Islamic Culture Assignment

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Submitted To:

Sir Yaqoob
Submitted By:
Hadia Bakhtawar (MF 19172)
Samia Akram (MF19184)
Concept And Characteristics of Islamic culture
Islamic History and Culture
BS English 6th B
TOPIC: Islamic Culture
There are over a billion Muslims throughout the world, and though they speak hundreds of
different languages and live in dozens of different countries, they still share a common Muslim
culture. This culture is embedded in certain common beliefs that there is no God but Allah and
that Muhammad is His messenger. Muslim customs and traditions include Islamic/Muslim
clothing, food, wedding traditions and other aspects of Islamic life that Muslims have adopted in
their respective countries.

Identity of Islamic Culture:-

 First, ideal being, which is a form of culture as an individual complex, ideas, values,
norms, rules and so on.
 Second, the manifestation of behavior, namely the manifestation of culture as a patterned
behavior activity complex from humans in society.
 Third, the form of objects, namely the manifestation of culture as objects of work.
 Basic Concept Of Islamic Culture:-
 Islamic culture represents the unification of all the cultures influenced by common beliefs
and practices. The guiding religious phenomena and cultural aspects bind its people
historically. The religious practices and beliefs of Muslims are centered on the religion of
Islam. The original Muslim literature is in Arabic, the Prophet's language. Most of the
literature is religious in nature. It comprises communication and documentation of the
belief system from the Quran, Sitar and Hadith.
 Meaning of Islamic culture :
 Islamic culture and Muslim culture refer to cultural practices which are common
Historically Islamic people. Islamic culture generally includes all of the practices which have
developed around the religion of Islam. A man joins the fold of Islam by honestly believing in
and professing faith in the oneness of Allah and the prophet hood of Muhammad. In this way, a
man lives his life according to the teachings of Islam and includes Islamic culture in his daily
activities which is actually well fair for all, kindness, and love. These beliefs can only come by
faithfully believing Allah and His last Prophet, as epitomized in the Kalama (the article of faith
La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasul Allah. (There is no God besides Allah; Muhammad is the
Messenger of Allah)
The first part of the Kalama presents the concept of tawhide (the oneness of Allah) and its
second part affirms the prophet hood of Muhammad.  Muslim culture represents the unification
of all the cultures influenced by common beliefs and practices. The guiding religious phenomena
and cultural aspects bind its people historically. The religious practices and beliefs of Muslims
are centered on the religion of Islam.

 For the proper development of human life, man needs two elements: (a) the resources to
maintain life and to full fill the material needs of the individual and society, and (b) knowledge
of the principles of individual and social behavior to enable man to full fill himself and to
maintain justice and tranquility in human life. The Lord of the universe has provided for both of
these in full measure
. To cater to the material needs of man, He has put all of nature’s resources at his disposal. To
provide for his spiritual, social, and cultural needs, He has raised His prophets from among men
and has revealed them the code of life that can guide man’s steps to the right path. This code of
life is known as Islam, the religion preached by all of the prophets of Allah Allah said: Say, “[0
Muhammad] we believe in Allah and in the Revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Ishmael,
Isaac, Jacob and the Tribes
. We believe in the Revelation that was sent to Moses, Jesus and all other Prophets from Allah.
We make no distinction between them, and to Him we surrender.” (3:83; 2:136) He has revealed
to you (O Muhammad) the scripture with truth, confirming that which was revealed before it
even as He revealed the Torah and the Gospel before as a guide to mankind and has revealed the
Criterion (for judging between right and wrong). (3:3-4
Tawhid: The Bedrock of Islam: Tawhid is a revolutionary concept and constitutes the essence of
the teachings of Islam. It means that there is only one supreme Lord of the universe. He is
omnipotent, omnipresent and the sustainer of the world and of mankind truly.
Allah said, O, Mankind: worship your Lord, Who created you and those before you, so that you
may ward of evil; who has made the earth a resting place for you, the sky a canopying who
causes water to pour down from the heavens, thereby producing fruits as food for you. So do not
set up rivals to Allah, when you know better. (Quran2:21- 22) Islamic history and culture can be
traced through the written records
Pre-Islamic, early Islamic, Umayyad, the first and second Abbasid, the Hispano-Arabic, the
Persian and the modern periods. … Islam has been a conduit for Western civilization of cultural
forms which might otherwise have died out.

