A Project Report
A Project Report
A Project Report
Submitted by
2nd Semister M.Tech
REGD NO-2007105144
Under the guidance
Miss. Anwesha Rath
Department of Civil Engineering
Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang
November 2021
Muktipada Das
Regd No.-2007105144
(Transportation Engineering)
M.Tech 2nd Semester
India is a growing economic country, the growth of this nation depends on growth of all 3
sectors, in that industries comes at secondary sector. Steel industries produces Steel slag as a
waste material and likewise other industries also produces their respective kind of slag
materials. In the present study copper slag is used as partial replacement of fine aggregate for
preparation of DBM (grade2), The percentage of replacement were (10%, 15%, 20%, 25%
&30%) by weight of fine aggregates for the bituminous mix. Marshall Mix design is carried
out for checking its parameters such as stability, flow value, Bulk density, air void etc.,
through the test it is found that the incorporation of copper slag as partial replacement of fine
aggregate increases its stability and bulk density is also increases due to higher specific
gravity of copper slag. There is a marginal reduction in air void and flow value of Marshall
Specimen as the percentage of copper slag increases as partial replacement of fine aggregate.
Indirect tensile strength of Marshall specimen shows better improvement than Bituminous
concrete mix without copper slag as partial replacement of fine aggregate and water
sensitivity of the mix decreases as percentage of copper slag increases as partial replacement
of fine aggregate.
On the basis of literature review, present study aims to determine the performance of using
CS as substitute for fine aggregate in DBM grade II.
2.1 Aggregates.......................................................................................................................3
2.2 Bitumen...........................................................................................................................4
2.3 Copper Slag.....................................................................................................................4
3. Literature Review...................................................................................................................4
Chapter 4....................................................................................................................................6
4. Methodology..........................................................................................................................6
5. Physical characterization........................................................................................................7
5.1. Aggregates......................................................................................................................7
5.2 Bitumen...........................................................................................................................7
5.3 Copper slag......................................................................................................................8
6. Marshall Test..........................................................................................................................9
7. Performance evaluations........................................................................................................9
8. References............................................................................................................................10
Chapter 1
India has about 5.9 million km of road network, which is second largest in the world.
Highway pavements are divided into two main categories: rigid and flexible. The wearing
surface of a rigid pavement is usually constructed of Portland cement concrete such that it
acts like a beam over any irregularities in the underlying supporting material. The wearing
surface of flexible pavements, on the other hand, is usually constructed of bituminous
materials such that they remain in contact with the underlying material even when minor
irregularities occur. Flexible pavements usually consist of a bituminous surface under laid
with a layer of granular material and a layer of a suitable mixture of coarse and fine materials.
One ton of copper production generates 2.2–3 tons of copper slag (CS) and worldwide about
24.6 million tons of CS is produced. The use of copper slag in highway construction as an
aggregate is economically viable. Its most promising application is as filler in asphalt
pavements. Concerns were expressed about its use from an environmental view point but if
proper handle and care is practice that would not be a problem. The use of industrial solid
waste to bituminous production is environmentally friendly because it contributes to reducing
the consumption of natural resources, the pol1ution the production generates and the power it
consumes while also reducing the space the waste occupies because in general, the whole
world is generating millions of tons of slag each year.
1.1 Copper slag
Copper Slag is a by-product resulting from the production of copper metal. Whilst not in the
same league, in terms of volume, as ferrous slag in the form of iron and steel slag, with an
estimated annual production of about 40 million tons, CS still presents the challenging
environmental issue of diverting the material away from landfills and preferably developing it
as a valuable resource.
The nature of CS in its final form can vary depending on the cooling process applied, and
although the individual quantities of the different types of slag are hard to know, slag is
essentially produced in air-cooled and water-quenched forms. The latter comes as a granular
material similar to sand and can also be used as an abrasive material for surface cleaning
purposes. The residue from the abrasive process is in the form of spent slag and can be
cleaned and reused as washed CS in the construction industry, particularly in concrete as a
partial sand replacement. Both the physical and the chemical characteristics of CS make the
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material potentially suitable for use in various applications in the construction industry,
namely in cement, concrete, geotechnical and road pavement applications.
Copper slag granulated by water quenching produces vitreous amorphous solid particles that
show higher chemical stability than those air-cooled solidified. The chemical composition of
copper slag varies with the type of furnace. The typical composition of smelting slags is Fe
(as FeO, Fe3O4) 30–40%; SiO2 35–40%; Al2O3 up to 10%; and CaO up to 10%.
The density of copper slag varies between 3.16 and 3.87 g/cm3 based on the amount of iron
content. The average specific gravity of copper slag is about 3.5 g/cm3, which means copper
slag is denser than ordinary natural aggregates. In general, water absorption of copper slag is
very low. As stated previously, when liquid slag is cooled slowly, it forms a dense, hard
crystalline product whereas quick solidification by pouring molten slag into water gives
granulated amorphous slag. Granulated copper slag has higher water absorption and less unit
weight compared with air-cooled copper slag due to its more porous texture.
