System Programming Notes
System Programming Notes
System Programming Notes
1. Assemble
2. Loader
3. Compiler
4. Macros
5. Formal System
Assembler: -
A compiler is a computer program (or a set of programs) that transforms source
code written in a programming language (the source language) into another
computer language (the target language), with the latter often having a binary
form known as object code.
Formal System:-
General Machine Structure
All the conventional modern computers are based upon the concept of stored program
computer, the model that was proposed by John von Neumann.
Assembly Language
An assembler is a program that takes computer instruction and converts them into
a pattern of bits that the computer processor can use to perform its basic operation.
The assembler is responsible for translating the assembly language program into
machine code. When the source program language is essentially a symbolic
representation for a numerical machine language, the translator is called assembler
and the source language is called an assembly language.
Reduced errors
Faster translation times
Changes could be made easier and faster.
Addresses are symbolic, not absolute \
Easy to remember
1. Generate instruction
a. Evaluate the mnemonics in the operation field to produce the machine
b. Evaluate the subfield-fine the value of each symbol. Process literals and
assign addresses.
2. Process pseudo ops
a. Pass 1 (Define symbol and literals)
i. Determine length of machine instruction ( MOTGET)
ii. Keep track of location counter (LC)
iii. Remember value of symbol until pass 2 (STSTO)
iv. Process some pseudo ops(POTGET1)
v. Remember literal (LITSTO)
b. Pass 2 (Generate object Program)
i. Look up value of symbol (STGET)
ii. Generate instruction (MOTGET2)
iii. Generate data (for DS, DC and Literal)
iv. Process pseudo ops (POTGET2)
Design data structure for assembler design in Pass-1 and Pass-2 with flow chart
Pass -1
Fig machine op table for pass-1 and pass-2 the op code is the key and its value is
the binary op-code equivalent which is stored for use in generating machine op-
code. The instruction length is stored for use in updating the location counter, the
instruction format for use in forming the machine language equivalent.
The table will actually contain the physical address. Fig POT for pass-1, each
pseudo-op is listed with and associated pointer to the assembler routine for
processing the pseudo-op.
The relative location indicator tells the assembler whether the value of the
symbol is absolute or relative base of the program.
Base table is used by the assembler to generate the proper base register references
in machine instruction and to compute the correct offsets, when generating an
address, the assembler referencing the base register table to chose a base register
that will contains a value close to the symbolic references. The address is the
information using that base register.
Difference Between
Multiprocessing Multiprogramming
1 Multiprogramming keeps
Multiprocessing refers to
several programs in main
processing of multiple processes
memory at the same time and
at same time by multiple CPUs.
execute them concurrently
utilizing single CPU.
2 It utilizes multiple CPUs. It utilizes single CPU.
3 It permits parallel processing. Context switching takes place.
4 Less time taken to process the More Time taken to process the
jobs. jobs.
5 It facilitates much efficient
Less efficient than
utilization of devices of the
computer system.
6 Such systems are less
Usually more expensive.
Open Subroutine Closed Subroutine
1 Close subroutine can be
Open subroutine is one
stored outside the main
whose code inserted into
routine and control transfer
the main program
to the subroutine
2 If some open subroutine
where called four times. It Close subroutine perform
would appear in four transfer of control and
different placed in the transfer of data
calling program
3 Arguments are passed in
the registers that are given Arguments may be placed
as arguments to the in registers or on the stack
4 A subroutine also allows
Open Subroutines are very
you to debug code once and
efficient with no wasted
then ensure that all future
instantiations of the code
will be correct
5 Any register that the
Open Subroutines are very
subroutine uses must first be
flexible and can be as
saved and then restored
general as the program
after the subroutine
wishes to make them
completes execution
Pure Procedure Impure Procedure
1 Procedures that modify
A pure procedure does not
themselves are called
modify itself.
impure procedures.
2 Other program finds them
It can be shared by multiple difficult to read and
processors moreover they cannot shard
by multiple processors.
3 Pure procedures are readily Impute procedures are not
reusable. readily reusable.
4 To ensure that the
Each processor executing an
instructions are the same
impure procedure modifies
each time a program is used.
its contents.
5 Writing such procedure is a Writing such procedure is a
good programming practice poor programming practice
Operating System is designed both by taking user view and system view into
1. The goal of the Operating System is to maximize the work and minimize the effort
of the user.
2. Most of the systems are designed to be operated by single user, however in some
systems multiple users can share resources, memory. In these cases Operating
System is designed to handle available resources among multiple users and CPU
3. Operating System must be designed by taking both usability and efficient resource
utilization into view.
4. In embedded systems (Automated systems) user view is not present.
5. Operating System gives an effect to the user as if the processor is dealing only with
the current task, but in background processor is dealing with several processes.
System View
1. From the system point of view Operating System is a program involved with the
2. Operating System is allocator, which allocate memory, resources among various
processes. It controls the sharing of resources among programs.
3. It prevents improper usage, error and handles deadlock conditions.
4. It is a program that runs all the time in the system in the form of Kernel.
5. It controls application programs that are not part of Kernel.
USING is a pseudo code the indicates to the assembler which general purpose
register to use as a base and what its contents will be. As we do not have any specific
general register acting as the base register, so it becomes necessary to inform
indicate a base register for the program. Because the address are relative so by the
knowledge of base and offset the program can be easily be located and executed.
BALR is machine opcode that load a register with the next address and branch
to the address in the second field. Since second operand is 0 so the control will go
to the next instruction.
START is a pseudo opcode that tell the assembler where the beginning of the
program is and allows the user to give a name to the program.
END is a pseudo code that tells the assembler that the last card of the program
has been reached.
BR 14, the last machine opcode is used to branch to the location whose address
is in general purpose register 14. By convention, calling programs leave their return
address in register 14.
The same program is repeated by using literals, that are mechanisms where by the
assembler creates data areas for the programmer, containing constants he requests.
=F'10', =F'49', =F'4' are the literal which would be result in the creation of a data area
containing 10, 49 and 4 and replacement of the literal operand with the address of the data
it describes. L 3, =F'10' is translated by the assembler to point to a full word that contains
a 10. Generally the assembler keeps track of the literal with the help of a literal table. This
table will contain all the constants that have been requested through the use of literal. A
pseudo opcode LTORG place the literal at an earlier location. This is required because, the
program may be using 10000 data and it become difficult for the offset of the load
instruction to reach the literal at the end of the program.
The 360 may store several different types of data as is depicted in the figure. The groups
of bits stored in memory are interpreted by 360 processor in several ways. The list of
different interpretation are shown in the figure are as follow.
Instruction Format
The instructions in 360 can be arithmetic, logical, control or transfer and special
interrupt instructions. The format of 360 instructions is as in figure above.
There are five types of instructions that differ in the type of operands they use.
Register operand refers to the data stored in the 16 general purpose registers (32 bits
each). Registers being high-speed circuits provide faster access to data than the data in the
E.g. Add register 3, 4 causes the contents of the contents of the register 4 to be added to
that of register 3 and stored back in the register 3. The instruction is represented as given
in the diagram. The is called as RR format. A total of two bytes are required to represent
the RR instruction 8 bits for opcode and 4 bits each of register(8+4+4=16 bits =2 bytes).
The address of ith storage operand is computed from the instruction in the following
Address = c (Bi)+c(Xi)+Di (RX format)
or = c (Bi) +Di (RS, SI, SS format)
Unit 2
Macros are single-line abbreviations for a certain group of instructions. Once the
macro is defined, these groups of instructions can be used anywhere in a program.
Macro facility permits you to attach a name to the sequence that is occurring several times
in a program and then you can easily use this name when that sequence is encountered. All you
need to do is to attach a name to a sequence with the help of the macro instruction definition. The
following structure shows how to define a macro in a program:
This structure describes the macro definition in which the first line of the definition is the
MACRO pseudo-op. Following line is the name line for macro, which identifies the macro
instruction name. The line following the macro name includes the sequence of instructions that are
being abbreviated. Each instruction comprises of the actual macro instruction. The last statement
in the macro definition is MEND pseudo-op. This pseudo-op denotes the end of the macro
definition and terminates the definition of macro instruction.
Once a macro is being created, the interpreter or compiler automatically replaces the
pattern, described in the macro, when it is encountered. The macro expansion always happens at
the compile-time in compiled languages. The tool that performs the macro expansion is known as
macro expander. Once a macro is defined, the macro name can be used instead of using the entire
instruction sequence again and again.
As you need not write the entire program repeatedly while expanding macros, the
overhead associated with macros is very less. This can be explained with the help of the
following example.
The macro processor replaces each macro call with the following lines:
The process of such a replacement is known as expanding the macro. The macro definition itself
does not appear in the expanded source code. This is because the macro processor saves the
definition of the macro. In addition, the occurrence of the macro name in the source
program refers to a macro call. When the macro is called in the program, the sequence of
instructions corresponding to that macro name gets replaced in the expanded source.
You can easily notice from this example that the definition of the macro ‘SUBST’ contains
three separate calls to a previously defined macro ‘SUB1’. The definition of the macro SUB1 has
shortened the length of the definition of the macro ‘SUBST’. Although this technique makes the
program easier to understand, at the same time, it is considered as an inefficient technique. This
technique uses several macros that result in macro expansions on multiple levels.
This is clear from the example that a macro call, SUBST, in the source is expanded in the expanded
source (Level 1) with the help of SUB1, which is further expanded in the expanded source (Level
The macro facility presented so far inserts block of instructions in place of macro calls. This facility
is not at all flexible, in terms that you cannot modify the coding of the macro name for a specific
macro call. An important extension of this facility consists of providing the arguments or
parameters in the macro calls. Consider the following program.
