Compaction Processes and Rock Properties

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Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18

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Research paper

Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated

unitse the Egersund Basin, Norwegian North Sea
Mohsen Kalani a, *, Jens Jahren a, Nazmul Haque Mondol a, b, Jan Inge Faleide a
Department of Geosciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), Oslo, Norway

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A thick succession of fine-grained sediments in any sedimentary basin can serve as source (if organic-
Received 1 April 2014 rich) and top seals. Both sealing and petroleum generation capacity of any fine-grained succession is
Received in revised form dependent on compaction history (mechanical and chemical compactions) of the sediments. In the
11 August 2014
Egersund Basin, a thick succession of fine-grained sediments of Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous age
Accepted 18 August 2014
Available online xxx
overly Middle Jurassic reservoir sands. The Egersund Basin, however, has experienced a complex
depositional and tectonic history, particularly, late exhumation (Neogene) which complicates the overall
burial, thermal and pressure history.
In this study, petrophysical and acoustic properties (bulk density and P-wave velocity) of 10 explo-
Fine-grained sediments ration wells from two neighboring blocks in the Egersund Basin were utilized to investigate compaction
Clay diagenesis processes in the area. In addition, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) an-
Quartz cement alyses from selected wells and available total organic carbon (TOC) data were used as guide to interpret
Egersund Basin the compaction processes and resulting rock properties.
Reverse compaction The results show that the transition from mechanical to chemical compaction is not sharp. The onset of
Mudrocks chemical compaction imposes a measurable deviation in the burial depth trends of the petrophysical
properties expected from purely mechanical compaction. The continuation of the depth related trends
however, indicates that chemical compaction may occur in concurrent with continuing mechanical
compaction. The observed compaction varies between the different clay dominated stratigraphic units;
indicating that the major control on both mechanical and chemical compaction is the primary sediment
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction control their mechanical response to changing effective stress

where effective stress is defined as the difference between the total
Fine-grained siliciclastic rocks including mudstones and shales stress minus pore pressure (Terzaghi, 1925). The response is
make up about 70% of the whole sedimentary record worldwide controlled by the primary composition of the rock including
(Domnesteanu et al., 2002; Hornby, 1998; Sayers, 1994). Mudstones mineralogy, grain size, sorting, pore fluid properties and pore
and shales may have a great impact on reservoir characteristics pressure. Chemical compaction of sediments can notably change
since thin layers of shales and mudstones within reservoirs can mineral and fluid composition and hence, the rock physical and
significantly change the permeability and consequently fluid flow elastic properties (Avseth et al., 2010 and references therein).
(e.g. Slatt, 2006). Mudstones and shales also play a significant role Compaction behavior of mudstones and shale also plays a key
in petroleum systems where they serve as source and/or seal due to role in many other aspects of seal and source rock evaluation. For
high organic content and capillary entry pressure, respectively instance, one of the most important applications of mudrocks/
(Aplin and Macquaker, 2011). The elastic properties of the rocks shales compaction trend is in stratigraphic and structural restora-
tion of sedimentary units incorporated in basin and fluid flow
modeling (Issler, 1992). Elastic properties also control the seismic
reflections of the rocks. An understanding of the compaction of
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses:, fine-grained sediments within a basin may help to establish re-
(M. Kalani). lationships between impedance contrast of different seismic facies
0264-8172/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
2 M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18

