Risk Assessment - Fire Pump Set

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Appendix B Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment
Company Name Al Firas General Contracting Project Title: Yasmina Brooks School Expansion Ref:RA–MS-TC-FP-00018
Work Description Testing and Commissioning of Fire Date: 17/05/2022 Revision: 00
Pump Set System
Risk Rating Control Measure(s) Residual Risk




S/No Activity Potential( RL Health & Safety RL
)Consequences( X X
)Hazards S
)Risk Level( Control(s) S
)Risk Level(

1 Work area Health & Safety Health & Safety 4 3 12 High  The work activities shall be carried out as 1 3 3 Low
Preparation  Slips, trip and falls  Major / Minor per OSHAD-SF CoP-17.0 'Safety Signage
of person/ material. personal Injury Signals' guidelines.
 Inadequate  Musculoskeletal  Work should be planned for safe means of
control or Disorders (manual access.
supervision by the Handling)  All Lifting gears/Tools should be of sound
line management.  Property damage working condition which shall be subject to
 Poor statuary inspection and certification
housekeeping requirement (inspected by authorized
 Material Handling inspector)
and storage.  Barricaded the area.
Environmental  Display Caution signage & Hazard warning
 Land symbols such as:
Environmental contamination due - Authorized person only
 Construction to waste - Mandatory PPE requirement etc.
activities and generated during  Special attention shall be given to any likely
material used in work activities. environmental pollutant (pro-active
the process.  Air pollution in monitoring)
 Waste generated case of poor  Tripod and wire / nylon rope shall be used
during chipping selection and for material lifting.
and repairing maintenance of  All related aspects on environment and
activity. equipment. ecology shall be communicated to all
concerned personnel to mitigate / reduce
the negative impacts.
 Adequate Information, Instruction, Training
(for working in confined space and
emergency handling etc.) and competent
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Supervision all the time.

2 Mobilization  Fall of material  Crush Injury 4 3 12 High  The work activities shall be carried out 1 3 3 Low
Loading and  Inadequate  Property damage as per OSHAD-SF CoP-1.0 '
unloading of supervision  Fatality Hazardous Materials' and CoP-14.0
Material 'Manual Handling Ergonomics'
standard and guidelines.
 All material offloaded areas to be barricaded
provided with warning signs as OSHAD CoP
17.0 ' Safety Signage and Signals'
guidelines and standards.
 MSDS of the product shall be consulted for handling
of chemical.
 Authorized personnel only to be engaged in the
 Appropriate PPE for Workers to be used ( Hi
visibility vest, Cover all, safety shoes, hard hats
and appropriate hand gloves at all times).
 Warning Signs will be erected to alert the
pedestrians during loading and unloading
 Access/egress to be provided for the movement
of pedestrians.
 Competent Supervisors shall supervise and
control all work activities.
 Materials to be stacked at designated areas in
coordination with the supervisors at site.
 Information, instruction, and training shall be
provided to personnel relevant to Jog.
 TBT to be conducted by the Foreman prior to
work commencement.
3 Manual Load  Material with  Muscle Sprain 3 2 6 Moderate  All work activities shall be carried out 1 2 2 Low
Handling sharp edges.  Cut as per CoP-14.0 'Manual Handling
Lifting and(  Long Objects  Crush Ergonomics' & CoP-2.0 ' Personal
 Overload/Uneven Protective Equipment' standard and
transferring of
materials guidelines.
 Slippery surface
from one  No overreaching activities.
 Obstruction
location to  Check the path for tripping/slipping hazard
)other in which the load would be carried.
 Prefer team lifting of load wherever