In this example, the instruction sequences are very much similar but these sequences are not
identical. It is important to note that the first sequence performs an operation on an operand
DATA1. On the other hand, in the second sequence the operation is being performed on operand
DATA2. The third sequence performs operations on DATA3. They can be considered to perform
the same operation with a variable parameter or argument. This parameter is known as a macro
instruction argument or dummy argument.
Notice that in this program, a dummy argument is specified on the macro name line and is
distinguished by inserting an ampersand (&) symbol at the beginning of the name. There is no
limitation on supplying arguments in a macro call. The important thing to understand about the
macro instruction argument is that each argument must correspond to a definition or dummy
argument on the macro name line of the macro definition. The supplied arguments are substituted
for the respective dummy arguments in the macro definition whenever a macro call is processed.
These macro expansions permit conditional reordering of the sequence of macro expansion. They
are responsible for the selection of the instructions that appear in the expansions of a macro call.
These selections are based on the conditions specified in a program. Branches and tests in the macro
instructions permit the use of macros that can be used for assembling the instructions. The facility
for selective assembly of these macros is considered as the most powerful programming tool for the
system software. The use of the conditional macro expansion can be explained with the help of an
A 2, DATA2
A 3, DATA3
A 2, DATA2
DATA2 DC F’10’
DATA3 DC F’15’
In this example, the operands, labels and number of instructions generated are different in each
sequence. Rewriting the set of instructions in a program might look like:
The labels starting with a period (.) such as .FINI are macro labels. These macro labels do
not appear in the output of the macro processor. The statement AIF (& COUNT EQ 1).FINI directs
the macro processor to skip to the statement labeled .FINI, if the parameter corresponding to
&COUNT is one. Otherwise, the macro processor continues with the statement that follows the
AIF pseudo-op. AIF pseudo-op performs an arithmetic test and since it is a conditional branch
pseudo-op, it branches only if the tested condition is true. Another pseudo-op used in this program
is AGO, which is an unconditional branch pseudo-op and works as a GOTO statement. This is the
label in the macro instruction definition that specifies the sequential processing of instructions from
the location where it appears in the instruction. These statements are indications or directives to the
macro processor that do not appear in the macro expansions.
A single macro instruction can also simplify the process of defining a group of similar
macros. The considerable idea while using macro instructions defining macros is that the inner
macro definition should not be defined until the outer macro has been called once. Consider a macro
instruction INSTRUCT in which another subroutine &ADD is also defined.
A Macro pre-processor effectively constitutes a separate language processor with its own language.
A macro pre-processor is not really a macro processor, but is considered as a macro translator. The
approach of using macro pre-processor simplifies the design and implementation of macro pre-
processor. Moreover, this approach can also use the features of macros such as macro calls within
macros and recursive macros. Macro pre-processor recognises only the macro definitions that are
provided within macros. The macro calls are not considered here because the macro pre-processor
does not perform any macro expansion.
The macro preprocessor generally works in two modes: passive and active. The passive mode looks
for the macro definitions in the input and copies macro definitions found in the input to the output.
By default, the macro pre-processor works in the passive mode. The macro pre-processor switches
over to the active mode whenever it finds a macro definition in the input. In this mode, the macro
preprocessor is responsible for storing the macro definitions in the internal data structures. When
the macro definition is completed and the macros get translated, then the macro pre-processor
switches back to the passive mode.
Four basic tasks that are required while specifying the problem in the macro pre-processor are as
2. Saving the definitions: The pre-processor must save the macro instructions definitions that
can be later required for expanding macro calls.
3. Recognising macro calls: The pre-processor must recognise macro calls along with the
macro definitions. The macro calls appear as operation mnemonics in a program.
4. Replacing macro definitions with macro calls: The pre-processor needs to expand macro
calls and substitute arguments when any macro call is encountered. The pre- processor
must substitute macro definition arguments within a macro call.
The two-pass algorithm to design macro pre-processor processes input data into two passes. In first
pass, algorithm handles the definition of the macro and in second pass; it handles various calls for
macro. Both the passes of two-pass algorithm in detail are:
1. First Pass
The first pass processes the definition of the macro by checking each operation code of the macro.
In first pass, each operation code is saved in a table called Macro Definition Table (MDT). Another
table is also maintained in first pass called Macro Name Table (MNT). First pass uses various
other databases such as Macro Name Table Counter (MNTC) and Macro Name Table Counter
(MDTC). The various databases used by first pass are:
4. The Macro Name Table (MNT), which can be used to store the names of defined macros.
Each MNT entry consists of a character string such as the macro name and a pointer such
as index to the entry in MDT that corresponds to the beginning of the macro definition.
Table 2.2 shows the MNT entry for INCR macro:
5. The Macro Definition Table Counter (MDTC) that indicates the next available entry in the
6. The Macro Name Table Counter (MNTC) that indicates the next available entry in the
7. The Argument List Array (ALA) that can be used to substitute index markers for dummy
arguments prior to store a macro definition. ALA is used during both the passes of the
macro pre-processor. During Pass 1, dummy arguments in the macro definition are replaced
with positional indicators when the macro definition is stored. These positional indicators
are used to refer to the memory address in the macro expansion. It is done in order to
simplify the later argument replacement during macro expansion. The ith dummy argument
on the macro name card is represented in the body of the macro by the index marker symbol
#. The # symbol is a symbol reserved for the use of macro pre-processor.
2. Second Pass
Second pass of two-pass algorithm examine each operation mnemonic such that it replaces macro
name with the macro definition. The various data-bases used by second pass are:
1. The copy of the input macro source deck.
2. The output expanded source deck that can be used as an input to then assembler.
3. The MDT that was created by pass 1.
4. The MNT that was created by pass 1.
5. The MDTP for indicating the next line of text that is to be used during macro expansion.
6. The ALA that is used to substitute macro calls arguments for the index markers in the
stored macro definition.
3 .Two-Pass Algorithm
In two-pass macro-preprocessor, you have two algorithms to implement, first pass and second pass.
Both the algorithms examines line by line over the input data available. Two algorithms to
implement two-pass macro-preprocessor are:
Pass 1 algorithm examines each line of the input data for macro pseudo opcode. Following are the
steps that are performed during Pass 1 algorithm:
1. Initialize MDTC and MNTC with value one, so that previous value of MDTC and MNTC
is set to value one.
2. Read the first input data.
3. If this data contains MACRO pseudo opcode then
A. Read the next data input.
B. Enter the name of the macro and current value of MDTC in MNT.
C. Increase the counter value of MNT by value one.
D. Prepare that argument list array respective to the macro found.
E. Enter the macro definition into MDT. Increase the counter of MDT by value one.
F. Read next line of the input data.
G. Substitute the index notations for dummy arguments passed in macro.
H. Increase the counter of the MDT by value one.
I. If mend pseudo opcode is encountered then next source of input data is read.
J. Else expands data input.
4. If macro pseudo opcode is not encountered in data input then
A. A copy of input data is created.
B. If end pseudo opcode is found then go to Pass 2.
C. Otherwise read next source of input data.
Pass 2 - Macro Calls and Expansion
Pass two algorithm examines the operation code of every input line to check whether it exist in
MNT or not. Following are the steps that are performed during second pass algorithm:
MDI indicator: Allows you to keep track of macro calls and macro definitions. During
expansion of macro call, MDI indicator has value ON and retains value OFF otherwise. If
MDI indicator is on, then input data lines are read from MDT until mend pseudo opcode is
not encountered. When MDI is off, then data input is read from data source instead of MDI.
MDLC indicator: MDLC ensures you that macro definition is stored in MDT. MDLC is
counters that keeps track of the numbers of macro1 and mend pseudo opcode found. Single-
pass algorithm combines both the algorithms defined above to implement two- pass macro
pre-processor. Following are the steps that are followed during single-pass algorithm:
If end pseudo opcode is found, then it feeds expanded source file to assembler for processing,
otherwise performs read operation at step 2.
Unit 3
Earlier programmers used loaders that could take program routines stored in tapes and combine and
relocate them in one program. Later, these loaders evolved into linkage editor used for linking the
program routines but the program memory remained expensive and computers were slow. A little
progress in linking technology helped computers become faster and disks larger, thus program
linking became easier. For the easier use of memory space and efficiency in speed, you need to use
linkers and loaders.
Loaders and linker’s helps you to have a schematic flow of steps that you need to follow while
creating a program. Following are the steps that you need to perform when you write a program in
A loader is a program that performs the functions of a linker program and then immediately
schedules the resulting executable program for some kind of action. In other words, a loader accepts
the object program, prepares these programs for execution by the computer and then initiates the
execution. It is not necessary for the loader to save a program as an executable file.
Functions of Loader:
The loader is responsible for the activities such as allocation, linking, relocation and loading
1. It allocates the space for program in the memory, by calculating the size of the program.
This activity is called allocation.
2. It resolves the symbolic references (code/data) between the object modules by assigning
all the user subroutine and library subroutine addresses. This activity is called linking.
3. There are some address dependent locations in the program, such address constants must
be adjusted according to allocated space, such activity done by loader is called relocation.
4. Finally it places all the machine instructions and data of corresponding programs and
subroutines into the memory. Thus program now becomes ready for execution, this activity
is called loading.
The compile and go loader executes the assembler program in one part of memory and
places the assembled machine instructions and data directly into their assigned memory
locations. Once the assembly is completed, the assembler transfers the control to the starting
instruction of the program.
1. This scheme is easy to implement,
2. the assembler simply places the code into core and the loader, which consists of one
instruction, transfers control to the starting instruction of the newly assembled program.
1. In this scheme, a portion of memory is wasted. This is mainly because the core occupied
by the assembler is not available to the object program.
2. It is essential to assemble the user’s program deck every time it is executed.
3. It is quite difficult to handle multiple segments, if the source programs are in different
languages. This disadvantage makes it difficult to produce orderly modular programs.
