IBM Corporate Governance

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Financial management Assignment Anukriti Kaushal

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Corporate governance at IBM

Corporate governance Corporate Governance is not a new concept. But, the spate of recent large scale corporate collapses has been a catalyst for popularizing the prescription of governance regimes intended to ensure managers act for and on behalf of not only shareholders, but also a with a wider focus on broader stakeholder issues (Monks and Minow 2004). Governments worldwide are issuing corporate governance guidelines and legislating best practice rules, especially designed to prevent large listed corporations from suffering the financial distress of the kind experienced recently by the likes of the Maxwell Group and Polly Peck in the UK, HIH, OneTel and Harris Scarfe in Australia, and Enron, Sunbeam and WorldCom. In the US

Corporate governance is the set of processes, customs, policies, laws and institutions affecting the way a corporation is directed, administered or controlled. Principal stakeholders are the stockholders, management and the board of directors. Other stakeholders include employees, suppliers, customers, banks and other lenders, regulators, and the community at large. The relationship between stockholders, directors and management as set forth in the corporate charter, bylaws, corporate governance guidelines, and applicable rules and regulations. Leadership The leadership of a company sets direction creates visions and excitement, aligns people, builds new relationships and structure, and motivates and inspires. IBM BOARD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE GUIDELINES Board of directors

Financial management Assignment Anukriti Kaushal

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IBM's Board of Directors is responsible for supervision of the overall affairs of the company. Executive officers The men and women who are driving IBM's businesses. Bylaws Rules governing the internal management of IBM. The bylaws cover topics such as how directors are elected, how meetings of stockholders are conducted and what officers the organization has and a description of their duties. Directors' compensation Information on director compensation as reflected in the Proxy Statement. Corporate Trust and Compliance Information about IBM's Corporate Trust & Compliance Office and company compliance programs. Certificate of incorporation The charter of the corporation which spells out the name, basic purpose, amount and types of the stock which may be issued and any special characteristics of the corporation. Beneficial ownership Beneficial ownership of shares of company stock by directors and executive officers. Executive compensation Compensation discussion and analysis about the company's executive compensation programs and policies. 1. Board Size 10-14 directors on the Board are optimal. This approach is flexible depending On the circumstances and the qualifications of proposed candidates. 2. Number, Structure and Function of Committees The number, structure, and function of Board Committees are reviewed Periodically by the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee. The Audit Committee, Executive Compensation and Management Resources Committee, and the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee shall

Financial management Assignment Anukriti Kaushal

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Each has a written charter. 3. Board Meetings The frequency and length of Board meetings are determined by the Chairman and Committee Chairs with input from the directors. Meeting schedules are approved by the full Board. 4. Agenda Items Agenda items are determined by the Chairman and Committee Chairs with Input from the directors. 5. Briefing Information Briefing materials and other relevant information are distributed in advance of Meetings. 6. Presentations by Management Members of management report at each meeting on business and other Topics of interest to the Board. 7. Executive Sessions The non-management directors shall meet at regularly scheduled executive Sessions without management. The Chair of the Board Committee Responsible for the principal subject being discussed shall preside at the Session. 8. Reports by the Committees to the Board The Committees regularly report to the Board on their proceedings and Deliberations. The Committees also bring to the Board for consideration those Matters and decisions which the Committees judge to be of special Significance. 9. Director Qualifications, Responsibilities, Orientation and Continuing Education Director qualifications are reviewed by the Directors and Corporate

Financial management Assignment Anukriti Kaushal

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Governance Committee and subsequently by the Board in connection with The nomination of candidates for election at the annual meeting. IBM's business is managed under the direction of the Board of Directors Directors are expected to invest the time and effort necessary to understand The Company's business and financial strategies and challenges the basic Duties and responsibilities of the directors include attending Board meetings, Preparing for meetings by advance review of any meeting materials and Actively participating in Board discussions. Directors are also expected to Make themselves available outside of Board meetings for advice and Consultation. The Corporate Secretary is responsible for providing orientation materials to, And scheduling orientation sessions for, new directors. The Corporate Secretary will also work with the Chairman and Committee Chairs as Necessary to periodically provide materials and other guidance that would Assist directors with their continuing education. 10. Candidates The Directors and Corporate Governance Committee identifies and evaluates Proposed candidates for addition to the Board, including candidates proposed By third parties. Invitations to new directors are authorized by the Board. Individuals are selected to join the Board based on their business or Professional experience, the diversity of their background, and their array of Talents and perspectives. 11. Director Independence The Board shall be composed of a majority of independent directors. The Audit Committee, Executive Compensation and Management Resources Committee, and Directors and Corporate Governance Committee Shall be composed entirely of independent directors.

Financial management Assignment Anukriti Kaushal

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The Directors and Corporate Governance Committee and the full Board Annually review the financial and other relationships between the Non-management directors and IBM. The Directors and Corporate Governance Committee makes recommendations to the Board about the Independence of non-management directors and the Board determine Whether such directors are independent.

12. Change in Position Each director will tender his or her resignation upon a change in position or Responsibility in his or her principal occupation, subject to review by the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee and the Board. If approved By the Board, the director may continue to serve for up to three years after The change in position or responsibility. Continued service beyond this period Will be subject to review by the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee and the Board. Employee directors are required to resign upon leaving the Company, Subject to review by the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee And the Board. 13. Retirement Age Non-management directors shall not stand for reelection at the first annual Meeting following age 72, subject to review by the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee and the Board. 14. Director Compensation and Stock Ownership Director compensation and stock ownership are periodically reviewed by the Directors and Corporate Governance Committee, usually on an annual Basis. The Committee's review includes a comparison of IBM's director

Financial management Assignment Anukriti Kaushal

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Compensation practices against the practices of the largestU.S. Companies. The Committee's objectives include ensuring that the Company's Non-management directors have a proprietary stake in the Company and That the interests of the directors continue to be closely aligned with the Interests of the Company's stockholder. Within 5 years of initial election to the Board, each non-management director Is expected to have stock-based holdings in IBM equal in value to 5 times The annual retainer initially payable to such director. In the event of an Increase in annual retainer, the Committee will review the need for an Increase in directors' stock-based holdings. 15. Board and Committee Self-Evaluation The Board evaluates its performance regularly in executive session. The Board shall conduct these evaluations at least annually. Each Committee shall also conduct an evaluation of its performance at least Annually. 16. Access to Senior Management and Independent Advisors Management is available to discuss matters of concern to directors and Directors have regular access to senior management. The Board may retain independent advisors as it deems appropriate in its Discretion. 17. Interaction with Third Parties Management is the primary voice of the Company. 18. Evaluation of the CEO The performance of the CEO is reviewed periodically by the Executive Compensation and Management Resources Committee and annually by the Board in executive session.

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