Survey System Report
Survey System Report
Survey System Report
1. Introduction 1.1. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Description of project Description of existing system Description of current system Objective of the project 2. Background
3. Analysis
System Analysis
3.1.1 Problem Definition 3.1.2 Feasibility Study 3.1.3 Technical Feasibility 3.1.4 Behavioral Feasibility 3.1.5 Economical Feasibility
Programming Language Used 3.4.1 PHP 3.4.2 What is MySql? 3.4.3 PHP + MySql 3.4.4 Why PHP
Design 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 E-R Diagram Use Case Diagram Database Design Sequence Diagram Activity Diagram State Transition Diagram User Interface Design
Testing 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 Testing Objective Testing Principles Testing Methods Scope of Testing Testing Methodology
6 7 8 9 10
In which any user can add his question and also gives the response of any polls. We also can send the mails to the users who are interested in our website. We can also include the e-library facility in system through which users can also upload and download the books. Users can also add the add sense which is the very interesting facility in the system. We also enhance the popularity of the system through combined with any other social networking sites. Graphical representation of results of the polls. Our software reduces the cost of survey sheet by using SURVEY DEPARTMENT to find growth of country. Survey done on the basis of many category like age group of users, type of users. 3
There are few survier system but those have many problems contained in it like:
These systems cant send email to interact with users. We cant add ad sense in these systems which is very interesting feature of our system.
These systems dont have facility of e-library means we cant download books from these systems.
These systems Dont have any graphical facility to represents result of the survey.
These systems have unnecessary burden on the database means these systems stores unnecessary data which not useful for system.
In order to reduce the time of process and getting information we try to make it easy and proper way so that user get the information in easy manner. We have developed the system which works in efficient and faster manner and works according to the need like:
We developed the system in PHP which very faster technology to developed web applications.
We also include facilities of email, add sense, graphical representation of the result of the survey.
We have facility do survey on the basis of different categories. We reduce the unnecessary burden of the database as far as possible. Uniformity in the layout/design of screens across the system.
Our system provides all the necessary security functions to prevent from misuse and unauthorized access the system.
have to go for each place and collects the information about polling system. By this it take lots of time and take more labor works. This project is also used by survey department for surveying of country.
user-friendly system.An old person who works on his own style cannot shift on another style. So no one wants a change, thats why project should be feasible. This project is windows based and we provide graphical user interface which makes it easy to use. No technical training is required to use this software.
This study is mainly concerned with cost-benefit analysis i.e. how much money the user is investing in any system and how much he is getting as a benefit in output. Our project is Economical Feasible because anyone uses this software would need not to buy this machine. Our hardware requirement is not too expensive. So as compare to benefit the project is economically feasible.
A requirement specification is a structured document, which sets out the system services in detail. This document, which is sometimes called a functional specification, should be precise. It may serve as a contract between the system buyer and the software developer.
3.2.2 Goals
The goal of our project is to make evaluation process of Objective questions easier and simpler for the organizations who are conducting these types of survey. And also reduce the time and cost needed by the Polling System for this evaluation process.
3.2.3 Scope
The scope of our project SURVEY SYSTEM software is as follows: To save the time for manual evaluation of survey and poll. To make easy for user by using questions of different categories in the place of special questions sheet. To provide facility for preparing Model Question and Answer. To Make Results in more graphical manner.
Frames for displaying the commands. Mouse for handling the flow of processing. Width of the frame within the screen range. Keyboard for entering data.
Questions Details should be filled by Admin only. Only Admin can provide Right Answers for the Questions.
it typically runs on a web server and is accessed by lots of people using web browsers on their own computers. This section explains how PHP fits into the interaction between a web browser and a web server. You can use PHP with a web server computer that runs Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris, and many other versions of UNIX. Plus, if you switch web server operating systems, you generally don't have to change any of your PHP programs. Just copy them from your Windows server to your UNIX server, and they will still work. While Apache is the most popular web server program used with PHP, you can also use Microsoft Internet Information Server and any other web server that supports the CGI standard. PHP also works with a large number of databases including MySql, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, and PostgreSQL. In addition, it supports the ODBC standard for database interaction. Unlike most other programming languages, PHP was created from the ground up for generating web pages. This means that common web programming tasks, such as accessing form submissions and talking to a database, are often easier in PHP. PHP comes with the capability to format HTML, manipulate dates and times, and manage web cookies tasks that are often available only as add-on libraries in other programming languages.
