A Study On The Awareness of New Education Policy (2020) Among The Primary School Teachers in Dindigul District
A Study On The Awareness of New Education Policy (2020) Among The Primary School Teachers in Dindigul District
A Study On The Awareness of New Education Policy (2020) Among The Primary School Teachers in Dindigul District
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Education is vital to the achievement of maximum human potential, the development of a just
and equal society and the promotion of national development. Providing universal access to
quality education is the cornerstone to India's continued rise and global leadership in terms of
economic development, social justice and scientific progress, equality, national integration and
preservation of culture.
The 21st century's first education strategy which seeks to solve our country's many rising
developmental imperatives. This Policy recommends that all facets of the education framework,
including its legislation and governance, be updated and redesigned to establish a modern
paradigm that is consistent with the aspiring aspirations of education in the 21st century,
including SDG4, thus drawing on the values and value systems of India. It is founded on the idea
that schooling must improve not only cognitive capacities, but also ethical, mental, and
emotional capacities and dispositions, both the “foundational capacities” of literacy and
numeracy and “higher-order” cognitive capacities, such as logical thought and problem solving.
They compared the National Education Policy (2019) with the American Education system, Ms.
Sujatha Ramesh, Dr. K. Natarajan (2019). The National Education Policy has approved the
switchover to Uh, like the USA course. The modular strategies are equivalent to those of the
USA. Kalervo N Gulson, seller of Sam (2018), concludes that Allowing fresh private and public
links through policy topologies. Aithal P.S, Shybhrajyotsna Aithal (2019) Nikil Govind (2019)
evaluated the proposal's positive and negative and some recommendations for future changes.
1) Personal data sheet
The respondents were asked to fill up a personal data form in order to seek information
about them like Gender, Location, and Type of management.
2) National Educational Policy (2020)
The investigator prepared the National Educational Policy (2020) awareness tool. The
investigator designated multiple-choice type questionnaire as a tool for gathering data
in the present study. The device includes 30 items related to National Educational Policy
(2020) awareness. To establish the validity and reliability, the prepared tool was given
to experts in the field of education.
It is inferred from the above table that 21.9 % male primary school teacher have low level, 63.1
% of them have moderate and 15 % of them have high level of New Education Policy in Gender.
Regarding female primary school teacher 21.9 % of them have low level, 63.1% of them have
moderate level and 10 % of them have high level of New Education Policy in Gender. The above
table reveals that 12.5 % of rural primary school teacher have low level, 58.1 % of them have
moderate level and 29.4 % of them have high level of New Education Policy in location.
Regarding Urban primary school teacher 9.3 % of them have low level, 61.4 % of them have
moderate level and 29.3 % of them have high level of New Education Policy in location. The
above table reveals that 20 % of Government primary school teacher have low level, 57.5 % of
them have moderate level and 22.5 % of them have high level of New Education Policy in type of
management. Regarding Self-Finance primary school teacher 20 % of them have low level, 79.3
% of them have moderate level and 5 % of them have high level of New Education Policy in type
of management.
H2: There is no significant difference between the awareness of New Education Policy (2020)
primary school teachers’ with respect to gender, location, type of management.
Calculated ‘t’
Variable Category Mean SD Remarks
Male 51.11 10.25
2.08 S
Gender Female 48.73 9.58
Rural 49.86 10.45
0.26 NS
Location Urban 50.16 09.49
Government 46.57 10.31
6.92 S
Type of management Self-Finance 53.92 08.04
(At 5% level of significance, the table value of ‘t’ is 1.96)
It is inferred from the above table 2 and Fig.1 that the calculated value of ‘t’ is greater than the
table value of ‘t’ at 5% level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected and there is a
significant difference between the awareness of New Education Policy (2020) primary school
teachers’ with respect to gender. It is inferred from the above table 2 and Fig.1 that the
calculated value of ‘t’ is less than the table value of ‘t’ at 5% level of significance. Hence the null
hypothesis is accepted and there is no significant difference between the awareness of New
Education Policy (2020) primary school teachers’ with respect to location. It is inferred from the
above table 2 and Fig.1 that the calculated value of‘t’ is greater than the table value of ‘t’ at 5%
level of significance. Hence the null hypothesis is rejected and there is a significant difference
between the awareness of New Education Policy (2020) primary school teachers’ with respect
to type of management.
1. The according to Mahalakshmi “21.9 % male primary school teacher have low level, 63.1
% of them have moderate and 15 % of them have high level of New Education Policy in
Gender. Regarding female primary school teacher 21.9 % of them have low level, 63.1%
of them have moderate level and 10 % of them have high level of New Education Policy
in Gender”.
2. The awareness of the New Education Policy (2020) Gender, location, type of
management is average.
3. There is a significant difference between the awareness of New Education Policy (2020)
primary school teachers’ with respect to gender. Male Secondary School teachers have
more awareness than female teachers.
4. There is no significant difference between the awareness of New Education Policy
(2020) primary school teachers’ with respect to location. Urban secondary school
teachers have more awareness than rural teachers.
5. There is a significant difference between the awareness of New Education Policy (2020)
primary school teachers’ with respect to type of management. Government School
teachers have more awareness than Self-finance teachers.
In general, primary school teachers have low awareness of the New Education Policy (2020).
The awareness program must be organized by the state or central Government, at least for
teachers only. In general, females do not have satisfactory intention to know about new
development. But it is not correct we must make awareness for, particularly female teachers.
Additional than rural teachers are not interested to know about the new updates due to
location. Self-finance teachers have no way to interact with other peoples, so they have low
awareness; the state or central Government must organize awareness programs to make
conscious of the New Education Policy (2020) extremely.
1. https://www.education.gov.in/sites/upload_files/mhrd/files/NEP_Final_English_0.pdf
2. Misra, Satya Narayana and Sanjaya Ku. Ghadai. “Make in India and Challenges before
Education Policy.” Journal of Education and Practice, vol. 6, no. 1, 2015, pp. 97-103.
3. Khetarpal, Sonal. “National Education Policy 2019: Old Wine in New Bottle.” Business
Today, 2019, https://www.businesstoday.in/current/economy-politics/national-
4. Aithal, P. S. “Analysis of Higher Education in Indian National Education Policy Proposal
2019 and its Implementation Challenges.” International Journal of Applied Engineering
and Management Letters, vol. 3, no. 2, 2019, pp. 1- 35.