Isaac Tigrett Talk 1992

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Isaac Tigretts Talk From The 1990s Sathya Sai Memories

At times you may find this talk slightly difficult to follow. That is because I have , as much as possible , used the exact words spoken by Mr. Tigrett, in order to keep it as accurate as possible. Please remember that this is a relaxed talk (there is a lot of laughter from the audience !) given by Mr. Tigrett ..this is not something that he would have intended to be transcribed word for word. Also, the spoken language has lot of other signals such as tone, speed, facial expressions , hand movements, etc that cannot be conveyed by a text document , as is presented here. Therefore , please do not ascribe errors of language to Mr. Tigrett . that would be grossly unfair to him. ( ) indicate where Ive guessed the words. ?? indicate where it was impossible to understand the word (s). IMPORTANT! Since this page is quite long, it may occasionally not load completely. To ensure that you have loaded the complete page, this transcript ends with the words (END OF TRANSCRIPT).

The Talk begins:

Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu It was a fabulous conference . It went on for about a week . There were two thousand delegates from around the world .. these were all the spiritual leaders from around the world . . all of the parliamentarians from around the world . Senator Albert Gore spoke there . the prime minister of Norway . . the . all kinds of wonderful wonderful speakers. . and Sai Baba in fact told me . he said Now I don t want you running around doing what you usually do , trying to organise everybody . so I want you to stay in your room and be ready to speak . The only way I could interpret this is that I would probably meet someone there at the conference .. . . and this is very important because I think this is the way Sai wants us to speak to everyone . to wait and look and be available to let him speak through you to someone . so I went to my room and I was . just sort of meditated and I didnt go out and scurry about like I usually do . The conference went on for a week . It was dynamic . some of the greatest speakers in the world and at the closing ceremonies .. the head of the organisation came up to me and said, We want you to speak , Isaac. . so . I was terrified , like I am now . and . except for few little notes . I just stood up in front of this massive group with a 1

global audience . it was being transmitted by satellite . and asked Swami to speak through me . and He gave a miraculous speech . all about love It was really funny . about a year later I was blessed to be in His presence . and there was some other gentleman there . . and He spoke about the conference . . and told everybody about the conference and how He gave this discourse on love through me and how nervous I was at the beginning , but better towards the end . so hopefully I would do the same today. I want to thank Michael Hollander . I have to tell you , Ive never been more terrified than the first time I met Michael Hollander . I was wearing black and I do wear black on occasion , obviously this was the wrong occasion . he came right up to me and scared the daylights out of me . and that was back in 1975 . I guess . something like that . he is a very wonderful man .. hes a great Sai devotee . as we all knew . . who worked with him .. and I feel blessed to know him. Ceilings of desires is sort of funny because Ive got all of them and theres no ceiling at all! . . I guess . what I thought I would do today .. is to talk about . I guess ..the only subject I know fairly well .. which is myself and sort of tell you my story. Im from Jackson Tennessee , which is a small country town between Nashville and Memphis Tennessee . I was raised there till about the age of fifteen and then I went to England . my mother and father were separated . he went to England . he had businesses there and I was blessed to go there.

Sai Baba with Sai Gita

I started a business when I was nineteen which I called the Hard Rock Cafe . I was a devout devotee of Jimmy Hendrix and ???? and Zed Zeppelin and several other fellows . . which I still am actually . I think they are fantastic . and I started this businesses . The Lord blessed me with phenomenal success . beyond my wildest dreams .

. In fact there are many people who . later as I became a Sai devotee .. I worried constantly . I wasnt very popular in groups such as this . mainly because people felt like that . you . know . a bunch of rock and roll . and drugs . and crazy stuff . and it was . but you know . Sai is not going to be in a place like that (? and hes not going to be using someone like that) . and I worried about it a great deal for many many years . I can only tell you that subsequent to Sai being so wonderful and calling me in and now spending so much time with me .. which I am blessed to be able to do . . hes told me that the Hard Rock Cafe was his . which I knew . . which I knew. you may know that there is a picture of Sai Baba in every Hard Rock Cafe and its very interesting , he said that it was an oasis of light in a sea of darkness .. and I feel that that is really what all of us are . and should be .. in this Kali Yuga . . a beacon for him . It was a fabulous time for me . . Eventually I was blessed to buy the rights to a book . Ive been receiving metaphysical sort of visitations since I was about thirteen years old and I got one of these visitations which said , Buy the Secret Life of Plants. I didnt know what this was . I was about 23 years old . . I think . at the time. Newsweek magazine, at about two three weeks later, here in the book section ,which I avidly read , there was a book that had come out about parapsychology and psychic phenomenon , whose name was the Secret Life of Plants by Christopher Bird and Peter Tompkins . This was 1973. I immediately called up the authors and said , I would like to buy the theatrical rights to your book because its a subject thats very near and dear to me. I had been receiving sort of psychic experiences from about thirteen years old .. . and was terrified at the beginning . didnt understand it . it was actually a preacher named Norman Vincent P ???? of New York City, whos a friend of my familys , who put me on the path originally and explained to my parents (and to me ) that I wasnt insane , because I certainly felt that I was going insane at that time when things not of your own making come into your consciousness . its difficult . Now I know that thats exactly where we all should really be !

It was very interesting . I bought the rights to this book (Secret Life of Plants). I called these authors and the guys said , Oh Mr. Tigrett . I cant believe that you want this . this is a complete failure. this book . Harpers and Row had published this . it had been their big Christmas book . it had been received very poorly . in fact the article that I had read was very down on the whole subject of phenomenon ..and I said , I dont care . I know I am supposed to buy that theatrical rights from you. .. and I did for practically no money whatsoever . over the telephone. six weeks later it hit the New York Times bestseller list. it stayed there for fifty seven weeks . and the next thing I knew, I was one of the most popular guys in Hollywood for a very short period of time . and a . it was really quite fantastic . it took me to California ..and Warner Brothers . I made a distribution deal with . and I was blessed to then go out with . Steve Wonder became my partner ..and production of it . he is a very spiritual gentleman and ..was very blessed . he did the sound track to the . film which is an album . relatively unknown album that he did called the Secret Life of Plants . and we went on a journey around the world for about a year nine months . as we were writing the screenplay .. to research all the phenomenon on the planet which this book had been written about . we went to places like the ????? institute , Virginia Beach . we went the University of California, in Southern California . where they had parapsychology department . John Hopkins . Duke . I remember going down to Mexico, they had a gentleman there who actually was an indigent street gentleman who could take Polaroid film and put it up on his forehead and make any type of photograph appear . If you wanted a picture of the New York City skyline with J.F.K. silhouette over the top ..he would do it for you . in fact he would do it primarily for alcohol ..and I remember distinctly that later on in the day , the buildings would start to slant a little bit . he was pretty exciting . But this journey eventually took me to the mother ship of phenomenon, India. I was, in fact, in a hotel in a place called Aurangabhad . which is in the North . and something started coming into my consciousness . and said Ive been waiting for you you come ! . I am looking around this hotel lobby . and there was no one there except people scurrying about . I heard this voice again . I realised that it was my inner voice speaking to me quite loudly and I looked up and there was a photograph of Sri Sathya Sai Baba . I asked someone who this was . he d not even been on my list of masters to visit in India , of course . and they told me that his was their national treasure . I knew that that was the master that I had been searching for . for many many years . or suspected it . and got onto a plane and went down to . Whitefield actually .

