IELTS Recent Mock Tests: Listening Practice Test 1
IELTS Recent Mock Tests: Listening Practice Test 1
IELTS Recent Mock Tests: Listening Practice Test 1
Volume 6
Listening Practice Test 1
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School Excursion
Destination: 1
Weather: 2
Arrival time: 3
Activities Planned
See: 4
Attend: 5
Return time: 6
Questions 7-10
Complete the table.
Nationality %
7 26
8 25
9 16
Indonesian 15
10 8
Saudi 7
Other 3
A Big cities.
B Nature holidays.
C Nepal.
A Asia.
B North America.
C Europe.
A Morning.
B Afternoon.
C Night.
A Service.
B Size.
C Comfort.
Questions 16-20
Identify the rooms in the office plan.
Local Tours
Interstate Tours
International Tours
Asian Region
General Office
Questions 21-24
Complete the timetable.
Morning Afternoon
Wednesday X 23
Thursday X X
B Careers lecture
D Dance
E Library tour
G University tour
Questions 25-30
Complete the labels.
Questions 31-34
Complete the sentences.
Questions 35-40
Complete the notes.
sufficient wilderness
1000 years ago large forests: people could 35
desire to preserve nature began with 36
now regarded as a 39
Neighborhood Parks satisfy a natural desire
can be famous, e.g. in 40
7 Chinese 8 Japanese
9 Korean(s) 10 Thai
11 B 12 A
13 B 14 C
15 A 16 D
17 F 18 B
19 C 20 A
23 C 24 A
25 Header 26 16
27 12 28 Single
29 Work 30 Teacher
39 Refuge 40 Melbourne
You will hear two teachers, Andrew:and Katie, discussing the coming excursion of their
Andrew: Well, we have this school excursion planned, but when exactly is it? Is it this Tuesday
or Wednesday?
Katie: Well it can’t be Tuesday, with the English tests taking place.
Katie: That’s right - all day Wednesday - taking a bus outside the city.
Katie: Ah, last month we went to Arthur Island, so this time we’re going to Q1 the...
Animal Park.
Andrew: Arthur Island was okay, but it was too cold. Let’s hope the weather for this
week’s excursion is better. I don’t suppose animals care about bad weather, but I certainly do.
Have you heard the forecast?
Katie: Yes, and it’s not too bad. Basically, they’re saying Monday will be sunny.
Katie: Yes, Tuesday we’ll have some showers, but by Wednesday, the day of our excursion,
it will be... well, their words are ‘ Q2 cold and cloudy’.
Andrew: Cold and cloudy. Well, as long as it isn’t ‘wet and rainy’, I’m happy enough. We
won’t need umbrellas, just warm clothing. And what time will we get there?
Katie: Let’s see. The bus picks us up at 8.30 am, and then it’s an hour and a half on the road, so
arrive at 10 am... sorry, with the 15 minutes break, that will actually be Q3 10.15 am.
Andrew: That’s early enough. Then all our students can see the animals, have their fun, and
do whatever they want to do.
Katie: Well, one fun event planned that day is ‘ Q4 Birds of Prey’.
Andrew: Sounds great. ‘Birds of Prey’. Are there any other activities?
Katie: There’s a catered lunch, at the park restaurant. We’ve already paid for that, and in
the afternoon there’s... well, I had a choice between the ‘Reptile Display’ and the ‘Koala
Handling’. In the reptile display, the students can handle live pythons and various other snakes.
Katie: I’m sure, but the koalas can’t be handled unless the weather’s sunny, and given
the forecast, I thought it better to choose Q5 the reptile display.
Andrew:Ummm, that’s a shame. These Asian students would love the ‘Koala Handling’.
Katie: Yes, I know, but we can’t control the weather. Andrew:And, then we get back. What time
will that be?
Katie: We leave the park at 4.30, but then we face traffic, so wo won't get back until well after
6pm. It will most likely be Q6 6.30. But that’s better than the last trip: we didn’t get home until
8.30 that time.
Katie: Andrew, I understand you’ve been doing some research regarding the breakdown,
by nationality of our student body. That must have produced some interesting results.
Katie: I would imagine that most of our students are either Japanese or Chinese.
Andrew: You imagine right. But it’s the Q7 Chinese who constitute the majority , but only just.
I had thought Koreans might be second, but it’s actually the Q8 Japanese, quite close behind.
It’s somewhat surprising, but obviously all those Study Tours that our university markets in
Japan are bringing in students.
Andrew: Japanese are a quarter of the whole, which is considerable. Last year they were only
16%, so that market has grown nicely. Ah, the only other proportions of some weight are
the Indonesians and Koreans - about the same. Indonesians at 15%, and... ah... the
Q9 Koreans are a little higher -not like last year when they were less than 10%.
Andrew: Well, as I said, they’re about the same - just like the Saudi and Thai student
numbers, almost the same also - both just under 10.