MySql is a database server MySql is ideal for both small and large applications MySql supports standard SQL MySql compiles on a number of platforms MySql is free to download and use
PHP combined with MySql are cross-platform (you can develop in Windows and serve on a Unix platform) 12
PHP & MySql. The reason they work well together is that each provides a comprehensive part of the Web development toolkit. In building any Web application, the first thing you need is some form of language in which to write dynamic pages and create features to handle dates, process data, connect to resources, manage users, and perform other tasks. PHP steps up to solve this problem. PHP is an incredibly flexible language with a huge array of functionality for solving common Web development challenges, many of which are covered in the projects in this book. The second requirement is to have somewhere to store the oodles of data that you will be displaying, updating, removing, modifying, and otherwise showing off. A solution for this challenge is to use a database, and MySql provides a reliable and easy-to-use database that is well supported and flexible.
Real projects rarely follow the sequential flow that the model proposes. Although the linear model can accommodate iteration, it does so indirectly. As a result, changes can cause confusion as the project team proceeds.It is often difficult for the customer to state all requirements explicitly. The linear sequential model requires this and has
difficulty accommodating the natural uncertainty that exists at the beginning of many projects. The customer must have patience. A working version of the program(s) will not be available until late in the project time-span. A major blunder, if under- tested until the working program is reviewed, can be disastrous.
The waterfall model is widely used by such large software development houses as those employed by the U.S. Department of Defense and NASA, and for many large government projects (see "the standard waterfall model" on the Internet Archive). Those who use such methods do not always formally distinguish between the pure waterfall model and the various modified waterfall models, so it can be difficult to discern exactly which models are being used and to what extent.
gende r un a m e 1
p o llid
c a te g o ry id
nam e q u e s tio n
vis it o r m
a d m in
a d d /e d it
p o lls
n R e g is t ra t io n
u id
ln a m e
a d d /e d it u s e r lo g in u s e r p e rs o n a l
c a t e g o ry id n c a t e g o ry s end c a t e g o ry nam e n
p o llid
u s e rid
u p ic s e le c t e d a d d /e d it
n e m a il
u s e r p o lls
c han ge p icture
s e le c te d o p s e le c te d vo t e
se lec ad t ed d
ed it p rofi le
m 1 m us er m gender
m a il
Add category
Edit catogery
Add poll
Edit poll
User_personal:Attribute name Uid Fname Lname Gender Email Age Income Race Affilation type Int(5) Varchar(20) Varchar(20) Smallint(1) Varchar(60) Smallint(1) Smallint(1) Smallint(1) Smallint(1) Extra Auto increment
User_Login:Attribute name Uid Uname Password Verify Upic Utype type Int(5) Varchar(20) Varchar(20) Smallint(2) Varchar(40) Smallint(2) Default(1) Default (default.jpg) Default (0) Extra Auto increment
Attribute name pid cid Question Op1 Op2 Op3 Visiable Polltype Createdby
type Int(5) Int(3) Varchar(50) Varchar(40) Varchar(40) Varchar(40) Smallint Smallint(1) Varchar(20)
User_poll:Attribute name Index Uid Pid Selectedop type Int(8) Int(5) Int(3) Smallint(2) Extra
Category Table:19
4.4 Sequence Diagram 4.4.1 Sequence Diagram for Admin and User :
Add Poll()
Add Category()
Edit(),delete() polls update Edit(),Delete() category update
User Add Poll() Inserted Edit() poll update Addcategory() Insert votepoll()
Enter username & password Request Cheack availability user not found Invalid username & password Load Main menu
Fill the entries Request Register Invalid information Display the registration page Mail server
Administrator Login
Sucessfully logged in
invalid user
select category
show result
Registration Page:
Home Page
Aftrer login:
Mange Poll:
Graphical Result:
Specification-based testing
Specification-based testing aims to test the functionality of software according to the applicable requirements. Thus, the tester inputs data into, and only sees the output from, the test object. This level of testing usually requires thorough test cases to be provided to the tester, who then can simply verify that for a given input, the output value (or behavior), either "is" or "is not" the same as the expected value specified in the test case. Specification-based testing is necessary, but it is insufficient to guard against certain risks.
