POM - Unit-4
POM - Unit-4
POM - Unit-4
PGDM Participants
So, we can now see that Six Sigma can deliver more effective and better
results as compared to TQM, as it is a new approach over the traditional
approach of TQM. The process of Six Sigma is more result-oriented and
accurate, which will definitely make it go much further than TQM in the
7 QC Tools
1. Check Sheet: Also called defect concentration diagram
A check sheet is a structured, prepared form for collecting and analyzing
data. This is a generic data collection and analysis tools that can be adapted
for a wide variety of purposes and is considered one of the 7 basic quality
We can make use of it, when;
✓ When data can be observed and collected repeatedly by the same person
or at the same location.
✓ When collecting data on the frequency or patterns of events, problems,
defects, defect location, defect causes, or similar issues.
✓ When collecting data from a production process.
Step-1- Decide what event or problem will be observed. Develop
operational definitions.
Step-2- Decide when data will be collected and for how long.
Step-3- Design the form. Set it up so that data can be recorded simply by
making check marks or X's or similar symbols and so that data do
not have to be recopied for analysis.
Step-4- Label all spaces on the form.
Step-5- Test the check sheet for a short trial period to be sure it collects the
appropriate data and is easy to use.
Step-6- Each time the targeted event or problem occurs, record data on the
check sheet.
Example- The figure below shows a check sheet used to collect data on
telephone interruptions. The tick marks were added as data was collected
over several weeks.
2. Fishbone Diagram: “Fishbone Diagram” also known as “Ishikawa
diagram” and “Cause and Effect diagram. It helps to Identify all
potential or probable causes and select the best cause which contributes to
the problem/effect. The brainstorming technique is used here for potential
cause identification. In a brainstorming session, all 4M or 6M factors are
taken into consideration to identify the potential causes. 4M or 6M factors
are – Man, Machine, Method, Material, Measurement, and Mother nature
also called Environment.
Steps for making “Cause and Effect Diagram”