THE Until THE Followng Booklet: Not Break YOU Through Instructions

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l. Use only BLUE/BLACK Ball point pen. ,1

2. All questions are COMPULSORY.
3. All questions carry equal marks.
4. Check the BOOKLET i 11



5. Before you mark the answer, fill the particulars in the ANSWER SHEET carefully and correctly.
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6. After completing the test, handover the ANSWER SHEET to the Invigilator.

7. For Rough Work, Blank Sheet is provided at the end of the question
- booklet
8. Before filling up the Answer Sheet, Read the instructions for marking the answer sheet carefully
printed on the answer sheet.

9. Write the BOOKLET SERIES given at the TOP RIGHT HAND SIDE of the question
booklet in the space provide in the answer sheet, by darkening the corresponding circles.

ct2009n2ilt P.T.O.
Note: Fac: cuestion carry one mark. No negative marking.

1. The third banle of Panipat wzts fought tenteen

A. Ahmed Shah Abdali and Mratha rulers
B. Nadrr Shah and Mohd. Shatt
C. Prithvi Raj Chauhan and Mohd. Gauri
D. Sher Khan and Humayun
l When was the State of Haryana formed?
1'tNov., 1966
B. 1Otr Dec., 1966
C. 2"d Jan.,1967
D. 4e March., 1967

Where has the National Darr-v Research Institute in Haryana been established?
At Sirsa
B. At Kurukshetra
C. At Kamal
D. At Jind

4. In 1526 the famous battle between Babar and Ibrahim Lodi was fought at -
A. Kurukhetra
B. Rewan
C. Panipat
D. Patiali
5. How many districts are there in Haryana?
A. 2t
B. 25
c. 28
D. 32

6. The first muslim President of Indian National Congress was:

A. Ajmal Khan
B. Abdul Kalam Azad
C. M.A. Jinnah
D. Badruddin Tyyabji

7. Which of the following laid the foundation of the British Civil Service in India?
A. Warren Hasting
B. Lord Conrnwallis
C. Lord Wellesley
D. Lord Canning
8. Which one of the following was not a consequence of the 1857 Revolt?
A. European troops were increased in India
B. Different classes of sepoys were mixed
C. Artillery and advanced weapons were placed in European hands
D. Hindus and Muslims began to be appeased equally

ct2009n2il1 Series - I)
9' which one of the following is the correct sequence
of the age of formation
youngest to the oldest_ of the given mountain -form the
A Himalayas, Vindhyas, Western Ghats, DJccan Traps
B. Deccan Traps, Western Ghats, Vindhyas, Himalajis
_C Himalayas, _Western Ghats, vindhyasl o...u, iiuf,
D. Vindhyas, Himalayas, Deccan Traps, Western

10. The biggest lake in India is:

A. Dal lake
B. Chilka Lake
C. Wular lake
D. d) Sambhar Lake

1l' The state, which has attained the dubious distinction

of being topper in the list with the
highest encroachment of forest land:
A. Bihar
B. Andhra pradesh
C. HNyana
D. Punjab

12' which one of the following groups of crops is grown

in krdia during the Rabi season?
A. Wheat, Barley, Gram
B, Rice, maize, rvheat
C. Barley, maize, tice
D. Millet, Gram, fuce
13. The Union Territories get representation in:
A. Lok Sabha
B. Rajya Sabha
C. Both Houses of parliament
D. None of the above
14. The total number of High Courts in krdia at present
A. 15
B. t6
c. l8
D. 21

15. The only Union Territory which has a High

Court of its own:
A. Delhi
B. Lakshadweep
C. Chandigarh
D. Darman and Diu
16. Which of the following is wrongly matched:
A. Share market_ stock exchange
B. Interest rate- fiscal policy
C. Export subsrdy- fiscal policy
D. General price index_ inflation

Series - D
17. VAT is alternate of:
A. State tax
B. Central tax , t; t
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. Neither (a) nor (b) L,,,OrlUt I

