Poly Questionnaire NA
Poly Questionnaire NA
Poly Questionnaire NA
a. Evidence
b. Knowledge
c. Proof
d. Filing
2. It is a scientific police method in the detection of crime. Therefore, not a part of criminalistics,
but rather a kind of instrumentation in the detection of crime.
a. Photography
b. Polygraphy or lie detection
c. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
d. Chemistry
3. One who is capable of being able to detect deception or verify truth of statement through
instrument or the use of mechanical device.
a. Polygraph examiner
b. Interrogator
c. Detective
d. Medico-legal officer
5. Of the three devices which record the psycho-physiological response, one of the following is not
6. Which of the following is not included in the four phases in the conduct of Polygraph or lie
detection test.
7. Which of the following is not a required qualification and quality expected of a polygraph
8. It is one where before the actual testing is done, the examiner must first make an informal
interview of the subject which may last from 20 to 30 minutes.
a. Pre- test interview
b. Actual interrogation and interview and recording of the proceedings
c. Post-test interrogation
d. All of the above
9. These are questions, which have no bearing to the cause under investigation.
a. Control
b. Irrelevant
c. Relevant
d. Supplementary
a. Control
b. Irrelevant
c. Relevant
d. Supplementary
11. These are questions which are unrelated to the matter under investigation but are of similar
nature although less serious as compared to those relevant questions under investigation.
a. Control
b. Irrelevant
c. Relevant
d. Supplementary
12. A kind of test that may be performed and incorporated as a part of the standard test described
above, depending upon the result of the standard test in order to draw a better conclusion.
a. Control
b. Irrelevant
c. Relevant
d. Supplementary
13. This test may be given if the subject is not yet informed of the details of the offense for which
he is being interrogated by the investigator, or by other persons or from other sources like print
a. Silent answer
b. Peak of - tension
c. Guilt complex
d. Narrative
14. This test may be applied when the response to relevant and control questions are similar in
degree and consistency and in a way that the examiner cannot determine whether the subject is
telling the truth or not.
a. Silent answer
b. Peak of - tension
c. Guilt complex
d. Narrative
15. This test is conducted in the same manner as relevant, irrelevant and control questions are
asked, but the subject is instructed to answer the questions silently, to himself, without making
any verbal response.
a. Silent answer
b. Peak of - tension
c. Guilt complex
d. Narrative
16. In this test, a list of stimulus and non- stimulus words are read to the subject who is instructed
to answer as quickly as possible. The answers to the questioned maybe “yes” or “no”. This test is
not concerned with the answer, be it yes or no. The important is the time of response in relation to
delay the answer.
17. This kind of test detects measures and graphically displays the voice modulation that we
cannot hear. Such when a person is relaxed and responding honesty to the questions, those
inaudible frequencies are registered clearly on the instrument. But when a person is under stress,
as when he is lying, these frequencies tend to disappear .
18. In this kind of test, the hyoscine hydro bromide drug is given hypodermically in repeated dose
until a state of delirium is induced. When the proper point is reached, the questioning begins and
the subject feels a compulsion to answer the questions truthfully.
a. Hypnotism
b. Administration of Truth Serum
c. Narcoanalytic or Narco synthesis
d. Intoxication with the use of alcoholic beverage
19. In this kind of test, psychiatric sodium penthol is administered to the subject. When the effects
appear, questioning starts. It is claimed that the drug causes depression of the inhibitory
mechanism of the brain and the subject induces to talk freely.
20. This test which has the apparent stimulation is really the result of the control mechanism of
the brain. The ability of this kind of the test to reveal the real person behind the mask which all of
us is said to wear- “mask of sanity, is reflected in the age-old maxim” In Vino Veritas” which means,
In Wine there is truth”.
21. It is the alteration of consciousness and concentration in which the subject manifests a
heightened of suggestibility while awareness is maintained.
22. This chart interpretation changes the individual norm which may be considered indicative of
a. Galvanograph Tracing
b. Pneumograph
c. Cardiosphygmograph
d. All of the above
23. This is normally located at the center portion of the Chart, when properly balanced; it takes the
form of slightly wavering line across the middle portion of the chart with minor response to
spoken stimuli.
a. Galvanograph Tracing
b. Pneumograph
c. Cardiosphygmograph
d. All of the above
24. This takes the specific responses indicative of deception, such as increase or decrease of blood
pressure, increase or decrease of pulse, etc.
a. Galvanograph Tracing
b. Pneumograph
c. Cardiosphygmograph
d. All of the above
25. What are the bases of the polygraph theory that who’s on the examiner is lying he/she will
react physiology to the questions during the rest.
a. Fear of detection
b. Fear of being untruthful
c. Fear of deception
d. Fear of unknown
26. What type of questions is asked during the test that deals with a known fact which the subject
cannot lie?
a. Control question
b. Knowledge question
c. Relevant question
d. Irrelevant question
27. What is the term used to described the reaction of the subject being recorded by the
polygraph during the test.
