WEG40062 - Star Wars D6 - Wanted by Cracken
WEG40062 - Star Wars D6 - Wanted by Cracken
WEG40062 - Star Wars D6 - Wanted by Cracken
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~, no and <0 1993 Lucasfilm. Ltd. (lFL). All Rights Reserved. Trademarks of LFL used by West End Games under authorization.
Wanted By Cracken is a supplement for Star many of the villains are "making a name for
Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition. themselves" (adjust game statistics accordingly).
Compiled and authored by New Republic General They may be juststarting to come to prominence,
Airen Cracken, this datafile is the New Republic's and while the Empire may have noticed them, it
"Most Wanted" list. Within its pages, you will find is unlikely that it is using its vast resources to
some of the most dangerous criminals to have track down common riff-raff. On the other hand,
committed crimes against the New Republic and relatives of the victims of these criminals may be
the free people of the galaxy. offering rewards (or bounties) for the capture of
Since his promotion from the Operations arm this villain, and the Rebel Alliance might very
of Republic Intelligence to the office of the well want some of these individuals captured so
Supreme Commander of Intelligence, Cracken they can be questioned for their valuable
has been working to provide the New Republic knowledge of the Empire.
armed forces with a list of those individuals who
must be captured and imprisoned for the safety A Note On Rewards
of the people of the galaxy. Cracken has also Many of the rewards offered in this book are
included personal comments and observations high - probably too high for the play balance of
based upon his years of experience. some campaigns. This is ·to reflect the kind of
Each of the entries describes what is known by danger these villains should present. The charac-
the Republic - som~ of the information may be ters shouldn't be able to simply have a one-on-
speculation, hearsay or simply in error (to be one showdown with these individuals. Instead,
altered as the gamemaster sees fit). Where they should really have to work to be able to
appropriate, additional entries have been provided capture these people. And, ·if they incur a few
major debts along the way, so much the better.
to fill in the details of the organizations, vehicles
Simply put, dumping a lot of credits into the
and personnel who serve with or for these villains. characters' laps, with no strings attached, is
Pages labelled "Gamemaster Information" provide dangerous to game play.
the facts as opposed to what the New Republic The process of capturing one of these villains
believes to be true. These sections correct false should be time-consuming, expensive and danger-
information in the datadocuments or provide more ous. Even if theyare successful, and they do end up
detail than what is provided in the basic entry. with a lot of money, theywill still have to face other
complications - perhaps a captured villain will
Using This Book use his or her contacts to hire gunmen to track
down and kill the characters. Of course, the first
This book can be a valuable aid to gamemasters time a group of characters captures a major crimi-
looking for colorful and challenging villains to nal figure, they become instant celebrities. To the
send up against a group of player characters. crimeworld, this is like walkingaround with a bulls-
If the characters are involved in a Star Wars eye on your back. Yes, if they are successful in
campaign set before the Battle of Endor, this capturing someone the characters may become
book can still be of great utility. During this time, rich, but the fun has just begun ...
2 Wanted by Cracken
Since the death of Emperor Palpatine three Empire stumbled under the weight of a stagger-
years ago at the Battle of Endor, the status quo ingly large bureaucracy with no real line of suc-
of the galaxy has undergone radical change. cession. The Emperor was considered invulner-
Though the Empire seemed invincible, in reality able, and as such, no single individual was ap-
it was held together only by the will of the pointed to take control in the event of his death.
Emperor. Palpatine used fear, manipulation and As a result, all of the petty Mons, ambitious
endless appeals to vanity and "the greater glory advisors and calculating military officials allowed
of the Empire" to instill obedience and loyalty in their evil dreams to grow.
the political and military leaders of the Empire. The Empire quickly began to splinter into end-
While many governors and generals aspired to less petty factions. Thesefactions, ruled by rogue
greater power, and often used the name of the warlords, imperialistic military leaders and
Emperor to further their own ambitions, their greedy politicos, were each vying for power,
fear of retribution from the Emperor prevented each attempting to unite the Empire once again.
them from making any significant bids for power. Each failed miserably. Where once there was
The death of the Emperor shattered the net- one Empire, there_ are now countless smaller
work of terror that held the Empire together. groups which still light "in the name of the
The news of the Emperor's death was slow in Empire," yet represent only a shadow of the true
reaching the remote systems under Imperial Empire's power.
control, as Imperial advisors and Grand Moffs In the years that followed the Battle of Endor,
hoped that control of the Empire would fan to the New Republic has been able to steadily push
them. But the triumphant Rebel Alliance spread back the Imperial presence. Momentum is on
word that at last the Emperor was destroyed, our side, and we fully expect many more sys-
and that the galaxy was free from his tyranny. tems to be brought over to our side.