18. The headquarters of World Trade Organization is in:

A. Montreal
B. Seattle
C. Geneva
D. The Hague

19. Gobar Gas' contains mainly:

lr A. Carbon dioxide
B. Acetylene

C. Ethylene
D. Methane
20. which one of the following mar€rials is suitable for water purification?
A. Silicones
B, Zeolites
C. Asbestos
D. Quartz

2l. which one of the following country is the leading producer of uranim?
B. Canada
C. Germany
D. Zarrfiia
22. Which one of the following Countries has the largest forest area in the world?
A. Brazil
B. Canada
C. Russian Federation
23. English is the offrcial language of which of the following States?
A. Manipur
B. Nagaland
C. Karnataka
D. Andhra Pradesh
24. National Development Council is :

A. Political body
B. Non-political body
C. Statutory body
D. None of the above

cl2009n2trr Serles - D
25. DPT is a vaccine for:
A Dianhoea, polio and q/phoid
B. Diphthena qfrmplng cougl and tetanus
C. Diarrhoea, polio and tstanus
D. Di6h€ri4 whooping cough and tphoid
26. Gold€o Proportion is
A" 1: 1.668
B. I :0.618
C. l:2.618
D. I :0.1618
27. Most p,referred Irryression matcrial fa reccding Iryht hfressicns
A Alginate
B. Condcosation silicone Iryressim
C. Polpther Iryressim Md€rid
D. Polysulphide Inryression Mat€rial
28. Shess breakers are indicated for use whcn the clinical examination r6,€als that the
A residual ridge is ahophic and the teeth are stong
B. denture will be tooth borne
C. residual ridge is stong and ttre teeth arc weak
D. residual ridge is weak and so are the teeth
29. Bennett shift is the
A Downward, forward and inward moveflEnt of the balancing condy'e
B. Downward, forward and inward movemcot ofthe wortingconAyi
C. Bodily shift of the mandible on the working si&
D. Bodily shift of the mandible on balarrcing side
30. Balancing Ramps are made in Conplete Dentures which use
A. 0 degree teeth
B. 20 degree teeth
C. 25 degree teeth
D. 33 degree teeth
31. The incisal guidance is
A. Governed by Phonetics and esthetics
B. Governed by esthetics only
C. Governed by Pre extaction Records
D. Variable and set bythe clinician
32. Sibilantsoundsareproducedat :

A. rest position
B. occluding position
C. open from resting position

ctzm9nail Scrht - ID
33. Modiolus at the comer of the mouth is
formed by all of the following except
A. rriangularis
B. buccinator
C. masseter
D. orbicularis oris

31' A high occlusal contact occurs in the balancin-g

position b/w the lingual cusp of maxillary
1" molar and the buccal cusp of manoiuutar
r'rrnoru. io ,ii-in",, this which surface
should be reduced
A' lingual cusp of maxillary l't molar and
B' either lingual cusp of maxillary l'trnor*buccal cusp of mandibular l$ molar
or ur.;;i.*p of mandibular ls molar
c' lingual cusp of maxillary l't molar with
-ilGp"rt" at the time of denture
D. lingual cusp of maxilrary I't morar in centric and occruding
35' which of the following chmcal requrements
is not required in order to produce an
acceptable functionally generared record
of mandiburar *or.,n"no,
A. completed opposing restored or natural
acceptable occlusal guidaace
C. stable record base
D. fully adjustable articulator
36' Both research and our textbools state
that'the most important factor in 11pD treatment,,
is: (choose one)
A. broad stress distribution
B. I-bar, mesial rest, guiding plane design
C. the final impression
D. motivation for plaque control

37' If the Rath of dislodgement is controlled,

an I-bar is most often located in .0l,,undercut

A. Cemento-enamel junction
B. Greatest mesio{istal curvature of the buccal or linguar surface
C. Mesio-buccal line angle
D. Disto-buccal line angie
38. Gagging reflex is caused by
A. Trigeminal nerve
B. Glossopharyngeal
C. Facial nerve
D. Recurrent laryngeal
39. When should pour polyether impression
A. Within 24 hours after taking impression
B. Within 30 minutes after taklng impression
C. Should be stored dry and theripoured
D. Should be stored in humid place