a. Emotional reaction
b. Physiological reaction
c. Psychological Reaction
d. Biological Reaction
28. What are the nature questions that establish the norm of the subject during the test?
a. Relevant question
b. Irrelevant question
c. Strong Relevant question
d. Weak Relevant question
a. Reaction
b. Deception
c. Detection
d. Response
30. An acute disturbance of the individual as a whole psychological in origin involving behavior
conscious experience and visceral functioning.
a. Emotion
b. Deception
c. Response
d. Reaction
31. The following are the different kinds of external response except:
a. Twitching at the corner of the lips
b. Facial expression
c. Excessive winking, movement at the vein at the temple
d. Dryness of the mouth
e. None of these
32. This device or instrument capable of recording changes in blood pressure/pulse beats,
respiration, and galvanic skin reflex as indicative of emotional excitement especially of lying when
a. Deception
b. Polygraph
c. Poligraph
d. All of the above
a. Subject
b. Investigator
c. Polygraph examiner
d. All of the above
a. Pre-employment
b. Periodic screening
c. Mental capability
d. Promotion
35. This method of deception detection is sought to answer the legal investigation process.
36. One of the conditions of the subject to be considered fit during the test is that he/she must
refrain from the use of alcohol, sedatives, prohibited drugs and other syrup or capsules for at least
how many hours.
a. 10
b. 11
c. 12
d. 13
37. One of the limitations of polygraph state that “it is accurate as the examiner is”:
a. Competent
b. Intelligent
c. Well trained
d. All of the above
38. Under observation method, the following are true facial expression except:
a. Sweating of forehead
b. Quivering Nostrils
c. A forced laugh
d. Fidgeting
39. A self-incriminatory statement of facts by the accused which do not directly acknowledge to
commit the offense with which he is charged.
a. Admission
b. Confession
c. All of these
d. None of these
40. Another method of deception detection which was introduced in 1897 by Sir Edward Francis
a. Hypnotism
b. Observation method
c. Word- Association test
d. None of these
41. This is the kind of lie, the most common of all which is intended to protect or maintain
harmony of friendship at home, in the office or elsewhere.
a. Malicious lie
b. Benign lie
c. Pathological lie
d. None of these
42. A lie which accompanies pretensions and hypocrisies intriguing to cause dishonor or discredit
one’s good image.
a. Black lie
b. Pathological lie
c. Judicious lie
d. Malicious lie
43. This is pure and justifiable kind of lie and intended purely to mislead justice.
a. Judicious lie
b. Black lie
c. Red lie
d. Pathological lie
44. This is a lie made by person who cannot distinguish right from wrong.
a. Malicious lie
b. White lie
c. Red lie
d. Pathological lie
a. John A. Larson
b. Vittorio Benussi
c. Leonarde Keeler
d. Sir James Mckenzie
47. Year that the polygraph made its total official entrance into the computer age
a. 1992
b. 1962
c. 1970
d. 1993
48. This is the questioned designed to prove whether the subject possess information regarding
the identity of the offender, or as to the location of the evidence or other secondary elements of
the facts of the case under investigation.
a. Control question
b. Knowledge question
c. Evidence connecting question
d. Symptomatic question
49. Start of the test or the symbol that signify the test has begun.
a. X
b. S
c. XX
d. B
50. Year that the polygraph made its total official entrance into the computer age
a. 1992
b. 1962
c. 1970
d. 1993
51. A declaration of facts directly acknowledge the truth of the guilty as charged or of some
essential part of the commission of criminal act itself.
a. Admission
b. Plea
c. Confession
d. All of these
52. A computerized polygraph chart scoring algorithm that uses statistical probability to arrive
truthfulness or deception.
a. all score
b. poly score
c. score graph
d. all of these
53. First researcher to use potential computer applications for the purpose of polygraph chart
a. Y
b. N
c. +
d. –
a. 1945
b. 1943
c. 1944
d. 1946
57. It composes of the motor drive pulling the paper into 6 inches per 1 minute and chart
a. Pneumograph
b. Cardiosphygmograph
c. Galvanograph
d. Kymograph
59. Refers to the recorded tracing of all the emotional patterns permanently on the charts or graph
from the series of questions .
a. Polygraph chart
b. Graph
c. Polygram
d. All of these
60. Is one that exhibit by the subject to a particular question which is a deviation from the norm.
a. Response
b. Specific Response
c. Emotion
d. Stimulus
61. Is a complex state of feeling involving conscious experience, internal and external physical
response and power to motivate the organism?
a. Stimulus
b. Emotion
c. Reaction
d. Response
62. Is a person who devised an instrument that can record changes of blood pressure, pulse beat
and respiration simultaneously which he called the “Bread boar Lie Detector”.
a. Cesare Lombroso b. Leonardo Keller
c. Sir. James Mackenzie d. Jhon A Larson
63. The first person to conceived the idea of utilizing an instrument (hydrosphymograph) for
detecting deception in the year 1895.
a. Cesare Lombroso b. Jhon A larson
c. Leonardo Keller d. Sir James mackenzie
64. The person who devised his own polygraph machine in which aside from the Pneumograph
and Cardiosphygmograph he added two galvanic skin resistance tracing.