There were . it was a Sunday . there were probably the usual thousand or so people there and I sat back on the wall .. if I didnt sit , I stood .. dressed in black of course and Sai Baba came out and he parted the crowd and walked right up to the wall where I was standing . and I had seen him move his hand for a few people ..and they put their hands out . so I thought that that was what I was supposed to do . He made vibhuthi for me and that began my association with Sathya Sai Baba . that was 1973 fact, he said to me ,eat it very good so I did . . . And I didnt speak to him again from 1973, although I went there every year . I would spend a couple of weeks . sometimes a month . sometimes longer . between 1973 and 1989 . in fact , its sort of interesting. I became sort of the ashram joke . to a degree . its so funny, you go there . and those of you whove been there know ..that everyone is totally preoccupied with getting an interview . their egos . I mean . as they say its like doing your dirty laundry being at Puttaparthi . and it certainly is . people are certainly regurgitating all ceilings of desires . if theres such a thing there . and it was quite phenomenal whenever someone was going through a traumatic state ..which seems to be a regular thing there . they would wheel me out because I was the guy who that hadnt had an interview . or a glance . or a look ..or a word for 5 years . 8 years . 12 years . and eventually 15 years that I spent going there without a glance from Shri Sathya Sai Baba . but I knew who he was and that was all that was necessary . I still , to this day, am mystified . why its even necessary to talk to him . or why he really wants me to be there for him to talk to . its totally unnecessary because he is not what he appears to be at all . He is much more dynamic than a little man with furry hair running around building hospitals and universities . and I mean that quite seriously . its a . Ill never forget those years . it was so fantastic . I guess . it was in fact my dear friend Michael Hollander , who kept saying , Hang in there Isaac! hang in there! hang in there ! . and it was always a great comfort to see him there , as I did , many many times over the years .

Typical expression of Sai Baba

I was really sort of in a state of shock when he did call me . I think . the reason being is that I had a number of fabulous experiences over that fifteen year period where he would . I guess he was forced to reassure me who he was . I had a very wild life . to say the least . I remember one time leaving the road terribly intoxicated at about five oclock in the morning in a Porsche doing about ninety miles an hour . in California down a canyon . this car flew off into the air . about a three to four hundred foot drop . and I had actually fallen asleep while driving home . ( a little) inebriated . and Sai Baba suddenly appeared next to me in the car . this was 1975 maybe or 1976 . put his arm around me .. and I just noticed him as the car started to spin in mid air went over probably about ten times . there was nothing left of the car . there was no windshield . there was no roll bar ..there were no doors .. there was no engine . there was nothing . it was totally and completely destroyed . yet I got up and out . I mean the pressure of this arm around me . I guess . protected me completely and I got up and walked out of this car without even a bruise . much less a scratch . I got on a plane immediately and went to India to thank him . and of course he ignored me the whole time . Again, in 1977, I had an epileptic fit due to an intense drug overdose in a hotel room in Denver , Colorado about one oclock in the morning . I went into epilepsy . I lost all motor response . I fell to the floor. I swallowed my tongue . I choked to death . just like you read about , my spirit came out of the top of my head . I was in a different state of consciousness and I

was looking down at my body . something in that state of consciousness which was one of total peace and wondrous . I will never forget it . said to me, your time is not now . call your gurus name . I called Sai Babas name and he appeared instantly in this room . he picked me up and put me on a bed ..he pulled my tongue out ..I am watching this from above . he places his hand on my chest and pushes on my chest and the spirit went right back into my body . I was back into the state of epilepsy at that point in time . and I dont know how much time passed . surely a number of minutes . and shortly afterwards I was released from hospital because it was drug related . not an actual mental malady. I left for India the next day to thank Sai Baba and he ignored for several months on that occasion as well . I have to tell you , that fifteen years later, while we are working on the hospital . hes so wonderful . timing of course is everything with him . it was quite wonderful that while we were . I guess Ive been blessed to be with him for a number of hours with a number of distinguished surgeons who had been gathered together at Whitefield in his home there to discuss the hospital . and he got everyones attention several hours into this meeting . and I was sitting next to him ..and he said , I saved this mans life two times . didnt I? This is fifteen years later. I must also add that I said ,Yes of course. He leaned over and whispered in my ear, And many other times too . As you all know, Sai Baba is hilarious . absolutely . he is quite a miracle to us all . but his humour is really something else. I have to tell you a little bit about something thats important to me . I told some folks about this and they seemed to think that it was important to them , so I thought I would repeat it today . I had a very unusual childhood and . that . not unlike many other people . have suffered greatly in this life, probably due to things in a past life .. but I really had a wonderful childhood until I was about thirteen years old . at that time, I was playing with a little brother . and we got into a little fight ..and part of this bank collapsed ..and he was suffocated . I dug him out and he died in my arms . my parents blamed me for this death and they also blamed each other . at the same time my parent never spoke again .. My older brother who had an extreme IQ was affected by this . I blamed myself for this actually at the time, and the next thing I knew . he had become mentally ill . He flipped out completely and I spent a number of years in mental institutions with him . he wouldnt talk to anyone else but me . these were tortuous years for me because I was locked wars with many other people . He eventually took his own life .

My mother and father never spoke again and again, I blamed myself for this as well as my second brothers death . My father sort of committed social and business suicide . and then he allowed his business , which employed everyone in our town of Jackson , Tennessee , to fail on purpose to punish himself . I also believed that this was my fault . he eventually left Jackson Tennessee ..and left my mother and ran off with a young lady to England.

