Advantages of Contour Crafting in Construction Applications: Recent Patents On Engineering February 2020
Advantages of Contour Crafting in Construction Applications: Recent Patents On Engineering February 2020
Advantages of Contour Crafting in Construction Applications: Recent Patents On Engineering February 2020
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1 author:
Amin K Akhnoukh
East Carolina University
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Amin K. Akhnoukh
Associate Professor, Construction Management Department, East Carolina university,
Greenville, North Carolina, USA
Contour crafting application has been widely used in different industrial, pharmaceutical, medical,
and aviation application for more than three decades. Recently, mega-sized 3-D printers were
developed, with sufficient capability to print full scale construction projects, including walls,
homes, bridges, and multi-story buildings. Successful 3-D printing of projects is accomplished by
additive manufacturing (AM) process through the placement of successive layers of construction
materials using robotic arms (3-D printers). This layered construction, known as contour crafting,
is controlled by computer modelling software. This paper presents the history of contour crafting
development, its current application in construction, the advantages of contour crafting
applications in construction, and the main impediments to the wide spread of contour crafting in
the local construction market. In addition, this paper highlights the current research efforts made
to integrate building information modeling (BIM) in contour crafting construction. Based on the
recent research findings, contour crafting application in construction improves job site productivity
and project sustainability as a result of reduced material waste in construction sites. Finally, the
automated construction through the application of contour crafting technique results in improved
job site safety and increased overall quality of construction projects due to the increased
automation in construction.
Keywords: Additive Manufacturing, 3-D Printing, Contour Crafting, Mega Printers, B-Huts
1. Introduction and Literature Review
The 3-D printing technology has been widely used in different industrial, medical, and aviation
applications for more than three decades. The 3-D printing technology depends on the
fabrication of scale model using three-dimensional computer aided design software. This
manufacturing concept is known as rapid prototyping; and is widely used by research and
development (R&D) divisions of large companies and manufacturing facilities. The global 3-D
printing materials market share was $165 million in 2013, and it is expected to grow to $410
million by the end of 2018. Recently, large 3-D printers were developed with sufficient
capabilities of printing full-size construction projects, including residential, commercial, and
heavy construction projects in local and international construction markets. Currently, 3-D
printing technology utilize additive manufacturing technique in different applications. Additive
manufacturing technique depends on the consecutive placement of printed material layers using
robotic arms (3-D printers), according to a predesigned three-dimensional computer model. To-
date, successful 3-D printing of construction projects utilizes additive manufacturing technique
through the placement of successive layers of optimized concrete mixes using mega-size
printers, with sufficient footprint to cover the construction project floor plan.
The automated construction process provided by the additive manufacturing 3-D printing
technique is advantageous in different construction projects, including the following:
1. Construction projects with similar and repetitive units, where minimal computer
modelling is required,
2. Construction projects in remote locations, where skilled construction crews may not
be available,
3. Army construction in battle ground, where labor safety represents a major concern,
4. Construction of space habitat for astronauts,
Initial attempts to produce large scale models of 3-D printed objects started in early 1980s when
the initial 3-D printing technology, known as stereolithography or SLA, was invented.
Stereolithography technique uses laser beams to solidify liquid substance placed in sequential
layers to create a predesigned 3-D object. The SLA technique successful use in 3-D printing is
highly dependent on the efficiency of the laser beam in curing the liquid substance. SLA is well-
known as a successful and cost-effective 3-D printing technique. The SLA technique was
successfully used in producing different small-sized components used in the construction
industry as decorative shapes, plumbing shapes, and ceramic three-dimensional parts [12]. Upon
the successful implementation of SLA technique in 3-D printing applications, a different type
of 3-D printing technology evolved; and referred to as fused deposition modelling (FDM). The
FDM technique depends on printing materials as polymers through a printing head that moves
in two directions (horizontally). The printed material is deposited to print the first layer of the
CAD model and is kept intact by a supporting material. Upon completion of the first layer, the
base on which the printed model rests, moves downwards to allow for the printing of the second
layer through the moving printing head. Once printing process is finished, the support material
is removed. The FDM technique is shown in Figure 1
Another type of 3-D printing process is referred to as inkjet powder printing process. The inkjet
powder printing technique depends on printing a powdered metal in one layer followed by a layer
of sprayed binder, which is heated and dried by a lamp. When all layers are printed, the final
product is cured in an oven [14]. In the 1990s, a different 3-D printing technique, known as
selective laser sintering or SLS was introduced by researchers at the University of Texas. The SLS
techniques depends on turning loose powder into a solid model, instead of liquid shaping process
utilized by stereolithography. Currently, a new 3-D printing technique, known as contour crafting
or CC, is developed and introduced to construction industry to be used in rapid construction of
projects that are modelled using 3-D computer modelling software or introduced to the computer
via 3-D scanning technique. The implementation of contour crafting, presents a revolutionary,
expedited, and highly accurate construction technique. Contour crafting technology is presented
in detail in the following sections.