units and their position in the stratigraphic column with regard to The NWeSE trending Mesozoic narrow marginal Egersund Ba-
mineralogical changes as a function of burial depth (e.g. Davies, sin lies to the east of the Central Graben (Fjeldskaar et al., 1993;
2005; Thyberg et al., 2010). Irwin et al., 1993; Sørensen et al., 1992). It is located between the
Compaction is a term used to describe porosity loss during Stavanger Platform, Sele and Flekkefjord highs (Fig. 1). The basin is
burial (Bjørlykke, 2010). Most mudrocks have relatively predictable bordered by two major boundary faults. Regional subsidence of the
mechanical compaction trends (Mondol et al., 2007 and refences Egersund Basin accommodated large amount of sediments initi-
therein). This suggests that mudrock compaction can be extrapo- ating salt intrusions from bellow (Fjeldskaar et al., 1993; Hospers
lated down to an underlying reservoir if the composition is known and Holthe, 1980; Hospers et al., 1988; Sørensen et al., 1992;
as long as the compaction is mechanical. This has been utilized to Sørensen and Tangen, 1995). The Egersund Basin has also experi-
predict pore pressure in reservoir as well as mudrocks (Eaton, 1975; enced phases of uplift and erosion as well as tectonic inversion
Mondol et al., 2008b). The above mentioned insights contribute (Fjeldskaar et al., 1993; Sørensen et al., 1992). The Egersund Basin
significantly to more accurate seal capacity analysis and source rock contains proven petroleum resources (e.g. Yme field), which was
evaluation. Compaction of mudrocks has been studied extensively exploited between 1987 and 2001 (Husmo et al., 2003). The studied
during the last two decades (Baldwin and Butler, 1985; Bayer and wells 9/2-1, 9/2-2, 9/2-3, 9/2-5 and 9/2-11 in block 9/2 are located
Wetzel, 1989; Bjørlykke, 1998, 1999; Croize  et al., 2010; Goulty, between the Egersund Basin major eastern and western boundary
1998; Hansen, 1996; Hornby, 1998; Marcussen et al., 2010; faults whereas the other five wells (9/4-1, 9/4-2, 9/4-3, 9/4-4 and 9/
Peltonen et al., 2008; Thyberg and Jahren, 2011; Thyberg et al., 4-5) in block 9/4 are located to the east of the western boundary
2010). Different laboratory studies have already addressed the fault (Fig. 1).
mechanical compaction trends of clay dominated sediments and A correlation of well-established stratigraphic units penetrated
rocks (Mondol et al., 2008a, 2007, 2008c). Chemical compaction has by the studied wells is shown in Figure 2 The sand dominated unit
been constrained through different regional and local case studies of the Vestland Group is overlain by Upper Jurassic-Lower Creta-
from the North Sea (Bjørlykke, 1998; Marcussen et al., 2010, 2009; ceous fine-grained facies of the Boknfjord Group which in turn
Thyberg et al., 2010), the Norwegian Sea (Peltonen et al., 2008, is overlain by the Lower Cretaceous shale dominated Cromer Knoll
2009) and the Gulf of Mexico (Aplin et al., 2003). However, Group (Fig. 2a). Stratigraphic schemes were available through the
compaction of fine-grained sediments in complex uplifted sedi- formation tops reported on the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate
mentary basins has been less constrained. The most important (NPD) FactPages ( and the
chemical compaction process in mudstones is illitization of smec- distinctive gamma ray log responses of the formations. The well
tite and kaolinite. Both reactions produce illite and quartz cement correlations show that the thickest potential top seal occurs in
and release H2O (Bjørlykke, 1998). the Central part of the Egersund Basin (i.e. wells of block 9/4,
In addition to illitization, other mineralogical and lithological Fig. 2b).
changes can also control the petrophysical and acoustic properties
of fine-grained rocks. The exchangeable cations released due to the 3. Materials and methods
illitization of smectite have been cited as the source for cations
required for carbonate cementation. While Caþþ more likely pre- An integration log data from 10 wells and sedimentological in-
cipitates in the form of calcite in relatively shallower depths and formation from the mudstones and shales found within the Eger-
lower temperatures (less than 60  C according to Boles and Franks, sund Basin is presented in this paper. Wireline logs of the studied
1979) and Mgþþ and Feþþ in deeper depths and high temperatures wells drilled in the Egersund sub-basin of the North Sea were ac-
(~120  C) can react with calcite to form ankerite and possibly quired from DISKOS (A National Data Repository to preserve and
dolomite (Boles, 1978; Boles and Franks, 1979; McHargue and Price, promote petroleum exploration and production data). These
1982). In this paper, petrophysical data from 10 wells in two include well log data of two adjacent exploration blocks, five wells
neighboring blocks located in the Egersund Basin (blocks 9/2 and 9/ (9/2-1, 9/2-2, 9/2-3, 9/2-5 and 9/2-11 wells from block 9/2) and five
4) with the same depositional setting but different exhumation wells (9/4-1, 9/4-2, 9/4-3, 9/4-4 and 9/4-5 wells from block 9/4).
histories were utilized to investigate compaction trend of fine- Extensive analyses of different well log types were performed. A
grained stratigraphic successions and effect of mineralogical cross correlation of physical properties obtained from well logs to
changes on compaction and petrophysical and acoustic parameters the mineralogical/diagenetic features of the mudrocks established
of mudrocks. by different workers (e.g. Marcussen et al., 2009; Mondol et al.,
2008a, 2007, 2008c; Storvoll et al., 2005) was employed. Volume
2. Geological setting and stratigraphic correlation of shale (Vsh) was estimated using the Gamma Ray Index (IGR)
corrected after (Larionov, 1969) for Tertiary and pre-Tertiary strat-
The North Sea basin has a long and complex geological history igraphic intervals. A shale fraction cut-off of 0.5 (Vsh>50%) was
(Faleide et al., 2010; Glennie and Underhill, 1998). Two major rift considered to discriminate shale-dominated units from other li-
phases (Permian-Early Triassic and Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous) thologies. To compare the stress dependent mechanical compac-
have governed the major tectonostratigraphic development of the tion data adapted from Mondol (2009) and Mondol et al. (2007) to
North Sea (Hodgson et al., 1992; Rattey and Hayward, 1993; Ziegler, the well log data, a constant conversion factor of 10 MPa vertical
1975, 1990). The first phase is dominated by thick evaporitic suc- effective stress per kilometer of burial depth was used.
cessions (up to 3000 m) formed during periodic flooding and X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of 100 cutting samples were
evaporation of hypersaline waters in the isolated North Permian acquired for both bulk (whole sample) and clay fractions (<2 mm
Basin as a result of the Mid-Permian Zechstein transgression grain size oriented samples). Clay sample preparation was done
(Glennie and Underhill, 1998; Hodgson et al., 1992; Rattey and based on (Poppe et al., 2001) with minor modifications. Clay
Hayward, 1993; Ziegler, 1975, 1990). The most important Late mineralogy analyses were carried out using Mg saturated air dried
Jurassic-Early Cretaceous structural development was the forma- samples which were subsequently treated with ethylene glycol,
tion of the Central and Viking Graben (Faleide et al., 2010; heating to 400  C and heating to 550  C as suggested by Poppe et al.
Gabrielsen et al., 1990, 2001; Glennie and Underhill, 1998; Ziegler, (2001). The XRD patterns of the samples were acquired using a D8
1975, 1990). The North Sea Basin comprises a number of distinct Advance Bruker diffractometer with Cu Ka radiation, and LynxEye
tectonic subunits including the Egersund Basin (Fig. 1). detector enabled for tight energy discrimination limits to reduce

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18 3

Figure 1. Main structural elements of the Egersund Basin and adjacent areas in the North Sea. The location of studied exploration wells within this area is also shown (basemap
adapted from Sørensen and Tangen, 1995).