As news of the Emperor's death spread, the
This is an exciting, new Star Wars universe. It Empire as strong or as weak as needed for the
enables the New Republic's agents to have a adventur~ at hand. In some sections of the gal-
chance of winning definitive victories. Now, other axy, the Empire still holds many systems captive
forces such as crime lords, mercenary armies under its iron heel; in other areas, the Empire
and even rival factions of the Empire open up may be desperate, holding onto power through
untold adventure possibilities. The New Repub- determination alone. Characters may run across
lic is clearly on the upswing, but the battle is not Imperial agents, admirals, Moffs, governors and
easy. As noted in Heir to the Empire, by Timothy other "representatives of the Empire" who are
Zahn, live years after the Battle of Endor the actually working at cross-purposes, and may
Empire controls only a quarter of the territory it even be engaged in active conflict, squabbling
originally claimed. This is a tumultuous time in over territory. Rulers of Imperial factions may
galactic history, and the characters are thrust have huge star fleets or barely a squadron ofTlE
into the middle of the action. fighters at their command. It is an interesting
What this means to a gamemaster running a and dangerous time for player characters -
Star Wars campaign is that it is easy to make the enjoy!
it j\.
As with all new technologies, General LoU's 5-6 - Malfunction. The slave-rigging system
slave-rigging equipment is still experimental. loses control of one walker (determine randomly)
Under normal circumstances, the ImperialArmy for IDrounds. The walker "freezes" on the battle-
would never use a system before fully testing it, iield.
but given the current situation with the New 7-8- Collision. One of the walkers (determine
Republic, General Lott has decided to use the randomly) collides with something on the battle-
slave-rigged walkers regardless of its imperfec- field (or nearly trips), doing normal collision
tions. Please note that the rules below are for damage (see page 95 of Star Wars: The Roleplaying
ideal conditions: radiation fluctuations, electri- Game, Second Edition). If the walker is severely
cal storms or impulses, sensor jamming and damaged it trips and falls over on the battleiield.
frequency pulses can completely disable the
systems involved. The complex technologies 9-10 - Major collision. One of the walkers
involved assure that it will be many years before (determine randomly) collides with something
a completely reliable remote control system will on the battlefield (or nearly trips). Does normal
be available. collision damage +40. If the walker is severely
Because of the very delicate natures of the damaged it trips and falls over on the battlefield.
control system and support machinery within 11-15 - Serious malfunction. The slave-rig-
the walkers, when a slave-rig operator makes a ging system loses control of one walker until a
mistake, the consequences are often far more technician makes a Difficult computer program-
severe than making a mistake while piloting a ming/repair roll. Technicians within the walker
lone vehicle. When a pilot fails a walker opera- can repair the system with an Easy computer
tion roll, find the number of points by which the programming/repair roll.
roll was missed on the chart below:
16+ - System overload. The entire system
1-2 - Slight slip in control. The pilot has an short circuits. A Very Difficult computer pro-
additional penalty of -ID to all actions for the gramming/repair roll and three hours of work
rest of the round. are necessary to repair the system.
3-4 - More serious control problem. The pilot Additionally, whenever a complication occurs
has an additional penalty of -3D to all actions for in the game, the system also overloads, com-
the rest of that round and -10 for the next round. pletely shutting down the walkers.
