Legal English
Legal English
Legal English
Topic Details: Necessity for study of legal language for law students
Basic Reading: Prasad, Anirudh. Outlines of Legal Language in India. Central 1 Hr
Law Publications, 2014. Pp 57
Pedagogy: class discussion
Topic Details: Language and structure in (drafting) legal documents
Basic Reading: Rupert Haigh. Legal English. 2nd Ed. Taylor and Francis. 2009.
pg 119-137
4. Pedagogy: class discussion 2 Hrs
12. Pedagogy: Discussion on key concepts, discussion text, highlighted keywords 3 Hrs
and reference articles.
Topic Details: Play: George Bernard Shaw, The Apple Cart
Reading Material:
Bernard Dukore. “How to win an Election. Shaw”. Vol. 31.1. 2011. Pp 179-
Brook Miller. “Late Capitalism and United States in The Apple Cart”. Shaw.
Vol. 26. 2006. Pp 118-134.
13. Pedagogy: Discussion on possible perspectives, legal concepts and emerging 3 Hrs
Topic Details: Play: William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice [Act IV, Scene
I: The Court of Justice] (1596-99)
Basic Reading:
Text: Shakespeare, William. “The Merchant of Venice”. William Shakespeare: The
Complete Works. (Ed.) Colin Alexander. The English Language Book Society.
14. 3 Hrs
Pedagogy: Discussion on story, background and philsophy of the playwright
15. Topic Details: Play: William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice [Act IV, Scene 3 Hrs
I: The Court of Justice]
Basic Reading:
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Basic Reading:
Discussion keywords: Ethical tenets of law, nature and essentials of a contract,
moral limits of contracts (Michael Sandel), principles of justice, fairness and
equity (Rawls), prejudices of judiciary and society, etc.
Advance Reading:
Nambiar, Rakesh. “Shylock v Antonio: Socio-legal complexities in William
Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice”. Literary Voice. Vol. 13.1. Canada.
March 2021. Pp 42 – 48
Lee Trepanier. Contract, Friendship and Love in The Merchant of Venice.
Perspectives on Political Science. Vol. 43.4. 2014. Pp. 204-212
Gavin MacKenzie. Shakespeare and the Law. This paper was presented at
the Chief Justice of Ontario’s Advisory Committee on Professionalism’s
Sixth Colloquium at the University of Toronto’s Law School on March 10,
2006. 3 Hrs
Advance Reading:
Th. Neimeyer. The Judgment against Shylock in The Merchant of Venice.
Michigan Law Review. Vol. 14.1. 1915. 20-36.
Benjamin Ravid. The Legal Status of Jewish Merchants of Venice, 1541-
1638. The Journal of Economic History. Vol. 35.1. 1975. Pp. 274-279.
17. Pedagogy: Discussion on legal concepts, emerging perspectives in the play, 3 Hrs
and reference articles.
Topic Details: Prose: Rabindranath Tagore, Nationalism in India (1917)
Basic Reading:
Text: Rabindranath Tagore, Nationalism. Chp. 3: “Nationalism in India”. World
Public Library Edition. Classic Literature Collection. E-book. Originally written
-1917. pp. 95-130 3 Hrs
Pedagogy: Understanding background, author’s philosophy, and reading of
the text
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Topic Details: Short Play: Henrick Ibsen, The Enemy of the People (1882)
Basic Reading:
Text: Abridged version in Pojman, Louis. The Moral Life: An Introductory Reader
in Ethics and Literature. Oxford University Press. 2000 [Part – I: The Nature of
Morality: Good and Evil: Is Everything Relative?] pp. 196-217 (Also read: 3 Hrs
Benedict pg 151 and Pojman pg 160)
20. Pedagogy: Understanding the playwright, background and reading of the play
Topic Details: Short Play: Henrick Ibsen, The Enemy of the People
Basic Reading:
Discussion text: Michael Sandel, Justice: What’s the right thing to do? Read
subsection: “Obligations beyond consent”, and “Can Loyalty Override
Universal Moral Principles” of chapter 9: “What do we owe one another? /
Dilemmas of loyalty”. pg:117-126
Discussion keywords: Society v individual, Justice, obligation and consent,
natural duties, etc.
