SmartSetGo A Learning Management System

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

SmartSetGo: A Learning Management System

Jilson Correia Sonali Suryawanshi
Mumbai, India Mumbai, India

Lisa Foss Magnus Lopes

Mumbai, India Mumbai, India

Tanya Rodrigues
Mumbai, India

Abstract:- E-learning is being used nowadays in many in- methods, information technology (IT) can also create new
stitutes and universities and is also gaining popularity, ways to deliver education and innovative teaching strategies.
which provides a learning platform by using information Teaching is no longer limited to one time and one place. With
with electronic medium and technologies for computer and communication technology, teachers and
communication. We can use E- learning as another students become 4,444 learners dispersed in space and time.
alternative, such as computer-based training, online The time and physical boundaries of the traditional classroom
education or technology-enhanced learning and others. are extended into learning spaces. More and more universities
The purpose of creating an E-Learning Web Application around the world are offering virtual curricula. Some
is to provide an interactive self-learning online platform companies also offer online training programs for their
for everyone. Considering COVID-19 situation there is no employees. A simple web search will yield hundreds of web-
doubt how important the online education system is, sites that offer virtual courses or resources for developing and
being a part of the education systems, we realized that delivering such courses. Distance education service, virtual
there is a need for a platform where the students after classes by universities, online courses, and interactive
us and also our fellow peers can find most of the learning are the few multitudes of terms that are used to
schooling content in the same place. We bring an idea describe different implementations of this technology-
for building a web-based application that includes enabled learning space. Many learning methods, e.g.,
features like face recognition for login, Real time text constructive, collabora- tive, and experiential, are supported.
editor for coding assignment and different sections for Web-based technologies have been revolutionizing
posting lecture videos, notes, assignments and a question- education. The challenges facedin the web-based education
and-answer section, with a simple easy to understand user system can be stated as internet connectivity and data usage
interface so that students can use this service. which causes major problems likepiracy. Video streaming is
another major issue faced in the e-learning industry as there
Keywords:- LMS, Classroom, Instructor, Student, Assign- is fluctuation in the bandwidth due to technical issues.
ment, Lecture notes, Face-recognition. Students also face challenges with adaptability as not
everyone is well understood about the concept of learning
I. INTRODUCTION outside the classroom. The basic situation that students face
problems in managing all of the schooling content online,
A learning management system (LMS) is a software cannot be ignored. Students need a platform that can solve all
application for the administration, documentation, tracking, of the issues like content sorting, lecture videos, assignments
report- ing, automation and delivery of educational courses, which will be helpful in the future. But due to the lack of
training programs, or learning and development programs. resources for high network requirements,all the participants
Because of the complex online learning system that has been cannot attend the online education system, which creates the
imposed on the students due to the pandemic situation most need for this system, which also allows the participants to get
of the partici- pants are not able to attend the online classes the missed content. Subsequently, Educators and Students
and hence, was a need of this application. As students, we needed to switch applications for Assignments, notes, or
noticed that there is alack of one-on-one interaction between video Lectures, Where there is an absence of oneon one
educators and students, which causes students to lose focus communication among educators and Students. The system
and concentration. There is a need for a platform where includes authorized users in the e-learning websites where
prospective students, as well as our peers, can find most of one share’s his/her login credentials with other users which
the content, such as lecture notes, assignments, and Question can create unauthorized access, and to prevent this we are
and Answers sessions, all in one place. Educators have going to implement face recognition in our system. Due to
recently seen a rapid rise in web-based learning applications. high video quality, excessive amounts of data are being used.
[5] These Web-learning environments have made learning
much more convenient by stretching the barriers of space and
time. In addition to improving traditional educational