Series - D
Which cement is less soluble in the oral cavity
A. Polycarbori'1ate
B. Zinc phosphate
C. Silicate phosphate
D. Glass Ionomer Cement
41. The best method of cleaning and toilet cavitl'
A. Alcohol
B. Citric acid
C. Water
D. Organic acid

42. Children bom with cleft palate, mrcrodontia and glossoptosis have
A. Christian disease
B. Trenches-Collins Slndrome
C. Piene-Robin Syndrome
D. Ectodermal Dysplasia
43. The laboratory findings in Paget's disease show
A. Elevated calcium, elevated phosphate, and elevated alkaline phosphate.
B. Normal calcium, normal phosphate and elevated alkaline phosphate
C. Decreased calcium, increased phosphate and elevated alkaline phosphate
D. Normal calcium, increased phosphate and elevated alkaline phosphate
44. On inspection of lateral boarder of the tongue at the base, which structure would you
expect to find
A. Filiform papillae
B. Fungiform papillae
C. Foliate Papillae
D. Circumvallate papillae
45. A patient suffers a blow to his maxillary central incisor without resulting in fracture. The
A. lmmediate necrosis
B. Becomes non-vital but only if treatment is delayed too long
C. Becomes non vital irrespective of treatment
D. No changes is seen later if fracture does not occur

46. Patient on anti-coagulant therapy requires an extraction to be performed. Which of the

following is NOT true
A. Post operative bleeding can be reduced somehow by using tranexemic acid
B. Prothrombin values of at least 2.5 is required to perform extraction
C. It takes at least 8 hours for heparin to take affects
D. Heparin should be administered sub-cutaneous

47. Middles aged woman gives a history of intermittent unilateral pain in the sub mandibular
region, most probable cause is
A. Calculus in the salivary duct resulting in sialolithiasis.
B. Ranula
C. Cyst
D. Mucocele

ct2009n2tfi Series - D
48. \l}ar rs u-ue rtr resz:c-< to rateral
mandiburar incisor
{ 2# o have 2 can: T5 ,,rr& one foramen
B. 2U,,ohave2 cenals n*o foramrna
C. lU/ohave fwo canals
wrth lCIo ending in fw,o foramina
D. 40% have two canals wrth
only oo. .o*ng ,riJolor*inu
t' liquids is not suitable forproronged
immersion of cobalt chrome
A. Alkaline peroxidase
B. Hlpochlorite solutions
C. Soap solutions
D. Water
50. The first forming mrcrobial
elements vr rrEysv are
A. Aerobic gram positive Gr ofplaque as
B. Aerobic gram negative GC.
C. Anaerobic gram n.g.tiu. GO.
D. Anaerobic grampoiirlurCrl
5t' casTrox:,:l:Lffi:H
discrepancv is about 0.3mm
what wourd you do
B. Take a new impressionanJmarc
new crown
C. Bumish margins
D. Use thick mii of cement
52' Which of the fo'owin-g procedures
w,r not achieve ster,ization
A. Hot air at 160.C 320t.-iolq';rio,
Boiling water at 100.C ..210.Fi
I Autoclave
C. for 2 ho*,
at 121"C,.25g"p. rinder l5psi
D. Dryheat at 177"C 350;F; roilo.nim for 20 mins
53. Longbone growth by
A. Mitosis in osteoblast
B. Mitosis of osteoblast
C. Appositional growth in cartilage
D. Interstitiat growth in
54' Bone graft method that has
shown the o'
A. Freeze_dried bone graft ---- greatest osteogenetic potentiar is

C. letrozygous
Cortical bone
Marro-w graft
D. Cancellous bone graft
55' child with less than normal
number of teeth, mandibular
*rt."t:,f;#:lnr*. *i,r, *o,ooi.La,*o
lateral incisor is larger than
roots canals; your diagnosis
B. Fusion
C. Concrescence
D. Taurodontism

Series - D
56. The MOST stable area to evaluate rhe craniofacial growth is
A. Nasal floor
B. Cranial vaulr
C. Naso maxrllary complex
D. Antenor cranial base