Api testing (application programming interface) - Testing of the application using Public and Private APIs. Code coverage - creating tests to satisfy some criteria of code coverage. For example, the test designer can create tests to cause all statements in the program to be executed at least once.
Fault injection methods. Mutation testing methods. Static testing - White box testing includes all static testing.
5.4 Scope of testing:Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate review of specification design and code generation .Testing is a process of executing a program with the intent of finding an error once source code has been generated software must be tested to uncover (and correct) as many error as possible before delivery to the customer.
During testing, the program to be tested is executed with a set of test cases, and the output of the program for the test cases is evaluation to determine if the program is performing as it is expecting error is the testing fundamental and is defined as the difference between actual and ideal .Testing is usually defined upon to detect the fault in the coding phases. The main goal is to design a series of test cases that have a high likelihood of finding errors.
5.5 Testing methodology:During testing different level of testing are used which performs different task. A) Unit Testing:Unit testing focuses on verification efforts on the smallest unit of software design the software component or module. In unit testing individual components are tested to ensure that they operate correctly. Each component is tested independently, without other system components. In the similar way, all the forms are first tested individually for different test data. B) Module Testing:A module is a collection of dependent components. A module encapsulates related components so can be tested without system modules. In the similar way, we tested for taxi management module, customer management module, employee management module and booking module.
C) Sub-System Testing:This phase involves testing collection of modules which have been integrated into sub-system may be independently designed and implemented. The sub-system test process concentrated on the decision of the interface errors by rigorously exercising the interfaces. In the similar way, we combined the three modules and performed the testing of sub-system. We tested that whether each module is working properly or not. D) System Testing:The sub-systems are integrated to make up the entire system. The testing process is concerned with finding errors which result from unanticipated interaction between sub-system and system components. It is also concerned with validating that the system meets its functional and non-factional requirements. Similarly, we integrated sub-system consisting of customer, employee and taxi with various functions. After testing all the sub-systems we tested each and every link provided on each page. Thus the finally we tested the complete site.
As with every project, this project has also got some of the restriction, which should be followed when it used. These restrictions are listed below: User must have an valid email-id. User can vote any poll only one time. Only registered user can add and edit polls and categories .
Hence finally we can conclude that if handled with care this project will lead to an efficient approach in answer checking.
Survey System is an effort to make a system through which we can find out the result of survey online among various category of users easily and instantly. In the future we can enhance our system in the following ways: We add our system in various social networking sites in which many people communicate with each other and also we get the opinion of those people what they think about the perticular problem. We also add functionalities like orkut in which users can send scraps to each other. Used in future as online market profit analysis. In future we can add a chatting facility, and a quiz game etc.
Our aim was to develop a online computerized system which would be able to fulfill all the basic requirement of user (owner/users) and we are successful to achieve most of the features, which has been proposed by us, but certain limitations are also there. Our software is user friendly. It can be easily understand by any person who is able to operate computer. Database is used to store information so that it will be useful in future. On the basis of testing, we find that our project is working properly and correctly without any error in all cases. This project satisfies all validity constraints, which we applied. At last, we find that our project is successfully running.
S. No. Figure Name 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 E-R Diagram UseCase Diagram Database Design Diagram Sequence Diagram Activity Diagrams State Transition Diagram User Interfaces Page No.
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