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DATE OF VISIT – 19/05/2022


Sewage is the wastewater released by residences, businesses and

industries in a community. It is 99.94 percent water, with only 0.06
percent of the wastewater dissolved and suspended solid material. The
cloudiness of sewage is caused by suspended particles which in
untreated sewage ranges from 100 to 350 mg/l. A measure of the
strength of the wastewater is biochemical oxygen demand, or BOD5.
The BOD5 measures the amount of oxygen microorganisms require in
five days to break down sewage. Untreated sewage has a BOD5
ranging from 100 mg/l to 300 mg/l. Pathogens or disease-causing
organisms are present in sewage. Coliform bacteria are used as an
indicator of disease-causing organisms. Sewage also contains
nutrients (such as ammonia and phosphorus), minerals, and metals.
Ammonia can range from 12 to 50 mg/l and phosphorus can range
from 6 to 20 mg/l in untreated sewage. Sewage treatment is a multi-
stage process to renovate wastewater before it re-enters a body of
water, is applied to the land or is reused. The goal is to reduce or
remove organic matter, solids, nutrients, disease-causing organisms
and other pollutants from wastewater. Each receiving body of water
has limits to the amount of pollutants it can receive without
degradation. Therefore, each sewage treatment plant must hold a
permit listing the allowable levels of BOD5, suspended solids,
Coliform bacteria and other pollutants. The discharge permits are
called NPDES permits which stand for the National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System
Our main purpose for this visit was to give the
practical knowledge about how Waste water is
treated and how water is distributed . By this visit
students can be familiar with industrial
environment and get knowledge of different units
of waste water treatment plant. Also in 6th
semester subject like Waste Water Engineering
requires knowledge about how components of
filtration plant are constructed, so it is very much
convenient to see all the practical and components
in real time work environment.
The department of Civil Engineering of AISSMS COE organized a one day
educational visit to Sewage Treatment Plant Pune on 19TH MAY 2022 for
T.E Civil engineering students. The Visit was mandatory to fulfil the
curriculum requirement of Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) for
BE Civil students under the subject of Waste Water Engineering.

The equipments in the STP are as follows :

• Jash screen 01,02,03
• Grit Classifier-01 & Rack System
• Grit Classifier-02 & Rack System
• Primary Clarifier-01 & 02
• Primary Clarifier-03 & 04
• Secondary Clarifier-01 & 02
• Secondary Clarifier-03 & 04
• Ras Pump 01,02 & 03
• Ras Pump 04,05 & 06
• Aeration Blower 01,02 & 03
• Aeration Blower 04,05 & 06
• Aeration Blower 07,08 & 09
• Aeration Blower 10,11 & 12
• Centrifuge 01 & 02
• Centrifuge Feed Pump 01 &02
• Centrifuge Poly Dosing Pump 01 & 02
• Poly Tank Agitator 01 & 02
• Sludge Thickener 01 & 02
• Digester Feed Pump 01 & 02
• Digester Gas Blower 01
• Digester Gas Blower 02
• Digester Gas Blower 03
• Roto Cycle Value 01 & 02
• Chlorination Systems 01 & 02
• Distribution Chamber 01 Gate Valves
• Distribution Chamber 02 Gate Valves
• All EOT
• All Gate Valves
Inlet Chamber
This unit receives sewage from some areas of Pune like Deccan, Shivaji nagar etc.

Screen Channel
The function of the bar screen is to prevent entry of solid particles/ articles above
a certain size; such as plastic cups, paper dishes, polythene bags, condoms and
sanitary napkins into the STP. (If these items are allowed to enter the STP, they
clog and damage the STP pumps, and cause stoppage of the plant.) The screening
is achieved by placing a screen made out of vertical bars, placed across the
sewage flow.

Grit Chamber (Mechanically), 4. Grit Chamber (Manual)

Grit chambers are basin to remove the inorganic particles to prevent damage to
the pumps, and to prevent their accumulation in sludge digesters. There are two
types of Grit chambers: mechanically cleaned and manually cleaned. In
mechanically cleaned grit chamber, scraper blades collect the grit settled on the
floor of the grit chamber. The grit so collected is elevated to the ground level by
several mechanisms such as bucket elevators, jet pump and air lift. The grit
washing mechanisms are also of several designs most of which are agitation
devices using either water or air to produce washing action. Manually cleaned grit
chambers should be cleaned at least once a week. The simplest method of
cleaning is by means of shovel.

Preliminary Treatment
Preliminary treatment to screen out, grind up, or separate debris is the first step
in wastewater treatment. Sticks, rags, large food particles, sand, gravel, toys, etc.,
are removed at this stage to protect the pumping and other equipment in the
treatment plant. Treatment equipment such as bar screens, Comminutors (a large
version of a garbage disposal), and grit chambers are used as the wastewater first
enters a treatment plant. The collected debris is usually disposed of in a landfill.
Primary Treatment
Primary treatment is the second step in treatment and separates suspended
solids and greases from wastewater. Waste-water is held in a quiet tank for
several hours allowing the particles to settle to the bottom and the greases to
float to the top. The solids drawn off the bottom and skimmed off the top receive
further treatment as sludge. The clarified wastewater flows on to the next stage of
wastewater treatment. Clarifiers and septic tanks are usually used to provide
primary treatment.

Aeration tank
The Aeration tank (together with the settling tank/ clarifier that follows) is at the
heart of the treatment systems. The bulk of the treatment is provided here,
employing microbes/bacteria for the process. The main function of the Aeration
tank we observe there is to maintain a high population level of microbes. This
mixture is called MLSS (Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids

Secondary Clarifier (Treatment)

Secondary treatment is a biological treatment process to remove dissolved
organic matter from wastewater. Sewage microorganisms are cultivated and
added to the wastewater. The microorganisms absorb organic matter from sewage
as their food supply. Three approaches are used to accomplish secondary
treatment; fixed film, suspended film and lagoon systems.

Chlorine Contact Tank

This is used to disinfect the treated sewage and also separate sludge from it

Sludge Thickener
When the thickening of sludge is inadequate, the filtrate from dewatering will have
large amounts of suspended solids returning to the STP and affect the water
Sludge Digester
The goal is to reduce the amount of sludge that needs to be disposed. The most
widely employed method for sludge treatment is anaerobic digestion. In this
process, a large fraction of the organic matter (cells) is broken down into carbon
dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4), and this is accomplished in the absence of
oxygen. About half of the amount is then converted into gases, while the
remainder is dried and becomes a residual soil-like material. The tank is capped –
a) to prevent oxygen from coming in, and –b) to capture the methane produced.
This methane, a fuel, can be used to meet some of the energy requirements of the
wastewater treatment facility (co-generation).

Final treatment focuses on removal of disease-causing organisms from
wastewater. Treated wastewater can be disinfected by adding chlorine
or by using ultraviolet light. High levels of chlorine may be harmful to
aquatic life in receiving streams. Treatment systems often add a
chlorine-neutralizing chemical to the treated wastewater before stream

Lagoon systems are shallow basins which hold the waste-water for
several months to allow for the natural degradation of sewage. These
systems take advantage of natural aeration and microorganisms in the
wastewater to renovate sewage.

From this visit, we get the information and practical

knowledge about the treatment of Waste water and
components used in treatment plant. And got the
knowledge about detailed process of Activated
Sludge Process. The visit was learning experience
for all the students. Everyone learned lot of new
things from this visit.

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