iron fluorescence effects which provide improved peak-to- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analyses were carried out
background ratios and allow higher data collection speeds using a JEOL JSM-6460 LV SEM system with an embedded Oxford
(Henderson, 2013). The data were collected from 2 to 65 2q for Instruments INAC-X-sight energy dispersive spectroscopy system
bulk and non-treated clay samples, and 2-35 2q for clay samples (EDS) and an attached GATAN INC.'s Mono CL4 cath-
treated with ethylene glycol and heating. The BGMN software odoluminescence (CL) system. Total organic carbon content (TOC %)
(Bergmann et al., 1998) was utilized to quantify the mineralogical was adapted from the NPD factpages (
phases in the bulk samples. The method relies on the structure files factpage).
of existent mineral phases. Most of structure files are included in
the BGMN software installation package and also directly available 4. Results
through the BGMN website ( Program
development made by the BGMN Group particularly in refinement 4.1. Petrophysical properties
of semi-ordered to disordered clay minerals, makes this program
one of the most accurate available mineral quantification tools to be Compaction results in changes in physical properties (e.g.
used on clay dominated samples. Smectite and smectite rich illite- porosity, bulk density and P-wave velocity) of the sediments as a
smectite: (R0) content is referred to as smectite in this paper. function of increasing depth (Figs. 3 and 4). Several empirical
Smectite quantification (Ufer et al., 2008) is based on a supercell compaction trends for mudrocks have been published as reviewed
approach fitting the turbostratic disorder related asymmetric peak by Mondol et al. (2007). Comparing the log derived physical
of smectite (Ufer et al., 2004). In this paper illite refers to the illites properties of sediments with published compaction trends increase
and illite rich illite-smectites (R  1). I/S structures are based on a the understanding of natural compaction processes. Neutron
Rietveld refinements of simulated patterns of non-basal (hk) re- porosity, bulk density and sonic logs usually utilized to estimate
flections of illites with different degrees of disorder and a model porosity (Asquith and Krygowski, 2004; Rider and Kennedy, 2011)
describing rotational disorder (n$120 and n$60 rotations) (Ufer are hence the most sensitive to the subtle changes in compaction
et al., 2012). Illite and I/S structures were provided by the devel- trend of sediments. The Neutron porosity log, which has limitations
oper (Ufer, personal communication). In addition, mineralogical in fine-grained clay dominated rocks especially where they show a
data available in the literature (well 9/4-3 e NPD factsheets) were high organic content, was not used in this study. A 50:50 kaolinite-
also utilized. silt aggregate as presented by Mondol (2009) has a composition

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
4 M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18

Figure 2. (a) Post Middle Jurassic lithostratigraphic scheme of the Egersund Basin. Colors define groups and formations in the fence diagrams. (b) lithostratigraphic and gamma-ray
response correlation across the Egersund Basin. The fence diagram shows clay dominated formations of the Boknfjord and Cromer Knoll groups overlie the sand dominated facies of
the Vestland Group. The thickness of the fine grained units increase in the central parts of the Egersund Basin.

that can represent mudrocks in our study with respect to the shale 2007) can be easily observed particularly in block 9/2 (Fig. 3).
fraction cut-off of 0.5 (Vsh>50%). Several authors have addressed the sensitivity of Vp to exhumation
Smectite and kaolinite represent end member clay minerals (e.g. Burns et al., 2007; Ware and Turner, 2002). If only mechanical
with regard to grain size, specific surface area and cation exchange compaction is considered (i.e. the experimental 50:50 kaolinite-silt
capacity. Smectite is the most fine-grained clay and has high cation trend) the shift of the Vp data relative to the mechanical compac-
exchange capacity and a very large surface area, whereas kaolinite tion trend can be compensated by adjusting the Vp values vertically
is more coarse-grained with lower cation exchange capacity and representing uplift. In addition to the uplift related systematic
smaller surface area (Mondol et al., 2007). Therefore, large differ- vertical shift of the Vp data, there are a number of deviations from
ences exist between how the two end member clay minerals affect the experimental trends seen in the log derived petrophysical
the petrophysical properties of mudrocks. Bulk density of the properties of the studied sections (Figs. 3e8). A set of deviated Vp-
studied intervals compared to those of experimentally mechani- and bulk density vs. depth trends observed in the studied wells
cally compacted kaolinite (100%), silt:kaolinite (50:50) and smec- compared to published trends are summarized below:
tite (100%) (e.g. Mondol, 2009; Mondol et al., 2007) show a general
increase with increasing burial depth.  In the Cenozoic intervals, the values of bulk density and Vp
A systematical shift of the Vp-depth trends in all the wells away observed in the wells are in the range of 1.75e2.25 g/cm3 and
from the published Vp-depth trends (Mondol, 2009; Mondol et al., 2000e2500 m/s, respectively which are normal at such depths

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18 5

Figure 3. Physical properties as function of depth used for inferring compaction for block 9/2. Empirical trend lines adapted from Mondol (2009). For detailed descriptions and
interpretations see the text.

with respect to mechanically compacted brine saturated syn-  In block 9/4, similar features as described above are observed in
thetic mudrocks (i.e. overlaying curves). both the lower part of the Cromer Knoll Group and the whole of
 Positive deviation of the log data from the experimental the Lower Cretaceous Flekkefjord Formation (Fig. 4).
compaction trend for silt:kalaionite (50:50) are observed in the  Notable deviation of log derived Vp and bulk densities is
upper part of Cromer Knoll Group (Lower Cretaceous). observed close to the top of the Flekkefjord and Sauda forma-
 The lower part of the Cromer Knoll Group show log derived bulk tions in blocks 9/2 and 9/4, respectively.
density values around the experimentally obtained trends (i.e.  In the Upper Jurassic Sauda Formation (Figs. 7e10), a small
overlaying curves), indicating that the compaction are still in the section with low gamma ray response and low density values to
mechanical compaction domain at this depth level (Fig. 3). relatively low Vp values is present. Similar feature is also seen in

Figure 4. Physical properties as function of depth used for inferring compaction for block 9/4. Empirical trend lines adapted from Mondol (2009). For detailed descriptions and
interpretations see the text.

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
6 M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18

Figure 5. Bottom-hole temperature-based geothermal distribution map (data adapted from

Figure 6. Exhumation estimation by fitting shallow mechanical dominated log data to a representative experimental mechanical compaction trend line (kaolinite-silt 50:50,
Mondol, 2009).

