12 Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) : September 2019

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12 Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT)

Presentation · September 2019

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16262.93764


2 16,610

1 author:

Awadallah Belal Dafaallah

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Gezira, Sudan


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Comparisons of

Means Procedures

7/1/2019 Design and Analysis of Agricultural Experiments - Dr. Awadallah Belal Dafaallah 1
 Comparisons of means procedures are also
noun as means separation or multiple
 They are not statistical designs.
 They are methods or means of comparing
different statistical means or averages within the
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 In any design in AVOVA table, F-cal for
treatments can be either significant or not
 If F-cal for treatments is not significant (there
are no real differences between the treatment
means), therefore, there is no need to compare
the treatment means.
 If F-cal for treatments is significant (there are
real differences between the treatment means),
therefore, there is a need to compare the
treatment means.
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 Then, F-test just shows without the details of
whether there are real differences between the
treatment means or not.
 To get the real differences between the
treatment means we use means separation
methods which could be classified into two
types of tests.

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Comparisons of means procedures

Tests planed before Tests planed after carrying out

carrying out the experiment the experiment

Orthogonal contrasts

Tuky’s test
Orthogonal polynomial
contrast Norman – Keules test

Scheffes test

Dunnett test
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Duncan's multiple range test (DMRT)
 DMRT is one of the most common methods
used in comparing treatment means.
 This test is summarized the way in finding
several significant differences with increasing
values which, depending on the extent of the
distance between the treatment means after
arranged or organized.
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The use of DMRT :
 It is used whether F-cal for treatment is
significant or not.
 It is used to make all possible comparisons
between treatment means.
 It is used to compare the mean of control
treatment with the rest of the treatment means.

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An example:
 With reference to the example No (1), where
the aim is to study the effect BAP on micro-
propagation of Papaya (Carica papaya L.).
 After experiment carried out insuring that F-cal
for treatments is significant, the researcher
decided to use DMRT.

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Table. 1 Effect BAP on Micro-propagation of
Papaya (Carica papaya L.)
Concentrations of 0.0 0.05 1.0 1.5 2.0
BAP (mg/l) mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l
Mean of root
length (cm) 12.75 13.25 14.00 15.75 17.50

SE± 0.566
CV % 7.73

• Number of treatments = 5
• Number of replicates = 4
• Degree of freedom = 15
• Mean squares = 1.283
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Steps for DMRT:
Least significant range is calculated from the
following equation:


Least significant range

Standard error

Studentized significant range

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1) Calculate standard error of mean.

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2) Get the SSR values from Duncan's table with:
 Level of significance or probability: 5%
 Degree of freedom for treatments: 4
 Degree of freedom for error: 15

Number of
2 3 4 5
S.S.R 3.0143 3.1634 3.2342 3.3125

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Significant Studentized Range: alph value=0.05
dfe Number of Means
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2 6.0849 8.3308 9.7980 10.8810 11.7340 12.4345 13.0266 13.5381 13.9875
3 4.5007 5.9096 6.8245 7.5016 8.0370 8.4780 8.8521 9.1766 9.4620
4 3.9265 5.0403 5.7571 6.2870 6.7065 7.0528 7.3465 7.6015 7.8264
5 3.6354 4.6017 5.2185 5.6731 6.0329 6.3299 6.5823 6.8014 6.9947
6 3.4605 4.3390 4.8956 5.3049 5.6285 5.8953 6.1222 6.3192 6.4931
7 3.3439 4.1648 4.6812 5.0601 5.3591 5.6058 5.8154 5.9975 6.1581
8 3.2612 4.0410 4.5288 4.8858 5.1672 5.3991 5.5962 5.7673 5.9183
9 3.1991 3.9485 4.4149 4.7554 5.0235 5.2444 5.4319 5.5947 5.7384
10 3.1511 3.8768 4.3266 4.6543 4.9120 5.1242 5.3042 5.4605 5.5984
11 3.1127 3.8195 4.2561 4.5736 4.8229 5.0281 5.2021 5.3531 5.4863
12 3.0813 3.7728 4.1985 4.5076 4.7477 4.9469 5.1159 5.2625 5.3946
13 3.0553 3.7341 4.1509 4.4529 4.6897 4.8841 5.0490 5.1920 5.3181
14 3.0332 3.7014 4.1105 4.4066 4.6385 4.8290 4.9903 5.1300 5.2533
15 3.0143 3.1634 3.2342 3.3125 4.5947 4.7816 4.9399 5.0770 5.1979

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3) Calculate lest significant range as follow:

Number of
S.S.R L.S.R.
2 3.01 0.566 1.71
3 3.16 0.566 1.79
4 3.23 0.566 1.83
5 3.31 0.566 1.87
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4) Organize or arrange treatment means ascending
or descending.
5) Table of mean differences.
6) Compare differences with lest significant range
7) Results and discussion.
Same as mentioned before
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Treatment Concentration
Means Mean differences
number of BAP Ti-T5 Ti-T4 Ti-T3 Ti-T2

5 17.50 4.75 4.25 3.50 1.75

2.0 mg/l
(1.87) (1.83) (1.79) (1.71)
4 15.75 3.00 2.50 1.75
1.5 mg/l
(1.83) (1.79) (1.71)
3 14.00 1.25Ns 0.75Ns
1.0 mg/l
(1.79) (1.71)
2 13.25 0.50Ns
0.5 mg/l
1 12.75
0.0 mg/l

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Dafaallah, A. B. (2017).Fundamentals of Design and
Analysis of Agricultural. Experiments
(Observation – Experimentation –Discussion), Part
One. First Edition. University of Gezira House for
Printing and Publishing, Wad Medani, Sudan. Pp
Dafaallah, A. B. (2017). Fundamentals of Design and
Analysis of Agricultural Experiments (Observation
– Experimentation –Discussion), Part Two. First
Edition. University of Gezira House for Printing
and Publishing , Wad Medani, Sudan. Pp 204.

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Dr. Awadallah Belal Dafaallah
E-mail: awadna@hotmail.com;
Tel: +249902295166

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