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Machine 4

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Methods of Excitar;

f) '1 96
oc Machines and Transformers
E=V-IL(R -1- A 4-pole shunt generator with lap-
3. . ' wound arrn•1 .
DC ~cries motor U == U - IL Rse; ct ~ The armature and field copper lo . c1 ure supplied 2.4 kW . I 20 y
7. f==f · ==I( ,le) . sses are 69 W ,11 .
o Calculate tI1e a1mature current and the 0 _ . and 200 W respective ly.
a .f d aenerator A (" oene1a1ed
[ ns: t) / L == 20 A I emf
DC short-~hun
I l'.Ot11POllll "
R . /
1· -- ua I Rf. .
.. ' f == l. 67 A, / 0 = 21.67 A·
8. U - UL +IL se, R I
I == IL; a- R == UL + IL se + o R (u) Ra = O. I47 .Q, E == 123.185 v'J
se £ == Ua + I a a a 4. A 25 kW compound generator works on full load with a I . I
I == 1i +ff ; . 250 V. The armature, series and shunt field . ' ermma voltage of
. Calculate the
~hunt con1po
und 1110101 ohm respectively. generatedI resistances
f h . . are. O· I , O·05 an d 125
R . short-shunt. ern w en ,tis (1) long-shunt and (ii)
9. DC shoth . U == UL - IL se '
I == IL ' a J R == U - IL Rse - I a R [Ans: / - IOO A ("1) 1
sr . £ = Ua - a a a L - .. ' a1 == 102 A, £ 1 == 265.3 V,
==I -If' f'I (n) / a2 == 102.04 A, £ = 265.204 VJ
Ia L ound generator 2
Shu nt comp J =1 ; , · 'i /rhe open circuit- characteristic of a DC shunt o d•
1o. DC long- . / == IL + IJ ; se 0· ('.~. J
/ given by c,enerator riven at 600 rpm is
If := UL IR f ' a I R = UL + I (Ra + R ) 1T11ri(A~)~100T?2T-:4;;i--~6zi-~-r-:-:-, -- -.---,--- ,
R . £ = Ua + a a a se 8 10 12
u ==UL+ Ia se' 4 58 110
14 16
a ound motor l50 180 200 218 230 240
Iona-shunt comp
l l · DC " / - / .
(i) Dete1mine the field circuit resistance setting in order 10 produce an open
- U IR ; I = IL - I f ,· se
- a'
circuit voltage of 220 V. --- ·
If- f a -U -IR =U-Ia (Ra +Rse) (ii) What is the critical · speed of the generator for this setting of the field
IR · £- aa
UO = U - a se' a(I _ . N _ constant) resistance? -
· · 0
I2. No-load charactensuc Uo Vs/J L - ' (iii) What is the critical field resistance at the original speed'.' .
,Ans: (i) 17.9 .Q, (ii) 395.7 rpm (iii) 27.14 .Q]
. £2 - N2 X <fJ2
13. Comparison of emf Ei- N1 <fJ1 6. A long-shunt compound generator delivers a load cu1Ten1 of 50 A at 500 Y. II
has armature, series and shunt field resistances of 0.05 , 0.03 and 250 .Q
NC2 _ Rq2 respectively. Calculate the generated emf and the armature cu1Tent. Allow
· · 1speeds - - -
14. Comparison of cnt1ca 1.0 V per brush for contact drop.
Nc1 Rqi [Ans: £ = 506. I6 V, I,, = 52 A]
.. 7. A short-shunt DC compound generator supplies a load current of 280 A at
. ce of DC shunt generator, Rq
15. Cnt1cal field re ststan . .. rtion of OCC and passing throu~ 100 V. The armature, series and shunt field resistances are 0.02, 0.05 and 50 .Q
Slope of the tangent drawn to the imtial po ,, respectively. Find the generated emf. [Ans: £ = I {9.65 V]
the origin gives the value of Ref. f~ The OCC of a sh unt excited DC machine that run s at 1200 rpm is as follows.
\ __ _) I, (A) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 I 1. 6 I
UiV) 47 85 103 114 122 127 13s I

An 8-pole DC shunt oenerator has 1556 conductors, wave connected, in ~

I. armature and runs at 2000 rpm. The tenninal voltage is 250 V and the load, The field winding resistance. is 55 Q . Determine
(i) The value of field regulating resistance to enable the machine to generate
IO Q. The armature resistance is 0.5 .Q and the field resistance is 500 fi.
120 V on open circuit when run at 1200 rpm
Find the armature current and induced emf.
(ii) The value of the open circuit voltage when the regulator is set to 20 .Q and
[Ans: IL = 25 A, Ia =25.5 A, E = 26 2-15 Vi
the speed is reduced to 800 rpm . .. ,.,
2. A~50 V, 5 kW, 6-pole lap-wound shunt ge~erator has shunt field and ~a: ~"-.. [Ans: (i) Rf = 127.65 .Q, Re = 72.65 Q (It)_ Rf2 = 75 Q'.. ~ = 8J V l
resistance of 250 Q and 0.5 Q respectively. The generator supplies . (\9. 'A DC shunt generator gave the followino open rncu1t characte11st1c

l~ps rated at 250 V, ~OW. Allowin~ a brush drop of IV per brush, dete~
(1) the load current; (11) the current m each parallel path of the annarure
\\J I (A) 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.7
(iii) the emf generated in the ammure. 107 152 185 210 230 245
U0 (V) 54

[Ans: (i) IL= 16 A, (ii)/= 2.83 A, (iii) E/ 260.5 '

Methods of Excitation
oC Machines and Ti'ansformers
96 Sketch the OCC of a DC shunt generator.
. . are 0.1 and 160 Q respecti
.. . . it resistances . . Ve1 7. Uo
. and held cncu ;. .11 excite when driven at the . 1.
The artnature 1. h the machine w1 [A . U sallit
at w 11c ns. 0 - 22
Find the vo1tage - 2VI
speed. N- Constant
IL= 0
fi . b ·z
DC shunt generator ai1to uz d up,
. ces does a ·· ·
U11der what c1rcumsta11
l. f residual flux . · · d.
Absence o d . dino may be m opposite trectio
by the fie) wm "' nlo U0 Vs 11
Initial flux set-up ·
residual flux. . b hioher than its critical field resistan e series• field inding has low resistance while th h fl Id . .
8. Th . u,h ? e s unt 1e windmg

· ·t resistance may e O • Ce.

Shunt field ClfCU'. b Jess than its critical resistance. J,as high resistance. rr, y.
d · uit resistance may e
, Loa circ . . DC shunt generator. Series field wi~ding is ex~ited by the load current. To reduce the series field
..:,; /field reszsta.11ce m copper loss (/ZR se) , resiS!ance Rse shou Id be low. Shunt field winding is
2. Dejirle c, ...~a . d the resistance of the field circuit Whi L
· tance 1s define as .fi c,1
eXcited by load voltage. To reduce shunt field copper loss (U L /Rsh ), resistance
Critical fie! d rests . 1 build-up its emf at a spec1 1ed speed .
. h 5hunt generator JUSt o .
will cause t e • • ,J DC generator. R I should be high .
Sketch the magnetisation charactenstlC o a Name the different types of DC generators.
3. 9.
DC Machines
N - Constant Generator Motor
la= 0

Separately excited Self excited


Shunt excited Series excited Compound excited

E Vs 11

4. How can one zJeren ....
hnte betweell /oug-shuut compound generator and ♦ '
Long -shunt

short-shunt compound generator?