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 Assess physical capacity of the persons
involved in lifting.
 Access must be free from any obstruction.
 Adequate P.P.E. as per the task
requirement (i.e.: Hard-hat, safety shoes,
gloves and goggles).
4 Operating  Defective  Cuts injury(hand) 3 2 6 Moderate  All manual handling shall be done 1 2 2 Low
with Hand Equipment and  Abrasions according to OSHAD CoP 14.0 guidelines
/Power Tools Improper use of  Eye Injuries and standards.
equipment  Burn  All the accessories shall be inspected as
(Drill machine  Loose fittings  Respiratory per OSHAD CoP- 35.0 ‘Portable Hand
Paddle mixer  Flying particles problems Tools' guidelines and standards.
Roller  Electrocution  Environmental  Any spark producing works required to be
 Sharp ends Damages carried out to obtain hot work permit from
 Damaged cables the HSE department.
 Improper  Power tools shall be operated only by
Guarding trained and certified personnel.
 Unrated and  Areas of tool use to be provided with
improper fixing of barricades and a sign to alert the
cutting disc personnel’s entering the areas on use of
 Noise ear plugs.
 Dust  All the cables to regularly inspected and
 Fire ensure that no “Live Bare Cables” and
proper cable management system to be
implemented. No cables to be laid directly
on ground. All cables to be routed safely by
providing stands with “S “type hooks for
safe routing.
 The electrical / power tools to be properly
inspected, prior to commencement.
 All electrical components to be checked
and inspected regularly by electrician. The
tools to be tagged for safe use.
 110V power tools to be used fitted with
yellow color code sockets.
 In case of 220 V (exceptional is if not
available in the market) then an ELCB. to
be provided (i.e., fitted with 30mA circuit

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 Sharp ends to be handled safely by use of
heavy-duty hand gloves. Sharp ends to be
protected by keeping in the cardboard
provided boxes to secure and keep the
material from being contact with any parts
of body.
 Area of works to have adequate access/
 Materials to be stored away from the edges
of the building.
 Changing of cutting wheels to be carried
out by trained and authorized personnel
(Usage of Disc Spanner and correct tools
for fixation)
 Compliance with PPE requirements as
per OSHAD SF-CoP-2.0 'Personal
Protective Equipment' standard and
ie; Hand gloves, goggles, dust mask, Ear (
plug & safety harness to be worn&
anchored to rigid point (if working to open
 Fire extinguishers to be readily available
near to the area of works.
 Area of works to be cleaned and
maintained on daily basis to avoid any
outbreak of fire due to accumulation of
 Waste to be disposed following the type of
waste to the allocated skips.
 Generators used for the power source to
be provided with drip trays to avoid and
protect the ground from soil contamination.
 Ensure drip trays are clean and maintained
5 Testing and Slip and Fall, Minor Injuries, 4 3 12 High  Prior to start of work; ensure that proper 1 4 4 Low
Commissionin material damage, Major injuries, coordination will be done with other
g of Fire water spillage, Fatality, Damage services and to other team working in the

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Fighting Pump electrical hazard to property adjacent area. Adequate access & proper
illumination must be available for the
 The sequence of work, the activities and
technicalities shall be as per approved
Method Statement and must be ensured
by the concerned Engineer/s and
foreman. Competent person must be the
one doing the job.
 Ensure all system piping will be pressure
tested and approved by company
 Before start up test ensure system valve
is closed.
 Open gate valve for flow meter discharge
valve keeps the gate valve after the flow
meter fully closed.
 Ensure approved shop drawing should be
done prior to start of work.
 Ensure all Pressure gauges have 3rd
party certification.
 Ensure all system drain are properly
connected to floor drain.
 The testing activates should be fully
supervised by competent person
 Prior to start of testing ensure all
flanges/Coupling are properly connected
and all nuts are tightened properly.
 Install barricade & appropriate signage
around the Pump Room. Ensure testing
should be done under the close
supervision of concern supervisor /
 Isolate the energy sources via Lock – out
Tag out (LOTO) procedure to prevent
turning on the energy to the system while
someone is still making installation or
repairing works. Necessary permit – to
work for testing

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services must be available and must be
 Repairing or rectification works shall be
done on an off/ dead circuit/system and
must be ensured by the electrical
foreman or engineer in charged.
 The test voltage shall be based on the
cable capacity.
 Emergency contact should be displayed
at site and Emergency Evacuation
Procedure will be communicated to the
work force.
 Ensure that work related PPE should be
provided as per the scope of work Activities
(rubber insulated gloves, etc.)
6 Work at Night  Slip and trip/fall  Major/ Minor 4 3 12 High  Good housekeeping standards should be in 1 3 3 Low
 Heavy equipment personal injury place. All waste materials will be brought to
movement.  Damage to the container or skip for disposal as per OSHAD
 Vehicle movement Structures SF- CoP 54.0 'Waste Management' guidelines
 Poor illumination  Electric Shock and standards.
 Heat and humid  Muscular Fatigue  Access routes to the place of work kept free of
 Poor Visibility  Bruises and cuts obstruction and always slip hazards.
 Only Competent drivers to operate machinery.
 Loose materials should be tied down or stored
 Beacon lights and head lamps for the
machinery to be functional.
 Sufficient lighting to be provided to all
locations and access if the work spot visibility
 Local weather forecast information to keep
informed of inclement conditions.
 Competent person shall supervise the
 If hot and humid reach levels where employees
are in danger from any activity, then work will
be stopped.