3. Contour Crafting 3-D Printing Applications in the Construction Industry
The implementation of contour crafting method in construction has been exponentially increasing
during the last decade. Modern construction applications utilize contour crafting techniques to
exploit its advantages of successful placement of construction materials on a layered sequence,
with high accuracy and smooth finished surface [15]. Researchers at the University of
Loughborough conducted a detailed investigation to study and optimize the mix design and
properties of fresh high-performance concrete (HPC) being printed using contour crafting
technique. The same research team conducted a relevant research that investigated the hardened
properties of high-performance printing concrete. Finally, a significant change in construction
using contour crafting technique was accomplished when a group of small robots where
synchronized and used to 3-D print the same structure, while applying the same extrusion
technique. The use of multiple robots (3-D printers) simultaneously increased the efficiency of 3-
D printing; and resulted in expedited execution and increased project sustainability. Currently,
contour crafting is successfully used in different construction projects including residential,
commercial, and heavy construction application. The following provides a list of recent successful
projects constructed using contour crafting technique:
This residential construction project was built by Chinese company HuaShang Tengda using
contour crafting technique. The project duration was reduced to 45 days, as compared to an
estimated duration of 7 months, should conventional construction techniques were followed. In
this residential project, the construction company followed a non-traditional contour crafting
sequence. First, the company erected formwork with reinforcing bars, utility ducts, and required
plumbing pipes. The concrete skeleton was printed afterwards using gigantic 3-D printer. The
construction company used 20 tons of concrete in printing the house, which is designed to
withstand an earthquake as strong as 8 on Richter scale. The construction project is shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Two storyhouse built by Chinese contractor using contour crafting
The US Army Corps of Engineers launched a research program to investigate the possibility of
using contour crafting technology in rapid construction of army facilities. The three-year program,
called Automated Construction of Expeditionary Structures (ACES), successfully used contour
crafting technology in printing complete barracks, also known as B-Hut, using a patented concrete
mix, to be used as dormitories for army personnel in battle grounds. The full-scale B-Hut, shown
in Figure 3, was printed in less than 24 hours
The San Francisco based start-up company Apis Cor reported its success in launching a mobile
unit that could print an entire house in record timing. The company used its mobile unit in an
experimental construction project in Russia, where it successfully printed a house in less than 24-
hours. The Russian house, shown in Figure 4, is one of multiple projects built by the San Francisco-
based company. Currently, Apis Cor is trying to utilize the 3-D printing technology to construct
astronauts space habitats for NASA applications
In year 2018, the Dutch engineers announced the successful construction of the first 3-D printed
bridge in the world. The constructed bridge used steel as a construction material. Different
companies in the United States, United Kingdom, China, and Israel announced that they are
developing mega-sized robotic arms (3-D printers) to be used in the construction of multi-story
buildings. In a recent announcement, the government of Dubai, UAE, announced that 25% of the
emirate’s new building in year 2025 are expected to be 3-D printed using contour crafting
technology. This target was set to achieve a 70% labor saving, and 90% cost saving, given the
successful implementation of 3-D printing in Dubai. Contour crafting technique has the potential
to solve the looming global housing crises due to the tendency of new generations to live in big
cities. According to the United Nations, the world will have more than 40 megacities, with more
than 10 million inhabitants, by year 2030. The increased application of 3-D contour crafting (3-D
printing) in construction project may present a potential solution for any future housing crisis.
The active space programs of the United States, Russia, Japan, and European Union depend on
sending space shuttle to perform scientific tasks in space. Given the current missions at the
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), it is planned to have multiple missions
to the moon and mars during the next decade. Space habitats are to be built for astronauts for their
accommodation during their spatial mission. Due to the lack of labor and scarcity of resources to
be used in construction materials, NASA launched multiple research programs to investigate the
possibility of using large robotic arms in constructing space habitats. The NASA program, known
as additive construction through mobile emplacement (ACME), is currently researching the
possibility of using Martian and Lunar regolith to substitute the aggregates placed in a concrete
To-date, researchers at NASA were able to develop highly flowable concrete mixes using type III
cement and lunar regolith. Minimal water content is used in the mix to account for water scarcity
in space [16]. A list of materials used in ACME project is shown in Table 1.
