Chapter-3-Large-Scale Path Loss
Chapter-3-Large-Scale Path Loss
Chapter-3-Large-Scale Path Loss
Where Pt: transmitted power; Pr: received power; Gt, Gr: antenna
gains; L: system loss factor; : wavelength in meters
Pt G t G r 2 1 0 2 1 (0.33) 2
Pr ( d ) 1 0 l o g 1 0 l o g
( 4d ) ( 4 ) (5 0 0 0 )
2 2 2
Pr ( d 5 0 0 0 m ) 9 2 . 6 d B W 6 2 . 6 d B m
Pt G t G r 2 0.5 2 1 (0.33) 2
Pr ( d ) 1 0 l o g 1 0 l o g
( 4d ) ( 4 ) (1 0 0 0 0 )
2 2 2
Pr ( d 1 0 0 0 0 m ) 111. 6 d B W 81.6 d B m
Power and Electric Field …
Received power at distance d is given by
2 2
Pr (d ) Pd Ae Pd r Ae Pt Gt Gr
4 4d
Propagation Mechanisms
In wireless com., multiple signals arrive at the receiver, but
with less power than indicated by the Friis equation
The received power varies strongly (5-25 dB) even for small
changes in antenna position, center frequency, and time
Reflection Coefficients
E r 2 s in t 1 s in i
(E-field in plane of incident)
Ei 2 s in t 1 s in i
E r 2 s in i 1 s in t
(E-field normal to plane of incident)
Ei 2 s in i 1 s in t
Wireless Communications - Ch. 3 – Large-Scale Path 28
Reflection from Dielectrics …
Snell’s Law: μ 1ε 1 sin(90 θ i ) μ 2 ε 2 sin(90 θ t )
s in θ i ε r cos 2θ i
s in θ i ε r cos 2θ i
Brewster Angle
Thus we have
i = r
Ei = Er (E field in plane of incident)
Ei = - Er (E field normal to plane of incident)
= 1 and = -1 regardless of incident angle
Base Station
Ground Reflection Model …
How the MS receives signal from the BS?
Reasonably accurate model for
Height > 50 m (i.e., tall towers)
BS and MS are separated by certain distance (several kilometers)
d"d' (h h ) 2 d 2 (h h )2 d 2 2ht hr
t r t r
Approximation results
from Taylors series and
valid when d >> ht +hr
d >> ht and hr ==> i = 0 = 0
Perfect ground reflector so that = -1 and Et = 0 (valid for i small)
The reflected path travels longer than the direct path
Ground Reflection Model …
From the power formula
The received power falls-off with distance raised to the 4th power or
At a rate of 40 dB per decade
This is much more rapid path loss than in free space
Good news: d increases => interference decrease, however the
LOS cease to be dominant
The received power is independent of frequency
Heights ht and hr can be used to control the received power
as the gains are usually fixed
The path loss expressed in dB is
PL(dB) 40log d (10logGt 10logGr 20log ht 20log hr )
- - -
8sin i
where i is, again, the angle of incidence
Reflected Signal
Direct Signal
Signal hr
We will see
Log-distance path loss
Log-normal shadowing
PL(dB) PL(d0 ) 10nlog
Where: n is the path-loss exponent
d0 is the close-in reference distance
The bars indicate the ensemble average
On a log-log scale, the path-loss is a straight line with slop
10n dB/decade
Pr (d)
Pr[Pr (d) ] Q
To find the noise power PN, we need to know the characteristics of the
Link Budget – Design Variables
Link Budget - Design
Link budget for received power is
Points to consider
1. All in either in dBW or dBm, otherwise we will have a 30 dB error!
2. If using EIRP transmit power, it includes Pt(dBW) and Gt(dB), so don’t
double count Gt by also including it in the dB Gains sum
3. The dB noise figure F (dB) is either included in PN(dBW) or in the dB losses,
not both!
Link Budget - Design
Procedure …
4. Gains are typically only the antenna gains, compared to isotropic
5. There are also coding, a.k.a. processing, gains, achieved by using
channel coding to reduce the errors caused by the channels. DS-SS
CDMA is a type of modulation which has a processing gain. These
might be subtracted from the required S/N ratio, or added to the gains.
Do one, but not both
6. Losses include large scale path loss, or reflection losses (and
diffraction, scattering, or shadowing losses, if you know these
specifically), losses due to imperfect matching in the transmitter or
receiver antenna, any known small scale fading loss or “margin” (what
an engineer decides needs to be included in case the fading is
especially bad), etc.
7. Sometimes the receiver sensitivity is given (for example on a RFIC spec
sheet). This is the PN(dB) plus the required S/N(dB)
Link Budget - Thermal noise
Thermal noise power, PN, is given as
PN = FkT0B
◦ k is Boltzmann’s constant equals 1.38×10−23J/K
◦ T0 is the ambient temperature, typically taken to be 290-300 K (If not given, use
294 K)
◦ B is the bandwidth, in Hz
◦ F is the (unitless) noise figure, which quantifies the gain to the noise produced in
the receiver (F 1)
In dB terms:
PN (dB) F (dB) k (dB) T0 (dB) B(dB)
F is also given in terms of “equivalent temperature” Te
F 1
Link Budget – GSM Uplink
Consider the uplink of a GSM system with 11dB S/N requirement
Assume that
◦ A maximum mobile transmit power of 1.0 W (30 dBm)
◦ 0 dB antenna gain at the mobile, and 12 dB gain at the BS
◦ Path loss given by the urban area Hata model
◦ fc = 850 MHz
◦ BS antenna height of 30 meters
◦ Mobile height of 1 meter
◦ F = 3 dB and that the system is noise-limited
Link Budget – Solution
Radio channels are random and difficult to analyze
Interference, path loss, shadowing, reflection, diffraction
Analytical and empirical models exist to predict signal
strength or loss in a wireless medium
In cellular system, if a mobile has a clear LOS path to the
BS, then diffraction and scattering will not dominate the
If a mobile is at a street level without LOS, then diffraction
and scattering will probably dominate the propagation
Path-loss estimation also requires terrain profile of a
particular area
Reading assignment: Link budget design!
Wireless Communications - Ch. 3 – Large-Scale Path