Cleric-Drunken Domain

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Cleric-Drunken Domain

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Gods of the drunken domain include gods of agriculture such as Chauntea, The Daghdha,
Demter; gods of music, song, and dance such as Milil, Olidmmara, Branchala, Lugh, Apollo,
Dionysus (obviously), Bes, Hathor, Balder; gods of craft such as Gond, Reorx, Onatar,
Hephaestus, Imhotep, Ptah; or any dwarven god or goddess. These gods promote the creation
and enjoyment of alcohol and are the patrons of beer, wine, and whiskey makers as well as any
who enjoy revelry. Clerics of this domain offer good times to any they meet and are not afraid to
get physical when necessary. Whether in a good fight or having a good time a drunken cleric is
either there or soon will be, and will always buy the first round. These clerics are more often
found holding court at a well-worn bar top or preaching from on top of a table in a beer hall than
at a church or a cathedral. Spells with a * icon are found in Vidal’s book of Spells; If you do not
wish to purchase this PDF feel free to replace the spell/s with whichever spell/s you and your
DM feel are appropriate.

Drunken Domain Spells

Cleric Level Spells

1st Cham Person, Create or Destroy Water

3rd Blur, Enthrall

5th Beer Cannon*, Wall of Water

7th Charm Monster, Control Water

9th Modify Memory, Seeming

Bonus Proficiencies

At 1st level when you choose this domain you gain proficiency with martial weapons, heavy
armour, and brewers supplies.

Bonus Cantrip

At 1st level when you choose this domain you gain the shape water cantrip if you don’t already
know it.

Drunkard’s Touch

When you choose this domain at 1st level you gain the ability to transform any non-alcoholic
liquid into an alcoholic beverage of your choice.

Drunken Resilience

Starting at first level when you choose this domain you gain special benefits from inebriation.
Consult the drunkenness table below. Your drunkenness increases 1 level every time you
consume a number of pints equal to your constitution modifier (minimum of 1). You lose a level
of drunkenness every two hours of non-strenuous activity and every hour of strenuous activity.
You lose four levels of drunkenness when you finish a long rest. You will also lose a level of
drunkenness every time a spell or effect that removes poison or neutralizes poison is used on

Resistance Strength Charisma Intelligence Dexterity

Sober None 0 0 0 0
Tipsy Bludgeoning +1 +1 -1 -1
Buzzed Slashing +2 +2 -2 -2
Drunk Piercing +3 +3 -3 -3
Sloshed Cold +4 +4 -4 -4
Blackout Fire +5 +5 -5 -5
The resistance effects stack but the other bonuses do not. You never suffer from the
effects of a hangover.

Channel Divinity: Drunken Stupor

You use your channel divinity to force a target you can see within 60ft to make a constitution
saving throw, you can expend one level of drunkenness if you choose in order to impose
disadvantage on the save. If the target fails the save you cause them to fall unconscious for a
number of rounds equal to your wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) or the target is damaged.
However if you are resistant to a damage type from you drunken resilience the creature is not
woken from receiving that type of damage.

You can offer up 5 barrels or 200 gallons of alcohol in order to regain one use of your
channel divinity.

Drunkard’s Tongue

Starting at 6th level you gain the ability to speak and understand any language. In addition you
have advantage on persuasion checks and creatures have disadvantage against being charmed by
you. You must have at least one level of drunkenness for this ability to be active.

Divine Strike

At 8th level, you gain the ability to infuse your weapon strikes with acid. Once on each of your
turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack you can cause the attack to deal an extra 1D8
acid damage to the target. When you reach 14th level the extra damage increases to 2D8.

Functioning Alcoholic

Once you reach 17th level your devotion and binge drinking has saturated your cells with alcohol.
You never drop below Buzzed on the drunkenness table and no longer suffer the penalty to
intelligence or dexterity when drunk. In addition when you gain a level of drunkenness you gain
temporary hit points equal to your cleric level and your wisdom modifier. These temporary hit
point last until expended or you lose a level of drunkenness for any reason.

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