G.R. No. 175369 February 27, 2013 Tegimenta Chemical Phils. and Vivian Rose D. GARCIA, Petitioners, MARY ANNE OCO, Respondent
G.R. No. 175369 February 27, 2013 Tegimenta Chemical Phils. and Vivian Rose D. GARCIA, Petitioners, MARY ANNE OCO, Respondent
G.R. No. 175369 February 27, 2013 Tegimenta Chemical Phils. and Vivian Rose D. GARCIA, Petitioners, MARY ANNE OCO, Respondent
For abandonment to exist, two factors must be present: (1) the failure to
report for work or absence without a valid or justifiable reason; and (2) a
clear intention to sever the employer-employee relationship, with the
second element as the more determinative factor being manifested by
some overt acts.25
Here, Tegimenta failed to discharge its burden of proving that Oco desired
to leave her job. The courts a quo uniformly found that she had
continuously reported for work right after her vacation, and that her office
attendance was simply cut off when she was categorically told not to report
anymore. These courts even noted that she had also called up the office to
follow up her status; and when informed of her definite termination, she lost
no time in filing a case for illegal dismissal. Evidently, her actions did not
constitute abandonment and instead implied her continued interest to stay
Likewise, the case of Eastridge Golf Club, Inc. v. Eastridge Golf Club, Inc.,
Labor-Union, Super stressed the differences:
The employer must prove compliance with all the foregoing requirements.
Failure to prove the first requirement will render the retrenchment illegal
and make the employer liable for the reinstatement of its employees and
payment of full backwages. However, were the retrenchment undertaken
by the employer is bona fide, the same will not be invalidated by the latter's
failure to serve prior notice on the employees and the DOLE; the employer
will only be liable in nominal damages, the reasonable rate of which the
Court En Banc has set at ₱50,000.00 for each employee.
The present controversy hinges on the sole issue of whether or not the
retrenchment program implemented by respondent was valid.
Lastly, but certainly not the least important, alleged losses if already
realized, and the expected imminent losses sought to be forestalled,
must be proved by sufficient and convincing evidence. The reason for
requiring this quantum of proof is readily apparent: any less exacting
standard of proof would render too easy the abuse of this ground for
termination of services of employees.20
Banking on the Labor Arbiter and NLRC Decisions, petitioner now insists
that respondent failed to prove that it was suffering from substantial loss
that would justify the retrenchment. She asserts that respondent was in
sound fiscal condition when it embarked on the reduction of its personnel,
thus, making the retrenchment program invalid.
We do not agree.
No evidence can best attest to a company's economic status other than its
financial statement. We defined the evidentiary weight accorded to audited
financial statements in Asian Alcohol Corporation v. National Labor
Relations Commission:
The law recognizes the right of every business entity to reduce its work
force if the same is made necessary by compelling economic factors which
would endanger its existence or stability. In spite of overwhelming support
granted by the social justice provisions of our Constitution in favor of labor,
the fundamental law itself guarantees, even during the process of tilting the
scales of social justice towards workers and employees, "the right of
enterprises to reasonable returns of investment and to expansion and
growth." To hold otherwise would not only be oppressive and inhuman, but
also counter-productive and ultimately subversive of the nation's thrust
towards a resurgence in our economy which would ultimately benefit the
majority of our people. Where appropriate and where conditions are in
accord with law and jurisprudence, the Court has authorized valid
reductions in the work force to forestall business losses, the hemorrhaging
of capital, or even to recognize an obvious reduction in the volume of
business which has rendered certain employees redundant.
We also find that the respondent complied with the requisite notices to the
employee and the DOLE to effect a valid retrenchment. Petitioner failed to
refute that she received the written notice of retrenchment from respondent
on 16 November 1998. Although respondent failed to furnish DOLE with a
formal letter notifying it of the retrenchment, it still substantially complied
with the requirement. Since the National Conciliation and Mediation Board,
the reconciliatory arm of DOLE, supervised the negotiation for separation
package, we agree with the Court of Appeals that it would be superfluous
to still require respondent to serve notice of the retrenchment to DOLE.
The separation package offered by respondent to its employees was way
above the minimum requirement set by law. Aside from the separation pay
equivalent to one-month salary for every year of service, respondent
offered additional monetary benefits such as one and a half month salary,
pro-rated 13th month pay, conversion of unused sick and vacation leave
credits, and Health Maintenance Organization and group life insurance
coverage until full payment of the separation package.
Petitioner's proposition that she was not a union member and, therefore,
not legally bound by the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, is
irrelevant in the instant controversy. Non-membership in a union does not
exempt an employee from the application of Article 283 of the Labor Code
which enumerates the authorized causes for terminating employment. In
this case, petitioner was terminated pursuant to the retrenchment program
implemented by respondent. As discussed above, the respondent complied
with the legal requirements for a valid retrenchment. Therefore, petitioner's
separation from employment was legal and valid.
