02-Manual Operacao Manutencao d6t
02-Manual Operacao Manutencao d6t
02-Manual Operacao Manutencao d6t
August 2009
• w
Operation and
D6T Track-Type Tractor
• JHB1-Up (Machine)
ZEB1-Up (Machine)
SMC1-Up (Machine)
JWD1-Up (Machine)
LBD1-Up (Machine)
LAE1-Up (Machine)
DJG1-Up (Machine)
WCG1-Up (Machine)
WFH1-Up (Machine)
LKJ1-Up (Machine)
KJL 1-Up (Machine)
SKL 1-Up (Machine)
GCT1-Up (Machine)
RLW1 -Up (Machine)
LAY1-Up (Machine)
PEZ1-Up (Machine)
When replacement parts are required for this
product Caterpillar recommends using Caterpil-
lar replacement parts or parts with equivalent
specifications including, but not limited to, phys-
ical dimensions, type, strength and material.
SEBU8146-06 3
Table of Contents
• Table of Contents Engine Starting ............ ...... ...... ........ ... .. ......... ... .... 75
. Tih
Operatlng '
ec niques ... .. ......... ... ... .............. .. ...... . 77
Foreword ....... ......... .... .. ......................... .... .............. 4
Adjustments ...... .... ......... ... .. ... .. ...... ....................... 83
Safety Section
Parking ... ... ........... .. ....... ... ... ..... ... .......... ... ............ . 84
Safety Messages ................................. ... .. ........ .. .... 6
Transportation Information ..... ... .... .............. .. ........ 87
Additional Messages ..... ........................ ............. ... 13
Towing Information ... ............. ...... .... ..... ......... ........ 89
General Hazard Information ...... ..... ..... ... ......... ... .. 15
Engine Starting (Alternate Methods) ..................... 94
Crushing Prevention and Cutting Prevention .... .... 17
Maintenance Section
Burn Prevention ............ ............ ............................ 18
Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities ........... 96
Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention ...... ...... 18
Maintenance Support .. .. ......... .......... ..... ........... ... 101
Fire Extinguisher Location ... .... ........ ..... ................ 21
Maintenance Interval Schedule ........... .. ...... ....... 102
Track Information ......... ........... .. .......... .. ........... .. ... 22
Reference Information Section
Electrical Storm Injury Prevention ..... ..... ..... .... .. .... 22
Reference Materiais .. ....................... ..... ... ....... .... 161
Before Starting Engine ... .... .......... ............ ..... ... ..... 22
Index Section
Engine Starting ......... ................. ..... ... ...... ....... ... ... 22
Index ..... ..... ......... ..... .. ......... ... .. ...... ..... ................ 163
Before Operation ......................... ......................... 23
Operation ... .. ..... ........... ...... ... .... .............. .... .. ... ..... 24
Slope Operation ..... .............. .. ... ....... ... ... ...... .. ...... . 25
• Operation Section
Before Operation ........... ................................. .... .. 42
Literature Information
This manual should be stored in the operator's
The maintenance section is a guide to equipment
care. The Maintenance Interval Schedule (MIS) lists
the items to be maintained at a specific service
interval. Items without specific intervals are listed
compartment in the literature holder or seat back under the "When Required" service interval. The
literature storage area. Maintenance Interval Schedule lists the page
number for the step-by-step instructions requ ired to
This manual contains safety information , operation accomplish the scheduled maintenance. Use the
instructions, transportation information , lubrication Maintenance Interval Schedule as an index or "one
information and maintenance information . safe source" for ali maintenance procedures.
Some photographs or illustrations in this publication
show details or attachments that can be different Maintenance Intervals
from your machine. Guards and covers might have
been removed for illustrative purposes. Use the service hour meter to determine servicing
intervals. Calendar intervals shown (daily, weekly,
Continuing improvement and advancement of monthly, etc.) can be used instead of service hour
product design might have caus~d c~anges. to your meter intervals if they provide more conven ient
machine which are not included ln thls publlcatlon . servicing schedules and approximate the i ndicat~d
Read , study and keep this manual with the machine. service hour meter reading . Recommended servlce
should always be performed at the interval that
Whenever a question arises regarding your machine, occurs first.
or this publication , please consult your Caterpillar
dealer for the latest available information . Under extremely severe, dusty or wet operating
conditions, more frequen t lubrication tha n is .
specified in the maintenance intervals chart mlght
Safety be necessary.
The safety section lists basic safety precautions: ln Perform service on items at multiples of the original
addition , this section identifies the text and locatlons requirement. For example, at every 500 service
of warning signs and labels used on the machine. hours or 3 months, also service those items listed
under every 250 service hours or monthly and every
Read and understand the basic precautions listed 10 service hours or daily.
in the safety section before operating or performing
lubrication, maintenance and repair on this machine.
California Proposition 65 Warning
IOperation Diesel engine exhaust and some of its co nstituents
are known to the State of Californ ia to cause cancer,
The operation section is a reference for the new birth defects, and other reproductive harm .
operator and a refresher for the e~perie~ced
operator. This section includes a dlscusslon of Battery posts, terminais and related accessories
gauges , switches, machine con~rol~ , attach.ment contain lead and lead compounds. Wash hands
controls, transportation and towlng Informatlon. after handling.
SEBU8146-06 5
(40 CFR Part 89). Certain elements of the machine Machines and generator sets produced before First
and engine such as the exhaust system, fuel system, Quarter 2001 will maintain their 8 character PIN
electrical system, intake air system and cooling format.
system may be emission related and should not be
altered unless approved by Caterpillar. Components such as engines, transmissions, axles,
etc. and work tools will continue to use an 8 character
Machine Capacity Serial Number (S/N).
Effective First Quarter 2001 the Caterpillar Product
Identification Number (PIN) has changed from 8 to 17
characters. ln an effort to provide uniform equipment
identification , Caterpillar and other construction
equipment manufacturers are moving to comply
with the latest version of the product identification
numbering standard. Non-road machine PINs are
defined by ISO 10261 . The new PI N format will apply
to ali Caterpillar machines and generator sets. The
PIN plates and frame marking will display the 17
character PIN . The new format will look like the
following :
IlIustration 1 g00751314
I Safety Section
I Safety Messages
SMCS Code: 7000; 7405
& ®Iw
~~3 IAlml
~~~~~~~g01957731 •
IlIustration 2
. ==~
SEBU8 146-06
__________ ~
Safety Section
IlIustration 3
8 SEBU8146-06
Safety Section
Safety Messages
Do Not Operate 1
Safety message (1) is positioned on the upper ledge
of the left hand console of the operator's station . Vou
should be able to read the message from the right
side of the tractor.
IIlustration 4
g01957779 - -
There are several specific safety messages on this
machine. The exact location of the hazards and
I the description of the hazards are reviewed in this
section. Please beco me familiarized with ali safety
messages. g01370904
IMake sure that ali of the safety messages are legible. AWARNING
Clean the safety messages or replace the safety
messages if Vou cannot read the words. Replace Do not operate or work on this machine unless
~he illustrations if the illustrations are not visible. Vou have read and understand the instructions
When Vou clean the safety messages, use a cloth , and warnings in the Operation and Maintenance •
water, and soap. Do not use solvent, gasoline , or Manuais. Failure to follow the instructions or heed
pther harsh chemicals to clean the safety messages. the warnings could result in injury or death. Con-
polvents, gasoline, or harsh chemicals could loosen tact any Caterpillar dealer for replacement manu-
~ he adh esive that secures the safety message. Loose ais. Proper care is your respons ibility.
adhesive will allow the safety message to falI.
SEBU8146-06 9
Safety Section
Safety Messages
);.0". no..
.0.0.. ltIOU(
XII lU "".0."
- -
Structural damage, an overturn, modificatlon, al- AWARNING
teration, or improper repair can impair this struc- Explosion Hazardllmproper jumper cable connec-
ture's protection capability thereby voiding this tions can cause an explosion resulting ln serious
certification. Do not weld on or drill holes in the
injury or death. Batteries may be located in sep-
structure. This will void the certification. Consult arate compartments. Refer to the Operation and
a Caterpillar dealer to determine this structure's Maintenance Manual for the correct jump starting
limitations without voiding its certification. procedure.
g01371640 g01379131
preSSUrized systeml Hot coolant can cause seri- Recoil spring force, if not relieved , can result in
\ous burns, injury or death. To open the cooling personal injury or death. Relieve spring force be-
system filler cap, stop the engine and wait until fore removing the threaded reta iner, performing
the cooling system components are coo I. Loosen repairs on the recoil spring housing, or removing
I the cooling system pressure cap slowly in order to the recoil spring. Consult a Caterpillar dealer for •
\r elieve the pressure. Read and understand the Op- disassembly instructions.
~ ration and Maintenance Manual before perform-
ing any cooling system maintenance.
SEBU8146-06 11
Safety Section
Safety Messages
Personal injury or death can result from grease
under pressure. Personal injury or death can result from a com-
pressed recoil spring being released suddenly us-
Grease coming out of the relief valve under pres- ing incorrect disassembly procedures.
sure can penetrate the body causing injury or
death. A recoil spring that is still held in compression
can result in the recoil spring being released un-
Do not watch the relief valve to see if grease is es- expectedly with extreme force which could cause
caping. Watch the track or track adjustment cylin- serious injury or death.
der to see if the track is being loosened.
Make sure that the correct disassembly procedure
Loosen the relief valve one turn only. is used, if a front track roller frame that has a crack
in the parent metal or weld connection (or a tubu-
If track does not loosen, close the relief valve and lar section that has separated from the front of
contact your Caterpillar dealer. the frame assembly) when the recoil spring is still
held in compression.
12 SEBU8146-06
Safety Section
Safety Messages
g01 372252
Hydraulic accumulator contains gas and oi! under AWARNING
high pressure. Improper removal or repair proce-
dures could cause severe injury. To remove or re- This machine is equipped with a Caterpillar
pair, instructions in the service manual must be Product Link communication device. When elec-
followed. Special equipment is required for test- tric/electronic detonators are used, this com- •
ing and charging. munication device should be deactivated within
12 m (40 ft) of a blast site, or within the distance
mandated under applicable legal requirements.
Failure to do so could cause interference with
blasting operations and result in serious injury or
SEBU8146-06 13
Safety Section
Add itional Messages
Hydraulic accumulator contains gas and oil under
high pressure. Improper removal or repair proce-
dures could cause severe injury. To remove or re-
pair, instructions in the service manual must be
followed. Special equipment is required for test-
ing and charging.
Additional Messages
SMCS Code: 7405
If a message is attached to a part that is replaced ,
install a message on the replacement partoAny
Caterpillar dealer can provide new messages.
14 SEBU8146-06
Safety Section
Additional Messages
IlIustration 5
IC: 216701105A
Q R134a O. Okg
Ó PAG 4C-2959
IlIuslralion 7
Consult your Caterpillar dealer with any questions
that concern the operation of the Product Link in a
IIlustration 6
g01213009 specific country.
his message for the air conditioner has the Product Link (3)
~ CC Compliance (2)
IlIuslralion 8
SEBU8146-06 15
Safety Section
General Hazard Information
Remove debris, oil, tools, and other items from the
deck, from walkways, and from steps.
Be aware of high voltage power lines and power Use ali cleaning solutions with care. Report ali
cables that are buried . If the machine comes in necessary repairs.
contact with these hazards, serious injury or death
may occur from electrocution . Do not allow unauthorized personnel on the
do not remove any hydraulic components or parts Obey ali local regulations for the disposal of liquids.
til pressure has been relieved or personal injury
ay occur. Do not disassemble any hydraulic
c mponents or parts until pressure has been relieved
or personal injury may occur. Refer to the Service
Manual for any procedures that are required to
relieve the hydraulic pressure.
SEBU8146-06 17
Safety Section
Crushing Prevention and Cutting Prevention
IlIustration 12
asbestos fibers. Inhaling this dust can be hazardous
to your health. lhe components that may contain g00706404
asbestos fibers are brake pads, brake bands, lining IIlustration 13
material , clutch plates, and some gaskets. lhe
asbestos that is used in these components is usually Improperly disposing of waste can threaten the
bound in a resin or sealed in some way. Normal environment. Potentially harmful fluids should be
handling is not hazardous unless airborne dust that disposed of according to local regulations.
contains asbestos is generated .
Always use leakproof containers when you drain
If dust that may contain asbestos is present, there fluids . Do not pour waste onto the ground , down a
are several guidelines that should be followed : drain, or into any source of water.
Never jump across the starter solenoid terminais Ensure that the filler cap is cool before removing the •
in order to start the engine. Unexpected machine filler cap. The filler cap must be cool enough to touch
movement could result. with a bare hand . Remove the filler cap slowly in
order to relieve pressure.
Whenever there are equipment control linkages the
clearance in the linkage area will change with the Cooling system cond itioner contains alkali. Alkali can
movement of the equipment or the machine. Stay cause personal injury. Do not allow alkali to contact
clear of areas that may have a sudden change in the skin , the eyes, or the mouth .
clearance with machine movement or equipment
Stay clear of ali rotating and moving parts.
Hot oil and hot components can cause personal
injury. Do not allow hot oil to contact the skin. Also ,
If it is necessary to remove guards in order to perform
do not allow hot components to contact the skin .
maintenance, always install the guards after the
maintenance is performed .
Remove the hydraulic tank fi ller cap only after the
engine has been stopped . The filler cap must be
Keep objects away from moving fan blades. The fan
cool enough to touch with a bare hand. Follow the
blade will throw objects or cut objects. standard procedure in this manual in order to remove
the hydraulic tank filler cap.
Do not use a kinked wire cable or a frayed wire cable.
Wear gloves when you handle wire cable.
When you strike a retainer pin with force, the retainer
pin can fly out. The loose retainer pin can injure Electrolyte is an acid oElectrolyte can cause personal
personnel. Make sure that the area is clear of people injury. Do not allow electrolyte to contact the skin or
when yo strike a retainer pin oTo avoid injury to the eyes. Always wear protective glasses for servicing
your eyes, wear protective glasses when you strike batteries. Wash hands after touching the batteries •
a retainer pin o and connectors. Use of gloves is recommended.
When the engine is at operating temperature, the
engine coolant is hot. The coolant is also under g00704000
pressure . The radiator and ali lines to the heaters or IIlustration 14
to the engine contain hot coolant.
/lIny contact with hot coolant or with steam can cause
severe burns. Allow cooling system components to Ali fuels , most lubricants, and some coolant mixtures
c~ol before the cooling system is drained. are flammable .
Check the coolant levei only after the engine has To minimize the risk of fire or explosion , Caterpillar
been stopped . recommends the following actions.
SEBU8146-06 19
Safety Section
Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention
Caterpillar recommends the following in order to An exposed wire on the ground cable between the •
minimize the risk of fire or an explosion related to battery and the disconnect switch may cause the
the battery. disconnect switch to be bypassed if the exposed area
comes into contact with a grounded surface. This
Do not operate a machine if battery cables or related may result in an unsafe condition for servicing the
parts show signs of wear or damage. Contact your machine . Repa ir components or replace components
Caterpillar dealer for service. before servicing the machine.
restraints for damage. Replace any damaged parts. • Signs of abrasion or wear
Check for signs of the following , which can occur
over time due to use and environmental factors : • Cracking
• Fraying • Discoloration
• Other damage
• Cracki 9
.. Discoloration Make sure that ali clamps, guards , clips, and straps
are reinstalled correctly. This will help to prevent
• Cuts o the insulation of the cable vibration , rubbing against other parts , and excessive
heat during machine operation.
• Fouling
Attaching electrical wiring to hoses and tubes that
• Corroded terminais, damaged terminais, and loose conta in flammable fluids or combustible fl uids should
terminais be avoided .
Replace damaged battery cable(s) and replace Consult your Caterpillar dealer for repair or for
any related parts. Eliminate any fouling , which may replacement parts.
have cau sed insulation failure or related component
clamage or wear. Ensure that ali components are Keep wiring and electrical connections free of debris.
~i nstalle d correctly.
Unes, Tubes and Hoses
4-n exposed wire on the battery cable may cause
a short to ground if the exposed area comes into Do not bend high pressure lines. Do not strike high
contact with a grounded surface. A battery cable pressure lines. Do not install any lines that are bent or •
short produces heat from the battery current, which damaged . Use the appropriate backup wrenches in
rnay be a fire hazard . order to tighten ali connection s to the recommended
SESU8146-06 21
Safety Section
Fire Extinguisher Location
• Ether
Ether (if equipped) is commonly used in cold weather
applications. Ether is flammable and poisonous.
Consult your Caterpillar dealer for repair or for Mount the fire extinguisher in the accepted location
replacement parts. Use genuine Caterpillar parts or per local regulations .
the equivalent, for capabilities of both the pressure
limit and temperature limit. Do not weld the ROPS structure in order to install the
fire extinguisher. Also, do not drill holes in the ROPS
structure in order to mount the fire extinguisher on
the ROPS.
22 SEBU8146-06
Safety Section
Track Information
If you are in the operator's station during an electrical Diesel engine exhaust contains products of
storm, stay in the operator's station . If you are on the combustion. These products can be harmful to your
ground during an electrical storm, stay away from health. Always start the engine and always operate
the vicin ity of the machine. the engine in a well ventilated area . If you are in an
enclosed area, vent the exhaust to the outside .
SEBU8146-06 23
Safety Section
Before Operation
• Before Operation
SMCS Code: 7000
i01896559 • Safety instructions
Restricted Visibility
i0316231 7
SMCS Code: 7000
Visibility Information
The size and the configuration of this machine may
SMCS Code: 7000 result in areas that can not be seen when the operator
is seated . IlIustration 18 provides an approximate
Before you start the machine, perform a walk-around visual indication of areas of significant restricted
inspection in order to ensure that there are no visibility. IlIustration 18 indicates restricted visibility
hazards around the machine. areas at ground levei inside a radius of 12 m (40 ft)
from the operator on a machine without the use of
While the machine is in operation, constantly survey optional visual aids. This illustration does not provide
the area around the machine in order to identify areas of restricted visibility for distances outside a
potential hazards as hazards beco me visible around radius of 12 m (40 ft) .
the machine.