a. Cesare Lombroso b. Richard O. Arthur
c. Leonardo Keller d. Sir James Mackenzie
65. A person who make a great improvement on the polygraph machine which is in the year
1926, which is capable of recording blood pressure, pulse beat respiration and electrodermal
a. Cesare Lombroso b. Leonardo Keller
c. Sir. James Mackenzie d. Jhon A Larson
66. Is an ancient method of detecting deception practice in Bengal, India where accused is to
proved his innocent would touch his tongue to an extremely hot metal.
a. boiling water ordeal b. ordeal of balance
c. red hot iron ordeal d. ordeal of heat and fire
67. A scientific foundation of polygraph technique which states that among the physiological
changes that may be recorded and identified are those which may automatically occur, only
following the stimulation of these specific nervous system, components, from which the
stimulation of these specific nervous system components can be reliably diagnosed.
a. mechanical leg basic premise
b. physiological leg basic premise
c. psychological leg basic premise
d. psycho motor leg basic premise
68. Is the scientific basis of the polygraph tests which states that the polygraph machine is an
instrument capable of making records of various human functioning simultaneously in a chart
a. psycho motor leg basic premise
b. physiological leg basic premise
c. psychological leg basic premise
d. mechanical leg basic premise
72. The following are major component of the polygraph machine, Except:
a. Pneumograp b. Cardiosphygmograph
c. galvanograph d. Kymograph
73. Is that component of the polygraph machine which is designed to detect changes of
electrodermal responce:
a. Pneumograp b. Cardiosphymograph
c. Galvanograph d. Kymograph
75. Which of the following is one among the major components of the polygraph?
a. Sphygmomanometer b. Cardiosphymograph
c. Blood pressure cuff d. Kymograph
76. Is that section of the polygraph machine designed to make a permanent record of the
polygraph test.
a. Pneumograph b. Pen and ink system
c. Kymograph d. Galvanograph
77. Corrugated rubbers bellows with the aid of beaded chain should be fastened on the
a. Abdomen b. Hips
c. Waistline d. Neck
78. Is the section of the polygraph machine designed to run the paper at a regular speed of 6
inches per minutes?
a. Pneumograph b. Pen and ink system
c. Kymograph d. Galvanograph
79. Is that part of the pneumograph component which was attached to the body of the subject
with the length of 10 inches.
a. Rubber convulated tube b. Beaded chain
c. Finger electrode plate d. Blood pressure cuff
80. An attachment of the cardiosphygmograph which places above the brachial artery.
a. Arm cuff b. Wrist cuff
c. Infant cuff d. Hand cuff
83. In the ____, the bladder is centered over the radial artery:
a. Wrist cuff b. Hand cuff
c. Arm cuff d. Infant cuff
85. Is that part of cardiosphygmograph that indicates the amount of air pressure in the system
a. Air pump b. Connecting plug
c. Air cuff d. sphygmomanometer
89. What is a normal rate of respiration of a normal built person in polygraph test?
a. 60-65 b. 6-12
c. 70-75 d. 13-15
90. Generally speaking, all persons subjected to lie detector examination are all ___ and this
create a set of distortion.
a. nervous b. terrified
c. confident d. convenient
91. Is the sum total of dissimulation which the child acquire from his surroundings once he go
out and socialized with his neighbor.
a. personality b. heredity
c. education d. environment
92. The best way to conduct a thorough interview is for the investigator to:
a. Allow himself sufficient time for adjustment
b. Permit the interviewee to give narrative statement
c. Devote adequate time for an interviewee’s evaluation
d. Be guided by a pre-arranged checklist
93. What usually set the tone or condition and create the atmosphere during the interrogation?
a. Interrogators behavior b. The type of crime involved
c. Questioning style of interrogator d. The subject’s personal history
94. Is the stage in the conduct of polygraph test, which is designed to prepare or condition the
subject for the actual test?
a. Initial interview b. Post-test interview
c. Pre-test interview d. instrumentation
95. It is conducted for the purpose of obtaining confession or an admission from the subject
once deception is observed
a. Initial interview b. Post-test interview
c. Pre-test interview d. instrumentation
96. What should be the attitude of a polygraph examiner in confronting the subject in polygraph
a. Cordial but firm b. authoritative
c. arrogant d. antagonistic
98. In any interrogation the belief that man is fallible human being should not be overlooked and
therefore polygraph examiners are always subject to_____?
a. precision of diagnosis b. certainty of interpretations
c. errors d. none of these
99. It is an ancient method of detecting deception practice in Bengal, India where accused is to
prove his innocent would touch his tongue to an extremely hot metal.
a. Red hot iron ordeal c. Axe ordeal
b. Boiling water ordeal d. Needle ordeal
100. It is an ancient method of deception wherein to prove your innocence you have to put your
hand in an extremely hot water.
a. Hot water ordeal b. Red hot iron ordeal
c. Boiling water ordeal d. Rice chewing ordeal