Presentation About Samoa

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Country Presentation - SAMOA

Josephina Chan Ting

Disaster Risk Reduction Officer
Disaster Management Office
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

 Due to its size and

location, Samoa is
highly vulnerable to
natural disasters
particularly tropical
cyclones as it lies near
the ‘cyclone belt’
near the earthquake-
generating Tonga


 The mapping section Surveying and Mapping Software

deals with works relating • SDRMap: currently uses for Surveying.
to remote sensing • MapInfo: Mostly used for GIS and
technology which Map Production.
acquire and analyze • Open source software
satellite imageries and • Quantum GIS
geographical • Global Mapper
information system (GIS) • Base Camp
related works which
results in generating of
maps for different Management of Remotely Sensed
purposes within the Dataset.
ministry and its – Aerial Photography
stakeholders. – satellite imageries


• Emergency Planning
• Emergency Response What we utilize in DRR:

• Evacuation Sites - Coastal Infrastructure

Management Plans (CIM Plans)
• Information
Preparedness -Coastal Hazard Maps
• Know vulnerability and risk to
prioritize preparedness action -Evacuation Maps
• Improve Risk Assessment
using space based
• Availability and access to
collateral geospatial data
• Use of mapping
products/information by
decision makers


 You can do a lot

more with pictures in
PowerPoint 2007.
Easily recolor
pictures or change
the shape of their
frame. And all of
OfficeArt’s effects
can be applied to a
picture – even 3D!


 • Data(1999) out of date –

update images
(satellite/aerial )
 • Equipment and software –
upgrade software and new
 • Trainings (analysis) – provide
advance training for the staff
(capacity building) Need GIS
expert within DMO
 • Spatial Information barrier –
the information must be share
to the public especially to all
the GIS users
• lack of sharing of info
between divisions esp during
disasters. - Centralized

Recent major events in SAMOA

2009 Tsunami
Tuesday, September 29, 2009,
generating 15ft (4.5m) tsunami
waves in some areas of the
Samoa Islands. 149 people died
o Coastal erosion
o Coastal flooding
o Coastal deposition
It washed away settlements and
other critical Infrastructure such as
roads, bridges, communication
and power Installations.
DRM output
-Tsunami Evacuation Maps
-Tsunami Drills
-Public Awareness in


Recent major events in SAMOA

2012 TC EVAN
Slow-moving, strengthening Tropical Cyclone
Evan has dealt out destructive winds and
flooding rain in the state of Samoa, also
caused a flash flood at the Vaisigano
catchment. 4 people died, 10 missing.

DRM Output:
-Flood-prone zones
-Implementation of Recovery Plan
-Disaster Management Plans
-Continuous Public Awareness and Preparedness


 Increase awareness of information providers and

data available
 Build local capacity to enable the effective and
efficient utilization of available services and data
especially within NDMO
 Promote and encourage collaboration and
communication amongst regional member countries
and organizations
 To seek funding and training opportunities to
increase the self-sufficiency of local programmes
and officials – GIS/Geo-Referencing
 Encourage and increase information dissemination
to relevant actors and the public to improve Disaster
Management across the board

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