This machine may be equipped with optional visual
Your machine may be equipped with visual aids. aids that may provide visibility to some areas with
Some examples of visual aids are Closed Circuit restricted visibility. Refer to this Operation and
Television (CCTV) and mirrors. Before operating the Maintenance Manual , "Mirror" for more information on
machine, ensure that the visual aids are in proper additional visibility. If your machine is equipped with
working condition and that the visual aids are clean . cameras, refer to this Operation and Maintenance
Adjust the visual aids using the procedures that are Manual, "Camera" for more information on additional
located in this Operation and Maintenance Manual. visibility. For areas that are not covered by the
If equipped, the Work Area Vision System shall be optional visual aids, the job site organization must be
adjusted according to Operation and Maintenance utilized to minimize hazards of this restricted visibility.
Manual, SEBU8157, "Work Area Vision System". See Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Visibility
Information" for more information regarding job site
It may not be possible to provide direct visibility on organization .
large machines to ali areas around the machine.
Appropriate job site organization is required in order
to minimize hazards that are caused by restricted
visibility. Job site organization is a collection of rules
and procedures that coordinates machines and
people that work together in the same area. Examples
of job site organization include the following :
24 SEBU8146-06
Safety Section
SMCS Code: 7000
machine across the slope, when possible.
• Slope Operation
SMCS Code: 7000
Implements attached to the drawbar - This may
decrease the weight on the uphill tracks. This may
also decrease the weight on the uphill tires. The
decreased weight will cause the machine to be less
Machines that are operating safely in various Height of the working load of the machine -
applications depend on these criteria: the machine When the working loads are in higher positions, the
model, configuration , machine maintenance, stability of the machine is reduced .
operating speed of the machine, conditions of the
terrain, fluid leveis, and tire inflation pressures. The Operated equipment - Be aware of performance
most important criteria are the skill and judgment of features of the equipment in operation and the effects
the operator. on machine stability.
A well trained operator that follows the instructions Operating techniques - Keep ali attachments or
in the Operation and Maintenance Manual has pulled loads low to the ground for optimum stability.
the greatest impact on stability. Operator training
provides a person with the following abilities: Machine systems have limitations on slopes -
observation of working and environmental conditions, Slopes can affect the proper function and operation
feel for the machine, identification of potential of the various machine systems. These machine
hazards, and operating the machine safely by making systems are needed for machine control on slopes.
appropriate decisions.
Note: Safe operation on steep slopes may require
When you work on side hills and when you work on special machine maintenance. Excellent skill of
slopes, consider the following important points: the operator and proper equipment for specific
applications are also required . Consult the Operation
Speed of travei - At higher speeds, forces of inertia and Maintenance Manual sections for the proper fluid
tend to make the machine less stable. levei requirements and intended machine use.
Table 1
"ISO Reference Table A - Equivalent vibration leveis of whole body vibration emission for earthmoving equipment."
Note: Refer to "ISO/TR 25398 Mechanical Vibration - 3. Keep the terrain in good condition .
Guideline for the assessment of exposure to whole
body vibration of ride on operated earthmoving a. Remove any large rocks or obstacles.
machines" for more information about vibration .
This publication uses data that is measured b. Fill any ditches and holes.
by international institutes, organizations and
manufacturers. This document provides information c. Provide machines and schedule time in order
about the whole body exposure of operators of to maintain the conditions of the terrain .
earthmoving equipment. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, SEBU8257, "The European 4. Use a seat that meets "ISO 7096". Keep the seat
Union Physical Agents (Vibration) Directive maintained and adjusted .
2002/44/EC" for more information about machine
vibration leveis. a. Adjust the seat and suspension for the weight
Properly adjust machines. Properly maintain 7. Adjust the machine speed and the route in order
machines. Operate machines smoothly. Maintain the to minimize the vibration leveI.
conditions of the terrain. The following guidelines can
help reduce the whole body vibration levei: a. Drive around obstacles and rough terrain .
1. Use the right type and size of machine, equipment, b. Slow down when it is necessary to go over
and attachments. rough terrain .
2. Maintain machines according to the manufacturer's 8. Minimize vibrations for a long work cycle or a long
recommendations. travei distance .
• a. Tire pressures
9. Less operator comfort may be caused by other risk
factors. The following guidelines can be effective
Operator Station
in order to provide better operator comfort: SMCS Code: 7000
a. Adjust the seat and adjust the controls in order Any modifications to the inside of the operator station
to achieve good posture. should not project into the operator space or into
the space for the companion seat (if equipped) .
b. Adjust the mirrors in order to minimize twisted The addition of a radio, fire extinguisher, and other
posture. equipment must be installed 50 that the defined
operator space and the space for the companion seat
C. Provide breaks in order to reduce long periods
(if equipped) is maintained . Any item that is brought
of sitting . into the cab should not project into the defined
operator space or the space for the companion seat
d. Avoid jumping from the cab o (if equipped). A lunch box or other loose items must
be secured . Objects must not pose an impact hazard
e. Minimize repeated handling of loads and lifting in rough terrain or in the event of a rollover.
of loads.
• Forestry products
ROPS/FOPS Structure. Welding brackets or drilling
holes in the ROPS/FOPS Structures can weaken
the structures. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for
mounting guidelines.
recommended when flying hazards exist for machines
with cabs and machines with open canopies .
• Demolition applications
30 SEBU8146-06
Product Information Section
General Information
Product Information
Table 2
Table 3
Specifications D6T LGP Track-Type Tractor
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000 Weight without Implements 18915 kg (41701 Ib)
Weight with 6S Bulldozer 21717 kg (47877 Ib)
Weight with 6S Bulldozer 22910 kg (50507 Ib)
and Winch
Table 4
IlIustratlon 19 901138146
Table 5
Table 6
SEBU8146-06 31
Product Information Section
General Information
• Table8
Weight without Implements 17784 kg (39208 Ib)
Weight with 6SU Bulldozer 21468 kg (47328 Ib)
Weight with 6SU Bulldozer 23123 kg (50978 Ib)
and Ripper
IIlustration 21
IlIustration 22
Table 9
Engine Rated
1850 RPM 1850 RPM 1850 RPM 1850 RPM 1850 RPM 1850 RPM 1850 RPM
Engine (No. of
6 6 6 6 6 6 6
32 SEBU8146-06
Product Information Section
General Information
(Table 9, conld)
Height (Top of
Length of the
3183 mm
(125.3 inch)
4089 mm
3233 mm
(127.3 inch)
4089 mm
3183 mm
4089 mm
3183 mm
(125.3 inch)
4089 mm
3233 mm
(127.3 inch)
4089 mm
3183 mm
(125.3 inch)
4089 mm
3183 mm
(125.3 inch)
4089 mm
Machine(1) (161 .0
(161 .0 inch) (161 .0 inch) (161 .0 inch) (161.0 inch) (161 .0 inch) (161 .0 inch)
(B) inch)
3143 mm
Height to Top of 3143 mm 3193 mm 3143 mm 3193 mm 3143 mm 3143 mm
Rain Cap (C) (123.8 inch) (125.7 inch) (123.8 inch) (125.7 inch) (123.8 inch) (123.8 inch)
Gro nd Clearance 383 mm 396 mm 383 mm 383 mm 396 mm 383 mm 383 mm
(O) (15.1 inch) (15.6 inch) (15.1 inch) (15.1 inch) (15.6 inch) (15.1 inch) (15.1 inch)
1880 mm 2286 mm 2133 mm 2286 mm 2286 mm 2133 mm 2286 mm
Track Gauge (E)
(74.02 inch) (90.0 inch) (84.0 inch) (90.0 inch) (90.0 inch) (84.0 inch) (90.0 inch)
2640 mm 2640 mm
Width Ove r 3479 mm 2939 mm 1358 mm 1358 mm 1358 mm
(103.94 (103.94
Trun nions (F)(2) (137.0 inch) (115.7 inch) (53.5 inch) (53.5 inch) (53.5 inch)
inch) inch)
Height of the 511 mm 511 mm 511 mm 511 mm 511 mm 511 mm 511 mm
Orawbar (20.1 inch) (20.1 inch) (20.1 inch) (20.1 inch) (20.1 inch) (20.1 inch) (20.1 inch)
Width of Track 560 mm 914 mm 560 mm 760 mm 812 mm 560 mm 762 mm
Shoe (22 inch) (36.0 inch) (22 inch) (29.9 inch) (32.0 inch) (22 inch) (30.0 inch)
2821 mm
Length ofTrack on 2610 mm 3243 mm 2821 mm 3243 mm 2821 mm 2821 mm
(111 .06
Ground (102.8 inch) (127.7 inch) (111 .06 inch) (127.7 inch) (111 .06 inch) (111.06 inch)
(The ripper with a
22450 kg 24950 kg 22850 kg 24150 kg 25650 kg 24150 kg 24350 kg
single shank and (53680Ib)
(49493Ib) (55005Ib) (50375Ib) (53240Ib) (56550Ib) (53240Ib)
the SU-Blade are
included in the
165 mm 165 mm 165 mm 165 mm 165 mm 165 mm 165 mm
Orawbar (Length)
(6.5 inch) (6.5 inch) (6.5 inch) (6.5 inch) (6.5 inch) (6.5 inch) (6.5 inch)
Ripper with
single shank
(Length)(4) (Length
is measured from
1403 mm 1403 mm 1403 mm 1403 mm 1403 mm 1403 mm 1403 mm
the grouser tip with (55.2 inch) (55.2 inch)
(55.2 inch) (55.2 inch) (55.2 inch) (55.2 inch) (55.2 inch)
the ripper shank in
a ve rtical position
and the ripper tip
at the ground.)
(1) The lenglh of lhe machine is measured frem lhe fronl of lhe machine lo lhe end of lhe drawbar. Add 145 mm (5.7 inch) for long drawbar
(2) VPAT Irunnions are allached aI lhe case and frame .
(3) The weighl includes lhe machine and lhe following ilems: fulllank of fuel , alllubricanls , coolanl, SU-Blade wilh lill cylinde rs, single shank
ripper, hydraulic conlrols, air condilioner, 560 mm (22 inch) Irack (MS) , cab wilh EROPS , and operalor.
(4) Add lo lenglh of lhe machine .
SEBU8146-06 33
Product Information Section
General Information
• Table 10
To obtain the proper lubrication , a maximum slope
should not exceed a grade of 100 percent or 45
D6T Series II Track-Type Tractor Bulldozer Blades
Type of Blade
Width Capacity
Undercarriage Reference: See "Slope Operation" in this manual
VPAT 3880 mm 4.73 m 3 for more information .
XL (152.7 inch) (6.1 yd 3)
Do not use the machine in explosive environments.
VPAT 4160 mm 5.10 m3
XW (163.7 inch) (6.6 yd 3) Special attachments and operating instructions are
VPAT 4160 mm 4.32 m3 required for waste handling applications, forestry
LGP (163.7 inch) (5.6 yd 3) applications and other custom configurations.
S 3360 mm 3.89 m3
Winch (Applications)
"StdIXR" (132.3 inch) (5.09 yd 3)
S 4063 mm 3.78 m3 Winch speeds that are standard or slow speed can
LGP (160.0 inch) (4.94 yd 3) exert a bare drum line pull force of 311 kN (70000 Ib).
SU 3260 mm 5.61 m3
XL (128.3 inch) (7.34 yd 3)
SU 3260 mm 5.61 m3
"StdIXR" (128.3 inch) (7.34 yd 3)
SU 3556 mm 5.62 m3
XW (140 inch) (7.40 yd 3)
A 4166 mm 3.18 m3
"StdIXR" (164 inch) (4.16 yd 3)
• A 4166 mm 3.93 m3
XL (164 inch) (5.14 yd 3)
A 4200 mm 4.30 m3
XW (165.4 inch) (5.63 yd 3)
Intended Use
This machine is a track-type tractor that is classified
as a Tractor Oozer. The machine is earthmoving
equipment that is described in "ISO 6165:2006". The
machine propels the track forward . Also, the machine
propels the track rearward . This allows the machine
to move independently. The machine uses equipment
for dozing that cuts material. The material is moved
or graded through the forward motion of the machine.
A mounted attachment can be used to exert a push
or a pull force such as a ripper or towing winch .
Identification Information
mo •
""' ''-DE lN V .S . A "l.AY$ ~V[ All NUWa rft$
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000 IIlustration 25
The Product Identification Number (PI N) will be used The Serial Number Plate is located on the left side of
to identify a powered machine that is designed for the cylinder block near the rear of the engine.
an operator to ride.
The following information is stamped on the Serial
Caterpillar products such as engines, transmissions Number Plate : engine serial number, model , and
and major attachments that are not designed for an arrangement number.
operator to ride are identified by Serial Numbers.
Engine Serial Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
For quick reference, record the identification numbers
in the spa ces that are provided below the illustration .
fUll lOAO
UI'" ClJERPlUAII" Dr fun puwp ICOV
r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CA'IUN.1AIIINC. POW[R HP
l UlA ......
I .... CIfIXIt
~ __________________ J
1___ [J
__ ,
IlIustration 26
IlIustrat on 23 The Information Plate is on the engine valve
cover. The following information is stamped on
The PI N plate is attached to the ROPS mounting pad the Information Plate: engine's maximum altitude,
on th e transmission . horsepower, high idle, full load rpm , fue l settings, and
other information .
Machine PIN _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ __
IlIustration 24
SEBU8146-06 35
Product Information Section
Identification Information
• Certification
CE Mark
This plate is positioned on the PIN plate on the left
side of the front frame .
u_u ___u_____u__ u___ .,
g01147880 : '
IlIustration 28 ,,
""""''''''''''''''- ~
Ripper Serial Number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ :
:u... __ u\ ___ : -- ~ u~
• Year of construction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
• Machine Type_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
IlIustration 30
r - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - CA~IIIC.
The serial number plate for the winch is located on I ~LI1"
.:.....100.. 1
':""'"JI"" I UIA
the right side of the winch case. J . ._ ::::.
Winch Serial Number _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ ~--------- - -- --- - -- J --- __ l
IlIuslralion 32 g01140750
36 SEBU8146-06
Product Information Section
Identiflcation Information
Structural damage, an overturn, modification, al-
market (kg) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ teration, or improper repair, can impair this struc-
ture's protective capability thereby voiding this
• Yea r___________________ certification. Do not weld on or drill holes in the
structure. Consult a Caterpillar dealer to deter-
mine this structure's limitations without voiding
Structure certification (ROPS) its certification.
IIlustration 35
•® Engine - Start
® @)
Electric Engine Preheat Hydraulic Oil - Temperature
@ @
Engine Service
Battery - Charging Condition
Fuel Levei Indicator
®) Engine - RPM
Parking Brake Ripper
Rear Work Light
Implement Control Shutoff
Panei Lights Switch
Engine - Failure/Malfunction
Transmission - Failure/Malfunction Flood Lights
@ Q)
Braking System - Failure/Malfunction Front Work Light
@) @
Engine Filter Element Indicator Dome Light
@ 9
Transmission Filter Indicator Front Wiper/Washer
@ @
Engine Oil - Pressure Left Door Wiper/Washer
@ @)
• @
Engine Temperature
Right Door Wiper/Washer
38 SEBU8146-06
Product Information Section
Identification Information
Rear Wiper/Washer
Lumbar Support - Adjustment
9 @)
Backup Alarm Transmission - Forward
~0 -
.... \'
Circulation Fan Control Switch Transmission - Reverse
® ®
Low Speed Transmission - Neutral
CD @
Medium Speed Bulldozer Blade - Hold
® ©
Medium High (Speed)
Bulldozer Blade - Raise
High Speed Bulldozer Blade - Lower
([® ®
Bulldozer Blade - Float
Air Conditioner
Heater Bu lldozer Blade - Tilt Hold
® ©
Temperature Variable Control Bulldozer Blade - Tilt Left
O @
Bulldozer Blade - Tilt Right
@ Seat Back Angle Adjustment
Ripper - Hold
Seat Adjustment - Fore and Aft
@ Seat Adjustment - Height
Ripper - Raise
Product Informar .39
Identification ;ofn Sectlon
_~ n ormation
• R·Ipper - Lower
W·meh - Reei-ln
G EngineECM
® Blower Motor
@ Window Washer
40 SEBU8146-06
Product Information Section
Identification Information
Declaration of Conformity
SMCS Code: 1000
Table 11
An EC Declaration of Conformity document was provided with the machine if it was manufactured to comply with specific
requirements for the European Union. ln order to determine the details of the applicable Directives, review the complete
EC Declaration of Conformity provided with the machine. The extract shown below from an EC Declaration of Conformity
for machines that are declared compliant to "2006/42/EC" applies only to those machines orig inally "CE" marked by the
manufacturer listed and which have not since been modified.
Manufacturer: Caterpillar Inc., 100 N.E. Adams Street, Peoria, IL 61629 USA
Person authorized to compile the Technical File and to communicate relevant part (s) of the Technical File to the
Authorities of European Union Member States on request:
Standards & Regulations Manager,Caterpillar France SAS 40,
Avenue Leon-Blum, B.P. 55, 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France
I, the undersigned, _ _ _ _ , hereby certify that the construction equipment specified hereunder
Description: Generic Denomination : Earthmoving equipment
Serial Number:
Commercial Name:
Steel track dozer
Fulfils ali the relevant provisions of the following Directives
Note : The above information was correct as of August 2009, but may be subject to change , please refer to the individual
declaration of conformity issued with the machine for exact details.
SEBU8146-06 41
Product Information Section
Identification Information
TlU _
.W (11')
~59 (750)
90071 5940
IlIustration 36
• C..lT
ruIUU :
558 (750)
MOO~lE MOTEUR : 3408
INAl IIr",,") :
- otsn : 18.<X.
RALE.TlIIr""'" :
bUlS. MAli
AOM ISS ION : 0.76 mm
FM.OI,l C Sf'l.CAC
DATE OE fMRlCA110ll 11IOlS) 01
90071 5946
IIlustration 37
42 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Before Operation
Daily Inspection
Before Operation SMCS Code: 1000; 7000
IlIustration 38
Typica l example Check ali oil leveis, coolant leveis, and fuellevels .
Mou t the machine and dismount the machine only Daily, perform ali of the procedures that are applicable
at locations that have steps and/or handholds. Before to your mach ine :
you mount the machine, clean the steps and the
hand holds. Inspect the steps and handholds. Make • Operation and Maintenance Manual , "Backup
ali necessary repairs . Alarm - Test"
Face the machine whenever you get on the machine • Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Brakes,
and whenever you get off the machine. Indicators and Gauges - Test"
Maintain a three-point contact with the steps and with • Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Cab Filter
the handholds. (Fresh Air) - Clean/lnspectlReplace'"
Note: Three-point contact can be two feet and one • Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Cab Filter
hand . Three-point contact can also be one foot and (Recirculation) - Clean/lnspectlReplace'"
two ands.
• Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Cooling
Do not mount a moving machine. Do not dismount a System Coolant Levei - Check"
moving machine . Never jump off the machine. Do
not carry tools or supplies when you try to mount the • Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Engine Air
machine or when you try to dismount the machine. Precleaner - Clean"
Use a hand line to pull equipment onto the platform.
Do not use any controls as handholds when you • Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Engine Oil
enter the operator compartment or when you exit the Levei - Check"
operator compartment.
• Operation and Maintenance Manual , "Fuel System
Alternate Exit Water Separator - Drain"
Mach ines that are equipped with cabs have alternate • Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Hydraulic
exits. For additional information , see Operation and System Oil Levei - Check"Operation and
Maintenance Manual, "Alternate Exit". Maintenance Manual, "Brakes, Indicators and
Gauges - Test"
SEBU8146-06 43
Operation Section
Before Operation
44 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machine Operation
Machine Operation
Alternate Exit
Fore and Aft Adjustment (1) - Pull up
fore and aft lever (1). This will move the
seat forward or this will move the seat back
to the desired position . Release lever (1) in order to
lock the seat in place.
SMCS Code : 7254; 7308; 7310
Adjusting the Angle of the Back of the
Mach ines with cabs are equipped with alternate exits. Seat
If a door becomes disabled , the other door can be
used as an alternate exit. Release the latch and open
the door.
SMCS Code: 7312-025; 7324
Note: Adjust the seat for a new operator or at the
begin ning of each shift.
IIlustration 39
SEBU8146-06 45
Operation Section
Machine Operation
lIIustration 41
The bottom seat cushion is shown in the lower or the flattest
The bottom seat cushion is in the lower or the flattest IlIustration 43
position when the end of the rod is in the bottom
of the groove in bracket (3) . Pull forward and pull Adjustment of the Seat Height (4) - Pull
upward on the bottom seat cushion in order to up on height adjustment lever (4) and pull
change the position of the bottom seat cushion back up on the seat in order to raise the height of
to the upper position . the seat. Pull up on height adjustment lever (4) and
push down on the seat in order to lower the height
of the seat.
IlIustration 42 g009994 24
The botlom seat cushion is shown in the upper position or the 5
angled position .
IIlustration 44 g00999907
46 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machine Operation
Seats with Air Suspension and Air Valve Knob Adjusting the Lumbar Support
IlIustration 45 g00999499
IlIustratlon 46
SEBU8146-06 47
Operation Section
Machine Operation
• \llustratian 48
When you install extension (10) push the
extension ali the way downward. lhe extension Seat Belt
should touch the top of the seat.
SMCS Code: 7327
Seat Belt
Note: This machine was equipped with a seat belt
when the machine was shipped from Caterpillar.
At the time of installation, the seat belt and the
instructions for installation of the seat belt meet
the SAE J386 and ISO 6683 standards. See your
Caterpillar dealer for ali replacement parts.
Adjust both ends of the seat belt. The seat belt should
be snug but comfortable.
I\lustratian 49
48 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machine Operation
1. Unfasten the seat belt. 1. Fasten the seat belt. Pull out on the outer belt loop
in order to tighten the seat belt.
Fastening lhe Seat Belt
3 •
IlIustration 52
4. Loosen the other half of the seat belt in the same g00932818
IlIustration 54
manner. If the seat belt does not fit snugly with the
buckle in the center, readjust the seat belt.
Fasten the seat belt cate h (3) into the buckle (2).
Make sure that the seat belt is placed low across the
lap of the operator.
SEBU8146-06 49
Operation Section
Machine Operation
g00100717 900039113
IlIustrati on 55 IIlustration 57
Pull Up on the release lever. This will release the seat Push the release button on the buckle in order to
belt. release the seat belt. The seat belt will automatically
retract into the retractor.
Seat Belt Adjustment for
Retractable Seat Belts Extension of the Seat Belt
When using retractable seat belts, do not use seat
belt extensions, or personal injury or death can
Fasten seat belt catch (3) into buckle (2). Make sure i0334806 1
that the seat belt is placed low across the lap of the
operator. Operator Controls
The retractor will adjust the belt length and the SMCS Code: 7300 ; 7301 ; 7451
retractor will lock in place. The comfort ride sleeve
will allow the operator to have limited movement.
50 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machine Operation
~ Ij
/1, /
2 15
18, 19, 20
21 •
IIlustration 58
(1) Adjustable armrests (9) Gauges and indicators (17) Bulldozer control
(2) Parking brake control (10) Auto kickdown switch (18) ThroUle control switch
(3) Differential steering control (11) Autoshift switch (19) MVP switch
(4) Transmission direction selector (12) Engine start switch (20) Hydraulic lockout control
(5) Speed range selector (13) Window wiper/washer switch (21) Rippe r or winch control
(6) Service brake (14) Heating and air conditioning controls (22) Horn
(7) Decelerator pedal (15) Light switch
(8) Dome light (16) Operator mode select switch
SEBU8146-06 51
Operation Section
Machine Operation
Parking Brake - Use this knob to engage
<®> the parking brake and lock the transmission
in the NEUTRAL position. When the parking
brake is engaged , the machine should not move.
To engage the parking brake, pull up on the knob.
To release the parking brake, push down on knob
(2). Keyswitch (2A) may be used to lock the parking
brake in the engaged position . Do not use the parking
brake to stop the machine.
Do not engage the parking brake while the machine is
IIlustration 61
IlIustration 60
52 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machine Operation
is off. The manual sh ift mode is active if no autoshlft
indicators are on .
SE8U8146-06 53
Operation Section
Machine Operation
Speed Range Selector (5) - Press the
transmission upshift switch (5A) in order to
upshift the transmission to the next higher
speed range . Press the transmission downshift
Note: Auto Kickdown LOW utilizes lower downshift switch (58) in order to downshift the transmission to
points. The lower downshift points result in more the next lower speed range . The speed range and the
engine lug under load before the downshift is initiated. direction will show in the upper digital display window.
IlIustration 62
IIlustration 63
Rotate control (4) (transmission direction selector)
clockwise or counterclockwise in order to change the When the machine is moving forward . push the
direction of the machine. steering controllever forward for a left turn oWhen
the machine is moving backward . push the steering
Forward (4A) - Rotate the twist handle
the lever to the NEUTRAL position in order
to move the transmission to NEUTRAL.
54 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machi e Operation
Table 12
Machine travei
Lever movement
Release pedal (6) in order to allow the machine to
move. Release pedal (6) in order to increase the
ground speed .
• @
ON - Turn the start switch key clockwise
to the ON position in order to activate ali
cab circuits.
Heating and Air Conditioning
Control (14)
® 6
clockwlse to the START position in order to
crank the engine. Release the key after the
engme starts. The key will return to the ON position .
IlIustration 65
ffR!-- -L- - -
138 13C 130
Temperature Variable Control - Turn the
control as far as possible, counterclockwise
in order to close the heater valve. The
heater valve controls the amount of hot
~ water that f~ows through the heater coil. As
the control IS turned clockwise the heater
valve is opened . Turn the control as far ~s possible
IlIustration 64 clockwise for maximum heat. Turn the fan speed '
switch to the desired speed .
~ Front Window Wiper/Washer (13A) -
@ Turn the .knob cl~ckwise in order to turn Note: Turn the control as far as possible,
. on the wmdow wlper. The first position
counterclockwise and turn the blower fan motor ON
actlvates the wipers in low speed . The second
in order to bring outside air into the cab that is the
position activates the wipers in high speed . Push the
same temperature as outside air.
knob in order to activate the window washer. Spring
force returns the knob when you release the knob.
The controls for the wiper/washer operate in the Fan Speed Switch (148)
same manner for ali of the windows .
Fan Speed Switch - The fan speed switch
Left Door Window Wiper/Washer (138) ® controls the four-speed blower fan motor
for the heater, air conditioner, and fresh air.
~5 lOWER (17C) - Push the lever forward in
Oash Panei Lights and Front
@)O~ Floodlights - Move the switch to this
position in order to tum on the dash lights.
order to lower the blade. Release the lever.
The lever will retum to the HOlO position .
The movement of the bulldozer blade stops.
Move the switch to this position in order to tum on
the front floodlights.
QUICK OROP (170) - Push the lever •
~ beyond the lower position . The blade will
Work Lights - Move the switch to this be allowed to drop to the ground . Release
position in order to tum on the work lights. the lever. The lever retums to the HOlO position .
SEBU8146-06 57
Operation Section
Machine Operation
Variable Pitch Angle Tilt (VPAT) Bulldozer
FLOAT (17E) - Push the lever ali the way (If Equipped)
forward. This will move the bulldozer blade
into the FlOAT position . The control will be
held in the FlOAT position until you manually pull the
lever out of the detent position or until you stop the
engine. The lever then returns to HOlO position . ln
the FlOAT position, the blade moves up and down
with the ground contour.
Manual, "Equipment lowering with Engine Stopped" Angle Hold (17J) - When you release
for more information . switch (B), the switch returns to the HOlO
position . The movement of the bulldozer
Tilt Control blade stops.
Accugrade Controls
For additional information regarding accugrade
controls please refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, SEBU8290, "Accugrade® Grade Control
System - C0700 " or Operation and Maintenance
Manual, SEBU8161, "Accugrade® Grade Control
System - C0610 ".
IlIustration 67
IA TiltLeft(17F)-pullthetiltlevertoward
~ the left in order to lower the left side of
the bulldozer blade. When you release the
lever, the lever returns to the HOlO position .
lTiltRi9 ht(17G)-pushthetiltlevertoward
@ the right in order to lower the right side of
the bulldozer blade. When you release the
lever, the lever returns to the HOlO position .
58 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machine Operation
Reei-ln (21 B) - Push the control forward
~ in order to reei in the wire rope. The wire
l' rope should move toward the winch under
power. Release the control. The control will return to •
the BRAKE ON position .
SEBU8146-06 59
Operation Section
Machine Operation
Do not use drum clutch release for controlled
reelout of suspended loads.
death and property damage.
Reel-Out (210) - Pull the control rearward IIlustration 71
. .J..I" in order to reei out the wire rope. The wire
rope will reei out under power. Release the HOlO (21A) - Release the lever. The
control. The control will return to the BRAKE ON lever will return to HOlO position . Ripper
position . movement stops .
60 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machine Operation
i0364821 7
IlIustration 72
Battery Disconnect Switch
Lift latch (A) in order to si ide the small window.
Squeeze latch (B) in order to move the window from SMCS Code: 1411
the CLOSED position .
o •
IlIustration 74
U LTRA STRE N GTH 40 Front view
~.:-. DUPLATE The battery disconnect switch is on the left side of the
L~INÂ TID machine in the access door in front of the battery box.
AS2 22 O 1 2
On - Insert the key, and turn the key
DOT 18 /'Io1460A clockwise in order to activate the electrical
system . The switch must be ON before you
1 2 4 8 start the engine.
IlIustration 73
Ott - Turn the key counterclockwise in
order to shut off the entire electrical system.
Machines that are equipped with
"Ultra-Strength 40" Glass
Remove the key when you exit the machine overnight
When you perform applications that may bury the or when you exit the machine for an extended period
machine, keep the doors closed. of time. Also , remove the key when you service the
electrical system.
1. Inspect the door hinges and latches in order to
ensure that the hinges and latches are in good
condition . The door latches prevent the operation NOTICE •
of the doors during the operation of the machine. Never move the battery disconnect switch to the OFF
position while the engine is operating. Serious dam-
2. Close lhe doors. age to the electrical system could result.
SEBU8146-06 61
Operation Section
Machine Operation
To ensure no damage to the engine occurs, verify that
Monitoring System
SMCS Code: 7490
battery disconnect switch in the OFF position ,
contact your Caterpillar dealer.
The Caterpillar Monitoring System consists of
gauges, alert indicators, status indicators, action
i02712617 lamps, an action alarm and two display windows.
The following list gives the location in the instrument
Backup Alarm paneI.
SMCS Code: 7406 • (1) Gauges
Backup Alarm - The alarm sounds when the • (2) Individual alert indicators and status indicators
transmission direction selector is in the REVERSE (upper panei)
position . The alarm alerts the people behind the
machine that the machine is backing up. • (3) Digital display window (upper panei)
The backup alarm is on the rear of the machine on • (4) Individual alert indicators and status indicators
the right side of the machine. (Iower panei)
62 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machine Operation
• Upward
• Left
• Right
• Current value
Functional Test
The self testing feature verifies that the modules of
the monitoring system operate properly.
• "888.8.8.8"
During the self test, the warn ing indicators should act
in the following manner:
is too high or if the system voltage is too low. Stop
the engine and investigate the cause.
64 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machine Operation
ôi Inlet Manifold Temperature (17) -
This alert indicator indicates excessive
temperature in the engine inlet manifold .
If this alert indicator flashes and the action lamps
flash , change the machine operation or perform
~ ! Implement System (23) - This alert
indicator indicates that a problem exists in
the implement system. Check the system at
the earliest possible time. Check for a service code.
See "Digital Display Window (Lower)" and "Service
maintenance to the system. The cause may be a Code Mode" in this article.
radiator that is clogged . The cause may be restricted
air flow due to debris in the engine compartment. Engine System (24) - This alert indicator
A fouled aftercooler core can cause excessive
temperature. A failed water pump can cause @
CD indicates that a problem exists in the engine
system . Take action that is appropriate for
excessive heat. the warning leveI. Check for a service code. See
"Digital Display Window (Lower)" and "Service Code
Fuel levei (18) - When the fuellevel Mode" in this article.
t>B1 reaches ten percent of the tank capacity,
this alert indicator will illuminate. Refuel in Transmission System (25) - Th is alert
order to avoid running out of fuel.
<.D indicator indicates that a problem exists
in the transmission system. Take action
that is appropriate for the warn ing leveI. Check for a
22 service code. See "Dig ital Display Window (Lower)"
and "Service Code Mode" in this article.
O.. This alert indicator indicates that oil flow is
bypassing the transmission oil filter. If this
alert indicator flashes and the action lamps flash,
Warning levei 1
change the transmission oil filter. See Operation The alert indicator will flash . Warning levei 1 alerts
and Maintenance Manual , "Transmission Oil Filter the operator that a machine system needs attention .
- Replace". No immediate action is required . The following alert
indicators can be illuminated with Warni ng Category
Transmission Oil Temperature (22) - 1:
@ This alert indicator indicates excessive oil
temperature in the torque converter. If this • Charging system (16) •
alert indicator and the action lamps flash , and the
alarm sounds, stop the machine immediately. Stop • Fuellevel (18)
the engine and investigate the cause.
• Restriction of intake air filter (19)
SEBU8146-06 65
Operation Section
Machine Operation
• Engine system (24) Torque Converter Oi! Temperature (28) -
• Transmission system (25)
• Engine overspeed
66 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machine Operation
g01 216198
IIlustration 83
g012161 96
IlIustratio 82
When the engine drops below 2600 rpm , you may
The display window (3) indicates the following : the press operator switch (3 1) in order to stop the display
engine speed , the physical gear of the transmission , from flashing before the th irty second timer expires.
the speed range within the physical gear, and the
direction of the transmission. If the machine is in Digital Display Window (Lower)
MVP mode, the display will show one of the following
speed ranges: "1.5", "2.0", "2.5", "3.0", or "3.5". If the
machine is not in MVP mode, the display will show
one of the following speed ranges : "1", "2", or "3".
Speed Range - If the machine is in MVP
mode , the numbers "O" and "5" indicate IIlustration 84
LU u -=
g01 216201
the speed range within the physical gear.
For example, when the display reads "2.0", the ". 0" Display window (5) provides an information area that
indicates the reduced ground speed mode. When the can be changed to three different display modes.
display reads "2.5", the ".5" indicates the full ground
speed mode. • Service meter mode
engine overspeed.
A module identifier (MIO) is acode that identifies the
IlIustration 85 electronic control module that has diagnosed a fault.
The service meter mode displays an hourglass A component identifier (CID) is acode that informs
symbol (30). This mode indicates the total operating the service personnel of specific component or
hours of the engine. Use the display in order to system failure .
determine the maintenance intervals. When the
engine start switch is turned to the OFF position , the A failure mode identifier (FMI) is acode that informs
display defaults back to the service meter mode. the service personnel of the type of failure that has
occurred .
The "SERV CODE" indicator (31) will be displayed in
the display window when there is an active service The service code mode will continuously scroll
code. An action indicator will be flashing . See through ali of the service codes. If there are no
"Service Code Mode"in this article. service codes, a series of dashes will be displayed.
Travei Distance Mode Two sequential displays are required to show a single
service code. The first display shows three digits and
The travei distance mode displays the distance the second display shows six digits.
of travei in reverse and in forward , and the total
distance of traveI. These values are displayed in
display window (5).
• reverse direction
• forward direction
The "SERV CODE" indicator will be displayed in the
display window when there is an active service code.
An action indicator will be flashing . See "Service
Code Mode" in this article.
68 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machine Operation
• Engine overspeed
The last two digits after the decimal point are the
"FMI ".
IlIustration 88
is occurring now. The "SERV CODE" indicator is
displayed in the display window when the code that Location of service connectors for th e D6T Track-Type Tractor
is being displayed is active.
(A) Two connectors are 12 volt power outlets.
A logged service code is a record of a fault condition
that has occurred in the past. A logged service (B) This service connector is for the 4C - 8195
code is no longe r active. When the code that is Control Service Tool.
being displayed is logged , the "SERV CODE" is not
displayed . (C) This data link connector is for use with the
Caterpillar Electronic Technician (ET). Also , this
ln the example that is shown above, the active connector is used for the flash programming of
service code is "036 0273 .03". software.
036 "MIO" - Engine control module These electronic connectors are located behind the
operator's seat on the left side of the compartment.
0273 "CID" - Turbocharger outlet pressure sensor
Refer to Service Manual , SENR8367 , "Electrical
03 "FMI" - Voltage that is above normal or shorted Component And Connector Locations" for additional
high information about these service tools.
"SERV COOE" - Active fault Note: The eng ine start switch must be in the ON
position in order for the electrical connectors to be
When there is a problem that generates a service activated .
code you need to report ali of the numbers to your
Caterpillar dealer. Vou need to report if the code is Reporting a Problem
active or logged .