Based on the July 22, 2008 decision, PAL failed to: (1) prove its financial
losses because it did not submit its audited financial statements as
evidence; (2) observe good faith in implementing the retrenchment
program; and (3) apply a fair and reasonable criteria in selecting who would
be terminated.
Upon a critical review of the records, we are convinced that PAL had met
all the standards in effecting a valid retrenchment.
PAL laments the unfair and unjust conclusion reached in the July 22, 2008
decision to the effect that it had not proved its financial losses due to its
non-submission of audited financial statements. It points out that the matter
of financial losses had not been raised as an issue before the Labor
Arbiter, the NLRC, the CA, and even in the petition in G.R. No. 178083 in
view of FASAP’s admission of PAL having sustained serious losses; and
that PAL’s having been placed under rehabilitation sufficiently indicated the
financial distress that it was suffering.
It is quite notable that the matter of PAL’s financial distress had originated
from the complaint filed by F ASAP whereby it raised the sole issue
of "Whether or not respondents committed Unfair Labor Practice." 88 F
ASAP believed that PAL, in terminating the 1,400 cabin crew members,
had violated Section 23, Article VII and Section 31, Article IX of the 1995-
2000 P AL-FASAP CBA. Interestingly, FASAP averred in its position paper
therein that it was not opposed to the retrenchment program because it
understood PAL’s financial troubles; and that it was only questioning
the manner and lack of standard in carrying out the retrenchment, thus:
At the outset, it must be pointed out that complainant was never opposed to
the retrenchment program itself, as it understands respondent PAL’s
financial troubles. In fact, complainant religiously cooperated with
respondents in their quest for a workable solution to the company-
threatening problem. Attached herewith as Annexes "A" to "D" are the
minutes of its meetings with respondent PAL’s representatives showing
complainant's active participation in the deliberations on the issue.
What complainant vehemently objects to are the manner and the lack of
criteria or standard by which the retrenchment program was implemented
or carried out, despite the fact that there are available criteria or standard
that respondents could have utilized or relied on in reducing its workforce.
In adopting a retrenchment program that was fashioned after the evil
prejudices and personal biases of respondent Patria Chiong, respondent
PAL grossly violated at least two important provisions of its CBA with
complainant - Article VII, Section 23 and Article IX, Sections 31and 32.89
Yet, the July 22, 2008 decision ignored the judicial admission and unfairly
focused on the lack of evidence of PAL’s financial losses. The Special
Third Division should have realized that PAL had been discharged of its
duty to prove its precarious fiscal situation in the face of FASAP’s
admission of such situation. Indeed, PAL did not have to submit the audited
financial statements because its being in financial distress was not in issue
at all.
Nonetheless, the dissent still insists that PAL should be faulted for failing to
prove its substantial business losses, and even referred to several
decisions of the Court94 wherein the employers had purportedly established
their serious business losses as a requirement for a valid retrenchment.
In the cited cases, the employers had to establish that they were incurring
serious business losses because it was the very issue, if not intricately
related to the main issue presented in the original complaints. In contrast,
the sole issue herein as presented by F ASAP to the Labor Arbiter was the
"manner of retrenchment," not the basis for retrenchment. F ASAP itself, in
representation of the retrenched employees, had admitted in its position
paper, as well as in its reply and memorandum submitted to the Labor
Arbiter the fact of serious financial losses hounding PAL. In reality, PAL
was not remiss by not proving serious business losses. FASAP’s admission
of PAL’s financial distress already established the latter's precarious
financial state.
Retrenchment to prevent losses is one of the authorized causes for an employee's separation from
employment. As explained in Waterfront Cebu City Hotel v. Jimenez : 28
Retrenchment is the termination of employment initiated by the employer through no fault of and
without prejudice to the employees. It is resorted to during periods of business recession, industrial
depression, or seasonal fluctuations or during lulls occasioned by lack of orders, shortage of
materials, conversion of the plant for a new production program or the introduction of new methods
or more efficient machinery or of automation. It is an act of the employer of dismissing employees
because of losses in the operation of a business, lack of work, and considerable reduction on the
volume of his business. (Citations omitted.)
Article 283 (now Article 298) of the Labor Code, as amended, recognizes retrenchment as a right of
the management to meet clear and continuing economic threats or during periods of economic
recession to prevent losses. Said article reads:
ART. 283. Closure of establishment and reduction of personnel. - The employer may also terminate
the employment of any employee due to the installation of labor-saving devices, redundancy,
retrenchment to prevent losses or the closing or cessation of operation of the establishment or
undertaking unless the closing is for the purpose of circumventing the provisions of this Title, by
serving a written notice on the workers and the Ministry of Labor and Employment at least one (1)
month before the intended date thereof. In case of termination due to the installation of labor-saving
devices or redundancy, the worker affected thereby shall be entitled to a separation pay equivalent
to at least his one (1) month pay or to at least one (1) month pay for every year of service, whichever
is higher. In case of retrenchment to prevent losses and in cases of closures or cessation of
operations of establishment or undertaking not due to serious business losses or financial
reverses, the separation pay shall be equivalent to one (1) month pay or at least one-half (1/2)
month pay for every year of service, whichever is higher. A fraction of at least six (6) months
shall be considered one (1) whole year. (Emphasis supplied.)