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Tembon's ship is a highly-modified Nestt·dass yond legal limits). Whenever Tembon is forced
light freighter. He has installed concealed quad to do this, the feedback blows at least one of the
laser cannons that can be retracted beneath hull power converters. As with many modified freight-
plating (to discourage nosy customs inspec- ers, this temperamental ship requires constant
tors). He has rearranged most of the interior life maintenance.
support systems to make room for smuggling
compartments below and above decks on the • The Miv'rah Firestorm
ship. Craft: SoroSuub Nestt.cJass light freighter
The extra power drain of the quad lasers re- Type: Modified light freighter
quired completely reworking the SoroSuub Scale: Starfighter
Nepton power core, as well as the installation of Length: 29 melers
no fess than hall a dozen Koensayr TLB power Sklll: Space transports:Nestt·dass light freighter
Crew: 1 (co-pilot optional)
converters. However, the energy output of the Passengers: 4
power core is so high that he must shunt nearly Cargo Capacity: 110 melrlc tons
30% of the energy into the power converters Consumable..: 2 weeks
when in close proximity to customs ships to Hyperdriye MuitipUer. xl
Hyperdriye Backup: x9
prevent their sensors from reading the ship's Nay Computer. Yes
true power output (which is, of course, far be- Maneuvel'1lblllty: 10.2
Space: 6
Hull: 30+2
Shields: 20
Passive: 15/10
Scan: 25120
Search: 50120+2
Focus: 4/40
2 Quad Laser Cannons (lire separately; con·
Fire Arc Turret
Crew: I
Skill: Starship gunnery
Fire Control: 20
Space Range: 1-3/15130
Damage: 40.2
c= --- --'
• Woern's Pirates
Woem has a band of nearly 200 pirates at his base on
Woem's Asteroid. The pirates are of all species, including
(but not limited to) Rodians, Gamorreans, Elomin and
Humans. Below are game statistics for a typical member
of Woem's pirate band.
0EXTERI1Y 20+1
Blaster 30+-2, dodge 30+-2, melee combat 30+2
Cultures 30+-1, languages 3D, streetwise 30+-2, survival
Repulsorlift operation 40, space transports 30+-2,
starfighter piloting 30+-1, starship gunnery 30+-2, starship
shields 30+-2
Bargain 40, can 40, gambling 40+-1, hide 30+-1, search 40,
sneak 30+-2
STRENGrn 20+2
Brawling 30+-2
• Woern's Assault Shuttle Force Points: 0
Craft: Modified Telgorn Corp Gamma-class Assault Shuttle Character Points: Q.5
Type: Assault Shuttle Equipment: Blaster pistol (40 damage), comlink, blast
Scale: Capital vest (+-2 to front/chest)
Length: 30 meters
Skill: Capital ship piloting: assault shuttle
Crew: 5
Crew Skill: Astrogation 40, capital ship gunnery 30+2, capital
ship piloting 40, capital ship shields 40, starship sensors 3D
Passengers: 50 (troops)
Cargo Capacity: 5 metric tons
Consumables: One week Woern's Pirate Fleet
Hyperdrive Multiplier: x2
Hyperdrlve Backup: xIS Woern's pirates have a small raiding fleet, most of them
Nav Computer: Yes (three jump limit) modified freighters. Woern's command vessel is a modified
Maneuverability: 20+ I
Gamma-elass assault shuttle, which is stocked with weap-
Hull: 40 ons, survival gear, and extra provisions. Woern received
Shields: 50 the vessel after it had nearly been destroyed in a battle,
Sensors: sans all ZercrG stormtrooper suits. He removed all but two
Passive: 10/10
Scan: 25/20
of the launch ports (one port and one starboard), and
Search: 100/20+2 installed storage compartments, troops benches and com-
Focus: 3/30 partments holding lightweight, sealed spacesuits (they
Weapons: provide only insulation from the vacuum of space; they
Four Laser Cannon (fire separately)
Fire Arc: Turret
have no armor value). If necessary, his pirates can disem-
Crew: I bark from the launch ports and cut through the hull of
Skill: Capital ship gunnery vessel for boarding.
