Key Words: Cost Accounting, Accounting Information, Decision Making, Efficiency
Key Words: Cost Accounting, Accounting Information, Decision Making, Efficiency
Key Words: Cost Accounting, Accounting Information, Decision Making, Efficiency
The purpose of the study is to evaluate cost accounting practice of bekas chemicals PLC. The
specific objectives set are 1) to assess current practice of cost accounting 2) to examine the
extent of using cost accounting information in the company and 3) to assess the role of cost
accounting information in managerial decision making. Thus, the study will be guided by basic
research questions: What is the current cost accounting practice adopted in the company? What
is the extent of the use of cost accounting information in the company? What are the roles of cost
accounting information in managerial decision making? And what factors affects the extent of
the use of cost accounting? of bekas? To do that, both theoretical and empirical literatures were
reviewed. A descriptive research with mixed approach is chosen to study sample from 521 total
employees at bekas. Then both descriptive and inferential analysis using SPSS will be employed
to determine. The result of this paper may help top management of beckas as alternative solution
for decision making options.
The vital importance that cost accounting has acquired in the modern age is because of the
growth of complexities in modern industry. It is a formal system of accounting for costs in the
books of account by means of which costs of products and services are ascertained and
controlled. The main objectives cost accounting is: ascertainment of cost, control of cost, and
guide to business policy, determination of selling price, and measuring and improving
performance. Cost accounting provides information for both management accounting and
financial accounting. It measures and reports both financial and non-financial information that
relates to the cost of acquiring or consuming resources by an organization. Cost accounting
includes those parts of both management accounting and financial accounting where cost
information is collected or analyzed (Marco, 2016)
Every business must control all its costs if it wishes to remain competitive. It also needs to
control cost in total as well as the costs of a particular department or activity. Sound business
management depend up on timely and rational judgment or decisions: in turn effective and
rational decision making depends upon proper planning and control functions. Planning and
controlling activities are continuous interrelated and the success would depend up on the quality
of accounting data supplied effective decision making. It is just a question of being able to
disentangle the information and finds costs that a
1. INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background of the study....................................................................................................................4
1.2 Statement of the problem.................................................................................................................6
1.2.1. Research Questions...................................................................................................................6
1.3. Objective of the study.....................................................................................................................7
1.3.1 General objective of the study....................................................................................................7
1.3.2 Specific Objectives......................................................................................................................7
1.4. Significant of the study...................................................................................................................7
1.5. Scope and Delimitation of the study..............................................................................................7
1.6. Research Methodology...................................................................................................................8
1.7. Organization of the Study............................................................................................................10
2. LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................................................................11
2.1. Theoretical Framework of Study.........................................................................................................11
2.1.1. Definition of cost accounting...................................................................................................11
2.1.2 Cost accounting practice...........................................................................................................11
2.1.3 Purpose of Cost Accounting......................................................................................................11
2.1.4 Types of cost.............................................................................................................................12
2.1.5 Elements of manufacturing cost...............................................................................................12
2.1.6 Techniques of costing...............................................................................................................12
2.1.7 Cost System..............................................................................................................................13
2.1.8 Cost Control..............................................................................................................................13
2.2. EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE OF COST ACCOUNTING PRACTICE...............................................................13
4.1. TIME TABLE.....................................................................................................................................14
4.2. BUDGET TABLE................................................................................................................................14
APPENDIX I................................................................................................................................................16
re relevant to this purpose. The cost data will be an important element in the decision. So; good
cost accounting system supports the pricing technique while quoting the bids or accepting the
offers (Aron, 2014). The purpose of the study is to assess cost accounting practices in control and
reducing manufacturing cost at Bekas Chemicals Plc, Adama Branch.
1.2 Statement of the problem
The importance of cost accounting practices has increased more than ever. The reasons for this
are the domestic and global competition getting severer by globalization, decreases profit
margins, increasing input prices due the tightening energy sources, economic crises, etc.
Therefore, companies operating in developing countries have also begun to implement cost
accounting practices which were first adopted by companies operating in developed countries.
Parallel to these developments, research studies which have been conducted initially in
developed countries are followed by studies conducted in developing countries. (Ali, 2010).
Many organizations today are still not making use of cost accounting tools to assist them in
providing sustainability information for decision making. This may impede the financial
performance and success of organizations since erroneous decisions, increases in information,
the use of antiquated cost drivers, large amount of information and human errors may occur .
Without applying cost accounting tools, managers of organizations may find it difficult to
improve the day to day operations and take decisions that will enhance the financial performance
of the business.
Despite the increasing amount of research in cost accounting in the past decade, little is known
of its form and effectiveness within firms in developing countries (McChlery, 2004). This lack of
research based knowledge may have been based on a belief that the discipline in cost accounting
is best served by studying the most innovative and successful examples of practice that can be
found in the leading western and Japanese firms (Michell, 2006).
In the same token, cost accounting practice in manufacturing companies in Ethiopia was not yet
widely examined. Thus, this study will examine and evaluate cost accounting practices in Bekas
Chemicals PLC.