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18 7

Figure 7. Stratigraphy, gamma ray (API), TOC %, bulk density (gr/cm3) and Vp (m/s) overlain by experimental data and quantitative mineralogy in well 9/2-1. The labels a and b
represent the level of onset of chemical compaction (a) and intense chemical compaction (b) respectively. The Experimental Vp trend (red) and the bottom-hole based temperatures
were corrected taking into account a suggested 600 m of exhumation.

the Cromer Knoll Group particularly in well 9/2-1. These are due represents Cenozoic uplift of block 9/2 (Dore  and Jensen, 1996;
to wellbore conditions and should not be regarded as compac- Irwin et al., 1993; Jensen and Schmidt, 1993).
tion and/or lithological-related changes in physical properties. Different methods have been developed to estimate exhumation
 A reverse trend of log derived bulk density and Vp with in sedimentary basins. These include, but are not limited to, sub-
increasing depth is observed in the lower part of the Sauda crop maps, extrapolation from seismic profiles, shale compaction
Formation, the Tau Formation and lower part of the Egersund trends and thermal history modeling (e.g. Dore  and Jensen, 1996;
Formation representing organic-rich shale intervals. Issler, 1992; Magara, 1976). Thermal history modeling based
methods include vitrinite reflectance maturity, clay mineral
diagenesis and fission track modeling (Armagnac et al., 1989; Bray
et al., 1992; Dow, 1977; Underwood et al., 1993).
4.2. Temperature and exhumation In this paper, the shale compaction trend method (Burns et al.,
2007; Magara, 1976; Ware and Turner, 2002) was adapted with
A regional present day temperature gradient has been con- some modifications. Here, instead of modeling porosity decrease as
structed based on the bottom-hole temperatures reported by the a function of depth increase, experimental compaction data as

NPD. The temperature gradients range between 24.4 and 25.4 C/ shown earlier were adapted from Mondol (2009). Due to a more
km in block 9/4, whereas the temperature gradients in block 9/2 are uniform trend, Vp changes as a function of depth were utilized
much higher (28.7e34.7  C/km) (Fig. 5). Although uncertainties in where the exhumation was estimated by compensating for the
bottom-hole temperatures may exist, the pattern of iso-geothermal mismatch between log derived data and experimental mechanical
gradient contours is in agreement with distribution of productive compaction data at shallow depths of the studied intervals re-
vs. non-productive wells: i.e. the productive wells showing higher flected mechanical compaction (Fig. 6). Application of the tech-
geothermal gradients. The observed contrast in thermal gradients nique was allowed in a number of wells in which Cenozoic

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
8 M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18

Figure 8. Stratigraphy, gamma ray (API), TOC %, bulk density (gr/cm3) and Vp (m/s) overlain by experimental data and quantitative mineralogy in well 9/2-2. For the legend see
Figure 5. The labels a and b represent the level of onset of chemical compaction (a) and intense chemical compaction (b) repectively. The Experimental Vp trend (red) and the
bottom-hole based temperatures were corrected taking into account a suggested 700 m of exhumation.

successions were logged for sonic transit time (i.e. Vp): well 9/2-2 break in petrophysical data including gamma ray, sonic and bulk
from block 9/2 and wells 9/4-1, 9/4-2, and 9/4-4 from block 9/4. In density data. The upper part of the Tau Formation shows TOC values
other wells the technique was not applicable. Accordingly, an between ca. 5 and 9%. Maximum TOC corresponds to the highest
exhumation of 700e750 m was estimated fro well 9/2-2, whereas gamma ray value. The above mentioned high TOC values at the base
in block 9/4 exhumation is less pronounced and estimated at of Sauda Formation in well 9/4-5 possibly belong to the Tau For-
around 200 m in mentioned wells. mation. In the lower part of the Tau Formation (less organic-rich)
reaches TOC as low as 1%. The Egersund Formation which overlies
4.3. Total organic carbon (TOC) the sand dominated Vestland Group shows TOC values around 1%.

TOC values obtained for wells 9/2-1, 9/2-2, 9/4-5, and 9/4-3 are 4.4. XRD analyses
presented in Figures 7e10 respectively. The Upper Jurassic-Lower
Cretaceous intervals of the North Sea are typically organic-rich. The XRD analyses include samples of the Upper Jurassic-Lower
Since these intervals have experienced relatively deep burial and Cretaceous Bokkenfjord Group as well as the Lower Cretaceous
so interpreted as potential source rocks for many petroleum res- Cromer Knoll Group in three wells (9/2-1, 9/2-2 and 9/4-5) and the
ervoirs of the North Sea (e.g. Goff, 1983; Barnard and Bastow, 1991). Tertiary Rogaland and Hordaland Groups in two of the wells (9/2-2
The TOC content through the Cromer Knoll Group, for instance in and 9/4-5). One sample was also analyzed from the Nordland Group
well 9/4-3, is almost constant (~1%). The Flekkefjord Formation in well 9/2-2. Samples from different wells show similar mineral-
shows TOC values similar to those of the Cromer Knoll Group ogical compositions for the same stratigraphic intervals. The main
(i.e. y 1e2%). The Sauda Formation has generally a low organic non-clay mineral phases are quartz, K-feldspars (mainly microcline
content with TOC values 1%. and orthoclase), plagioclase (mainly albite), muscovite, calcite,
The Kimmeridgian-Volgian Tau Formation is the most organic- dolomite, ankerite, siderite and pyrite. Clay minerals include
rich stratigraphic unit in the Egersund Basin seen as a sharp kaolinite, smectite, mixed layer illite-smectite (referred in this

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18 9

Figure 9. Stratigraphy, gamma ray (API), TOC %, bulk density (gr/cm3) and Vp (m/s) overlain by experimental data and quantitative mineralogy in well 9/4-5. For the legend see
Figure 5. The labels a and b represent the level of onset of chemical compaction (a) and intense chemical compaction (b) respectively. The Experimental Vp trend (red) and the
bottom-hole based temperatures were corrected taking into account a suggested 200 m of exhumation.