Report ali of the information about problems to your
The following indicators do not result in an active Caterpillar dealer. Report ali of the service code
service code or in a logged service code: information and indicate if the codes are active or
logged . Report an action indicator that lights but does
• Engine oil pressure not create a service code. Report if an action lamp is
flashing or the action alarm is sound ing .
• Inlet manifold temperature
Your Caterpillar dealer can re move the service codes.
• Fuellevel
SEBU8146-06 69
Operation Section
Machine Operation
transmitted from the machine to a satellite. Next, the 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)" . This
warning does not allow deviation from the published
data is transmitted to a ground station . The receiving
station transmits the data to Caterpillar Inc. The data requirements or regulations found in "Títle 30 of
can then be sent to a Caterpillar dealer and to the the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)". A hazard
customer. assessment should be conducted by each customer.
Every customer should meet ali of the requirements
of "Títle 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)"
Data Broadcasts in order to ensure the safe storage, transportation ,
loading , and blasting of any explosive.
Machine data about the machine's condition and
operation is being transmitted by Product Link to The following Product Link PL 121 SR specifications
Caterpillar and/or Caterpillar dealers in order to are provided in order to aid in conducting any related
better serve the customer and to improve Caterpillar hazard assessment and to ensure compliance with
products and services. The information that is ali local regulations:
transmitted may include the following data: machine
serial number, location of the machine, fault codes, • The transmit power rating for the Product Link
emissions data, fuel usage, service meter hours, PL 121 SR transmitter is five to ten watts
version numbers for software and hardware, and
installed attachments. • The operating frequency range for the Product Link
PL 121SR module is 148 MHz to 150 MHz.
Caterpillar and/or Caterpillar dealers may use this
information for various purposes: providing services Consult your Caterpillar dealer if there are any
to the customer and/or the machine, checking or questions.
maintaining Product Link equipment, monitoring the
machine's health or pertormance, hei ping to maintain Information for the initial installation of the Product
the machine, improving the machine's efficiency, Link PL 121 SR is available in Special Instruction,
evaluating or improving Caterpillar products and REHS2365 , "Installation Guide for the Product Link
services, complying with legal requirements and PL 121SR".
valid court orders, pertorming market research , and
offering the customer new products and services. Operation , configuration , and troubleshooting
information for the Product Link PL 121SR can be
found in System Operation Troubleshooting Testing
and Adjusting , RENR7911 .
70 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machine Operation
Regulatory Compliance
(€ (j)
901131 982
IlIustration 89
Transmlssion of information using Product Link is sub-
ject to legal requirements that may vary from location
to location, including , but not limited to, radio frequen-
cy use authorization. The use of Product Link must be
limited to those locations where ali legal requirements
for the use of the Product Link communication network
have been satisfied .
SEBU8146-06 71
Operation Section
Machine Operation
We. Quake Globallne (previously Quake Wireless, loe. up to J.nury 2001 )
of 9765 CI.iremont M ••• Blvd, S uite A (Previou.ly !I!I7S RufOo Road , Suite 100 up to M»rch
San Di~o
to which th is declaratinn rdates. is in confonnity wilh lhe fo llowing standards andio r other nom18tive
EN 301721 Vl.l.1 (June 2001 )
We hereby declare Ihal ali esscnlial radio Icsl suiles ha\e been carricd oul and Ihal lhe ahove namt:d
prodUCI is in confo rmil)' lo 011 lhe . s",olial rcquiremenl' of DireClive 1999/51EC.
The confomlil)' assessmenl procedure rcfer""lto in Anicle 10 nnd detailed in Annex [IV J of Dirocti"
I 99915/EC has bccn follo\\cd wilh lhe invo l,.rncnl of,he foll owing Nolified Sod)'
tlADT t Clare monl Hou"ie. 34 MoJnty Road, Wallon --on- Thlm~ KT12 4R«J, lJ K
ldenlification mark: 0168 The C<juipmenl \ViII 01'0 carl)' lhe
e lass :! equipmenl idenlifier
The lechnical documen lalion rC ICyanlto lhe abov. eqllipmcnl will be held aI :
Quak. Globllllnc (Previously Quake Wir.I .... IDC. up l O January 200 1)
IlIuslralion 90 901435306
72 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machine Operation
Table 13
We, Quake Global, Inc (Previously Quake Wireless, Inc up to January 2001)
of 9765 Clairemont Mesa Blvd, Suite A (Previously 5575 Ruffin Road, Suite 100 up to March 2002)
San Diego
CA 92124, Usa (Previously 92123)
declare under our sole responsibility that the product
QHE2500, Q2000,Q1500, Q1400, Q1200S, Q1200SG, Q1200SH, Q1200SM and Q1200SV
to whic this declaration relates , is in conformity with the following standards and / or other normative documents.
EN 301 721 V1.2.1 (June 2001)
EN 300 489-20V1.2.1 (November 2002)
EN 60950-1/A11:2004, 1st Edition
We hereby declare that ali essential radio test suites have been carried out and that the above named product is in conformity
to ali the essential requirements of Directive "1999/5/EC".
The conformity assessment procedure referred to in Article 10 and detailed in Annex [IV) of Directive "1999/5/EC" has been
followed with the involvement of the following Notified Body:
BABT, Claremont House, 34 Molesey Foad, Walton-on-Thames, KT12 4RQ, UK
The technical documentation relevant to the above equipment will be held at:
Polina Braunstein
Class 2 equipment identifier
SEBU8146-06 73
Operation Section
Machine Operation
• Camera
SMCS Code: 7347; 7348
Operation Information
SMCS Code: 7000
IlIuslralion 91
Operating The Machine
Rear view of cab
Video camera on lhe rear of lhe machine 1. Adjust the operator's seat.
IlIuslralion 92
Fronl console g01136721
lIIuslralion 93
WAVS display in lhe cab
74 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Machine Operation
11. Select an intermediate speed in the following
selector (4) to neutral. 14. Drive the machine forward for best visibility and
for control.
7. Then, move direction selector (4) to the desired
direction. Use speed range selector (5) to select
the desired speed . Changing Direction and Speed
8. Release service brake pedal (1) in order to allow NOTICE
the machine to move. For operator comfort and maximum service life of pow-
er train components, deceleration and/or braking is
recommended before any directional shifts are made.
:;....-- "
-- . ~' .. ,
.... ~" .~
2. When the machine slows, shift the transmission to
the desired direction with direction selector (4).
speed control switch and release . The engine
speed immediately moves to high idle .
• Engine Starting The indicator light for the parking brake will stay
on until the parking brake is released . If the
attachment contrais are locked out the indicator
i026B0961 light for the hydraulic lockout control will stay on
until the controls are unlocked. The indicator light
Engine Starting for the auto kickdown will stay on until the function
is unselected .
SMCS Code: 1000; 7000
If the system detects a fault, check the electrical
system. Make ali of the necessary repairs before
vou start the engine.
an access door in the battery compartment on the rpm is not kept low until the oil gauge display verifies
left side of the machine. that the oil pressure is sufficient.
Caterpillar dealer. For information on starting the
engine in cold weather, refer to the Operation and
Maintenance Manual, SEBU5898, "Cold Weather
Recommendations for ali Caterpillar Machines".
76 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Engine Starting
registers on the gauge or the engine oil indicator light After the engine has been started , allow the
goes out. monitoring system to complete the self test.
If it does not register or the light does not go out 1. Allow a cold engine to warm up at LOW
within ten seconds, stop the engine and investigate IDLE for at least five minutes. To help the
the cause before starting again . Failure to do so, can hydraulic components to warm up faster, engage
cause engine damage. the attachment contrais and disengage the
attachment controls.
1. Allow a cold engine to warm up at low idle for at 2. You can begin to operate the machine with a
least five minutes. reduced load.
2. You can begin to operate the machine with a 3. When the engine coolant temperature reaches the
reduced load. normal operating range and no faults are present,
you may operate the machine at fullload .
3. Whe the oil pressure reaches the normal
operating range and the temperature gauge 4. Look at the indicators and the gauges frequently
begins to move, you may operate the machine at during operation . Refer to Operation and
fullload . Maintenance Manual, "Monitoring System".
4. Monitor lights (4) and gauges (5) frequently during 5. Check oillevels in the power train, the engine, and
operation . the hydraulic systems when the oil is at operating •
temperature. Maintain the oil leveis to the FULL
5. Check oillevels in the power train , the engine, and marks.
the hydraulic systems when the oil is at operating
temperature. Maintain the oillevels to the FULL The hydraulic oil will warm up faster, if the dozer
marks. blade control is held in the CLOSE position for short
periods of ten seconds or less. This will allow the
hydraulic oil to reach relief pressure, wh ich causes
the hydraulic oil to warm up more rapidly.
When you idle the engine in order to warm up the
engine, observe the following recommendations:
Operating Technique
SMCS Code: 7000
Straight Dozing
30000 .'\.
:l! 25000
X- --.........
>- 20000
"" ~ -...,
o 3 5 8
D6RIII X mph
IlIustration 100
IlIuslralion 98
Straight Dozing - Maintain a levei cut for the best
(X) Ground speed of lhe machine performance. Fill the bulldozer blade. Carry the load
(Y) Load on lhe machine
to the dump.
(1) Firsl speed range
(2) Second speed range
(3) Third speed range • Avoid lugging or stalling the machine.
The General Rule For Selection of a Speed Range • Avoid excessive spinning of the track.
As Vou Are Dozing - If the transmission is shifted
into a higher speed range and the machine slows • If turning the machine with a loaded blade is
down , return to the previous speed range. necessary, use the bulldozer tilt cylinders instead
of the steering lever in order to steer the machine.
Slot Dozing
IIlustration 103
IlIustration 101
When you are digging parallel slots, the center should
Slot Dozing - When you trap material in a slot, you be removed from the rear. This procedure permits
can carry larger loads in front of the bulldozer blade. the operator to maintain a slot until the center is
removed . The center berm should be wide enough to
The depth of the slot should not be deeper than the stand up without collapsing. Maximum width should
top cor er of the bulldozer blade. be approximately 1/3 of the bulldozer blade.
Machine on a Slope
Machine on a Side Slope
IIlustra tio n 102
Start the slot at the dump or the spoil end and work
rearward . See Figure (A) in IlIustration 102. Vou
can load the blade as you are moving downhill. IIlustration 104
Also, yo u can then carry the load on a levei surface.
The technique that is shown in Figure (B) is not as When possible, work on a slope vertically. This
effi~ient as the technique that is shown in Figure (A) .
method is better than working horizontally.
ln figure (B), the machine is pushing a load uphill
and the operator does not utilize the slot. Dozing When you are working on banks, use caution. When
levei through the entire pit is inefficient because the you are working on slopes, use caution. Avoid tipping
average distance for pushing the material to the the machine .
dump will be greater.
If the machine starts to sideslip on a slope, lighten
the load and turn the machine downhill.
g00641146 g00040635
IlIustration 105 IlIustration 107
Reduce ground speed of the machine to an Backfilling - Push the material at a 90 degree angle
acceptable levei by using the service brake prior to in order to fill a trench . When you are cutting material
initiating a steering correction . with the side of the blade, use caution so that the
remaining material does not fali on the machine.
Do not allow the engine to overspeed when you
are unloaded and moving down a slope. Watch the
tachometer and use the service brakes. Use the
land Clearing
service brakes near the top of the slope to prevent
excessive engine speed .
IlIustration 108
IlIustration 106
. ..... ~ --==-
IlIustration 109
80 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Operating Techniques
• If additional leverage is needed, you can doze a The multishank ripper is intended for high production . •
small ramp near the base of the tree. The ramp Use the multishank ripper in hard, packed soi! and
allows the machine to make higher contact on the loosened, embedded rock. The multishank ripper is
tree . Push the tree in the direction of the intended for use in material that can be ripped with AT LEAST
falI. Advance cautiously. The ball of the root may two shanks. Use the multishank ripper with a single
hang up under the bulldozer blade. This could drag center shank less than 20 percent of the time.
the machine off the ramp.
The multishank ripper is NOT intended for high
production in rock with a single center shank.
Stump Removal
A single ripper shank in an outside pocket of lhe
ripper is NOT recommended . If necessary, locate the
shank in the highest position. Operate the machine
at reduced speed . The frame of the ripper is not
designed for ripping with a single outside shank at
full horsepower.
IlIuslralion 110
Packed Soil, Hardpan, Clay, Shale
or Cemented Gravei
Stump Removal - Make sure that roots are cut or
loosened . Remove the stump by pushing or digging .
Use FIRST speed range for ripping operations. Use
additional shanks instead of increasing the speed
or higher speed ranges .
Inspect the ripper tips frequently for excessive wear.
SEBU8146-06 81
Operation Section
Operating Techniques
IIlustration 114
g00040576 Insert the ripper into the material that is being ripped .
lIIustration 112
Adjust the angle of the shank slightly beyond the
Multishank ripper with two shanks vertical position . This will give you the correct tip
angle for entering the material. The angle will change
The use of two shanks will cause the rocks to break because of the different materiais that need to be
out in smaller pieces. , Then , the machine can ripped .
manage the job easily. When the machine begins to
stall, use only the center shank. If the tracks spin ,
use only the center shank.
Single Shank Ripper (Solid Rock,
Granite, or Hard Spots)
IIlustration 115
Adjustable Ripper
The shank on the ripper has angle adjustments and
length adjustment features.
IIlustration 118
IIlustration 117
1. Contact the push block squarely.
Adjust the length of the shank according to the
following procedure. 2. The machine should not be moving more than
5 km/h (3 mph ).
1. Maintain a length of the shank so that the machine
can efficiently pull the shank through the material. 3. When possible, maintain a straight push .
2. Mai tain sufficient clearance under the lower 4. Do not allow the rear of the scraper off the ground .
ripper frame. This will prevent the machine from
catching on large slabs or on large rocks that are 5. When the cut is complete , upshift the machine in •
brought to the surface. order to help the scraper get out of the cut.
SEBU8146-06 83
Operation Section
• Adjustments 6. Stop the engine. Align the holes in the tilt brace
and in the push arm bracket. Reassemble the pin ,
the retainer, and the bolts in the desired location.
i027 12811
IlIustration 119
Keep fingers clear. Do not place your fingers into the
pin holes in the tilt brace and/or push arm bracket at
any time during the adjustment procedure .
Parking i022B0076 •
1. Apply the service brakes in order to stop the 1. While the machine is stopped , run the engine fo r
machine. five minutes at low idle.
. ~~
--' g01141200
IlIuslralion 120 IIluslralion 121
2. Move the transmission control to NEUTRAL. 2. Turn the start switch key to the OFF position .
Remove the start switch key.
3. Engage the parking brake.
SEBU8146-06 85
Operation Section
g01 141130
IlIustration 122
Note: Do not operate the machine until the There is an access cover for the dozer/ripper valves
malfunction has been corrected . behind the molding inside the operator module.
Remove the molding .
86 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
i026B0944 •
Remove fitting (1) and slowly insert the bolt in order 4. Stop the engine by turning the engine start switch
to lower the ripper. key to the OFF position. Remove the key.
Remove fitting (2) and slowly insert the bolt in order 5. Turn the key for the battery disconnect switch to
to lower the bulldozer. the OFF position . Remove the key when you exit
the machine for an extended period of time.
Install the fittings, the access cover, and the molding .
6. When you dismount, use the steps and the
handholds. Use both hands and face the machine.
• Engine Enclosures
• Radiator Cap
• Fuel Cap
• Fuel Drain
and Maintenance Manual
i02713607 7. Lock the door and lock the access covers. Attach
any vandalism protection .
Shipping the Machine
8. Install the tie-downs at severallocations and block
SMCS Code: 7000; 7500 the tracks in the front and in the rear.
Investigate the travei route for overpass clearances. 9. Cover the opening for the engine exhaust. Rotation
Make sure that there is adequate clearance for of the turbocharger without engine operation can
the machine that is being transported. This is result in damage to the turbocharger.
especially true for machines that are equipped with a
ROPS/FOPS structure, a cab, or a canopy. Consult your Caterpillar dealer for shipping
instructions for your machine.
Remove ice, snow, or other slippery material from the
loading dock and from the truck bed before loading .
Removing ice, snow, or other slippery material will i02614365
prevent the machine from slipping as you load the
machine. Removing ice, snow, or other slippery Lifting and Tying Down the
material will prevent the machine from slipping in Machine
SMCS Code: 7000; 7500
Obey ali state and local laws governing the weight,
width and length of a load.
111 1
IlIustration 125
IIlustration 126
1. Place blocks under the trailer wheels or under the
rail car wheels before loading , as shown . NOTICE
Improper lifting or tiedowns can allow load to shift and
2. Lower ali attachments to the floor of the transport can cause injury and damage.
machine. Move the transmission control lever to
the NEUTRAL position .
Note: Do not use handles or steps in order to lift or
3. Engage the parking brake switch . tie down the machine.
4. Stop the engine by turning the engine start switch 1. The approximate machine shipping weights are
key to the OFF position. Remove the key. found in the Operation and Maintenance Manual,
"Specifications". The instructions that are listed
5. Pull up on the parking brake knob in order to lock below describe the units that are manufactured
the parking brake. by Caterpillar Inc.
88 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Tran sportation Information
• Different implements
• Additional fuel
• Weight
• Width
• Length
• Height
SEBU8146-06 89
Operation Section
Towing Information
• frayed Install a new cable. personal injury. Use a wire cable with ends that have
loops or rings. Put an observer in a safe position in
order to watch the pulling procedure. A safe position
AWARNING would be at a distance away from either machine that
is greater than two times the length of the towing
When the final drive sun gears are removed, the cable. The observer can stop the procedure, if
machine has NO parking brakes. The machine can necessary. The procedure should be stopped if the
roll and cause personal injury or death. cable starts to break. Also, stop the procedure if the
cable starts to unravel. Stop pulling whenever the
Block the tracks securely so that the machine can- towing machine moves without moving the towed
not move. machine.
The towing connection must be rigid, or towing Shields must be provided on both machines. This
must be done by two machines of the same size will protect the operator if either the tow line or the
or larger than the towed machine. Connect a ma- bar breaks.
chine on each end of towed machine.
Before towing , make sure that the tow line or the
Be sure ali necessary repairs and adjustments bar is in good condition . Make sure that the tow
have been ma de before a machine that has been line or the bar has enough strength for the towing
towed to a service area, is put back into operation. procedure that is involved. The strength of the towing
line or of the bar should be at least 150 percent of the
gross weight of the towing machine. This is true for
Note: Consult your Caterpillar dealer for towing a a disabled machine that is stuck in the mud and for
disabled machine. towing on a grade.