Cumulative Ditferentially
In a short-shunt compound generator the shunt field circuit is shorter i.e.
compound compound
across the armature terminals. In a long-shunt compound generator the shunl
field circuit is connected across the load terminals. JO. Name the different types of DC motors.
5. Why is the emf not zero when the field current is reduced to zero in a DC (Answer - Same as an swer to preceding question)
generator? 11. On what occa.~ions DC generators may not have residua/flux?
Even after the field current/magnetising force is reduced to zero the machine~ The generator may be put for its first operation after its construction.
left out with some flux as residue. Emf due to this residual flux is availab~ In previous operation the generator would have been fully demagnetised.
when the field current is zero. 12. What are the conditions to be Julfilled for a DC shunt generator to build-up
6. Define the term 'critical speed' in DC shuut generator. emf?
Critical speed is defined as the speed at which the generator is to be driven 10 The generator should have residual flux.
cause self-excited generator to build-up its emf for the 0oiven field circuil The field windino should be connected in such a manner that the_ flux set-
resistance. "' . c1· ·t' n J S that ot residual
up by the field winding should be 111 the same tree 10 ' '
Methods of Excitar;0 ,,
. . I f' I
. Id be less than cnt1ca 1c d. resista flee
. · 1-esistance s11ou ..
• The field circuit · d b above its critical load resistance ·
. .
. . sistan ce shou I e 'shunt generator 1s. estunatedfro
• Load c1rcu1t re. ·. DC
J3. How the critical resistance of a
be obtained from OCC by drawing a straight 1
Armature Reacti.on
occ? .
Critical field resistance _c~n
h the ongm an
d t
ngent 10 the initial
. . I
fi Id
. . . the value of cnt1ca 1e resistance or tnt
e P0rti
f Of
and Comm.utation
pa,sing throug
OCC The slope of this line gives .
· h. h OCC is obtained.
ojven speed al w ic
" --- -= =- =: =: -;; ~ oEFINITION
m reaction is defined as the action between two or more el
.. be f !filled for the self-excitation of a De shUn1 ri,e te r ements.
Whal are the conditions to u (on taking place around the surface of th e ,armature core is called
I. d' f . Reac 1 .
oenera1or? Explain. ' .. I ature react10n.
, . . I ti Id resistance' and . cnt1ca spee , o a De sh uni
Explain the tenn cnt1ca ie . arrn In a DC machine, the area between the .armatu re surface and th e main
.th reference to relevant charactenst1c. . .
-· .
e face 15 called air-gap. When the mach ine is excited tl ux set-upbythe
oenerator WI in DC machines. 'llb .
" . th d of excitation pol . . air-gap. Further, when th e
3. Explain the different me o . . rnain field wmdmg ¢111 w1 e pres_ent in the
m DC generators . .
4. Discuss the variou s types of excitation
re conductors carry,I, curre nt 1.e. when the machine is loaded, they
f if-excitation in? a DC shunt gener ator and give reas
on armatu .. l fl h. h. s . •.
. . add 1t10na ux, 'f'a w 1c 1s also present in the ame <111-gap. As
5. Descnbe the process o se se t-up an . . th .
why a generator may be not self-excite . cannot exist mdepend ently in a comm on space , e reacti on
failing to build up ern~ the two flux .
_ Explain the possible causes for a DC shunt generator between ¢ and </la takes place m the air-gap.
6 generator? Explain how 111
nt cri,·rv i·,1g annctture
7. Whal is meant by critical field resistance of a sh unt The interaction between flux set-up by the curre «
fore defined a.1: the armature
this could be determined. conductors with the main field flux is there
the diagram of connections mechanical to electrical in
8_ What are the different types of DC generators? Draw reaction . The entire energy conv ersio ns-fr om
to mechanical in the case of
for each. the case of generators, and from electrical
fails to self-excite. Discuss the n. Apart from this useful
9. A shunt generator when driven at normal speed motors, takes place only due to thi s interactio
proceed to remedy the
most likely reasons for this and state how you would effect, the other two unwanted effects of arma
ture reactions are li sted
fault. below :
IO. Explain the process of_gµilding up of emf
in a shunt generator. What is meam
(i) Cross-magnetising effect
by criticaJ field reststance? (ii) Demagnetising effec t
11 . What are the d.i[fereht.t}!pes of DC gener
ator? Draw the circuit diagrams and
voltage eguation"sror-ilie--ttbtive. 4.2 FLUX SET-UP BY THE MAIN FIELD
12. Sketch the OCC of a DC shunt generator
and explain the possible causes for in general can have even
In Section 2.2 it is seen that any DC machine,
the failure of the machines to build-up emf. n the field coils are excited,
up may be prevented in a DC number of poles, say 2, 4, 6, 8... etc. Whe
I3. Furnish the causes by which the voltage build magnetic flux in these even number of main
poles are set-up with alternate
l field resistance ?
shunt generator. What is the significance of critica the poles and their field coils
DC generator is run as motor withoul north and south pole polarity. However, all
14. A long-shunt cumulatively compounded a light inequality due to the
What will be th e nature of are constructed identically. Therefore, barri ng
changing the connections of the field windings. first pair of north and south
compounding? Explain. air-gap setting, the flux di stribution under
also. Hence it is enough to see
poles will be similar in other pairs of poles
the flux distribution within a pair of pole regio
102 DC Machines and r;ansformers Armature R
eacrion and
. between armature surface and pole face ,rhe
1 flux takes a constant valu ein . the . Commurar·ion 103
Although the reg10n f clarit and simplicity of drawing it c are der the two edges of each pole, due to ma_i?r portion of
circular in shape, ~or th ~sake~ .
start with, consider the flt;x an be Un smoothly decreases and in the . th e slight incre ~he ~ole faces.
nux . inter pOI
. Presente
. d as straighbt line
th po1t10
mainns. Prese
poles alone. If the pole face spreac ases.
deere · The zero-crossmg takes pl ase in air-
ar regions th gap, the
t ~t . . · · ace exa .
1yin the e flux , ·
m the air gap set-~P / ~e flux set-up by the main field windi the
tWO rnatn poles. That is why the MN ~t mid- rapidly
ng Wi~tfor A comcid . . way betwee
the entll'e pole p1tc, ,en . F n
of alternating square waveform as shown in ig. 4. 1. be FLUX SET-UP BY ARMATUREC es with GNA.
r-• - o
r the sake of s1mphc1ty, air-gap arou d h
. I S
:iN i:ts t: F be uniform . n Fig. 4.3' two c01l. sidesn t e armat
· h F of th ure surface is assu d
to e same c0 il . me
one pole p1tc apart.
I- - - - - -1- - - - - -,

~mt : d d' or an
. assumed inward direct' . 1s represented • h
s1·de l. and outwa

r--+--:J MNA
. . r 1rect1on of.current.
- ' -
Pole surface
ion of current in .1
is single cotl will be an alternating squa m cot! side 1,, the flux
re wave h .
ass ownmFig.4.3 .
set-up bY

Figure 4.1 Alternating square wave flux
The flux waveform is assumed to be positive for a downward flux
under north pole region and negative direction under south pole
sho j
___ _, ~1-- :
- - -
_ _ _ - lI
region% Armature ' ' Surface
Geometric Neutral Axis (GNA) is the axis ~1hich is situate
geometrically or physically in the mid-way between adJacent Coil
main pole
and Magnetic Neutral Axis (MNA) is the axis which passes throug
h th; Figure 4.3 Rux set-up by a coil
zero-crossing of the resultant field waveform in the air gap. GNA
is fixed Similar fluxes will be set-up by other coi.1s1.des which
by the construction whereas MNA is fixed by the shape of the . a I d•
resultant other nearby slots.
field waveform. When the flux set by the main field alone is consid re P ace rn
ered, at I
this moment, the MNA happens to coincide with GNA. T --1
Further, in actual machine, the pole face normally spreads over
only Pole 1surface
2/3 of pole pitch. Air-gap under the entire pole face may not be
uniform. At
two edges the air-gap is usually little large so as to obtain
a smooth
waveform. Fig. 4.2 shows the flux distribution in the air-gap
due to the
main poles when armature conductors do not carry any curren
I -· I

:t1~AH·-½-:· :

l I I _jj 1
Armature I
10 .0 0
s 1 :_:
@ @ I
N 1, 2 3 1' 2'

Figure 4.4 Flux set-up by 3 coils


Figure 4.4 shows the individual flux set-up by three different coils.
th e three flux waveforms are identical in shape because all the coils carry
equal current. The flux 9 , 9 and <h have only phase displac
1 2 ement due
to physical placement of the 3 coils in 3 different set of armature slots.
MNA Summing up of the three fluxes with their magnitude and directio
n, wi ll
Figure 4.2 Rux due to main
,~ LJ , Armature R . ' ,

. . eacr1on and Co
104 DC Machines and Transformers .
·orl11 as shown 1n Fig. mmuration 105
t 4.5. The nu1n
. . rino step wave
give a resultant alte1 na o d ends upon the number of slots pre·••bet
~f steps and width of each step ep
'•n1 I I

r -, .! -
in one pole-pitch. I I I I I - -
,-- t I I I I
--1 I I j
I Polr sur ac_e .J - _ J_ I I I I I I I I
~aJ- L
~~ --
- .l -
I I __ I- _ _ '1 - - 1- I I I I I I I
I_ i- - 't - ,- -1- - -
I I I I I I __ ._ .J, - • - - I
--..J-. JI .··
:_ 1_ - I - - 1- - I -
-1- I I


I_ I
--,- I
I J ____ L -I - · I


. Surface

}oA fS}
- -l - - 1- - t- -
- I . 0 0000 0000
I I 1 _ 1 _ 1 ___ ,
1- - T - - 1 - - 1- T 7 Figure 4. 7 Flux set-up by a · tors
rmature conduc
I _ I_ - J_ - ....! - - :
- ~r~crtu;e Surface :
I I 1
I®@@ 0 0 0 I
e flux set-up by the main .poles alone is sho . .
Figure 4.5 Stepped waveform Th up by the current carrym wn m F10 4 2 a d h
set- g armature cond
If the number of slots within one pole-pitch increases, the width
·cr 4_7.Now1fthesetwofiguresarecombinedth
e· ·
uctors alone ·sn ht e flux
1 •
of F
le· . . . e resultant wa sfi own
. in
each step decreases and the stepped waveform will become l)eobtained as given m Fig. 4.8.
a smooth . ve 01mcan
triangular waveform as shown in Fig. 4.6. The waveform (1) in Fig. 4.8 indicates the fl
The triangular waveform shown in Fig. 4.6 is obtained as the flux oles. This will be the only flux present in the a· ux set-up by
set- P 'ir-gap when the athe maint
up by the current carrying armature conductors with the assum conduc tors do not carry any current.
ption of rma ure
uniform air-gap. But in actual DC machines, the air-gap is minim
um under

the pole faces and maximum in the interpolar regions. Larger air-ga
p in the
interpolar region offers more reluctance and hence the flux in
this region
cannot increase at the same rate as in polar regions.
I : I I I :
Polr surface I I I I
I I ® I I I I I
I . I I
··=:.- ... · 1 I
4 . 1, I I
- - - I- - ·- -
I ('
I 1
1 Armature Surface I
-~ ~
Mr Gr
Figure 4.6 Triangular waveform
Action Action
Figure4.7 shows the wavei
armature conductors of DC or~ offl ux set-up by the current carrying Figure 4.8 Armature reaction
a machme th at are not fitted with interpoles.
l f r'
106 DC Machines and Transformers

d direction of current is marked in the arrnat ider a b. 1
1po ar
for th
11eacrton and
Commur .