paper as illite) and minor amount of chlorite (Figs. 7e10). In addi- kaolinite occurs in lower quantities. To the southwest in well 9/4-5
tion, particularly in the Upper Jurassic successions, negligible and 9/4-3 (data from the NPD factpages), lower amounts of kao-
amounts of a mixed layer vermiculite-smectite-chlorite phase are linites are present.
present (less than 0.5%). This phase was not considered further in Illite and quartz change coincidently with the clay mineral
this study. changes in well 9/2-1. An abrupt increase in quartz and illite occurs
at the top of the Flekkefjord Formation where smectite increases. In
4.4.1. Mineralogical composition of the Upper Jurassic-Lower well 9/2-2 (Fig. 8), quartz and illite amounts gradually increase with
Cretaceous successions depth. However, clay mineralogy still looks to be the main control
The Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous successions can be readily on physical properties of the rocks compared to the non-clay
divided into two intervals based on the smectite and kaolinite mineral distribution. Similarly in well 9/4-5, an abrupt increase in
quantities: the lower Bokkenfjord Group which contains generally the smectite content is coincident with quartz and illite changes. K-
a lower kaolinite and higher smectite content and the upper feldspars are available in the whole Upper Jurassic-Lower Creta-
Cromer Knoll Group with a higher kaolinite, lower smectite con- ceous succession. K-feldspar changes follow those of quartz (Fig. 9).
tent. Minimum kaolinite and maximum smectite content can be Data adapted from the NPD factpages are also in agreement with
found in the upper parts of the Sauda Formation (Figs. 7e10). the data obtained in this study.
Chlorite content is variable. However, chlorite shows an overall Calcite content changes independent of clay mineralogy (well 9/
downward increase. illite quantities roughly mirror those of 4-3 in Fig. 10). The highest calcite content is present in the Lower
kaolinite. Clay mineralogy changes more sharply in well 9/2-1 Cretaceous Cromer Knoll Group. In wells 9/2-1 and 9/2-2, the
where higher amounts of kaolinite are present particularly in the calcite content reaches 6% of bulk mineralogy. However in well 9/2-
Cromer Knoll Group. In well 9/2-1, the Cromer Knoll Group, except 1, the high calcite content zone more restricted compared to well 9/
the uppermost part which transits into the chalks, is smectite 2-2. In well 9/4-5 high calcite content, similar to well 9/2-1, is also
depleted (Fig. 7). At the top of the Flekkefjord Formation an in- more restricted. Nevertheless, in well 9/4-5, a high calcite content
crease in smectite is notable. This is coincident with an abrupt zone occurs closer to the chalk. In well 9/4-3 (NPD factpages) calcite
decrease of kaolinite. In other wells, smectite generally occurs in changes resemble those of well 9/4-5.
the whole sampled interval. To the northeast the kaolinite content A downward increase of dolomite and ankerite starting at the
changes seen in well 9/2-2 imitates those of well 9/2-1, although top of the Sauda Formation is notable (Fig. 10). This is in agreement

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
10 M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18

Figure 10. Stratigraphy, gamma ray (API), TOC %, bulk density (gr/cm3) and Vp (m/s) overlain by experimental data and quantitative mineralogy in well 9/4-3. For the legend see
Figure 5. The labels a and b represent the level of onset of chemical compaction (a) and intense chemical compaction (b) repectively. XRD mineralogical data were adapted from the
NPD. The Experimental Vp trend (red) and the bottom-hole based temperatures were corrected taking into account a suggested 200 m of exhumation.

with overall ankerite plus dolomite quantities in well 9/4-3. In well content). Similar to Mesozoic intervals, chlorite is low and consti-
9/2-2, particularly from the middle part of the Cromer Knoll Group tutes less than 4% of the bulk mineralogy. Illite starts to increase
(~1800 m below KB), changes in the siderite content mirror the within the middle Hordaland Group and reaches its maximum at
dolomite changes. In other wells, the siderite content changes less the transition between Rogaland and Hordaland Groups.
systematically and roughly follow changes in the chlorite content. In well 9/4-5, the quartz content increases within the Rogaland
Pyrite is variable and generally less than 1% of the bulk mineralogy. Group Hordaland groups. The increases (up to  32% of bulk
Pyrite quantities from this study are not directly comparable with composition) is coincident with minima in kaolinite and total clay.
those of well 9/4-3 (NPD factpages) where much higher values Muscovite trends in the Rogaland Group follow that of quartz. No
were reported, although similar trends are found. systematic muscovite trend is found in the Hordaland Group.
The amount of calcite (less that 5% of bulk mineralogy) increases
4.4.2. Mineralogical composition of the Cenozoic successions somewhat with depth. The maximum calcite content coincides
Overall high smectite content is observed particularly in the with the quartz peak and kaolinite minima in the middle part of the
well 9/4-5 where the Cenozoic succession is sampled more densely. Hordaland Group and the Rogaland Group (except the lower most
In the Rogaland Group smectite reaches its maximum (ca. 25% of sample). Ankerite and dolomite as well as pyrite are negligible.
bulk mineralogy). Kaolinite content generally show inverse Siderite is found in minor amounts (less than 1% of bulk
behavior compared to the smectite content and reaches its mini- mineralogy).
mum in the Rogaland Group (Fig. 9). The kaolinite content generally
increases downward in the section. 4.5. SEM analyses
Kaolinite is variable in the Hordaland Group, with a minimum in
the middle Hordaland Group (around 860 m below KB in well 9/2- Selected cutting samples from well 9/4-5 were embedded in
2). This is coincident with a minor smectite decrease. In the epoxy and polished. The cuttings thin sections were prepared from
Rogaland Group an overall downward increase of kaolinite is 2022 m, 2250 m, 2433 m and 2516 m depths below sea floor (BSF).
observed in both the 9/2-2 and 9/4-5 wells (Figs. 8 and 10). The Cuttings were oriented during thin section preparation providing
smectite amount is variable. The Rogaland Group in well 9/4-5 is both normal and parallel to the bedding embedded in epoxy.
thicker and includes two zones with high smectite content in the Figure 11 and Table 1 highlights the most important petro-
upper and lower part of the Group, though the upper part is graphic evidences of illitization of smectite including micro-quartz
missing in well 9/2-2. The lowermost sample of the Rogaland Group cement formation. The sample from 2022 m BSF (present day
in well 9/4-5 is dominated by chalk (ca. 32% calcite bulk mineralogy temperature y 53  C) belonging to the Cromer Knoll Group shows