Andrew: Ah, Q10 Thai students number just a fraction more. As for the other
nationalities, collectively they’re only 3%, so it wasn’t worth giving each of them a separate
category. I just grouped them under ‘other’ - that’s Vietnamese, South American, a couple of
Russians, and so on.
You will hear a representative from EasyTravel Travel Agency explaining to some
customers the benefits of her company.
Hello everyone. Now, you’re here because you’re interested in travel, right? And you’re in
the right place, for at EasyTravel, we have the best deals for the best locations. We specialise in
eco-travel, Q11 or holidays designed to get you amongst nature, ignoring the hustle and
bustle of big cities. So, whether you want to hike in Nepal, as many people do, or follow some
jungle paths in the rainforests of Queensland, we can give you the best deal.
If you look at our office here, you’ll see our overseas consultants. That’s for trips
overseas, obviously, to Europe, to North America, but primarily for Q12 the Asian market,
which is generally more popular in this part of the world. Most people like that touch of the
orient, right? But they also like the domestic market, since this country offers its fair share of
beautiful natural vistas. What about the deserts, anyone? What about some striking red-rock
gorges? Then, talk to our domestic consultants, who can arrange anything you want. But they
deal with the accounts in the morning, Q13 so you’ll need to talk to them in the afternoon. And
remember, our office doesn’t open at night, sorry to say.
Now, around the outskirts and outer regions of this city, there are many beautiful places that
you might not be aware of. And the advantages of these regional locations are many. Mostly,
by being closer, some of them can be done in a day tour. Yes, Q14 it’s fast and convenient,
with none of those long-haul bus trips which often leave you cramped and uncomfortable, and
stuffing heavy suitcases into luggage racks.
But, I should tell you about our buses, those that are needed for the somewhat more distant
holiday destinations. They definitely do not suffer from those problems I just mentioned. We
use the services of the famous Sleek Line Company, whose buses are known as the very best.
Yes, they are big, yes, they are comfortable, but what makes them especially different is the
personal attendant, who accompanies the driver, Q15 ready and willing to serve you , and
ensure that your trip is the very best. So, whether it’s overseas or local, we can certainly give
you what you want. Now, do you have any questions?
Right, let me orient you to our main EasyTravel office here. On this table right beside us are
travel magazines for you to browse through, and on the wall next to that are many more, for all
parts of the world. Our four travel consultants sit over there, on the other side of that long
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counter. That’s right, four of them, side by side, all serving various regions.
Now, let me tell you their specific functions. Firstly, Q16 the consultant on the left, next to the
plant, is the Q16 ‘Local Tours’ consultant, serving tours in the immediate vicinity of this city.
Next to her is what we call ‘Regional Tours’, targeting the state-wide options. - Q17 Next- to
her is the ‘Interstate- Tours’, and that can involve either buses or planes, in the former case,
utilising the SleekLine Bus service, as you know. And finally, next to her, in the corner, is
‘General Enquiries’, which is self-explanatory. If you have questions of a general nature, rather
than one relating to specific destinations, you can go there.
Now, as I said, Q18 we can do international tours, and for that you need our big office, just
through that door - the one between those two plants. However, if your international tour is in
the Asian region, which is generally our most popular option, then we deal with that in a
separate room the one opposite International Tours, but not; the corner one. Q19 Just go
through that door on the left - the one next to that cupboard. Q20 The door next to that is, in
fact, our General Office, so please don’t go through there. That’s reserved for staff members
You will hear two students, Sam: and Liz, discussing their university orientation program.
Liz: A little bit nervous, but I’m confident I can handle it. This orientation program seems like
it will help us a lot.
Sam: Sure. I’m looking at the timetable here myself. It seems that there are choices available.
Liz: I can see. So, what are you going to do Monday afternoon? In the morning we all have
the opening lecture, but it looks like we have a choice later that day, as you said.
Sam: Well, the ‘Careers Lecture’ might be helpful, but I am interested in the ‘Uni Tour’. It’s
probably too early to be thinking of careers now, anyway, and I want to know what’s
Q21 what at this new university, so. I’m doing the tour.
Liz: Alright. I’ll come along with you. Might learn something interesting. After all, we haven’t
seen much of this place yet, and we will be spending four years here.
Sam: Tuesday is another full day, too. In the afternoon there’s a lecture about study skills, but
that morning offers another choice.
Sam: I think the student union is very important, but we can go there any time, right, so we
should take advantage of the library tour while it’s being offered. Maybe the week after, you
and I can go to the student union.
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Liz: Q22 Library it is, then. Now, Wednesday has a free session in the morning, but after lunch
there’s a choice between visiting the computer lab, or attending a lecture on our legal rights.
Sam: Well, law and rights are important, but computers are the basis of everything these days,
so Q23 I’m going to the computer lab.
Liz: Don’t you think knowing our legal rights is equally, if not more, important? We live in a
very litigious and complex society now.