The concept of loaders can be well understood if one knows the general loader scheme. It
is recommended for the general loader scheme that the instructions and data should be produced in
the output, as they were assembled. This strategy, if followed, prevents the problem of wasting core
for an assembler. When the code is required to be executed, the output is saved and loaded in the
memory. The assembled program is loaded into the same area in core that it occupied earlier. The
output that contains a coded form of the instructions is called the object deck. The object deck is
used as intermediate data to avoid the circumstances in which the addition of a new program to a
system is required. The loader accepts the assembled machine instructions, data and other
information present in the object. The loader places the machine instructions and data in core in an
executable computer form. More memory can be made available to a user, since in this scheme, the
loader is assumed to be smaller than the assembler. Figure shows the general loader scheme.
The program need not be retranslated each time while running it. This is because initially
when source program gets executed an object program gets generated. Of program is not
modified, and then loader can make use of this object program to convert it to executable
There is no wastage of memory, because assembler is not placed in the memory, instead of
it, loader occupies some portion of the memory. And size of loader is smaller than
assembler, so more memory is available to the user.
It is possible to write source program with multiple programs and multiple languages,
because the source programs are first converted to object programs always, and loader
accepts these object modules to convert it to executable form.
3. Absolute Loader
An absolute loader is the simplest type of loader scheme that fits the general model of
loaders. The assembler produces the output in the same way as in the “compile and go loader”. The
assembler outputs the machine language translation of the source program. The difference lies in
the form of data, i.e., the data in the absolute loader is punched on cards or you can say that it uses
object deck as an intermediate data. The loader in turn simply accepts the machine language text
and places it at the location prescribed by the assembler. When the text is being placed into the
core, it can be noticed that much core is still available to the user. This is because, within this
scheme, the assembler is not in the memory at the load time.
In the figure, the MAIN program is assigned to locations 1000-2470 and the SQRT
subroutine is assigned locations 4000-4770. This means the length of MAIN has increased to more
than 3000 bytes, as it can be noticed from figure 4.4. If the modifications are required to be made
in MAIN subroutine, then the end of MAIN subroutine, i.e., 1000+3000=4000, gets overlapped
with the start of SQRT, i.e., with 4000. Therefore, it is necessary to assign a new location to SQRT.
This can be made possible by changing the START pseudo-op card and
reassembling it. It is then quite obvious to modify all other subroutines that refer to address of
1. It is desirable for the programmer to specify the address in core where the program is to
be loaded.
2. A programmer needs to remember the address of each subroutine, if there are multiple
subroutines in the program.
3. Additionally, each absolute address is to be used by the programmer explicitly in the
other subroutines such that subroutine linkage can be maintained.
4. Relocating Loaders
Relocating loaders was introduced in order to avoid possible reassembling of all subroutines when
a single subroutine is changed. It also allows you to perform the tasks of allocation and linking for
the programmer. The example of relocating loaders includes the Binary Symbolic Subroutine (BSS)
loader. Although the BSS loader allows only one common data segment, it allows several procedure
segments. The assembler in this type of loader assembles each procedure segment independently
and passes the text and information to relocation and intersegment references.
In this scheme, the assembler produces an output in the form of text for each source
program. A transfer vector that contains addresses, which includes names of the subroutines
referenced by the source program, prefixes the output text. The assembler would also provide the
loader with additional information such as the length of the entire program and also the length of
the transfer vector portion. Once this information is provided, the text and the transfer vector get
loaded into the core. Followed by this, the loader would load each subroutine, which is being
identified in the transfer vector. A transfer instruction would then be placed to the corresponding
subroutine for each entry in the transfer vector.
The output of the relocating assembler is the object program and information about all the
programs to which it references. Additionally, it also provides relocation information for the
locations that need to be changed if it is to be loaded in the core. This location may be arbitrary in
the core, let us say the locations, which are dependent on the core allocation. The BSS loader
scheme is mostly used in computers with a fixed-length direct-address instruction format. Consider
an example in which the 360 RX instruction format is as follows:
In this format, A2 is the 16-bit absolute address of the operand, which is the direct address
instruction format. It is desirable to relocate the address portion of every instruction. As a result,
the computers with a direct-address instruction format have much severe problems than the
computes having 360-type base registers. The 360- type base registers solve the problem using
relocation bits. The relocation bits are included in the object desk and the assembler associates a
bit with each instruction or address field. The corresponding address field to each instruction must
be relocated if the associated bit is equal to one; otherwise this field is not relocated.
5. Direct-Linking Loaders
A direct-linking loader is a general relocating loader and is the most popular loading scheme
presently used. This scheme has an advantage that it allows the programmer to use multiple
procedure and multiple data segments. In addition, the programmer is free to reference data or
instructions that are contained in other segments. The direct linking loaders provide flexible
intersegment referencing and accessing ability. An assembler provides the following information
to the loader along with each procedure or data segment.
Length of segment.
List of all the symbols and their relative location in the segment that are referred by other
Information regarding the address constant which includes location in segment and
description about the revising their values.
Machine code translation of the source program and the relative addresses assigned.
Supply information needed to allow references between them. A linkage editor is also known as
linker. To allow linking in a program, you need to perform:
Program relocation
Program linking
1. Program relocation
Program relocation is the process of modifying the addresses containing instructions of a program.
You need to use program relocation to allocate a new memory address to the instruction.
Instructions are fetched from the memory address and are followed sequentially to execute a
program. The relocation of a program is performed by a linker and for performing relocation you
need to calculate the relocation_factor that helps specify the translation time address in every
instruction. Let the translated and linked origins of a program P be t_origin and l
2. Program Linking
Linking in a program is a process of binding an external reference to a correct link address. You
need to perform linking to resolve external reference that helps in the execution of a program. All
the external references in a program are maintained in a table called name table (NTAB), which
contains the symbolic name for external references or an object module. The information specified
in NTAB is derived from
LINKTAB entries having type=PD. The algorithm that you use for program linking is:
Sophisticated operating systems, such as Windows allow you to link executable object modules to
be linked to a program while a program is running. This is known as dynamic linking. The operating
system contains a linker that determines functions, which are not specified in a program. A linker
searches through the specified libraries for the missing function and helps extract the object
modules containing the missing functions from the libraries. The libraries are constructed in a way
to be able to work with dynamic linkers. Such libraries are known as dynamic link libraries (DLLs).
Technically, dynamic linking is not like static linking, which is done at build time. DLLs contain
functions or routines, which are loaded and executed when needed by a program. The advantages
of DLLs are:
Code sharing: Programs in dynamic linking can share an identical code instead of creating
an individual copy of a same library. Sharing allows executable functions and routines to
be shared by many application programs. For example, the object linking and embedding
(OLE) functions of OLE2.DLL can be invoked to allow the execution of functions or
routines in any program.
Automatic updating: Whenever you install a new version of dynamic link library, the
older version is automatically overridden. When you run a program the updated version of
the dynamic link library is automatically picked.
Securing: Splitting the program you create into several linkage units makes it harder for
crackers to read an executable file.
Unit 4
Unit -4
This chapter describes the Common Object File Format (COFF). COFF is the format
of the output file produced by the assembler and the link editor.
The object file supports user-defined sections and contains extensive information
for symbolic software testing. An object file contains:
Object file format
Optional Information
Section 1 Header
Section n Header
Raw Data for Section 1
Raw Data for Section n
Relocation Info for Sect. 1
Relocation Info for Sect. n
Line Numbers for Sect. 1
Line Numbers for Sect. n
The last four sections (relocation, line numbers, symbol table, and the string table)
may be missing if the program is linked with the -s option of the ld command, or if
the line number information, symbol table, and string table are removed by the
command. The line number information does not appear unless the program is
compiled with . Also, if there are no unresolved external references after linking, the
relocation information is no longer needed and is absent. The string table is also
absent if the source file does not contain any symbols with names longer than eight
File header
The file header contains the 20 bytes of information shown in. The last 2 bytes are
flags that are used by ld and object file utilities.
4-7 long int f_timdat Time and date stamp indicating when the file was
created, expressed as the number of elapsed
seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970
8-11 long int f_symptr File pointer containing the starting address of the
symbol table
12-15 long int f_nsyms Number of entries in the symbol table
Magic numbers
The magic number specifies the target machine on which the object file is
The last 2 bytes of the file header are flags that describe the type of the object file.
Currently defined flags are found in the header file filehdr.h and are shown in ``File
header flags''.
The C structure declaration for the file header is shown below. This declaration may
be found in the header file filehdr.h.
Section headers
Every object file has a table of section headers to specify the layout of data within the
file. The section header table consists of one entry for every section in the file. The
information in the section header is described in.
The size of a section is padded to a multiple of 4 bytes. File pointers are byte offsets
that can be used to locate the start of data, relocation, or line number entries for the
section. They can be readily used with the function fseek(S).
Line numbers
When invoked with cc -g the compiler causes an entry in the object file for every
source line where a breakpoint can be inserted. You can then reference line numbers
when using a software debugger like sdb(CP). All line numbers in a section are
grouped by function as shown in ``Line number grouping''.
symbol index 0
. .
. .
. .
symbol index 0
The first entry in a function grouping has line number 0 and has, in place of the
physical address, an index into the symbol table for the entry containing the function
name. Subsequent entries have actual line numbers and addresses of the text
corresponding to the line numbers. The line number entries are relative to the
beginning of the function and appear in increasing order of address.
The structure declaration currently used for line number entries is shown below.
struct lineno
long l_symndx; /* symtbl index of func name */
long l_paddr; /* paddr of line number */
} l_addr;
unsigned short l_lnno; /* line number */
Symbol table
filename 1
function 1
C_WEAKEXT aliases
for function 1
function 1b (alias)
local symbols for function 1
function 2
C_WEAKEXT aliases
for function 2
local symbols for function 2
filename 2
function 1
C_WEAKEXT aliases
for function 1
local symbols for function 1
defined global symbols
The word ``statics'' in ``COFF symbol table'' means symbols defined with the C
language storage class static outside any function. The symbol table consists of at least
one fixed-length entry per symbol with some symbols followed by auxiliary entries of
the same size. The entry for each symbol is a structure that holds the value, the type,
and other information.
