Risk Assessment - Fire Pump Set
Risk Assessment - Fire Pump Set
Risk Assessment - Fire Pump Set
Risk Assessment
Company Name Al Firas General Contracting Project Title: Yasmina Brooks School Expansion Ref:RA–MS-TC-FP-00018
Work Description Testing and Commissioning of Fire Date: 17/05/2022 Revision: 00
Pump Set System
Risk Rating Control Measure(s) Residual Risk
S/No Activity Potential( RL Health & Safety RL
)Consequences( X X
)Hazards S
)Risk Level( Control(s) S
)Risk Level(
1 Work area Health & Safety Health & Safety 4 3 12 High The work activities shall be carried out as 1 3 3 Low
Preparation Slips, trip and falls Major / Minor per OSHAD-SF CoP-17.0 'Safety Signage
of person/ material. personal Injury Signals' guidelines.
Inadequate Musculoskeletal Work should be planned for safe means of
control or Disorders (manual access.
supervision by the Handling) All Lifting gears/Tools should be of sound
line management. Property damage working condition which shall be subject to
Poor statuary inspection and certification
housekeeping requirement (inspected by authorized
Material Handling inspector)
and storage. Barricaded the area.
Environmental Display Caution signage & Hazard warning
Land symbols such as:
Environmental contamination due - Authorized person only
Construction to waste - Mandatory PPE requirement etc.
activities and generated during Special attention shall be given to any likely
material used in work activities. environmental pollutant (pro-active
the process. Air pollution in monitoring)
Waste generated case of poor Tripod and wire / nylon rope shall be used
during chipping selection and for material lifting.
and repairing maintenance of All related aspects on environment and
activity. equipment. ecology shall be communicated to all
concerned personnel to mitigate / reduce
the negative impacts.
Adequate Information, Instruction, Training
(for working in confined space and
emergency handling etc.) and competent
MS-xx Issue 00 January 2022
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Supervision all the time.
2 Mobilization Fall of material Crush Injury 4 3 12 High The work activities shall be carried out 1 3 3 Low
Loading and Inadequate Property damage as per OSHAD-SF CoP-1.0 '
unloading of supervision Fatality Hazardous Materials' and CoP-14.0
Material 'Manual Handling Ergonomics'
standard and guidelines.
All material offloaded areas to be barricaded
provided with warning signs as OSHAD CoP
17.0 ' Safety Signage and Signals'
guidelines and standards.
MSDS of the product shall be consulted for handling
of chemical.
Authorized personnel only to be engaged in the
Appropriate PPE for Workers to be used ( Hi
visibility vest, Cover all, safety shoes, hard hats
and appropriate hand gloves at all times).
Warning Signs will be erected to alert the
pedestrians during loading and unloading
Access/egress to be provided for the movement
of pedestrians.
Competent Supervisors shall supervise and
control all work activities.
Materials to be stacked at designated areas in
coordination with the supervisors at site.
Information, instruction, and training shall be
provided to personnel relevant to Jog.
TBT to be conducted by the Foreman prior to
work commencement.
3 Manual Load Material with Muscle Sprain 3 2 6 Moderate All work activities shall be carried out 1 2 2 Low
Handling sharp edges. Cut as per CoP-14.0 'Manual Handling
Lifting and( Long Objects Crush Ergonomics' & CoP-2.0 ' Personal
Overload/Uneven Protective Equipment' standard and
transferring of
materials guidelines.
Slippery surface
from one No overreaching activities.
location to Check the path for tripping/slipping hazard
)other in which the load would be carried.
Prefer team lifting of load wherever
Prepared By: Karim Alchaarani Approved By: Michael Kaldas Approved By: Nadeem Asghar
Designation: Quality Engineer Designation: Project Manager :Designation: Project HSE Manager