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
II. RELATED WORK particular topic or lab manual of the experiment that is
associated with the subject will be available for the students.
Several papers have been referenced related to this Third section is for assignment or tests. The teachers can post
topicin which written is [1] The author Tretinjak, M. F. has the assignment that needs to be completed by the students in
developed a Learning Management software application for this section and it will also be easy for the student to appear
the administration, documentation and delivering of for it. Same goes for the test or any quiz that is posted by
electronic education to the students. The best way for to the teacher. Fourth section is the Question and answer
convert black- board teaching into LMS is to implement section, Here the student can post their doubt related to the
Flipped teaching (self learning via course content, readings, subject or related to the study materialthat is provided or
personal activities) which is also called as reverse it can be about the assignment or quiz thatis posted. As and
engineered teaching. [2] Inthe following paper Moodle was when the teacher sees it she can clear their doubt accordingly.
built via cloud network for electronic lessons where teachers Fifth section will consist of a live code editor where students
have the rights to edit the contents at any time. The use of will be able to code, coding relatedassignment. Teachers will
web based learning system can allow them to change and be able to monitor the code of a particular student through the
design the contents and quiz very easily. [3] This paper live code editor section. Sixth section consist of Q and A.
proposes a method for predicting academic performance Where students can ask their doubt related to the particular
based on LMS data and classroom videos. Predicting student subject and the professor will be able to clear the doubt at that
performance allows teachers to help students at risk early. particular time. To check if the same individual has signed in,
The variables used in academic performance prediction face recognition is implemented in our system. For building
studies are: pre-course variables and during the course face recognition in our system, the face recognition models
variables. [4] This paper proposes a method of face and dlib library was used. Recognize and manipulate faces
recognition using digital camera can be used to record from Python or from the command line with the world’s
students attendance. Also this system introduces a automatic simplest face recognition library. Built using dlib’sstate-of-
attendance system using CNN and Matlab. Face detection in the-art face recognition built with deep learning. This also
real time when the user is using the system is implemented provides a simple face recognition command line tool thatlets
using matlab. [5] The effectiveness of a learning environment you do face recognition on a folder of images from the
is primarily determined by the learning method or methods command line! .We have also used cv2 module ,and cv2
supported. To determine the relative effectiveness of different isthe module import name for opencv-python, Unofficial pre-
environments, educators need to examine the instructional built CPU-only OpenCV packages for Python. The traditional
strategies supported by these environments. After all, IT is OpenCV has many complicated steps involving building the
just an enabler. What makes the difference is not the module from scratch, which is unnecessary. For serializing
technology itself, but rather, the learning methods enabled and de-serializing, a Python object structure we have used
and supported by the technology. A simple search on the pickle module. Any object in Python can be pickled so that it
Web will result in hundreds of sites offering virtual courses can be saved on disk. Pickling is a way to convert a python
or resources for developing and delivering such courses. object (list, dict, etc.). Python when combined with Tkinter
Distance education, virtual classes, cyber courses, and providesa fast and easy way to create GUI applications.
interactive learning are just afew of the multitude of terms that Therefore we have used tkinter library for GUI .Tkinter
are used to describe different implementations of this provides a powerful object-oriented interface to the Tk GUI
technology-enabled learning space. Multiple learning toolkit. The implementation of face recognition was done in
methods, e.g., constructive, collaborative, and experiential, python and after the successful implementation, it was
are being supported. Web-based technologies are certainly collaborated with our login screen for the verification of the
revolutionizing education. valid user. Set of training images were taken which will help
in identifyingwhere the valid user has logged in. With the
III. METHODOLOGY help of theface recognition teachers will also be able to
see the dateand time the user logged in the system. In order
This project aims to build a platform to help the to complete coding assignments, the students will have
studentsget over the traditional methods of learning and make access to a realtime code sharing editor. A feedback form
them accustomed to the internet where the notes for their will be provided for both teachers and students. Figure 1
respective subjects are easily available. This system makes represents the block diagram of SmartSetGo, here when the
accessingthe lecture related material easy for the student as user first visits the website they will have to sign up using the
they don’t have to search for it in one section but four face recognition. Once that is done the user will be directed
different section will be made available. It will also be to the home page where depending on whether it is a teacher
convenient for theteachers as they can easily keep a track or a student the classes will be displayed. For a student,
of material posted and tests conducted. In this system the they will be ableto access recorded lecture videos, notes,
following features will be provided where the first section assignment or tests and a section where they can post their
will consists of recorded lecture videos. As soon as the lecture queries related to the particular topic. For a teacher, they
is done the respective teacher of that particular classroom can will be given access to the classroom where they can
upload the video and the student who missed out on the upload the material in theirrespective section and also solve
lecture for any reason can easily re-watch the lecture and queries post in the question and answer section.
catch up on the part they missed. Second section will be
for lecture notes. Here the study material related to the

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 3. Here user will register his/her face for face


The face recognition registration page is a python based

face recognition system that uses OpenCV to capture images
of the user during login or registration and compares with the
images in the database and authenticates the user.