Table 1: Materials used in ACME project for 3-D printing of space habitats
Material Property
Portland Cement – Type I/II Strength requirement meet
Type I and composition meet
requirement of type II as
specified in ASTM C 150 [17]
Multi Wall Carbon Nano Tubes It comprises particles of
diameter upto 30 nm. Very
large specific surface and high-
water absorption
Stucco Containing 25% of its weight
Lunar Simulant With different particle size
composition, as shown in the
following section
Martian Simulant With different particle size
composition, as shown in the
following section
Despite of its advantages and the ability of constructing space habitats using minimal human and
material resources, major impediments to the widespread of this technology are affecting its
market share. These impediments include
1. Lack of gravitational forces in space: which result in the possibility of material segregation
and/or inefficient contact between the different layers printed by the robotic arm
2. Temperature: the lower temperature degrees result in a delayed setting for the printed
concrete due to the extreme delay in cement hydration process.
3. Low pressure in space: which necessitates the pressurizing of constructed habitats. The
pressure variations between the inside and outside of habitats will result in suction forces
that affects the integrity of the structure
The contour crafting, as a successful 3-D printing technique, has displayed significant advantages
upon its implementation in the construction industry. Recent studies include the following
advantages for concrete crafting techniques:
The contour crafting technologies used in 3-D printing of structures currently face different
challenges that limits its market share in the construction industry within the United States and
global market. The main impediments to the widespread of the contour crafting 3-D printing
techniques include the following:
1. Space and construction site limitation: as 3-D printing using contour crafting technique is
dependent on stable and levelled project site for placement of concrete layers, without any
failure in poured surface.
2. Effect of adverse weather conditions on 3-D printing process: which may result in
retardation of concrete setting of placed layers. Adverse weather, as high-speed wind, may
result in 3-D printer sway during its printing path, which may result in lowered quality of
printed structure
3. Concrete mix design challenges: present a major impediment to the widespread of 3-D
printing in different construction projects. First, concrete mixes to be poured using 3-D
printing contour crafting are required to have sufficient flowing ability to be extruded
through the robotic arm (3-D printer). However, the concrete mixes are required to attain
sufficient viscosity to stay in-place once extruded to form the predesigned structure. In
addition, 3-D printed concrete should have early initial setting to be able to withstand the
next layers to be poured.
4. Potential problems due to lack of formwork: when openings or cantilevered parts of the
structure is poured.
6. Discussion
Contour crafting technique is successfully used in 3-D printing of structures through the 3-
dimensional modeling of the structure using computer modelling software and robotic arms,
known as 3-D printers, for construction material placement. Construction companies in the United
States, China, and European Union have implemented this technology in constructing residential,
industrial, and heavy construction projects. Contour crafting technique is advantageous in
expedited construction projects built in remote sites where skilled labor crews availability is
questionable. Examples of successful contour crafting projects include the construction of army
personnel in battle grounds, construction of space habitats for astronauts, construction of
emergency shelters for the evacuees of hurricanes and tsunami affected areas, in addition to other
conventional construction applications. The main advantages of incorporating 3-D technology in
construction include labor and material savings, improved construction quality, increased site
safety, and reduced construction time and cost. Additional research is required to face the current
challenges that face 3-D printing technology implementation in construction industry as 3-D
printing material properties adjustment for printing process, adverse weather conditions, and
problems related to site conditions. Current studies show that the market share of 3-D printing in
construction will exponentially increase within the next decade given the population growth and
the increase in mega cities construction.
The 3-D printing of concrete is highly dependent on mix properties. Mix flowing ability is a corner
stone to the success of construction projects using 3-D printing. Additional research is required to
investigate the effect of steel fibers used in ultra-high-performance concrete on the mix flowing
ability and on the bond between consecutive printed layers. In addition, the effect of high water-
content on mix designs on the alkali-silica reactivity (ASR) should be investigated. The possibility
of mitigating ASR using high percentage of pozzolanic binders should be considered. In recent
projects, pozzolanic binders were successfully used in halting ASR in regular concrete mix design
[19]. Finally, improved overall site safety when 3-D printing technique is used should be
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