Fire Control: 3D
Space Range: 1-3/12/25
Atmosphere Range: 10Q-300/1.2KM/2.5KM
Damage: 20
Tractor Beam Adventure Ideas
Fire Arc: Front In their search for Woern and his pirates. the characters
Crew: I
Skill: Capital ship gunnery discover that his ships were reported near the Drup's Star
Fire Control: 40 system. Arriving in the Drup system, they quickly learn that
Space Range: 1-5/15/30 their sensors are next to useless in the asteroid field due to
Atmosphere Range: 10Q.500/I.5KM/3KM some kind of interference. The characters can either attempt
Damage: 50+-2
Concussion Missile to enter the asteroid field "flying blind, or they can attempt
Fire Arc: Front to adjust their sensors to "tune down" the interference.
Crew: 1
Skill: Capital ship gunnery Ifthey can prove the existence of the base. and return this
Fire Control: 30 information to the New RepUblic, warships could lead an
Space Range: 1-2/8/15 assault on the base and the characters would be due a
Atmosphere Range: 10Q.200/800/1.5KM substantial portion of the reward money.
Damage: 90
Pendon has established a pirate base on the icy Pendon keeps much of the merchandise stolen
world of Seltaya. His band consists of approxi- during pirate raids. It is in the operations rooms
mately 200 pirates, both male and female of that Pendon plans his raids. Adjacent to these
numerous species. While many pirates plunder rooms is the communications and sensor room.
ships and simply keep the stolen goods, Pendon Alter establishing the base, Pendon positioned
sells the majority of his merchandise to a wide several ground-based sensors on the surface of
variety of clients. During the days of the Empire, the planet along with several orbital sensor sat-
Pendon dealt only with criminal organizations, ellites to detect any unwanted or uninvited
and on rare occasion, the Rebel Alliance. Since guests. These sensors can detect an incoming
the rise of the New Republic, Pendon no longer ship as soon as it approaches the planet, and
deals with the New Republic, since his activities warn Pendon and his pirates of any unexpected
are now no longer acceptable to them. However, visitors.
since turnabout is fair play, Pendon now sells to The communication room also houses the tar-
the Empire, along with his usual clientele of geting systems for a KDYv-ISO Planet Defender
smugglers and crime lords. fan Cannon, actually placed nearly 100 kilome-
Pendon's base is located in a large mountain ters to the south of the base (there are several
range in the northern polar region of Seltaya. rotating shifts of crewmen tor the gun). Similar
Pendon found a secluded canyon with several to the one used by the Rebel Alliance on Hath,
small caves years ago after a botched pirate raid this weapon is used to cripple any undesirable
on an Imperial convoy. His ship and crew were ships that wander too close to the planetSeltaya.
forced to land on the ice planet after being Level 3. Uving Quarters: Found in the bottom
heavily damaged in combat with an Imperial Star levels at Pendon's base are the liVing quarters
Galleon. . for all personnel. Most rooms are military-style
While seeking safety, Pendon and his crew bunk rooms, with a cot (With wrap-around pri-
discovered the large network of caves which hid vacy curtain) and a small storage cabinet for
them from the Imperials until they were able to each pirate. Pendon and his top aides each have
repair their ship. At that time, Pendon realized personal suites, also located on this level.
that the [rigid world of Seltaya would make an
excellent place for him to hide his pirate band. • Personnel
After expanding and reinforcing the cave net- The pirates who serve with Pendon come from
work, Pendon relocated his band of pirates to a variety of backgrounds. Many are pirates who
this world, where they have been ever since. once served with another leader until they, for
Level I. Hangar Bay: Located nearest to the one reason or another, elected to change alle.
giance and serve Pendon. The stats below are
surface of the planet, the hangar bay is enor- those of an average pirate, though many of the
mous, easily able to hold Pendon's entire fleet. pirates are far above this average.