String table
Symbol table names longer than eight characters are stored contiguously in the string
table with each symbol name delimited by a null byte. The first four bytes of the string
table are the size of the string table in bytes; offsets into the string table, therefore,
are greater than or equal to 4. For example, given a file containing two symbols (with
names longer then eight characters, long_name_1 and another_one) the string table
has the format as shown in ``String table'':
String table
The index of long_name_1 in the string table is 4 and the index of another_one is 16.
A debugger or debugging tool is a computer program that is used to test and debug
other programs (the "target" program). The code to be examined might alternatively
be running on an instruction set simulator (ISS), a technique that allows great power
in its ability to halt when specific conditions are encountered but which will typically
be somewhat slower than executing the code directly on the appropriate (or the
same) processor. Some debuggers offer two modes of operation—full or partial
simulation—to limit this impact.
GNU Debugger which is called gdb is the most popular debugger for UNIX systems to
debug C and C++ Programs.
If a core dump happened then what statement or expression did the program
crash on?
If an error occurs while executing a function, what line of the program
contains the call to that function, and what are the parameters?
What are the values of program variables at a particular point during
execution of the program?
What is the result of a particular expression in a program?
GDB allows you to do things like run the program up to a certain point then stop and
print out the values of certain variables at that point, or step through the program one
line at a time and print out the values of each variable after executing each line.
Even though GDB can help you in finding out memory leakage related bugs
but it is not a tool to detect memory leakages
GDB cannot be used for programs that do not compile without errors and it
does not help in fixing those errors.
Unit 5
Unit -5
A driver typically communicates with the device through the computer bus or
communications subsystem to which the hardware connects. When a calling program
invokes a routine in the driver, the driver issues commands to the device. Once the device
sends data back to the driver, the driver may invoke routines in the original calling program.
Drivers are hardware-dependent and operating-system-specific. They usually provide the
interrupt handling required for any necessary asynchronous time-dependent hardware
A block device driver is a driver that performs I/O by using file system block-sized buffers
from a buffer cache supplied by the kernel. The kernel also provides for the device driver
support interfaces that copy data between the buffer cache and the address space of a
Block device drivers are particularly well-suited for disk drives, the most common block
devices. For block devices, all I/O occurs through the buffer cache.
A character device driver does not handle I/O through the buffer cache, so it is not tied to
a single approach for handling I/O. You can use a character device driver for a device such
as a line printer that handles one character at a time. However, character drivers are not
limited to performing I/O one character at a time (despite the name ``character'' driver).
For example, tape drivers frequently perform I/O in 10K chunks. You can also use a
character device driver when it is necessary to copy data directly to or from a user process.
Because of their flexibility in handling I/O, many drivers are character drivers. Line
printers, interactive terminals, and graphics displays are examples of devices that require
character device drivers.
A terminal device driver is actually a character device driver that handles I/O character
processing for a variety of terminal devices. Like any character device, a terminal device
can accept or supply a stream of data based on a request from a user process. It cannot be
mounted as a file system and, therefore, does not use data caching.
A network device driver attaches a network subsystem to a network interface, prepares the
network interface for operation, and governs the transmission and reception of network
frames over the network interface.
Some of these requests, such as input or output, result directly or indirectly from
corresponding system calls in a user program. Other requests, such as the calls at auto
configuration time, do not result from system calls but from activities that occur at boot
Device Driver Configuration
Device driver configuration consists of the tasks necessary to incorporate device drivers
into the kernel to make them available to system management and other utilities. After you
write your device driver you need to create a single binary module (a file with a .mod
extension) from the driver source file (a file with a .c extension). After you create the
single binary module, you need to configure it into the kernel so that you can test it on a
running system. There are two methods of device driver configuration: static configuration
and dynamic configuration. Static configuration consists of the tasks and tools necessary
to link a device driver (single binary module) directly into the kernel at kernel build time.
Dynamic configuration consists of the tasks and tools necessary to link a device driver
(single binary module) directly into the kernel at any point in time. describes how to create
a single binary module and then how to statically and dynamically configure the single
binary module (the device driver) into the kernel.
Process management
The kernel is in charge of creating and destroying processes and handling their
connection to the outside world (input and output). Communication among
different processes (through signals, pipes, or interprocess communication
primitives) is basic to the overall system functionality and is also handled by the
kernel. In addition, the scheduler, which controls how processes share the CPU, is
part of process management. More generally, the kernel's process management
activity implements the abstraction of several processes on top of a single CPU or
a few of them.
Memory management
The computer's memory is a major resource, and the policy used to deal with it is a
critical one for system performance. The kernel builds up a virtual addressing space
for any and all processes on top of the limited available resources. The different
parts of the kernel interact with the memory-management subsystem through a set
of function calls, ranging from the simple malloc free pair to much more exotic
File systems
Unix is heavily based on the file system concept; almost everything in Unix can be
treated as a file. The kernel builds a structured file system on top of unstructured
hardware, and the resulting file abstraction is heavily used throughout the whole
system. In addition, Linux supports multiple file system types, that is, different
ways of organizing data on the physical medium. For example, diskettes may be
formatted with either the Linux-standard ext2 file system or with the commonly
used FAT file system.
Device control
Almost every system operation eventually maps to a physical device. With the
exception of the processor, memory, and a very few other entities, any and all
device control operations are performed by code that is specific to the device being
addressed. That code is called a device driver. The kernel must have embedded in
it a device driver for every peripheral present on a system, from the hard drive to
the keyboard and the tape streamer. This aspect of the kernel's functions is our
primary interest in this book.
Networking must be managed by the operating system because most network
operations are not specific to a process: incoming packets are asynchronous events.
The packets must be collected, identified, and dispatched before a process takes
care of them. The system is in charge of delivering data packets across program and
network interfaces, and it must control the execution of programs according to their
network activity. Additionally, all the routing and address resolution issues are
implemented within the kernel.
This section compares the Windows and UNIX architectures, emphasizing the areas that
directly affect software development in a migration project.
As with most operating systems, Windows and UNIX both have kernels. The kernel
provides the base functionality of the operating system. The major functionality of the
kernel includes process management, memory management, thread management,
scheduling, I/O management, and power management.
In UNIX, the API functions are called system calls. System calls are a programming
interface common to all implementations of UNIX. The kernel is a set of functions that are
used by processes through system calls.
Windows has an API for programming calls to the executive. In addition to this, each
subsystem provides a higher-level API. This approach allows Windows operating systems
to provide different APIs, some of which mimic the APIs provided by the kernels of other
operating systems. The standard subsystem APIs include the Windows API (the Windows
native API) and the POSIX API (the standards-based UNIX API).
Windows Subsystems
In UNIX, the kernel object can be created using the system calls and it returns an unsigned
integer. There is no exact equivalent of handles in UNIX.
In Windows, Windows APIs are used to create the kernel object and it returns a Windows-
specific data type called HANDLE.
Hardware Drivers
Hardware drivers are system software used to interact the hardware devices with the
operating system.
In UNIX, there are several different ways to manage drivers. Some UNIX implementations
allow dynamic loading and unloading of drivers, whereas other implementations do not.
The UNIX vendor usually provides drivers. The range of Intel hardware supported for
UNIX is typically smaller than that for Windows.
In Windows, the Windows driver model provides a platform for developing drivers for
industry-standard hardware devices attached to a Windows-based system. The key to
developing a good driver package is to provide reliable setup and installation procedures
and interactive GUI tools for configuring devices after the installation. In addition, the
hardware must be compatible with Windows Plug and Play technology in order to provide
a user-friendly hardware installation.
Process Management
A process is usually defined as the instance of the running program. Process management
describes how the operating systems manage the multiple processes running at a particular
instance of time. Multitasking operating systems such as Windows and UNIX must manage
and control many processes simultaneously. Both Windows and UNIX operating systems
support processes and threads.
The following sections provide more details on process management in both UNIX and
Windows has evolved greatly from its predecessors, such as Digital Equipment
Corporation’s VAX/VMS. It is now a preemptive multitasking operating system.
As a result, Windows relies more heavily on threads than processes. (A thread is a
construct that enables parallel processing within a single process.) Creating a new
process is a relatively expensive operation while creating a new thread is not as
expensive in terms of system resources like memory and time. Hence,
multiprocess-oriented applications on UNIX typically translate to multithreaded
applications on the Windows platform, thus saving such system resources as
memory and time.
Multiple users. One key difference between UNIX and Windows is in the creation
of multiple user accounts on a single computer.
When you log on to a computer running UNIX, a shell process is started to service
your commands. The UNIX operating system keeps track of the users and their
processes and prevents processes from interfering with one another. The operating
system does not come with any default interface for user interaction. However, the
shell process on the computer running UNIX can connect to other computers to
load third-party UIs.
When a user logs on interactively to a computer running Windows, the Win32
subsystem’s Graphical Identification and Authentication dynamic-link library
(GINA) creates the initial process for that user, which is known as the user desktop,
where all user interaction or activity takes place. The desktop on the user's computer
is loaded from the server. Only the user who is logged on has access to the desktop.
Other users are not allowed to log on to that computer at the same time. However,
if a user employs Terminal Services or Citrix, Windows can operate in a server-
centric mode just as UNIX does.