It took me many many years to deal with this extreme sadness . It went on for so long. It was so painful . Not anything different that many of you have experienced, I am sure . and I was preoccupied with all of these tragedies for many many years . and thought, Oh ! what I terrible life I had surely had. . and on one occasion not long ago with Sai Baba . and I must say that this occasion changed my life . I asked him . or rather during a situation together . he turned to me and said , Tigrett , do you have any questions about anything which you would like to know about . Ill answer any question ?. And I said , Yes . I would like to know why I was born into a family with so much tragedy and death and insanity and violence and . and all these things that went on for so many years . went on and on and on . why was I born into a family like this ?. And he smiled and looked at me and he said ,To soften your heart . and I can tell you now that suddenly I realised that I had been blessed to be born into that family . and to have experienced those experiences, because what little I am today . it has made me . and God knows I have an massive ego .. and if I hadnt had those experiences ????? what I would be doing . Its important for each of us to realise that cards that we are dealt . are given with great love and compassion . and its simply your karma . we are Baba has said so many many times before , Past is past . the future is uncertain . NOW is the time . you are making your future now . whatever you put out . comes back to you . its a very simple simple formula in the spiritual world just as its in the laws of physics . I have to tell you about my first interview with Sathya Sai Baba because it was quite fantastic . I think it was in 1974, the first time I went to Puttaparthi, that on leaving the canteen . and by the way, I think the food there is fantastic despite rumours that its not so good, I noticed a little sign over the door . a little wooden sign . in fact that sign is still there .. it says love all , serve all. So I thought . well . hes got me in this amazing crazy world , in this crazy business , and it struck me so

strongly, that I said, This surely is the only thing thats important in life and I am going to put this into my business . So I went back . This one little message changed my whole life . I went back and I started preaching to my staff , it was in my heart anyway , I had always felt it , that love all , serve all was the most . its why were born . its why we are here .. there is no other thing to think about . and I adopted this expression for my business. In fact, in every Hard Rock Cafe throughout the world, you will find a sign that says love all , serve all. In fact, we put it on millions of T-shirts . twenty million matches . and buttons and this and that . and everything else . and I would give a speech about it to my staff once a month at some Hard Rock in the world . and this is how I ran my business . I knew that I had to bring in my spiritual life into my business that it was the only way to really survive successfully in creating what he wants . because thats what he does want . he wants us all to be puppets for him . if we can say the word puppets . hard to deal for the egos a little bit . but thats really what its all about. He wants us to be instruments , and I tried to become this instrument for him . I am still obviously trying very hard . I have to say that love all, serve all became the motto of my staff and of all the people who admire what we were doing.

Old Darshan Area -probably from the 1970s

Again, I always had this fear that I was doing something wrong ..I mean , it seemed so crazy to be in such a crazy world .that I was living in ..and had this divine master plus psychic experiences all the time plus whatever . it wasnt till my first interview that I really understood ..or got confirmation from him that he was behind the Hard Rock. Ill never forget when he said , You come in. I mean after fifteen years ..I looked at the guy behind me . (I was sure thats he, he ) was talking about cant be me . and it was

quite wonderful . he called me and terrified the day lights out of me of course by doing so, and he sat me right down in front of him, and there were ten or twelve people there and he said , Where is God ?. And I said ,Well hes in my heart. He said ,No. He said , God is everywhere . its like fish swimming through water . the water is above the fish , around the fish , below ,and inside . You are fish swimming through God . This has been one of the most wonderful moments of my life and I am sure for those that were in the room, because we are swimming through God at this very moment. He is everywhere and its that consciousness which we are all trying to reach . not just intellectually ..but to completely understand and merge with that consciousness. He then asked me , How do you get to God ?. I just missed the first question so I wasnt going to answer another one . so I sat back like this . and he asked another fellow, How do you get to God ? . and he said nothing .. he asked, How do you get to God ? and then he turned to me, and he asked me again, How you get to God ? . and I just sort of sat back . and he winked at me and he said ,Love all ,serve all . It really is what its all about. I really want to tell you also about the hospital a little bit. I was very blessed that Sai Baba brought me forward and I had told my staff and my folks . my brothers and sisters at the Hard Rock . in which there were some three or four thousand of us altogether around the world . from the day that I started it back in 1971, ..that this was going to serve mankind in some way and one day . no one would ever believe me . I dont think I believed it myself . one day, something that this incredible success that we had had, will somehow serve mankind. I used to say this on a monthly basis for many many years. Swami brought someone, just in the nick of time, because I was near death and exhaustion from expanding my business all over the world, who offered me too much money for it. And I consider it to be a sign from God .. and sold the Hard Rock Cafe . it was a public company it was on the London Stock Exchange and also the American Stock Exchange and after . it was quite difficult to let it go .. but after a lot of meditation I kept getting signs . yes indeed , this is what I want you to do . I had already set up a foundation called the Rama Foundation many years before and put half of my stock into that foundation. That foundation received the benefits from half the sale of the Hard Rock Cafe which sold for a miraculous hundred and eight million dollars . I might say . oh goodness ! . in fact I will never forget .


This reminds me of something else . Swami . there was this big chubby lady came in one day and he was giving her a lecture about how to cook ..and he gave her a whole lesson on how to cook . and we sat there . how to boil water . how to do the rice . how to do everything . went on and on and on . and then . all of you know this . he turned and he said ,Sai Baba weighs a perfect one hundred and eight pounds. I have (always) since the age of fourteen , I have weighed a hundred and eight pounds. Which is, I think quite wonderful. Its very important in numerology too . there is so much mystery in this world . so much more going on than that we are aware of . I got to the point fact ..and I am getting little bit off the subject .. I got to the point where through meditation, Id reached a certain state of mind . I realised that I was detached from so many many things. Also material things that Ive never cared about particularly . and I wrote to him and said , Swami , because you have also graced me with this ability to pull energy into my body through meditation . do you want me to just go off into a cave somewhere and do this meditation ? And he said , In another period of history that would have been correct , he said , but not now , he said ,I want you in the world , I want you with these things , but I dont want you to be attached to them , I want you to stand next to them , but not be victimised by them I want beacons of light in the world , the world must be purified in this age . this wonderful age that we are blessed to have been born into . because the new age is upon us.


