Hi Li Gay Non Else Vier 4883
Hi Li Gay Non Else Vier 4883
Hi Li Gay Non Else Vier 4883
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high i u
mid (e) (o)
low a
Nominals are inflected for case: COMMON NOUNS (marked by ang topic,
sing indefinite oblique, sang definite oblique, sa locative),
PERSONAL NAMES (si topic, ni oblique, kay locative; plural: sanday
topic, nanday oblique, kanday locative.
Zorc, Hiligaynon #4883 page - 3
Two other markers are: nga (-ng after vowels) a ligature uniting
nouns with other constituents and ka after numerals.
ma'áyo-ng ága
ADJ-good-LINK morning
'good morning'
duhá ka simána
two NUM week
'two weeks'
Kaufmann, Rev. John. Visayan-English Dictionary (Kapulúngan
Binisayá-Ininglís). Iloilo, n.d.
--. Principles of Visayan Grammar. Manila: Catholic Trade School,
Kobak, Cantius, O.F.M. "Alzina's Historia de las Islas E Indios
de Bisayas," Leyte-Samar Studies, Chapters 1-3, 3/1:14-36,
Chapters 4-5, 4/1:17-28, 1969-70.
Motus, Cecile. Hiligaynon Dictionary. PALI Language Texts:
Philippines. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1971.
--. Hiligaynon Lessons. PALI Language Texts: Philippines.
Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1971.
Scott, William Henry. Prehispanic Source Materials for the Study
of Philippine History (Revised Edition). Quezon City: New
Day Publishers, 1984.
Sunio, Delicia and R. David Zorc. Hiligaynon Reader. Kensington,
MD: Dunwoody Press, 1992.
Wolfenden, Elmer P. Hiligaynon Reference Grammar. PALI Language
Texts: Philippines. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press,
--. A Description of Hiligaynon Syntax. Summer Institute of
Linguistics Publications in Linguistics and Related Fields,
Publication Number 46. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press,
Zorc, R. David. Peace Corps Primer for the Western Visayas.
Washington: Government Printing Office, 1967.
--. The Bisayan Dialects of the Philippines: Subgrouping and
Reconstruction. Pacific Linguistics C.44. Canberra: The
Australian National University, 1977.
--. "Hiligaynon," in Garry, Jane and Carl Rubino, eds. Facts
About the World's Languages: An Encyclopedia of the World's
Major Languages, Past and Present: 300-304.New York: New
England Publishing Associates, 2001.