The Windows operating system supports multiple users simultaneously through the
command line and a GUI. The latter requires the use of Windows Terminal
Services. The UNIX operating system supports multiple simultaneous users
through the command line and through a GUI. The latter requires the use of X
Windows. Windows comes with a default command shell (cmd.exe); UNIX
typically includes several shells and encourages each user to choose a shell as the
user’s default shell. Both operating systems provide complete isolation between
simultaneous users. There are some key differences between the two: Windows
comes with a “single user” version that allows one user at a time (Windows XP) as
well as a multiuser server version (Windows Server). It is rare for a Windows
Server system to have multiple simultaneous command-line users.
In UNIX, signals are used for typical events, simple interprocess communication (IPC),
and abnormal conditions such as floating point exceptions.
Windows supports some UNIX signals and others can be implemented using
Windows API and messages.
An event mechanism that handles expected events, such as communication
between two processes.
An exception mechanism that handles nonstandard events, such as the termination
of a process by the user, page faults, and other execution violations.
A daemon is a process that detaches itself from the terminal and runs disconnected in the
background, waiting for requests and responding to them. A service is a special type of
application that is available on Windows and runs in the background with special
In UNIX, a daemon is a process that the system starts to provide a service to other
applications. Typically, the daemon does not interact with users. UNIX daemons are
started at boot time from init or rc scripts. To modify such a script, it needs to be opened
in a text editor and the values of the variables in the script need to be physically changed.
On UNIX, a daemon runs with an appropriate user name for the service that it provides or
as a root user.
A Windows service is the equivalent of a UNIX daemon. It is a process that provides one
or more facilities to client processes. Typically, a service is a long-running, Windows-
based application that does not interact with users and, consequently, does not include a
UI. Services may start when the system restarts and then continue running across logon
sessions. Windows has a registry that stores the values of the variables used in the services.
Control Panel provides a UI that allows users to set the variables with the valid values in
the registry. The security context of that user determines the capabilities of the service.
Most services run as either Local Service or Network Service. The latter is required if the
service needs to access network resources and must run as a domain user with enough
privileges to perform the required tasks.
Both UNIX and Windows use virtual memory to extend the memory available to an
application beyond the actual physical memory installed on the computer. For both
operating systems, on 32-bit architecture, each process gets a private 2 GB of virtual
address space. This is called user address space or process address space. The operating
system uses 2 GB of virtual address space, called system address space or operating system
memory. On 64-bit architecture, each process gets 8 terabytes of user address space.
File Systems and Networked File Systems
This section describes the file system characteristics of UNIX and Windows. Both UNIX
and Windows support many different types of file system implementations. Some UNIX
implementations support Windows file system types, and there are products that provide
Windows support for some UNIX file system types.
File system characteristics and interoperability of file names between UNIX and Windows
are discussed as follows:
File names and path names. Everything in the file system is either a file or a
directory. UNIX and Windows file systems are both hierarchical, and both
operating systems support long file names of up to 255 characters. Almost any
character is valid in a file name, except the following:
o In UNIX: /
o In Windows: ?, ", /, \, >, <, *, |, and :
UNIX file names are case sensitive while Windows file names are not.
In UNIX, a single directory known as the root is at the top of the hierarchy. You
locate all files by specifying a path from the root. UNIX makes no distinction
between files on a local hard drive partition, CD-ROM, floppy disk, or network file
system (NFS). All files appear in one tree under the same root.
The Windows file system can have many hierarchies, for example, one for each
partition and one for each network drive. A UNIX system provides a single file
system tree, with a single root, to the applications it hosts. Mounted volumes
(whether local devices or network shares) are "spliced" into that tree at locations
determined by the system administrator. The Windows operating system exposes a
forest of file system trees, each with its own root, to the applications it hosts.
Mounted volumes appear as separate trees ("drive letters") as determined by the
administrator or user. Both UNIX and Windows provide a tree view of all network-
accessible shares. UNIX provides an administrator-defined view of these shares
through an automounter mechanism, while Windows provides a full view through
the Universal Naming Convention (UNC) pathname syntax.
Server message block (SMB) and Common Internet File System (CIFS). One
of the earliest implementations of network resource sharing for the Microsoft MS-
DOS® platform was network basic input/output system (NetBIOS). The features
of NetBIOS allow it to accept disk I/O requests and direct them to file shares on
other computers. The protocol used for this was named server message block
(SMB). Later, additions were made to SMB to apply it to the Internet, and the
protocol is now known as Common Internet File System (CIFS).
UNIX supports this through a software option called Samba. Samba is an open-
source, freeware, server-side implementation of a UNIX CIFS server.
In Windows, the server shares a directory, and the client then connects to the
Universal Naming Convention (UNC) to connect to the shared directory. Each
network drive usually appears with its own drive letter, such as X.
Windows and UNIX NFS interoperability. UNIX and Windows can interoperate
using NFS on Windows or CIFS on UNIX. There are a number of commercial NFS
products for Windows. For UNIX systems, Samba is an alternative to installing
NFS client software on Windows-based computers for interoperability with UNIX-
based computers. It also implements NetBIOS-style name resolution and browsing.
Microsoft offers a freely downloadable NFS Server, Client, and Gateway as part of
Windows Services for UNIX 3.5 installation. Windows Services for UNIX also
provide a number of services for interoperability between Windows-based and
UNIX-based computers.
This section describes some of the security implementation details and differences
between UNIX and Windows:
UNIX versus Windows security. UNIX uses a simple security model. The
operating system applies security by assigning permissions to files. This model
works because UNIX uses files to represent devices, memory, and even processes.
When a user logs on to the system with a user name and a password, UNIX starts a
shell with the UID and GID of that user. From then on, the permissions assigned to
the UID and GID, or the process, control all access to files and other resources.
Most UNIX vendors can provide Kerberos support, which raises their
sophistication to about that of Windows.
Windows uses a unified security model that protects all objects from unauthorized
access. The system maintains security information for:
o Users. System users are people who log on to the system, either
interactively by entering a set of credentials (typically user name and
password) or remotely through the network. Each user’s security context is
represented by a logon session.
o Objects. These are the secured resources (for example, files, computers,
synchronization objects, and applications) that a user can access.
Active Directory. Windows Server 2003 uses the Active Directory directory
service to store information about objects. These objects include users, computers,
printers, and every domain on one or more wide area networks (WANs). Active
Directory can scale from a single computer to many large computer networks. It
provides a store for all the domain security policy and account information.
The primary networking protocol for UNIX and Windows is TCP/IP. The standard
programming API for TCP/IP is called sockets. The Windows implementation of sockets
is known as Winsock (formally known as Windows Sockets). Winsock conforms well to
the Berkeley implementation, even at the API level. The key difference between UNIX
sockets and Winsock exists in asynchronous network event notification. There is also a
difference in the remote procedure calls (RPC) implementation in UNIX and Windows.
User Interfaces
The user interface (UI) provides a flexible way of communicating between the users,
applications, and the computer.
The UNIX UI was originally based on a character-oriented command line, whereas the
Windows UI was based on GUI. UNIX originated when graphic terminals were not
available. However, the current versions of UNIX support the graphical user interface using
the X Windows system. Motif is the most common windowing system, library, and user-
interface style built on X Windows. This allows the building of graphical user interface
applications on UNIX.
The Windows user interface was designed to take advantage of advancements in the
graphics capabilities of computers. It can be used by all applications—including both client
side and server side—and can also be used for tasks such as service administration.
Windows contains the Graphics Device Interface (GDI) engine to support the graphical
user interface.
System Configuration
UNIX users generally configure a system by editing the configuration files with any of the
available text editors. The advantage of this mechanism is that the user does not need to
learn how to use a large set of configuration tools, but must only be familiar with an editor
and possibly a scripting language. The disadvantage is that the information in the files
comes in various formats; hence the user must learn the various formats in order to change
the settings. UNIX users often employ scripts to reduce the possibility of repetition and
error. In addition, they can also use NIS to centralize the management of many standard
configuration files. Although different versions of UNIX have GUI management tools,
such tools are usually specific to each version of UNIX.
Windows has GUI tools for configuring the system. The advantage of these tools is that
they can offer capabilities depending on what is being configured. In recent years,
Microsoft Management Console (MMC) has provided a common tool and UI for creating
configuration tools. Windows provides a scripting interface for most configuration needs
through the Windows Script Host (WSH). Windows provides WMI (Windows
Management Instrumentation), which can be used from scripts. Windows also includes
extensive command-line tools for controlling system configuration. In Windows Server
2003, anything that can be done to manage a system through a GUI can be done through a
command-line tool as well.
Interprocess Communication
UNIX has several IPC mechanisms that have different characteristics and which are
appropriate for different situations. Shared memory, pipes, and message queues are all
suitable for processes running on a single computer. Shared memory and message queues
are suitable for communicating among unrelated processes. Pipes are usually chosen for
communicating with a child process through standard input and output. For
communications across the network, sockets are usually the chosen technique.
Windows also has many IPC mechanisms. Like UNIX, Windows has shared memory,
pipes, and events (equivalent to signals). These are appropriate for processes that are local
to a computer. In addition to these mechanisms, Windows supports clipboard/Dynamic
Data Exchange (DDE), and Component Object Model (COM). Winsock and Microsoft
Message Queuing are good choices for cross-network tasks. Other cross-network IPC
mechanisms for Windows include remote procedure calls (RPCs) and mail slots. RPC has
several specifications and implementations, developed by third-party vendors, which
support client server applications in distributed environments. The most prevalent RPC
specifications are Open Network Computing (ONC) by Sun Microsystems and Distributed
Computing Environment (DCE) by Open Software Foundation. UNIX systems support
interoperability with Windows RPC. UNIX does not implement mailslots.
In a multithreaded environment, threads may need to share data between them and perform
various actions. These operations require a mechanism to synchronize the activity of the
threads. These synchronization techniques are used to avoid race conditions and to wait for
signals when resources are available.
