NOTES RLE - Care of Mother, Child at Risk or With Problems (Acute and Chronic)

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NOTES RLE - Care of Mother, Child at Risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)

A slowly progressive increase in intraocular pressure that, if left untreated, causes progressive pressure
against the optic nerve, resulting in peripheral visual loss, decreased visual acuity with difficulty adapting
to darkness, and a halo effect around lights.

Macular degeneration

, Not Selected


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Diabetic retinopathy

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, Not Selected

Incorrect answer:

(no answer)

Correct Answer:


Results for item 4.

0 / 1 point

All of the following are part of the visual sensory deficit except for one.

Wet eyes

, Not Selected


, Not Selected
NOTES RLE - Care of Mother, Child at Risk or with Problems (Acute and Chronic)


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Open-angle glaucoma

, Not Selected

Incorrect answer:

(no answer)

Correct Answer:

Wet eyes

SPONTANEOUS ABORTIONPredisposing factors (spontaneous abortion): often unknown (20%-25%),

May be associated with :
a. Embryonic/fetal problems (50%-60%): disorganization of germ plasma, ovular defects,
chromosomal aberration, faulty placental development
b. Maternal problems (15%-20%): systemic infections, severe nutritional deprivation, abnormal
pathological conditions of the reproductive tract, endocrine dysfunction, trauma, medical diseases

PLACENTA PREVIAGeneral InformationDefinition: abnormal implantation of placenta in lower uterine

segmentIncidence: 1 in 170 pregnancies; most common cause of bleeding in late
pregnancyPredisposing factors: decreased vascularity of upper uterine segment, multiparity, scarring
from prior surgery, use of cocaine
Degrees of placenta previa 1. Partial: placenta partially covers the internal cervical OS2. Complete:
placenta totally covers the cervical os (cesarean birth necessary)3. Low-lying or marginal: placenta
encroaches on margin of internal cervical os
Placental abnormalities in formation or implantation: associated with maternal bleeding during the third
trimester or intrapartum period; hemorrhage is the leading cause of maternal mortality
Medical intervention: diagnosis; blood and fluid replacement and cesarean birth if placental placement
prevents vaginal birth of fetus

ABRUPTIO PLACENTADefinition: premature partial or complete separation of normally implanted

placenta; also known as accidental hemorrhage or ablatio placentae
Incidence: 1 in 80 to 1 in 200 pregnancies
Predisposing factors: pregnancy-induced hypertension, fibrin defects; associated with older
multigravidasTypes a. Marginal (overt): evident external bleeding; placenta separates at marginb.
Central (concealed): bleeding not evident or inconsistent with extent of shock observed; placenta
separates at the centerMedical intervention: diagnosis; blood and fluids replacement; cesarean birth as
necessary to save fetal or maternal lives

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