Hybrid-Work Assessment Tool v2

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April 21, 2021
These materials are provided “as is” solely for informational purposes. The materials are not a legal,
health, or safety resource, and organizations should engage their own experts to ensure compliance
with applicable laws and standards. The materials are current as of the date indicated and may not
incorporate the most recently available information. References to products or services are solely for
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not express an opinion or recommendation in the materials concerning the opening or operation of
workplaces in light of COVID-19.


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Current as of April 21, 2021

COVID-19 is, first and foremost, a global

humanitarian challenge.
Thousands of health professionals are heroically battling the virus, putting
their own lives at risk. Governments and industry are working together to
understand and address the challenge, support victims and their families
and communities, and search for treatments and a vaccine.

This document is meant to help senior leaders assess an organization’s

ability to support a combination of remote and on-site teams. While the
assessment is designed to characterize varying levels of remote-work
capability, each organization should define a work posture consistent with
its own needs. Not all organizations may require complete, best-in-class

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The capability assessment measures
an organization’s ability to support
a hybrid of on-site and remote work.

Overview Application
• This document contains a framework for assessing an organization’s capability to support The assessment is designed to enable
hybrid (a combination of remote and on-site) work teams for ten functional topics: an organization to do the following:
1. Technology hardware and connectivity
• Use the framework to define a desired end-
2. Apps and data state work posture suitable to the
3. Security and risk mitigation organization’s needs
4. Remote collaboration • Assess the organization’s current level of
5. Business processes capability for each topic of hybrid work
6. Mobility policy
• Chart a pathway that enables the
7. Facilities and real estate organization to achieve its desired
8. Productivity and management end-state capability and track key milestones
along that pathway as the organization
9. Leadership and culture transitions its capability in priority areas from
10. Training and capabilities baseline to mature to advanced

• For each topic, the framework describes the characteristics of organizations

with remote-work capability that is at baseline, mature, and leading levels.

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Hybrid-work capability assessment (1/4)

Topic Baseline Mature Leading

Technology  Remote users can reliably, stably log in  Remote users’ experience is roughly equivalent to in-office IT  Ubiquitous office setup is comfortable and sustainable in the
1 (sufficient network, infrastructure capacity) experience, without some peripherals (e.g., mouse, keyboard) long term
hardware and
connectivity  Users have access to laptops and voice-  Organization issues mobile devices when necessary  Organization sponsors connectivity for low-bandwidth areas
over-internet-protocol (VoIP) capabilities
 IT support capabilities have been scaled and transitioned  Security is sufficient to enable limited mobile bring-your-own-
to align with remote work (e.g., standard IT FAQs, help desk) device (BYOD) options
 Option exists to enable virtual access

Apps and data  Core applications and files are available  Most users can access the majority of applications and data  Full and zero-latency access to applications and data
2 remotely they need to do their jobs is equivalent to on-site access
 Architecture and infrastructure support  Robust, cloud-based data and file-sharing solutions  Special mechanisms are in place to securely access
at-scale remote access without are in place sensitive data (e.g., personally identifiable information)
major delays when needed
 Thoughtfully designed solutions make sharing data
with third-party organizations secure
 Central management and governance of applications
and data ensure consistency across the organization

Security and risk  Standard security controls are maintained,  Cloud security, device management, data protection,  User experience is unified and secure, includes wide
3 with some risk acceptance and telemetry are scaled to remote work context deployment of single multifactor authentication across
 Specific security initiatives are aimed at securing
new collaboration tools  Efforts are in place to "rethink the perimeter"
(e.g., Zero Trust)
 Remote-work security policies, with user-awareness
campaigns and security training, are launched  Specific cybersecurity awareness efforts are targeted to new
threats seen during COVID-19
 Cybersecurity and privacy considerations are built into
contact-tracing efforts  Insider Risk program is enhanced

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Hybrid-work capability assessment (2/4)

Topic Baseline Mature Leading

Remote  Videoconferencing, shared drive, and chat  Set of collaboration software tools is integrated, standardized,  Effective new tools are regularly piloted and scaled to the
4 tools are in place and robust workforce
 Complete live, asynchronous training is available to the  Key performance indicators (KPIs) for performance-
workforce enhancing tools are established and tracked
 Rapid assessment moves solutions through the approval
process quickly