con S e Sak at,on 107

In Fig. 4.8 the mw~r d 1orth pole region, and outward dire ct .~te The flux due to the main pole . e of sirnplic·t
. ·e Iyino un er I 1 · 4 9· s is fro I Yas sh
conductors whic11m .t:,. h tare lying under south pole region 'hon f1~· jcated by a vector OA represented v ~ north PDle to s own in the
· th conduct01 s t a . · ((}
of current m e . . ature conductors should be with referen e is 1nd axis or otherwise called dir, ~rticalJy down outh PDle and
o1e .. ect axis Th Wards ·
direction ~f curre~t m_ the ai; mode of operation. The said and rna~e to P
the ds on the exc1t111g current throu h · e length of th i.e. along
the directron of I ot~tw; a~mature conductors will be available if the ted depe~n,en the brush-axis BA is set g I the field coil. e vector OA
vY'' . h a ong GNA
direction of ~U1Tent m td~ aiclockwise direction and operating as gener C d ature axis, one alf of the armatur , or otherw·
achine is either rotate m ~ ( ). ator
m . . . 1 kwise direction as motor. Wave1orm 2 1s the flux Set, qttO "egion will have inward current diree ct?nd_uctors that are U~dse called
or rotatmg m antic oc ale r h c 10n 1f th . er north
. P erator and t e armature rotates •·n c1ockw· e machine .
is operatmg
up by the current carrying ai·mature ~onduc~ors. uen .
Waveform (3) shown in Fig. 4.8 i_s ob~amed by adding the waveforllls as e>d.tion bolds good for motor operation . ise direction. The
con 1 . . wh . . same
( I) and (2) both by magnitude and direction at each and every locatio . Jockwise dlfect10n. The other half of armature cen dIt 1s rota tin g in .
anttc . .
The resultant flux waveform may coincide with wavef?rm (3) provided thn. outh pole reg10n will have outward current d' on uctors which ar
un der S . . e
machine is in unsaturated condition@iere is ~ ~eductwn _of ~ux under th: 1 T he current carryrng
armature conduct
ors act
leading pole tips in the case of generator_ (tra1lmg_~ole tips 1?the case of et-UP by them will be along GNA from . h e aso1enoid and the
flux S . . ng t to left d · • •
motor) and an increase in flux take place m the trailing pole tips, (Ieadin vector OB as shown m Fig. 4.9. Length f an 1s represented
by . l d .. o vector OB d
pole tips in the case of motor[} g ature current 1. e. oa cond1tion. Therefore OB . epends on
arm .. , Increases w·th 1 ·
Comparing the waveform (3) with waveform ( 1), one can conclude in load cond1t10n. mcrease
(i) The average values of waveform (3) is same as that of wave forrn
( 1). Hence the average value offlux remains the same provided
the machine is unsaturated.
(ii) The shape of the waveform (3) is distorted. GNA
(iii) The zero-corssing of the waveform or the magnetic neutral axis
(MNA) gets shifted.
The shifting of MNA is in the same direction as that of rotation when
the machine operates as generator and shifting is in the opposite direction
as that of rotation when the machine operates as motor.
Saturation effect sets a limit for maximum flux a machine can have. The
Figure 4.9 Brush axis along GNA
amount of reduction in flux that takes place in one pole tip may not be
compensated in the other pole tip, as increase in flux beyond certain limit The vector addition of OA and OB give rise to the resultant vector OC
is restricted due to saturation. Hence when saturation is taken into account and a line drawn perpendicular to OC will give the direction of magnetic
there will be a net reguction in flux due to armature reaction. neutral axis MNA. The MNA therefore gets shifted in the same direction
The following are therefore the undesired effects of armature reaction: as that of rotation when the machine operates as generator, and axis shifting
Magnetic neutral axis get shifted. is in opposite direction as that of rotation when the machine operates as
Distorting effect-distortion of flux waveform. motor.
Demagnetising effect-net reduction in flux. The angle of shifting &depends on vector OB which depends on the
armature current. This necessitates the brush-axis to be shifted along the
4.5 POSITION OF BRUSHES MNA when the machine gets loaded.
In Fig. 4.10, brush-axis is set along the MNA for the purpose of si.nool
For satisfactory passage of current between commutator and brushes, the nd
brush axis should always coincide with magnetic neutral axis. passage of current between commutator and brushes. The brush-aXIS a
MNA are inclined at 0 (mech) degree to GNA. With this brush-axis
Armature R
. eacrion and Co
08 DC Machines and Transformers
' . one side of the MNA, coming un
z. ,rhe
conductors which are abo
yZ are responsible for
Ve the r1
mmurarion 109
,ductoi s on . d h de . produc· ne
mg the flu WX and be[ ow the line
·rection. the armawre c01 . d current direct10n an t e others c~ t
dl ·111 ave rnwar QC along GNA causing
north pole region, w1 '
b h
. Therefore, the flux set-up y t e curr J
.. rr1i . . cross-m agnet1s·
. x represented b
refore cross-magnetising armat tng effect.
urrent in outward directt0n, ented by vector OB takes the direct~nt ftJe Ure ampere-tur
the C d ctors repres I ton uoted as ns per pole can be
carrying armature con u is proportional to tota armature ani.p
A Length of vector 08 ere
alon° MN · . . b eqn (4.1) ,-_ acco ATc = ATa -ATd -
- IZ
-( IZ~
0. !
o/ ole which is g1ven y .
turns P ~ - /Z
. . 2P 360
AT0 == 2P (4,1)
ATc = IZ[- ~e ] 1
- .
e anO'le of shifting the brush-axis is so .
1>-- INI o
'fhrnutator If . met1mes exp d.
segments. C 1s the total numb f resse in terms
f corn er O commu tat
P' 7
~ MN
tin the machine and C5 is the number 0 f
. . . . segments th
or segments
h .
P ush shifttng 1s earned out, then alternat . roug which
~ CJ~
tne br
=~ ATc ca 0
be expressed as
e equations fo A 'T'
r 1d and

~-<"~ ~ . ·sA ATd = -5 xtz

C ' (4.4)

\y'¥'~t\- ,;"t,.,
vf'- 1/ .....-f't.,
ATc = 1z(J_-
2P C
cs) (4.5)
A\J" Figure 4.10 Brush axis along MNA crample 4.1 A 450 If
kW,h 400 V, 8-pole' lap wound DC generator has 768
ature conductors.
b ft de brushes.are
The inclined vector OB present along MNA can now be resolved into arm . given a lead of 6 e1ectncal
. deoree

c alculate the num er o

f 111 d emagnetJsmo and cross-ma t· .
two components o gne ISlno ampere '
turns per pole at u oa . Shunt field current may be neglected. -
(i) Vector OC == OBcos0 [)ala Pr==450kW, U=400V,P=8,Z =768, 0=6°(Elect)
(ii) Vector0D==0Bsin0
Aim (i) ATd ==? (ii) ATc =?
Vector OD which represents demagnetising effect, is opposite to
vector OA and is responsible for reduction of the net flux. Solution
In Fig. 4.10, two lines WX and YZ, drawn parallel to quadrature ax.is Mechanical degree 0 = 8 (elect)=~= 1 5o
P/2 8/ 2 .
and passing through the intersection points of MNA and armature
periphery, splits the total armature conductors into two categories. P,-
I a= I L =U= =1125 A
l. The conductors which are lying in between the two lines WX 400
and YZ are responsible for producing the flux represented by I= / 0 /A=ll25/8=l40.625 A
vector OD along pole-axis causing demagnetising effect.
Therefore, demagnetising armature ampere-turns per pole can be
accounted as - --
20 IZ
ATd =-X...:..,_
---~ 360 2
0, (4.2)
ATd =-x/Z
Armature Reactio
n and Commutation 111
. d _30HP, UL= 500 V,P =4, Z::8 0C
DC Machines an Transformers d tOOo rpm DC shunt gencrat ta Po - C = I .s. 4
, 10 , = 105, '7 ==85%,
v. 4-pole, wav e woun . , has 720 coun. ductors, 360 Ot [JP 250 !2, s
Example 4.2 dA f 200 A. The annat~1 e ce Rr::: (i) Afd= ? (ii) ATc =?
. . a toa o is 125 .Q. Find the cros
supp I,es nts and shunt eId res1stan/pole if brushes are advan ,s. ,Ai"'
conirnuta tor ·.segnie
~d demagnetising amp ere h.turns
also "\l
; 11
1111 0
P0 = 30 HP= 30x746 = 223
80 W
calcu late th~ extr
111ag:ne tising
· an u{ator segmen ts · At t 1s. this, demagnet1. .

a SO P0 22380
·ough 3 co111n1 ' .. d to neutra 1ise sat1on. P =-= --= 263 294 1 W
I s/ ---- 1J 0.85
shun I field turn . pole requue
111 I
== I000 rp111, / L == 200 A, z = 720,
P; 26329.41
Data UL -
- 500 V. A == 2, N
- 125 !l C == 3, C== 360
IL = Ui =
- 52.66 A
R1- · ' .. AT- ? (iii) Ts11= ?·
. (' )AT =? (11) UL 500
Aun I c
If = R = 250 = 2 A
Solution I
I O = IL - I I = 52.6 6- 2 = 50.66 A
!= l 0 /A= --= 25. 33 A

_ IZ _<;_ = 25.33x840:_!_:'.i =~ 73.751 AT

ATd - C 105 ·
R, UL= 500V T ==
2P C
iz(- _S)
= 25.3 3x8 40x (-
2x4 105
= 2355.69 AT