The majority of these ships are starfighters and Average Pirate
small freighters, but Pendon also has several DEXTERITY 2D+2
Corellian Corvettes and Gunships, as well a few Blaster 30+2, dodge 40, melee combat 50, melee
Imperial blast boats and transports. This broad parry4D
combination of ships provides Pendon's pirates KNOWLEDGE 20
Streetwise 30+2, survival 3D
with the firepower needed when attacking New MECHANICAL 20+2
Republic convoys. Astrogation 30+2, repulsorllft operation 30+2,
Level one also houses ship maintenance and starfighter piloting 40, starship gunnery 40,
repair facilities, with a cargo lift going to several starship shields 3D
lower maintenance and ship storage areas. Hide 40+2, search 40, sneak 4D
Level 2. Operations Level: This level houses SlRENGTH 20+2
operations and planning rooms, training and Brawling 4D, stamina 50
workout facilities, and the treasure vault, where TECHNICAL 30
Force Points: 0
Character Points: 0-5
Equipment: Blaster pistol (40 damage)
- -- - -----~
• Seron's Personnel • Guards
Seron's organization is very large, and as such, The guards that serve Seron come from numer-
he has numerous personnel that serve him in ous sources throughout the galaxy. Most are
many different capacities. The most notable of former slaves freed by Seron is exchange for
these is Jonlin, Seron's lieutenant and second three or four years of service. Some are former
in command. Jontin's duties include maintain- mercenaries, while a small number are former
ing the security of the castle, and commanding Imperial soldiers who fled the Empire. Because
the castle guards. In Seron's absence, Jontin of this unusual mix, the weapons and armor of
takes charge of Seron's organization on Korbin the guards varies greatly, resulting in the guards
and on other worlds. Jontin is Seron's most looking less like professional soldiers and more
trusted advisor, and is privy to Seron's plans like rag-tag thugs.
and ambitions long before those plans are even
begun. When situations off world require on-
Blaster 40, blasterartillery40+2, brawling parry
site supervision, Jontin is often sent to
straighten out matters on Seron's behalf. When
this occurs, Jontin brings a detachment of Languages 30+2
guards and enforcers with him, usually num- MECHANICAL 20
bering anywhere from ten to 40 men.
Repulsorlift operation 40
DEXTERITY 30+2 Bargain 40+1, con 40+2, gambling 50, hide
Blaster 60+2, brawling parry 50, dodge 50+1, 40+1, search 50, sneak 40
melee combat 50, melee parry 50+ I SfRENGTH30
KNOWLEDGE 20+2 Brawling 40+ 1, stamina 40
Alien species 40+ I, bureaucracy 50, cultures TECHNICAL 20
40+2, languages 30+2, planetary systems 40, Security 30+2
streetwise 50, survival 50 Force Sensitive?: No Force Points: 0
MECHANICAL 20+2 Dark Side Points: 0 Character Points: 0-5
Astrogation 40, repulsorlift operation 40+2, Equipment: Varies, most often blaster pistol
space transports 50+2, starfighter piloting 50, (40 damage), though some carry heavy blaster
starship gunnery 50, starship shields 40 pistols and blaster rifles (50 damage); comlink,
PERCEPTION 20+ 1 glowrod
Bargain 40+1, command 50, con 40+2, gam-
bling 60, hide 60, search 40+2, sneak 50+ 1
Brawling 50, climbing/jumping 40+2, lifting • Enforcers
40+2, stamina 50 The last group who serve Seron are his en-
TECHNICAL 3D forcers. They are a cut above the traditional
Computer programming/repair 40, demolition soldiers, and act to ensure that his organiza-
40+2, first aid 40, repulsorlift repair 40+2, se- tion is not threatened by outside forces. En-
curity 60, starfighter repair 5D forcers also serve as Seron's messengers at
Force Sensitive?: No Force Points: 4 his gambling houses and other operations.
Dark Side Points: 3 Character Points: 12 Like his guards, Seron selected his enforcers
Move: 11 personally.
Equlpmenr: Heavy blaster pistol (50 damage), OEXTERfIY 40
comlink Blaster 60, blasterartillery 5D+2, brawling parry
50, dodge 50, grenade 50, melee combat 50,
melee parry 40+2
Alien species 50, bureaucracy 40+2, intimida-
tion 50+ I, streetwise 40
Beast riding 40, repulsorlift operation 50,
starship gunnery 40+2, starship shields 40+2
Bargain 30, con 40, gambling 40, hide 30+2,
search 50, sneak 40
Brawling 50+1, lifting 40, stamina 40
Security 40
Force Sensitive?: No Force Points: 0
Dark Side Points: 0 CharacterPoints: 1 104
Intelligence specialists (intspecs) are respon-
sible for maintaining up to date information re-
Medics garding the mission area and its surroundings,
Medics are the field medics of a mis- and the enemy's strength and deployment in the
sion uniLln addition to providing first mission area. Intspecs are responsible for pr<r
aid and medical treatment, thesespecs viding the ficomm with contingency plans in the
often aid light weapons specs in the event of a mission failure. Intspecs work closely
role of soldier and infantryman. with both recons and corns (communications
Skill Code Modifiers: Alien species specialists) in order to maintain current informa-
+JD, planetary systems +/D+/, survival tion regarding mission area and enemy strength
+ 10, first aid +30, medicine +20 and activities.