Fig. 4. The user’s face will be recognized based on the

training images and than it will direct the user to the home
Fig. 1. Flowchart diagram for SmartSetGo
page and user will be logged in

This project focuses on building an all in one platform

where there will be different sections for recorded lecture
videos, notes, assignments or tests and for doubt clearing.
It is an easy to use, user-friendly web application. With the
help of Facial recognition it is easy to authenticate if the same
user has logged in and there is no malicious activity carried
out by the users.
Fig. 5. This is the homepage, and from here the user can
either create or join class.

Fig. 2. Login Page for SmartSetGo

Fig. 6. Creating class

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Fig. 7. After the class has been created the instructor can
share the class code with the students and hence they can
join the classroom using the provided code and the owners
email i.e the teachers email.

The class has been created such that the content is well
justified for the students and teacher to access the material
with ease.

Fig. 10. In this section we have text editor where student

will be able to code different programming language and
in the Q and A section teachers and students can interact
by asking/ posting their queries

Fig. 11. After joining the classes instructor can upload the
Fig. 8. In the following section announcements and
document or the lecture notes which can be accessible for
lecture notes will be posted by the professor for the student
the students
to access.

SmartSetGo is an application that will make the online

learning system an easy to use and user-friendly way of
learning. Student-teacher interaction will be enhanced, which
will provide students with the opportunity to study additional
topics that interest them through the materials provided by
their teachers. To provide a user-friendly interface for stu-
dents of all ages, is the basic objective of this project. This
enhanced user interface makes it easier for students to
discover content and saves them time and stress from having
to switch between multiple applications (study material,
lecture videos, assignments, etc.) The performance can be
improved in several ways like reduced time for loading the
web page and easy navigation of pages in single-page
applications. As it is very easy to navigate to different page
and filter content, end users will be more comfortable using
single-page applications. The system is to make grading of
programming assignments more efficient. This system will
Fig. 9. In the following section assignment an video help students to improve the qualityof their code. Detailed
analysis of student’s performance will help teachers to guide
recording will be posted. student can complete quiz etc in
that particular student to improve their skill. We also
the assignment section

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Volume 7, Issue 4, April – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
provided a platform for teachers to create and monitor [8]. S. Deshmukh, D. Mane and A. Retawade, ”Building
programming assignments. a Single Page Application Web Front-end for E-
Learning site,” 2019 3rd Interna- tional Conference on
FUTURE SCOPE Computing Methodologies and Communication
(ICCMC), 2019, pp. 985-987, doi:
In future there will be need for a more flexible, 10.1109/ICCMC.2019.8819703.
customized style, where a more technologically oriented
classroom can be developed. Students will want their
educational experience to be customized to their own
interests, time limits, and academic requirements. We can
transform a text editor into an IDEin the future, and a
chat-bot may be developed by addingmore functionality,
such as the ability to reply to a particular message or query
from the supplied option press Reply.


[1]. Tretinjak, M. F. (2018). “Moving teaching from

blackboard to the learning management system —
Helping absent students learn from home.” 2018 41st
International Convention on Information and Com-
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Pasakawee, ”Web Based Design for E-Learning
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Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems
(APCCAS), Bangkok, Thailand, 2019, pp. 413-
[3]. Liu, W., Xu, W., Zhan, X., Liu, W., & Cheng, W.
(2020). Student Performance Prediction by LMS Data
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(ICCSE). doi:10.1109/iccse49874.2020.92016.
[4]. J. F. Rusdi, F. Richard Kodong, R. E. Indrajit, H.
Sofyan, Ab- durrohman and R. Marco, ”Student
Attendance using Face Recog- nition Technology,”
2020 2nd International Conference on Cy- bernetics
and Intelligent System (ICORIS), 2020, pp. 1-4, doi:
[5]. Khalifa, Mohamed Lam, Rinky. (2002). Web-based
learning: Effects on learning process and outcome.
Education, IEEE Transactions on. 45. 350 - 356.
[6]. Ikawati, Yunia; Al Rasyid, M. Udin Harun; Winarno,
Idris (2020). [IEEE 2020 International Electronics
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[7]. Kirana, K. C., Wibawanto, S., Cahyono, G. P. (2020).
Design of Teleconference-based Learning Management
System for a Learning Tool in the Co-19 Pandemic. 2020
4th International Conference on Vocational Education
and Training (ICOVET).

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