4 4 A 4-pole wave wound, 220 V, DC shunt gene

le · rator has a full
, £xalllP
d current . curre
of 22 A and shunt field nt of 2 A. Find per pole the
loa ber of cross ampere-turns and back ampere-tu
Figure 4.1 I Circuit diagram for example 4.2 rns if the brushes are
n~:n a lead of 2 commutator segments at full
load. There are .111
gi mrnutator segments and 4 turns per coil. Also
I=~ == 204.0 == 102.0 A find the additional field
~:rrent required for neutralising the back ampere
A 2 turns if the field winding
AT. = 1z(-I - C'v) == 102 .0x7 2j_l__ _3
_) = 8568 AT
has 600 turns/pole .
c 2P C \)X 4 360 Data P= 4, A = 2, UL = 220 V, / L = 22 A, Ir =
2 A, C, == 2, C= 111,
A'/~ =s_ x/Z =-3-xl0 2x7 20= 612 AT
r, =4, Tl == 600
1 Aim (i) ATc = '? (ii) ATc1 =? (iii) /I= ?
C 360
Extra shunt field turns required 1 Solution No. of armature coils= No. of segments,
C = 111
AT 612
=-d =-= 153 Turns No. of turns
/ 4
Example 4.3 A30 HP, 500 V, 4-pole, wave woun T = Tc x C =4 x I I I =444
d DC shunt motor has
840 armature conductors and 105 commutator segm Z=2 T=2 x44 4=8 88
ents. Its full-load
eflicicncy is 85% and the shunt field resistance is fa = / L + / I = 22 + 2 = 24 A
250 .Q. If brushes are
shifted backwards through 1.5 segments from
the GNA, find the t=la /A= 24/ 2=1 2 A
demagnetising and di~torting ampere turns/pole at
ful I-load.
Armature R .
eactton and
·1 Th . Commutation 113
. d Transformer, awre co1 s. . e magnitude ofth·is emf will d
O( Mad11nes an ar01' h . epend upon the r·ate
in rhe' in f]ux and will be very high if the c ange 1 .
112 ( I CJ)- (_J__2
8882x4 )= 1140
AT 11 ge
of cha ge is taking place almost 'instantan ous y,
e I in oad is larger and if
!z x - - - -12X
tl T, ::: , , 2P C htiO
rJie c h.5 emf exceeds the permissible 11·m.1•t t at c be
If t ' provided between adjacent comm t an beared by the
Cs :::/2x888x-2-=l92 AT .n . u ator segm . .
III . ., . - 1at10
-ove r, m the form of an arc ents, It will give
AT,1 ::: !Z x C insu flash completely encir· cling .
. . I ·I t field current requ,red to neutr aJ1se AT,, - . to a - . the
nse tor and hence short c1rcU1ting the wh oIe armatu · d.
Add1uona s wn .... rTJuta om b re win mg. This
- 192 = 0.32 A
AT,, co11 "'" r or arcing can be effectively overc
r; - 600 nashove mmf under the pale
awre . .
face s. It is alrea dy e Y compensating the
that a ·1
coi under the
6-pol~ ~C generator are arJJJ 1-5 Jinked with maximum crossflux · The re1ore the efti f .
. le 4.5 The brushes of a 400 kW, 500 V, I face will be m ect o rapidly
d1e dema gnet1s111g ampere-turns
~.xampl d f 12 oelectrical. Calculate (i) d (" ·) · t po eoing flux caused b~ rapidly changing loads
· He hore pronounced
owen a ea o etising ampere-turns an IIIh ·sene s urns requdired to chano rmature coils 1ymg. under the pole face · nee, t e most efti r1
-=-: . h 1000 0nthe a . . . e~ ve
(11) the cross-rnagn
onetisinoo component. The mac me as con uctors neutralise this effect is to.provide additional compensatmg wmdmgs
balancethe derna o way to ed in slots that are cut m pole faces as shown • F.
m 1g. 4.12. .
and the leakage co-efficient is 1.4. ernbedd
!ect), Z= 1000, K, == l.4
Data ~ = 400 kW, U= 500 V, P= 6, 0 = 12o(e
Aim (i)A '(,= ? (ii)A Tc= ? (iii)T se=?
Solution winding
Po 400xl0 = 800 A coif side
la= IL =U 500
I=~A= .800/6 = 133.33 A w~d~g ~~-~~,
coil side
0( elect) 12 o Figure 4.12 Compensatinoe, windino"'
Mech deg 0 = - - = - = 4
P/2 6/2
As the compensation required is proportional
to the armature current
by the armature current'.
0 4
ATd =-x /Z= -xl3 3.3 3xl 000 =14 81.
44 AT rhe compensating winding should be excited
winding be connected in
360 360 Therefore it is necessary that the compensating
order that armature and
series with the armature winding. Further in
AT =
2P 360
= I 33.33 x 100 0(-- - ~
360 compensating winding mmfs oppose each other
, the direction of current
be opposite to that in the
in the compensating winding coil side must
= 9629.39 AT ctive pole faces.
armature winding coil side just below the respe
s the armature mmf
T = K,xATd = I.4x1481.44 = 2_59 = 3 Since the compensating winding mmf neutralise
to be establised by the
n IL 800 only under the main pole faces, the mmf required
in eqns. (4.6 or 4.7).
compensating winding can be estimated as given
Pole arc x ATn
may be neutralised by ATCIV
The cross-magnetising effect of armature reaction Pole pitch
-face of a DC machine.
providing compensating windings on the main-pole Ia Z
rs for rolling nulls,
.Larg~ size DC machines like, turbo-generators, moto
X-X -
AT = 1/f A
cw 2P
violent fluctuations in
colliery wmders etc., are normally subjected to very Pole arc
load. A sudden change in load will produce a
sudden change in the flux where 1/f =
statically induced emf Pole pitch
set up by armature current. This in turn will cause a
Armature R .
eacr,on and Ci
114 DC Machines and Transformers . .. . normally 2 to 3 times the width f ommutation l l S
•. windino requires add1t1onal space . O
b~ ushjjcitY, width of eac h brush is represented
. . f compensattn::,
ProV1st0n ° .
::, .
d'no etc. Hence compensatmg win din °le
1n p h commutator segment for
· · 1cost for w, 11 1 ::, · · gs a s1111P tatof segment. ere as equal to the ·ct ,h
faces, add1t1ona h·nes oflarge output and 111 machmes Which re rnfJ1ll WI t of