Sai Baba with the devoted Professor Kasturi

Sai asked me to do the medical planning . We got the Hospital Corporation of America , which is the leading hospital corporation in the world. Theyve built thousands of hospitals around the world. They did the medical planning for us. He brought in some of the brightest minds in India and other countries . also to take what the Hospital Corporation had done and tear it all to bits . and to start all over again . and he made many many changes himself as he told me . he said , This is a prototype . this is an absolute prototype . And I thought , Well gosh . what does that mean , I havent got a clue ? He sent me shortly afterwards to the World Health Organisation in Geneva. I went there and I met with a group of about twelve of their leading doctors there. When I put the plans out for them, they were outraged at the entire idea of this hospital . They said it will never work How could you build a super specialty hospital when we cant even teach people in third world countries proper hygiene or how to get inoculations ? . or whatever . They tore me into little pieces ..which is pretty hard to do . and . I sat there calmly listening to them , knowing that they were absolutely correct about what they were saying , except that this was Shri Sathya Sai Babas hospital . There was a doctor Singh , who was late to the meeting of these ten gentleman . one was from Japan . one was from Ghana one was from ???? Dr. Singh came just as they were taking the last bit of skin off my body . and Dr. Singh just took one look and said Oh , Sai babas doing this ..if anyone can make it happen , it will be Sai Baba .


Kodaikanal -early days

In fact its incredible . because . Sai Baba does not give you faith . I am sure that we have all been through this many many times before . its earned, its something thats part of the whole destruction of the ego process .. our ego wants to deny the existence of God . period . But I was amazed ..even with my own doubts . to now watch and see exactly how he has performed . the hospital. I say performed because it has been a performance and a half. It has been a start stop process . first of all, there is no other specialty hospital in the world , in the third world situation free in fact there is none free ..period , that I know of . As you know that, the hospital is on an hundred acre site. Its about forty buildings there. Its not only the hospital ..its all the backup buildings . a whole village has been built its in the process of being completed now which will house three thousand five hundred staff and their families for that hospital . It will be bigger than the ashram population . Its also the Puttaparthi hospital . which I am really excited about . because one thing I learned ..I learnt a lot about the hospital business . certainly in this type of situation . the Puttaparthi hospital has been almost tripled in size . theyve being seeing on average, 350 400 people a day. In fact for every two or three thousand people that they see in the General Hospital , only one needs to go to the Super Speciality Hospital . The Super Speciality Hospital is a hospital where they do . you know . heart transplants . eventually . Right now they are doing open-heart surgery . When I was there two months ago, they just completed their one hundred and seventy fifth open-heart surgery . in devastating conditions there . and the amazing thing was that all the laws of statistics said that someone should have died of infection . someone should have died period. ..but many should have died of infection because its still an construction site ..there is still dirt and dust and so forth . Not one patient has been lost . Its quite fantastic . The hospital is a four stage . its


in four stages . on his birthday this year, theyre going to open up the next wing of the hospital . right at the moment the heart wing . he wanted to start with the heart, which is apropos of our Lord. the next will be . I think . the urology department . and that will be followed by the other two departments over the next two years . In fact ,they want as a birthday gift to Swami, to have the urology department going . it will be headed by Dr. Bhat , who is the father of urology in India. If you ever get a chance to speak to him , he is a wonderful amazing doctor . Swami has called there. Many people have said . well . whats the story . can we work there ? . can we do this ? I think ..yes, the answer is .. . in time that will happen . he has given it to the Indian community to start off . and I think its absolutely the way it should be done as well .. the way that he has done it , because the people at the World Health Organisation said , You d be overrun . it will be crazy there, is that they will operate for two or three weeks and they stop . he stops them and this gives them the chance to go back and see what they are not doing right . to get all their administration together. Its a brilliant plan .. and hell start up again . and they will operate for a number of weeks and then he will stop them . The wards are packed . twenty five percent are children that have been operated on ..they have holes in their hearts or whatever . its truly a prototype as Sathya Sai Baba has said that it is. He told me it was a thousand year project . thats very exciting . its a wonderful thing .. and I am sure in time, those who are qualified . I am sure there are some among here who are doctors, will be given an opportunity. I know that he has just taken a gentleman from Chicago is now going to be the head of the blood bank . and an Italian gentleman has been chosen to help as the anaesthesiologists there its only a matter of time and karma . I am sure . when all of us can play a role there ..and when I say ,play a role . I think one of the great experiences I had with Michael Hollander .. is the year 1976 mustve been . when we built the stupa that was there and there were about forty others there . with the concrete . I mean its a . its really the energy thats the most important thing which you do , not . you know . the importance in our minds . and that brings me to a subject that I am . youll find very curious. Darshan in the SaiRramesh Hall

Sai Baba is not that little furry haired creature that we all adore and love .. thats a delusion. He has said that many many times before . to be


preoccupied with that form ..youre deluding yourself . to know him in his true form is to know him as everything everywhere everyone. One of the things Ive practiced for many many years in my life . in my business . the payoff is fantastic, because I dont see personalities . I see God in every face . and I try to practice but it does not come easy at times . just like you practice meditation . you practice any of the spiritual exercises that can be given to you . Its essential that you get out of the ego conscious state. Its important for you to realise who you really are. You are not the mind. You are not the body. You are all divine beings . there is no self-realisation thats given to you . you already have it. Its just the matter of removing the veil the ego . its there for the taking . its available to you . I say this with conviction because over the last several years Sai Baba has had me, hes shown me the other dimensions on a daily basis. Hes taken me into every level and plane I assume that one can go into . I am sure there are a few more he could have (shown me too). It may sound bizarre and strange to you , but you must become aware of the other dynamics that are happening . what Sai is really doing . its all matter of your thoughts . you talk about ceilings on desires . I will give you a ceiling that you MUST be aware of . and thats your thoughts . The most powerful thing that you could do in this dimension is think. Every single thought is pure energy. That energy . like the laws of physics , that energy does not die . it collects on something that Sai Baba has given us the name the astral plane. This is where the trash is this is where the thoughts are . this is where all the thought forms are . this is where the ?????, the Aztecs , the other great civilisations . when their priest class understood the powers . the ancient wisdom they create ??? spirits theyre still there ..the elementals are there . there is a dimension that we interact with and our thoughts are also on that d .