Advance Reading:
Terrance McConnell. Moral Combat in “An Enemy of the People”: Public
Health versus Private Interests. Public Health Ethics. Vol. 3.1. Oxford
University Press. 2010. Pp. 80-86.
Tom Eide. Understood Complexity: Ibsen’s “An Enemy of the People”.
E:CO. Vol. 11.3. 2009. Pp. 1-15. 3 Hrs
21. Pedagogy: Discussion on play through the lens of Sandel’s subtopics in Justice:
What’s the right thing to do?, highlighted keywords and reference articles.
22. Topic Details: Short Play: Henrick Ibsen, The Enemy of the People 3 Hrs
Basic Reading:
Harold Knutson. “An Enemy of the People: Ibsen’s Reluctant Comedy.
Comparative Drama. Vol. 27.2. 1993. Pp. 159-175.
Advance Reading:
Noorbaksh Hooti and Amin Davoodi. The battle between responsibility
and manipulation in Henrik Ibsen’s “An Enemy of the People”.
International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Vol. 1.20. 2011.
reference articles
Topic Details: Persuasive Style and Writing: Understanding wit & humour in
Basic Reading:
Hon. Stanley Mosk. Courtroom Humour. Greenbag. Autumn. 1998. Pp. 1-3.
Jacob Stein. Have you heard the new lawyer joke about . . . 9 Greenbag 2D.
2006. 397-399.
Justice Gyanendra Kumar. Law and Laughter. (compiled) High Court
27. Topic Details: Persuasive Style and Writing: Literature in Judgments and 1 Hr
Political Speeches
Basic Reading:
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
Political Speeches: Martin Luther King Jr. (I have a Dream, 1963), Nani
Palkiwala (14th Lecture on 7 Nov 1990) Shashi Tharoor (Oxford Union Speech,
2015), etc.
Nani Palkiwala:
(Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Lectures)
Pedagogy: Discussion method.
Total 60
Text Books:
1. Pojman, Louis. The Moral Life: An Introductory Reader in Ethics and Literature. Oxford
University Press. 2000 (selected parts prescribed for study)
2. Shakespeare, William. “The Merchant of Venice”. William Shakespeare: The Complete Works.
(Ed.) Colin Alexander. The English Language Book Society. 1964 (Classic)
3. Shaw, George Bernard. The Apple Cart. Maple Press. 2013
4. Tagore, Rabindranath. Nationalism. Chp. 3: “Nationalism in India”. World Public Library
Edition. Classic Literature Collection. E-book. Originally written -1917. pp. 95-130 (Classic)
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies
1. Bryan A. Garner, Garner on Language and Law. American Bar Association. 2009
2. ____________ and Antonin Scalia. Making Your Case: The Art of Persuading Judges.
3. ____________ and Antonin Scalia. Reading Law: The Interpretation of Legal Texts. Thompson
West. 2002
4. ____________. The Elements of Legal Style. OUP 2002
5. ____________. The Redbook Manual of Legal Style. (3rd Ed.) WEST.
6. Elmer Doonan and Charles Foster. Drafting. Cavendish Legal Skills. 2 nd Ed. 2001
7. Mathew Butterick. Typography for Lawyers: Essential Tools for Polished and Persuasive
Documents. Bryan Garner. 3rd Ed. 2002
8. Michael Freeman, Fiona Smith. “Stories in Law: Providing Space for Oppositionists?” Law and
Language (Vol. 15, Oxford. 2011)
9. Peter Butt and Richard Castle. Modern Legal Drafting. 2nd Ed. CUP. 2006
10. Richard Posner, “Law and Literature: A Manifesto”. Law and Literature. (3rd Ed. Harward
University Press 2009)
11. Roger Shuy. Creating Language Crimes: How Law Enforcement Uses (and Misuses) Language.
OUP. 2005
12. Rupert Haigh. Legal English. 2nd Ed. Taylor and Francis. 2009
13. William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White. The Elements of Style. (4th Ed.) Longman 2000
14. Prasad, Anirudh. Outlines of Legal Language in India. Central Law Publications, 2014
15. Garner, Bryan A. Legal Writing in Plain English: A Text with Exercises. University of Chicago
Press, London 2001.