used in the case of mac i . 1 ds are co A

subjected to rapidly changing oa und . DC generator. has 360 arn
6 A 4-poIe 1aP Wo atu
Example 4· . mature current of 500 A. If the pole arc t0 re
nd carnes an ar • Pol
conduct~rs_a rtculate the AT/Pole for a compensatmg windin e
pitch ratio{_1 ~ _ p = z =360, / a = 500, If/ -_ 0.67 g.
Data P - 4, A - '
Aim ATcw =? (a) '~l?:I
' (b)
Solution '
ATC"' = vxATa A . B C
f Z 500 360
AT =__E..x-=-x-=5625
a A 2P 4 2x4
T :=rnxAT0 =0.67x5625=3768.75
A cw Y'
Example 4. 7 A50 kW, 500_V, _6-pole DC gener~tor has a double layer
simplex lap winding in 36 slots with_ 10 conductors m each la~er. C~lculate 21
the number of pole face conductors 111 each of the compensatmg wmding. (c)
~~~ sume that pole face cover 70 per cent of en tire circumference. Figure 4.13 Commutation
~ /Jl P,= 50 kW, U = 500 V, P = 6, Lap wdg A= P = 6, Slots =36,
In Fig. 4. 13(a) the brush is in contact with commutator segment Q
conductors per slot Zs = l Ox 2 = 20, If = 0. 70 only. Half of the brush current comes from left to right through coils Aand
~?A£J Compensating winding conductors per pole? Band the remaining from right to left through coil C. Coil Bis just prior to
undergo commutation .
~ Solution Z=Z 1 xS =20x36=720 In the very nex~moment, the brush will be in contact with twoseoments

p and Q as a shown in Fig. 4.13(b). This makes the coil B getting short
l = Po 50xl03 =100 A circuited. Half of the brush current comes from left to right through coil A
a U 500 ~nd the remaining half from right to left through coil C. Coil B need not
Armature ampere conductors per pole carry any current and it is said to be undergoing commutation.
AC =!_q_X~=lOOx7Z0=2000 In Fig. 4.13(c) the brush is in contact with segment Palone. Halfofthe
a A P 6 6 brush current comes from left to right through coil A and remaining half
Compensating winding ampere conductors per pole comes from right to left through coil C and B. Now coil Bis at the end of
ACcu· = l/fAC 0 = 0.7x2000 = 1400
Compensating winding conductor per pole Therefore during the period of sho;t-circuiting of a coil by a brush,
the current in a short-circuited coil should be reversed and brought up14to
= AC(II' = 1400 = 14 4
fO 100 its full value in the reverse direction as shown by the curve (i) in Fig. · ·
If the variation of current from +/to- / take place in a linear mann~r as
4.7 COMMUTATION shown in curve (i) of Fio . 4.14, it is called linear commutation. Some~imes
. . 0 k ,1ace in a non-hnear
_ changes
. .· rhar take pl are 111
· wtn· d'mg elemenrs during the peno · d 0if thma15 vanation of current from+ / ·to ·- l may ta e P .
II d 5 · 1soidal commuranon.
.ihort-c,rcu,t by a brush is called co111111ura1ion. Although width of each nner as shown by curve (ii). This 1s ca e im
Armature R .
eacr,on and C
116 D( Mach,nes
and Tra nsfot mers r :=Turn s pcrcoil ommurarion II?

· of coil s or seement
111 == ~ s shOrt cir ·
1,an2:e 111 current th at take plac . cu1ted
1,e ~. . e 1n a coil dur' hp . brus·h.
1t C _/ 1s 21. The period of 'short crrcu
. . rng commLrt·it · 11 .,,
frOf11 /taion is give n by eqn . 4.9.
1t . , 10
ur the time taken r .
cO111 Wh - w
t c =----.!!! ..
wh width of brush in m c

- Tirne ol commutation --. - (/ + x)

wm == width of mica insulation 1·11 rn
. . 14 TTDcN _ I .
F,~111·e 4.
Vari ation of
cun-cnl vc == ~ - ve oc1ty of commutator in m/s
. .. . , currenl in coi l 13 may not attain its full val
Duc 1o sor11c 1ci:ls1lllSl 1lC De == diameter of commutator in 111
. . . ·Ii own in Fig. 4. I 5. T-J.1c cun.ent 111
coll. c iU.c
. ti 1e 1·cvcr,e d1rcL'l 1
on dS s /
N == speed of armature in rpm
111 .· . - x The difference between the curre / s
wl1 erc;i . ; coil 13 attains on ly ( ). . e reactance
. emf then can be accounted
. usi· n,beq n. (L1.10or4.II)
. C . id s"')' ,. has ro ·ump trom
1 segment Q to the brushnts ·,n Th
lill'('IJ f I7 COi 1s a 1 1 3· · '-' "' ' · Er = L ch --L 21
1hc furn, or ~, spark . dt
For linear commutation

For sinusoidal commutation,

Er = 2.22 LI
(4. 11 )
Example 4.8 A lap wound DC motor has a commutator of diameter
Figure 4. JS Under commutation 17.75 cm. The thickness of mi ca insul ation is 2.25 mm and that of brush 2
Thus the chance of sparking at the commutator which results in poor cm. Determine the time of commutation for a speed of 600 rpm .
commutation , is the failure of the current in a short-circuited coil to reach Data De ==l7.75==0.l775 m, w111 =2 .25 mm=2.25 x l0- 3 m,
the full value in 1he reverse directio1i by the end of commutation. These 2
wb = 2 cm== 2 x 10- m, N == 600 rpm
variations of current is shown by curve (iii) in Fig. 4.14.
Aim tc == ?
The self induced emf in the coil undergoing commutation whi ch opposes
tc = wb - w,11 (refereqn.4.9)
the reversal of current is called reactance emf
Each armature coil possess appreciable amount of self inductan ce Ve
because it lies embedded in the armature slot which is built up of a material v . = ITDcN == n x O. l775x600 == 5.58 m/s
of high magnetic permeability. An approximate value of self inductance L C 60 60
can be determined by Hobart's Rule as given by eqn . (4.8). -? -3)
t = (2xl0 - -2.25xl 0 ==3.\Sx!0-3 s
L==mT/(81 1+0.81 )xl0-6 H (4.8) C 5.58
where l 1 = Length of active portion of a coil Example4.9 A4-pole 220V ISOOrpm,lapwound,DCmachineha_sa
commutator of diameter cm an d thickness of brush 1.25 cm. If the machme
35 1

l 2 = Length for end connection of a coil

Armature R
· · . and
· ~ ,, ess
G 0
120 DC Machines and Transformers · turns, 1t ts possib
• le for th e ,teld
r: mmurari
on 121
wtl ti•i.e C reversed
Armature reaction effect causes the weakening of field in curren
· t in the short -c1rc
. ·to be too ,,.trong I
tips wwards which the brush axis are to be shifted. case, _,ue by the end of commutation a d uited coil is r · n such a
Pole . 11 \fi:ll n spa ki
n1grtl[Tlll tator in the reversed direction Th' r ng rnayagiorced t0 b
The angle of brush shift required depend
. s on
d d. .the armatu re cu rren . . e too
cD otati on and tS shown m Fig. 4. . b is ph enomenon am occ
which changes with the change tn Joa con 1110n. cofl'"' 14 y the curve (iv is. cal . led
ur atthe
I over.
The direction of brush shifl
. confin
. fes to .mode of operatio n,. e flesistance Commutation ).
generator or motor and direction o rotatJon.
A better method of providing the commutating field is to make u
·. 4,9,2
file second metho. d of obtaining satisfactory corn . .
interpoles. /11teipo/es are small auxiliary poles placed in the geom . resistance b1 ushes.
~,gh mutation is bYuses of
neutral planes, th at is mid-way between the main poles as indicated
"or A B C
4. I6. Number of interpoles is equa I to number of main poles.
Since th '&
poles are placed in between the main poles these are all called interp 8
As these poles provide commutaung field they are otherwise
call ·
commutating po/es.
lnterpoles are excited by passing a DC current through the field winct· '°
provided around these poles called interpole winding. The polarit
y of •~g 21
commutating field provided by these interpol es must be that of the
te Figure 4.17 Res1stanc
· e commutation
main pole along the direction of rotation, in the case of · a generator· ·nFextor
motor operation, the polarity must be that of the previous main pole Referring to Fig. 4. 17,
. when the curre nt t·rom cotl. C h
. · f · at commutator ar Q at the time of commutafion, h
Ong b t ere exist treac es near the
the d!fecuon o rotation . for the flow o current towards the brush · Th ..
As the commutating field produced by those poles has t b f e ttrst path wo
is 5tparallel
. path
. ional to the armature current, the interpole winding is series ex"· e
d. . . . .
1.e. connecte m senes with the armature ClfCUit. The neutra
reactance voltage is thus rendered automatic when interpoles are
lisation of th
coiJCthroug thecommutatorsegment 'Q' t h
is from coil C through coi I B then th ro t ' rarght from
e brush. The second path
copper brushes which are having . low cug segme~t P to the brush.
. . If
usede ontact res1stanc ·
Hence all modern machines are fitted with these interpoles enabli there JS no inducement forthe current 10 t k h e JS used then
ng th; above. nd
machme to. .operate between no load to 25 per cent overload with
fi1xed . This will . not. assist satisfactory commuta
a et seco path mentioned
t1on With c b b
wtuch are havmg high contact resistance the cu · I ar _on rushes,
b rus h pos1t1on and withou t sparking. take both the parallel paths. rrent from cml C tends to
Main pole If r1 and r2 are the contact resistance of the
Qrespectively, then as the segments move from Ib.'~:h ov~ seg_ment
p and
Flg. 4.17, the con tact area under se• e o ng t as indicat
Inter pole segment p in . oment Q decreases whereas under ed in
proportional ti~::s es. Hence cont act res is tan ces, which is in verse
· . tact area, r2 mcreases and r1 decreases. As the contact Iy
resistanc. e r2 mcreases , mm.e pai.t of the current from C will tend to take the
1ow res1stacne. second pa th 1.. e. via . cotl. B segment P and to the brush
H d
ence .
the high contac t reststa
. • nce brush' helps the current in coil B·
thn ergomg