1.3. Objective of the study
chemicals plc. However, the time of study delimited to the period from may 2022- up to July
According to (Cooper and Schindler, 2014) descriptive study is used to describe phenomena
related with a subject. The major purpose of descriptive research is describing, recording,
analyzing and reporting condition that exists (Kothari, 2004). A descriptive method is used to
state the purpose of the study where accomplish through the data collected from secondary and
primary source. After information was gathered through the employed methods, the clarification
and analyzing will be done through both quantitatively and qualitatively. The data will be
presented and analyzed by using different tools such as SPSS, tables and percentages. The
objective of this study is to assess cost accounting practice in Bekas Chemicals PLC Adama
Branch. Thus, descriptive case study will be chosen for this study as it answers more of research
questions developed based on theory.
Data will be obtained from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data are more accurate
and reliable compared to secondary data (Ngechu, 2004). Primary data will be obtained using
closed questionnaires that will be given to respondents working in department of finance,
central warehouse, and production and purchasing; and interviews will be scheduled with CEO,
Corporate Managers, and some Department Heads.
Both questionnaires and Interview instrument will be utilized as data collection instrument.
Questionnaire: The method of survey using questionnaire will be deemed appropriate since part
of the questionnaire will provide respondents a choice of picking their answers from a given set
of alternatives while the other part of the questionnaire will allow them to qualify their
responses (Amin, 2005).
Interview Guide: The method of interview using interview guide will be deemed appropriate
since the mentioned categories of respondents has vital information yet may fail to get enough
time to fill in questionnaires (Cooper and Schindler, 2014) It will involve the use of a semi-
structured interview schedule/guide as an instrument while interviewing is a method. It will be
used to collect primary data from Heads of Departments, Heads of Programs, Heads of Sections
and Support Staff.
The study target population focused on of management and finance department employees of
bekas chemicals plc at Adama branch. A total population of 521 respondents from both Adama
and Addis Ababa branch offices; comprising of; Managing Director(1), CEO(1), Corporate
Managers(5), Dept Managers (12) Heads of sections (14), Forman (13) and Support Staff (475).
However, targeted groups comprise more than three fourth 75% of staff that work in Adama are
believed to be knowledgeable about cost accounting concepts and organizational performance
of the company.
and elements randomly selected from each. In this study, the researcher will ensure that each
stratum is appropriately represented in a sample.
A total target population in the bekas chemicals is 521,out of which this research takes sample
size as calculated using Taro Yamane’s simplified formula where sample size(n)= N/(1+N*e2)
is approximately = 226 respondents, in order for the researcher to come up with this sample
size, the use of convenience and purposive sampling techniques will be employed.
Quantitative data analysis will involve the use of both descriptive and inferential statistics in the
Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS). Descriptive statistics will entail determination
of measures of central tendency such as mean and measures of dispersion such as standard
deviation and percentages. Inferential statistics will include both regression and correlation
analysis. After data collection, information of same category will be coded together to be
interpreted using SPSS analytical tool, after which will be reported in writing and presented in
display. Qualitative data will be interpreted by composing explanations or descriptions from the
information. The qualitative data will be illustrated and substantiated by quotation or
2.1.4 Types of cost
Fixed Cost: These are costs that do not always change with activity level. They are constant
within certain range of activities. It is when the maximum limit of a particular activity range is
exceeded that fixed costs jump up. It can also be defined as costs that do not respond to a change
in the level of activity such as an increase in output. Thus they represent one extreme of cost
behavior in that within a certain period they remain the same. (Asaolu and Nassar, 2007) defines
fixed cost as the cost which tends to be unaffected by increases or decreases in the volume of
Variable Costs are costs that vary with the level of activity. The higher the activity level the
higher the amount of the cost incurred. Activity level is measured in terms of number of units
produced. Variable cost is the cost which tends to vary with the volume of output, the variable
cost per unit is the same amount for each for each unit produce, which means that the amount of
resources used and the price of these resources are constant for each additional unit product
(Asaolu & Nassar, 2007)
Direct Cost: Where an item of cost can be traced to a product or service unit, that cost is direct
to that product or service unit. Such a cost should be allocated to that product or service unit.
defines direct cost as the cost that is traceable and attributed to a product.
Indirect Cost: This is the opposite of direct cost. This is a cost that cannot be traced to a product
or services unit. All indirect cost added together make overhead.(Akeem, 2017)
Marginal Cost is the additional cost to be incurred in order to get additional work done. All
additional fixed costs are added to make incremental cost. (Akeem, 2017)
cost accounting system to compete in the global market include standard costing, target costing,
ABC and the just in time approach ( Hansen, 2009).
