An Extras Cover For A Healthier Lifestyle

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Your guide to

lifestyle extras
An extras cover for a healthier lifestyle.

This information is current as at 22 July 2021 Read about what’s in, what’s out
and subject to change from time to time. and what it’s all about
With lifestyle extras you’ll be loving life because it’s packed full of extras goodness.

No waiting periods on Unlimited emergency Loyalty rewards

most extras ambulance Because we like you lots, after you
No time to wait? That’s ok. We’ve Includes emergency transport have been with us for 5, 10 and 20
waved goodbye to waiting periods to hospital due to a sudden or full, continuous financial years your
on most things like routine dental unexpected event (1 day waiting annual limit on some services
and therapies. period applies). Excludes transport will increase.
covered by a state scheme or
ambulance subscription and non-
emergency transport eg. transport
from hospital to home.
Tas and Qld residents are covered by their
state schemes.

What is a Waiting Period?

This is the set amount of time you must wait before you can receive benefits for a service included in your
cover. If you switch to us from another private health insurer or change to a different cover with us, we’ll
generally recognise any waiting periods you’ve already served for comparable extras.

Included extras
Annual limits apply and reset every financial year.

Service Item number Benefit Annual Limit Waiting Period

This cover includes no gap dental check-ups at select
Routine dental* (most common listed) dentists. Learn more at

Comprehensive examination1 011 $36.70

Periodic examination1 012 $34.65

X-ray (one film) 022 $25.50 $500 per person

$1,000 per family
Topical fluoride application2 121 $25.50 None
Continued on
Clean and polish3 111 $34.65 the next page...

Scale and clean3 114 $74.45

Mouth guard (custom made)2 151 $83.60

* We’ll only pay benefits towards dental treatments that are delivered in person and by a recognised provider.
These services have a combined limit of 2 services per person per financial year
Maximum 2 services per person per financial year
These services have a combined limit of 3 services per person per financial year

lifestyle extras 2
Item Waiting
Service Benefit Annual Limit
number Period

Non-surgical extraction 311 $66.30

Surgical extraction 324 $161.15

Metallic restoration 511/ $58.10/

1 surface/3 surfaces 513 $76.50 ...combined routine dental limit
from the previous page.
Adhesive filling (front) 521/ $59.15/
1 surface/3 surfaces 523 $81.60

Adhesive filling (back) 531/ $61.20/

1 surface/3 surfaces 533 $94.85

Complex dental*

Preparation of one root Per person Per family

415 $132.60 < 5 years $600 < 5 years $1,200
5+ years $700 5+ years $1,400 12 months
10+ years $800 10+ years $1,600
Filling of one root canal 417 $120.55 20+ years $900 20+ years $1,800

Major dental* (excludes dentures)

Full crown - non-metallic 613 $450.00

Per person Per family
< 5 years $750 < 5 years $1,500
Full crown - veneered 615 $510.00 5+ years $900 5+ years $1,800 12 months
10+ years $1,100 10+ years $2,200
20+ years $1,300 20+ years $2,600
Bridge pontic - indirect 643 $395.85


Per person
< 3 years $600
Services provided by a GP or
100% 3-4 years $700 12 months
specialist dentist
5+ years $800
Lifetime limit $1,800 per person


Frames, prescription lenses and $200 per person

contact lenses 100% None
Only payable on scripted sight correcting products.
$400 per family

Refractive sight corrective laser $600 $1,200 lifetime limit per person
2 years
eye surgery per eye $2,400 lifetime limit per family


General items such as hormonal Up to $50

Per person Per family
each item
implants, contraceptives for medical above the
< 5 years $350 < 5 years $700
reasons, preventative/travel vaccines general
5+ years $400 5+ years $800 None
10+ years $450 10+ years $900
Excludes PBS scripts, over the counter medicines, patient PBS
20+ years $500 20+ years $1,000
vitamin and herbal medicines. amount

* We’ll only pay benefits towards dental treatments that are delivered in person and by a recognised provider.

lifestyle extras 3
Service Benefit Annual Limit Period


Remedial massage $31

$400 per person
Acupuncture, Chinese medicine
$800 per family
(consultation only), Exercise physiology, $26


Initial consultation
$42 Per person Per family
Max. 1 per person per financial year.
< 5 years $350 < 5 years $875
5+ years $400 5+ years $1,000
Subsequent consultation $32 10+ years $450 10+ years $1,125
20+ years $500 20+ years $1,250
Group or class (hydrotherapy, antenatal
and rehabilitation) All classes must be provided $16
by an ahm recognised physiotherapist.

Per person Per family
< 5 years $350 < 5 years $875
Initial consultation
$42 5+ years $400 5+ years $1,000
Max. 1 per person per financial year. 10+ years $450 10+ years $1,125
20+ years $500 20+ years $1,250
Subsequent consultation $32

Osteopathy None
Per person Per family
< 5 years $350 < 5 years $875
Initial consultation
Max. 1 per person per financial year.
$42 5+ years $400 5+ years $1,000
10+ years $450 10+ years $1,125
20+ years $500 20+ years $1,250
Subsequent consultation $32

Psychology and hypnotherapy

Service must be provided by an ahm recognised psychologist.

Initial consultation
Max. 1 per person per financial year.

Subsequent consultation $45

Per person Per family
Group consultation < 5 years $250 < 5 years $500
5+ years $275 5+ years $550
10+ years $300 10+ years $600
Counselling 20+ years $325 20+ years $650
Service must be provided by an ahm recognised counsellor.

Individual consultation $32

Couple/family consultation $32

Group consultation $17

lifestyle extras 4
Service Benefit Annual Limit Period
Means you’ll need to complete a ‘Health improvement benefit approval form’
Diet and nutrition to claim on this service, download at

Dietitian and nutritionist

Initial consultation
Max. 1 per person per financial year.

$400 per person

Subsequent consultation $30 None
$800 per family
Weight loss
Some conditions may apply, see the Member Guide for more information.

Per class/course $10/$100

Health improvement benefits (some conditions may apply, see the Member Guide for more information)

Quit smoking

Per course $105

Per item for nicotine replacement therapy such as

patches, gum, lozenges, inhalers

Disease management association fees

Per association (asthma, diabetes, heart, arthritis,

colitis, coeliac, ostomy, Crohn’s disease, Australian $50
Breastfeeding Association fees)

Cancer Council UV products

Per item (sunscreen, swimwear, hats and sunglasses) $50

$250 per person
Stress management courses None
$500 per family
Per course $100

Preventative tests, scans and screenings

Per test (mammograms, skin cancer screenings,

bowel cancer tests and scans, bone mineral Up to $65
density tests)

Health checks

Per check (doctor’s health checks, Healthy

Heart check)

Exercise classes

Per class/course $15/$250

lifestyle extras 5
Got questions? We’re here to help
You can find out more information in our Member Guide at - it’s full of health insurance goodness.

Monday to Friday
Chat at Call 134 246
8am - 7pm Monday to Friday (AEDT)

or ask anytime @ahmhealth

ahm health insurance is a business of Medibank Private Ltd ABN 47 080 890 259.
‘ahm health insurance’ and ‘ahm’ are references to Medibank Private Ltd trading as ahm health insurance.
This information is current as at 22 July 2021 and subject to change from time to time.


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