d comm ut at·ion to attam . .its full value in. the reverse direction at
'ii wear and
een of com t . mu atJon. The carbon brushes also lubricate and give less
Figure 4.16 lnterpoles tear on comm utator surface .
lhes In practice both emf and resistance commutation are used togethe
Care should taken that fo
proper valuefor thebecommutating fi:I~
ren .armature current there is a
· the mterpole winding is provided
ame machine.
r in
Armature Reaction
and Commutation 123
d r,-ansformers rnber of extra shunt field turns n
oc Machines an -----=-::;;;; . d the nu . . ..
ecessary to ncu tral isc th is
fill netisaoon.
derriag • (i) Wave ATd = 1045.5
[J\IIS. AT; TI = 105
react ion : .. s1
. ·ts of annature ..
1 Undl•-ired cffc, · • g shilted (u) Lap /\Td = 522 .75 AT· T
. -
. neutral axis· . gctt1n , ~h -- 521
MagncllC _ ole. DC generator has. 492 armature conductors and ·
an armature current
2- A45POA- The brushes are given a lead of IO mechanical Fi111 d th d
• Distoring effect
· · g effect of I . agne · e emag ..
• oeniagneUSHl dcross rn tising ampere-turns per pole if the machine. 1110
!Z 1s wave connected"'.
Armature ampere tu1
-ns per pole ATa = 2P an
[Ans: ATd = 102.5 ; ATc = 358.75]
2. 0 ole wave wound generator supplies a
ATd = - x /Z current of 50A. The shunt field
. re turns per pole 360 3. A 4;2 A- There are I 25 commutator
. . o arn1ature an1pe
3. oemagneus1n,,
se~ments. The brushes are given a lead
' 1aJ<e3 corn mutator segments. Calculate (1) the demagnetising and (")
ATd =- xIZ
cs of . ·og ampere-turns per pole . ·
[Ans : ATd = J 56- AT = 656
u cross.-
rJJagneUSI . 5
C I wave wound armature of a ' C . .
DC machine has 880 conductors and
. -
4. Cross-magneusing
3111,ature amper
[ I -
ATc = IZ 2p
e turns per pole

4. Ae:~~s el o A ~he brushes have be~n

u) cros
d the geometncal axis . Calculate
s-rnagnetising ampere-turns per pole and
displaced through 3 angular degrees
(1) demagnet1smg ampere-turns per
(iii) the addit ional
field cur-
(. t for neut
ralising the demagnet1s. at1on
. .f
I the field winding has
I cs l 1en [Ans: ATd =440; ATc =6160: ff·
l IO turn s per
ATc = IZ [ p -
2 Cj pole. =4A ]
• le , 50 kW, 250 V, wave wound DC shunt generator has 400 armature
5· A4-pdOctors
. windino ampere turns per Pole ATcw = lfATa wnu . Brushes are given a lead of 4 commutator seoments Calculate the
s. Co111pensaung " demagnetisation amper-turns per pole o .
if shunt field resistance is 50 Q. Also
la Z calculate extra shunt field turns per pole
ATcw = I/IA 2P to neutralise the demagnetisation
[Ans: C=2 00; ATc1=820: ATc
=4305: 7~-11=164]
(J}b -(J}m . ADC machine has a commutator of 20
6. Time of commutation I c = vc 6· cm diam eter. Brush thickness is 2 cm
s and the thickness of mica insulatio
n is 2.5 mm. Wh at is the time of
commutation at I 000 rpm ?
rIDCN mis [Ans: 1.67 ms]
7. Velocity of commutator Ve = _ Determine the react ance voltage for a
60 7
self-inductance of coil = 0.2 mH ; curr
DC machine having the following data:
8. Reactance emf E, ent per conductor = 45A; Brush
width = 2 commutator segments; num
ber of commutator segments = 50;
2LI speed= 750 rpm .
For Linear commutation £,. = - [Ans: Tc = 3.2 ms; Er= 5.625 V]
le 8. A500 V, I000 A, lap wound DC
machine has IO poljes and 860 armature
2.22 LI
For sinusodial communication £,. = - conductors. Calculate the number of cond
-- uctors in the pole face to give full
compensation if the pole face covers 68%
of pole pitch . [Ans: 6]
9. A 25 kW, 500 V, 4-pole wave wou
nd DC shunt motor has 840 armature
conductors and 140 commutator segm
EXERCISES ents . Its full load efficiency is 86% and
the shunt field current is 2 A If the brus
I. A4-pole DC generator supplies full load hes are shifted backward through 1.5
curre nt of 143 A. It has 492 armature segment from the GN A, find the demagne
conductors (i) wave connected and (ii) lap tising and distorting ampere-tu ms/
connected . When delivering fuU pole.
load the brushes are given an actual lead of [Ans: ATc1 = 252.63; ATc = 2694 .72]
10°. Calculate the demagnetising
ampere-rums per pole. If the field winding is
shunt connected and takes IO A
Armature Rea .
124 DC Machines and Transformers ctton and G
. the Junction of lnterpoles? ommurarion 125
-SH_O_R_T_A_NS-W-::E::R:-::0::-;U;;;ES;.;T;;;IO"Nics w1tat ,s . ' .
12- les provide co mmutatin g field in th .
1n1erJJO d. h . c rntcrpohr .
. , · DC macnines. aet induce m t e co,t underooin g . , region causino A I ..
1. Define th e term 'armature reaction 111 b I current ca rryin er11f too f ei cornrnutalion Whi h ~- l d1t1onal
. ~ . wee n the flu x se1-up y t 1c g arn,,11 ,c1ance em . c neutralises the
The m1eraL11on bel . .. 's defin ed as arm ature reaction. lire re" •s the i11terpo l . d ' .
conductor~ w11h th e main field flux ,. e wm mg m DC macl .
. ? f[oW I . . . . . 1111e excited?
d .rr. t of armature reaction.
2. What are the two unwante eJJec s
1J. le wmdmg ,sconn ected 111 series with lh
1n1erpo e arrnatu ·
1he armature current. re c1rcui1 and is excited
Cross-magnetising effecl / Distoring effect bY . I .
/,at polarity are t 1e mterpoles excited in DC
• Demagnetisin g effect . . 14. To W generaton ?
3. Differentiate between geometric neutral axis (GNA) and magnetic neut,Q/ larity of the In terpoles must be !hat of th .' ·
The Po . . h
direction of rotation, m t e case of generator. e next m'tin I I
' po c a ong the
axis (MNA). . .
. , ·. ( ONA) is the axis which 1s situated geometrically hat polarity are the interpoles excited ;11 DC .,,
Geometric ncutra 1 axrs · . . or 15 To W Lnotors ?
ph ys ically in the mid-way between adjacent main poles.. Magnettc neu1ra1 · F motor operation , the polarity of the Jnterpoles . be
or . . - must th at ol. lh , ·
axis (MNA) is the axis which passes through the zero-crossing of the resuhant rnain pole along the dLrectron of rotation. · e previous
magnetic field waveform in the air-gap. . . . . _Why are carbon brushes preferred for DC machines?
4 What if the purpose of providing compensating wmdmg m DC machfoes?
The high contact resistance carbon brushes help the curre t . . . .
· · · t· I . 1
.. ·no
Compen s,11.1 ei windings are used in . DC machines of large output and 1-n
m mutation
. to attain its u I value 111 the revers, I' .n. in. co1 underoo,no 0 0
. • . . . , e l 1rec11on at th e end of
machines which are subjected 10 rapidly ch angmg loads. The fl ashover 01 Co mmutron. The carbon bru shes also lubncate and oive le.. , . .
0 ss W1:a1 anu1 tear on
arcing, likely 10 occur due to rapidly changing armatu_re flu~ c~used by rapidly commutator surface.
changing loads is overcome by providing compensatmg wmdmg.
5. !II which part of the DC machine, is the compe,rsating winding situated ? LONC ANSWER QUESTIONS
1n 1he slots provided in main pole faces.
I. Explain the effect of armature reaction in a DC shunt ge nerator. How are its
6. How and why is the compensating winding in DC machine excited?
demagnetisin g and cross-magnetisin g ampe re turn s calculated?
As the compensation requ ired is proportional lo the armature cu1Ten1, lhe
2. Explain armature reaction in a DC machin e. Ex plain how the effect of armature
compensating winding is excited by the aimature current. reaction can be neutra lised.
7. Define the term commutation in DC machines.
3. Explain the meanin g of arm atu re reac tion as applied to a DC generator and
The changes that take place in winding elements during the period of short- describe how th e armature reaction affects the workin g of DC generator.
circuit by a bmsh is called commutation . 4. "Brushes in non-interpole mac hines are given a lead." Disc uss with reasons.
8. What are the various types of commutation? 5. Why are compensatin g windings used on certain DC machines·) Explain their
Linear commutation action and the meth od of co nn ec ting up these windings. Give instances where
Sinusoidal commutation their use is des irable.
9. What is reactance emf in DC machine? 6. Explain the purpose and arran gement of compensatin g windin gs in DC
The self induced emf in the coil undergoing commutation which opposes !he machines.
reversal of current is called reactance emf. 7. Explain the process of commutation in a DC machine.
I 0. What are the causes of sparking at the brushes of DC machines? 8. Wh at is meant by reactance voltage'' Discuss 1he factors which affe ct the
The cau ses of sparking at the commutator and bru shes are due to under reactance voltage.
commutation or over commutation i.e. the failure of the current in a short· 9. Describe with sketches the process of commutation in a DC generator. Explain
circuited coil Lo reach the full value in the reverse direction by th e end of lhe methods adopted for obtaining satisfactory commutation.
commutation. 10· Explam · how commutation .
is improved by ('I ) sh·t· · the brushes from neutral
I tmg

11 . Name the two methods of improving commutation. axis and (ii) the use of commutating poles.
Emf commutation 11 · Explain the various methods to improve commutation.
Resistance commutation
d Transformers
126 O( Machines an .
. • of lnterpo Ies.,,· Explain .
12 Whal is the function . ·1ional features of lnterpoles and ln1e
. . . h function aJ1d construe
1J. D1scu~~ I c "Pole