Krishnas statue and fountain in SS Hospital Grounds


. lust , greed , anger, hatred have collected on these other dimensions. Its the same as the positive thoughts your worship , your love of God , and his many aspects . all the Gods . thats collected into positive thought forms on the etheric dimension , as Sai Baba has asked us to call it. I can only tell you . and give you an example of the thought form in something that Sai Baba is up to and I am sorry to sort of burden you with this craziness . but . thats the way it is.. The thing that I am trying to make . the point that I am trying to make to you is that Sai Baba is God . he is dynamic . he is working on many many dimensions simultaneously. He is doing everything to bring in the new age . He has told me , I must we must destroy the negativity on the other dimensions as well as this one because we are so closely connected . It would be useless to clean up the planet without cleaning up the other dimension (s) .. because we are affected by these things ????? we get back to the same shape all over again. He is absolutely amazing . He is cleaning up all the dimensions at once. He is working everywhere. So incredible. But he needs our help. Human beings and their thoughts created the mess that were in today . Weve all been reincarnated into this glorious age where an Avatar walks among us . a full (Poona) Avatar. He needs our help. We are his beacons . I mean its a blessing . all of us have come in contact with this divine being . he is bringing us along . in most cases he is speeding up our karma. He needs our help. We created these problems . God cannot create negativity . its impossible . he is pure love . divine love ..not like human love . human love is contracting and grasping . divine love is expanding its quite incredible. He has blessed me with showing me the feeling of that in . a particular state of samadhi .which he blessed me with for a short period of time . He said , Tigrett , thats what the goal is ! just to sort of tantalise me .. he gets a kick out of it too. But the point being . dont think of Sai Baba as this marvellous marvellous incarnation thats down in Puttaparthi . he is here . he is in every one of you. Again, I dont want to confuse anybody with the metaphysical aspects which Sai Baba has blessed me with . ???? and just to clear that up when you say ,Why this guy ? . because Ive been saying that myself for a long time. He has taken me back to a past life. Hes shown me that I was a (shaman) master in an ancient culture and had the ancient wisdom, and then my ego got involved .. it was so wonderful, I thought, well I d just fix everything . Ill just do this and do that . and I misused this knowledge and this power and in the process harmed many many people. This life is an opportunity to make good that harm. Just as all of us are leading our own path, we have our own


karma . just know that he is with you because he is absolutely there just waiting for you . he does not interfere with your free will . he will not do that . its his own law . but he is there for you when you reach out for him. We are all truly blessed to be with him. I want to tell you one story that always tickles me. There was a group in to see him ..a Westerner group interview . and he . one fellow was from California and had sort of a Navajo ring on like a blue stone a turquoise stone . quite fantastic . and Swami said , Can Swami have ring? The guy says ,Sure! and there are about ten or fifteen people there . And he held the ring up and said, Whats this ? Swami . that it is a Navajo ring made by Indians in Arizona I believe and has a turquoise stone . Very good , he said , very good . next person . What is this? Swami, thats a silver ring with a blue stone Very good . all the way around the room . What is this? What is this? What is this ? . He then held it up and blew on the ring and it turned into a big gold ring with a ruby on the top . What is this ? Swami, thats a big golden ring with a ruby on the top Yes , very happy . what is this ? Swami its a gold ring with a red stone Very good all the way around the room, very patiently as always, what is this? what is this ? . He stood up in front of the group and said , I must get it verbatim, Swami very powerful . Has the ability to change all the elements of the universe at will . but to change one of you Westerners . very difficult.


Sai Baba during bhajans under Old Tree,Whitefield-how beautiful is this?

Now there is something that I REALLY hate. Swami asked me to sing . and I dont know how to sing . in fact I sing off key ..but I am going to try. This is a little song thats very dear to me. One of my roommates sang it to me in Puttaparthi 1974 , . and it has been going in my head ever since . so I will try . forgive me . I dont know how to sing ; Oh make me like you . Please make me like you . You are a servant, make me one too . . Oh lord , I am willing . Please do what you must do . To make me like you Lord . Make me like you. . Sai Ram Again . thank ??? most of all . for inviting me to come and be here with you this afternoon . So many people said so many sweet things to me after the


chat . really the only reason that I want to be here is to serve him and if he speaks through me to some of you . it would make my whole year ..thank you all for having me. However , someone said to me, Youre really special. This upsets me a great deal because of a lesson Swami has given me over and over again. Its really the problem that mankind has suffered from the beginning, and thats the feeling of being special. Were taught in todays world that we are supposed to be . better than . different . the second that we fall victim to feeling special weve lost the whole game completely you know . a Christian says Im special . I m a Christian . I am better than a Jew or a Hindu says . well Im special . (Im )better than a Parsi . or a rich man says Im special . Im better than a poor person . this is the danger . the danger in life in general . we have this amazing association of mankind . which it seems in todays world we are so competitive with one another wanting to beat the other guy out . wanting to be more powerful have a stronger position. You see this typified at Sai Babas ashram, where everyone is trying to get closer to the King and theyll do anything to get there . say anything. I just cant warn you enough about feeling special . Someone came up and even offered me Sai Babas food that they had in the canteen. I was so upset . or they even made me break in line to get my dinner its just (a) reminder to me ..thank Swami for that reminder . that we are all . we are Him. Feeling of being special being different . being better than someone else . someone came up to me and said ,Well Im so worried about what people say about me . Swami gave me an object and people are jealous because of it and so they say naughty things to me all the time. Worrying about what other people say . again .. the only lesson that I have learnt . because I have had to . with great love . deal with my little Hard Rock family around the world . every place in the world . its been fantastic to practice looking beyond the personality . to really see God in everyone that you meet. If you practice it . (its) just like meditation . and meditation is the way to God . I cant tell you enough . its just like the Bhajans . for years I thought . well, in fact, I think I know three after seventeen years . you know . I didnt understand the importance of that ritual .. how important it is . its a form of meditation . its a form of union with God . even if you dont know the words . just to be there .. and be part of the music . its so very very important . but meditation is everything . again I would like to talk briefly just for a minute or two . and there are so many folks had questions about various things I had said . I have questions about some of the things Ive said .. is there anyone who would like to ask any questions . because I am not going to take too much of your time this afternoon .


Id like to talk just for a second about attitude . Its an attitude thats important to understand. I was blessed to have money, and people have been asking me about money this afternoon, blessed to have money that I wanted to give Sai Baba and I didnt know how to do it. It was such a strange thing . the idea of giving Sai Baba something . wanting to give . being attached to the giving and finally I realised that this money that I was giving could not be accepted until it was given for all . who maybe dont have the cash .. if they had it . liked to have given. Its when I adopted this attitude that I approached him . this was . this gift . that he ??? blessed me in receiving . was given in the spirit that it was given for all of us .