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18 11

Figure 11. Petrographic descriptions which discriminate authigenic micro-quartz crystals from detrital quartz (silt grains) in the Tau Formation in well 9/4-5 (depth 2516 m BSF). (a)
detrital silt grains (labeled by S) occur along with different clay minerals, A: illite, B: kaolinite with a background of illite. (b) micro-quartz crystals (labeled by mQTZ) occurring in
association with mainly illitic clay minerals (also see Table 1 for more detailed petrographic descriptions).

less than 2 micron sized quartz crystals may be authigenic micro- Sample from 2433 m BSF (present day temperature y 63  C)
quartz cements based on the grain morphology (rounded grains) belongs to the Sauda Formation. Number of micro-quartz crystals
and associated illitic clay minerals (Fig. 12a,b). The onset of chem- associated with illite-rich clays increases in this sample compared
ical compaction is labeled with a on Figures 7e10. The onset of to the above mentioned samples. Micro-quartz crystals (in a normal
illitization is coincident with a substantial increase of Vp and bulk to bedding view) are found in chain like alignment in between the
density (Figs. 4 and 9). Sample from 2250 m BSF (present day clay minerals (Fig. 12d). Sample from 2516 m BSF (present day
temperature y 659  C) was taken from the Flekkefjord Formation. temperature y 65  C) was obtained from the organic-rich Tau
Possible authigenic micro-quartz crystals are particularly observed Formation. Petrographic observation shows several less than 2
normal to bedding. Dissolution of smectite and precipitation of micron sized quartz crystals associated with illite-rich clays
micro-quartz and illite may have resulted in a more compacted (Fig. 12e). In addition to EDS analyses (Fig. 12f), cathodolumince
fabric compared to the places where no micro-quartz crystals are spectroscopy (CL) was used on a number of micro-quartz crystals
present (Fig. 12c). from this sample. CL responses show a characteristic bell shaped
peak between 530 nm and 650 nm. The peak is indicative of an
authigenic quartz origin (Go € tze et al., 2001). Also, the CL responses
include shoulders between around 380 nm and 530 nm. These are
Table 1
Summary of petrographic descriptions which discriminate micro-quartz crystals in the wavelength range of the clay-rich matrix (Fig. 13). Observa-
from the detrital silt grains. tions are in agreement with more comprehensive CL spectroscopy
Petrographic Detrital Authigenic
analyses of micro-quartz crystals (e.g. Peltonen et al., 2009;
characteristics Thyberg et al., 2010).
Size Variable but commonly Commonly 1e3 mm
larger than 3 mm 5. Discussion
Roundness Angular edges Round edges
Sphericity Variable High sphericity 5.1. Mechanical compaction
Occurrence Along with different In association with illite
clay minerals
EDS Quartz; Si and O peaks Commonly quartz with a Cenozoic intervals in the study area occur at depths less than
clay background; Si and O 800 and 1200 m BSF in blocks 9/2 and 9/4, respectively. A good
in addition to K, Fe, and agreement between log derived bulk density and experimentally
particularly Al
compacted synthetic mudstones suggests that the sediments have
CL Sharp bell shaped peak Bell shaped peak between
between 600 nm and 800 nm 530 nm and 650 nm and only been subjected to mechanical compaction. However, as
with the maximum possibly clay related mentioned earlier there is a notable systematic shift of the Vp
intensity around 650e700 nma shoulders between around values particularly in block 9/2 compared to Vp-depth trends
380 nm and 530 nm derived from experimental mechanical compaction (Mondol, 2009;
a €tze et al., 2001; Peltonen et al., 2009).
(Go Mondol et al., 2007).

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
12 M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18

Figure 12. Micro-quartz crystals associated with illitic clays as the petrographic evidences of the illitization process in well 9/4-5. (a) single micro-quartz crystal observed in the
upper part of the Cromer Knoll Group depth (2022 m BSF), (b) a number of micro-quartz crystals at the same depth (2022 m BSF). (c) Flekkefjord Formation (depth 2250 m BSF). (d)
Sauda Formation (2433 m BSF) number of micro-quartz crystals forming chain like arrays. (e) Cluster of micro-quartz crystals in the Tau Formation (depth 2516 m BSF). (f) Typical
EDS spectrums of the illitic clays and micro-quartz crystals.

Mineralogical composition plays a dominant role on mechanical wells analyzed by XRD (wells 9/2-1, 9/2-2 and 9/4-5) as well as
compaction and controls rock property development of fine- mineralogical data taken from the NPD factpages (well 9/4-3) close
grained sediments in addition to other parameters such as size, to the top of the Cromer Knoll Group. Evidences from SEM indicate
shape, sorting and packing of mudrocks (Mondol et al., 2007). that most of the observed carbonate has been recrystallized
Considering the 50% shale volume cut-off, bulk densities plotted as (Fig. 14).
a function of depth corresponding to the clay dominated fraction of The illitization process includes dissolution of smectite and
the sediments are expected to lie between the compaction trends of precipitation of illite in presence of Kþ at temperatures above 60  C.
pure clay mixtures and the 50:50 kaolinite-silt mixture. Kaolinite is The process can be simplified as follows (Boles and Franks, 1979;
the most abundant clay in the analyzed samples (e.g. Cenozoic Eberl and Hower, 1976; Hower et al., 1976):
successions in well 9/2-2 and 9/4-5 in Figs. 8 and 9). Therefore most Smectite þ Kþ ——— > Illite þ Silica þ H2O þ exchangeable
data points fall along the 50:50 kaolinite-silt compaction trend. cations.
Smectite compact less when compared to other clay minerals The reaction results in high silica super-saturation (e.g.
(Mondol et al., 2007). It has also been shown in an earlier study that Bjørlykke and Jahren, 2012; Egeberg and Aagaard, 1989). In a close
the amounts of as less as 20% smectite in the bulk mineralogy of system to quartz equilibrium super-saturation, it has been docu-
mudrocks may cause significant mechanical compaction retarda- mented that the excess silica produced by illitization process must
tion (Marcussen et al., 2009). The smectite dominated intervals in be precipitated within the mudstones for the reaction to proceed
this study are rather coarse-grained particularly in block 9/2 (i.e. (Thyberg and Jahren, 2011; Thyberg et al., 2010). High silica super-
Rogaland Group; Figs. 3 and 8). Nevertheless, in the clay dominated saturation coupled with slow rate of quartz growth at temperatures
sediment sections particularly in block 9/4, the data points fall of 60e80  C results in precipitation of authigenic micro-quartz
closer to the pure kaolinite (100%) compaction trend (Fig. 4). crystals within the mudstones from the reaction above have been
documented in many studies in the last few years (Peltonen et al.,
5.2. Chemical compaction 2009; Thyberg and Jahren, 2011; Thyberg et al., 2010). According
to Thyberg and Jahren (2011) at higher temperatures the prefer-
An abrupt increase of the calcite content and the appearance of ential nucleation and precipitation of micro-quartz crystals on
other carbonate minerals (dolomite and ankerite) is observed in all other micro-quartz crystals or authigenic clay crystals as suitable

