Section A-Reading (10 Marks)
Section A-Reading (10 Marks)
Section A-Reading (10 Marks)
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i. Indian cardamom is unique because it requires warm
humid climate, loamy soil rich in organic matter,
distributed rainfall, special cultivation and processing
ii. The Mysore quality of cardamom is unique as it
contains higher levels of cineol and limonene and is
more aromatic.
iii. Guatemala produces around 2200 ton cardamom and
controls the global market.
iv. The harvest season of the cardamom in India is
between August and February. It reaches its yielding
stage two years after planting.
v. The word is ‘Perennial’.
vi. Parts of the US and Europe, including France, Spain, 2. As an overall assessment, it can clearly be seen that
only Germany and United Kingdom managed to
Italy and Germany, have successfully mandated masks
reduce the carbon emissions compared to the other
for elementary, middle and high school children, with
surges in cases when rules were relaxed.
3. USA, being the number one polluter of all, emitted
1,200,000 thousand metric tonnes in 1975 and this
2. Read the case based factual passage given below. 1*5 count increased to 1,300,000 and 1,600,000 thousand
1. The chart given below provides information about metric tonnes in 1990 and 2005 respectively. In
the amount of carbon emissions in different countries contrast, the carbon emissions of China was nearly
during three different years (1975, 1990, and 2005). 300,000 thousand metric tonnes in 1975 and it rose
by nearly 100% in 1990 and surged dramatically to
just below 1,600,000 thousand metric tonnes in 2005.
In terms of the percentage increase, China was the
largest contributor in carbon emissions of all.
4. The figures for Germany and the United Kingdom
remained relatively stable throughout the period of
time, and so were for Canada until 1990. The carbon
dioxide emissions in India increased exponentially
from around 100,000 in 1975 to just below 400,000
thousand metric tonnes in 2005.
On the basis of your understanding of the Passage,
answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given
i. What is being compared through the data given in
the graph?
ii. Which country was the largest contributor in carbon
emissions of all in year 2005 in terms of percentage
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iii. Write any two reasons for surging of CO2 emission in Role of Youth in Establishing Peace in Society
million tonnes? Youth and peace are interlinked in society. Youth can
play an important role in establishing peace in society.
iv. Which country has the lowest emission of CO2 in the
In a survey conducted, it has been found that number
graph? of deaths due to violence has increased enormously
v. What is the highest quantity unit of global emission since the nineties. Death rate (in 1000s) was 2.5 in
of CO2 by different countries? 1990. But in 2010, it has increased to 7.5. It is really
very sad. It must be checked. Our youth can play a
vi. Which countries reported gradual growth in reduction major role in controlling this crime graph. They can
of global CO2 emission? contribute towards establishing peace in many ways.
They can awaken the people towards the necessity
of peace. They can help the police in catching the
i. The amount of emission of carbon dioxide by different criminals. They can bring the criminals in the main
countries is being compared through the data given in stream by educating them and they can do much
the graph. more.
ii. China was the largest contributor in carbon emissions ii. As head of the music department of your school, write
of all in year 2005 in terms of percentage increase. a letter to Sargam Music House, placing an order
for some music instruments like Sitar, Harmonium,
iii. The following can be the reasons for surging of CO2
Tabla, Tanpura and Guitar. You are Jyoti/Jatin of
emission in million tonnes :
Delhi Public School, Saket, New Delhi.
a. The urge to become world’s top powerful
economies Ans :
Delhi Public School
b. Lack of sustainable development.
iv. Canada has the lowest emission of CO2 in the graph. New Delhi
v. 1,600,000. 7 January, 20XX
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4. The following paragraph has not been edited. There 6. Answer ANY SIX questions in 30-40 words each. 2*6
is one error in each line. Identify the error and write i. How did Valli gather all the information about the
its correction against the correct blank number. bus?
Remember to underline the correction. The first one
Ans :
has been done for you. 1*3
Over many days and months Valli had heard carefully
Error Correction the conversations between her neighbours and people
who regularly used the bus. She also asked a few
As far as climate E.g. was is discreet questions here and there. This way she
change was concerned, gathered all the information about the bus.
South Asia is one of a ii. Chubukov says of Natalya : “ if she won’t consent!
world's most sensitive (a)
She is in love; egad, she is like a lovesick cat..” Would
areas. Therefore, in you agree? Give reason for your answer.
the face of climate Ans :
change we used to (b) Yes, Natalya is in love. This is clear in her behaviour
prepared ourselves to when she get to know that Lomov came to propose
meet the challenge (c) her. She then starts weeping; she calls her father to
bring him back at once. Lomov had left the house
We have to adapt
after the quarrel. She becomes hysteric.
ourselves to climate
change. iii. “The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.” Why
does Amanda say so?
Ans :
Ans :
Error Correction Amanda says that the silence is golden, the freedom
is sweet because she wants to lead a life without any
(a) a the
restrictions. She likes silence because she wants to
(b) used to can roam freely and undisturbed in a calm green sea like
(c) prepared prepare a mermaid. Again, she likes freedom in life like an
orphan to escape the nagging of her parents and have
the liberty to roam freely on the streets.
5. Read the following dialogue between Reena and iv. Why does the poet want to ‘turn and live’ with
Rakesh and complete the passage that follows. 1*2 animals?
Reena : Have you seen ‘Three Idiots’ ? Ans :
Rakesh : I saw them yesterday in my class. The poet wants to ‘turn and live’ with animals
Reena : I was talking about the movie. because he has analyzed this world too deeply and
Rakesh : I thought that you were talking about the realized that animals are placid and self-contained.
three idiots in the class. They are satisfied with their fate and never complain
about it. But human beings are never satisfied with
Reena asked Rakesh (a) _____ ‘Three Idiots’. their condition.
Rakesh replied that he had seen them the day before
in his class. Reena further said that (b) _____ v. Writers use words to give us a picture or image without
Rakesh replied that he had thought that she has been actually saying what they mean. Can you trace some
talking about the three idiots in the class. images used in the poem “The Tale of Custard the
Ans : Dragon”?
(a) if he had seen Ans :
(b) she had been talking about the movie It is the device of putting an impact on the reader.
Through them they try to put the readers into reality.
Some of the words showing the images can be given
as under :
a. Big sharp teeth
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