSN 2321–2705

90 36.5 245 71.7

95 37.2 250 76.7

100 38 254 81

105 39.5

110 40.4

115 41.4

120 42.3

125 43

130 43.8

135 44.9
Graph. 3 Between every five blows and depth of penetration AT chainage
140 45.8 274+050L

Graph 2 between every five blows and depth of penetration At Graph 4. Between every five blows and depth of penetration at chainage
Chainage274+540L 273+800R

From the above graph it is observed that, the rate of

penetration is uniform up to a depth of 572mm for 240 blows.
From there, the rate of penetration increased adversely due to
the reason that the cone of the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer
entered the subgrade soil. As the subgrade soil is soft
compared to the above layers, ie. The granular sub-base
(200mm), Wet mix Mecadam (250mm), Dense Bituminous
Mecadam with Wearing Coat (140mm), the penetration rate
increased (12.3cm) with less number of blows (14 blows)
after 572mm depth. Within 572mm depth, the minimum and
maximum penetration values for a single blow are 0 mm and
5mm respectively. As per the code provisions the permissible
penetration value for a single blow is 5mm.
Same tabular forms were studied, Like Table of DCP Values
At Chainage274+050 L, Table of DCP values at chainage
273+800R, Table of DCP values at chainage 274+300R, Graph 5. Between every five blows and depth of penetration at chainage
Graphs are shown in below. 274+300R

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D. M.S.A Calculations: Future Scope of Study

Design traffic in terms of million slandered axles has been In the course of recent decades, the offer of
determined at selected stretch where both volume count surveys aggregate rail and street movement conveying travelers and
were conducted. The traffic loading in terms of cumulative products has slowly expanded from around 24 percent and 11
number of standard axles for the given period has been computed percent, separately, in 1951 to around 80 percent and 58
using the following relationship. percent, individually, in 1990. Street length has expanded
AxDxFxLx 10 −6
correspondingly, from 0.4 million km in 1951 to 2 million
N = 365 x [(1+r)n -1] km, giving a street thickness of 59 km/100km2. On account of
quick and regularly expanding modern, business, and other
N = Cumulative no. of standard axles to be calculated for the financial advancement exercises, the street transport vehicle
design in terms of MSA. populace, especially vehicles populace, especially vehicles
A = Cumulative vehicles per day=5132, A=P*(1+r) n where conveying merchandise, has likewise expanded wonderfully
p=Average daily traffic(ADT) amid this period
D = Directional distribution factor =0.5 L = Lane distribution  By conducting DCP test on pavement we can
factor =0.75 estimate the performance of existing road network
whether it works or not
n = Design life in years =15  The funds released for road development in India
r = Annual growth rate of c.v =7.5% (IRC-58-2002) F = will decreases drastically so it is not possible to form
Vehicle damage factor =5.00 the entire length of the at that time this type of study
will gives good guidelines for cost efficient designs.
24 Hours Traffic count=7601.5
 In future the population of vehicles will increases by
24 Hours Traffic count =7565. that time there is a possibility of rapid failure of the
roads we don’t know how much road is damaged if
A = 5056 we are not conducting DCP test on that particular
N = 91.03 MSA road we need to remove entire portion of the road.
 If we conduct DCP we will get clear idea how much
VI. CONCLUSIONS length of the road is damaged then we will repair
Based on the filled investigation and analysis : In this paper only that particular portion of the road. In this way
the nominal effects of pavement roughness on vehicle- we will reduce the cost.
pavement interaction are demonstrated. Pavement roughness  From the above discussion it is clear that this kind of
is the primary cause for moving dynamic tyre loads on study will helps in future how to reduce the cost of
Pavements. Control and management of pavement roughness the road development
can aid in limiting the Magnitude of moving dynamic tyre
loads on a pavement. REFERENCES
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