Sam: Sure, but it’s something we can pick up later, so let’s leave that one out.
Liz: Okay.
Sam: Let me see the timetable. Thursday is a free day, and the week winds up with
some celebrations on Friday afternoon. It looks like a fun choice, too. Q24 There’s either a BBQ
on the main lawn, or the dance.
Liz: I never pass up the chance to eat something. What about you?
Sam: If I can get a free meal, I’ll take it any day, and I’m not good at dancing anyway.
Sam: Right!
Sam: Guess what Liz? There’s another interesting thing in this orientation booklet, and it
looks important -about a ‘style guide’.
Sam: Take a look yourself. It seems to be a set of rules regarding how to present written work
- essays, and that sort of thing - to the lecturers. They want a uniform style of presentation.
Liz: I can see. So, everything we hand in must have a header and a footer.
Sam: A what?
Liz: A header and a footer. The footer is at the bottom of the page, and the Q25 header is at
the very top. That’s why they call it a ‘header’, you know, that little bit of writing giving details
about the work. And they also want the word count. Why do they need that?
Sam: I guess because the lecturers will specify the number of words they want for their
assignment, and they want to be sure students follow this.
Liz: And even the heading on the page has to be a specific dimension. Q26 16 points, and bold
print, and underlined.
Sam: And subheadings are 14 points, and the font has to be Arial for everything.
Liz: Yes, the main text is Arial, too, as you said, and the size is Q27 12 points, with the header
and footer being slightly smaller, at 10 points each. Well, it seems logical. The size of everything
Sam: Probably to allow the teacher to insert comments, or corrections, or just to make it all
more readable, I suppose.
Liz: And we need wide margins on the left, right, top, and bottom, probably for the same
reason. Lots of space to allow the addition of comments. That’s a bit scary, actually. It seems to
assume we will be making mistakes.
Sam: And look what they want in the header and footer. The header has the name of the
Q29 work.
Sam: No, the work, but surely the Q30 teacher’s name must go somewhere. Ah, here it is. It
goes in the footer.
Liz: Okay, I’d say this is all logical. If a page is lost, say, falls to the floor, then with all
this information, it can always be traced back to the teacher involved.
You will hear a lecturer discussing public parks.
Most of us are familiar with a local park. We spend time there, play there, and have some of
our best memories in these places. But what is a park? Basically, it can be defined as a natural,
or at least semi-natural, piece of land, planted with a variety of trees, bushes, and flowers,
protected and reserved for the enjoyment of all citizens. There are usually Q31 regulations
about the sorts of behaviour that can take place within. And sometimes there are facilities such
as children’s playgrounds, or fields for ball games and other sorts of activities. For this reason, if
there is Q32 grass, it is kept short, and this also discourages the breeding of insect pests. A
well-maintained park actually needs a lot of people to look after it, and more so if the park
showcases special plants, flowers, or trees, in which ease it is called a ‘botanic garden’. In
complete contrast, if the park is big and remote enough, it is sometimes designated as a
wilderness park, to be left completely alone and untouched, protected from all
Q33 development in order to allow wild species, both plant and animal, to live undisturbed.
But it is the urban park - the sort of park that most people are familiar with, that I want to
talk about now. These preserve natural landscapes for the pleasure of the urban population,
most commonly just for passive recreation - in other words, allowing people just to observe the
trees, and lie in the grass, and such Q34 passive recreation is certainly needed.
Continuing on the subject of parks, it might surprise you to know that once there were none.
However, with the rapidly increasing human population, the original wilderness and natural
open spaces were intruded upon. Forests were cut down as populations spread, and with
them, urban pollution and further deforestation. But it was only with the advent of the
Q36 Industrial Revolution that people realised natural areas needed to be preserved, to give
the populace access to the sort of nature that was fast disappearing due to the uncontrolled
development and demand for resources.
The first park, expressly designed for that purpose, is usually considered to be Princes Park
in Liverpool. This was in 1841, on land donated to the public by a rich iron merchant. With such
a generous donation (worth about £ Q37 50,000), the council decided to invest £5,000 of its
own money in making it look good. Consequently, they hired a landscape designer, Joseph
Paxton, who designed twisting turning pathways among shade-giving trees, all based around a
Q38 central lake. In many ways, it became the prototype for all later large parks, including the
famous Central Park in New York.
But, if we were to pick the park that most people are familiar with, it would be the much
smaller neighbourhood park. These can be tiny, but, by being in the midst of extensive
development and dense populations, they are increasingly seen as a Q39 refuge, where one
can get a glimpse of true nature. Many psychologists now maintain that this glimpse is
necessary, for ultimately, as a species, we have an innate affinity for nature, and the concrete
urban zoo clashes with our inner being. This has seen the rejuvenation of many urban parks
that were once left to decay, for example, in New York or London, and indeed, some cities, such
as Q40 Melbourne, are known all over the world for their abundance of carefully maintained
parks, including a world famous botanic garden.