In the study that amid to assess and examine the cost accounting practices utilized by Des
General Trading PLC in Ethiopia. This study adopted a descriptive survey design. The sample
size of the study consists of 25 employees of the company, using self administered questionnaire
and structured interviews with selected accountants of the finance departments and other
department staffs. The major findings of the study are as follows: that indicates the accounting
system provides data to allow the organization to analyze costs by product and the most widely
used product costing method is process costing and the technique used is absorption costing; the
most widely used overhead allocation is units produced; the most important area where the cost
information is used for financial accounting, inventory valuation and to some extent for price
decisions which is low on other decision making and cost control. The findings indicate that
company perceives traditional cost accounting is still important and yet not familiarized with the
new cost accounting practices such as activity based costing. This study recommends the
creation of awareness about the importance of information for decision making practices and the
advantage of using activity based costing. (Alemu, 2019)
Abdela-Kedir, M.Luther, R.(2011), Management accounting practice in the Britsh food and
drinks industry. British food Journal, 108(5),336-357
Akeem, L.(2017). Effects of cost control and cost reduction Techniques in organizational
performance. (14)3,pp. 19-26, DOI:10.3968/9686.
Alemu F.(2019) An assessment of cost accounting practice in case of national alcohol and liquar
factory (NALF)
Asaolu & Nassar. (2007). Essential of management accounting and finacial management
(2nded.). Ile-Ife, Nigeria: Cedar Productions Ltd.
Hansen, S.C., Van der Stede, W.A. (2009), Multiple facts of budgeting: an exploratory analysis.
Management Accounting Research, 15,415-439.
Horngren,C. Datar, S., & Rajan,M. (2012). Cost Accounting: A managerial Emphasis (14thed.).
Pearson Education, Inc., New Jersey: Pearson /Prentice Hall
Kothari,C. (2004). Researh Methodology (2nded.). New age international publishers, 4835/24:
Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi – 110002, ISBN (13) : 978-81-224-2488-1.
Yin, K. (2003). Case study research design and methods (3rded). Sage publication, Thousand
Oaks,London, Newdelhi
Dear Respondent
The purpose of this study is to Evaluate Cost Accounting Practice, in Case Study of Becas
Chemicals PLC in Adama City. The success of the study is highly dependent on your valuable
response for the question raised. Therefore, you are kindly requested to give your response for
each question raised related to the use of cost accounting practice in your company. The
participation is fully voluntary and responses will be treated confidentially.
Instructions: Please provide the following information by making a “tick mark” in the
appropriate block where the options are provided.
Male Female
20 – 29 30 – 39 40 – 49 50 and above
The following are scales you attach to each question posed. Indicate how strongly you agree to
each by making/putting a tick symbol (√) in each column. Please use the following scale: Not at
all (1), little (2), somewhat (3), considerably (4) and to a very great extent (5).
6. To what extent does your organization is using the following costing systems?
Job-order costing 1 2 3 4 5
7. Identify to what Process costing 1 2 3 4 5 extent the cost
accounting system provides data to allow
Activity-based costing 1 2 3 4 5
you to analyze costs by :
Absorption Costing 1 2 3 4 5
Product 1 2 3 4 5
Marginal Costing 1 2 3 4 5
Cost 1 2 3 4 5
Activity 1 2 3 4 5
8. What costs includes the cost structure of your Organization
Direct Material 1 2 3 4 5
Direct labor 1 2 3 4 5
Manufacturing Overhead 1 2 3 4 5
Administrative 1 2 3 4 5
Selling & Distribution 1 2 3 4 5
9. What costs include in the ending work in process
Material variance 1 2 3 4 5
Labor Variance 1 2 3 4 5
Overhead Variance 1 2 3 4 5
11. Users make use of cost accounting information when they make decisions
Financial accounting 1 2 3 4 5
Inventory Valuation 1 2 3 4 5
Pricing decision 1 2 3 4 5
Performance evaluation 1 2 3 4 5
Cost Control 1 2 3 4 5
Production Process 1 2 3 4 5
12. To what Extent the cost accounting system provides information on a systematic regular base
Daily 1 2 3 4 5
Monthly 1 2 3 4 5
Quarterly 1 2 3 4 5
Yearly 1 2 3 4 5
Up on request 1 2 3 4 5
13. To what extent the accounting information has qualitative characteristics
Up to date 1 2 3 4 5
Accurate 1 2 3 4 5
Reliable 1 2 3 4 5
Relevant 1 2 3 4 5
14. Do you have separate cost accounting department (section)?
Yes ( ) No ( )
15. Do you think the organization is benefiting from the cost accounting function?
Yes ( ) No ( )
16. Do you think that cost accounting department has satisfactory information for pricing special
Yes ( ) No ( )
17. Which control methods do you use for cost control?
Operational budgets ( )
Standard costing ( )
Kaizen Costing ( )
18. Which base or basis do you use for the allocation of manufacturing overhead costs?
Machine hours ( )
Production ( )
Yes ( ) No ( )
20. If your answer to number (13) above is "yes", please describe the method used;
b. Service department costs are allocated to other service departments, then to operating
departments ( )
21. Has your company established Activity Base Costing (ABC) Principles?
Yes ( ) No ( )
Yes ( ) No ( )
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. Your assistant in providing this
information is very much appreciated.