Respondents never disputed the fact that they were retrenched employees of Read-Rite and they
were accordingly paid involuntary separation benefits of one month pay per year of service. They,
however, claim similar entitlement to voluntary separation benefits under Read-Rite's
Compensation and Benefits Manual.
To our mind, the Labor Arbiter and the NLRC were correct in ruling that voluntary and involuntary
separation benefits are distinct from one another. The same are embodied in separate provisions of
both the Compensation and Benefits Manual, upon which the respondents base their claim, and the
Read-Rite Retirement Plan, which the Court of Appeals cited in its ruling. Respondents’ right to
voluntary and involuntary separation benefits are governed by the aforementioned instruments. 30
On the other hand, Section 4, Article VII of the Retirement Plan more emphatically states that a
member thereof who is "terminated involuntarily for reasons beyond his control (except for just
cause), including but not limited to retrenchment or redundancy, shall be entitled to receive the
applicable minimum benefit prescribed by law on involuntary separation or the benefit computed in
accordance with Article VII, Section 3 of this Plan, whichever is greater." Section 3, Article VII of the
Retirement Plan pertains to voluntary separation benefits.
As to voluntary separation benefits, the Compensation and Benefits Manual and Retirement Plan
are ostensibly silent as to the conditions for an employee's entitlement thereto, save for the length of
the required continuous service. However, by its nomenclature alone, one ·could easily discern that
the award of voluntary separation benefits involves a situation that is opposite of that contemplated
in involuntary separation benefits - that is, the employee's separation from employment is by his own
choice and/or for reasons within his control. Indeed, the term voluntary is defined as "proceeding
from the will or from one's own choice or consent"; "unconstrained by interference"; or "done by
design or intention."
Given the diametrical nature of an involuntary and a voluntary separation from service, one
necessarily excludes the other. For sure, an employee's termination from service cannot be
voluntary and involuntary at the same time. As respondents' termination was involuntary in
nature, i.e., by virtue of a retrenchment program undertaken by Read-Rite, they are only entitled to
receive involuntary separation benefits under the express provisions of the company's
Compensation and Benefits Manual and the Retirement Plan.
In view of the foregoing discussion, the Court is more inclined to believe that the payment of
additional voluntary separation benefits, on top of involuntary separation benefits, to eight retrenched
employees of ReadRite in April 1999 was indeed a mistake since the same was not in accordance
with the company's Compensation and Benefits Manual and its Retirement Plan. In any event,
whether said payment was a mistake or otherwise, respondents cannot use the same to bolster their
own claim of entitlement to additional voluntary separation benefits.
First, the labor tribunals and the Court of Appeals were one in declaring that the single, isolated
payment of additional voluntary separation benefits to the eight retrenched employees of Read-Rite
in April 1999 did not convert the same into a voluntary company practice that cannot be unilaterally
withdrawn by the company. The Court had since declared in National Sugar Refineries Corporation
v. National Labor Relations Commission that to be considered as a company practice, the grant of
benefits should have been practiced over a long period of time, .and must be shown to have been
consistent and deliberate.
Second, respondents are wrong to insist that they had been discriminated upon by Read-Rite in view
of the similarity of their case to that obtaining in Businessday Information Systems and Services, Inc.
v. National Labor Relations Commission. 33
In said case, Businessday Information Systems and Services, Inc. (BSSI) terminated the services of
some of its employees as a retrenchment measure brought about by financial reverses. The
retrenched employees were given separation pay equivalent to one-half (1/2) month pay for every
year of service. In an attempt to rehabilitate its business as a trading company, BSSI retained some
of its employees. Nonetheless, after only two and a half months, BSSI also terminated their services
as it decided to cease all of its business operations. The second and third batches of retrenched
employees were then given separation pay equivalent to one full month pay for every year of service
and a mid-year bonus.
In granting the claim of the first batch of retrenched BSSI employees, the Court found that "there
was impermissible discrimination against [them] in the payment of their separation benefits. The law
requires an· employer to extend equal treatment to its employees. It may not, in the guise of
exercising management prerogatives, grant greater benefits to some and less to others." However,
in so ruling, the Court took into account the following findings of the NLRC:
The respondent argued that the giving of more separation benefit to the second and third
batches of employees separated was their expression of gratitude and benevolence to the
remaining employees who have tried to save and make the company viable in the remaining
days of operations. This justification is not plausible. There are workers in the first batch who have
rendered more years of service and could even be said to be more efficient than those separated
subsequently, yet they did not receive the same recognition. Understandably, their being retained
longer in their job and be not included in the batch that was first terminated, was a concession
enough and may already be considered as favor granted by the respondents to the prejudice of the
complainants. As it happened, there are workers in the first batch who have rendered more years in
service but received lesser separation pay, because of that arrangement made by the respondents
in paying their termination benefits[.] x x x. (Emphasis supplied, citation omitted.)