Condition variables
Interlocked exchange
Critical sections
Interlocked exchange
Windows and UNIX both have a facility that allows the application developer to put
common functionality in a separate code module. This feature is called a shared library in
UNIX and a dynamic-link library (DLL) in Windows. Both allow application developers
to link together object files from different compilations and to specify which symbols will
be exported from the library for use by external programs. The result is the capability to
reuse code across applications. The Windows operating system and most Windows
programs use many DLLs.
Component-based Development
On the other hand, the Windows environment offers a wide range of component-based
development tools and technologies. This includes:
Distributed COM (DCOM)
.NET components
This section compares the various middleware solutions available for UNIX-based and
Windows-based applications. Middleware technologies are mostly used to connect the
presentation layer with the back-end business layers or data sources. One of the most
prominent middleware technologies used in applications is a message queuing system.
Message queuing is provided as a feature in AT&T System V UNIX and can be achieved
through sockets in Berkeley UNIX versions. These types of memory queues are most often
used for IPC and do not meet the requirements for persistent store and forward messaging.
To meet these requirements, versions of the IBM MQSeries and the BEA Systems
MessageQ (formally the DEC MessageQ) are available for UNIX. Microsoft provides
similar functionality with Message Queuing for Windows.
A transaction processing monitor (TP monitor) is a subsystem that groups sets of related
database updates and submits them to a database as a transaction. These transactions, often
monitored and implemented by the TP monitors, are known as online transaction
processing (OLTP). OLTP is a group of programs that allow real-time updating, recording,
and retrieval of data to and from a networked system. OLTP systems have been
implemented in the UNIX environments for many years. These systems perform such
functions as resource management, threading, and distributed transaction management.
Although OLTP was originally developed for UNIX, many OLTP systems have Windows
versions. Windows also ships with its own transaction manager. In addition, gateways exist
to integrate systems that use different transaction monitors.
A shell is a command-line interpreter that accepts typed commands from a user and
executes the resulting request. Every shell has its own set of programming features
known as scripting languages. Programs written through the programming features of a
shell are called shell scripts. As with shell scripts, scripting languages are interpreted.
Windows and UNIX support a number of shells and scripting languages, some of which
are common to both operating systems. Examples are: Rexx, Python, and Tcl/Tk.
Command-Line Shells
A number of standard shells are provided in the UNIX environment as part of the standard
installation. They are:
Windows versions of the Korn shell and the C shell are delivered with the Windows
Services for UNIX 3.5, MKS, and Cygwin products.
Scripting Languages
In UNIX, there are three main scripting languages that correspond to the three main shells:
the Bourne shell, the C shell, and the Korn shell. Although all the scripting languages are
developed from a common core, they have certain shell-specific features to make them
slightly different from each other. These scripting languages mainly use a group of UNIX
commands for execution without the need for prior compilation. Some of the external
scripting languages that are also supported on the UNIX environment are Perl, Rexx, and
Development Environments
The generic UNIX development environment uses a set of command-line tools. In addition,
there are many third- party integrated development environments (IDEs) available for
UNIX. Most of the character-based and visual IDEs provide the necessary tools, libraries,
and headers needed for application development
The standard Windows development environment uses the Microsoft Platform Software
Development Kit (SDK) and Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET. The platform SDK delivers
documentation for developing Windows-based applications, libraries, headers, and
definitions needed by language compilers. It also includes a rich set of command-line and
stand-alone tools for building, debugging, and testing applications. It is available at no cost
from the MSDN Web site.
The Microsoft Visual Studio .NET environment delivers a complete set of tools for
application development, including the development of multitier components, user
interface design, and database programming and design. It also provides several language
tools, editing tools, debugging tools, performance analysis tools, and application
installation tools.
The following sections introduce and discuss different application architectures and how
these applications are implemented on UNIX and Windows platforms.
Distributed Applications
Distributed applications are logically partitioned into multiple tiers: the view or the
presentation tier, the business tier, and the data storage and access tier. A simple distributed
application model consists of a client that communicates with the middle tier, which
consists of the application server and an application containing the business logic. The
application, in turn, communicates with a database that stores and supplies the data.
The most commonly used databases in UNIX applications are Oracle and DB2. You can
either run the application’s current database (for example, Oracle) on Windows (that is,
migrate the existing database from UNIX to Windows) or migrate the database to Microsoft
SQL Server™. In some cases, the best migration decision is a conversion to SQL Server.
Another option available is Oracle. It offers a range of features available to both Windows
Server 2003 and UNIX. You may choose to use these features with the current Oracle
database. By separating the platform migration from the database migration, you have
greater flexibility in migrating database applications.
Next is the presentation tier, which provides either a thick or a thin client interface to the
application. UNIX applications may use XMotif to provide a thick client interface. In
Windows, a thick client can be developed using the Win32 API, GDI+. The .NET
Framework provides Windows Forms that help in rapid development of thick clients.
Either one of these two methods can be used while migrating the thick client from UNIX
to Windows.
Workstation Applications
Web Applications
Web applications from a UNIX Web server are normally one of the following types:
Graphics-Intensive Applications
OpenGL runs on every major operating system, including Macintosh OS, OS/2, UNIX,
Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Linux, OPENStep, and BeOS. OpenGL also works
with every major windowing system, including Win32, Macintosh OS, Presentation
Manager, and X-Windows. OpenGL includes a full complement of graphics functions. The
OpenGL standard has language bindings for C, C++, Fortran, Ada, and Java; therefore,
applications that use OpenGL functions are typically portable across a wide array of
The existence of an appropriate device driver on the Windows platform is often a gating
factor for migrating applications that make use of nonstandard device drivers. Typically,
customers do not have access to device-driver source code and are therefore unable to
migrate a UNIX device driver to Windows. The topic of migrating device drivers is highly
specialized and is not covered in this guide. The Windows Driver Development Kit (DDK)
can be used to develop drivers on the Windows environment.
Q8 b) What are the steps involved in installing a device driver in UNIX system?
Explain the steps in details.
Installing the device driver in a UNIX system involves the following steps:
3) Linking the device driver with the kernel object to produce a new kernel
system utility to run is idbuild
once the kernel configuration tables have been modified the n we can
generate the new kernel
The command to build a new kernel varies between different UNIX
On SVR 3.2 system the utility to run is idbuild. This program m will
generate a new UNIX kernel.
On some SVR 3.2 systems the idbuild utility will ask us if we want the are
kernel to boot by default
On others, the new kernel will automatically be used during the next boot
4) Creating the necessary entries in the /dev directory
dev directory reference our device driver
It can be done with mknod command
On most system it will be automatic
Node files has four fields
Device Name
Node Name
Node type
Minor Device Number
In pass 2 of the loader the GEST and ESD information for each individual object
deck is merged to produce the Local external symbol array (LESA) that directly
relates the ID number and value it is necessary to create a separate LESA for
each segment.
Unit 6
Unit -6
The word compilation is used to denote the task of translating high level language
(HLL) programs into machine language programs. Though the objective of this task
of translation is similar to that of an assembler, the problem of compilation is much
more complex than that of an assembler. A compiler is a program that does the
compilation task. A compiler recognizes programs in a particular HLL and produces
equivalent output programs appropriate for some particular computer configuration
(hardware and OS). Thus, an HLL program is to a great extent independent of the
configuration of the machine it will eventually run on, as long as it is ensured that the
program is compiled by a compiler that recognizes that HLL and produces output for
the required machine configuration. It is common for a machine to have compilers
that would translate programs to produce executables for that machine (hosts). But
there also are compilers that runs on one type of machine but the output of which are
programs that shall run on some other machine configuration, such as generating an
MS-DOS executable program by compiling an HLL program in UNIX. Such a compiler
is called a cross compiler. Another kind of translator that accepts programs in HLL are
known as interpreters. An interpreter translates an input HLL program and also runs
the program on the same machine. Hence the output of running an interpreter is
actually the output of the program that it translates.
Lexical analysis
Syntax analysis
Intermediate code generation
Code optimization
Code generation.
Like an assembler, a compiler usually performs the above tasks by making multiple passes
over the input or some intermediate representation of the same. The compilation task calls
for intensive processing of information extracted from the input programs, and hence data
structures for representing such information need to be carefully selected. During the
process of translation a compiler also detects certain kinds of errors in the input, and may
try to take some recovery steps for these.
Lexical Analysis
Syntax Analysis
Syntax analysis deals with recognizing the structure of input programs according to known
set of syntax rules defined for the HLL. This is the most important aspect in which HLLs
are significantly different from lower level languages such as assembly language. In
assembly languages the syntax rules are simple which roughly requires that a program
should be a sequence of statements, and each statement should essentially contain a
mnemonic followed by zero or more operands depending on the mnemonic. Optionally,
there can be also being an identifier preceding the mnemonic. In case of HLLs, the syntax
rules are much more complicated. In most HLLs the notion of a
statement itself is very flexible, and often allows recursion, making nested constructs valid.
These languages usually support multiple data types and often allow programmers to define
abstract data types to be used in the programs. These and many other such features make
the process of creating software easier and less error prone compared to assembly language
programming. But, on the other hand, these features make the process of compilation
The non-trivial syntax rules of HLLs need to be cleverly specified using some suitable
notation, so that these can be encoded in the compiler program. One commonly used
formalism for this purpose is the Context Free Grammar (CFG). CFG is a formalism that
is more powerful than regular grammars (used to write regular expressions to describe
tokens in a lexical analyser). Recursion, which is a common feature in most constructs of
HLLs, can be defined using a CFG in a concise way, whereas a regular grammar is
incapable of doing so. It needs to be noted that there are certain constructs that cannot be
adequately described using CFG, and may require other more powerful formalisms, such
as Context Sensitive Grammars (CSG). A common notation used to write the rules of CFG
or CSG is the BNF (Backus Naur Form).