Islamic Culture:
When Islam has been present in their environment, they try to react in various ways. This can be
seen in two ways. First, look at culture from the outside to the inside. That is, look at the
ecological effects of the physical environment in the way society organizes itself. For example,
how does the change of seasons in the economic cycle, how coastal environments affect the
social relationships of local communities, the agricultural community to express its aesthetic
symbols, and so forth.
This form would like to see the influence of the physical environment of the social environment,
and how the social system is made up of the physical environment that in turn affects the system
of symbols and value system or view of life in society. Second, look at culture from the inside
out. That is, how the system of Islamic symbols affects the system of socio-cultural community.
These conditions have developed a concept called the Islamic Culture (As-Saqafah al-Islamiyya).
This fact gives birth to many forms of Islamic culture that relies heavily on an ethnic attitude
towards symbols or the teachings of Islam. Unlike the state, nation, tribe, place and time usually
Islamic culture is experiencing a very significant difference. Moreover, the culture in terms of its
elements consist of seven sections, namely:
1. Equipment and supplies human life in the form of clothing, dwelling, household furnishings,
weapons, means of production, means of transportation, and others
2. Meeting the needs of life and economic systems such as agriculture, animal husbandry,
production systems, distribution systems, consumer systems, and so on
3. The system of social/kinship, social and political organization, mating systems
4. The language used both orally and in writing
5. Art
6. Science and technology
7. Religious ideology
The above conditions are highly reflected in the history of Islam early, mid, progress, setbacks,
and resurrection such as at the time of Muhammad's Prophet hood, Khulafa 'ar-Rashidun,
Caliphate Umayyad, Caliphate of Bani Abbas, and three great Islamic dynasties (The three great
empire) as the Ottoman in Turkey, Shafawi in Persia, and Mughal in India at the same time. All
of which cannot be mentioned here because considering the limited area of discussion in this
research. The author invites the reader to see it in the literature of Islamic Cultural History.
However, the Islamic Culture will continue along with the
development of human culture of Muslims in every region and age. This diversity culture is very
understandable because its existence of different ethnic provide will be different interpretations
of Islamic teachings, all of which are based on each other culture. However, that is cause for
concern is the further developments. Descendants who already hold a strong culture that cannot
leave it, separates clearly the basic teachings of Islam with its culture, or are unable to rediscover
their cultural authenticity with the nuances of Islamic teachings in it. Although on the other hand
we should rejoice in the fact that the condition of most other Muslims who seek to keep separate
where the basic teachings of Islam with their actual culture. This fact affects the two kinds of
groups. First, adherents of that culture has been able to separate the basic teachings of Islam and
the culture they are in fact so keep doing acts of culture in accordance with the teachings of
Islam and leave the culture that is not in accordance with Islamic teachings. Second, followers of
this culture has been able to find differences in the basic teachings of Islam and the culture they
really are, but no power/reluctant/do not want to abandon their culture even though it has
obviously not in accordance with the basic teachings of Islam. The second reality is a lot
happening and motivated material needs, power, and fanatical tribes. Openness and willingness
appointed with great risk is an important factor to be able to leave cultures claimed to be part of a
real Islamic culture which is not appropriate and does not get stuck on the fanatical attitude of
the tribe.

Some characteristics of Islamic culture:

1. God-centered or theocentric: First of all our culture is God-centered. We uphold

strict Tawhid (monotheism). We believe in divine guidance that came to us through God’s many
prophets and messengers and finally through the Last Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings
be upon them all. We believe in life after death and the Day of Judgment. We emphasize worship
and devotion: prayers, fasting, Zakat and Hajj. We also uphold that Allah has allowed us certain
things and has forbidden us certain things. We emphasize the Halal and avoid the Haram.

2. Egalitarian, tolerant and fraternal: Secondly our Islamic culture emphasizes that all people are
equal. We do not accept any color bias or racialism. We believe in the worth and value of all
human beings and all creation of God. We believe in the freedom of religion and accept no
compulsion in matters of religion.

Our culture is tolerant of people of all faiths, especially the People of the Book. We believe that
all Muslims are brothers and sisters. The sense of brotherhood in faith must be very strong
among Muslims, regardless of the geographic boundaries or changing political or economic
conditions. We also must keep good relations with all human beings, especially our neighbors.

3. Dignifying and moralistic: Our culture places great emphasis on the dignity of human beings
and their morality. We emphasize truthfulness, honesty, modesty (Haya’), cleanliness
or Taharah.

We are against extravagance, show off, or extremism. Our Islamic culture teaches self-
confidence and self-reliance. It emphasizes charity and generosity. Our culture is family-oriented
with great emphasis on good spousal relations, good care of children, extended families, love and
respect for the elders. We abhor adultery, fornication, homosexuality, gambling, or use of

Wherever we live at any time and among any people we must uphold these values. We cannot be
true Muslims if our culture compromises on these principles.

4. Dynamic, progressive, world affirming and not world-denying or ascetic: Our culture
emphasizes struggle, change, social justice, removal of oppression and evil.

Our culture encourages learning, education, seeking of knowledge. Our Islamic culture makes no
bifurcation between the religious and secular education. We believe that all knowledge is
important. We must emphasize open mindedness and willingness to accept the wisdom from any
source. Islamic culture promotes good art, architecture, aesthetics, health, healthy environment
and clean entertainment.

5. Non-exclusivist but Da`wah-oriented and optimistic: Finally our Islamic culture emphasizes
promoting good things with wisdom and patience. Ours is not a dominating or colonizing
culture, but it is also not an exclusivist and isolationist culture.

We believe in inviting all people to Islam without coercion. Our culture teaches to listen and
dialogue with others. We believe that human nature is good and if people are given chance to
know and learn Islam as it is, they will find it satisfying and fulfilling.
We strongly believe that the truth will prevail and falsehood will vanish. Our culture emphasizes
patience and reminds us that we should keep working in a steadfast manner and put our total
trust in our Creator, Allah the Lord and Sustainer of the worlds.

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