This machine is equipped with spring applied brakes. For towing , only attach the tow line to the tow eyes
These brakes are also oil pressure released brakes. on the frame , if equipped .
If the power train oil system for pressure oil is
Quick machine movement could overload the tow If you are towing a machine without axle shafts, •
line or the bar. This could cause the tow line or the you may not be able to use the implements to stop
bar to break. Gradual, steady machine movement will the machine. The implement hydraulic system is
be more effective. pilot controlled. With an inoperable engine or an
inoperable hydraulic pump, the accumulator pressure
Ali situation requirements cannot be listed . Minimal will bleed off rapidly. The implement controls will
towing machine capacity is required on smooth, not operate when there is no pressure in the
levei surfaces. Maximum towi ng machine capacity is accumulator. The implements can not be lowered
required on inclines or on surfaces that are in poor with the implement control lever in order to stop a
condition . towed machine when there is no pressure in the
accu mu lator.
Consult your Caterpillar dealer for the equipment that
is necessary for towing a disabled machine. One or more towing machines must provide sufficient
control and sufficient braking when you are moving a
Running Engine disabled machine downhill. This may require a larger
towing machine and additional machines that are
connected to the rear. This will prevent the machine
If the engine is running , the machine can be towed for
a short distance under certain conditions. The power from rolling away out of control.
train and the steering system must be operable.
Tow the machine for a short distance only. For Consult your Caterpillar dealer or refer to the
example, pull the machine out of mud or pull the machine's Service Manual for axle shaft removal and
machine to the side of the road. installation procedures.
The operator on the towed machine must steer the For the second method, use a brake release
machine in the direction of the tow line. pump. If a brake release pump is used to tow the
machine, the brakes can not be applied with the
Carefully follow ali instructions that are outlined in service brake pedal or with the parking brake control.
the Towing Information. Ensure that the instructions If the brake release pump is used and you need to •
are followed exactly. apply the brakes, the brakes must be applied with the
brake release pump that is being used.
Stopped Engine or Drive Une Note: The axles must not be removed when you use
Defect a brake release pump.
Vou can move the machine when the engine is not Connection of 8rake Release Pump
operable. Vou must use a brake release pump or you
must remove the axle shafts. Note: This machine is free to move. This machine is
free to roll away. This machine has no braking ability
Vou can use a brake release pump or you can remove with the parking brake or with the service brake when
the axle shafts in order to tow the machine, if the both brakes have been released .
engine is stopped and if the driveline is not damaged.
The pressure hoses from the pump connect to the
If an internal transmission or a driveline failure is brake valve. The pump takes oil from the sump of the
suspected , remove the axle shafts. brake release pump. Then , the pump pressurizes the
brake piston cavity in order to release the brake.
For the first method, remove the axle shafts.You
may remove the axle shafts from the final drives in
order to tow the machine. This will make the machine
brakes inoperable and the machine can move freely.
The towed machine will be totally dependent on the
towi 9 machine for control and for braking .
SEBU8146-06 91
Operation Section
Towing Information
• 4
(6) FT1 845 Brake Release Pump Plug . Plug the pressure hose at the connection
(7) 123 - 0525 Brake Release Adapter with a 5P - 2909 Plug . The components are
(Not shown) 5P - 2909 Plug indicated by shaded area (A).
The machine brakes can be released for towing . Use 2. Turn the handle of bypass valve (5) to the closed
FT1973 Adapter Gp (1), two 123 - 0525 Adapters position .
(7), and FT1845 Brake Release Pump (6).
3. While you are pumping handle (4), observe the
Relief Valve Setting opening pressure of relief valve (3) .
92 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Towing Information
IlIuslralion 131
(8) Brake conlrol valve
(9) Brake valve ports
1. Remove the components that were used to plug 5. Install one 123 - 0525 Adapter (7) into each of the
the pressure hose. The components are 9J - 6190 brake va lve ports.
Adapter Union, 04 - 6683 Nipple, 5P - 8018
Adapter Union, 8M - 0547 Elbow, and 5P - 2909 6. Connect the FT 1973 Adapter to the 123 - 0525 •
Plug . The components are indicated by shaded Adapters.
area (A) .
7. Route the pressure hose through the rear, around
the side, and through the door of the cabo Connect
the pressure hose to the pump. Install the pump
temporarily on the platform .
IlIuslratio n 130
(1) Pump adapler
(7) 8rake release adapler
5 5
g00775217 g00775217
IlIustration 132 IIlustration 133
(5) Bypass valve (5) Bypass valve
1. Tum bypass valve handle (5) to the closed Open bypass valve (5) in order to apply the brakes.
position . This will completely dump the oil.
2. Initially, rapidly move the pump handle. This will The brake system can only be applied by turning
produce a large volume of oil flow. the bypass valve. The service brake pedal and the
steering levers do not function .
3. The brake piston seal must be fully seated . The
seating of the seal is evident by a sudden rise in After towing , remove the brake release pump. Repair
the oil pressure. the machine. Install the floorplate and the seat.
Do not allow pressure to drop below 2756 kPa
(400 psi) while towing .
94 SEBU8146-06
Operation Section
Engine Starting (Alternate Methods)
Always wear eye protection when starting a ma- Reference: Also, refer to Systems Operation ,
chine with jump start cables. SENR2947 , "Starting and Charging Systems for
Machines Equipped with Diagnostic Connector".
Improper jump start procedures can cause an ex-
plosion resulting in personal injury. 2. Place the transmission control on the stalled
machine in the NEUTRAL position . Engage the
Alw~~s connect the battery positive (+) to battery parking brake switch . lower ali attachments to the
positive (+) and the battery negative (-) to battery ground . Move ali controls to the HOlD position .
negative (-).
3. On a stalled machine, turn the start switch key to
Jump start only with an energy source with the the OFF position . Turn off the accessories.
same voltage as the stalled machine.
4. On a stalled machine, turn on the battery
Turn off ali lights and accessories on the stalled disconnect switch .
machine. Otherwise, t hey will operate when the
energy source is connected. 5. Move the machines together in order for the cables
gO l1 41 042
IIlustration 134
Top view
(1) Negative cable terminal
(2) Negative cable
(3) Battery disconnect switch
(4) Positive cable
(5) Positive cable terminal
Do not allow positive cable clamps to contact any met-
al except for battery terminais.
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Viscosities
SMCS Code: 7581
higher oil viscosity will maintain the highest possible
oi! film th ickness. Consult your dealer if additional
information is needed .
SEBU8146-06 97
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities
• Power Shift
and Winches Normal
commercial TO-4
SAE 90
SAE OW-30(7)
SAE 5W-30(7)
Cat Arctic TOTO SAE 30(8) O 35 32 95
SAE 5Q(8)(8) 10 50 50 122
Cat TOTO-TMS(3)(8) -10 35 14 95
SAE OW-20 -40 40 -40 104
Cat TOTO-TMS(3) -15 50 5 122
98 SEBU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities
(Table 14 , contd)
Compartment or
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures
SAE OW-20f,) -40 O -40 32
SAE OW-30(7) -40 10 -40 50
SAE 5W-20(7) -35 O -31 32
Track Roller
Frame SAE 10W -30 O - 22 32
Recoil Spring Normal
Cat Arctic TOTO SAE 30 -20 25 -4 77
Pivot Shaft
commercial TO-4
Beari ngs
SAE 40 -10 40 14 104
SAE 50 O 50 32 122
Cat TOTO-TMS(3) -25 25 -13 77
SEBU8146-06 99
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities
Compartment or
Lubricant Viscosities for Ambient Temperatures
(1) Cat FOAO or commercial FO-1 are the preferred oil types to maximize gear and bearing life. Do not use Cat FOAO or FO-1 in compartments
that contain clutches and/or brakes. Cat TOTO, Cat TOTO-TMS , or commercial TO-4 oil types must be used in any compartment that
contains friction material unless specified otherwise by Caterpillar.
(2) Cat FOAO (Final Drive and Axle Oil) (exceeds the FO-1 specification requirements)
(3) Cat TOTO-TMS (Transmission Multi-Season) (synthetic blend that exceeds the TO-4M multigrade specification requirements) .
(4) WARM-UP Required - Exercise the final drives for several minutes with the engine at partial throttle in order to warm up the oil prior to
production operation .
(5) Cat Synthetic GO is an SAE 75W-140 viscosity grade oil.
(6) First Choice: Cat Arctic TOTO - SAE OW-20. Second Choice : Oils of full synthetic base stock that do not have viscosity index improvers and
do meet the performance requirements of the TO-4 specification for the SAE 30 viscosity grade. Typicallubricant viscosity grades are SAE
OW-20, SAE OW-30 , and SAE 5W-30. Third Choice : Oils that conta in a TO-4 additive package and a lubricant viscosity grade of SAE
OW-20, SAE OW-30., or SAE 5W-30
(7) First Choice : Oils of full synthetic base stock that do not have viscosity index improvers and do meet the performance requirements of the
TO-4 specification for the SAE 30 viscosity grade. Typical viscosity grades are SAE OW-20, SAE OW-30, and SAE 5W-30. Second Choice:
Oils with a TO-4 type additive package and a lubricant viscosity grade of SAE OW-20 , SAE OW-30 , or SAE 5W-30.
(8) Except for the hydraulic drive winch gear case. Use SAE 30 viscosity grade for O°C (32°F) to 43°C (110°F) or Cat TOTO-TMS for -20° C
(-4° F) to 50°C (122°F).
(9) Do not use SAE 50 viscosity grade oil in ICM controlled transmissions. Do not use SAE 50 viscosity grade oil for the hydraulic drive
winch case .
(10) Commercial biodegradable hydraulic oil must meet the Caterpillar BF-1 specification . The listed ambient temperature range is for
the current Cat BIO HYOO (HEES), not for commercial BF-1 oil.
(11 ) Refer to the machine Operation and Maintenance Manual or contact your local Caterpillar dealer before using Cat BIO HYDO (HEES) or
commercial BF-1 oil.
(12) Cat Arctic OEO SYN is an SAE OW-30 viscosity grade oil.
(13) APl CI-4 , APl CI-4 PLUS , and APl CH-4 oils are acceptable if the requirements of Caterpillar's ECF-1 (Engine Crankcase Fluid
specification - 1) are mel. APl CI-4, APl CI-4 PLUS , and APl CH-4 oils that have not met the requirements of Caterpillar's ECF-1
specification may cause reduced engine life.
(1 4) APl CG-4 oils are acceptable for use in ali Caterpillar machine diesel engines. When APl CG-4 oils are used , the oil change interval
should not exceed 250 hours. APl CG-4 oils that also meet APl CI-4 , APl CI-4 PLUS , or APl CH-4 must also meet the requirements
of the Caterpillar ECF-1 specification .
100 SEBU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Lubricant Viscosities and Refill Capacities
i02680952 i01822901 •
Winch 67.2 (17.8) (14.8) program for you r equipment.
Ecology Orains
Table 16
126 -7914 Oil Orain
Hydraulic Tank or
25.4 mm (1 inch) pipe with
1-11 1/2 NPTH thread
33 mm (1 .31 inch) pipe with
Bevel Gear Case
1 5/16-12 NPTH thread
SEBU8146-06 101
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Support
1. Turn off the engine. Place the engine start switch
in the OFF position .
Do NOT use electrical components (ECM or ECM sen-
sors) or electronic component grounding points for
grounding the welder.
• Hydraulic components
• Electrical components
Note: Before each consecutive interval is performed, Every 250 service Hours or Monthly
ali maintenance from the previous interval must be
Angle Blade Manual Tilt Brace - Lubricate .......... 104
Belts - InspectlAdjustlReplace ............................ 104
Bulldozer - Lubricate ........................................... 108
Note: If Cat HYDO Advanced 10 hydraulic oil is
Engine Oil Sam pie - Obtain ........ ........................ 121
used , the hydraulic oil change interval will change.
Equalizer Bar Center Pin - Lubricate .................. 126
The normal interval of 2000 hours is extended to
Equalizer Bar End Pins Oil Levei - Check .......... 126
3000 hours. S·O·S services may extend the oil
Final Drive Oil Levei - Check .. ..... .. ..................... 128
change even longer. Consult your Caterpillar dealer
Fuel Tank Water and Sediment - Drain .. .. ........... 135
for details.
Pivot Shaft Oil Levei - Check .. .................. .......... 142
Track - ChecklAdjust ........................................... 148
When Required Winch Fairlead Rollers - Lubricate ......... .. ........... 156
Camera - Clean/Adjust ............ ...... ... ......... .. .... .. .. 110 Winch Oil Levei - Check ....... .. ....... .. ........... ........ 157
Cutting Edges and End Bits - InspectlReplace .... 117
Engine Air Filter Primary Element - Cleanl Initial 500 service Hours
Replace ................ ....... ............ ........................... 118
Cooling System Coolant Sample (Levei 2) -
Engine Air Filter Secondary Element - Replace .. 119
Obtain ........ .. ................ ............ .......................... 113
Engine Air Precleaner - Clean ............................ 120
Winch Oil and Breather - Change/Clean ............ 157
Ether Starting Aid Cylinder - Replace ....... .. ........ 127
Front Idler Position - Check .. ............... ....... .. .. .... 130
Fuel System - Prime ........................................... 131 Every 500 service Hours
Fuses and Circuit Breakers - Replace/Reset .. .... 136 Final Drive Oil Sample - Obtain .. ........................ 129
Oil Filter - Inspect ...................... .......................... 142 Hydraulic System Oil Sample - Obtain ...... .. ... .... 141
Radiator Core - Clean ........ .. ............ ....... .. .......... 143 Transmission Oil Sam pie - Obtain ...... .............. .. 154
Radiator Pressure Cap - Clean/Replace .... ...... .. 143
Ripper Tip and Shank Protector - Inspectl Every 500 service Hours or 3 Months
Replace ........ ...... .... ....... ...... .. ................. .. ......... 145
Trunnion Bearing - Adjust ............... .................... 155 Engine Crankcase Breather - Clean ................... 120
Winch Wire Rope - Install ............ .. ....... ... .. ........ . 158 Engine Oil and Filter - Chang e .. .. ....................... 122
Window Washer Reservoir - Fill .... ...... ..... .... ....... 158 Fuel System Secondary Filter - Replace ..... .. ..... 132
Windows - Clean ........................... .... .................. 159 Fuel System Water Separator Element -
Replace ... ..... ...... .... ................. ... ............... . .. .... 133
Every 10 service Hours or Daily Fuel Tank Cap Filter and Strainer -
Replace/Clean ... ... ...... .. ... ......... ......... .... ... .. ...... 135
Backup Alarm - Test .......... .................................. 104 Hydraulic System Oil Filter - Replace ... ... .... .. .. ... 139
Brakes, Indicators and Gauges - Test .. .. .. .. ...... ... 106 Recoil Spring Compartment Oil Levei - Check ... 144
SEBU8146-06 103
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Interval Schedule
Every Year
104 SEBU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Angle Blade Manual Tilt Brace - Lubricate
i01034 553 2. Tighten the battery retainers. Clean the top of the •
batteries with a clea n cloth. Keep the terminais
Ang le Blade Manual Tilt Brace clean and coated with petroleum jelly. Install the
- Lubricate terminal covers after you coat the termi nais.
If equipped:
Belts - Inspect/AdjustlReplace
SMCS Code: 1357-025; 1357-040; 1357-5 10
1. Open the access door on the right side of the
machine. Open the access door on the left side of
the machine in order to inspect the air condition ing
compressor belt.
Battery - Inspect
SMCS Code: 1401-040
• AdjustlReplace
• IlIustration 136
Alternator and Water Pump Belt
gOl1 47368
IIlustration 138
Air cond ltioning compressor belt
If the system functions properly, start the engine. If
CMS Functional Test any of the following events occur, do not start the
To ensure proper operation of the CMS , check the
system on a daily basis. • The indicator lights on the top portion or the bottom
portion of the instrument panei do not come on .
IIlustration 139
90 1043983 • Service hours in forward speed range
• Fault codes
SEBU8146-06 107
Maintenance Section
Brakes, Ind icators and Gauges - Test
• Braking System (Test) 8. Reduce the engine speed to LOW IOLE. Engage
the parking brake. Lower ali attachments to the
ground . Apply a slight down pressure. Stop the
AWARNING engine.
If the machine moves during the test, reduce the 9. Make any necessary repairs before you operate
engine speed immediately, and engage the park- the machine.
ing brake.
IlIustration 140 901043985
Bulldozer - Lubricate
(Variable Pitch Angle Tilt
SMCS Code: 6050-086
IlIustration 141
Lubricate the Variable Pitch Angle Tilt Blade at every 4. Lubricate the bearings on the rod end of each of
250 hour interval. the lift cylinders (2 points).
1. Lubricate the bearings on the ends of each 5. Lubricate the trunnion bearing (1 point).
hydrauric cylinder (6 points) .
SMCS Code: 7342-040; 7342-070; 7342-510 SMCS Code: 7342-040; 7342-070; 7342-510
g01140074 g01140113
lIIustration 142 IlIustration 143
Top view
1. Remove the filter element that is positioned in the
1. Remove filter cover (1) and filter element (2). The operator's compartment below the left side of the
filter cover is in front of the front window of the cab o dash.
2. The filter element can be cleaned by using 2. The filter element can be cleaned by using
pressure air. Use a maximum air pressure of pressure air. Use a maximum air pressure of
205 kPa (30 psi). Direct the air from the clean side 205 kPa (30 psi). Direct the air from the clean side
to the dirty side. to the dirty side.
3. Look through the filter toward a bright light. Inspect 3. Look through the filter toward a bright light. Inspect
the element for damage. Inspect the gaskets for the element for damage. Inspect the gaskets for
damage. Replace damaged filters . damage. Replace damaged filters.
Note: Clean the filters more often in dusty conditions . Note: Clean the filters more often in dusty conditions.
110 SEBU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Camera - Clean/Adjust
Camera - Clean/Adjust
SMCS Code: 7348
Failure to use an appropriate externalladder or an
appropriate platform for direct access to the rear
view camera could result in slipping and falling
which could result in personal injury or death. Se
sure to use an appropriate externa I ladder or an
appropriate platform for direct access to the rear
view camera. g01952903
IIluslralion 144
Unexpected machine movement can cause injury
or death.