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7 Work Health & Safety Health & Safety 2 2 4 Moderate  The work activities shall be carried out as 1 2 2 Low
Completion  Poor Slips / Trips / Falls per OSHAD-SF CoPs- 54.0 'Waste
housekeeping. can result to Management'.
 Accumulated musculoskeletal  Restore housekeeping after compliance and
surplus materials. disorders. regular monitoring by the concerned HSE
Minor impact Injury Officer.
Environmental due to pressure.  Ensure signing off (closing) of and logging
 Poor Waste of the permit at the end of each shift.
Management Environmental  All waste generated from the work shall be
Contamination of collected and segregated in designated
soil, waterways and waste containers (skips), at appropriate
oceans and waste storage area.
entrance into the  A Registered Service Provider will be
food web affecting appointed by AJB to collect and transport
the flora and fauna, the waste materials that are generated from
if land filled or the activity in accordance with OSHAD
disposed. CoP-54.0 “Waste Management.

Prepared By: Karim Alchaarani Approved By: Michael Kaldas Approved By: Nadeem Asghar
Designation: Quality Engineer Designation: Project Manager :Designation: Project HSE Manager

:Signature :Signature :Signature

:Date :Date :Date

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Risk assessment matrix:
Insignif icant Moderate Major Catastrophic
Minor Consequences
Area Impacted (a) Consequences Consequence Consequences Conseqence
(score=1) (score=3) (score=4) (score=5)
Serious injuries Descriptor Likely Frequency Probability
requiring of f-site
Minor injuries, w hich Injuries requiring on-
treatment by
may require self - site treatment by
medical practitioner
Frequent Occurs frequently 5
Human Health and administered first aid. medical practitioner.
Saf ety Injured personnel can Personnel unable to
or immediate Single Fatality Multiple fatalities Often Occurs several times per year 4
continue to perf orm continue to perf orm Likely Has occurred more than once 3
Potential long-term
normal duties duties Possible Has Occurred 2
ore permanently
disabeling eff ects. Rare Never Occurred 1
Incident event w ithout Production loss or Production loss or Loss of licence to
Production loss or
Production Loss causing production delay f or over one delay f or over one operate or ability to
delay up to one w eek
loss month month produce indefinitly
Severe financial
Financial loss Financial loss
Financial loss Financial loss penalties or legal
(compensation, (compensation,
(compensation, fines, (compensation, f ines, liabilities. Financial
Total Cost of Impacts fines, cost to repair, f ines, cost to repair,
cost to repair, plant cost to repair, plant loss (compenstation,
or Inciden Event plant damage) of plant damage) of
damage) of less than damage) of AED 5,000 f ines, cost to repair,
AED 500,000 - AED AED 500,000 - AED
AED 5,000 - AED 50,000 plant damage) of
10M 10M
greater than 10M
Risk Rating Matrix
Insignificant (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5)
Rare (1) 1 2 3 4 5
Possible (2) 2 4 6 8 10
Likely (3) 3 6 9 12 15
Often (4) 4 8 12 16 20
Frequent / Almost Certain (5) 5 10 15 20 25
15 - 25 Extreme Risk Activity or industry should not proceed in current form.
08 - 12 High Risk Activity or industry should be modified to include remedial planning and action and be subject to detailed EHS
04 - 07 Moderate Risk Activity or industry can operate subject to management and /or modification.
01 - 03 Low Risk No action required, unless escalation of risk is possible.
Hierarchy of Control (Controls identified may be a the hierarchy in order to provide minimum operator exposure)
Elimination Eliminate the Hazard
Substitution Provide an alternative that is capable of performing the same task and is safer to use
Engineering Controls Provide or construct a physical barrier or guard
Develop policies, procedures practices and guidelines, in consultation with employees, to mitigate the risk. Provide
Administrative Controls
training, instruction and supervision about the hazard
Personal Protective Equipment Personal Equipment designed to protect the individual from the hazard
Calculate the risk rating as follows: Risk Rating = S x P
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Cutoff8 Point
of 8 is > 3

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