It was the same as the symbol of this bowl which he gave me at the birthday. I was shocked . they came and woke me up at five oclock in the morning and said ,Sai Baba wants you to sit up on the podium there with him. . and I did so with his command. I was very embarrassed to be sitting up there . and then suddenly he brought out this magnificent bowl . huge thing . and presented it to me. And I realised as I was sitting there . that it was just a symbol . it represented his grace for the two thousand workers who worked on this project twenty four hours a day . it was a symbol of grace for the two hundred draughtsmen which drafted day and night to create this hospital . everyone had told that its physically impossible to create this hospital . first of all it takes at least one years planning and it will take at least three years to build. It was planned through his grace in six weeks. It was built in one year. You know . he announced . first of all, he said that he was going to do the hospital . couple of weeks later he says its going to open in a year from now . he announces at the birthday there . and we all said , Oh my God . what were going to do ? . not one of us on the project believed it could be done . talk about being close to Baba and having no faith . but indeed it was done . and . and . its an amazing achievement and I look forward to all of you being able to go over there and certainly have a look at it. Its a beautiful thing that Sai has created for everybody. Its amazing what hes done as hes predicted .( that he was would) . was first going to build a model for education and he announced this twenty years ago when he inaugurated the university . He said ,I am going to set up a model for the Indian government . of what free education could be all about . this school that I am setting up now will be the model . With the opening of the hospital , the prime minister , Mr. Rao came , and he gave a speech. In that


speech he said ,We are now accepting the university as the model for the Indian government of how free education can be given to the masses . . and I have met several of the teams that he has sent down subsequently, to study what service and education could be . now Sai has announced that this hospital will be a model to the world on how a hospital can run in a third world environment . as we all know what Andhra Pradesh is . with fifty five million people just in the state of Andhra Pradesh alone . let this hospital be a model of what free medical care to the masses can be . I believe that that s what we are . people say , Why isnt everybody a Sai Baba devotee? . I dont know what karma that we have . to receive thisnex blessing . this small Sai family . on the Earth . of course Sai has many many other names . and many other cultures. I believe that we are models . models we must be as well, to the rest of the world . And its so important that we get over our failings as quickly and fast as we can, to become beacons for him . cont. next page for questions and answers pertaining to this talk.

3 comments December 4, 2009

Cont. Mr. Tigretts Talk Sathya Sai Memories


Krishnas birthday 1992-

Now I like to . if anyone has any questions . Id love to answer if I can . .

yes maam .
. when Baba asked you to get started on the hospital . did he give a sense of direction or did he just say . work on the hospital ? the question was . when Sai Baba said to start the hospital did he give a sense of direction? . I think about forty of us ran off in every different direction there could possible be . not knowing which direction to go in. It became obvious real quickly that only with his grace would we be able to come together and make it happen . it was a . I am a very strong hard headed character and Sai Baba sort of put me in front of the entire Indian culture . and tried to . you know . bulldoze my way through .. its very interesting because I learnt a great lesson from it . he allowed me to go full steam like a little steam engine . right up the middle as they say in football . and then one day he said , Tigrett, I dont want you to talk anymore . I said ,Okay . later he explained to me .. He said ,Look . from your background . the way you were raised , there was no harmony in your family . there was no family unit . you realised that the only way you re going to get anything done in life was to go


out and do it yourself . and you never had the teaching of what a family unit is all about. He said , This hospital experience, for you personally, is a learning experience of how to work as a team . everybody has their part to play . . so indeed . we all ran off in different directions . but he . absolutely . we would have meetings for hours . and hed say ,No . little left . no I want that there . that should be green .. this should be red . this should be twelve feet tall . this should be six feet wide . he knew exactly what every room and every specification was going to be . and he was actively involved with every aspect of building of that hospital . just as he is actively involved with the running of the hospital as well. I mean , the fact that nobody has died there defies medicine in general because its a construction site and you cannot have an operating room with even a speck of dust , because when you open the body . if a speck of dust or dirt gets in . you will have internal infection and you will die. I think the fact that he comes over there a couple times a week, while these operations are going on . he visits the wards . he goes to the operating rooms . obviously his vibration is cleansing . so its a divine hospital thats for sure . with him over there all the time .

Yes Sir ? Will you talk a little bit about the meditations that you do . how frequently . ? The question is . would I talk about the meditations and so forth? . again . I had no idea . Ive been aware of other dimensions and other things going on. I didnt know if I could ever play a role in it . obviously I now know that we each can . through meditation . learn a lot about other dynamics and it humbles you greatly when you realise that there are more dynamic things than yourself going on. It all started four years ago. He asked me to work with Mrs. Phyllis Krystal . and it happens probably . he brings us together for two or three weeks at a time . we will meditate for about 4 5 hours a day . we had these sessions and then after two or three weeks hell give us a break and Ill go off and do some business . she will do her thing . and then he brings us back again. This is the way its been for four years. He asked us to record these journeys. We now have about four hundred hours on tape of these amazing journeys into other dimensions .. many discourses that he has given explaining how things work sort of and its so interesting . most interesting of all that its just like grass growing . its so simple . really really simple . the unknown always scares all of us . its a natural phenomenon but this work . primarily means to me that he is working on many levels at once. Its dynamic to see it . again let me sort of tell you . obviously there is no way for me to share these things . even the experiences I have had . I find difficult to believe . but the effect is whats important to


understand . Every time you think , you put out energy. Every single thought. Thought is more powerful even than action. Thats why he says , Watch your thoughts. .. its so very important because its pure energy and its powerful energy .. and it doesnt just dissipate somewhere. It gathers together, in what Sai Baba has called in our work ,the astral plane . which is where our negative thought forms come together . just like the Russian experience which I told you about . all this negativity . this negative fear that these Russians have had . it created a thought form . a living powerful beast really, that was still holding them and suppressing them and keeping them in that particular place. The same thing happens with lust , greed , anger .. Over the yugas, all of this has collected into huge dynamic form (s) and what happens is that when you get angry . when you get lustful . when you get hateful . when these thing occur . you are put up like a tuning fork . these thing(s) are made of human energy . and they feed off human energy . if you are not careful . you can cross a line of attraction to them . and they will attach themselves to you . and when they do . then they will keep you in that frame of mind . they will keep you lustful . they will keep you angry they will keep you in this negative . this is their food . they are feeding off of you, as crazy as this may sound. This is one of the purposes of Mrs. Krystals book . is to show you how to get away . protect yourself from these things its Sai Babas book . not Mrs. Krystals. Its the most important work or word that I can give you really today of my experience in this life is . you must watch your thoughts . its so important. A lady came up to me this afternoon and says , I am so bloody angry, I am furious, I am . . it has consumed her . anger . I believe that she has contacted one of these thought forms . and that it has control over her. It is the way things are . its very difficult to understand . but its the way things are . Yes maam . ???? how the thought form pattern over the United States compared to the thought form pattern . . well . you know . its the Shiva energy thats at work right now. There has to be death to be birth. Its just like flowers dying in the wintertime so that there can be rebirth. Its just like our lifetimes . there is death and there is birth. Its part of the wheel. It is part of the whole process for a new age to begin an old age has to be swept aside. Look whats happening to the planet right now. The planet itself is being destroyed by mankind. The biosphere is in danger of collapsing . totally collapsing. This awareness is slowly seeping in to not just America . or one country .. but the whole world is becoming aware that we have fouled our own nest .. and by being so . theyve connecting themselves to nature because they realise that nature and ourselves are one the same . we are a part of nature . nature is God . God is everything . so suddenly we are being . really . (it would seems )like a total disaster . were all tuning in to our higher nature through this awareness that the biosphere is