4. Turn the engine start switch to the OFF position 2. Adjust the area of the visibility of the camera so
and remove the eng ine start switch key. that a 1.5 m (5 ft 11 inch) tall obstacle which is 1 m
(3 ft) behind the counterweight can be seen .
5. Turn the battery disconnect switch to theOFF
position and remove the battery disconnect switch 3. Tighten the 2 bolts (1) to a torque ofO.5 ± 0.05 N'm
key. (4 ± 0.4 Ib in) .
Area Vision System (WAVS) camera lens and the
Adjust the Area of Visibility display clean .
• Display i02277501
At operating temperature, the engine coolant is
hot and under pressure.
Use a soft, damp cloth in order to clean the display. Remove the fil! cap slowly to relieve pressure.
The display has a soft plastic surface that can be
easily damaged by an abrasive material. The display Cooling system conditioner contains alkali. Avoid
is not sealed. Do not immerse the display with contact with the skin and eyes to prevent personal
liquid. injury.
is no top tank in this cool ing system. The surge
tank has a filler cap and a sight glass. It is not
necessary to remove the filler cap in order to check
the coolant leveI. The sight glass is inside the engine
compartment that is on the front left side of the
mach ine. The filler cap is beneath the access door
that is on the top left side of the radiator guard o
IlIustration 147
Note: The factory fill is Extended Life Coolant Use compressed air, high pressure water, or steam •
(ELC) . Refer to Operation and Maintenance to remove dust and debris from the rad iator core.
Manual, SEBU6250, "Caterpillar Machine Fluids However, the use of compressed air is preferred .
Recommendations" for additional information .
Maintai ning the system as ELC is preferred . See
the sections "Coolant Recommendations" and "ELC i02277521
Coolin g System Maintenance". Cooling System Coolant
Sam pie (Levei 1) - Obtain
SMCS Code: 1350-008 ; 1395-008; 7542
IIlustration 149
g01140173 Levei 1 Analysis
Perform a Coolant Analysis (Levei 1 ) at 250 hours 4. Replace the protective cap. Close the right side
for systems that do not contain extended life coolant engine compartment.
Submit the sample for Levei 1 analysis.
Use the following guidelines for proper sampling of
the coolant: NOTICE
Always use a designated pump for oil sampling , and
• Complete the information on the label for the use a separate designated pump for coolant sampling .
sampling bottle before you begin to take the Using the same pump for both types of samples may
samples. contaminate the samples that are being drawn. This
contaminate may cause a false analysis and an incor-
• Keep the unused sampling bottles stored in plastic rect interpretation that could lead to concerns by both
bags. dealers and customers.
• Obtain coolant sam pies directly from the coolant
sample portoVou should not obtain the samples Note: levei 1 results may indicate a need for
from any other location . levei 2 Analysis.
• Keep the lids on empty sampling bottles until you Levei 2 is a comprehensive analysis which should be
are ready to collect the sample. performed annually. See Operation and Maintenance
Manual, "Cooling System Coolant Sample (Levei 2) -
• Place the sample in the shipping sleeve Obtain" for more information.
immediately after obtaining the sample in order to
avoid contamination.
levei 2 Analysis
Always use a designated pump for oil sampling , and
use a separate designated pump for coolant sampling .
Using the same pump for both types of samples may
contaminate the samples that are being drawn. This
contaminate may cause a false analysis and an incor-
rect interpretation that could lead to concerns by both
dealers and customers.
IlIustration 151
Right view
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection , maintenance, test-
ing , adjusting and repairofthe product. Se prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
Submit the sample for Levei 2 analysis.
1. Park the machine on a hard, levei surface. Set the 3. Remove the plug from the drain valve. Install a
engine at low idle speed . 12.7 millimeter (.5 inch) pipe into the drain valve.
The pipe requires 1/2 - 14 NPTF threads.
2. Open the right side engine compartment. Remove
the protective cap from the sampling valve. 4. Clamp a hose to the pipe in order to direct the
coolant into a suitable container.
3. Obtam a sample. For additional information
about coolant analysis, see Special Publication , 5. Open the drain valve. Allow the coolant to drain •
SESU6250, "Caterpillar Machine Fluids into a suitable container.
Recommendations" or consult your Caterpillar
dealer. 6. Close the drain valve. Fill the system with a
solution wh ich consists of clean water and of
4. Replace the protective cap. Close the left side cooling system cleaner. The concentration of the
engine compartment. cooling system cleaner should be 6 to 10 percent.
SESU8146-06 115
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Extended Life Coolant Extender - Add
is clear.
Note: Caterpillar antifreeze contains additive. If sUltable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
you are using Caterpillar antifreeze, do not add the products.
supplemental coolant additive at this time. Also,
do not change the supplemental coolant additive Oispose of ali fluids according to local regulations and
element at this time. mandates.
12. Start the engine. Run the engine without the filler Table 17
cap until the thermostat opens and the coolant "Cat ELC Extender" and the Cooling System Capacity
levei stabilizes.
13. Check the coolant leveI. Make necessary Cooling System Capacity Amount of "Cat
ELC Extender"
adjustments to the coolant leveI.
65 to 83 L (17 to 22 US gal) 1.60 L (54 oz)
14.lf the gasket is damaged, replace the filler cap.
Install the filler cap.
When a Caterpillar Extended Life Coolant (ELC)
15. Stop the engine. is used, an extender must be added to the cooling
system . See the Operation and Maintenance
Manual, "Maintenance Interval Schedule" for the
pro per service interval. The amount of extender is
determined by the cooling system capacity.
116 SESU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Cooling System Water Temperature Regulator - Replace
IlIustration 155
1. The filler cap is located inside the access door on
the top, left side of the radiator guard oLoosen the
radiator cap slowly in order to relieve pressure.
Cooling System Water
Remove the radiator cap. Temperature Regulator -
2. It may be necessary to drain some coolant from
the radiator 50 that Extender can be added to the SMCS Code: 1355-510
cooling system .
system has been cleaned . Install the thermostat 5. Install a new seal in the thermostat housing . Install
while the cooling system is completely drained or the new thermostat and the new gasket. Install the
while the cooling system coolant is drained to a levei thermostat housing on the engine cylinder head.
that is below the thermostat housing.
6. Install the elbow and the hose. Tighten the hose
Failure to replace the engine's thermostat on a regu- 7. Close the right engine compartment.
larly scheduled basis could cause severe engine dam-
age. 8. Replace the coolant that was drained from the
system. Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Note: If you are only installing a new thermostat, Manual, "Capacities (Refill)".
drain the cooling system coolant to a levei that is
below the thermostat housing . i03204387
1. Open the right engine compartment. Cutting Edges and End Bits -
SMCS Code: 6801-040; 6801-510; 6804-040;
IIlustration 156
Depending on load, failure to operate with the ther- the opposite side of the cutting edge is not worn ,
mostats could result in either an overheating or an turn the opposite side of the cutting edge outward
overcooling condition . and install the cutting edge.
Service the primary filter element only when the alert
indic~to r for the intake air filter is flashing . Do not open 900470852
lIIustration 159
the fllter compartment unless it is time for service .
~pen ing the filter compartment can cause dirt to get
2. Remove the air cleaner cover (1).
mto the clean side of the filter housing.
3. Remove the primary fi lter element (2) from the air
NOTICE cleaner housing.
Extremely short air filter life can result if the preclean-
er system malfunctions. If air filter life is drastically re- 4. Mark the secondary filter element in order to show
that the primary filter element has been serviced .
duced from typical for the operating conditions, con-
The secondary filter element should be replaced
s~lt yo ur Caterpillar Dealer. The exhaust system dust
ejector for the strata tube precleaner must pull a min- when the primary filter element is serviced for the
imum vacuum of 508 mm (20 inch) of water. third time . Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, "Eng ine Air Filter Secondary element -
Service the engine air filters with the engine stopped .
Engine damage could result.
Always leave the secondary filter element in place
while you clean the primary element, or while you
clean the air cleaner housing .
SEBU8146-06 119
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Filter Secondary Element - Replace
Always replace the secondary filter element. Never
attempt to reuse it by cleaning .
7. Inspect the primary filter element. Inspect the
clean the air cleaner housing .
filter element for holes and for tears by looking
through the filter element. Look toward a bright
light. Inspect the element for damaged gaskets or
for dented metal parts. Replace damaged filters.
Always crush damaged filter elements. Properly
discard the filter elements. If you replace the
primary filter element, proceed to step 9.
9. Push the filter element firmly in order to properly 3. Remove the primary filter element.
seat the element. Write the date on the element, if
the primary element is replaced . Reference: Refer to Operation and Maintenance
Manual, "Engine Air Filter Primary Element -
• 10.lnstall the air cleaner cover. Clean/Replace".
11. Close the access door, if equipped . 4. Clean the inside of the air cleaner housing .
120 SEBU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Engine Air Precleaner - Clean
5. Inspect the gasket between the air inlet and the 3. Inspect the prec\eaner tubes for dirt and for dust. •
air cleaner housing. If the gasket is damaged ,
replace the gasket. 4. Use pressure air to clean the tubes. Put the tubes
on a flat surface. Oirect the pressurized air into
the tubes from the top oThis loosens up the dirt.
InstaI! the screens.
Service the air cleaner only with the engine stopped.
Engine damage could result.
8. InstaI! the primary filter element and the air c\eaner
housing cover. Tighten the bolts for the air c\eaner
housing cover finger tight. Do not use a tool to
tig ten the bolts for the air cleaner housing cover.
Engine Air Precleaner - Clean 1. Open the left engine access door.
SMCS Code: 1050-070
2. Loosen the breather outlet hose c\amps. Remove
the hose from the breather cover.
1. Inspect the air inlet screen for dirt and for trash . 7. Check the condition ofthe hose. Replace the hose •
if the hose is damaged.
2. Remove the screen . Clean the screen if the
screen is dirty. 8. InstaI! the breather element cover assembly.
SESU8146-06 121
Maintenance Section
Engine Oi! Levei - Check
Hot oil and components can cause personal in- 901141645
jury. IlIustration 166
Do not allow hot oil or components to contact 4. Remove the oil filler cap. If necessary, add oil.
5. Clean the oil filler cap and install the oil filler cap.
1. The engine oil levei gauge relies on gravity. Engine Oil Sam pie - Obtain
The machine must be on a levei surface for an
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection , maintenance, test-
ing , adjusting and repair of the product. Se prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
IlIustration 165 Refer to Special Publication , NENG2500, "Caterpillar
Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies
3. Check the engine oillevel gauge while the engine suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
is stopped and the oil is at cold . The engine oil products.
levei may also be checked while the engine is
running at low idle and the oil is at operating Dispose of ali fluids according to local regulations and
temperature. Maintain the oil levei in the operating mandates.
area on the engine oillevel gauge. The operating
area is between the "ADO" mark and the "FULL"
perform consistent oi! samplings that are evenly Selection of the Oil Change Interval
IlIuslralion 167 g01141648 Recommended multigrade oil types are listed in Table
18. Do not use single grade oils.
2. Remove the protective cap.
IIluslralion 168
APl Symbol
Commercial oils Ihal are licensed by lhe American Pelroleum
Inslilule (APl) bear Ihis symbol. Commercial oils Ihal do nol bear
Ihis symbol are nol licensed and Ihese oils are not recommended .
Oils Ihal are nol lisled in Table 18 are nol recommended .
SEBU8146-06 123
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil and Filter - Change
Engine Oil Change Interval(1)
Operating Conditions
to Special Publication , SEBU5898, "Cold Weather
Recommendations For Ali Caterpillar Machines". Normal(2) High Fuel Altitude
Poor maintenance of air filters or of fuel filters Multigrade Load Sulfur above
Factor(3) from 1830 m
requires reduced oil change intervals. See your Oil Type
above 0.3% to (6000 ft)
Caterpillar dealer for more information if this product
32 L(8.5 0.5%
will experience abnormally harsh operating cycles or US gal) (4)
harsh environments. per hr
of fuel
500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 250 hr(6)
APl CH-4
11 .0
minimum 500 hr 500 hr 500 hr 250 hr(6)
APl CH-4
TBN(4) 500 hr 500 hr 250 hr\5) 250 hr(6)
below 11 .0
APl CG-4 500 hr 250 hr\5) 250 hr\5) 250 hr(6)
(1) The traditional oil change interval for engines is 250 hours .
The standard oil change interval in th is machine is 500 hours. if
the operating conditions and recommended oil types that are
listed in this table are me!. Improvements in the engine allow
this engine oil change interval. This new standard interval is not
permitted for other machines. Refer to the applicable Operation
and Maintenance Manuais for the other machines.
(2) Normal cond itions include these factors : Fuel sulfur below
0 .3% . altitude below 1830 m (6000 ft). and good air filter and
fuel filter maintenance. Normal conditions do not include high
load factor. harsh operating cycles , or harsh environments .
(3) High load factors can shorten the service life of your engine
oil. Continuous heavy load cycles and very little idle time result
in increased fuel consumption and oil contamination. These
factors deplete the oil additives more rapidly. If lhe average fuel
consumption of your D6T exceeds 32 L (8 .5 US gal) per hour,
follow the "High Load Factor" recommendations in Table 18. To
determine average fuel consumption , measure average fuel
consumption for a period of 50 to 100 hours. If the application
of the machine is changed , the average fuel consumption may
(4) For sulfur content above 0.5% , refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual , "Total Base Number (TBN) and Fuel
Sulfur Leveis for Direct Injection (DI) Diesel Engines" in
Manual, SEBU6250.
(5) ln order to verify an oil change interval of 500 hours, refer to
"Program A" below.
(6) Use "Program B" below to determine an appropriate interval.
Note: Your Caterpillar dealer has additional
information on these programs .
Program A
Program B
Hot o il and components can cause personal in- g01144346
IlIustration 170
jury. Top view
Do not allow hot oil or components to contact 1. Remove the bolt in order to remove the crankcase •
skin. drain access cover, wh ich is in the crankcase
guard o
SEBU8146-06 125
Maintenance Section
Engine Oil and Filter - Change
IlIustration 171
(1) drain valve
(2) shutoff valve
(3) drain valve elbow
(A) Left view
(B) Rear view
• 4. When the oil has completed draining from the 9. Remove oil filler cap (4) . Fill the crankcase with
crankcase, close shutoff valve (2). Remove the new oil. See the topic Operation and Maintenance
hose. Install the crankcase drain access cover in Manual, "Refill Capacities" in this manual. Clean
the crankcase guardo oil filler cap (4) and install oil filler cap (4).
filter base .
126 SEBU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Engine Valve Lash - Check/Adjust
To prevent possible injury, do not use the starter
motor to turn the f1ywheel.
Hot engine components can cause burns. Allow ~
additional time for the engine to cool before mea-
suring. valve clearance. IIlustration 174
8F - 9866 Grease Gun
Electrical shock hazard. The electronic unit injec-
tor system uses 90-120 volts.
Operation of Caterpillar engines with improper valve
adjustments will reduce engine efficiency. This re-
duced efficiency could result in excessive fuel usage
and/or shortened engine component life.
Measure the valve clearance with the engine stopped . IlIustration 175
To obtain an accurate measurement, allow at least 20
Remote Fitting
minutes for the valves to cool to engine cylinder head
and engine block temperature.
Lubricate the equalizer bar center pin through the
remote fitting . The remote fitting is located on the
Check the valve bridge before setting the valve lash. frame on the left side of the machine. The fitting is
Ensure that the valve bridge is seated equally on located below the dipstick.
both valve stems.
The proper lubricant for the center pin is the "Desert
Refer to your machine's Service Manual or your Gold". NLGI 2 grease
Caterpillar dealer for the complete valve adjustment
procedure. Refer to Operation and Maintenance Manual,
SEBU6250 , "Lubricating Greases" for more
Apply lubricant to the fittings with a hand operated
grease gun only. Use of pressure operated lubricating NOTICE
equipment damages the seals. Apply gear oil through the fittings with a hand oper-
ated lubrication pump or a suitable grease gun . Use
of pressure operated lubricating equipment damages
the seals.
SEBU8146-06 127
Maintenance Section
Ether Starting Aid Cylinder - Replace
Before and after the equalizer bar end pin is filled with
gear oil, seal (1) must be flush with the equalizer bar. If
the seals are not flush, damage to the seals can result
by overfilling.
6. Be sure that seals (1) are not pushed out. Push
back the seals if the seals are pushed out.
/ .. ~ \
• .-;--- .. - ..,
IIlustration 177
IIlustration 178
1. Clean the areas that are around the end pin with a
high pressure wash . Inspect the condition of the 1. Remove the upper engine compartment access
seal (1). cover on the left side of the machine.
2. Check the area for oil leakage. Be sure that the 1. The ether canister is mounted on the bracket
seal is in a neutral position . assembly which is seated toward the front of the
caboLoosen the retaining clamp. Remove the old
3. Remove plug (2). canister by turning the canister counterclockwise.
4. Check the oillevel. Oillevel (4) should be at the 2. Install the "Quick Start " canister. Turn the canister
top of the hex head on the fitting . clockwise. Hand tighten the canister in order to
seal the gasket to the canister. Tighten the clamp
5. If the oil levei is low, apply the gear oil through around the canister.
fitting (3) until the gear oil reaches oillevel (4) at
the top of the hex head on the fitting . Remove Note: The ether starting aid cylinder must be installed
any excess oil. This will maintain a volume of air. with the appropriate gasket. The gasket must be
The gear oil must be applied with a 7H - 1680 clean in order to make a proper seal.
Lubrication Hand Pump. Refer to Operation and
Maintenance Manual, "Lubricant Viscosities" for 3. Close the upper engine compartment access
the correct oil. The gear oil has excellent load cover.
carrying capacity.
128 SEBU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Final Drive Oil - Change
i02281 340 4. Inspect the drain plug seal. Rep lace the drain plug •
seal if the drain plug seal is damaged.
Final Drive Oil - Change
5. Clean the drain plug and install the drai n plug .
SMCS Code: 4050-535-FLV
6. Fill the final drive with oil to the bottom of the filler
AWARNING plug opening . See Operation and Maintenance
Manual , "Capacities Refill".
Hot o il and components can cause personal in-
jury. 7. Inspect the condition of the seal of the filler plug .
Replace the plug seal if the plug seal is damaged .
Do not allow hot oil or components to contact Wipe the magnet in order to clean the plug . Install
skin. the plug .
