City Letter Responding To POCC CEO

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September 14, 2018 Mr. Sean (. Straw bridge Chiet Executive Otticer Port of Corpus Christi Authority PO Boy 1541 Corpus Christi, Levats 78403 Subject: Port of Corpus Christi Authority Desalination Permit Applications Dear Mr Straw bridge: {sant to thank you for your letter dated September 6, 2018. Uhave discussed the issues an questions in sour letter with the City Couneil and my stall. We very much appreciate the actions the Po ofwi fof Corpus Christi has taken to dev elop additional sources nal future industrial customers. his is v the Port but alse the City of Corpus Christ ter for the Port's curren to not anly J te entire coastal bend community As yout are aware the City of Corpus Christ is actively working on 2 parallel eflort permit io desalination plants that will supply water for Industrial and Municipal use One of our proposed plants will be located within the Inner Harbor and the ether will be located somewhere ito (ints Channel In our prior studies and meetings with our Industrial stakeholders and consultants, we considered building « desalination plant st Harbor Island hut conchiled that this was not the best loca the City of Corpus (Christi is not interested in the Port pursuing a 1PDES permit (discharge permit) at Harbor Ik. We de, however, rem Part bt a dlischarge permit Jor 4 taetlity located at the Port's LaQuinta terminal that could be assi ion tor our needs and that of Industry, Therefore, very interested ins the xd to the City post receipt fiom TCL. We believe it would be in the best interest ot both parties to emier into a Memorandunt (MOL ) a 90 site is determined to be tl of Understand nas possible in the event the Port’s LaQuinta terminal best location for the Citys neds, The City’s legal department will draft and forward an MOU for your rev few in the immediate tature Thank you ayain for your letter and efforts to support and grow eure Keith Selman Interin City Manager

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