57. Which one of the following systems is not desiped to discourage crack propagation by
the presence of crystalline second phases?
A. Feldspathic porcelains
B. Aluminousporcelains
C. Porcelains wrth leucite
D. Ceramics with mrca
58. The final porosity in set PLASTER is approximately:
A. 15%
B. 20%
c. 25%
D. 35%

59. The setting reaction of plaster is accelerated by all of the following EXCEpT:
A. Increasedtemperature
B. Rapid spatulation
C. Low relative humidity
D. Slurrywater
60. What is the theoretical amount of water required to react with 100 gms of calcium sulfate
hemihydrate to form calcium sulfate dihydrate?
A. l5 cc
B. l8 cc
C. 30 cc
D. 50 cc
61. Which ONE of the following clinical events intra-orally probably contributes the most to
porcelain-to-metal failure?
A. Occlusal stresses
B. Thermal cycling
C. Acid attack at the surface cracks
D. Metal flexure near cusps

62. which one of the following impression materials does Nor set by a stepwise
polymerization reaction?
A. Polysulfide Rubber
B. Conventional Silicone Rubber
C. Polyether Rubber
D. Polyvinyl Siloxane
63. Polysulfide impression material sets by which one of the following mechanisms?
A. Chain reaction polymerization
B. Stepwise polymerization
C. Addition polymerization
D. Chelation

ct2009fi2til Series - D
64. Cffiolled tcAcranne and relative humidity are impctant considerations for th€ sctting
of cfrich ONE ofttc fulbwing inpression mat€rials?
A- ZincOxideEugeool
B. Polpther
C. Alginate
D. Conve'ntional Silicone Rubber
65. How much filler is there in a tpical investnent conpositim?
A. 45%
B. 660/o
C. 75o/o
D. 94o/o
66. Hygroscopic expansion of investnent materials occurs by: .

A. Cryastal irnpingement producing e:Eansine forces

B. Productim of me rwtion products
C. Absorption of uracr by thc fillcr phase
D. Imbibition of craer imo 6c ryaccs between tlre phases
67. what is the minimum acceptablc laar fq visible crning light outprts?
A 150mwcrn2
B. 300 mWcm2
C. 550 mtrV/cm2
D. 1500 mWcm2
68. which muscle acts on the disto lingual contqr of lo*tr dffire
A" Mentalis
B. Massst€r
C. Mylohyoid
D. Buccinator
69. The MOST likely factor contibutes to tooth eruption is
A. The growing root
B. Bone grouth
C. Vascular pressure
D. The developing periodontd ligament

70. Tissue conditioners tend to hardcn as a result of:

A. loss ofmoisture
B. loss ofmonomer
C. loss of plasticizer
D. all the above
71. Use of denture adhesives is containdicated in case:
A. immediate dentues
B. xerostomia
C. poor muscle control
D. none of the above

ct2w!ilt21il SGrIcr - I)
cl9.1sf:t b.,d"uil[,,mrd
1? thouid
ll!#,*rre evir,*, trr .;:i l.rtlit"' ll,u' ..i"1
B. 1.6_ 2 mm ieas-iqr{U t!i7; t, ., '.rrrii, rl:trl ,
C. 0.5-0.9 mm t'
D. 1-1.5 mm .,t /,

;:=i l

73. Color remperature of light for shade it, ,

A. 4500 K
B. 5500 K f-r-1

c. 6500 K
D. 7500 K
74. Post cemenration pain on biting is due
A. Occlusal overload
B. Sensitivity ro cemenr
C. penapical abscess : !i

D. Short margns . .r,1, ,

;r : :.,{r.
75' In imptant Prosthodontics classification
FP2fis a fixed prosthesis that replaces
A. Only the missing crowr
B' The crown and gingivar coror and portion
of edenturous site
C. The crown and a portion of root
D. Overdenture completely supported by implants

76' Minimum required distance between

imprant and mental foramen shourd
A. 5mm be;_

B. 2mm
C. lmm
D. None of the above
77. krter-implant distance should be at least._
- - -' --wD'
A. 3mm
B. 2mm
C. 4mm
D. lmm

" 3."r[X,m3ffi,*#::rendodontic
therapy of the abutment tooth before commancing

A. l-2 weeks
B. 24 weeks
C. 4-6 weeks

79' Which
"8:HT#ffi:nts is best for cases with very ri*le interoccrusalspacEJ
B. Gerber attachment l