Business  Core business processes function for  Core business processes function equivalently on site and  Core business processes are highly agile, mobile solutions
5 mobile work, with a reduction in speed and remotely more effective or efficient (e.g., pursued even when
access employees are in person)
 Other processes are accessible remotely but may occur at
 Execution of second- and third-order reduced speed  Other business processes function equivalently, with steps
processes may require employees to be being taken to improve agility and efficiency where
on site appropriate

Mobility policy  Accommodations are made for employees  Guidance on mobility is consistent organization-wide  Managers in each business unit apply business-unit-specific
6 with preexisting conditions guidance (based on specific business-unit needs) on
 Supervisors have consistent guidance to apply to jobs and
mobility posture
 Managers with mobile employees individuals
establish specific mobility norms  Checks and balances are in place to ensure employees
 Leave and flexibility policies allow some tailoring of work
have appropriate access to mobility opportunities
experience for family, health, and other needs
 Employees are able to work with managers to tailor work
hours and leave to their positions and needs

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Hybrid-work capability assessment (3/4)

Topic Baseline Mature Leading

Facilities  Real estate strategy incorporates remote  New real estate construction and upgrade projects incorporate  Real estate portfolio is optimized for talent to access
7 work, sustainability, and environmental long-term remote-work posture and goals productive spaces when and where needed, with network of
and real estate
impact goals locations, types of space, and flexible leasing approaches
 New approaches to office space (e.g., modularity, flexible
 Standardized technology (e.g., docking seating) are being scaled where appropriate  Working spaces are organized to enable group collaboration
stations, Wi-Fi, conference lines) is and are highly modular and movable to accommodate
 Open and unassigned collaboration spaces are in significant
integrated into facilities to enable hybrid flexible and variable space needs and working-model
use, for flexibility within the fixed real estate footprint
teams to engage with each other requirements
 Most technology (e.g., widespread videoconferencing, secure
 Conference rooms and huddle spaces  Technology is integrated seamlessly to maximize
data access) is integrated into real estate to enable hybrid
incorporate videoconferencing engagement of hybrid teams with each other
teams to engage with each other
 New approaches to office space and tech  IoT-enabled buildings and equipment are used to drive
 Some IoT-enabled buildings and equipment are used to drive
enablement are being piloted for broader intelligent operations and predictive maintenance
intelligent operations and predictive maintenance
rollout across the organization
 Robust sustainability and environmental impact strategy is in
 Sustainability and environmental impact strategy is in place

Productivity  Managers and teams have processes  Managers and teams are productive regardless of whether  Managers and teams are empowered to decide the in-
8 (e.g., virtual check-ins, group meetings) in work is remote or on site person/remote-work structure for optimal team performance
and management
place to facilitate basic collaboration when and individuals’ wellness
 Managers and teams have adopted core mobile-work
employees work remotely
practices (e.g., videoconferencing, collaboration tools)  Supervisors manage for results and outcomes, not the
processes for attaining them
 Single source of truth for team material is available to all
members of a team  Managers and teams have adopted core mobile-work
practices (e.g., videoconferencing, collaboration tools)
 Single source of truth for team material is available to all
members of a team
 Productivity doesn’t vary based on work location
 Supervisors and teams are fully adapted to asynchronous

McKinsey & Company 6

Hybrid-work capability assessment (4/4)

Topic Baseline Mature Leading

Leadership and  Leadership embraces remote-work options  Employees clearly perceive that leadership thinks mobility is  Leadership sets example by embracing remote work where
9 for temporary conditions and extenuating important appropriate
circumstances, with preference for in-
 Employees know they can ask for remote work solutions  Employees are empowered to ask for remote work solutions,
person work as the norm
supervisors are comfortable granting requests when
 Some connectivity events are held to facilitate team and
 Connectivity and team-building events are appropriate for the position and employees meet
organizational culture
on hold until employees return to the office qualifications
 Robust organizational culture is maintained through remote
connectivity events

 Employees and supervisors receive  In-depth employee training on technologies, collaboration  New micro-training is deployed regularly to drive continuous
10 Training and introductory training on remote work tools, and remote-meeting best practices is available skill building
 Central source makes tips and tricks  Supervisor training on managing remotely and leading virtual  All supervisors receive mandatory training on managing
available for on-demand review by teams is available remotely and leading virtual teams
 All employees receive training on remote best practices to
facilitate working with remote team members
 Annual refresher training is required for all supervisors and

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