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18 13

Figure 13. (a) Micro-quartz crystal in the Tau Formation in well 9/4-5 (depth 2516 m BSF), (b) EDS spectrum (c) slightly smoothed CL response showing an authigenic origin of
micro-quartz crystals with a shoulder indicative of the clay background.

substrates, may explain formation of interconnected networks of the sediments. Through this process, the primarily existent smec-
micro-quartz crystals. tite may have consumed out. However, stiffening of the sediments
Illitization (labeled by a on Figs. 7e10) of smectite producing could also be due to slightly higher amounts of carbonates in this
micro-quartz is further supported by mineralogical data and SEM section. A change in petrophysical properties away from a pure
analysis performed in this study. In wells 9/2-1, 9/2-2 and 9/4-5, an mechanical trend is also noted at the top of Sauda Formation (wells
increase in quartz and illite is coincident with a decrease in K- 9/2-2, 9/4-5 and 9/4-3) labeled with b in Figures 8e10. Petro-
feldspars and more gradual decrease of smectites at depth of physically, this is seen in the bulk density as well as the Vp data
around 1500 m and 2000 m BSF, respectively. This corresponds to compared to the 50:50 kaolinite-silt trend. Mineralogically, this
present day temperatures of around 48  C in block 9/2 and 55  C in may indicate increased illitization at this level but a lithological
block 9/4. Considering the exhumation, the maximum tempera- change with increased quartz and carbonates including ankerite
tures (probably at least between 70 and 80  C) experienced by the and dolomite may be more important. Intense chemical compac-
formations were sufficient to initiate the illitization process in the tion is in agreement with Nadeau et al. (2002). They mentioned an
presence of reactive potassium minerals (e.g. K-feldspar). onset of a geo-pressure ramp close to the top of the Sauda For-
Depending on the composition of the smectite, components not mation in well 9/2-2. Their findings imply chemical compaction (i.e.
entering into the quartz or illite structures including the illitization) was intense enough to make a pressure build-up at this
exchangeable cations (Naþ, Caþþ, Mgþþ, Feþþ) would be released to level.
the solution. Excess amounts (supersaturation) of these compo- K-feldspars are widely accepted as the main source of Kþ for the
nents relative to mineral phases present also need to be removed illitization process (Berger et al., 1999; Eberl and Hower, 1976;
from the solution for the illitization process to proceed. Thus, along Hower et al., 1976; Velde and Bystro € m-Brusewitz, 1972; Velde
with micro-quartz cement, some precipitation of chlorite, albite and Vasseur, 1992). In this study, petrographic evidences of albiti-
and carbonates may occur in such systems (Bjørlykke, 1998; Boles zation of K-feldspar were observed particularly in the samples
and Franks, 1979; Hower et al., 1976). taken from 2433 to 2516 m BSF of well 9/4-5 (Fig. 15). These sam-
No smectite is found within the Cromer Knoll Group in well 9/2- ples are situated in the lower interval of the studied strata where
1 (Fig. 7). This is prominently due to sedimentary provenances and diagenetic processes are expected to be more pronounced (level b
it is in agreement with the lower semectite content in the Cromer on Figs. 7e10).
Knoll Group in other parts of the North Sea. Particularly, in the Chlorite may form from smectite (Boles and Franks, 1979; Velde
Danish sector where the Cromer Knoll Group experienced smaller and Bystro €m-Brusewitz, 1972). In this study, chlorite reaches up to
burial history, the absence of smectite is confirmed to be due to 3% of the bulk mineralogy. Chlorite increases somewhat with
primary sedimentary provenance (Nielsen et al., 2003; Schmidt, increasing depth but no clear evidence of authigenic chlorite for-
1985). However, with respect to existence of smectite in the mation has been obtained in this study. The chlorite seen in
Cromer Knoll Group in other wells of the study area, and the links Figure 15 shows most likely a detrital chlinochlorite.
between disappearance of smectite and petrophysical and miner- XRD (Figs. 7e10) and EDS spectra (Fig. 14) suggest that ankerite
alogical implications of illitization, it is inferred that some illitiza- is a common carbonate increasing with depth in the studied sec-
tion may have taken place within the Cromer Knoll Group stiffening tions. No systematic trend in total carbonate content is however

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
14 M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18

Figure 14. Carbonate cementation (a) in the upper part of the Cromer Knoll Group depth (2022 m BSF) in well 9/4-5 coexistent with the appearance of the first micro-quartz
crystals indicative of onset of illitization. The carbonate rombs are interpreted as authigenic. (b) an example of EDS spectra which are indicative of ankerites.