windings. ._ b resistance commu~ation_. Sketch the c .
14 Explain clearly whal is mca 111·c; density for (i) straight
· nd bnish cun
current change a . a~d (iii) under commutation .
Line commuta/1
Loa d Characteristics of
(ii) over commuiat,on
15 . Explain the term s. armature reac
·lion reactance voltage and resista
' nee
DC Generators
conunuwtion. . 1.011 and commutation on the perform
16. Discuss the el,eels or annature 1eac
·r I
·1 effects be removed? anee
of DC gencid ·
., IOr How can t11e ev1
pensa1r ng
. d' g and Jnterpoles are provided
wrn 111 ' in a i1 ....
17. Wh en bol com · h1·n the brushes from geometnc • 0 C .,., load charactenst1cs signifies the changes that tak I · DC
gencralOr, is ii necessary to s neutral plane fhe teru• .. e p ace rn a
lo ator under load cond1t10n.
obtain good commu ia1ion ? Explain. gener 3 . . th t (') . .
In Chapter , It is see~ . a I magnet1sat1on characteristics£ Vs
and (ii) No-load characten~t1cs Uo Vs II are the two main charac
pertaining to no-load cond1t1ons for DC gen~ratms.
When the generators are loaded , the relat,on shrp between the termin
voltage and the induced emf is given by the following equation.
U = £-[laR111 + l .H, Rse I-Vb (5. 1)
where Rm is the machine resistance including the armature, interpo
les and
compensating windings, Ub is the brush contact drop and R
is the
resistance of the series field winding, ifany. Sometimes, Vb is also
with the / a R111 drop. The armature current la ancl the series fi eld
Iff depend mainly on the load curren .
t IL . Therefore accorc lino to
eqn. (5.1), as the load current / l mcrea ses, the term inal, voltage C
V is
subjected to changes. These two electrical quantities V and
/ L can be
measured by measuring devices, connected ex ternal to the genera
Hence, the relation between U and IL is called external load charac
of a generator.
The right hand side of eqn. (5.1), apar t from containing terms denotin
resistance drops, also contains the term £, which is the emf
induced in
machine. Although this quantity is not measurable, it can be
The induced emf depends on the magnetic field available in the
air-gap of
the machine. Under no-load condition, the magnetic field is provid
ed by
the field system alone . As the machine is loaded, the curren
t carrying
armature conductors also establish additional magnetic fields,
which was
explained earlier as the effect of Armature Reaction. Therefore,
apart from
terminal voltage U, the induced emf Eis also subjected to chang
es wi th
changes in the load current. The relation between E and h is called
intema l
load characteristic of a generator.
Hence, load characteristics of DC 0 enerators can be broadly clasS
into two types (i) external characte;istics U Vs IL and
(ii) internal
Load Chara .
128 DC Machines and Transformers ctenstics of D
erators 129
. . . E y , Both these characteristics are lo be obt . u N ' 1,Const.
characten st1cs .. t . ·s L·
driven by a prime mover at constant speed. l'h a, 0lled I

when tI1e genet a 01 1 . .

. . d pend on the load current and exc1tat1011 conctir
<Id -·
- - 'I~ Armature R
. e w (iv) EV /
' I
s l
die mac h me. L Rm drop
' (ii) UVs I
The connection diagram for obtaining the external characteristic
· h . F 5 1 of a
separately excited DC generator is s own 111 ig. . .
,, OL--===============~(:iii) (IL Rm) Vs IL
Figure 5.2 Load characteristics of separately excited
load . . generator
Toobtalll the mternal characteristic , th e rnachrne . r ·
,, easured separately and a straight line g h . . . esistances are to be
,,,, rn / Wh th. · rap (ttt) can be ct •
I Rm) Vs L · en ismachmeresistanced . rawn with
~ DPST ( L . .
charactenst1c as per
Th 5.4),
. . eqn. .
rop IS added
curve (iv) ca n be obtained .
to th
1 h .
Const N •oternal
charactenst1c. us 1t is seen that th em ucedernf1s - l c b.1s the
. d '. ,
Figure 5.1 Connection diagram for obtaining external characteristic of a to reduction as the load current is increased. c1 so su ~ected
separately excited generator In the separately excited generator the field . .
. I U ' current ts mdepend f
the termmal vo tage andf load current I L . Th us , at constant speed ent o
The network equations are . h . d d a d
. t em
excitation, 1· em would have remained constant as .indicated
. huce . nb
IL=U/RL (5.2)
curve. (1), a stra1gd tI me parallel. . to X-axis , pro v1·ct ed th ere ts . no armatureY
(5.3) . But un er
reaction. h cad cond1t1on, the demagnet's· I mo e ffect of the armature
la= IL
react10n causes t. e .net flux to decrease with inc rease ·tn 1oad current.
V = E-ILRm -Ub (5.4) Therefore, " the d1ffe1ence between curves (i) and (,. v) ·ts ct ue to armature
Here, / is independant of U and h. reaction euect.
On no-fuad condition i.e. with the DPST open, the generator can be The .external
. characteristic
. curve · (ii) lies , belo w th e ·mterna I
made to have a desirable amount of voltage Uo by supplying the ch~ractensllc curve (1v). The difference is due to the armature circuit
required amount of field current from a separate DC source . Usually, u0 res1stanc~ drop. However, the drop in the terminal voltage from no-load to
may be the rated voltage Ur. Therefore, the first point on the load ~II-load 1s only small which can be easily neutralised by a slight increase
characteristic is obtained as m the field current, if necessary.
U = U0 when h = 0 as marked and shown in Fig. 5.2. Example 5.1 A 4-pole, lap wound separately excited DC generator has
To obtain the other points on the load characteristics, the DPST switch an armature resistance of 0.4 Q and is driven at 750 rpm. The armature has
can now be closed and the load switched on step by step. 720 conductors and the flux per pole is 0.03 Wb. If the load resistance is l 2
_ Before noting down the change in voltage with corresponding change ohm, determine the terminal voltage of the machine.
m _the load current, care should be taken to ensure that the generator is still
Data P =4, A = P = 4, R = 0.4 Q, N = 750 rpm, Z = 720, ¢= 0.03 Wb ,
dnven at the same speed as it was under no-load condition .
RL=l2Q "
. If the changes in the terminal voltage is plotted against the changes
111 the lo~d current, one can find a slight drop in voltage from no load to full Aim To find U
load. This external characteristic is shov.TI as curve (ii) in Fig. 5.2.
■wr · ·
load Characteristics of De G
. Ioad trom eneraror; 13 J
ansi'orme n . bars to decrease Its 600 T
130 DCMac
hine5 and ~ bu,· ' N ol t . . ure reac. tion . to 40() kW . he lllac hinc
•olrJge e i· s 0.02 .Q. e.:, ec a, mat
~ . nc U = 400 Y, Pi - 600 kW . •2 n
Sol11tirm ,, 1slll ,1, == 400 kW
u - r - ,, t?./11 rv-' @1 :::: 'f 2 , , R,,, ::: n om
- ;NZ p n.oJ x 750 x 720 x ~= 270 v JJ<110 •

x- 1.() 4 ¢x t0 0 ?
·- = - A =
· 0
·' 60 ~;111
R - U +-R1,X Ra 11
[ = U+ f ,_ a - suf,itio Pi 600 x 1Q 3
fi1 = 0 =~ == 15 00 A

£1 =U+IL1Rm ==(400+(1500 x0,0

2))== 4JO V

£ 270 P2 400x to 3
I L2 = U = 400 == I 000 A
U•(1t) "(1+~;J £2 = U +IL2R11, ==(400+ (IOOO x0.0
2)) == 420 V
. when ¢1 = ¢2
u = 261.29 Y
. n
.l eel DC generator, whe . ). rpn, ,
driven. at. 150( Ni £,
2 A sepa ratel y exc1 nt resis tance. -=-
I 5
. . • of 200 A at 25 uy to a circuit
of c_onsta £2
Examp e · ced to 1250 N2
if the speed JS redu
supplicsc:1 loadcunc .:1~1- . d the voltaoe . QQ 5n
·11bcthc cu11 ent an o . ,H.; brush Percentage reduction in speed
I d?· Armatur . ce=
e resistan
. k , in o lield current una !ere t of armature reaction.
\V 1at. wi
effec N -N2 £,- £2 430 - 420
, I . I - - x l00 = 2 lJ o/io
contc:1cl drop 2 V: neg eel l ,e
I pm eep i:
I xlO O= --- xl0 0= - ..
= con st, 430
. _ 200 A, ur = 250 v, RL = constant, 11 N1 E,
Data N r = 1500 ,pm , I L1 -
N. = 1250 rpm , R,, =0.05 Q , U,, =2 V 5.3 LOAD CHAR
Aim I L2 =? U2 =? gory of sci f-exci tee! generator s.
Shunt generators come L~nder_ the cate
ssary for obtaining the external
Solution . . 5.3shows the connection diagram nece
RL _- !:i_
= 250 = 1.25 Q characteristic of a DC shunt generator.
Ill 200 .i' -~ i-:.+-___,,._ _-r- ---- .. ')-t- =f-- -'-(
El = vi + ILla + ub
250 + (200 x (0.05) + 2 = 262 V . ,,
= + ,, Load
At constant field current and neglectin
g armature reaction .
¢2 = ¢1 ,,
£ 2 = £ 1x- = 26 2x - = 218.33
N1 1500
a +U b
E2 = U2 +I nRa +Vb= I L2RL + I L2R Constant N
. re 5.3
. ct·iagram •101. obt ai·111·110b external characteris
I L2 = E2 -Vb =[2 18. 33- 2] = 166.
25 A of shunt generator
RL + Ra 1.25 +0.05
V The network equations are
U2 = I L2 xRL =166.25xl.25 = 207.81
reduction in speed of a separately IL = .!!_ (refer eqn. 5.2)
Ex~mple 5.3 Estimat~ the p~rceJ.tage RL
e~citati~ on 400 V constant
excited generator working with E_Stant
Load Chara
cteristics ofo
132 DC Machines and Transformers • C Gener.
ase in load resistance when the ators 133
u decre current i
I=- A . the load current. At the same tim h · . s small will cau .
(5.sJ e in . I l . e, t e tnc se an
I Rf ·ocre11s the term ma vo tage which tends t d reased load curr
I wer 2) Wh h o ecrease th ent
!0 =Ii+ 11
will °-i, weqn.(5. . ent eloadcurrentreaches e_loadcurrent
accord1 ~ h is normally much greater then the .{:'. II a certain maximum
(5,6) I

. whtC hunts the fi1e Id wm . d'mg to such a iu load cu rrent, the load