During syntax analysis, the compiler tries to apply the rules of the grammar of the input
HLL given using BNF, to recognise the structure of the input program. This is called
parsing and the module that performs this task is called a parser. From a somewhat abstract
point of view, the output of this phase is a parse tree that depicts how various rules of the
grammar can be repetitively applied to recognise the input program. If the parser cannot
create a parse tree for some given input program, then the input program is not valid
according to the syntax of the HLL.
The soundness of the CFG formalism and the BNF notation makes it possible to create
different types of efficient parsers to recognise input according to a given language. These
parsers can be broadly classified as top-down parsers and bottom-up parsers. Recursive
descent parsers and Predictive parsers are two examples of top-down parsers. SLR parsers
and LALR parser are two examples of bottom-up parsers. For certain simple context free
languages (languages that can be defined using CFG) simpler bottom-up parsers can be
written. For example, for recognising mathematical expressions, an operator precedence
parser can be created.
In creating a compiler, a parser is often built using tools such as yacc and bison. To do so
the CFG of the input language is written in BNF notation, and given as input to the tool
(along with other details).
Having recognized a given input program as valid, a compiler tries to create the equivalent
program in the language of the target environment. In case of an assembler this translation
was somewhat simpler since the operation implied by the mnemonic opcode in each
statement in the input program, there is some equivalent machine opcode. The number of
operands applicable for each operation in the machine language is the same as allowed for
the corresponding assembly language mnemonic opcodes. Thus for the assembly language
the translation for each statement can be done for each statement almost independently of
the rest of the program. But, in case of an HLL, it is futile to try to associate a single
machine opcode for each statement of the input language. One of the
reasons for this is, as stated above, the extent of a statement is not always fixed and may
contain recursion. Moreover, data references in HLL programs can assume significant
levels of abstractions in comparision to what the target execution environment may directly
support. The task of associating meanings (in terms of primitive operations that can be
supported by a machine) to programs or segments of a program is called semantic
Upon carrying out the semantic processing a more manageable equivalent form of the input
program is obtained. This is stored (represented) using some Intermediate code
representation that makes further processing easy. In this representation, the compiler often
has to introduce several temporary variables to store intermediate results of various
operations. The language used for the intermediate code is generally not any particular
machine language, but is such which can be efficiently converted to a required machine
language (some form of assembly language can be considered for such use).
Code Optimisation
The programs represented in the intermediate code form usually contains much scope for
optimization both in terms of storage space as well as run time efficiency of the intended
output program. Sometimes the input program itself contains such scope. Besides that, the
process of generating the intermediate code representation usually leaves much room for
such optimization. Hence, compilers usually implement explicit steps to optimise the
intermediate code.
Code Generation
Finally, the compiler converts the (optimised) program in the intermediate code
representation to the required machine language. It needs to be noted that if the program
being translated by the compiler actually has dependencies on some external modules, then
linking has to be performed to the output of the compiler. These activities are independent
of whether the input program was in HLL or assembly language.
Lexical analysis
The main task is to read the input characters and produce as output sequence of tokens
that the parser uses for syntax analysis.
Up on receiving a “get next token” command from the parser, the lexical analyzer reads
input characters until it can identify the next token.
Its secondary tasks are,
One task is stripping out from the source program comments and white space is in
the form of blank, tab, new line characters.
Another task is correlating error messages from the compiler with the source
1) Scanning
2) lexical analysis.
The scanner is responsible for doing simple tasks, while the lexical analyzer proper does
the more complex operations.
Recognition of tokens:
We learn how to express pattern using regular expressions. Now, we must study how to
take the patterns for all the needed tokens and build a piece of code that examines the input
string and finds a prefix that is a lexeme matching one of the patterns.
digit -->[0,9]
digits --
number -->digit(.digit)?(e.[+-]?digits)?
letter -->[A-Z,a-z]
id --
if -->
then -->then
else -->else
relop --></>/<=/>=/==/< >
In addition, we assign the lexical analyzer the job stripping out white space, by recognizing
the “token” we defined by:
ws (blank/tab/newline)+
Here, blank, tab and newline are abstract symbols that we use to express the ASCII
characters of the same names. Token ws is different from the other tokens in that ,when we
recognize it, we do not return it to parser ,but rather restart the lexical analysis from the
character that follows the white space . It is the following token that gets returned to the
Lexeme Token Name Attribute Value
Any ws _ _
if if _
then then _
else else _
Any id id pointer to table entry
Any number number pointer to table
< relop LT
<= relop LE
= relop ET
<> relop NE
Transition Diagram:
Transition Diagram has a collection of nodes or circles, called states. Each state
represents a condition that could occur during the process of scanning the input looking for
a lexeme that matches one of several patterns.
Edges are directed from one state of the transition diagram to another. Each edge is
labeled by a symbol or set of symbols.
If we are in one state s, and the next input symbol is a, we look for an edge out of state s
labeled by a. if we find such an edge ,we advance the forward pointer and enter the state
of the transition diagram to which that edge leads.
Some important conventions about transition diagrams are
1. Certain states are said to be accepting or final .These states indicates that a lexeme has
been found, although the actual lexeme may not consist of all positions b/w the lexeme
Begin and forward pointers we always indicate an accepting state by a double circle.
2. In addition, if it is necessary to return the forward pointer one position, then we shall
additionally place a * near that accepting state.
3. One state is designed the state ,or initial state ., it is indicated by an edge labeled “start”
entering from nowhere .the transition diagram always begins in the state before any input
symbols have been used.
During the first phase the compiler reads the input and converts strings in the source
to tokens. With regular expressions we can specify patterns to lex so it can generate
code that will allow it to scan and match strings in the input. Each pattern specified
in the input to lex has an associated action. Typically an action returns a token that
represents the matched string for subsequent use by the parser. Initially we will
simply print the matched string rather than return a token value.
The following represents a simple pattern, composed of a regular expression, that
scans for identifiers. Lex will read this pattern and produce C code for a lexical
analyzer that scans for identifiers.
This pattern matches a string of characters that begins with a single letter followed
by zero or more letters or digits. This example nicely illustrates operations allowed
in regular expressions:
repetition, expressed by the “*”
operator alternation, expressed by
the “|” operator concatenation
Any regular expression expressions may be expressed as a finite state automaton
(FSA). We can represent an FSA using states, and transitions between states. There is
one start state and one or more final or accepting states.
letter or digit
In Figure 3 state 0 is the start state and state 2 is the accepting state. As characters
are read we make a transition from one state to another. When the first letter is read
we transition to state 1. We remain in state 1 as more letters or digits are read. When
we read a character other than a letter or digit we transition to accepting state 2. Any
FSA may be expressed as a computer program. For example, our 3-state machine is
easily programmed:
This is the technique used by lex. Regular expressions are translated by lex to a
computer program that mimics an FSA. Using the next input character and current
state the next state is easily determined by indexing into a computer-generated state
Now we can easily understand some of lex’s limitations. For example, lex cannot be
used to recognize nested structures such as parentheses. Nested structures are
handled by incorporating a stack. Whenever we encounter a “ (” we push it on the
stack. When a “)” is encountered we match it with the top of the stack and pop the
stack. However lex only has states and transitions between states. Since it has no
stack it is not well suited for parsing nested structures. Yacc augments an FSA with a
stack and can process constructs such as parentheses with ease. The important
thing is to use the right tool for the job. Lex is good at pattern matching. Yacc is
appropriate for more challenging tasks.
er Matches
. any character except newline
\n newline
zero or more copies of the preceding
* expression
one or more copies of the preceding
+ expression
zero or one copy of the preceding
? expression
^ beginning of line
$ end of line
a|b a or b
(ab)+ one or more copies of ab (grouping)
"a+b" literal " " (C escapes still work)
[] character class
n Matches
abc abc
abc* ab abc abcc abccc ...
abc+ abc abcc abccc ...
a(bc)+ abc abcbc abcbcbc ...
a(bc)? a abc
[abc] of:e ,,
[a-z] any letter, a-z
[a\-z] of:e ,,
[-az] one a-z
one or more alphanumeric
[A-Za-z0-9]+ characters
[ \t\n]+ whitespace
[^ab] anything except: ,
one ab
[a^b] of: ,,
one a ^ b
[a|b] of: ,,
one a | b
a|b of: ,
Two operators allowed in a character class are the hyphen (“-”) and circumflex (“^”).
When used between two characters the hyphen represents a range of characters. The
circumflex, when used as the first character, negates the expression. If two patterns
match the same string, the longest match wins. In case both matches are the same
length, then the first pattern listed is used.
... definitions ...
... rules ...
... subroutines ...
Input to Lex is divided into three sections with %% dividing the sections. This is
best illustrated by example. The first example is the shortest possible lex file:
Input is copied to output one character at a time. The first %% is always required, as
there must always be a rules section. However if we don’t specify any rules then the
default action is to match everything and copy it to output. Defaults for input and
output are stdin and stdout, respectively. Here is the same example with defaults
explicitly coded:
/* match everything except newline */
/* match newline */
\n ECHO;
int yywrap(void) {
return 1;
int main(void) {
return 0;
Two patterns have been specified in the rules section. Each pattern must begin in
column one. This is followed by whitespace (space, tab or newline) and an optional
action associated with the pattern. The action may be a single C statement, or multiple
C statements, enclosed in braces. Anything not starting in column one is copied
verbatim to the generated C file. We may take advantage of this behavior to specify
comments in our lex file. In this example there are two patterns, “.” and “\n”, with an
ECHO action associated for each pattern. Several macros and variables are predefined
by lex. ECHO is a macro that writes code matched by the pattern. This is the default
action for any unmatched strings. Typically, ECHO is defined as:
#define ECHO fwrite(yytext, yyleng, 1, yyout)
Variable yytext is a pointer to the matched string (NULL-terminated) and yyleng is
the length of the matched string. Variable yyout is the output file and defaults to
stdout. Function yywrap is called by lex when input is exhausted. Return 1 if you are
done or 0 if more processing is required. Every C program requires a main function.