collapsing around our heads. I worked with the environmental groups , in fact I started an environmental group in the UK called Ark, . and got very much into it after I sold my business . and became very concerned. Ive spent a lot of time with NASA and several other organisations and saw . in fact, part of the global forum . the scientific community was the leading scientists around the world . it was headed by Carl Sagan, the famous scientist . at the Moscow conference . all they could say was that were doomed. I got so concerned that I went to Sai Baba and asked him ,Whats going to happen to the biosphere ? And he said to me ,God is allowing mankind to destroy the Earth . only when man is brought to his knees will he turn toward God. Its the same thing thats happening to all the oppressed nations that have been around the world . look what has happened . who wouldve believed that he would have broken up Russia and Eastern Europe . and some of the South American governments . and some of these oppressive countries . I mean, in a short period of time . look what he has done to the world economy . we are all marching in the wrong direction . we think materialism is going to bring happiness . so lets just stomp out materialism around the world . and he has brought the economy of the world almost to its knees . there has to be death to be birth . There is a new age upon us . a new age of consciousness . I think we are all blessed to be here. Yes Sir. We know so little about life after death . you said that Baba saved you when you swallowed your tongue ? Yes. Could you expand on that . what exactly did it feel . what did you experience . ? Life after death . you mean life after delusion . dont you !? I can only tell you , that as far as my personal experience was concerned, its really two fold. I had this experience . yes . he wanted to know what life after death was like or you know whats going on . Not that I am an expert , but I had a small glimpse . and I have had others through meditation. It was a state of total bliss . there are no five senses . you are ???? (not) bound to anything . I was in a state of pure . its like to be described just as electricity . but it was totally peaceful .. it was wonderful . I didnt really want to go back. In fact if you recall, Mr. Cowan , who Baba brought back to life . I think there was a group that interviewed him at one time . Whats it like to return back to earth ? He said it was like returning to a sewer . I dont really care about being in the etheric plane or this plane . I just like to be merged with Sai Baba permanently. I have had visitations from my own brothers and I have constant visitations , in fact, from people on the other side. Theyre in a continuous state of learning. Its still a learning process , but the action is down here. Everybody is waiting to get down here, because this is where you burn the karma off. This is where the action is . in this dimension .


Yes Sir I heard that you are incorporating these management practises . that you used in the Hard Rock Cafe . is there some sort of book or lecture series .. . This is it ! The question was . putting the practises of Sai Baba into your business . and no I am not writing a book about it and I hope Swami doesnt ask me to . but , what I am doing is practising . and I think any person who has a business . it doesnt make any difference what it is .. people say , Hey ! that guy is not a Sai devotee ..he runs a bar . another devotee may say , Hes just a street sweeper . you know . or this guy . hes just a carpenter . how can he do big things ? Its nonsense. It doesnt make any difference what anyone does. Its how you do it. Work is worship . as long as you do it dharmically , right thinking , right acting. I thought Ive retired from a business that just about ran me into the ground. Sai Baba now has me doing it again, and he has just blessed a project . and Im opening something called the House of Blues . which is a series of rhythm and blues places . three of them will open very shortly . before the end of this year . and I cant believe it . he has me doing it again .enough is enough you know . but he has told me that it must be done dharmically. The Hard Rock was a high school . you passed . just barely, Tigrett , he said, now its time to go to college. . I dont have to learn a whole new scene but . the point being is that now I am doing it totally different from the last time . the last time it was done with the heart and probably less mind . its so very important . . and theres a meditation , in fact, there are two meditations Id like to give you today . because . hes told me just recently that . he is everything . he is all action . he is the Kundalini power. The Kundalini power . the action of God . this incredible creative force . is like a freight train. Unless it is balanced between the male and female aspects .. it will run off into a (cull de sac) ..This is what causes wars , he told me . you know . too much of the male thinking . Its a combination of the head and heart . It has to be balanced . it must be balanced . all of us are out of balance . usually in one form or another .. we all have a male and a female aspect . ying and the yang . its as ancient as the day is long and we have to be guarded at all times to balance this. There is a meditation which he gave to Mrs. Krystal and myself several years ago. He has now reiterated that this is the most important meditation you can do . Its called the TREE MEDITATION . In fact, in many other cultures, in the mystical side of other cultures, starting with Christianity , this meditation was a predominant one. Its very simple. Ill give it to you very quickly. You simply sit in a quiet spot you imagine yourself . youre sitting in a


lotus position or whatever you can get . as close to it . as a tree .. as a tree . your favourite tree . maybe its an oak tree. And then you imagine that above you . rising to the sky are the branches of that tree . bellow you . going down into the Mother Earth . is the root system of that tree . which is the duplicate of the branches, really . and then you must now pull in the energy . the branches in the sky represent the Male Father . the roots in the Earth represent the Mother . the Divine Mother and you must breath in this energy . first you imagine pulling in energy through the branch system into your body . and you exhale . because when you pull in divine energy . it replaces something . this is an very important meditation . probably the most important for this age as well . and as you exhale . you exhale all that is replaced . the unnecessary parts . and you pull in . and you exhale . once you feel that and youve got that going . then you . go to the root system . this is the Divine Mother . this is the yin . and you must pull in this energy from those root systems . this is starting to keep the balance going . you pull in this energy . you exhale what is unnecessary . then you do both simultaneously . you pull in from both sides at once .. if you practise this . you will be amazed at the actual power that youll feel and the harmony within your own being . He told me that this is the most important meditation that you can do . There is one other . which is a matter that I do . and have done since he gave it to me. I do it everyday . I dont know if its of interest to you, but I feel I should tell it to you. I ask him for five things, hes just given me a sixth recently. First I ask him to think through me . and as I ask this, I breathe in. The breath . the ( Pranayama) is so powerful . I ask him to think through me . I ask him then to feel through me . again . this is the head and the heart once again . I ask him to speak through me . I ask him to feel through me . I ask him to act through me .. I ask him to love through me . this is really . one of the . this is the whole (ball) of wax really . because its the yin and the yang .. the head and the heart . Speaking . thats a result of the balance between the two . acting . that is the action . and loving . thats the divine aspect which covers the whole (ball of wax) . He just recently asked me to add to that . breath through me . so its a very very important meditation. Those two, if there is anything I can give you today that has been meaningful to me in my life . and into hopefully getting a little bit further down the path . though I cant confess getting very far . those two meditations will help in every way. Anyone else ? . yes Sir When you breath out . do you breath out through the branches ? No, just breath out through your mouth . and what this is , really is all the negativity, every energy that you bring in from the divine source replaces something in your body and that must be expelled. Imagine breathing out all the negative unnecessary things. Very important, concentration is