C. Rothermann attachment
D. Interofix attachment

Se{crps r
4or, ,
80. Marn drsadr-antage oi a sr:lere complete denture against natural teeth is:
A. Abrasion of artificral reedr
B DrtAculty in establishing balanced occlusion
C. Abrasion of natural teetli
D. All of the above
ln normal dentition, Centric Relation coincides with
A. Hinge axis
B. Centnc Occlusion
C. Maxmum intercuspal position
D. Termrnal hinge axis
82. Antenor reference point helps in following except
A. Face bow transfer
B. Minor adjusrment rn r.ertical dimension
C. Arrangement of antenor teeth
D. Recording Centrc Relation
83. Lingualised occlusion concept as such descnbed by
A. Harrison
B. page
C. French
D. Sears
84. Condylar guidance ofan articulator is dependent
A. Depth of glenoid fossa
B. Vertical overlap of incisors
C. Cuspal inclines
D. Inclination of articular eminence

85. How much Fluoride is present in toothpaste?

A. I ppm
B. 100 ppm
C. l000ppm
D. 10,000 ppm
86. Aging of the pulp is evidenced by an increase
A. fibrous elements
B. Calcifications
C. Mesenchymal cells
D. Odontoblasts
87' The least likely place for a carcinoma to occur
in the orar cavity is:
A. alveolar ridge
B. buccal mucosa
C. tongue
D. soft palate

ct2009n2trr lt Series - D
88. Each is associated rvith ga-srnc ltnutation , except
A. Acetamrnopher,
B. alcohol.
C. ibuproien.
D. rnciomethacin
89. \Irhich injection poses the greatest nsk for a hematoma:
A. posterior superior alveolar
B. Inferior alveolar nen'e block
C. Nasopalatine
D. Buccal infiltration
90. How do ),ou treat a patient with a T1,pe II furcation involvement:
A. tissue guided regeneration
B. flap surgery
C. deep penodontal curettage
D. hemrsection
91. Organism implicated in causing severe spreading of abscesses:
A. fusobaterium
B. staph aureus
C. streptococcus
D. mycobacterium
92. A patient with a new denture cannot make "S" and "TH" sounds. The problem is:
A. extensive vertical overlap
B. No Vertical Overlap
C. increase in Vertical dimension
D. decreased vertical dimension
93. A patient is taking Ketaconzole (anti-fungal) and requires antibiotic coverage. What
antibiotic cannot be grven:
A. Erlthromycin.
B. Ciprofloxacin
C. Cephalexrns
D. Penicillins
94. In which direction does the palatal root of the upper first molar usually curve towards
A. Facial lbtrccaV
B. Lingual
C. Mesial
D. Distal
95. Signs and symptoms that commonly suggest cardiac failure in a patient being assessed
for oral surgery are
A.Palpitations and malaise
B. Ankle oedema and dyspnoea
C. Erythema and pain
D. Pallor and tremor

ct2009nzfit t2 Series - D
96' A persistetrt oromral frsrula for a l2weeks period
following the extraction of a
maxillary first permanent molar is best treated bv
A. Antibiotic therapy and nasal deconeestants
B. Curettage and dressing of the defei
C. Excision of the fistula and surgical closure
D. Maxillary antral wash out and nasal antrostomy
97. Endogenous morphine like substance which can
control pain is lmoun as
A. Bradykinins
B. Prostaglandins
C. Serotonins
D. Enkephalins
98. What contra indicate pulp capping
A. Accidental exposure on vital young molars
B. When inflammanon of radicul, putp is already present
C. When roots are greatll,cun,ed and torn-rous
D. when anterior tooth is ritar and rmmature with wide open apices
99. When tooth is twisted along its long axrs; it is called
A. Mesio version
B. Disto version
C. Lingo version
D. Torsion
100. Hlpodontia can be seen in
A. Cleidocranial dysplasia ..dysostosis,'
B. Down's syndrome
C. Papillon le fever syndrome
D. Rickets

ct2009n2tIJ 13 Series - D

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