In this case we simply call yylex that is the main entry-point for lex. Some
implementations of lex include copies of main and yywrap in a library thus
eliminating the need to code them explicitly. This is why our first example, the
shortest lex program, functioned properly.
Name Function
call to invoke lexer, returns
int yylex(void) token
char *yytext pointer to matched string
yyleng length of matched string
yylval value associated with token
wrapup, return 1 if done, 0 if not
int yywrap(void) done
FILE *yyout output file
FILE *yyin input file
INITIAL initial start condition
BEGIN condition switch start condition
ECHO write matched string
Table 3: Lex Predefined Variables
Here is a program that does nothing at all. All input is matched but no action is
associated with any pattern so there will be no output.
The following example prepends line numbers to each line in a file. Some
implementations of lex predefine and calculate yylineno. The input file for lex is
yyin and defaults to stdin.
int yylineno;
^(.*)\n printf("%4d\t%s", ++yylineno, yytext);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { yyin
= fopen(argv[1], "r"); yylex();
The definitions section is composed of substitutions, code, and start states. Code in
the definitions section is simply copied as-is to the top of the generated C file and must
be bracketed with “%{“ and “%}” markers. Substitutions simplify pattern- matching
rules. For example, we may define digits and letters:
digit [0-9] letter
[A-Za-z] %{
int count;
/* match identifier */
{letter}({letter}|{digit})* count++;
int main(void) {
printf("number of identifiers = %d\n", count);
return 0;
Whitespace must separate the defining term and the associated expression.
References to substitutions in the rules section are surrounded by braces ({letter})
to distinguish them from literals. When we have a match in the rules section the
associated C code is executed. Here is a scanner that counts the number of characters,
words, and lines in a file (similar to Unix wc):
int nchar, nword, nline;
\n { nline++; nchar++; }
[^ \t\n]+ { nword++, nchar += yyleng; }
. { nchar++; }
int main(void) {
printf("%d\t%d\t%d\n", nchar, nword, nline);
return 0;
Grammars for yacc are described using a variant of Backus Naur Form (BNF). This
technique, pioneered by John Backus and Peter Naur, was used to describe ALGOL60.
A BNF grammar can be used to express context-free languages. Most constructs in
modern programming languages can be represented in BNF. For example, the
grammar for an expression that multiplies and adds numbers is
E -> E + E
E -> E * E
E -> id
Three productions have been specified. Terms that appear on the left-hand side (lhs)
of a production, such as E (expression) are nonterminals. Terms such as id (identifier)
are terminals (tokens returned by lex) and only appear on the right- hand side (rhs)
of a production. This grammar specifies that an expression may be the sum of two
expressions, the product of two expressions, or an identifier. We can use this
grammar to generate expressions:
E -> E * E (r2)
-> E * z (r3)
-> E + E * z (r1)
-> E + y * z (r3)
-> x + y * z (r3)
At each step we expanded a term and replace the lhs of a production with the
corresponding rhs. The numbers on the right indicate which rule applied. To parse an
expression we need to do the reverse operation. Instead of starting with a single
nonterminal (start symbol) and generating an expression from a grammar we need
to reduce an expression to a single nonterminal. This is known as bottom-up or shift-
reduce parsing and uses a stack for storing terms. Here is the same derivation but in
reverse order:
1 .x+y*z shift
2 x.+y*z reduce(r3)
3 E.+y*z shift
4 E+.y*z shift
5 E+y.*z reduce(r3)
6 E+E.*z shift
7 E+E*.z shift
8 E+E*z. reduce(r3)
9 E+E*E. reduce(r2) emit multiply
10 E+E. reduce(r1) emit add
11 E. accept
Terms to the left of the dot are on the stack while remaining input is to the right of
the dot. We start by shifting tokens onto the stack. When the top of the stack matches
the rhs of a production we replace the matched tokens on the stack with the lhs of the
production. In other words the matched tokens of the rhs are popped
off the stack, and the lhs of the production is pushed on the stack. The matched tokens
are known as a handle and we are reducing the handle to the lhs of the production.
This process continues until we have shifted all input to the stack and only the starting
nonterminal remains on the stack. In step 1 we shift the x to the stack. Step 2 applies
rule r3 to the stack to change x to E. We continue shifting and reducing until a single
nonterminal, the start symbol, remains in the stack. In step 9, when we reduce rule
r2, we emit the multiply
instruction. Similarly the add instruction is emitted in step 10. Consequently multiply
has a higher precedence than addition.
Consider the shift at step 6. Instead of shifting we could have reduced and apply rule
r1. This would result in addition having a higher precedence than multiplication. This
is known as a shift-reduce conflict. Our grammar is ambiguous because there is more
than one possible derivation that will yield the expression. In this case operator
precedence is affected. As another example, associativity in the rule
E -> E + E
is ambiguous, for we may recurse on the left or the right. To remedy the situation, we
could rewrite the grammar or supply yacc with directives that indicate which
operator has precedence. The latter method is simpler and will be demonstrated in
the practice section.
The following grammar has a reduce-reduce conflict. With an id on the stack we may
reduce to T, or E.
E -> T
E -> id
T -> id
Yacc takes a default action when there is a conflict. For shift-reduce conflicts yacc will
shift. For reduce-reduce conflicts it will use the first rule in the listing. It also issues a
warning message whenever a conflict exists. The warnings may be suppressed by
making the grammar unambiguous. Several methods for removing ambiguity will be
presented in subsequent sections.
Practice, Part I
Input to yacc is divided into three sections. The definitions section consists of token
declarations and C code bracketed by “ %{“ and “%}”. The BNF grammar is placed in
the rules section and user subroutines are added in the subroutines section.
This is best illustrated by constructing a small calculator that can add and subtract
numbers. We’ll begin by examining the linkage between lex and yacc. Here is the
definitions section for the yacc input file:
%token INTEGER
This definition declares an INTEGER token. Yacc generates a parser in file
and an include file,
#ifndef YYSTYPE
#define YYSTYPE int
#define INTEGER 258
extern YYSTYPE yylval;
Lex includes this file and utilizes the definitions for token values. To obtain tokens
yacc calls yylex . Function yylex has a return type of int that returns a token. Values
associated with the token are returned by lex in variable yylval. For example,
[0-9]+ {
yylval = atoi(yytext);
return INTEGER;
would store the value of the integer in yylval , and return token INTEGER to yacc. The
type of yylval is determined by YYSTYPE. Since the default type is integer this works
well in this case. Token values 0-255 are reserved for character values. For example,
if you had a rule such as
[-+] return *yytext; /* return operator */
the character value for minus or plus is returned. Note that we placed the minus sign
first so that it wouldn’t be mistaken for a range designator. Generated token values
typically start around 258 because lex reserves several values for end-of-file and
error processing. Here is the complete lex input specification for our calculator:
#include <stdlib.h>
void yyerror(char *);
#include "" %}
[0-9]+ {
yylval = atoi(yytext);
return INTEGER;
[-+\n] return *yytext;
. yyerror("invalid character");
int yywrap(void) {
return 1;
Internally yacc maintains two stacks in memory; a parse stack and a value stack. The
parse stack contains terminals and nonterminals that represent the current parsing
state. The value stack is an array of YYSTYPE elements and associates a value with
each element in the parse stack. For example when lex returns an INTEGER token
yacc shifts this token to the parse stack. At the same time the corresponding yylval is
shifted to the value stack. The parse and value stacks are always synchronized so
finding a value related to a token on the stack is easily accomplished. Here is the
yacc input specification for our calculator:
#include <stdio.h> int
yylex(void); void
yyerror(char *);
%token INTEGER
program expr '\n' { printf("%d\n", $2); }
INTEGER { $$ = $1; }
| expr '+' expr { $$ = $1 + $3; }
| expr '-' expr { $$ = $1 - $3; }
void yyerror(char *s) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", s);
int main(void) {
return 0;
The rules section resembles the BNF grammar discussed earlier. The left-hand side of
a production, or nonterminal, is entered left-justified and followed by a colon. This is
followed by the right-hand side of the production. Actions associated with a rule are
entered in braces.
With left-recursion, we have specified that a program consists of zero or more
expressions. Each expression terminates with a newline. When a newline is detected
we print the value of the expression. When we apply the rule
expr: expr '+' expr { $$ = $1 + $3; }
we replace the right-hand side of the production in the parse stack with the left- hand
side of the same production. In this case we pop “expr '+' expr” and push “expr”. We
have reduced the stack by popping three terms off the stack and pushing back one
term. We may reference positions in the value stack in our C code by specifying “$1”
for the first term on the right-hand side of the production, “$2” for the second, and so
on. “ $$” designates the top of the stack after reduction has taken place. The above
action adds the value associated with two expressions, pops three terms off the value
stack, and pushes back a single sum. As a consequence the parse and value stacks
remain synchronized.
Numeric values are initially entered on the stack when we reduce from INTEGER to expr.
After INTEGER is shifted to the stack we apply the rule
expr: INTEGER { $$ = $1; }
The INTEGER token is popped off the parse stack followed by a push of expr. For the value
stack we pop the integer value off the stack and then push it back on again. In other words
we do nothing. In fact this is the default action and need not be specified. Finally, when a
newline is encountered, the value associated with expr is printed.
In the event of syntax errors yacc calls the user-supplied function yyerror. If you need to
modify the interface to yyerror then alter the canned file that yacc includes to fit your needs.
The last function in our yacc specification is main … in case you were wondering where it
was. This example still has an ambiguous grammar. Although yacc will issue shift- reduce
warnings it will still process the grammar using shift as the default operation.