everything . and I know we all have trouble with concentration . we meditate when we go home . our mind goes here, there, everywhere. Keep at it . I have trouble everyday . but . I just . through these exercises .. in time its very simple . its just like seeing God in every single individual . seeing beyond the personality . soon you will see God everywhere . You breath out through the mouth ?

SS Hospital -Puttaparthi

Yes . yes Sir (QUESTION NOT RECORDED CLEARLY) You were speaking about the negative thought forms and the positive thought forms . is it accurate to say that ????????? we are trying to focus on one at the expense of the other ???? Well you hopefully are tuning into more positive things than negative things .. the five senses . you have to conquer . . and that is what leads to lust, greed, anger, envy, hatefulness, and things like that. Prayer .. meditation . that is putting out energy in a positive sense . that is connecting yourself with your true nature . (QUESTION NOT RECORDED CLEARLY) By doing something positive . youre setting the negative aside . depends on how you spend your time . Yes sir (QUESTION NOT RECORDED CLEARLY) ????? do we have the time ? ..of course . you have thousands of lifetimes youve come from and probably there will be a few more in the future. You got to realise that once you become aware in reincarnation . and I think you have to be . to intellectually understand how things work . once you become aware that youve been here before and youre liable to be here again some other lifetimes .


(????? this personality Isaac . and the) totality of this experience is just a blink . its nothing . its meaningless Yes Maam (TWO QUESTIONS NOT RECORDED CLEARLY) He has, in a meditation about a year ago . both . Mrs. Krystal and I do this together . we do this because we were both naughty in a past life . and this is an opportunity . we balance each others energy out for some reason . I dont understand it . but Sai says, You dont have to . just do it ! He brought us to an abyss . it was like an abyss it was a cavern . what can I tell you? . and there was the other side . and he said ,Turn around and look behind you . We turned around and looked and here were all of the lives of every human . of every human experience since the very beginning of time, and they were all connected with three chains. One chain was the lineage of their father. One chain was the lineage of their mother and one chain . it was a karmic chain. He then said , Look back the other way. . I know you all think its a fairy tale . but its not .. we looked back . and he said ,Over this crevasse . that is the new age , he said , none of this can come with us . we must cut the chains first . before we can pass over to the other side. Now . its a process that I think he is doing with all his devotees . I think we are blessed . and will be blessed to help others over . and I think that is one of the reasons that he has created the Sai family. Yes Maam I would like to know at what point do we merge with the Lord? Well , I cant answer that for myself or anyone else . but certainly when you have reached a state of consciousness . ????? when you merge with the Lord . there have been many many souls that have, and there are many souls that he has said ,This is your last life. I dont understand the true dynamics of everything. I know that thats my (gold or goal ?) . In fact, I sort of hope that this isnt my last life, because Id like to come back and help Prema Sai, if I can in any way.

Yes Sir Once you said that to do your work and work is a worship . but work could be different kind like a butcher . you know the man who cuts the cows . cuts the meat and all those things . does he think that is a wrong thing . change it or still go on doing the same thing ?


It doesnt make any difference what you do. The question was . does it make any difference if youre cutting weeds or if youre doing this or doing that .. should you change your job . or should you do something better or something more important . The only thing thats important is the way you do it . Doesnt make any difference what you do . totally unimportant. Its how you do it.

Yes Sir (QUESTION NOT RECORDED CLEARLY) Well, you should do things for him .You should give up your work to him. Work is worship. Simply deliver the action to him . its like I have slowly come to understand . through seventeen years of contemplation and meditation that its not important how the outcome . what the outcome of my action is . think about two guys who . .(CASSETTE TAPE ABRUPTLY ENDS) (END OF TRANSCRIPT)

Reminder: Copying or cut and paste of this talk is strictly prohibited Sathya Sai Memories.



Mr. Tigretts talk brings to a conclusion my diary of memories of early days with Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Time is moving on and Sai Baba is not as easily seen as in those early days. I am only glad I kept my diary. What a blessing that was! All future spiritual writings will be posted under Children Of Light.

God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.

-dated December 5th 2009. Link to My website: 2 comments December 4, 2009

Read Me



1. Children Of Light 1. Mantra and the Meanings Metta and Hum Mani Padme Hum 1. Sathya Sai Memory Favourites for this Month (jan.2010) 1. The Photon Band/2012 1.MR ISAAC TIGRETT'S TALK FROM 1990's 1.My Sai And I writers story 2. Children Of Light AL DRUCKER STORY All : Myths And Legends Tales from All Traditions All About Steady Wisdom All Myths and Legends (two) Angels The Shining Ones Another Realm / A Butterfly Story from Prashanti Nilayam Arunachala Stories/Pilgrimages Last Of The Old Days Child Of Light Dallas bon mots- 2009 Tigrett Darshan Experiences Deva Premal chants the Moola Mantra NEW Dreams Of Sathya Sai FUN POST:Weezer:Raditube & Valentine post:Mystery Woman God Is Love and Youtube : My Heart Will Go On And On Ken Wilber youtube Kodaikanal Experiences From 1990's My Experiences With Sathya Sai Prasad The Guru's Grace Quotations Sathya Sai Baba Sacred Geometry Sathya Sai Pilgrimage Stories Sathya Sai Festival Stories Sathya Sai Memories Small Tales From Darshan Sathya Sai Baba Swami and The Animals Swami's Halo, 1994 that weezer song that everyone enjoys! Xmas and New Year Posts

June 2010 M T W T F S S May 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


June 2010 M T W T F S S 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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