found in the sections studied (Figs. 7e10) since an overall decrease to the preferred orientation of the kerogen in the sediments,
in calcite relative to ankerite occurs although lithological differ- kerogen maturation and possible micro-fractures related to the
ences are apparent from well to well. This suggests that calcite to expulsion of hydrocarbon as well as remaining hydrocarbons
some extent is replaced by ankerite. This may reflect that Mgþþ and within the source rocks (if they are in the oil and gas generation
Feþþ are released from unstable components reacting with calcite windows). This will lead to lower log derived bulk density and Vp
to form ankerite. Some of the Mgþþ and Feþþ needed to form values in such rocks. Other factors including lithological and
ankerite may originate from the illitization of smectite (Boles, 1978; mineralogical changes, particularly increased smectite content
Boles and Franks, 1979; Hendry et al., 2000; McHargue and Price, could also locally impose reverse compaction (e.g. Marcussen et al.,
1982). 2009). Very low bulk density coincident with low gamma-ray and
As illitization proceeds with depth/temperature, the amount of Vp in Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous fine grained succession of
micro-quartz crystals increases and they are found as short chains this study (Figs. 7 and 8) however, are due to washed out wellbore
of linked individual crystals and as clusters of crystals (Fig. 12). conditions and should not be treated as reverse compaction trends.
Peltonen et al. (2009) and Thyberg et al. (2010) suggested that these
micro-quartz crystals may be part of larger networks of inter- 5.4. Compaction implications for exhumation estimation
connected aggregates of micro-quartz and clay crystals. Such net-
works may play a key role in increasing bulk density and Vp during An exhumation of around 500 m was reported in the literature
chemical compaction of originally smectite-rich rocks. for the Block 9/2 based on vitrinite reflectance (Irwin et al., 1993;
Jensen and Schmidt, 1993; Dore  and Jensen, 1996). This is less
5.3. Reverse compaction trends than the exhumation estimated (700e750 m in well 9/2-2) by this
study. The variation is inherited from the difference of applied
The organic-rich shale layers studied herein show low bulk techniques and at least partly due to high uncertainty in paleo-
density and velocity compared to shales with low or absence of temperature analyses. The thermal profile of sedimentary basins
organic content. In organic-rich shales, the soft kerogen content are controlled by thermal parameters, thermal gradient, thermal
plays a significant role in decreasing the compaction trends of conductivity and heat flow (Burns et al., 2007; Bjørlykke, 2010).
source rocks (e.g. Storvoll et al., 2005). Other factors offsetting the Burns et al. (2007) argued that vitrinite reflectance may provide
compaction trend in such organic-rich rocks include anisotropy due very different exhumation estimations from the same borehole

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18 15

Figure 15. (a) Micrograph and EDS spectra showing micro-quartz crystals associated with A: intact k-feldspars, B, C: partly albitization of K-feldspar with C (darker area in the same
grain) showing higher level of albitization, D: illite and E: chlorite. Arrows show micro-quartz crystals.

based on results obtained at different laboratories. Fjeldskaar et al. transition to the wells where analytical evidences do not exist (e.g.
(1993) mentioned a 600 m exhumation estimated for well 9/2-1 Storvoll and Brevik, 2008). In this work, assuming comparable
using shale compaction method. Conventionally, exhumation paleo-geothermal gradients, wells in which exhumation estima-
estimation using shale compaction curves includes fitting of log tions were possible, were used as reference to infer the exhumation
derived data with the theoretically calculated trend (e.g. Athy, in other wells with respect to mechanical to chemical compaction
1930). Consequently, the higher physical properties (Vp and bulk transition (Fig. 16). From well 9/2-2 toward the west, the depth of
densities) in deeper chemically compacted succession, can not be log-derived inferred onset of chemical compaction is increased
properly discriminated. Using the experimental compaction curves which is in agreement with a general westward decrease of
has the advantage of higher control on excluding chemically com- exhumation in this work and previous regional studies (Dore  and
pacted succession. However, one should consider the disadvantage Jensen, 1996; Jensen and Michelsen, 1992; Jensen and Schmidt,
of synthetic mixtures as ideal representatives of natural mudstones. 1993). Furthermore, an approximately 600 m exhumation in well
Nevertheless, in principle, shale compaction methods are similar 9/2-1 is in agreement with Fjeldskaar et al. (1993).
and comparable results are commonly expected. In block 9/4, the
exhumation is less pronounced and is estimated at around 200 m
which is in general agreement with regional uplift estimations 6. Conclusions
suggested by Jensen and Schmidt, 1993 and Dore  and Jensen, 1996.
In presence of reactive clays and Kþ the level of chemical  This study shows that in the mechanical compaction zone
compaction initiation (onset of illitization) is directly controlled by experimental compaction trends based on synthetic samples
thermal profile of the sedimentary basins (Bjørlykke, 2010; Nadeau, can be used as good proxy to natural compaction. In this study a
2011; Nadeau et al., 2002; Storvoll and Brevik, 2008). In relatively 50:50 silt-kaolinite mixture was found to be a good analog to the
small areas assuming comparable paleo-geothermal gradients, the mudrocks studied from the Egersund Basin, particularly for
onset of chemical compaction can provide implications as Cenozoic units <1200 m in depth.
isothermal level. Although the chemical compaction processes are  A systematic shift of both Vp and bulk density in the Egersund
gradual and step wise process, the onset of illitization has been Basin samples away from the expected compaction trend (50:50
documented in this work as well as other literatures (Peltonen silt-kaolinite mixture) suggest that the studied sections has
et al., 2008, 2009; Storvoll and Brevik, 2008; Thyberg et al., 2010) undergone exhumation. Compensating for the shift by vertically
to cause a notable shift in physical properties of the rock particu- adjusting the log data to fit the 50:50 silt-kaolinite mechanical
larly Vp. In this way log derived data can efficiently be applied to compaction trend shows significantly different exhumation
extend the analytical based mechanical to chemical compaction histories in the two neighboring blocks 9/2 and 9/4 respectively.

Please cite this article in press as: Kalani, M., et al., Compaction processes and rock properties in uplifted clay dominated unitse the Egersund
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),
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M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18

Figure 16. Vp changes with depth in studied wells with respect to estimation of exhumation. toward the west, the depth of log-derived inferred onset of chemical compaction is increased which is in agreement with a general
westward decrease of exhumation. E.g. An approximate 500 m difference in the depths where onset of chemical compaction occur in well 9/2-2 and wells of block 9/4 is in agreement with the estimated exhumations of ca. 700 and
200 m, respectively.
M. Kalani et al. / Marine and Petroleum Geology xxx (2014) 1e18 17

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Basin, Norwegian North Sea, Marine and Petroleum Geology (2014),

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