SMCS Code: 4050-535-FLV
Dispose of ali fluids according to local regulations and
mandates. AWARNING
Hot oil and components can cause personal in-
90114 1777
IlIustration 179
1. Position one final drive so that oillevel mark (1) is
horizontal. The drain plug (3) will point downward.
g01 141813
IlIustration 181
Hot oi! and components can cause personal in-
1. Position one final drive so that oillevel mark (1) is
horizontal. Drain plug (3) should face downward.
Do not allow hot oi! or components to contact
2. Remove oil filler plug (2) and obtain the oil sample
with a 1U - 5718 Vacuum Pump .
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained Note: Do not use the drain stream method to obtain
during pertormance of inspection , maintenance, test- a sample of the final drive oil. A stream of dirty oil
ing, adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to from the bottom of the compartment will contaminate
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open- the sample. Likewise, never dip an oil sample from
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo- an oil container or pour a sample from a used filter.
nent containing fluids .
3. Install oil filler plug (2).
Refer to Special Publication , NENG2500, "Caterpillar
Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies 4. Repeat Step 1 to Step 3 in order to sample the oil
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar in the other final drive.
Reference: Refer to, "Lubricant Viscosities" in the
Dispose of ali fluids according to local regulations and Maintenance Section of this manual for the correct
mandates. fluid for your machine.
130 SEBU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Front Idler Position - Check
SystemOne Undercarriage
The following check is for Caterpillar SystemOne
Undercarriages that have the center tread idler.
IlIustration 183
Adjustment shim (center tread idler)
See Operation and Maintenance Manual, "Track
g 9 - Check/Adjust" for information on needed track
Minimum - O mm (O inch)
(A) Adjusting shims
(8) Dimension between the height of the fro nt id ler tread and the
Minimum - 10 mm (0.4 inch) height of the roller tread
Personal injury or death can result from a fire.
Clean up ali leaked or spilled fuel. Do not smoke 1. Push the button and hold the button in order to
white working on the fuel system. activate the fuel priming pump. Allow the pump to
run for several seconds.
Turn the disconnect switch OFF or disconnect the
battery when changing fuel filters. 2. Release the button in order to turn ott the fuel
priming pump.
Personal injury or death can result from a fire.
901141 950
IlIustration 186
Fuelleaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electri-
cal components can cause a tire. 1. Tum the red handle of the fuel shutoff valve
clockwise in order to shut off the fuel supply. The
Clean up ali leaked or spilled fue!. Do not smoke fuel shutoff valve is located at the rear of the
while working on the fuel system. machine under the fuel tank.
Turn the disconnect switch OFF or disconnect the 2. Open the engine access door on the left side of
battery when changing fuel filters. the machine. The secondary fuel filter is mounted
on the left side of the engine behind the primary
fuel filter.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing , adjusting and repair of the product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids .
Fuel leaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or elec- 1. Open drain (3). The drain is a self-ventilated drain.
trical components can cause a fire. To help pre- Catch the draining water in a suitable container.
vent possible injury, turn the start switch off when Dispose of the water properly.
changing fuel filters or water separator elements.
Clean up fuel spllls immediately. 2. Close drain (3).
Care must be taken to ensure that flu ids are contained The water separator is under suction during normal
during performance of inspection , ma intenance, test- eng ine operation. Ensure that the drain valve is tight-
ing , adjusting and repa ir ofthe product. Be prepared to ened securely to help prevent air from entering the fuel
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open- system.
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids .
Refer to Special Publication , NENG2500, "Caterpillar
Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies Fuel System Water Separator
suitable to collect and contain flu ids on Caterpillar Element - Replace
SMCS Code: 1263-510-FQ
Dispose of ali flu ids according to local regulations and
NOTICE Personal injury or death may result from failure to
Do not allow dirt to enter the fuel system. Thorough ly adhere to the following procedures.
clean the area around a fuel system component that
will be disconnected. Fit a suitable cover over discon- Fuelleaked or spilled onto hot surfaces or electri-
nected fuel system component. cal components can cause a fire .
Do not fill fuel filter with fuel before installing the fuel
filter. Contaminated fuel causes accelerated wear to
fuel system parts.
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection, maintenance, test-
ing, adjusting and repair ofthe product. Se prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
nent containing fluids.
Refer to Special Publication , NENG2500, "Caterpillar IlIustration 190
Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar 3. ln order to drain primary filter (1), open drain
products . valve (3) on water separator bowl (2) . The water
separator bowl is under primary filter (1). Catch
Dispose of ali fluids according to local regulations and the fuel in a suitable container.
Note: Discard any drained fluids according to local
• 13.lnstall the access cover. 5. Inspect the tank cap seal. If the seal is damaged ,
replace the seal.
6. Replace the filter assembly, the valve, the gaskets,
Fuel Tank Cap Filter and and the screws. Use a 9X - 2205 Cap Filter Kit.
SMCS Code: 1273-070-STR; 1273-070-Z2 8. Install the fuel cap. Rotate the fuel cap clockwise
until three tabs (5) drop into the slots in the
adapter. Rotate lever (3) clockwise until the lever
stops. Lower lever (3) over locking tab (4).
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
g01141983 during pertormance of inspection, maintenance, test-
IlIustration 191
ing, adjusting and repair ofthe product. Se prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
The fuel tank is located on the rear of the machine. ing any compartment or disassembling any compo-
The filler cap is on the left side of the machine next to nent containing fluids .
the ROPS .
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar
Tools and Shop Products Guide" fortools and supplies
2 suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
IlIustration 192
• cap. Remove filter assembly (2), valve (1), and the machine.
the gaskets.
1. Open the drain valve. Allow the water and the
4. Wash the cap and the strainer in a clean , sediment to drain into a suitable container.
nonflammable solvent.
2. Close the drain valve.
136 SEBU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Fuses and Circuit Breakers - Replace/Reset
SMCS Code: 1417-510; 1420-529
3. ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.
5. 0 0 ~ ~~6.
7.llIIld~ ~ Q.. 8.
11 .~~ ~~12.
• Fuse for the ripper pin puller, for the seat, and for
the winch (7) - 10 Amp
Product Link (17) - 15 Amp Machines that are used in severe conditions are
not included in the 4000 hour maintenance interval.
Converter (18) - 10 Amp Machines that are used in severe conditions must
use the interval in the Maintenance Interval Schedule.
Machine ECM (19) - 15 Amp
Unswitched Fuse (20) - 15 Amp
Approved hydraulic oil must be used to obtain the
Engine ECM (21) - 15 Amp 4000 hour hydraulic oil change. Refer to the list that
follows for approved oils.
24 Volt to 12 Volt Converter (22) - 20 Amp
Caterpillar Hydraulic Oils
Spare (23) - 15 Amp
• "Cat HYDO"
Spare (24) - 15 Amp
Circuit Breakers
• Hydraulic environmental ester synthetic (HEES)
Circuit Breaker/Reset - Push in the
Commercial Oils
Note: If the button does not remain depressed , check Diesel engine oils (Heavy Duty) with a minimum
the appropriate electrical circu it. Repair the electrical zinc content of 900 ppm can be used. Acceptable
circuit, if necessary. commercial oils are identified by the American
Petroleum Institute trademark ("APl "). Refer to the list
Blower (26) - Circu it Breaker that follows for acceptable types of hydraulic oils.
• CF
• CF-4
• • CG-4
• CH-4
138 SESU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Hydra lic System Oil - Change
At operating temperature, the hydraulic tank is hot
and under pressure.
Remove the filler cap only when the engine is 1. Remove hydraulic tank filler cap (1) slowly in arder
stopped, and the filler cap is cool enough to touch to relieve any pressure.
with your bare hand. Remove the filler cap slowly
ln order to relieve pressure. 2. Wash the filler strainer and the filler cap in a clean
nonflammable solvent.
ing , adju sting and repairofthe product. Se prepared to suitable container.
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo- 4. Remove oil drain plug (3) wh ich is located under
nent containing fluids . the right fender of the machine.
Refer to Special Publication , NENG2500, "Caterpillar 5. Install the swivel hose into the drain plug opening .
Dealer Service Tool Catalog" for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar 6. Rotate the swivel hose clockwise in order to open
products. the internal drain valve. Allow the oil to drain into a
suitable container.
Dispose of ali fluids according to local regulations and
mandates 7. Remove the swivel hose. The internal drain valve
for the hydraulic tank will elose.
Operate the machine in order to warm the oil.
8. Clean the drain plug and install the drain plug.
Tighten the drain plug to a torque of 68 ± 7 N'm
Park the machine on levei ground . Lower the
(50 ± 5 Ib ft).
bulldozer blade to the ground and apply slight
downward pressure. If equipped , lower the ripper to
9. Change the hydraulic system filter.
the ground . Engage the parking brake and stop the
Reference: See Operation and Maintenance
Manual , "Hydraulic System Oil Filter - Replace".
Reference: See Operation and Maintena nce
Manual , "Lubricant Viscosities and Capacities
(Refill)" for additional information.
IlIustration 199 g01355365
At operating temperature, the hydraulic tank is hot
and under pressure. Right side of ca b
Hot oil and components can cause personal in- 2. Slowly remove hydraulic tank filler cap (2) in order
jury. Do not allow hot oil or components to contact to relieve the system pressure.
3. Remove retain ing nut (1 ).
Remove the filler cap only when the engine is
stopped, and the filler cap is coo I enough to touch Note: The charge filter is located in a compartment
with your bare hand. Remove the filler cap slowly on the left side of the mach ine.
in order to relieve pressure.
r c
I~ e
. '/h I. .
• ==o
/ g01215857
IlIustration 200
140 SEBU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil Levei - Check
SMCS Code: 5056-535-FLV; 7479
Apply a thin coat of oil to the seal on the new filter
element. AWARNING
6. Install the filter element by hand . After the seal At operating temperature, the hydraulic tank is hot
contacts the base, tighten the filter element by an and under pressure.
additional 3/4 turn (270 degrees).
Hot oil and components can cause personal in-
7. Remove the retainer ring from the oil filler tube. jury. Do not allow hot oil or components to contact
8. Remove the strainer from the oil filler tube.
Remove the filler cap only when the engine is
9. Wash the screen in a clean nonflammable solvent. stopped, and the filler cap is coo I enough to touch
with your bare hand. Remove the filler cap slowly
10.lnspect the seal on the filler cap. Replace the seal in order to relieve pressure.
if the seal is worn or if the seal is damaged .
Lower the bulldozer and the ripper to the ground.
11.lnstall the strainer, the retainer ring , and the cap. Place the ripper shanks in the vertical position.
g011 42156
IlIustration 201
SEBU8146-06 141
Maintenance Section
Hydraulic System Oil Sample - Obtain
Hydraulic System Oil Sam pie .'
Hot 011 and components can cause personal in- 3. Use 8T - 9190 Fluid Sampling Bottle (1) to obtain
jury. the sample.
Do not allow hot oi! or components to contact 4. After you take a sample, remove the cap with the
skin. probe from the bottle. Discard the cap with the
probe. Install the sealing cap that is provided with
8T -9190 Fluid Sampling Bottle (1).
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained 5. Replace the protective cap.
during pertormance of inspection , maintenance, test-
ing , adjusting and repairofthe product. Be prepared to 6. Install the access cover.
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
ing any compartment or disassembling any compo- Reference: Refer to , "Lubricant Viscosities" in the
nent containing fluids . Maintenance Section of this manual for the correct
fluid for your machine.
Refer to Special Publication , NENG2500, "Caterpillar
Tools and Shop Products Guide" for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
Hot oil and components can cause personal in-
Inspect a Used Filter for Oebris
Do not allow hot oil or components to contact
g001 00013
IIluslralion 206
The elemenl is shown wilh debris.
g01 142333
IlIuslralion 207
Use a filter cutter to cut the filter element open .
Spread apart the pleats and inspect the element for The oil plugs are located on both sides of the •
metal and for other debris. An excessive amount of machine on top of the track roller frame .
debris in the fil ter element can indicate a possible
failure . 1. Remove the oil plug on one side of the machi ne.
Check the oil leveI. The oil levei should be at the
bottom of the threaded hole .
SEBU8146-06 143
Maintenance Section
Radiator Core - Clean
• IlIustration 208
144 SEBU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Recoil Spring Compartment Oil Levei - Check
SMCS Code: 4158-535 SMCS Code: 7322-510; 7322-535
Hot oil and components can cause personal in- Personal injury can result from contact with refrig-
jury. erant.
Do not allow hot oil or components to contact Contact with refrigerant can cause frost bite. Keep
skin. face and hands away to help prevent inj ury.
9011 1081 0
IlIustration 211
3. Maintain the oil levei above the top of the track
adjusting cylinder (1). Do not fill the oil above the
track adjustment valve (2) .
IlIustration 212
g00 103773
IIlustration 214
""""'T---.-!!J~. / , . , .f~. .
Ripper Tip and Shank Protector
'L ).!.l - InspectlReplace
- .. __ ---
... ..
--------,/ SMCS Code: 6808-040; 6808-510; 6810; 6812-040;
g01 147675
IlIustration 213
If equipped:
3. Remove the bolt and the clip that retains the dryer.
The lines that connect to the dryer are equipped
with quick disconnects. Remove the dryer.
IIlustration 215
worn close to the shank, replace the shank protector.
If the tip is too blunt, the tip will not penetrate properly.
2. If the ripper tip is worn , drive out the pin o Remove i02429589 •
the tip and the shank pin retainer.
Seat Belt - Inspect
3. Clean the shank pin retainer and the pin o
SMCS Code: 7327-040
4. Install the new tip and the retainer.
Always check the condition of the seat belt and the
5. Install the pin from the opposite side of the cond ition of the seat belt moun ting hardware before
retainer. you operate the mach ine. Replace any parts that are
damaged or worn before yo u operate the machine.
6. If the shank protector is worn , drive out the pins.
Remove the shank protector.
i0228291 2 IIlustration 216
Typical example
Rollover Protective Structure
(ROPS) and Falling Object Check the seat belt mounting hardware (1 ) for wear •
or for damage. Replace any mounting hardware that
Protective Structure (FOPS) - is worn or damaged . Make sure that the mounting
Inspect bolts are tight.
SMCS Code: 7323-040; 7325-040 Check buckle (2) for wear or for damage. If the buckle
is worn or damaged , replace the seat belt.
Inspect the rollover protective structure/falling object
protective structure (ROPS/FOPS Structure) for Inspect the seat belt (3) for webbing that is worn or
bolts that are loose or damaged . Replace any frayed . Replace the seat belt if the seat belt is worn
damaged bolts and any missing bolts with original or frayed .
replacement parts only. Tighten the bolts to a torque
of 800 ± 100 N'm (600 ± 75 Ib ft) . Consult your Caterpillar dealer for the replacement of
the seat belt and the mounting hardware.
Note: App ly oil to ali of the bolt threads that will be
used to install the ROPS or the FOPS before you Note: Within three years of the date of installation or
install the bolts. Improper bolt torque can result if you within five years of the date of manufacture, replace
do not apply oil to the threads. the seat belt. Replace the seat belt at the date wh ich
occurs first. A date label for determin ing the age of
Do not we ld reinforcement plates to the ROPS or the the seat belt is atlached to the seat belt, the seat belt
FOPS in order to straighten the ROPS or the FOPS . buckle, and the seat belt retractor.
Do not weld reinforcement plates to the ROPS or the
FOPS in order to repair the ROPS or the FOPS . If your machine is equipped with a seat belt
extension , also perform th is inspection procedure for
If the ROPS or the FOPS has any cracks in the the seat belt extension .
welds, in the castings, or in any metal section , consult
your Caterpillar dealer for repairs .
SEBU8146-06 147
Maintenance Section
Seat Belt - Replace
1 2
IlIustration 218
Front view
3 4
gO l 152685
IlIustration 217
(1) Date of installation (retractor)
(2) Date of installation (buckle)
(3) Date of manufacture (ta9) (fully extended web)
(4) Date of manufacture (underside) (buckle)
148 SEBU8146-06
Mainte nance Section
Track - ChecklAdjust
Track - Check/Adjust
SMCS Code: 4170-036
i027 12944
IIlustration 221
Personal injury or death ean result from grease
under pressure.
and the tront idler. Take the measurement from
the string to the top of the grouser at the maximum
measurement. Dimension (A) is the maximum
distance between the string and the grouser.
IIlustration 223
SESU8146-06 149
Maintenance Section
Track Pins - Inspect
Do not attempt to tighten track when dimension (D) is
150 mm (5.9 inch) or more.
Fingers can be burned from hot pins and bush-
The pins and bushings in a dry joint can become
IlIustration 224 very hot. It is possible to burn the fingers if there
is more than brief contact with these components.
2. Add multipurpose grease (MPGM) through
track adjustment valve (1). Add the MPGM until
dimension (A, S, C) is correct. Use the recommendations in order to extend the life
of the undercarriage. Use the recommendations in
3. Operate the machine back and forth in order to order to avoid excessive downtime.
equalize the pressure. Allow the machine to coast
to a complete stop. Do not use the brakes. 1. During the machine operation , listen for unusual
squeaking and for unusual squealing . This can
4. Remeasure dimension (D). indicate a dry joint.
Reference: See Operation and Maintenance 2. Check the machine for dry joints weekly. Check
Manual , "Front Idler Position - Check" for additional for dry joints immediately after machine operation .
information on System One Undercarriage. After machine operation , lightly touch the end of
each track pin or bushing . Touch the track pin
or the track bushing with the back of your hand .
Tight Track Adjustment Make a mark on any dry track pin joint that is very
hot to the touch .
1. Loosen relief valve (2) by one tum of 360 degrees.
Allow the grease to escape. Consult your Caterpillar dealer's Custom Track
Service expert if you detect dry joints or leaks. Your
2. Close the relief valve. Tighten the valve to a torque
Caterpillar dealer's Custom Track Service expert can
of 34 ± 7 N·m (25 ± 5 Ib ft) . perform track inspection .
3. Add MPGM through track adjustment valve (1).
Add grease until dimension (A, S, C) is correct.
SMCS Code : 4177-040
IIlustration 227
Some components are removed for clarity.
IlIustration 225
Some components are removed for clarity.
the guide slots in the front track roller frame .