U = E - !0 R,,, - Ub (5.7) lif11JI,
. 111 nee s 'dl h n extent that th
d dency of field current and hence th resis d ops more rap1 Yt an the load resistan ce. e terminal
Equation 5.5 shows t~1e I epeltnage This causes a change in the Sha e g e r . l d .
voltll her decrease 111 oa resistance actuaII
. · on termma vo · Pe furt . Ycauses a d .
exciting con dit1on . . f hunt generators from those of separate1 'th decrease m vo1tage and the charact . . ecrease 111
of the load charactenst1cs o s y nt w1 . enst1c thus tu b
curre th armature termma1s are short circuited (R _ rns ack.
excited generators. d. . s i·equired for self excitation are satisfi ,.,1 WJten ~ tic cuts the X-axis at some point c shown . L - O) '..the extended
I d 1'fthe con 1tJOn 1"I.I aractenst generators are, there tiore, self-protectiv mcurve.(11) of Fig · 5·4·
On no- oa tor, can be ma de to build up a desired no-load voltage,,' v , ch
fhe shun . e against accidental
ll the rated vo Itag e. The first point on the load characteris•:ucs
. genera
then. the 0
rt circmts. . . .
which 1s usua Y . Fig 4 is similar to that of a DC separate! sh .... armature c1rcmt resistance drop is added to th .
ofaDCshuntgene~ators10wnm 1 . 5. = O. y If u,e . (5 e terminal voltage
. d tor ,.e. U = Uo when h . l the points, followmg eqns. .5, 5.6 and 5.7), the internal ch . .
excite genera. ' th d characteristics are obtarned by connectin g for al be obtained. aractenst1c
F therpomts on e oa I EVs h can . .
h I ur d across the macwnei..: terminals and by decreasing the load k resistance. At the time of short ClfCUJt as alread~ mentioned, the terminal voltage
t e oa
However, the speed an d field circuit resistance should be ept constant. andhe
nce the field current are zero; the induced emf, which is by v. t f
.. d' d 1rueo
1s m 1cate as the ordinate CD and the sh or t c1rcu1t- .
R1 - Const. resi LI magnetism,•
.d al .
u N-Const. rent is OC. The mduced emf CD 1s normally very small because the
;:dual magnet_ism ~ill be almost completely neutralised by armature
- - - --- - _
- - - - - -1' - - (i)
, _ Weakening of field +
reaction. Sometimes 1t may even be reversed. It is for this reason that
Armature reaction
shunt generators often . . fail to self excite after they have been shut down
- (iii) EVs IL by a severe short c1rcu1t.

(ii) U Vs IL
5.3.1 Critical Load Resistance
If astraight line from the origin O is drawn tangential to the final portion
of the internal characteristic curve shown by the dotted line in Fig. 5.4,
the slope of this line will give the minimum value of the load resistance
for which the generators will excite if it is made to self excite on load
condition. This resistance is known as the critical load resistance. If
Figure 5.4 Load characteristics of DC shunt generator
the load resistance is less than this critical value, the shunt generator
An initial reduction i; load resistance causes an increase in the load will fail to build up its emf. This is one of the conditions for shunt
current giving rise to more voltage drop in the machine and reduction of generators to be self excite. Thus there are two critical resistances for a
emf due to armature reaction. These reasons are similar to that of a shunt generators-one for the field circuit and another for the load
separately excited generator where decrease in terminal voltage is caused ,. circuit.
by an increase in the load current. In addition to these reasons, a fall in
Example 5.4 A DC shunt generator has an open circuit voltage of250 Y. :
terminal voltage causes a reduction in the field current, according to eqn.
When the machine is loaded the terminal voltage is found to decrease to
5.5, due to which weakening of the magnetic field occurs. This additional
reason gives rise to more voltage reduction on the terminals when compared
240 V. Find the load current the field circuit resistance is 40 Q ao d th e

to separately excited generators. annature circuit resistance is 0.02 D. Neglect armature reaction.
load Characteristics of De
134 OC Machines and Ti'ansformers Generators 135
_ y U =240 V, Rf = 40 Q, Rm = 0.02 .Q 5of1tliOII ¢NZ P 40xi o-3
Data £ ~ Uo - 250 ' · E=--X-=~ 6
60 A 60 X- ::: 250 V
. I I. -- ·I
Alnl 2
E=U +laR a =U+ (IL+ I J )R
Solution E = U + Ia Rm = U + (I l + If )R,,, (I

If = U/Rf = 240/40 = 6 A = U+(.!!_ +!!_JR

RL Rf a
250 = 240+ (I l + 6)0.02
= (fl +6)=(250-240)10.02=500 A
I l = I a - If = 500- 6 = 494 A
250 = u + (i~ + f
2~0 .5
= 1.0353 u

g field U = 241.476 V
A 4-pole lap connected DC shunt generator havin
1 55
resistances of 50 Q and 0.15 Q respec
five 200 V 60 Wlamps. Calculate the armature curren
curren t
i ! fl= -
= 16.098 A

' d ctors and the induced emf. Allow brush contact drop
the armature con u ,n/e 5. 7 A 4-pole DC shunt generator has a connected
examrre The armature an d shunt field resistances a wave ('\
W, ub =2 V, re O•2 and 50 .Q
as2V R -50 ('\ R =0.15 Q, u = 200 V, Po= 75x60 . .
!U · ~t
arrna find the
Data f - ~t, a respectively. Ifthe generator supplies eighty, 200 V, 60 Wlamps,
curre t th h
A=P =4 rated emf, the total armature current and the n roug each
Aim Ia = ? I = ? E = ? armature conductor.
60 x80W
Solution Data p = 4, A= 2, Ra = 0.2 Q, Rf= 50 .Q, U= 200V, Po=
p0 = 75x60 = 4500 W
Aim E =? Ia =? I z =?
I - Po = 4500 = 22.5 A Solution
l - U 200 Po = 60 X 80 = 4800 W
U 200 IL= P0 /U = 4800/200 = 24 A
f --=-=4 A
f - Rf 50 If = U/Rf = 200/ 50 = 4 A
I~ = IL + IJ = 24 + 4 = 28 A
la= fi +If =22.5+4=26.5 A
I z = Ia/ A = 28/2 = 14 A
f =~ = 26 · =6.625 A E = U + Ia Ra = 200 + (28 X 01)
A 4 = 200 + 5.6 = 205.6 V
E = U + t0 R0 +Ub = (200+(26.5x0.15) + 2) Example 5.8 A 4-pole, lap connected DC machine has
540 armature
rpm, determine
= 205.975 V conductors. Ifthe flux per pole is 0.03 Wb and runs at 1500
as a shunt genera tor with the
Example 5.6 A 6-pole, wave wound, 500 rpm DC shunt
generator has the emf generated. lf this machine is driven
e when it suppl~es a
armature and field resistances of 0.5 and 250 .Q res pee ti vely.
The armature same field flux and speed, calculate the terminal voltag
and shunt held
load resistance load of resistance 40 n . Given armature resistance as 2 .Q
has 250 conductors and the flux per pole is 40 mWb. If the
curren t. circuit resistance as 450 .Q . Also find the load current.
is 15 .Q, determine the terminal voltage and load
RL = 40 .Q
Data P = 6, A= 2, N = 500 rpm, Ra = 0.5 .Q, Rf =
250 .Q, Z=250, Data P = 4, A = 4, Z = 540, ¢ = 0.D3 Wb, N = 1500 rpm,
3 Ra = 2 Q, Rf = 450 .Q
¢=40mWb=40x10- Wb, RL=1 5Q
Aim U = •1 / L =?. Aim u = ?I
. l =?.
Load Characreristics of DC G
. d r, nsformers enerarors 13 7
13 b
DC Machines an ra
U = E - IL ( Rm + Rse ) - Ub
Sol11tio11 . 15.9)
~NZ P Accord ing to e~n . (5. 8?. the exciting current i.e. the .. ,
f ::: 6()XA . field windtng rs either equal or directly . cu, rent lhruug h
h serie.5 pr oport101nl I h I
0_03 x 1soox 540 x ~ = 405 V t e. t This fact plays a major role in decid. h , ot e oacl
curren · . . rn g t c shape or th e
== 60 4
characteristic. . .
no-load, with the . DPST switch kept open• if tll,1.: gc11c1 .
. ...tlor .rs driven
It, ::: lo - I f On
·ts rated speed by a prime mover, the voltmeter will show ·1 sn1 II f
u t -U U at 1 •ct I tl A . . · , . a em
- ---
RL - Ro -Rr
in duce dduetores1
. ua ux . sstated
lo further build up volt ·t
r-1 to
· o,1 , 111 1.,- . em uuc
ea rlicrsecti
res1·ctual flux 1s a must. for the . , ge on-1oac1
condition. On closmg the DPST sw itch and by decreasing the load

l I I ] - -£ . tance the generator. can be put. on load .

U - I t - +- - R res1s ,
R1, Ra Rf 0 J \ - e s 1 s t a n c_e wi!I cause the terminal vullagi.;
to increase almost !'.nearly with 1ncr~ase ~ load cuu-cul. Further, decrease
I I I ) 405 in lo~ nal voltage to decrease. after reaching
u[ 40+2+450 :::2 amaximum value with_mcrease 1~ load current. Then the termin al voltage
0.5272 U == 202.5 will fall down at a rapid rate. Thi s shape of the ex terna l characteristic is
U = 384.09 Y shown as curve (i) in Fig. 5.6. Knowing the machine resistance, curve (ii ) in
Fig. 5.6, a straight line pass ing through the ori gi n is drawn represent ing
IL=.!!_= 384.09 = 9.601 A the voltage drop in the generator armature, series lleld coil, i.:tc. The
Rt 4 addition of curve (ii) with curve (i) will give rise to the internal characti.:ristic
5.4 LOAD CHARACTERISTICS OF SERIES GENERATOR of the generator, the relation between the induced emf and load current. as
shown by curve (i ii ).
In series generators, the field winding is connected in series with the 'N-Const
armature circuit and the external load circuit. Figure 5.5 shows the u I

Drop due to I

connection diagram necessary for obtaining the external characteristic of

a DC series generator. Drop due to


Constant N DPST
Figure 5.5 Connection diagram for obtaining external characteristic
of series generator
The network equations are
Figure 5.6 Load characteris1ics of DC series generator
1L = -
u ... . I" below the magnetisation
(refer eqn. 5.2) The internal characteristic, curve (tu) Wt 11 ie . h racteristic
RL 1
characteristic curve (iv). The difference between wterna c a
I - I - /L (5.8)
se - a -

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