1.2 Production of copper slag
About 2.2 tons of slag is generated for every tons of copper produced. Slags are generated
during smelting, converting and fire-refining processes and they contain appreciable copper
content, which increases as the purity of the matte increases. The molten slag is discharged
from the furnace at 1000–1300°C. If the molten slag is water quenched, a glassy copper slag
is obtained. Slag that contains more than 1% copper is treated for copper recovery through:
(i) Smelting molten slag in a separate slag-cleaning furnace,
(ii) Recycling molten slag back to the previous process or
(iii) Processing of solidified air-cooled slag in the same manner as ores. On the other
hand, slag that contains less than 1% copper is cooled and subsequently sent for other
use or disposed of.
Depending on the operation setup, the cooling process has an influence on the properties of
the hardened slag. When the molten slag is cooled slowly to the ambient temperature, it
solidifies in a large rock-like material that is dense and crystalline. Rapid cooling, by
subjecting the molten slag to water quenching, results in amorphous granulated slag.
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Fig: 1 copper slag production
Chapter 2
2.1 Aggregates
Aggregates of size <25.6mm are collected from local quarry in Dhenkanal.
Table: 1 Physical properties of aggregate
Name of test Permissible limit as per Test method
Water absorption 2% IS:2386 (Part iii)
Impact value 18% IS:2386 (Part iv)
Abrasion value 26% IS:2386 (Part iv)
Combined flakiness and 27% IS:2386 (Part i)
elongation index
Crushing value 22% IS:2386 (Part iv)
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2.2 Bitumen
Bitumen of grade VG 30 is collected from a local shop in Anugul.
Table: 2 Physical properties of bitumen
Name of test Specification as per IS:73- Test method
Softening point 47 ºc IS: 1205-1978
Penetration value 50-70 IS: 1203-1978
Ductility 75 IS: 1208-1978
2.3 Copper Slag
Copper slag of size <4.75 mm are collected from Shree Bissa Engineering, Gandhidham,
Chapter 3
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Pundhir N K S et al (2005), is used to find the potential use of copper slag (CS) as a
replacement of fine aggregate (up to 30%) in various bituminous mix design like Bituminous
Macadam (BM), Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM), Bituminous Concrete (BC) and Semi-
dense Bituminous Concrete (SDBC). According to the research the binder taken was of
grade VG30 (60/70) and the aggregate proportion was as per MoRTH classification. From the
research it is observed that by adding the CS the density of the mixes at optimum bitumen
content (OBC) increases. This was because of good interlocking developed by the
incorporation of the CS in the mix. The TSR values found to be greater than 90% which
showed the improved quality of moisture susceptibility criteria.
Chetan M K and Dr Sowmya N (2015) had evaluated the Marshall property of bitumen mix
like stability, flow, % air void, VMA, VFB and optimum bitumen content (OBC). The copper
slag was used as filler material of varying doses (10%-30%) with stone dust.
Bitumen was taken of grade VG 30 of doses 5%, 5.5%, 6%, 6.5% and 7% by weight of
aggregate taken in the mix design. From the research it is observed that the stability of mix
with 20% of CS is more than the mix with 10% and 30% of CS. Bulk density increases by
addition of copper slag because the specific gravity of copper slag is high as compared to
natural aggregate.
K R Sankarlal et al (2017) used to determine the Marshall property of the bitumen mix with
copper slag of 20%, 30% and 40% of various combination of bituminous concrete
mix .Binder bitumen was used 5%, 5.5%, 6% and 6.5% of grade VG 30. From the research it
was found that Marshall Stability value of bituminous mix at 20% CS content is higher than
the bituminous mix at 30% and 40% CS content. It was observed that addition of fly ash
decreases the stability as fines of fly ash increases the flow value
Havanagi et al (2012) The waste like copper slag, zinc slag, steel slag was examined for
their appropriateness in street asphalt, while copper slag and zinc slag might be utilized as a
fractional substitution of fine aggregate for the construction of sub base, base and bituminous
layers. The particular gravity of copper slag, zinc slag and steel slag differed in the scope of
2.75 – 3.6.
Kajal et al (2007) Study present the utilization of waste plastic and copper slag in hot
bituminous blend to upgrade asphalt execution, bituminous blends were ready by blending of
evaluated mineral aggregate and expanding level of fastener content 3.5%, 4%, 4.5%, 5%,
5.5%, by wt. of mineral aggregate. Ideal fastener content is accomplished by weight of
mineral aggregate examples are likewise ready with synthesis of CS (10%, 20%, 30%and
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Debashish Kar et al (2014) Were Investigated the impact of concrete as a filler in
bituminous blends, for correlation, control blends in with concrete. Marshall Test has been
considered with the end goal of blend configuration just as assessment of clearing blends.