Special Equipment: 15 medpacs, Skill Code Modifiers: Alien species +2D, cul-
medicines (including antidotes to l<r tures +/D, languages +2D, planetary systems +2D,
calor combat poisons and toxins, streetwise +10, bargain +10, con +10
stimshots, coagulants, immupills and Special Equipment: Pocket computer, datapad,
pain killers) recording rod
Z 1
Pochi is a dry but habitable world, and is the other oddities - if Faarl is pleased by the pre-
home of Faarl's empire. The world is dominated sentation, they are freed from their obligation to
by seemingly endless dry plains covered with Faarl and his pirate cronies. If not, Faarl has
low scrub grasses, groves of small trees and low them executed or enslaved.
mountains. Small forests can be found along the FaarI has been able to develop a large merce-
coasts, where more moisture is available. Sea- nary force with the help of a semi-sentient native
sonal variation is minimal except near the poles, species called Tulvarees. These large, flying
so the climate is almost constantly warm and predators native to the mountains of Pochi have
humid. proven to be reliable soldiers.
F-:''OcUr nas' cre,,'empemua'cIT fJl 'toe an:a rn:!at ifl~
tower by building huge military training camps • Pochi
and slave labor prisons. Asmall city, Vindru, has Planel Type: Temperate Terrestrial
sprung up around the small spaceport Faarl had Temperalure: Temperate
built. Most of the people who live in Vindru work Almosphere: Type I (Breathable)
Hydrosphere: Dry
directly for Faarl and run the slave trade or are Gravity: Standard
responsible for military support services, al- Terrain: Plains, Mountains
though some are independent traders who length of Day: 25 Standard Hours
bought their freedom with a "freedom tribute" length of Year: 350 Local Days
Sentient Species: Humans, Tulvarees (N)
consisting of valuable jewels, exotic items and Points of Interest: Fortress Baarlos, Vindru
Starport limited Services
Population: 6 Million
Governmenl: Warlord
Tech Level: Space (Humans), Feudal
System Name: Faarlsun Major Exports: None
Star Name: Faarlsun MajorImports: Lowtech, raw materials, luxury
Star Type: Yellow-While items
Orbital Bodies
Planet Type Moons
Jun Searing Rock o
Zossi Belt Asteroid Belt o
Weken Poisonous Terrestrial 2
Pochi Temperate Terrestrial 3
Koss Gas Giant S
Calipp Gas Giant 12
Faarl's soldiers worked in mixed units of loyal his way up to mercenary status, promising free-
soldiers, mercenaries and slaves. Each squad of dom to any slave who "is an exemplary soldier."
a dozen men is commanded by one of FaarI's In prac;tice, the mercenaries and commanders
original pirates. At least half of the regular sol- distort battlefield actions so that slaves aren't
diers are mercenaries, hired on from one of the given a chance to advance.
conquered worlds, while the final half of the unit There is no such thing as a typical soldier in
consists of slaves forced to fight for Faarl. The Faarl's army. Their training varies immensely,
mercenaries aren't trusted by Faarl, but he has and any manner of Human or alien can be found
made it clear that he has sufficient soldiers to kill to take up arms on behalf of Faarl. Faarl has
any who decided to revolt or betray him. More made it a standard policy that soldiers are al-
important, the mercenaries are given authority lowed to keep what they can capture from en-
to order the slave soldiers around, and thus the emy soldiers or pillage from conquered villages
slaves have the highest casualty rate as they are and cities, and that is how Faarl is able to keep
forced to do the most dangerous tasks. Faarl has his troops controlled.
theoretically made it possible for aslave to work
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