SEBU8146-06 151
Maintenance Section
Transmission Breather - Clean
• Transmission Breather -
SMCS Code: 3030-510-BRE
IIlustration 229
1. Open the front access door on the right side of head bracket. The bulk head bracket holds the
the cabo ports for the power train . Unscrew and remove
transmission breather (1).
g01198807 AWARNING
lIIustration 230
At operating temperature, the hydraulic tank is hot
2. The transmission breather is located on the bulk and under pressure.
head bracket. The bulk head bracket holds the
ports for the power train . Unscrew and remove Hot oil and components can cause personal in-
transmission breather (1). jury. Do not allow hot oil or components to contact
3. Clean the breather in clean , nonflammable
solvent. Remove the filler cap only when the engine is
stopped, and the filler cap is cool enough to touch
4. Install the breather. with your bare hand. Remove the filler cap slowly
to relieve pressure .
152 SEBU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Transmission Oil - Change
Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained
during performance of inspection , maintenance, test-
ing , adjusting and repairofthe product. Be prepared to
collect the fluid with suitable containers before open-
3. Change the filter element. See the Topic
"Transmission System Oil Filter-Replace" in this
9011477 19
IlIustration 232
1. Remove the plug from the drain in the bevel gear ~~Z
3 ---1 ::::::biI._=
" ::!ii±:::
(1 inch) pipe with 1-11 1/2 NPTF threads. Do not (3) Cold oil
tighten the pipe.
4. Maintain the oil levei within the marks fo r the
2. Turn the swivel or pipe clockwise in order to open operating range on the dipstick. If the eng ine is at
the internal drain valve. Allow the oil to drain into a idle and the oil is warm, maintain the oillevel with in
suitable container. range (2). If the engine is stopped and the en gine
oil is cold , maintain the oil levei with in range (3) .
SEBU8146-06 153
Maintenance Section
Transmission Oil Filter - Replace
• 5. Clean the oil filler cap. Install the oil filler cap. 1. Remove transmission oil filter housing (1) from
the transmission oi! filter base (2).
6. Close the access door.
2. Remove the transmission oi! filter element and
properly dispose of the filter element.
Transmission Oil Filter - 3. Clean the transmission oil filter housing with a
clean cloth .
4. Inspect the seal. If the seal is damaged , replace
SMCS Code: 3067-510 the seal.
The transmission oil filter is located behind the front IIlustration 236 901142953
access cover on the right side of the cabo
Full marks
(5) Warm oil
(6) Cold oil
Do not allow hot oi! or components to contact Reference: Refer to Operation and Maintenance
skin. Manual, "Lubricant Viscosities and Refill
Capacities" in this manual.
IIlustration 237
Hot oi! and components can cause personal in-
3 -1 I
... , =:::h;;,.=
Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Caterpillar
Dealer Service Tool Catalog" for tools and supplies
suitable to collect and contain fluids on Caterpillar
IlIustration 238 901147802 products.
(2) Warm 0 11
(3) Cold Oil Dispose of ali fluids according to local regulations and
2. Remove the transmission oil levei gauge (1) .
Maintain the oil levei within the marks for the Obtain the sample of the transmission oil as elose
operating range on the dipstick. If the engine is at as possible to the recommended sampling interval.
idle and the oil is warm, maintain the oillevel within The recommended sampling interval is every 500 •
range (2). If the engine is stopped and the engine service hours. ln order to receive the full effect of
oil is cold, maintain the oil levei within range (3). S·O·S oil analysis, you must establish a consistent
trend of data. ln order to establish a pertinent history
of data, perform consistent oi! samplings that are
evenly spaced.
SEBU8146-06 155
Maintenance Section
Transmission Scavenge Screen - Clean
IlIustration 239
IlIustration 241
Reference: Refer to , "Lubricant Viscosities" in the
Maintenance Section of this manual for the correct
fluid for your machine.
Adjust the trunnion bearings after the initial 100 4. Loosen the bolts that are on cap (2 ). As needed , •
hours. insert shims into spaces (A) and (8). When
possible, use an equal number of shims for
1. Lower the bulldozer blade to the ground . Walk to spaces (A) and (8).
the left side of the machine .
Note: The number of shims at space (A) must be
2. Re ove two nuts (3) from two bolts (1) on the within one of the number of shims at space (8). For
trunnion bearing . example, if space (A) has eight shims, space (8 )
must have seven , eight, or nine shims.
3. Remove two bolts (1) , bearing cap (2) , and two
shim packs (A and 8) as a unit. 5. Add one additional shim to space (A). Add one
additional shim to space (8).
4. Remove one shim from each shim pack (A and 8).
6. Tighten the bolts that are on cap (2) to a torque of
5. Install two bolts (1), bearing cap (2) , and two shim 1050 ± 150 N'm (775 ± 110 Ib ft) .
packs (A and 8).
7. The assembly should move freely on tl1 e trunn ion.
6. Install two nuts (3) on two bolts (1) . The specified minimum tolerance is 0.25 mm
(0 .010 inch) .
7. Tig hten two nuts (3) to a torque of 1050 ± 150 N'm
(775 ± 110 Ib ft) . Note: Removal of one or more sh ims after a short
period of time may be necessary. Wear can be
8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 on the right side of the caused by normal variations of the surface or
machine. variations in the thickness of the paint.
IlIustration 243
900292740 Winch Fairlead Rollers -
Typical exam ple Lubricate
1. Remove ali of the shims from push arm assembly SMCS Code: 51 63-086
(1 ).
If equipped:
2. Install assembly (1) and cap (2) on trunnion
assembly (3) without shims.
Maintain equal distance on both space (A) and
space (8) of cap (2). Observe spaces (A) and
(8) in order to determine the required number of
SEBU8146-06 157
Maintenance Section
Winch Oil Levei - Check
Hot oil and components can cause personal in-
IlIustration 244
g01076211 Do not allow hot oil or components to contact
Lubricate the five fittings. Use MPGM Grease.
If equipped:
• PA90V5
9. Run the engine at low idle. Maintain the oil levei Table 19
so Ihat the oil levei is visible at the bottom of the
Wire Rape
opening for the oil levei plug .
Wire Rape Recammended Halding Capacity
10. Install the oil check plug . Diameter Ferrule
25 mm (1 inch) J-8 91 m (300 ft)
i02659765 29 mm J-9 84 m (276 ft)
(1 .13 inch)
Winch Wire Rope - Install
32 mm J-10 59 m (193 ft)
(If Equipped) (1 .25 inch)
Do not operate or work on this equipment unless
you have read and understand the instructions
and warnings in the Operation and Maintenance
Manual. Failure to follow the instructions or heed
the warnings could result in injury or death. Con-
tact any Caterpillar dealer for replacement manu-
ais. Proper care is your responsibility.
Personal injury or death can result from worn wire
rope cable.
a cable ferrule . The ferrule is placed into a socket
on the drum.
Windows - Clean
SMCS Code: 7310-070; 7340-070
IIlustration 248
If equipped:
~!.'" Windshield Washer - Washer fluid bottle
\::!::!J (3) is on the left side of the machine in a Use commercially available window cleaning
solutions to clean the windows.
compartment between battery box (1) and
fuel tank (2). Open the access cover. Remove the
fluid bottle cap in order to fill the washer fluid bottle. To clean the outside of the rear window from the
inside of the cab, remove the sliding section of the
rear window. Use the following procedure in order to
remove the sliding section of the rear window.
Window Wipers -
(If Equipped)
SMCS Code: 7305-040; 7305-510 4
2 Rear window
4. Tilt the top of the window toward the inside of the
cabo Remove the window.
g01 143314
lIIustration 249
5. Stay inside the cab in order to clean the outside
of the rear window.
2. Open up small window (2).
160 SEBU8146-06
Maintenance Section
Windows - Clean
SEBU8146-06 161
Reference Information Section
Reference Materiais
• Service Magazine, SEBD1587, 28 October 1985, ASTM 02896, "TBN Measurements" This can
"What ROPS/FOPS Certification Means" normally be obtained from your local technological
society, from your local li bra ry, or from your local
• Special Instruction , SEHS6929, "Inspection, college.
Maintenance and Repair of Rollover Protective
Structures (ROPS) and Attachment Installation SAE J313, "Diesel Fuels" This can be found in the
Guidelines" SAE handbook. Also, this publication can be obtained
from your local technological society, from your local
• Special Instruction, SEHS7392 , "Storage of Diesel library, or from your local college.
SAE J754, "Nomenclature" This can normally be
• Special Instruction , SEHS7633, "Battery Test found in the SAE handbook.
SAE J183, "Classification" This can normally be
• Special Instruction, SEHS7768, "6V-2150 found in the SAE handbook.
Starting/Charging Analyzer Group"
Engine Manufacturers Association , " Engine Fluids
• Special Instruction, SEHS9031 , "Storage Data Book"
Procedure for Caterpillar Products"
Engine Manufacturers Association
• Speciallnstruction , REHS1110, "Installation and Two North LaSalle Street, Suite 2200
Removal of SystemOne Track" Chicago, Illinois, USA 60602
E-mail: ema@enginemanufacturers.org
• Special Instruction, REHS2403, "Installation and (312) 827-8700
Removal of SystemOne Track with the Multi-Pitch Facsimile: (312) 827-8737
SystemOne Track Press Tool"
Undercarriage Overview"
Decommissioning and
SMCS Code : 1000; 7000
SEBU8146-06 163
Index Section
• Index
A Cooling System Water Temperature Regulator -
Replace ............................................................... 116
Additional Messages ............................................. 13 Crushing Prevention and Cutting Prevention ........ 17
Adjustments ........................................ ... ................ 83 Cutting Edges and End Bits - InspectlReplace .... . 117
Alternate Exit .... ... .................. ... .... ...... ................... 44
Angle Blade Manual Tilt Brace - Lubricate .... .... .. 104
B Daily Inspection ..................................................... 42
Declaration of Conformity ...................................... 40
Backup Alarm ..................... ................................... 61 Decommissioning and Disposal .......................... 162
Backup Alarm - Test ............................................ 104
Battery - Inspect .................................................. 104
Battery Disconnect Switch ..................................... 60 E
Checking the Battery Disconnect System .......... 61
Before Operation ............................................. 23, 42 Electrical Storm Injury Prevention ......................... 22
Before Starting Engine .......................................... 22 Emissions Certification Film .................................. 41
Belts - InspectlAdjustlReplace .... ......................... 104 Engine Air Filter Primary Element - Cleanl
AdjustlReplace ................................................. 105 Replace ........................................... ................ .... 118
Inspect ................ ...... ........ ....... ............. ........... 104 Engine Air Filter Secondary Element - Replace ... 119
Brakes, Indicators and Gauges - Test ................. 106 Engine Air Precleaner - Clean ............................. 120
Braking System (Test) ...................................... 107 Engine and Machine Warm-Up ............................. 76
CMS Functional Test.. ...................................... 106 Idling .................................................................. 76
Bulldozer - Lubricate (Variable Pitch Angle Tilt Engine Crankcase Breather - Clean ................... . 120
• Blade) .. ...... ... ...... .. .. ........ ...... .. .... ........ ..... .......... 108
Bulldozer Blade Pitch ............................................ 83
Burn Prevention .................................. .... ............... 18
Batteries ............................................................. 18
Coolant. ................ ................ .. ........ .... .. .. ....... ... .. 18
Oils .......................... .............. ...... ....................... 18
Engine Oil and Filter - Change ............................ 122
Procedure for Changing the Engine Oil and
Filter ............................... ................................ 124
Selection of the Oil Change I nterval ................ 122
Engine Oil Level- Check ..................................... 121
Engine Oil Sample - Obtain ................................. 121
Engine Starting ............................ .. ......... ......... 22, 75
Ether Starting Aid ............................................... 75
c Subsequent Engine Starting Procedures ........... 76
Engine Starting (Alternate Methods) ..................... 94
Cab Filter (Fresh Air) - Clean/lnspectlReplace (If Engine Starting with Jump Start Cables ................ 94
Equipped) ... ........... ... ........ .... .. ... .. ......... .. .. ......... 109 Use of Jump Start Cables .................................. 94
Cab Filter (Recirculation) - Clean/lnspectlReplace (If Engine Valve Lash - ChecklAdjust ...................... 126
Equipped) .. ............ .. ............... .... ........ ... ... ......... 109 Equalizer Bar Center Pin - Lubricate ............ ....... 126
Camera .................................................................. 73 Equalizer Bar End Pins Oil Levei - Check .. .... ..... 126
Video Camera (If Equipped) .... .......................... 73 Equipment Lowering with Engine Stopped ...... 26, 85
Camera - Clean/Adjust.. ....................................... 110 Bleed Down the Accumulator .. .. ......................... 85
Adjust the Area of Visibility ............................... 110 Bleed Down the Pilot Oil System Mechanically .. 85
Clean Camera Lens .......................................... 110 Ether Starting Aid Cylinder - Replace .................. 127
Work Area Vision System (If Equipped) ............ 110
Capacities (Refill) ................................................ 100
Ecology Drains ...... ......... .. ..... ....... ..... ... ... ......... 100 F
Cooling System Coolant Levei - Check ................ 111
Cooling System Coolant Sam pie (Levei 1) - Final Drive Oil - Change ...................................... 128
Obtain ............. ...................................... .............. 112 Final Drive Oil Levei - Check ............................... 128
Levei 1 Analysis ................................................ 112 Final Drive Oil Sample - Obtain ........................... 129
Cooling System Coolant Sam pie (Levei 2) - Fire Extinguisher Location ..................................... 21
Obtain .................. ...... ........... ... ........................... 113 Fire Prevention and Explosion Prevention ............ 18
Levei 2 Analysis ................................................ 113 Battery and Battery Cables ................................ 19
Cooling System Extended Life Coolant - Ether .................................................................. 21
Change ............................................................... 114 Fire Extinguisher ... .. .... .......... ........ ................... .. 21
Cooling System Extended Life Coolant Extender - General .............................................................. 18
Add ..................................................................... 115 Lines, Tubes and Hoses ...... .. ............................ 20
Extended Life Coolant (ELC) Extender ............. 115 Wiring ................................................................. 20
164 SEBU8146-06
Index Section
• Operation .... ....... ....... .. .. .... ...... .... ...... ......... .... ........
Operation Information ... ...... ...................................
Changing Direction and Speed .......... .... ....... .....
Operating The Machine ................. .... ........ ....... .
Operation Section. ....... .. .. ... .. ...... .. ..... ... ... ... ...... .....
Operator Controls .................. ............ ........... ........ .
Ripper Tip and Shank Protector - Inspectl
Replace .... ..... ...... ........ ................. .......... ...... ...... 145
Rollover Protective Structure (ROPS) and Falling
Object Protective Structure (FOPS) - Inspect.. .. 146
Transmission Control (4) .................................... 51 "EU Directives" .. ................... ........ .................... 26
Winch Control (21) ............................................. 58 Sources ................................................ ... ........ .. . 28
Window Wiper/Washer Switches (13) ................ 55 "The European Union Physical Agents (Vibration)
Windows ..... ......... ..... .. ..... ....... ...... ... .. ....... ... ...... 60 Directive 2002/44/EC" ...................................... 26
Operator Station .. .. ... ..... ...... ....... ................. .......... 28 Specifications .......................................... .............. 30
Intended Use .. ... ................................... ..... ......... 33
Stopping the Engine .............................................. 84
p Idling the Engine for Extended Periods ............ . 84
Stopping the Engine if an Electrical Malfunction
Parking ........... ................................................. 24 , 84 Occurs ... ....... .. ........ ...... .......... ............. ............... . 85
Pivot Shaft Oil Levei - Check ............................... 142 Stopping the Machine .................... ........................ 84
Plate Locations and Film Locations ....................... 34
Certification ... ................................... ........... ... .... 35
ISO Symbols (Model Usage) .. .......... .. ............... 36 T
Product Information Section .................................. 30
Product Unk (If Equipped) ..................................... 69 Table of Contents ..................................................... 3
Data Broadcasts ...... ..................... ..................... 69 Torque Converter Scavenge Screen - Clean ...... . 147
Operation in a Blast Site .................................... 69 Towing Information ...................... .......................... 89
Regulatory Compliance ...................................... 70 Towing the Machine ............................................... 89
Brake Engagement .... .......... .............................. 93
Brake Release .............................. ..................... 93
R Connection for the Pump ............ .. ...... .. ............. 92
Connection of Brake Release Pump .... .............. 90
Radiator Core - Clean .......................................... 143 Relief Valve Setting ............................................ 91
Radiator Pressure Cap - Clean/Replace ............ . 143 Running Engine ........................... ...................... 90
Recoil Spring Compartment Oil Level- Check .... 144 Stopped Engine or Drive Une Defect... .............. 90
Reference Information Section ...... .................. .... 161 Track - ChecklAdjust ........................................... 148
Reference Material ..................... .. .. ....... .... ...... .... 161 Bolt Torque for Track Shoes ............................ 149
Additional Reference Material. .. ... .. ................ .. 161 Loose Track Adjustment ...................... .. .......... 148
Reference Materiais .. ........ ........ .. .......... .... .... ...... 161 Tight Track Adjustment .................................... 149
Refrigerant Dryer - Replace (If Equipped) ........... 144 Track Information .......... ... .................................... .. 22
Restricted Visibility ............ .............. ...................... 23 Track Pins - Inspect.. ........................................... 149
Ripper Unkage and Cylinder Bearings - Track Roller Frame Guides - Inspect... ................ 150
Lubricate ............................................................ 145 Tracks .......................................... ..... ... .. ................ 83
166 SEBU8146-06
Index Section
Visibility Information ........... .................................... 23
Weld in g on Machines and Engines with Electronic
Controls ......... ..... ........................................... .... 101
Winch Fairlead Rollers - Lubricate ...................... 156
Winch Oil and Breather - Change/Clean (If
Equipped) .......................................................... 157
Winch Oil Levei - Check ...................................... 157
PA90VS ....................................................... ..... 157
Winch Wire Rope - Install (If Equipped) .............. 158
Window Washer Reservoir - Fill .... .. .................... 158
Window Wipers - InspectlReplace (If Equipped) .. 159
Windows - Clean ................................................. 159
Product and Dealer Information
Note: For product identification plate locations, see the section "Product Identification Information" in the Operation
and Maintenance Manual.
Delivery Date: _ _ _ _ _ __ __
Product Information
Model: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Attachment Information : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _
Dealer Information
Name: Branch : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
©2009 Caterpillar Cat, Caterpillar, their respective logos, "Caterpillar Yellow" and the Power edge Printed in U.S.A.
Ali Rights Reserved trade dress, as well as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks
of Caterpillar and may not be used without permission.