Marshall Solidness and unit weight increment with bitumen content after which these two
boundaries dewrinkle. At any bitumen content the dependability worth and unit weight are
most noteworthy for blends in with concrete as filler. Stream esteem increments with bitumen
content. In the comparative way the air void reductions with expansion in bitumen content.
Chapter 4
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Chapter 5
5.1. Aggregates
Water absorption and Sp. Gravity
Specific gravity test of aggregates is done to measure the strength or quality of the material
while water absorption test determines the water holding capacity of the coarse and fine
aggregates. Specific Gravity is the ratio of the weight of a given volume of aggregate to the
weight of an equal volume of water. It is the measure of strength or quality of the specific
material. Aggregates having low specific gravity are generally weaker than those with higher
specific gravity values.
Impact value
The aggregate impact value is a determining measure of resistance to sudden impact or
shock, which may differ from its resistance to gradually applied compressive load.
Los Angeles abrasion test
Los Angeles abrasion test on aggregates is the measure of aggregate toughness and abrasion
resistance such as crushing, degradation and disintegration. This test is carried out by
AASHTO T 96 or ASTM C 131: Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate
by Abrasion and Impact in the Los Angeles Machine.
Combined flakiness and elongation index
Particle shape and surface texture influence the properties of freshly mixed concrete more
than the properties of hardened concrete. Rough-textured, angular, and elongated particles
require more water to produce workable concrete than smooth, rounded compact aggregate.
Generally, flat and elongated particles are avoided or are limited to about 15 % by weight of
the total aggregate.
5.2 Bitumen
Softening point
The softening point of bitumen or tar is the temperature at which the substance attains
particular degree of softening. It is the temperature in ºC at which a standard ball passes
through a sample of bitumen in a mould and falls through a height of 2.5 cm, when heated
under water or glycerin at specified conditions of test. The binder should have sufficient
fluidity before its applications in road uses. It is performed by ring and ball instrument.
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Penetration value
The penetration test of bitumen measures the hardness or softness of bitumen by measuring
the depth of penetration of standard loaded needle in five seconds while maintaining bitumen
sample temperature at 25 °C. The more viscous the bitumen, the less distance needle is able
to penetrate. Hence, the penetration value for viscous bitumen is less. Penetration value test is
performed by penetrometer apparatus.
The ductility test of bitumen is one of the main tests you need to do when building the road.
We know that the ductility of a material is the ability of that material to undergo plastic
deformation (permanent deformation) before the rupture of that material. Ductility test of
Bitumen is a measure of elasticity or adhesiveness of bitumen.
The ductility of a bituminous material is measured by the distance in cm that it elongates
before breaking when a standard briquette sample of the material is separated at a specified
speed and temperature. It is done on Briquettes of Standard Dimensions apparatus.
5.3 Copper slag
Sieve size analysis
Test for grain size analysis or sieve analysis of aggregates are done to determine its particle
size distribution, fineness modulus, effective size and uniformity coefficient.
Water absorption
Water absorption gives an idea of strength of aggregate. Aggregates having more water
absorption are more porous in nature and are generally considered unsuitable unless they are
found to be acceptable based on strength, impact and hardness tests.
Sp. Gravity
Specific gravity is a measure of a material’s density (mass per unit volume) as compared to
the density of water at 73.4°F (23°C).The fine aggregate specific gravity test is used to
calculate the specific gravity of a fine aggregate sample by determining the ratio of the
weight of a given volume of aggregate to the weight of an equal volume of water. It is similar
in nature to the coarse aggregate specific gravity test.
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Chapter 6
The Marshall method of asphalt mix design is widely practiced in construction materials
laboratories to select and proportion aggregate and asphalt materials for pavement
construction. This holistic approach to asphalt pavement mix design involves the selection of
mineral aggregate and binder materials, preparation of trial samples, load testing for strength
and flow of materials, and lab tests of material properties. The focus is on the determination
of an optimum asphalt content that will provide maximum strength to the mix with minimum
deformation from axle loads. Marshall Stability and flow test values, density, and air voids in
the mix and the mineral aggregate are all used for evaluation of trial mixtures of lab-mixed,
lab-compacted asphalt mixtures. Marshall Stability and flow tests can also monitor the
production of the asphalt mixture using plant mix.
The stability of the mix is defined as a maximum load carried by a compacted specimen at a
standard test temperature of 60°C. The flow is measured as the deformation in units of 0.25
mm between no load and maximum load carried by the specimen during stability test (flow
value may also be measured by deformation units of 0.1 mm). This test attempts to get the
optimum binder content for the aggregate mix type and traffic intensity. This test helps us to
draw Marshall Stability vs. % bitumen graph.
Chapter 7
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